Theory Subterm_and_Context

section ‹Subterms and Contexts›

text ‹
  We define the (proper) sub- and superterm relations on first order terms,
  as well as contexts (you can think of contexts as terms with exactly one hole,
  where we can plug-in another term).
  Moreover, we establish several connections between these concepts as well as
  to other concepts such as substitutions.

theory Subterm_and_Context

subsection ‹Subterms›

text ‹The ‹superterm› relation.›
  supteq :: "(('f, 'v) term × ('f, 'v) term) set"
    refl [simp, intro]: "(t, t)  supteq" |
    subt [intro]: "u  set ss  (u, t)  supteq  (Fun f ss, t)  supteq"

text ‹The ‹proper superterm› relation.›
  supt :: "(('f, 'v) term × ('f, 'v) term) set"
    arg [simp, intro]: "s  set ss  (Fun f ss, s)  supt" |
    subt [intro]: "s  set ss  (s, t)  supt  (Fun f ss, t)  supt"

hide_const suptp supteqp
  suptp.arg suptp.cases suptp.induct suptp.intros suptp.subt suptp_supt_eq
  supteqp.cases supteqp.induct supteqp.intros supteqp.refl supteqp.subt supteqp_supteq_eq

hide_fact (open) supt.arg supt.subt supteq.refl supteq.subt

subsubsection ‹Syntactic Sugar›

text ‹Infix syntax.›
abbreviation "supt_pred s t  (s, t)  supt"
abbreviation "supteq_pred s t  (s, t)  supteq"
abbreviation (input) "subt_pred s t  supt_pred t s"
abbreviation (input) "subteq_pred s t  supteq_pred t s"

  supt ({⊳}) and
  supt_pred ((_/  _) [56, 56] 55) and
  subt_pred (infix  55) and
  supteq ({⊵}) and
  supteq_pred ((_/  _) [56, 56] 55) and
  subteq_pred (infix  55)

abbreviation subt ({⊲}) where "{⊲}  {⊳}¯"
abbreviation subteq ({⊴}) where "{⊴}  {⊵}¯"

text ‹Quantifier syntax.›

  "_All_supteq" :: "[idt, 'a, bool]  bool" ((3__./ _) [0, 0, 10] 10)
  "_Ex_supteq" :: "[idt, 'a, bool]  bool" ((3__./ _) [0, 0, 10] 10)
  "_All_supt" :: "[idt, 'a, bool]  bool" ((3__./ _) [0, 0, 10] 10)
  "_Ex_supt" :: "[idt, 'a, bool]  bool" ((3__./ _) [0, 0, 10] 10)

"_All_subteq" :: "[idt, 'a, bool]  bool" ((3__./ _) [0, 0, 10] 10)
"_Ex_subteq" :: "[idt, 'a, bool]  bool" ((3__./ _) [0, 0, 10] 10)
"_All_subt" :: "[idt, 'a, bool]  bool" ((3__./ _) [0, 0, 10] 10)
"_Ex_subt" :: "[idt, 'a, bool]  bool" ((3__./ _) [0, 0, 10] 10)

  "_All_supteq" "_All_supt" "_All_subteq" "_All_subt"  All and
  "_Ex_supteq" "_Ex_supt" "_Ex_subteq" "_Ex_subt"  Ex

(* for parsing *)
  "xy. P"  "x. x  y  P"
  "xy. P"  "x. x  y  P"
  "xy. P"  "x. x  y  P"
  "xy. P"  "x. x  y  P"

"xy. P"  "x. x  y  P"
"xy. P"  "x. x  y  P"
"xy. P"  "x. x  y  P"
"xy. P"  "x. x  y  P"

(* for printing *)
print_translation let
  val All_binder = Mixfix.binder_name @{const_syntax All};
  val Ex_binder = Mixfix.binder_name @{const_syntax Ex};
  val impl = @{const_syntax "implies"};
  val conj = @{const_syntax "conj"};
  val supt = @{const_syntax "supt_pred"};
  val supteq = @{const_syntax "supteq_pred"};

  val trans =
   [((All_binder, impl, supt), ("_All_supt", "_All_subt")),
    ((All_binder, impl, supteq), ("_All_supteq", "_All_subteq")),
    ((Ex_binder, conj, supt), ("_Ex_supt", "_Ex_subt")),
    ((Ex_binder, conj, supteq), ("_Ex_supteq", "_Ex_subteq"))];

  fun matches_bound v t =
     case t of (Const ("_bound", _) $ Free (v', _)) => (v = v')
              | _ => false
  fun contains_var v = Term.exists_subterm (fn Free (x, _) => x = v | _ => false)
  fun mk x c n P = Syntax.const c $ Syntax_Trans.mark_bound_body x $ n $ P

