subsection ‹IND-CCA from a PRF and an unpredictable function›
text ‹Formalisation of Shoup's construction of an IND-CCA secure cipher from a PRF and an unpredictable function \<^cite>‹‹\S 7› in "Shoup2004IACR"›.›
type_synonym bitstring = "bool list"
locale simple_cipher =
PRF: "prf" prf_key_gen prf_fun "spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV prf_clen)" +
UPF: upf upf_key_gen upf_fun
for prf_key_gen :: "'prf_key spmf"
and prf_fun :: "'prf_key ⇒ bitstring ⇒ bitstring"
and prf_domain :: "bitstring set"
and prf_range :: "bitstring set"
and prf_dlen :: nat
and prf_clen :: nat
and upf_key_gen :: "'upf_key spmf"
and upf_fun :: "'upf_key ⇒ bitstring ⇒ 'hash"
assumes prf_domain_finite: "finite prf_domain"
assumes prf_domain_nonempty: "prf_domain ≠ {}"
assumes prf_domain_length: "x ∈ prf_domain ⟹ length x = prf_dlen"
assumes prf_codomain_length:
"⟦ key_prf ∈ set_spmf prf_key_gen; m ∈ prf_domain ⟧ ⟹ length (prf_fun key_prf m) = prf_clen"
assumes prf_key_gen_lossless: "lossless_spmf prf_key_gen"
assumes upf_key_gen_lossless: "lossless_spmf upf_key_gen"
type_synonym 'hash' cipher_text = "bitstring × bitstring × 'hash'"
definition key_gen :: "('prf_key × 'upf_key) spmf" where
"key_gen = do {
k_prf ← prf_key_gen;
k_upf :: 'upf_key ← upf_key_gen;
return_spmf (k_prf, k_upf)
lemma lossless_key_gen [simp]: "lossless_spmf key_gen"
by(simp add: key_gen_def prf_key_gen_lossless upf_key_gen_lossless)
fun encrypt :: "('prf_key × 'upf_key) ⇒ bitstring ⇒ 'hash cipher_text spmf"
"encrypt (k_prf, k_upf) m = do {
x ← spmf_of_set prf_domain;
let c = prf_fun k_prf x [⊕] m;
let t = upf_fun k_upf (x @ c);
return_spmf ((x, c, t))
lemma lossless_encrypt [simp]: "lossless_spmf (encrypt k m)"
by (cases k) (simp add: Let_def prf_domain_nonempty prf_domain_finite split: bool.split)
fun decrypt :: "('prf_key × 'upf_key) ⇒ 'hash cipher_text ⇒ bitstring option"
"decrypt (k_prf, k_upf) (x, c, t) = (
if upf_fun k_upf (x @ c) = t ∧ length x = prf_dlen then
Some (prf_fun k_prf x [⊕] c)
lemma cipher_correct:
"⟦ k ∈ set_spmf key_gen; length m = prf_clen ⟧
⟹ encrypt k m ⤜ (λc. return_spmf (decrypt k c)) = return_spmf (Some m)"
by (cases k) (simp add: prf_domain_nonempty prf_domain_finite prf_domain_length
prf_codomain_length key_gen_def bind_eq_return_spmf Let_def)
declare encrypt.simps[simp del]
sublocale ind_cca: ind_cca key_gen encrypt decrypt "λm. length m = prf_clen" .
interpretation ind_cca': ind_cca key_gen encrypt "λ _ _. None" "λm. length m = prf_clen" .
definition intercept_upf_enc
:: "'prf_key ⇒ bool ⇒ 'hash cipher_text set × 'hash cipher_text set ⇒ bitstring × bitstring
⇒ ('hash cipher_text option × ('hash cipher_text set × 'hash cipher_text set),
bitstring + (bitstring × 'hash), 'hash + unit) gpv"
"intercept_upf_enc k b = (λ(L, D) (m1, m0).
(case (length m1 = prf_clen ∧ length m0 = prf_clen) of
False ⇒ Done (None, L, D)
| True ⇒ do {
x ← lift_spmf (spmf_of_set prf_domain);
let c = prf_fun k x [⊕] (if b then m1 else m0);
t ← Pause (Inl (x @ c)) Done;
Done ((Some (x, c, projl t)), (insert (x, c, projl t) L, D))
definition intercept_upf_dec
:: "'hash cipher_text set × 'hash cipher_text set ⇒ 'hash cipher_text
⇒ (bitstring option × ('hash cipher_text set × 'hash cipher_text set),
bitstring + (bitstring × 'hash), 'hash + unit) gpv"
"intercept_upf_dec = (λ(L, D) (x, c, t).
