Theory Free_Boolean_Algebra
section ‹Free Boolean algebras›
theory Free_Boolean_Algebra
imports Main
bot (‹⊥›) and
top (‹⊤›) and
inf (infixl ‹⊓› 70) and
sup (infixl ‹⊔› 65)
lemma sup_conv_inf:
fixes x y :: "'a::boolean_algebra"
shows "x ⊔ y = - (- x ⊓ - y)"
by simp
subsection ‹Free boolean algebra as a set›
text ‹
We start by defining the free boolean algebra over type @{typ 'a} as
an inductive set. Here ‹i :: 'a› represents a variable;
‹A :: 'a set› represents a valuation, assigning a truth
value to each variable; and ‹S :: 'a set set› represents a
formula, as the set of valuations that make the formula true. The
set ‹fba› contains representatives of formulas built from
finite combinations of variables with negation and conjunction.
fba :: "'a set set set"
var: "{A. i ∈ A} ∈ fba"
| Compl: "S ∈ fba ⟹ - S ∈ fba"
| inter: "S ∈ fba ⟹ T ∈ fba ⟹ S ∩ T ∈ fba"
lemma fba_Diff: "S ∈ fba ⟹ T ∈ fba ⟹ S - T ∈ fba"
unfolding Diff_eq by (intro fba.inter fba.Compl)
lemma fba_union: "S ∈ fba ⟹ T ∈ fba ⟹ S ∪ T ∈ fba"
proof -
assume "S ∈ fba" and "T ∈ fba"
hence "- (- S ∩ - T) ∈ fba" by (intro fba.intros)
thus "S ∪ T ∈ fba" by simp
lemma fba_empty: "({} :: 'a set set) ∈ fba"
proof -
obtain S :: "'a set set" where "S ∈ fba"
by (fast intro: fba.var)
hence "S ∩ - S ∈ fba"
by (intro fba.intros)
thus ?thesis by simp
lemma fba_UNIV: "(UNIV :: 'a set set) ∈ fba"
proof -
have "- {} ∈ fba" using fba_empty by (rule fba.Compl)
thus "UNIV ∈ fba" by simp
subsection ‹Free boolean algebra as a type›
text ‹
The next step is to use ‹typedef› to define a type isomorphic
to the set @{const fba}. We also define a constructor ‹var›
that corresponds with the similarly-named introduction rule for
@{const fba}.
typedef 'a formula = "fba :: 'a set set set"
by (auto intro: fba_empty)
definition var :: "'a ⇒ 'a formula"
where "var i = Abs_formula {A. i ∈ A}"
lemma Rep_formula_var: "Rep_formula (var i) = {A. i ∈ A}"
unfolding var_def using fba.var by (rule Abs_formula_inverse)
text ‹
Now we make type @{typ "'a formula"} into a Boolean algebra. This
involves defining the various operations (ordering relations, binary
infimum and supremum, complement, difference, top and bottom
elements) and proving that they satisfy the appropriate laws.