  fun tr' q = (q,
    K (fn [Const ("_bound", _) $ Free (v, T), Const (c, _) $ (Const (d, _) $ t $ u) $ P] =>
      (case AList.lookup (=) trans (q, c, d) of
        NONE => raise Match
      | SOME (l, g) =>
          if matches_bound v t andalso not (contains_var v u) then mk (v, T) l u P
          else if matches_bound v u andalso not (contains_var v t) then mk (v, T) g t P
          else raise Match)
     | _ => raise Match));
in [tr' All_binder, tr' Ex_binder] end

subsubsection ‹Transitivity Reasoning for Subterms›

lemma supt_trans [trans]:
  "s  t  t  u  s  u"
  by (induct s t rule: supt.induct) auto

lemma trans_supt: "trans {⊳}" by (auto simp: trans_def dest: supt_trans)

lemma supteq_trans [trans]:
  "s  t  t  u  s  u"
  by (induct s t rule: supteq.induct) (auto)

text ‹Auxiliary lemmas about term size.›
lemma size_simp5:
  "s  set ss  s  t  size t < size s  size t < Suc (size_list size ss)"
  by (induct ss) auto

lemma size_simp6:
  "s  set ss  s  t  size t  size s  size t  Suc (size_list size ss)"
  by (induct ss) auto

lemma size_simp1:
  "t  set ts  size t < Suc (size_list size ts)"
  by (induct ts) auto

lemma size_simp2:
  "t  set ts  size t < Suc (Suc (size s + size_list size ts))"
  by (induct ts) auto

lemma size_simp3:
  assumes "(x, y)  set (zip xs ys)"
  shows "size x < Suc (size_list size xs)"
  using set_zip_leftD [OF assms]  size_simp1 by auto

lemma size_simp4:
  assumes "(x, y)  set (zip xs ys)"
  shows "size y < Suc (size_list size ys)"
  using set_zip_rightD [OF assms] using size_simp1 by auto

lemmas size_simps =
  size_simp1 size_simp2 size_simp3 size_simp4 size_simp5 size_simp6

declare size_simps [termination_simp]

lemma supt_size:
  "s  t  size s > size t"
  by (induct rule: supt.induct) (auto simp: size_simps)

lemma supteq_size:
  "s  t  size s  size t"
  by (induct rule: supteq.induct) (auto simp: size_simps)

text ‹Reflexivity and Asymmetry.›

lemma reflcl_supteq [simp]:
  "supteq= = supteq" by auto

lemma trancl_supteq [simp]:
  "supteq+ = supteq"
  by (rule trancl_id) (auto simp: trans_def intro: supteq_trans)

lemma rtrancl_supteq [simp]:
  "supteq* = supteq"
  unfolding trancl_reflcl[symmetric] by auto

lemma eq_supteq: "s = t  s  t" by auto

lemma supt_neqD: "s  t  s  t" using supt_size by auto

lemma supteq_Var [simp]:
  "x  vars_term t  t  Var x"
proof (induct t)
  case (Var y) then show ?case by (cases "x = y") auto
  case (Fun f ss) then show ?case by (auto)

lemmas vars_term_supteq = supteq_Var

lemma term_not_arg [iff]:
  "Fun f ss  set ss" (is "?t  set ss")
  assume "?t  set ss"
  then have "?t  ?t" by (auto)
  then have "?t  ?t" by (auto dest: supt_neqD)
  then show False by simp

lemma supt_Fun [simp]:
  assumes "s  Fun f ss" (is "s  ?t") and "s  set ss"
  shows "False"
proof -
  from s  set ss have "?t  s" by (auto)
  then have "size ?t > size s" by (rule supt_size)
  from s  ?t have "size s > size ?t" by (rule supt_size)
  with size ?t > size s show False by simp

lemma supt_supteq_conv: "s  t = (s  t  s  t)"
  assume "s  t" then show "s  t  s  t"
  proof (induct rule: supt.induct)
    case (subt s ss t f)
    have "s  s" ..
    from s  set ss have "Fun f ss  s" by (auto)
    from s  t  s  t have "s  t" ..
    with Fun f ss  s have first: "Fun f ss  t" by (rule supteq_trans)
    from s  set ss and s  t have "Fun f ss  t" ..
    then have second: "Fun f ss  t" by (auto dest: supt_neqD)
    from first and second show "Fun f ss  t  Fun f ss  t" by auto
  qed (auto simp: size_simps)
  assume "s  t  s  t"
  then have "s  t" and "s  t" by auto
  then show "s  t" by (induct) (auto)

