Theory FW_Code

theory FW_Code

section ‹Refinement to Efficient Imperative Code›

text ‹
  We will now refine the recursive version of the \fw to an efficient imperative version.
  To this end, we use the Sepref framework, yielding an implementation in Imperative HOL.

definition fw_upd' :: "('a::linordered_ab_monoid_add) mtx  nat  nat  nat  'a mtx nres" where
  "fw_upd' m k i j =
    op_mtx_set m (i, j) (min (op_mtx_get m (i, j)) (op_mtx_get m (i, k) + op_mtx_get m (k, j)))

lemma fw_upd'_alt_def:
  "fw_upd' m k i j =
      e = op_mtx_get m (i, k) + op_mtx_get m (k, j)
    in if e < op_mtx_get m (i, j) then op_mtx_set m (i, j) e else m
  unfolding fw_upd'_def min_def Let_def by auto

definition fwi' ::  "('a::linordered_ab_monoid_add) mtx  nat  nat  nat  nat  'a mtx nres"
  "fwi' m n k i j = RECT (λ fw (m, k, i, j).
      case (i, j) of
        (0, 0)  fw_upd' m k 0 0 |
        (Suc i, 0)  do {m'  fw (m, k, i, n); fw_upd' m' k (Suc i) 0} |
        (i, Suc j)  do {m'  fw (m, k, i, j); fw_upd' m' k i (Suc j)}
    ) (m, k, i, j)"

lemma fwi'_simps:
  "fwi' m n k 0       0        = fw_upd' m k 0 0"
  "fwi' m n k (Suc i) 0        = do {m'  fwi' m n k i n; fw_upd' m' k (Suc i) 0}"
  "fwi' m n k i       (Suc j)  = do {m'  fwi' m n k i j; fw_upd' m' k i (Suc j)}"
unfolding fwi'_def by (subst RECT_unfold, (refine_mono; fail), (auto split: nat.split; fail))+

  "fwi' m n k i j  SPEC (λ r. r = uncurry (fwi (curry m) n k i j))"
by (induction "curry m" n k i j arbitrary: m rule: fwi.induct)
   (fastforce simp add: fw_upd'_def fw_upd_def upd_def fwi'_simps pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps)+

lemma fw_upd'_spec:
  "fw_upd' M k i j  SPEC (λ M'. M' = uncurry (fw_upd (curry M) k i j))"
by (auto simp: fw_upd'_def fw_upd_def upd_def pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps)

lemma for_rec2_fwi:
  "for_rec2 (λ M. fw_upd' M k) M n i j  SPEC (λ M'. M' = uncurry (fwi (curry M) n k i j))"
using fw_upd'_spec
by (induction "λ M. fw_upd' (M :: (nat × nat  'a)) k" M n i j rule: for_rec2.induct)
   (fastforce simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps)+

definition fw' ::  "('a::linordered_ab_monoid_add) mtx  nat  nat  'a mtx nres" where
  "fw' m n k = nfoldli [0..<k + 1] (λ _. True) (λ k M. for_rec2 (λ M. fw_upd' M k) M n n n) m"

lemma fw'_spec:
  "fw' m n k  SPEC (λ M'. M' = uncurry (fw (curry m) n k))"
  unfolding fw'_def
  apply (induction k)
  using for_rec2_fwi by (fastforce simp add: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps curry_def)+

  fixes n :: nat
  fixes dummy :: "'a::{linordered_ab_monoid_add,zero,heap}"

lemma [sepref_import_param]: "((+),(+)::'a_)  Id  Id  Id" by simp
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(min,min::'a_)  Id  Id  Id" by simp

abbreviation "node_assn  nat_assn"
abbreviation "mtx_assn  asmtx_assn (Suc n) id_assn::('a mtx _)"

sepref_definition fw_upd_impl1 is
  "uncurry2 (uncurry fw_upd')" ::
  "[λ (((_,k),i),j). k  n  i  n  j  n]a mtx_assnd *a node_assnk *a node_assnk *a node_assnk
  unfolding fw_upd'_def by sepref

sepref_definition fw_upd_impl is
  "uncurry2 (uncurry fw_upd')" ::
  "[λ (((_,k),i),j). k  n  i  n  j  n]a mtx_assnd *a node_assnk *a node_assnk *a node_assnk
  unfolding fw_upd'_alt_def by sepref

sepref_register fw_upd' :: "'a i_mtx  nat  nat  nat  'a i_mtx nres"

  "fwi_impl' (M :: 'a mtx) k = for_rec2 (λ M. fw_upd' M k) M n n n"