instantiation formula :: (type) boolean_algebra
"x ⊓ y = Abs_formula (Rep_formula x ∩ Rep_formula y)"
"x ⊔ y = Abs_formula (Rep_formula x ∪ Rep_formula y)"
"⊤ = Abs_formula UNIV"
"⊥ = Abs_formula {}"
"x ≤ y ⟷ Rep_formula x ⊆ Rep_formula y"
"x < y ⟷ Rep_formula x ⊂ Rep_formula y"
"- x = Abs_formula (- Rep_formula x)"
"x - y = Abs_formula (Rep_formula x - Rep_formula y)"
lemma Rep_formula_inf:
"Rep_formula (x ⊓ y) = Rep_formula x ∩ Rep_formula y"
unfolding inf_formula_def
by (intro Abs_formula_inverse fba.inter Rep_formula)
lemma Rep_formula_sup:
"Rep_formula (x ⊔ y) = Rep_formula x ∪ Rep_formula y"
unfolding sup_formula_def
by (intro Abs_formula_inverse fba_union Rep_formula)
lemma Rep_formula_top: "Rep_formula ⊤ = UNIV"
unfolding top_formula_def by (intro Abs_formula_inverse fba_UNIV)
lemma Rep_formula_bot: "Rep_formula ⊥ = {}"
unfolding bot_formula_def by (intro Abs_formula_inverse fba_empty)
lemma Rep_formula_compl: "Rep_formula (- x) = - Rep_formula x"
unfolding uminus_formula_def
by (intro Abs_formula_inverse fba.Compl Rep_formula)
lemma Rep_formula_diff:
"Rep_formula (x - y) = Rep_formula x - Rep_formula y"
unfolding minus_formula_def
by (intro Abs_formula_inverse fba_Diff Rep_formula)
lemmas eq_formula_iff = Rep_formula_inject [symmetric]
lemmas Rep_formula_simps =
less_eq_formula_def less_formula_def eq_formula_iff
Rep_formula_sup Rep_formula_inf Rep_formula_top Rep_formula_bot
Rep_formula_compl Rep_formula_diff Rep_formula_var
instance proof
qed (unfold Rep_formula_simps, auto)
text ‹
The laws of a Boolean algebra do not require the top and bottom
elements to be distinct, so the following rules must be proved
lemma bot_neq_top_formula [simp]: "(⊥ :: 'a formula) ≠ ⊤"
unfolding Rep_formula_simps by auto
lemma top_neq_bot_formula [simp]: "(⊤ :: 'a formula) ≠ ⊥"
unfolding Rep_formula_simps by auto
text ‹
Here we prove an essential property of a free Boolean algebra:
all generators are independent.
lemma var_le_var_simps [simp]:
"var i ≤ var j ⟷ i = j"
"¬ var i ≤ - var j"
"¬ - var i ≤ var j"
unfolding Rep_formula_simps by fast+
lemma var_eq_var_simps [simp]:
"var i = var j ⟷ i = j"
"var i ≠ - var j"
"- var i ≠ var j"
unfolding Rep_formula_simps set_eq_subset by fast+
text ‹
We conclude this section by proving an induction principle for
formulas. It mirrors the definition of the inductive set ‹fba›, with cases for variables, complements, and conjunction.
lemma formula_induct [case_names var compl inf, induct type: formula]:
fixes P :: "'a formula ⇒ bool"
assumes 1: "⋀i. P (var i)"
assumes 2: "⋀x. P x ⟹ P (- x)"
assumes 3: "⋀x y. P x ⟹ P y ⟹ P (x ⊓ y)"
shows "P x"
proof (induct x rule: Abs_formula_induct)
fix y :: "'a set set"
assume "y ∈ fba" thus "P (Abs_formula y)"
proof (induct rule: fba.induct)
case (var i)
have "P (var i)" by (rule 1)
thus ?case unfolding var_def .