lemma supt_not_sym: "s  t  ¬ (t  s)"
  assume "s  t" and "t  s" then have "s  s" by (rule supt_trans)
  then show False unfolding supt_supteq_conv by simp

lemma supt_irrefl[iff]: "¬ t  t"
  using supt_not_sym[of t t] by auto

lemma irrefl_subt: "irrefl {⊲}" by (auto simp: irrefl_def)

lemma supt_imp_supteq: "s  t  s  t"
  unfolding supt_supteq_conv by auto

lemma supt_supteq_not_supteq: "s  t = (s  t  ¬ (t  s))"
  using supt_not_sym unfolding supt_supteq_conv by auto

lemma supteq_supt_conv: "(s  t) = (s  t  s = t)" by (auto simp: supt_supteq_conv)

lemma supteq_antisym:
  assumes "s  t" and "t  s" shows "s = t"
  using assms unfolding supteq_supt_conv by (auto simp: supt_not_sym)

text ‹The subterm relation is an order on terms.›
interpretation subterm: order "(⊴)" "(⊲)"
  by (unfold_locales)
    (rule supt_supteq_not_supteq, auto intro: supteq_trans supteq_antisym supt_supteq_not_supteq)

text ‹More transitivity rules.›
lemma supt_supteq_trans[trans]:
  "s  t  t  u  s  u"
  by (metis subterm.le_less_trans)

lemma supteq_supt_trans[trans]:
  "s  t  t  u  s  u"
  by (metis subterm.less_le_trans)

declare subterm.le_less_trans[trans]
declare subterm.less_le_trans[trans]

lemma suptE [elim]: "s  t  (s  t  P)  (s  t  P)  P"
  by (auto simp: supt_supteq_conv)

lemmas suptI [intro] =

lemma supt_supteq_set_conv:
  "{⊳} = {⊵} - Id"
  using supt_supteq_conv [to_set] by auto

lemma supteq_supt_set_conv:
  "{⊵} = {⊳}="
  by (auto simp: supt_supteq_conv)

lemma supteq_imp_vars_term_subset:
  "s  t  vars_term t  vars_term s"
  by (induct rule: supteq.induct) auto

lemma set_supteq_into_supt [simp]:
  assumes "t  set ts" and "t  s"
  shows "Fun f ts  s"
proof -
  from t  s have "t = s  t  s" by auto
  then show ?thesis
    assume "t = s"
    with t  set ts show ?thesis by auto
    assume "t  s"
    from supt.subt[OF t  set ts this] show ?thesis .

text ‹The superterm relation is strongly normalizing.›
lemma SN_supt:
  "SN {⊳}"
  unfolding SN_iff_wf by (rule wf_subset) (auto intro: supt_size)

lemma supt_not_refl[elim!]:
  assumes "t  t" shows False
  using assms order.strict_iff_order by blast

lemma supteq_not_supt [elim]:
  assumes "s  t" and "¬ (s  t)"
  shows "s = t"
  using assms suptI by blast

lemma supteq_not_supt_conv [simp]:
  "{⊵} - {⊳} = Id" by auto

lemma supteq_subst [simp, intro]:
  assumes "s  t" shows "s  σ  t  σ"
  using assms
proof (induct rule: supteq.induct)
  case (subt u ss t f)
  from u  set ss have "u  σ  set (map (λt. t  σ) ss)" "u  σ  u  σ" by auto
  then have "Fun f ss  σ  u  σ" unfolding eval_term.simps by blast
  from this and u  σ  t  σ show ?case by (rule supteq_trans)
qed auto

lemma supt_subst [simp, intro]:
  assumes "s  t" shows "s  σ  t  σ"
  using assms
proof (induct rule: supt.induct)
  case (arg s ss f)
  then have "s  σ  set (map (λt. t  σ) ss)" by simp
  then show ?case unfolding eval_term.simps by (rule supt.arg)
  case (subt u ss t f)
  from u  set ss have "u  σ  set (map (λt. t  σ) ss)" by simp
  then have "Fun f ss  σ  u  σ" unfolding eval_term.simps by (rule supt.arg)
  with u  σ  t  σ show ?case by (metis supt_trans)

lemma subterm_induct:
  assumes "t. st. P s  P t"
  shows [case_names subterm]: "P t"
  by (rule wf_induct[OF wf_measure[of size], of P t], rule assms, insert supt_size, auto)

subsection ‹Contexts›

text ‹A ‹context› is a term containing exactly one ‹hole›.›

text ‹We generalize contexts to ‹abstract contexts› so
that arguments can be arbitrary elements.›