if (x, c, t) ∈ L ∨ length x ≠ prf_dlen then Done (None, (L, D)) else do {
Pause (Inr (x @ c, t)) Done;
Done (None, (L, insert (x, c, t) D))
definition intercept_upf ::
"'prf_key ⇒ bool ⇒ 'hash cipher_text set × 'hash cipher_text set ⇒ bitstring × bitstring + 'hash cipher_text
⇒ (('hash cipher_text option + bitstring option) × ('hash cipher_text set × 'hash cipher_text set),
bitstring + (bitstring × 'hash), 'hash + unit) gpv"
"intercept_upf k b = plus_intercept (intercept_upf_enc k b) intercept_upf_dec"
lemma intercept_upf_simps [simp]:
"intercept_upf k b (L, D) (Inr (x, c, t)) =
(if (x, c, t) ∈ L ∨ length x ≠ prf_dlen then Done (Inr None, (L, D)) else do {
Pause (Inr (x @ c, t)) Done;
Done (Inr None, (L, insert (x, c, t) D))
"intercept_upf k b (L, D) (Inl (m1, m0)) =
(case (length m1 = prf_clen ∧ length m0 = prf_clen) of
False ⇒ Done (Inl None, L, D)
| True ⇒ do {
x ← lift_spmf (spmf_of_set prf_domain);
let c = prf_fun k x [⊕] (if b then m1 else m0);
t ← Pause (Inl (x @ c)) Done;
Done (Inl (Some (x, c, projl t)), (insert (x, c, projl t) L, D))
by(simp_all add: intercept_upf_def intercept_upf_dec_def intercept_upf_enc_def o_def map_gpv_bind_gpv gpv.map_id Let_def split!: bool.split)
lemma interaction_bounded_by_upf_enc_Inr [interaction_bound]:
"interaction_bounded_by (Not ∘ isl) (intercept_upf_enc k b LD mm) 0"
unfolding intercept_upf_enc_def case_prod_app
by(interaction_bound, clarsimp simp add: SUP_constant bot_enat_def split: prod.split)
lemma interaction_bounded_by_upf_dec_Inr [interaction_bound]:
"interaction_bounded_by (Not ∘ isl) (intercept_upf_dec LD c) 1"
unfolding intercept_upf_dec_def case_prod_app
by(interaction_bound, clarsimp simp add: SUP_constant split: prod.split)
lemma interaction_bounded_by_intercept_upf_Inr [interaction_bound]:
"interaction_bounded_by (Not ∘ isl) (intercept_upf k b LD x) 1"
unfolding intercept_upf_def
by interaction_bound(simp add: split_def one_enat_def SUP_le_iff split: sum.split)
lemma interaction_bounded_by_intercept_upf_Inl [interaction_bound]:
"isl x ⟹ interaction_bounded_by (Not ∘ isl) (intercept_upf k b LD x) 0"
unfolding intercept_upf_def case_prod_app
by interaction_bound(auto split: sum.split)
lemma lossless_intercept_upf_enc [simp]: "lossless_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) (intercept_upf_enc k b LD mm)"
by(simp add: intercept_upf_enc_def split_beta prf_domain_finite prf_domain_nonempty Let_def split: bool.split)
lemma lossless_intercept_upf_dec [simp]: "lossless_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) (intercept_upf_dec LD mm)"
by(simp add: intercept_upf_dec_def split_beta)
lemma lossless_intercept_upf [simp]: "lossless_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) (intercept_upf k b LD x)"
by(cases x)(simp_all add: intercept_upf_def)
lemma results_gpv_intercept_upf [simp]: "results_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) (intercept_upf k b LD x) ⊆ responses_ℐ (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) x × UNIV"
by(cases x)(auto simp add: intercept_upf_def)
definition reduction_upf :: "(bitstring, 'hash cipher_text) ind_cca.adversary
⇒ (bitstring, 'hash) UPF.adversary"
where "reduction_upf 𝒜 = do {
k ← lift_spmf prf_key_gen;
b ← lift_spmf coin_spmf;
(_, (L, D)) ← inline (intercept_upf k b) 𝒜 ({}, {});
Done () }"
lemma lossless_reduction_upf [simp]:
"lossless_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) 𝒜 ⟹ lossless_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) (reduction_upf 𝒜)"
by(auto simp add: reduction_upf_def prf_key_gen_lossless intro: lossless_inline del: subsetI)
context includes lifting_syntax begin
lemma round_1:
assumes "lossless_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) 𝒜"
shows "¦spmf ( 𝒜) True - spmf (ind_cca'.game 𝒜) True¦ ≤ UPF.advantage (reduction_upf 𝒜)"
proof -
define oracle_decrypt0' where "oracle_decrypt0' ≡ (λkey (bad, L) (x', c', t'). return_spmf (
if (x', c', t') ∈ L ∨ length x' ≠ prf_dlen then (None, (bad, L))
else (decrypt key (x', c', t'), (bad ∨ upf_fun (snd key) (x' @ c') = t', L))))"
have oracle_decrypt0'_simps:
"oracle_decrypt0' key (bad, L) (x', c', t') = return_spmf (
if (x', c', t') ∈ L ∨ length x' ≠ prf_dlen then (None, (bad, L))
else (decrypt key (x', c', t'), (bad ∨ upf_fun (snd key) (x' @ c') = t', L)))"
for key L bad x' c' t' by(simp add: oracle_decrypt0'_def)
have lossless_oracle_decrypt0' [simp]: "lossless_spmf (oracle_decrypt0' k Lbad c)" for k Lbad c
by(simp add: oracle_decrypt0'_def split_def)
have callee_invariant_oracle_decrypt0' [simp]: "callee_invariant (oracle_decrypt0' k) fst" for k
by (unfold_locales) (auto simp add: oracle_decrypt0'_def split: if_split_asm)
define oracle_decrypt1'
where "oracle_decrypt1' = (λ(key :: 'prf_key × 'upf_key) (bad, L) (x', c', t').