case (Compl S)
from ‹P (Abs_formula S)› have "P (- Abs_formula S)" by (rule 2)
with ‹S ∈ fba› show ?case
unfolding uminus_formula_def by (simp add: Abs_formula_inverse)
case (inter S T)
from ‹P (Abs_formula S)› and ‹P (Abs_formula T)›
have "P (Abs_formula S ⊓ Abs_formula T)" by (rule 3)
with ‹S ∈ fba› and ‹T ∈ fba› show ?case
unfolding inf_formula_def by (simp add: Abs_formula_inverse)
subsection ‹If-then-else for Boolean algebras›
text ‹
This is a generic if-then-else operator for arbitrary Boolean
ifte :: "'a::boolean_algebra ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a"
"ifte a x y = (a ⊓ x) ⊔ (- a ⊓ y)"
lemma ifte_top [simp]: "ifte ⊤ x y = x"
unfolding ifte_def by simp
lemma ifte_bot [simp]: "ifte ⊥ x y = y"
unfolding ifte_def by simp
lemma ifte_same: "ifte a x x = x"
unfolding ifte_def
by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib2 [symmetric] sup_compl_top)
lemma compl_ifte: "- ifte a x y = ifte a (- x) (- y)"
unfolding ifte_def
apply (rule order_antisym)
apply (simp add: inf_sup_distrib1 inf_sup_distrib2 compl_inf_bot)
apply (simp add: sup_inf_distrib1 sup_inf_distrib2 sup_compl_top)
apply (simp add: le_infI1 le_infI2 le_supI1 le_supI2)
apply (simp add: le_infI1 le_infI2 le_supI1 le_supI2)
lemma inf_ifte_distrib:
"ifte x a b ⊓ ifte x c d = ifte x (a ⊓ c) (b ⊓ d)"
unfolding ifte_def
apply (simp add: inf_sup_distrib1 inf_sup_distrib2)
apply (simp add: inf_sup_aci inf_compl_bot)
lemma ifte_ifte_distrib:
"ifte x (ifte y a b) (ifte y c d) = ifte y (ifte x a c) (ifte x b d)"
unfolding ifte_def [of x] sup_conv_inf
by (simp only: compl_ifte [symmetric] inf_ifte_distrib [symmetric] ifte_same)
subsection ‹Formulas over a set of generators›
text ‹
The set ‹formulas S› consists of those formulas that only
depend on variables in the set ‹S›. It is analogous to the
@{const lists} operator for the list datatype.
formulas :: "'a set ⇒ 'a formula set"
"formulas S =
{x. ∀A B. (∀i∈S. i ∈ A ⟷ i ∈ B) ⟶
A ∈ Rep_formula x ⟷ B ∈ Rep_formula x}"
lemma formulasI:
assumes "⋀A B. ∀i∈S. i ∈ A ⟷ i ∈ B
⟹ A ∈ Rep_formula x ⟷ B ∈ Rep_formula x"
shows "x ∈ formulas S"
using assms unfolding formulas_def by simp
lemma formulasD:
assumes "x ∈ formulas S"
assumes "∀i∈S. i ∈ A ⟷ i ∈ B"
shows "A ∈ Rep_formula x ⟷ B ∈ Rep_formula x"
using assms unfolding formulas_def by simp
lemma formulas_mono: "S ⊆ T ⟹ formulas S ⊆ formulas T"
by (fast intro!: formulasI elim!: formulasD)
lemma formulas_insert: "x ∈ formulas S ⟹ x ∈ formulas (insert a S)"
unfolding formulas_def by simp
lemma formulas_var: "i ∈ S ⟹ var i ∈ formulas S"
unfolding formulas_def by (simp add: Rep_formula_simps)
lemma formulas_var_iff: "var i ∈ formulas S ⟷ i ∈ S"
unfolding formulas_def by (simp add: Rep_formula_simps, fast)
lemma formulas_bot: "⊥ ∈ formulas S"
unfolding formulas_def by (simp add: Rep_formula_simps)
lemma formulas_top: "⊤ ∈ formulas S"
unfolding formulas_def by (simp add: Rep_formula_simps)
lemma formulas_compl: "x ∈ formulas S ⟹ - x ∈ formulas S"
unfolding formulas_def by (simp add: Rep_formula_simps)
lemma formulas_inf:
"x ∈ formulas S ⟹ y ∈ formulas S ⟹ x ⊓ y ∈ formulas S"
unfolding formulas_def by (auto simp add: Rep_formula_simps)
lemma formulas_sup:
"x ∈ formulas S ⟹ y ∈ formulas S ⟹ x ⊔ y ∈ formulas S"
unfolding formulas_def by (auto simp add: Rep_formula_simps)
lemma formulas_diff:
"x ∈ formulas S ⟹ y ∈ formulas S ⟹ x - y ∈ formulas S"
unfolding formulas_def by (auto simp add: Rep_formula_simps)
lemma formulas_ifte:
"a ∈ formulas S ⟹ x ∈ formulas S ⟹ y ∈ formulas S ⟹
ifte a x y ∈ formulas S"
unfolding ifte_def
by (intro formulas_sup formulas_inf formulas_compl)
lemmas formulas_intros =
formulas_var formulas_bot formulas_top formulas_compl
formulas_inf formulas_sup formulas_diff formulas_ifte
subsection ‹Injectivity of if-then-else›
text ‹
The if-then-else operator is injective in some limited
circumstances: when the scrutinee is a variable that is not
mentioned in either branch.