datatype ('f,'a) actxt =
  Hole () | More 'f "'a list" "('f,'a) actxt" "'a list"

declare actxt.map_ident[simp]

type_synonym ('f,'v) ctxt = "('f,('f,'v) term) actxt"

fun map_ctxt where
  "map_ctxt f v  = "
| "map_ctxt f v (More g ls C rs) =
  More (f g) (map (map_term f v) ls) (map_ctxt f v C) (map (map_term f v) rs)"

fun vars_ctxt where
  "vars_ctxt  = {}"
| "vars_ctxt (More f ls C rs) =
  (vars_term ` set ls)  vars_ctxt C  (vars_term ` set rs)"

fun funs_ctxt where
  "funs_ctxt  = {}"
| "funs_ctxt (More f ls C rs) =
  insert f ((funs_term ` set ls)  funs_ctxt C  (funs_term ` set rs))"

text ‹
  Interpretation of abstract context.

primrec intp_actxt ((1__;/_)[999,0,0]100) where
  "IHole;a = a"
| "IMore f ls C rs;a = I f (ls @ IC;a # rs)"

text ‹
  We also say that we apply a context~@{term C} to a term~@{term t} when we
  replace the hole in a @{term C} by @{term t}.

abbreviation ctxt_apply_term (‹__ [1000, 0] 1000) where
  "Cs  FunC;s"

primrec actxt_compose (infixl c 75) where
  "Hole c D = D"
| "More f ls C rs c D = More f ls (C c D) rs"

lemma intp_actxt_compose: "IC c D;a = IC;ID;a"
  by (induct C, auto)

thm intp_actxt_compose[of Fun]
abbreviation "map_args_actxt  map_actxt (λx. x)"

abbreviation eval_ctxt ((1__c/ _)[999,1,100]100) where
  "ICc α  map_args_actxt (λt. Itα) C"

lemma eval_ctxt_simps:
  "Ic α = "
  "IMore f ls C rsc α = More f [Ilα. l  ls] (ICc α) [Irα. r  rs]"

lemma eval_ctxt: "ICsα = IICc α; Isα"
  by (induct C, auto)

text ‹Applying substitutions to contexts.›

abbreviation subst_apply_actxt (infixl c 67) where
  "C c θ  map_args_actxt (λt. t  θ) C"

lemma apply_ctxt_Var[simp]: "C c Var = C"
  by (simp add: actxt.map_id0[unfolded id_def])

lemma eval_subst_ctxt: "IC c θc ρ = ICc Iθs ρ"
  apply (induct C) by (auto simp: eval_subst[symmetric])

lemmas ctxt_subst_subst[simp] = eval_subst_ctxt[of Fun]

lemma ctxt_eq [simp]:
  "(Cs = Ct) = (s = t)" by (induct C) auto

lemma size_ctxt: "size t  size (Ct)"
  by (induct C) simp_all

lemma size_ne_ctxt: "C    size t < size (Ct)"
  by (induct C) force+

interpretation ctxt_monoid_mult: monoid_mult "" "(∘c)"
  fix C D E :: "('f, 'b) actxt"
  show "C c D c E = C c (D c E)" by (induct C) simp_all
  show " c C = C" by simp
  show "C c  = C" by (induct C) simp_all

instantiation actxt :: (type, type) monoid_mult
definition [simp]: "1 = "
definition [simp]: "(*) = (∘c)"
instance by (intro_classes) (simp_all add: ac_simps)

lemmas ctxt_ctxt_compose[simp] = intp_actxt_compose[of Fun]

lemmas ctxt_ctxt = ctxt_ctxt_compose [symmetric]

lemmas subst_apply_term_ctxt_apply_distrib [simp] = eval_ctxt[of Fun]

lemma eval_ctxt_compose_distrib:
  "IC c Dc σ = (ICc σ) c (IDc σ)"
  by (induct C) auto

lemmas subst_compose_ctxt_compose_distrib [simp] =
  eval_ctxt_compose_distrib[of Fun]

lemma eval_ctxt_eval_subst:
  "ICc (Iσs τ) = IC c σc τ"
  by (induct C) (auto simp: eval_ctxt eval_subst eval_ctxt_compose_distrib)

lemmas ctxt_compose_subst_compose_distrib [simp] =
  eval_ctxt_eval_subst[of Fun]