return_spmf (None :: bitstring option,
(bad ∨ upf_fun (snd key) (x' @ c') = t' ∧ (x', c', t') ∉ L ∧ length x' = prf_dlen), L))"
have oracle_decrypt1'_simps:
"oracle_decrypt1' key (bad, L) (x', c', t') =
return_spmf (None,
(bad ∨ upf_fun (snd key) (x' @ c') = t' ∧ (x', c', t') ∉ L ∧ length x' = prf_dlen, L))"
for key L bad x' c' t' by(simp add: oracle_decrypt1'_def)
have lossless_oracle_decrypt1' [simp]: "lossless_spmf (oracle_decrypt1' k Lbad c)" for k Lbad c
by(simp add: oracle_decrypt1'_def split_def)
have callee_invariant_oracle_decrypt1' [simp]: "callee_invariant (oracle_decrypt1' k) fst" for k
by (unfold_locales) (auto simp add: oracle_decrypt1'_def)
define game01'
where "game01' = (λ(decrypt :: 'prf_key × 'upf_key ⇒ (bitstring × bitstring × 'hash, bitstring option, bool × (bitstring × bitstring × 'hash) set) callee) 𝒜. do {
key ← key_gen;
b ← coin_spmf;
(b', (bad', L')) ← exec_gpv (†(ind_cca.oracle_encrypt key b) ⊕⇩O decrypt key) 𝒜 (False, {});
return_spmf (b = b', bad') })"
let ?game0' = "game01' oracle_decrypt0'"
let ?game1' = "game01' oracle_decrypt1'"
have game0'_eq: " 𝒜 = map_spmf fst (?game0' 𝒜)" (is ?game0)
and game1'_eq: "ind_cca'.game 𝒜 = map_spmf fst (?game1' 𝒜)" (is ?game1)
proof -
let ?S = "rel_prod2 (=)"
define initial where "initial = (False, {} :: 'hash cipher_text set)"
have [transfer_rule]: "?S {} initial" by(simp add: initial_def)
have [transfer_rule]:
"((=) ===> ?S ===> (=) ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) ?S))
ind_cca.oracle_decrypt oracle_decrypt0'"
unfolding ind_cca.oracle_decrypt_def[abs_def] oracle_decrypt0'_def[abs_def]
by(simp add: rel_spmf_return_spmf1 rel_fun_def)
have [transfer_rule]:
"((=) ===> ?S ===> (=) ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) ?S))
ind_cca'.oracle_decrypt oracle_decrypt1'"
unfolding ind_cca'.oracle_decrypt_def[abs_def] oracle_decrypt1'_def[abs_def]
by (simp add: rel_spmf_return_spmf1 rel_fun_def)
note [transfer_rule] = extend_state_oracle_transfer
show ?game0 ?game1 unfolding game01'_def ind_cca.game_def ind_cca'.game_def initial_def[symmetric]
by (simp_all add: map_spmf_bind_spmf o_def split_def) transfer_prover+
have *: "rel_spmf (λ(b'1, (bad1, L1)) (b'2, (bad2, L2)). bad1 = bad2 ∧ (¬ bad2 ⟶ b'1 = b'2))
(exec_gpv (†(ind_cca.oracle_encrypt k b) ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt1' k) 𝒜 (False, {}))
(exec_gpv (†(ind_cca.oracle_encrypt k b) ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt0' k) 𝒜 (False, {}))"
for k b
by (cases k; rule exec_gpv_oracle_bisim_bad[where X="(=)" and ?bad1.0=fst and ?bad2.0=fst and ℐ = "ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full"])
(auto intro: rel_spmf_reflI callee_invariant_extend_state_oracle_const' simp add: spmf_rel_map1 spmf_rel_map2 oracle_decrypt0'_simps oracle_decrypt1'_simps assms split: plus_oracle_split)
have "¦measure (measure_spmf (?game1' 𝒜)) {(b, bad). b} - measure (measure_spmf (?game0' 𝒜)) {(b, bad). b}¦
≤ measure (measure_spmf (?game1' 𝒜)) {(b, bad). bad}"
by (rule fundamental_lemma[where ?bad2.0=snd])(auto intro!: rel_spmf_bind_reflI rel_spmf_bindI[OF *] simp add: game01'_def)
also have "… = spmf (map_spmf snd (?game1' 𝒜)) True"
by (simp add: spmf_conv_measure_spmf measure_map_spmf split_def vimage_def)
also have "map_spmf snd (?game1' 𝒜) = (reduction_upf 𝒜)"
proof -
note [split del] = if_split
have "map_spmf (λx. fst (snd x)) (exec_gpv (†(ind_cca.oracle_encrypt (k_prf, k_upf) b) ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt1' (k_prf, k_upf)) 𝒜 (False, {})) =
map_spmf (λx. fst (snd x)) (exec_gpv ( k_upf) (inline (intercept_upf k_prf b) 𝒜 ({}, {})) (False, {}))"
(is "map_spmf ?fl ?lhs = map_spmf ?fr ?rhs" is "map_spmf _ (exec_gpv ?oracle_normal _ ?init_normal) = _")
for k_prf k_upf b
proof(rule map_spmf_eq_map_spmfI)
define oracle_intercept
where [simp]: "oracle_intercept = (λ(s', s) y. map_spmf (λ((x, s'), s). (x, s', s))
(exec_gpv ( k_upf) (intercept_upf k_prf b s' y) s))"
let ?I = "(λ((L, D), (flg, Li)).