lemma ifte_inject:
assumes "ifte (var i) x y = ifte (var i) x' y'"
assumes "i ∉ S"
assumes "x ∈ formulas S" and "x' ∈ formulas S"
assumes "y ∈ formulas S" and "y' ∈ formulas S"
shows "x = x' ∧ y = y'"
have 1: "⋀A. i ∈ A ⟹ A ∈ Rep_formula x ⟷ A ∈ Rep_formula x'"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: Rep_formula_simps ifte_def set_eq_iff, fast)
have 2: "⋀A. i ∉ A ⟹ A ∈ Rep_formula y ⟷ A ∈ Rep_formula y'"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: Rep_formula_simps ifte_def set_eq_iff, fast)
show "x = x'"
unfolding Rep_formula_simps
proof (rule set_eqI)
fix A
have "A ∈ Rep_formula x ⟷ insert i A ∈ Rep_formula x"
using ‹x ∈ formulas S› by (rule formulasD, force simp add: ‹i ∉ S›)
also have "… ⟷ insert i A ∈ Rep_formula x'"
by (rule 1, simp)
also have "… ⟷ A ∈ Rep_formula x'"
using ‹x' ∈ formulas S› by (rule formulasD, force simp add: ‹i ∉ S›)
finally show "A ∈ Rep_formula x ⟷ A ∈ Rep_formula x'" .
show "y = y'"
unfolding Rep_formula_simps
proof (rule set_eqI)
fix A
have "A ∈ Rep_formula y ⟷ A - {i} ∈ Rep_formula y"
using ‹y ∈ formulas S› by (rule formulasD, force simp add: ‹i ∉ S›)
also have "… ⟷ A - {i} ∈ Rep_formula y'"
by (rule 2, simp)
also have "… ⟷ A ∈ Rep_formula y'"
using ‹y' ∈ formulas S› by (rule formulasD, force simp add: ‹i ∉ S›)
finally show "A ∈ Rep_formula y ⟷ A ∈ Rep_formula y'" .
subsection ‹Specification of homomorphism operator›
text ‹
Our goal is to define a homomorphism operator ‹hom› such that
for any function ‹f›, ‹hom f› is the unique Boolean
algebra homomorphism satisfying ‹hom f (var i) = f i›
for all ‹i›.
Instead of defining ‹hom› directly, we will follow the
approach used to define Isabelle's ‹fold› operator for finite
sets. First we define the graph of the ‹hom› function as a
relation; later we will define the ‹hom› function itself using
definite choice.
The ‹hom_graph› relation is defined inductively, with
introduction rules based on the if-then-else normal form of Boolean
formulas. The relation is also indexed by an extra set parameter
‹S›, to ensure that branches of each if-then-else do not use
the same variable again.
hom_graph ::
"('a ⇒ 'b::boolean_algebra) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a formula ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool"
for f :: "'a ⇒ 'b::boolean_algebra"
bot: "hom_graph f {} bot bot"
| top: "hom_graph f {} top top"
| ifte: "i ∉ S ⟹ hom_graph f S x a ⟹ hom_graph f S y b ⟹
hom_graph f (insert i S) (ifte (var i) x y) (ifte (f i) a b)"
text ‹
The next two lemmas establish a stronger elimination rule for
assumptions of the form @{term "hom_graph f (insert i S) x a"}.