subsection ‹The Connection between Contexts and the Superterm Relation›

lemma ctxt_imp_supteq [simp]:
  shows "Ct  t" by (induct C) auto

lemma supteq_ctxtE[elim]:
  assumes "s  t" obtains C where "s = Ct"
  using assms 
proof (induct arbitrary: thesis)
  case (refl s)
  have "s = s" by simp
  from refl[OF this] show ?case .
  case (subt u ss t f)
  then obtain C where "u = Ct" by auto
  from split_list[OF u  set ss] obtain ss1 and ss2 where "ss = ss1 @ u # ss2" by auto
  then have "Fun f ss = (More f ss1 C ss2)t" using u = Ct by simp
  with subt show ?case by best

lemma ctxt_supteq[intro]:
  assumes "s = Ct" shows "s  t"
  by (simp add: assms)

lemma supteq_ctxt_conv: "(s  t) = (C. s = Ct)" 
  by auto

lemma supt_ctxtE[elim]:
  assumes "s  t" obtains C where "C  " and "s = Ct"
  by (metis assms intp_actxt.simps(1) subterm.less_le_not_le supteq_ctxtE)

lemma ctxt_supt[intro 2]:
  assumes "C  " and "s = Ct" shows "s  t"
  by (metis assms ctxt_supteq not_less_iff_gr_or_eq size_ne_ctxt suptI)

lemma supt_ctxt_conv: "(s  t) = (C. C    s = Ct)" (is "_ = ?rhs")
  by auto

lemma nectxt_imp_supt_ctxt: "C    Ct  t" 
  by auto

lemma supt_var: "¬ (Var x  u)"
  using supt.cases by blast

lemma supt_const: "¬ (Fun f []  u)"
  by (metis empty_iff empty_set subterm.less_le_not_le supteq.cases term.sel(4))

lemma supteq_var_imp_eq:
  "(Var x  t) = (t = Var x)" (is "_ = (_ = ?x)")
  by (metis subterm.order.eq_iff suptI supt_var)

lemma Var_supt [elim!]:
  assumes "Var x  t" shows P
  using assms supt_var[of x t] by simp

lemma Fun_supt [elim]:
  assumes "Fun f ts  s" obtains t where "t  set ts" and "t  s"
  using assms by (cases) (auto simp: supt_supteq_conv)

lemma inj_ctxt_apply_term: "inj (ctxt_apply_term C)"
  by (auto simp: inj_on_def)

lemma ctxt_subst_eq: "(x. x  vars_ctxt C  σ x = τ x)  C c σ = C c τ"
proof (induct C)
  case (More f bef C aft)
  { fix t
    assume t:"t  set bef"
    have "t  σ = t  τ" using t More(2) by (auto intro: term_subst_eq)
  { fix t
    assume t:"t  set aft"
    have "t  σ = t  τ" using t More(2) by (auto intro: term_subst_eq)
  moreover have "C c σ = C c τ" using More by auto
  ultimately show ?case by auto
qed auto

text ‹
  A ‹signature› is a set of function symbol/arity pairs, where the arity of a function symbol,
  denotes the number of arguments it expects.
type_synonym 'f sig = "('f × nat) set"

text ‹The set of all function symbol/ arity pairs occurring in a term.›
fun funas_term :: "('f, 'v) term  'f sig"
    "funas_term (Var _) = {}" |
    "funas_term (Fun f ts) = {(f, length ts)}  (set (map funas_term ts))"

lemma finite_funas_term:
  "finite (funas_term t)"
  by (induct t) auto

lemma supt_imp_funas_term_subset:
  assumes "s  t"
  shows "funas_term t  funas_term s"
  using assms by induct auto

lemma supteq_imp_funas_term_subset[simp]:
  assumes "s  t"
  shows "funas_term t  funas_term s"
  by (metis order_eq_iff assms suptI supt_imp_funas_term_subset)

text ‹The set of all function symbol/arity pairs occurring in a context.›
fun funas_ctxt :: "('f, 'v) ctxt  'f sig"
    "funas_ctxt Hole = {}" |
    "funas_ctxt (More f ss1 D ss2) = {(f, Suc (length (ss1 @ ss2)))}
      funas_ctxt D  (set (map funas_term (ss1 @ ss2)))"

lemma funas_term_ctxt_apply [simp]:
  "funas_term (Ct) = funas_ctxt C  funas_term t"
  by (induct C, auto)

lemma funas_term_subst:
  "funas_term (t  σ) = funas_term t  (funas_term ` σ ` vars_term t)"
  by (induct t) auto

lemma funas_ctxt_compose [simp]:
  "funas_ctxt (C c D) = funas_ctxt C  funas_ctxt D"
  by (induct C) auto

lemma funas_ctxt_subst [simp]:
  "funas_ctxt (C c σ) = funas_ctxt C  (funas_term ` σ ` vars_ctxt C)"
  by (induct C, auto simp: funas_term_subst)