(∀(x, c, t) ∈ L. upf_fun k_upf (x @ c) = t ∧ length x = prf_dlen) ∧
(∀e∈Li. ∃(x,c,_) ∈ L. e = x @ c) ∧
((∃(x, c, t) ∈ D. upf_fun k_upf (x @ c) = t) ⟷ flg))"
interpret callee_invariant_on oracle_intercept "?I" ℐ_full
subgoal for s x y s'
apply(cases s; cases s'; cases x)
apply(clarsimp simp add: set_spmf_of_set_finite[OF prf_domain_finite]
UPF.oracle_hash_def prf_domain_length exec_gpv_bind Let_def split: bool.splits)
apply(force simp add: exec_gpv_bind UPF.oracle_flag_def split: if_split_asm)
subgoal by simp
define S :: "bool × 'hash cipher_text set ⇒ ('hash cipher_text set × 'hash cipher_text set) × bool × bitstring set ⇒ bool"
where "S = (λ(bad, L1) ((L2, D), _). bad = (∃(x, c, t)∈D. upf_fun k_upf (x @ c) = t) ∧ L1 = L2) ↿ (λ_. True) ⊗ ?I"
define initial :: "('hash cipher_text set × 'hash cipher_text set) × bool × bitstring set"
where "initial = (({}, {}), (False, {}))"
have [transfer_rule]: "S ?init_normal initial" by(simp add: S_def initial_def)
have [transfer_rule]: "(S ===> (=) ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) S)) ?oracle_normal oracle_intercept"
unfolding S_def
by(rule callee_invariant_restrict_relp, unfold_locales)
(auto simp add: rel_fun_def bind_spmf_of_set prf_domain_finite prf_domain_nonempty bind_spmf_pmf_assoc bind_assoc_pmf bind_return_pmf spmf_rel_map exec_gpv_bind Let_def ind_cca.oracle_encrypt_def oracle_decrypt1'_def encrypt.simps UPF.oracle_hash_def UPF.oracle_flag_def bind_map_spmf o_def split: plus_oracle_split bool.split if_split intro!: rel_spmf_bind_reflI rel_pmf_bind_reflI)
have "rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) S) ?lhs (exec_gpv oracle_intercept 𝒜 initial)"
then show "rel_spmf (λx y. ?fl x = ?fr y) ?lhs ?rhs"
by(auto simp add: S_def exec_gpv_inline spmf_rel_map initial_def elim: rel_spmf_mono)
then show ?thesis including monad_normalisation
by(auto simp add: reduction_upf_def UPF.game_def game01'_def key_gen_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf split_def exec_gpv_bind intro!: bind_spmf_cong[OF refl])
finally show ?thesis using game0'_eq game1'_eq
by (auto simp add: spmf_conv_measure_spmf measure_map_spmf vimage_def fst_def UPF.advantage_def)
definition oracle_encrypt2 ::
"('prf_key × 'upf_key) ⇒ bool ⇒ (bitstring, bitstring) PRF.dict ⇒ bitstring × bitstring
⇒ ('hash cipher_text option × (bitstring, bitstring) PRF.dict) spmf"
"oracle_encrypt2 = (λ(k_prf, k_upf) b D (msg1, msg0). (case (length msg1 = prf_clen ∧ length msg0 = prf_clen) of
False ⇒ return_spmf (None, D)
| True ⇒ do {
x ← spmf_of_set prf_domain;
P ← spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV prf_clen);
let p = (case D x of Some r ⇒ r | None ⇒ P);
let c = p [⊕] (if b then msg1 else msg0);
let t = upf_fun k_upf (x @ c);
return_spmf (Some (x, c, t), D(x ↦ p))
definition oracle_decrypt2:: "('prf_key × 'upf_key) ⇒ ('hash cipher_text, bitstring option, 'state) callee"
where "oracle_decrypt2 = (λkey D cipher. return_spmf (None, D))"
lemma lossless_oracle_decrypt2 [simp]: "lossless_spmf (oracle_decrypt2 k Dbad c)"
by(simp add: oracle_decrypt2_def split_def)
lemma callee_invariant_oracle_decrypt2 [simp]: "callee_invariant (oracle_decrypt2 key) fst"
by (unfold_locales) (auto simp add: oracle_decrypt2_def split: if_split_asm)
lemma oracle_decrypt2_parametric [transfer_rule]:
"(rel_prod P U ===> S ===> rel_prod (=) (rel_prod (=) H) ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) S))
oracle_decrypt2 oracle_decrypt2"
unfolding oracle_decrypt2_def split_def relator_eq[symmetric] by transfer_prover
definition game2 :: "(bitstring, 'hash cipher_text) ind_cca.adversary ⇒ bool spmf"
"game2 𝒜 ≡ do {
key ← key_gen;
b ← coin_spmf;
(b', D) ← exec_gpv
(oracle_encrypt2 key b ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt2 key) 𝒜 Map_empty;
return_spmf (b = b')
fun intercept_prf ::
"'upf_key ⇒ bool ⇒ unit ⇒ (bitstring × bitstring) + 'hash cipher_text
⇒ (('hash cipher_text option + bitstring option) × unit, bitstring, bitstring) gpv"
"intercept_prf _ _ _ (Inr _) = Done (Inr None, ())"
| "intercept_prf k b _ (Inl (m1, m0)) = (case (length m1) = prf_clen ∧ (length m0) = prf_clen of
False ⇒ Done (Inl None, ())
| True ⇒ do {
x ← lift_spmf (spmf_of_set prf_domain);
p ← Pause x Done;
let c = p [⊕] (if b then m1 else m0);
let t = upf_fun k (x @ c);
Done (Inl (Some (x, c, t)), ())
definition reduction_prf
:: "(bitstring, 'hash cipher_text) ind_cca.adversary ⇒ (bitstring, bitstring) PRF.adversary"
"reduction_prf 𝒜 = do {
k ← lift_spmf upf_key_gen;
b ← lift_spmf coin_spmf;
(b', _) ← inline (intercept_prf k b) 𝒜 ();
Done (b' = b)
lemma round_2: "¦spmf (ind_cca'.game 𝒜) True - spmf (game2 𝒜) True¦ = PRF.advantage (reduction_prf 𝒜)"
proof -
define oracle_encrypt1''
where "oracle_encrypt1'' = (λ(k_prf, k_upf) b (_ :: unit) (msg1, msg0).