Essentially, they say that we can arrange the top-level if-then-else
to use the variable of our choice. The proof makes use of the
distributive properties of if-then-else.
lemma hom_graph_dest:
"hom_graph f S x a ⟹ k ∈ S ⟹ ∃y z b c.
x = ifte (var k) y z ∧ a = ifte (f k) b c ∧
hom_graph f (S - {k}) y b ∧ hom_graph f (S - {k}) z c"
proof (induct set: hom_graph)
case (ifte i S x a y b) show ?case
proof (cases "i = k")
assume "i = k" with ifte(1,2,4) show ?case by auto
assume "i ≠ k"
with ‹k ∈ insert i S› have k: "k ∈ S" by simp
have *: "insert i S - {k} = insert i (S - {k})"
using ‹i ≠ k› by (simp add: insert_Diff_if)
have **: "i ∉ S - {k}" using ‹i ∉ S› by simp
from ifte(1) ifte(3) [OF k] ifte(5) [OF k]
show ?case
unfolding *
apply clarify
apply (simp only: ifte_ifte_distrib [of "var i"])
apply (simp only: ifte_ifte_distrib [of "f i"])
apply (fast intro: hom_graph.ifte [OF **])
qed simp_all
lemma hom_graph_insert_elim:
assumes "hom_graph f (insert i S) x a" and "i ∉ S"
obtains y z b c
where "x = ifte (var i) y z"
and "a = ifte (f i) b c"
and "hom_graph f S y b"
and "hom_graph f S z c"
using hom_graph_dest [OF assms(1) insertI1]
by (clarify, simp add: assms(2))
text ‹
Now we prove the first uniqueness property of the @{const hom_graph}
relation. This version of uniqueness says that for any particular
value of ‹S›, the relation @{term "hom_graph f S"} maps each
‹x› to at most one ‹a›. The proof uses the
injectiveness of if-then-else, which we proved earlier.
lemma hom_graph_imp_formulas:
"hom_graph f S x a ⟹ x ∈ formulas S"
by (induct set: hom_graph, simp_all add: formulas_intros formulas_insert)
lemma hom_graph_unique:
"hom_graph f S x a ⟹ hom_graph f S x a' ⟹ a = a'"
proof (induct arbitrary: a' set: hom_graph)
case (ifte i S y b z c a')
from ifte(6,1) obtain y' z' b' c'
where 1: "ifte (var i) y z = ifte (var i) y' z'"
and 2: "a' = ifte (f i) b' c'"
and 3: "hom_graph f S y' b'"
and 4: "hom_graph f S z' c'"
by (rule hom_graph_insert_elim)
from 1 3 4 ifte(1,2,4) have "y = y' ∧ z = z'"
by (intro ifte_inject hom_graph_imp_formulas)
with 2 3 4 ifte(3,5) show "ifte (f i) b c = a'"
by simp
qed (erule hom_graph.cases, simp_all)+
text ‹
The next few lemmas will help to establish a stronger version of the
uniqueness property of @{const hom_graph}. They show that the @{const
hom_graph} relation is preserved if we replace ‹S› with a
larger finite set.
lemma hom_graph_insert:
assumes "hom_graph f S x a"
shows "hom_graph f (insert i S) x a"
proof (cases "i ∈ S")
assume "i ∈ S" with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: insert_absorb)
assume "i ∉ S"
hence "hom_graph f (insert i S) (ifte (var i) x x) (ifte (f i) a a)"
by (intro hom_graph.ifte assms)
thus "hom_graph f (insert i S) x a"
by (simp only: ifte_same)
lemma hom_graph_finite_superset:
assumes "hom_graph f S x a" and "finite T" and "S ⊆ T"
shows "hom_graph f T x a"
proof -
from ‹finite T› have "hom_graph f (S ∪ T) x a"
by (induct set: finite, simp add: assms, simp add: hom_graph_insert)
with ‹S ⊆ T› show "hom_graph f T x a"
by (simp only: subset_Un_eq)
lemma hom_graph_imp_finite:
"hom_graph f S x a ⟹ finite S"
by (induct set: hom_graph) simp_all
text ‹
This stronger uniqueness property says that @{term "hom_graph f"}
maps each ‹x› to at most one ‹a›, even for
\emph{different} values of the set parameter.