  "fw_impl' (M :: 'a mtx) = fw' M n n"

  notes [id_rules] = itypeI[of n "TYPE (nat)"]
    and [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of n]

sepref_definition fw_impl is
  "fw_impl'" :: "mtx_assnd a mtx_assn"
  unfolding fw_impl'_def[abs_def] fw'_def for_rec2_eq
  supply [sepref_fr_rules] = fw_upd_impl.refine
  by sepref

sepref_definition fw_impl1 is
  "fw_impl'" :: "mtx_assnd a mtx_assn"
  unfolding fw_impl'_def[abs_def] fw'_def for_rec2_eq
  supply [sepref_fr_rules] = fw_upd_impl1.refine
  by sepref

sepref_definition fwi_impl is
  "uncurry fwi_impl'" :: "[λ (_,k). k  n]a mtx_assnd *a node_assnk  mtx_assn"
  unfolding fwi_impl'_def[abs_def] for_rec2_eq
  supply [sepref_fr_rules] = fw_upd_impl.refine
  by sepref

sepref_definition fwi_impl1 is
  "uncurry fwi_impl'" :: "[λ (_,k). k  n]a mtx_assnd *a node_assnk  mtx_assn"
  supply [sepref_fr_rules] = fw_upd_impl1.refine
  unfolding fwi_impl'_def[abs_def] for_rec2_eq by sepref

end (* End of sepref setup *)

end (* End of n *)

export_code fw_impl in SML_imp

text ‹
  A compact specification for the characteristic property of the \fw.
definition fw_spec where
  "fw_spec n M  SPEC (λ M'.
    if ( i  n. M' i i < 0)
    then ¬ cyc_free M n
    else i  n. j  n. M' i j = D M i j n  cyc_free M n)"

lemma D_diag_nonnegI:
  assumes "cycle_free M n" "i  n"
  shows "D M i i n  0"
  using assms D_dest''[OF refl, of M i i n] unfolding cycle_free_def by auto

lemma fw_fw_spec:
  "RETURN (FW M n)  fw_spec n M"
unfolding fw_spec_def cycle_free_diag_equiv
proof (simp, safe, goal_cases)
  case prems: (1 i)
  with fw_shortest_path[unfolded cycle_free_diag_equiv, OF prems(3)] D_diag_nonnegI show ?case
    by fastforce
  case 2 then show ?case using FW_neg_cycle_detect[unfolded cycle_free_diag_equiv]
    by (force intro: fw_shortest_path[symmetric, unfolded cycle_free_diag_equiv])
  case 3 then show ?case using FW_neg_cycle_detect[unfolded cycle_free_diag_equiv] by blast

  "mat_curry_rel = {(Mu, Mc). curry Mu = Mc}"

  "mtx_curry_assn n = hr_comp (mtx_assn n) (br curry (λ_. True))"

declare mtx_curry_assn_def[symmetric, fcomp_norm_unfold]

lemma fw_impl'_correct:
  "(fw_impl', fw_spec)  Id  br curry (λ _. True)  br curry (λ _. True) nres_rel"
  unfolding fw_impl'_def[abs_def] using fw'_spec fw_fw_spec
  by (fastforce simp: in_br_conv pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps intro!: nres_relI)

subsection ‹Main Result›

text ‹This is one way to state that the fw_impl› fulfills the specification fw_spec›.›
theorem fw_impl_correct:
  "(fw_impl n, fw_spec n)  (mtx_curry_assn n)d a mtx_curry_assn n"
  using fw_impl.refine[FCOMP fw_impl'_correct[THEN fun_relD, OF IdI]] .

text ‹An alternative version: a Hoare triple for total correctness.›
  "<mtx_curry_assn n M Mi> fw_impl n Mi <λ Mi'. A M'. mtx_curry_assn n M' Mi' * 
    (if ( i  n. M' i i < 0)
    then ¬ cyc_free M n
    else i  n. j  n. M' i j = D M i j n  cyc_free M n)>t"
  unfolding cycle_free_diag_equiv
  by (rule cons_rule[OF _ _ fw_impl_correct[THEN hfrefD, THEN hn_refineD]])
     (sep_auto simp: fw_spec_def[unfolded cycle_free_diag_equiv])+

subsection ‹Alternative versions for Uncurried Matrices.›

definition "FWI' = uncurry ooo FWI o curry"

lemma fwi_impl'_refine_FWI':
  "(fwi_impl' n, RETURN oo PR_CONST (λ M. FWI' M n))  Id  Id  Id nres_rel"
  unfolding fwi_impl'_def[abs_def] FWI_def[abs_def] FWI'_def using for_rec2_fwi
  by (force simp: pw_le_iff pw_nres_rel_iff refine_pw_simps)

lemmas fwi_impl_refine_FWI' = fwi_impl.refine[FCOMP fwi_impl'_refine_FWI']

definition "FW' = uncurry oo FW o curry"

definition "FW'' n M = FW' M n"

lemma fw_impl'_refine_FW'':
  "(fw_impl' n, RETURN o PR_CONST (FW'' n))  Id  Id nres_rel"
  unfolding fw_impl'_def[abs_def] FW''_def[abs_def] FW'_def using fw'_spec
  by (force simp: pw_le_iff pw_nres_rel_iff refine_pw_simps)

lemmas fw_impl_refine_FW'' = fw_impl.refine[FCOMP fw_impl'_refine_FW'']
lemmas fw_impl1_refine_FW'' = fw_impl1.refine[FCOMP fw_impl'_refine_FW'']