case length msg1 = prf_clen ∧ length msg0 = prf_clen of
False ⇒ return_spmf (None, ())
| True ⇒ do {
x ← spmf_of_set prf_domain;
let p = prf_fun k_prf x;
let c = p [⊕] (if b then msg1 else msg0);
let t = upf_fun k_upf (x @ c);
return_spmf (Some (x, c, t), ())})"
define game1'' where "game1'' = do {
key ← key_gen;
b ← coin_spmf;
(b', D) ← exec_gpv (oracle_encrypt1'' key b ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt2 key) 𝒜 ();
return_spmf (b = b')}"
have "ind_cca'.game 𝒜 = game1''"
proof -
define S where "S = (λ(L :: 'hash cipher_text set) (D :: unit). True)"
have [transfer_rule]: "S {} ()" by (simp add: S_def)
have [transfer_rule]:
"((=) ===> (=) ===> S ===> (=) ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) S))
ind_cca'.oracle_encrypt oracle_encrypt1''"
unfolding ind_cca'.oracle_encrypt_def[abs_def] oracle_encrypt1''_def[abs_def]
by (auto simp add: rel_fun_def Let_def S_def encrypt.simps prf_domain_finite prf_domain_nonempty intro: rel_spmf_bind_reflI rel_pmf_bind_reflI split: bool.split)
have [transfer_rule]:
"((=) ===> S ===> (=) ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) S))
ind_cca'.oracle_decrypt oracle_decrypt2"
unfolding ind_cca'.oracle_decrypt_def[abs_def] oracle_decrypt2_def[abs_def]
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def)
show ?thesis unfolding ind_cca'.game_def game1''_def by transfer_prover
also have "… = PRF.game_0 (reduction_prf 𝒜)"
proof -
{ fix k_prf k_upf b
define oracle_normal
where "oracle_normal = oracle_encrypt1'' (k_prf, k_upf) b ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt2 (k_prf, k_upf)"
define oracle_intercept
where "oracle_intercept = (λ(s', s :: unit) y. map_spmf (λ((x, s'), s). (x, s', s)) (exec_gpv (PRF.prf_oracle k_prf) (intercept_prf k_upf b s' y) ()))"
define initial where "initial = ()"
define S where "S = (λ(s2 :: unit, _ :: unit) (s1 :: unit). True)"
have [transfer_rule]: "S ((), ()) initial" by(simp add: S_def initial_def)
have [transfer_rule]: "(S ===> (=) ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) S)) oracle_intercept oracle_normal"
unfolding oracle_normal_def oracle_intercept_def
by(auto split: bool.split plus_oracle_split simp add: S_def rel_fun_def exec_gpv_bind PRF.prf_oracle_def oracle_encrypt1''_def Let_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf oracle_decrypt2_def intro!: rel_spmf_bind_reflI rel_spmf_reflI)
have "map_spmf (λx. b = fst x) (exec_gpv oracle_normal 𝒜 initial) =
map_spmf (λx. b = fst (fst x)) (exec_gpv (PRF.prf_oracle k_prf) (inline (intercept_prf k_upf b) 𝒜 ()) ())"
by(transfer fixing: b 𝒜 prf_fun k_prf prf_domain prf_clen upf_fun k_upf)
(auto simp add: map_spmf_eq_map_spmf_iff exec_gpv_inline spmf_rel_map oracle_intercept_def split_def intro: rel_spmf_reflI) }
then show ?thesis unfolding game1''_def PRF.game_0_def key_gen_def reduction_prf_def
by (auto simp add: exec_gpv_bind_lift_spmf exec_gpv_bind map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf split_def eq_commute intro!: bind_spmf_cong[OF refl])
also have "game2 𝒜 = PRF.game_1 (reduction_prf 𝒜)"
proof -
note [split del] = if_split
{ fix k_upf b k_prf
define oracle2
where "oracle2 = oracle_encrypt2 (k_prf, k_upf) b ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt2 (k_prf, k_upf)"
define oracle_intercept
where "oracle_intercept = (λ(s', s) y. map_spmf (λ((x, s'), s). (x, s', s)) (exec_gpv PRF.random_oracle (intercept_prf k_upf b s' y) s))"
define S
where "S = (λ(s2 :: unit, s2') (s1 :: (bitstring, bitstring) PRF.dict). s2' = s1)"
have [transfer_rule]: "S ((), Map_empty) Map_empty" by(simp add: S_def)
have [transfer_rule]: "(S ===> (=) ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) S)) oracle_intercept oracle2"
unfolding oracle2_def oracle_intercept_def
by(auto split: bool.split plus_oracle_split option.split simp add: S_def rel_fun_def exec_gpv_bind PRF.random_oracle_def oracle_encrypt2_def Let_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf oracle_decrypt2_def rel_spmf_return_spmf1 fun_upd_idem intro!: rel_spmf_bind_reflI rel_spmf_reflI)
have [symmetric]: "map_spmf (λx. b = fst (fst x)) (exec_gpv (PRF.random_oracle) (inline (intercept_prf k_upf b) 𝒜 ()) Map.empty) =
map_spmf (λx. b = fst x) (exec_gpv oracle2 𝒜 Map_empty)"
by(transfer fixing: b prf_clen prf_domain upf_fun k_upf 𝒜 k_prf)
(simp add: exec_gpv_inline map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] spmf.map_comp o_def split_def oracle_intercept_def) }
then show ?thesis
unfolding game2_def PRF.game_1_def key_gen_def reduction_prf_def
by (clarsimp simp add: exec_gpv_bind_lift_spmf exec_gpv_bind map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf split_def bind_spmf_const prf_key_gen_lossless lossless_weight_spmfD eq_commute)
ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add: PRF.advantage_def)
definition oracle_encrypt3 ::
"('prf_key × 'upf_key) ⇒ bool ⇒ (bool × (bitstring, bitstring) PRF.dict) ⇒
bitstring × bitstring ⇒ ('hash cipher_text option × (bool × (bitstring, bitstring) PRF.dict)) spmf"
"oracle_encrypt3 = (λ(k_prf, k_upf) b (bad, D) (msg1, msg0).
(case (length msg1 = prf_clen ∧ length msg0 = prf_clen) of
False ⇒ return_spmf (None, (bad, D))
| True ⇒ do {
x ← spmf_of_set prf_domain;
P ← spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV prf_clen);
let (p, F) = (case D x of Some r ⇒ (P, True) | None ⇒ (P, False));
let c = p [⊕] (if b then msg1 else msg0);
let t = upf_fun k_upf (x @ c);
return_spmf (Some (x, c, t), (bad ∨ F, D(x ↦ p)))
lemma lossless_oracle_encrypt3 [simp]:
"lossless_spmf (oracle_encrypt3 k b D m10) "
by (cases m10) (simp add: oracle_encrypt3_def prf_domain_nonempty prf_domain_finite
split_def Let_def split: bool.splits)
lemma callee_invariant_oracle_encrypt3 [simp]: "callee_invariant (oracle_encrypt3 key b) fst"
by (unfold_locales) (auto simp add: oracle_encrypt3_def split_def Let_def split: bool.splits)
definition game3 :: "(bitstring, 'hash cipher_text) ind_cca.adversary ⇒ (bool × bool) spmf"
"game3 𝒜 ≡ do {
key ← key_gen;
b ← coin_spmf;
(b', (bad, D)) ← exec_gpv (oracle_encrypt3 key b ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt2 key) 𝒜 (False, Map_empty);
return_spmf (b = b', bad)
lemma round_3:
assumes "lossless_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) 𝒜"
shows "¦measure (measure_spmf (game3 𝒜)) {(b, bad). b} - spmf (game2 𝒜) True¦
≤ measure (measure_spmf (game3 𝒜)) {(b, bad). bad}"
proof -
define oracle_encrypt2'
where "oracle_encrypt2' = (λ(k_prf :: 'prf_key, k_upf) b (bad, D) (msg1, msg0).