lemma hom_graph_unique':
assumes "hom_graph f S x a" and "hom_graph f T x a'"
shows "a = a'"
proof (rule hom_graph_unique)
have fin: "finite (S ∪ T)"
using assms by (intro finite_UnI hom_graph_imp_finite)
show "hom_graph f (S ∪ T) x a"
using assms(1) fin Un_upper1 by (rule hom_graph_finite_superset)
show "hom_graph f (S ∪ T) x a'"
using assms(2) fin Un_upper2 by (rule hom_graph_finite_superset)
text ‹
Finally, these last few lemmas establish that the @{term "hom_graph
f"} relation is total: every ‹x› is mapped to some ‹a›.
lemma hom_graph_var: "hom_graph f {i} (var i) (f i)"
proof -
have "hom_graph f {i} (ifte (var i) top bot) (ifte (f i) top bot)"
by (simp add: hom_graph.intros)
thus "hom_graph f {i} (var i) (f i)"
unfolding ifte_def by simp
lemma hom_graph_compl:
"hom_graph f S x a ⟹ hom_graph f S (- x) (- a)"
by (induct set: hom_graph, simp_all add: hom_graph.intros compl_ifte)
lemma hom_graph_inf:
"hom_graph f S x a ⟹ hom_graph f S y b ⟹
hom_graph f S (x ⊓ y) (a ⊓ b)"
apply (induct arbitrary: y b set: hom_graph)
apply (simp add:
apply simp
apply (erule (1) hom_graph_insert_elim)
apply (auto simp add: inf_ifte_distrib hom_graph.ifte)
lemma hom_graph_union_inf:
assumes "hom_graph f S x a" and "hom_graph f T y b"
shows "hom_graph f (S ∪ T) (x ⊓ y) (a ⊓ b)"
proof (rule hom_graph_inf)
have fin: "finite (S ∪ T)"
using assms by (intro finite_UnI hom_graph_imp_finite)
show "hom_graph f (S ∪ T) x a"
using assms(1) fin Un_upper1 by (rule hom_graph_finite_superset)
show "hom_graph f (S ∪ T) y b"
using assms(2) fin Un_upper2 by (rule hom_graph_finite_superset)
lemma hom_graph_exists: "∃a S. hom_graph f S x a"
by (induct x)
(auto intro: hom_graph_var hom_graph_compl hom_graph_union_inf)
subsection ‹Homomorphisms into other boolean algebras›
text ‹
Now that we have proved the necessary existence and uniqueness
properties of @{const hom_graph}, we can define the function ‹hom› using definite choice.
hom :: "('a ⇒ 'b::boolean_algebra) ⇒ 'a formula ⇒ 'b"
"hom f x = (THE a. ∃S. hom_graph f S x a)"
lemma hom_graph_hom: "∃S. hom_graph f S x (hom f x)"
unfolding hom_def
apply (rule theI')
apply (rule ex_ex1I)
apply (rule hom_graph_exists)
apply (fast elim: hom_graph_unique')
lemma hom_equality:
"hom_graph f S x a ⟹ hom f x = a"
unfolding hom_def
apply (rule the_equality)
apply (erule exI)
apply (erule exE)
apply (erule (1) hom_graph_unique')
text ‹
The @{const hom} function correctly implements its specification:
lemma hom_var [simp]: "hom f (var i) = f i"
by (rule hom_equality, rule hom_graph_var)
lemma hom_bot [simp]: "hom f ⊥ = ⊥"
by (rule hom_equality, rule
lemma hom_top [simp]: "hom f ⊤ = ⊤"
by (rule hom_equality, rule
lemma hom_compl [simp]: "hom f (- x) = - hom f x"
proof -
obtain S where "hom_graph f S x (hom f x)"
using hom_graph_hom ..
