Theory Synthetic_Definition
section‹Automatic synthesis of formulas›
theory Synthetic_Definition
imports Utils
keywords "synthesize" :: thy_decl % "ML"
and "synthesize_notc" :: thy_decl % "ML"
and "from_schematic"
val $` = curry ((op $) o swap)
infix $`
fun pair f g x = (f x, g x)
fun print_theorem pos (thms, lthy) =
(Proof_Display.print_theorem pos lthy thms; lthy)
fun prove_tc_form goal thms ctxt =
Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal
(fn {context = ctxt', ...} =>
rewrite_goal_tac ctxt' thms 1
THEN TypeCheck.typecheck_tac ctxt')
fun prove_sats goal thms thm_auto ctxt =
Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal
(fn {context = ctxt', ...} =>
let val ctxt'' = ctxt' |> Simplifier.add_simp (thm_auto |> hd) in
rewrite_goal_tac ctxt'' thms 1
THEN PARALLEL_ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac ctxt'')
THEN TypeCheck.typecheck_tac ctxt''
fun is_mem \<^Const_>‹mem for _ _› = true
| is_mem _ = false
fun synth_thm_sats def_name term lhs set env hyps vars vs pos thm_auto lthy =
let val (_,tm,ctxt1) = Utils.thm_concl_tm lthy term
val (thm_refs,ctxt2) = Variable.import true [Proof_Context.get_thm lthy term] ctxt1 |>> #2
val vs' = map (Thm.term_of o #2) vs
val vars' = map (Thm.term_of o #2) vars
val r_tm = tm |> Utils.dest_lhs_def |> fold (op $`) vs'
val sats = \<^Const>‹apply for \<^Const>‹satisfies for set r_tm› env›
val rhs = \<^Const>‹IFOL.eq \<^Type>‹i› for sats \<^Const>‹succ for \<^Const>‹zero›››
val concl = \<^Const>‹iff for lhs rhs›
val g_iff = Logic.list_implies(hyps, concl)
val thm = prove_sats g_iff thm_refs thm_auto ctxt2
val name = (def_name ^ "_iff_sats")
val thm = Utils.fix_vars thm (map (#1 o dest_Free) vars') lthy
Local_Theory.note ((name, []), [thm]) lthy |> print_theorem pos
fun synth_thm_tc def_name term hyps vars pos lthy =
let val (_,tm,ctxt1) = Utils.thm_concl_tm lthy term
val (thm_refs,ctxt2) = Variable.import true [Proof_Context.get_thm lthy term] ctxt1
|>> #2
val vars' = map (Thm.term_of o #2) vars
val tc_attrib = @{attributes [TC]}
val r_tm = tm |> Utils.dest_lhs_def |> fold (op $`) vars'
val concl = \<^Const>‹mem for r_tm \<^Const>‹formula››
val g = Logic.list_implies(hyps, concl)
val thm = prove_tc_form g thm_refs ctxt2
val name = (def_name ^ "_type")
val thm = Utils.fix_vars thm (map (#1 o dest_Free) vars') ctxt2
Local_Theory.note ((name, tc_attrib), [thm]) lthy |> print_theorem pos
fun synthetic_def def_name thmref pos tc auto thy =
val (thm_ref,_) = thmref |>> Facts.ref_name
val thm = Proof_Context.get_thm thy thm_ref;
val thm_vars = rev (Term.add_vars (Thm.full_prop_of thm) []);
val (((_,inst),thm_tms),_) = Variable.import true [thm] thy
val vars = map (fn v => (v, the (Vars.lookup inst v))) thm_vars;
val (tm,hyps) = thm_tms |> hd |> pair Thm.concl_of Thm.prems_of
val (lhs,rhs) = tm |> Utils.dest_iff_tms o Utils.dest_trueprop
val ((set,t),env) = rhs |> Utils.dest_sats_frm
fun relevant ts \<^Const_>‹mem for t _› = not (Term.is_Free t) orelse
member (op =) ts (t |> Term.dest_Free |> #1)
| relevant _ _ = false
val t_vars = sort_strings (Term.add_free_names t [])
val vs = filter (member (op =) t_vars o #1 o #1 o #1) vars
val at = fold_rev (lambda o Thm.term_of o #2) vs t
val hyps' = filter (relevant t_vars o Utils.dest_trueprop) hyps
Local_Theory.define (( def_name, NoSyn),
(( (def_name ^ "_def"), []), at)) thy |> #2 |>
(if tc then synth_thm_tc def_name (def_name ^ "_def") hyps' vs pos else I) |>
(if auto then synth_thm_sats def_name (def_name ^ "_def") lhs set env hyps vars vs pos thm_tms else I)
val synth_constdecl =
Parse.position (Parse.string -- ((Parse.$$$ "from_schematic" |-- Parse.thm)));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.local_theory \<^command_keyword>‹synthesize› "ML setup for synthetic definitions"
(synth_constdecl >> (fn ((bndg,thm),p) => synthetic_def bndg thm p true true))
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.local_theory \<^command_keyword>‹synthesize_notc› "ML setup for synthetic definitions"
(synth_constdecl >> (fn ((bndg,thm),p) => synthetic_def bndg thm p false false))
text‹The \<^ML>‹synthetic_def› function extracts definitions from
schematic goals. A new definition is added to the context. ›