case length msg1 = prf_clen ∧ length msg0 = prf_clen of
False ⇒ return_spmf (None, (bad, D))
| True ⇒ do {
x ← spmf_of_set prf_domain;
P ← spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV prf_clen);
let (p, F) = (case D x of Some r ⇒ (r, True) | None ⇒ (P, False));
let c = p [⊕] (if b then msg1 else msg0);
let t = upf_fun k_upf (x @ c);
return_spmf (Some (x, c, t), (bad ∨ F, D(x ↦ p)))
have [simp]: "lossless_spmf (oracle_encrypt2' key b D msg10) " for key b D msg10
by (cases msg10) (simp add: oracle_encrypt2'_def prf_domain_nonempty prf_domain_finite
split_def Let_def split: bool.split)
have [simp]: "callee_invariant (oracle_encrypt2' key b) fst" for key b
by (unfold_locales) (auto simp add: oracle_encrypt2'_def split_def Let_def split: bool.splits)
define game2'
where "game2' = (λ𝒜. do {
key ← key_gen;
b ← coin_spmf;
(b', (bad, D)) ← exec_gpv (oracle_encrypt2' key b ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt2 key) 𝒜 (False, Map_empty);
return_spmf (b = b', bad)})"
have game2'_eq: "game2 𝒜 = map_spmf fst (game2' 𝒜)"
proof -
define S where "S = (λ(D1 :: (bitstring, bitstring) PRF.dict) (bad :: bool, D2). D1 = D2)"
have [transfer_rule, simp]: "S Map_empty (b, Map_empty)" for b by (simp add: S_def)
have [transfer_rule]: "((=) ===> (=) ===> S ===> (=) ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) S))
oracle_encrypt2 oracle_encrypt2'"
unfolding oracle_encrypt2_def[abs_def] oracle_encrypt2'_def[abs_def]
by (auto simp add: rel_fun_def Let_def split_def S_def
intro!: rel_spmf_bind_reflI split: bool.split option.split)
have [transfer_rule]: "((=) ===> S ===> (=) ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) S))
oracle_decrypt2 oracle_decrypt2"
by(auto simp add: rel_fun_def oracle_decrypt2_def)
show ?thesis unfolding game2_def game2'_def
by (simp add: map_spmf_bind_spmf o_def split_def Map_empty_def[symmetric] del: Map_empty_def)
moreover have *: "rel_spmf (λ(b'1, bad1, L1) (b'2, bad2, L2). (bad1 ⟷ bad2) ∧ (¬ bad2 ⟶ b'1 ⟷ b'2))
(exec_gpv (oracle_encrypt3 key b ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt2 key) 𝒜 (False, Map_empty))
(exec_gpv (oracle_encrypt2' key b ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt2 key) 𝒜 (False, Map_empty))"
for key b
apply(rule exec_gpv_oracle_bisim_bad[where X="(=)" and X_bad = "λ_ _. True" and ?bad1.0=fst and ?bad2.0=fst and ℐ="ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full"])
apply(simp_all add: assms)
apply(auto simp add: assms spmf_rel_map Let_def oracle_encrypt2'_def oracle_encrypt3_def split: plus_oracle_split prod.split bool.split option.split intro!: rel_spmf_bind_reflI rel_spmf_reflI)
have "¦measure (measure_spmf (game3 𝒜)) {(b, bad). b} - measure (measure_spmf (game2' 𝒜)) {(b, bad). b}¦ ≤
measure (measure_spmf (game3 𝒜)) {(b, bad). bad}"
unfolding game2'_def game3_def
by(rule fundamental_lemma[where ?bad2.0=snd])(intro rel_spmf_bind_reflI rel_spmf_bindI[OF *]; clarsimp)
ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add: spmf_conv_measure_spmf measure_map_spmf vimage_def fst_def)
lemma round_4:
assumes "lossless_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) 𝒜"
shows "map_spmf fst (game3 𝒜) = coin_spmf"
proof -
define oracle_encrypt4
where "oracle_encrypt4 = (λ(k_prf :: 'prf_key, k_upf) (s :: unit) (msg1 :: bitstring, msg0 :: bitstring).