hence "hom_graph f S (- x) (- hom f x)"
by (rule hom_graph_compl)
thus "hom f (- x) = - hom f x"
by (rule hom_equality)
lemma hom_inf [simp]: "hom f (x ⊓ y) = hom f x ⊓ hom f y"
proof -
obtain S where S: "hom_graph f S x (hom f x)"
using hom_graph_hom ..
obtain T where T: "hom_graph f T y (hom f y)"
using hom_graph_hom ..
have "hom_graph f (S ∪ T) (x ⊓ y) (hom f x ⊓ hom f y)"
using S T by (rule hom_graph_union_inf)
thus ?thesis by (rule hom_equality)
lemma hom_sup [simp]: "hom f (x ⊔ y) = hom f x ⊔ hom f y"
unfolding sup_conv_inf by (simp only: hom_compl hom_inf)
lemma hom_diff [simp]: "hom f (x - y) = hom f x - hom f y"
unfolding diff_eq by (simp only: hom_compl hom_inf)
lemma hom_ifte [simp]:
"hom f (ifte x y z) = ifte (hom f x) (hom f y) (hom f z)"
unfolding ifte_def by (simp only: hom_compl hom_inf hom_sup)
lemmas hom_simps =
hom_var hom_bot hom_top hom_compl
hom_inf hom_sup hom_diff hom_ifte
text ‹
The type @{typ "'a formula"} can be viewed as a monad, with @{const
var} as the unit, and @{const hom} as the bind operator. We can
prove the standard monad laws with simple proofs by induction.
lemma hom_var_eq_id: "hom var x = x"
by (induct x) simp_all
lemma hom_hom: "hom f (hom g x) = hom (λi. hom f (g i)) x"
by (induct x) simp_all
subsection ‹Map operation on Boolean formulas›
text ‹
We can define a map functional in terms of @{const hom} and @{const
var}. The properties of ‹fmap› follow directly from the
lemmas we have already proved about @{const hom}.
fmap :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a formula ⇒ 'b formula"
"fmap f = hom (λi. var (f i))"
lemma fmap_var [simp]: "fmap f (var i) = var (f i)"
unfolding fmap_def by simp
lemma fmap_bot [simp]: "fmap f ⊥ = ⊥"
unfolding fmap_def by simp
lemma fmap_top [simp]: "fmap f ⊤ = ⊤"
unfolding fmap_def by simp
lemma fmap_compl [simp]: "fmap f (- x) = - fmap f x"
unfolding fmap_def by simp
lemma fmap_inf [simp]: "fmap f (x ⊓ y) = fmap f x ⊓ fmap f y"
unfolding fmap_def by simp
lemma fmap_sup [simp]: "fmap f (x ⊔ y) = fmap f x ⊔ fmap f y"
unfolding fmap_def by simp
lemma fmap_diff [simp]: "fmap f (x - y) = fmap f x - fmap f y"
unfolding fmap_def by simp
lemma fmap_ifte [simp]:
"fmap f (ifte x y z) = ifte (fmap f x) (fmap f y) (fmap f z)"
unfolding fmap_def by simp
lemmas fmap_simps =
fmap_var fmap_bot fmap_top fmap_compl
fmap_inf fmap_sup fmap_diff fmap_ifte
text ‹
The map functional satisfies the functor laws: it preserves identity
and function composition.
lemma fmap_ident: "fmap (λi. i) x = x"
by (induct x) simp_all
lemma fmap_fmap: "fmap f (fmap g x) = fmap (f ∘ g) x"
by (induct x) simp_all
subsection ‹Hiding lattice syntax›
text ‹
The following command hides the lattice syntax, to avoid potential
conflicts with other theories that import this one. To re-enable
the syntax, users should unbundle ‹lattice_syntax›.
unbundle no lattice_syntax