case length msg1 = prf_clen ∧ length msg0 = prf_clen of
False ⇒ return_spmf (None, s)
| True ⇒ do {
x ← spmf_of_set prf_domain;
P ← spmf_of_set (nlists UNIV prf_clen);
let c = P;
let t = upf_fun k_upf (x @ c);
return_spmf (Some (x, c, t), s) })"
have [simp]: "lossless_spmf (oracle_encrypt4 k s msg10)" for k s msg10
by (cases msg10) (simp add: oracle_encrypt4_def prf_domain_finite prf_domain_nonempty
split_def Let_def split: bool.splits)
define game4 where "game4 = (λ𝒜. do {
key ← key_gen;
(b', _) ← exec_gpv (oracle_encrypt4 key ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt2 key) 𝒜 ();
map_spmf ((=) b') coin_spmf})"
have "map_spmf fst (game3 𝒜) = game4 𝒜"
proof -
note [split del] = if_split
define S where "S = (λ(_ :: unit) (_ :: bool × (bitstring, bitstring) PRF.dict). True)"
define initial3 where "initial3 = (False, Map.empty :: (bitstring, bitstring) PRF.dict)"
have [transfer_rule]: "S () initial3" by(simp add: S_def)
have [transfer_rule]: "((=) ===> (=) ===> S ===> (=) ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) S))
(λkey b. oracle_encrypt4 key) oracle_encrypt3"
proof(intro rel_funI; hypsubst)
fix key unit msg10 b Dbad
have "map_spmf fst (oracle_encrypt4 key () msg10) = map_spmf fst (oracle_encrypt3 key b Dbad msg10)"
unfolding oracle_encrypt3_def oracle_encrypt4_def
apply (clarsimp simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf Let_def split: bool.split prod.split; rule conjI; clarsimp)
apply (rewrite in "⌑ = _" one_time_pad[symmetric, where xs="if b then fst msg10 else snd msg10"])
apply(simp split: if_split)
apply(simp add: bind_map_spmf o_def option.case_distrib case_option_collapse xor_list_commute split_def cong del: option.case_cong_weak if_weak_cong)
then show "rel_spmf (rel_prod (=) S) (oracle_encrypt4 key unit msg10) (oracle_encrypt3 key b Dbad msg10)"
by(auto simp add: spmf_rel_eq[symmetric] spmf_rel_map S_def elim: rel_spmf_mono)
show ?thesis
unfolding game3_def game4_def including monad_normalisation
by (simp add: map_spmf_bind_spmf o_def split_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf initial3_def[symmetric] eq_commute)
also have "… = coin_spmf"
by(simp add: map_eq_const_coin_spmf game4_def bind_spmf_const split_def lossless_exec_gpv[OF assms] lossless_weight_spmfD)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma game3_bad:
assumes "interaction_bounded_by isl 𝒜 q"
shows "measure (measure_spmf (game3 𝒜)) {(b, bad). bad} ≤ q / card prf_domain * q"
proof -
have "measure (measure_spmf (game3 𝒜)) {(b, bad). bad} = spmf (map_spmf snd (game3 𝒜)) True"
by (simp add: spmf_conv_measure_spmf measure_map_spmf vimage_def snd_def)
have "spmf (map_spmf (fst ∘ snd) (exec_gpv (oracle_encrypt3 k b ⊕⇩O oracle_decrypt2 k) 𝒜 (False, Map.empty))) True ≤ q / card prf_domain * q"
(is "spmf (map_spmf _ (exec_gpv ?oracle _ _)) _ ≤ _")
if k: "k ∈ set_spmf key_gen" for k b
proof(rule callee_invariant_on.interaction_bounded_by'_exec_gpv_bad_count)
obtain k_prf k_upf where k: "k = (k_prf, k_upf)" by(cases k)
let ?I = "λ(bad, D). finite (dom D) ∧ dom D ⊆ prf_domain"
have "callee_invariant (oracle_encrypt3 k b) ?I"
by unfold_locales(clarsimp simp add: prf_domain_finite oracle_encrypt3_def Let_def split_def split: bool.splits)+
moreover have "callee_invariant (oracle_decrypt2 k) ?I"
by unfold_locales (clarsimp simp add: prf_domain_finite oracle_decrypt2_def)+
ultimately show "callee_invariant ?oracle ?I" by simp
let ?count = "λ(bad, D). card (dom D)"
show "⋀s x y s'. ⟦ (y, s') ∈ set_spmf (?oracle s x); ?I s; isl x ⟧ ⟹ ?count s' ≤ Suc (?count s)"
by(clarsimp simp add: isl_def oracle_encrypt3_def split_def Let_def card_insert_if split: bool.splits)
show "⟦ (y, s') ∈ set_spmf (?oracle s x); ?I s; ¬ isl x ⟧ ⟹ ?count s' ≤ ?count s" for s x y s'
by(cases x)(simp_all add: oracle_decrypt2_def)
show "spmf (map_spmf (fst ∘ snd) (?oracle s' x)) True ≤ q / card prf_domain"
if I: "?I s'" and bad: "¬ fst s'" and count: "?count s' < q + ?count (False, Map.empty)"
and x: "isl x"
for s' x
proof -
obtain bad D where s' [simp]: "s' = (bad, D)" by(cases s')
from x obtain m1 m0 where x [simp]: "x = Inl (m1, m0)" by(auto elim: islE)
have *: "(case D x of None ⇒ False | Some x ⇒ True) ⟷ x ∈ dom D" for x
by(auto split: option.split)
show ?thesis
proof(cases "length m1 = prf_clen ∧ length m0 = prf_clen")
case True
with bad
have "spmf (map_spmf (fst ∘ snd) (?oracle s' x)) True = pmf (bernoulli_pmf (card (dom D ∩ prf_domain) / card prf_domain)) True"
by(simp add: spmf.map_comp o_def oracle_encrypt3_def k * bool.case_distrib[where h="λp. spmf (map_spmf _ p) _"] option.case_distrib[where h=snd] map_spmf_bind_spmf Let_def split_beta bind_spmf_const cong: bool.case_cong option.case_cong split del: if_split split: bool.split)
(simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric] map_mem_spmf_of_set prf_domain_finite prf_domain_nonempty)
also have "… = card (dom D ∩ prf_domain) / card prf_domain"
by(rule pmf_bernoulli_True)(auto simp add: field_simps prf_domain_finite prf_domain_nonempty card_gt_0_iff card_mono)
also have "dom D ∩ prf_domain = dom D" using I by auto
also have "card (dom D) ≤ q" using count by simp
finally show ?thesis by(simp add: divide_right_mono o_def)
case False
thus ?thesis using bad
by(auto simp add: spmf.map_comp o_def oracle_encrypt3_def k split: bool.split)
qed(auto split: plus_oracle_split_asm simp add: oracle_decrypt2_def assms)
then have "spmf (map_spmf snd (game3 𝒜)) True ≤ q / card prf_domain * q"
by(auto 4 3 simp add: game3_def map_spmf_bind_spmf o_def split_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf intro: spmf_bind_leI)
finally show ?thesis .
theorem security:
assumes lossless: "lossless_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) 𝒜"
and bound: "interaction_bounded_by isl 𝒜 q"
shows "ind_cca.advantage 𝒜 ≤
PRF.advantage (reduction_prf 𝒜) + UPF.advantage (reduction_upf 𝒜) +
real q / real (card prf_domain) * real q" (is "?LHS ≤ _")
proof -
have "?LHS ≤ ¦spmf ( 𝒜) True - spmf (ind_cca'.game 𝒜) True¦ + ¦spmf (ind_cca'.game 𝒜) True - 1 / 2¦"
(is "_ ≤ ?round1 + ?rest") using abs_triangle_ineq by(simp add: ind_cca.advantage_def)
also have "?round1 ≤ UPF.advantage (reduction_upf 𝒜)"
using lossless by(rule round_1)
also have "?rest ≤ ¦spmf (ind_cca'.game 𝒜) True - spmf (game2 𝒜) True¦ + ¦spmf (game2 𝒜) True - 1 / 2¦"
(is "_ ≤ ?round2 + ?rest") using abs_triangle_ineq by simp
also have "?round2 = PRF.advantage (reduction_prf 𝒜)" by(rule round_2)
also have "?rest ≤ ¦measure (measure_spmf (game3 𝒜)) {(b, bad). b} - spmf (game2 𝒜) True¦ +
¦measure (measure_spmf (game3 𝒜)) {(b, bad). b} - 1 / 2¦"
(is "_ ≤ ?round3 + _") using abs_triangle_ineq by simp
also have "?round3 ≤ measure (measure_spmf (game3 𝒜)) {(b, bad). bad}"
using round_3[OF lossless] .
also have "… ≤ q / card prf_domain * q" using bound by(rule game3_bad)
also have "measure (measure_spmf (game3 𝒜)) {(b, bad). b} = spmf coin_spmf True"
using round_4[OF lossless, symmetric]
by(simp add: spmf_conv_measure_spmf measure_map_spmf vimage_def fst_def)
also have "¦… - 1 / 2¦ = 0" by(simp add: spmf_of_set)
finally show ?thesis by(simp)
theorem security1:
assumes lossless: "lossless_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) 𝒜"
assumes q: "interaction_bounded_by isl 𝒜 q"
and q': "interaction_bounded_by (Not ∘ isl) 𝒜 q'"
shows "ind_cca.advantage 𝒜 ≤
PRF.advantage (reduction_prf 𝒜) +
UPF.advantage1 (guessing_many_one.reduction q' (λ_. reduction_upf 𝒜) ()) * q' +
real q * real q / real (card prf_domain)"
proof -
have "ind_cca.advantage 𝒜 ≤
PRF.advantage (reduction_prf 𝒜) + UPF.advantage (reduction_upf 𝒜) +
real q / real (card prf_domain) * real q"
using lossless q by(rule security)
also note q'[interaction_bound]
have "interaction_bounded_by (Not ∘ isl) (reduction_upf 𝒜) q'"
unfolding reduction_upf_def by(interaction_bound)(simp_all add: SUP_le_iff)
then have "UPF.advantage (reduction_upf 𝒜) ≤ UPF.advantage1 (guessing_many_one.reduction q' (λ_. reduction_upf 𝒜) ()) * q'"
by(rule UPF.advantage_advantage1)
finally show ?thesis by(simp)
locale simple_cipher' =
fixes prf_key_gen :: "security ⇒ 'prf_key spmf"
and prf_fun :: "security ⇒ 'prf_key ⇒ bitstring ⇒ bitstring"
and prf_domain :: "security ⇒ bitstring set"
and prf_range :: "security ⇒ bitstring set"
and prf_dlen :: "security ⇒ nat"
and prf_clen :: "security ⇒ nat"
and upf_key_gen :: "security ⇒ 'upf_key spmf"
and upf_fun :: "security ⇒ 'upf_key ⇒ bitstring ⇒ 'hash"
assumes simple_cipher: "⋀η. simple_cipher (prf_key_gen η) (prf_fun η) (prf_domain η) (prf_dlen η) (prf_clen η) (upf_key_gen η)"
sublocale simple_cipher
"prf_key_gen η" "prf_fun η" "prf_domain η" "prf_range η" "prf_dlen η" "prf_clen η" "upf_key_gen η" "upf_fun η"
for η
by(rule simple_cipher)
theorem security_asymptotic:
fixes q q' :: "security ⇒ nat"
assumes lossless: "⋀η. lossless_gpv (ℐ_full ⊕⇩ℐ ℐ_full) (𝒜 η)"
and bound: "⋀η. interaction_bounded_by isl (𝒜 η) (q η)"
and bound': "⋀η. interaction_bounded_by (Not ∘ isl) (𝒜 η) (q' η)"
and [negligible_intros]:
"polynomial q'" "polynomial q"
"negligible (λη. PRF.advantage η (reduction_prf η (𝒜 η)))"
"negligible (λη. UPF.advantage1 η (guessing_many_one.reduction (q' η) (λ_. reduction_upf η (𝒜 η)) ()))"
"negligible (λη. 1 / card (prf_domain η))"
shows "negligible (λη. ind_cca.advantage η (𝒜 η))"
proof -
have "negligible (λη. PRF.advantage η (reduction_prf η (𝒜 η)) +
UPF.advantage1 η (guessing_many_one.reduction (q' η) (λ_. reduction_upf η (𝒜 η)) ()) * q' η +
real (q η) / real (card (prf_domain η)) * real (q η))"
by(rule negligible_intros)+
thus ?thesis by(rule negligible_le)(simp add: security1[OF lossless bound bound'] ind_cca.advantage_nonneg)