Theory TopologicalProps

theory TopologicalProps
  imports Main FactoredSystem ActionSeqProcess SetUtils

section "Topological Properties"
subsection "Basic Definitions and Properties"

definition PLS_charles where
  "PLS_charles s as PROB  {length as' | as'. 
    (as'  valid_plans PROB)  (exec_plan s as' = exec_plan s as)}"

definition MPLS_charles where
  "MPLS_charles PROB  {Inf (PLS_charles (fst p) (snd p) PROB) | p. 
    ((fst p)  valid_states PROB) 
     ((snd p)  valid_plans PROB)

― ‹NOTE name shortened to 'problem\_plan\_bound\_charles'.›
definition problem_plan_bound_charles where
  "problem_plan_bound_charles PROB  Sup (MPLS_charles PROB)"

― ‹NOTE name shortened to 'PLS\_state'.›  
definition PLS_state_1 where
  "PLS_state_1 s as  length ` {as'. (exec_plan s as' = exec_plan s as)}"

― ‹NOTE name shortened to 'MPLS\_stage\_1'.›
definition MPLS_stage_1 where
  "MPLS_stage_1 PROB  
    (λ (s, as). Inf (PLS_state_1 s as)) 
    ` {(s, as). (s  valid_states PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB)}

― ‹NOTE name shortened to 'problem\_plan\_bound\_stage\_1'.›
definition problem_plan_bound_stage_1 where
  "problem_plan_bound_stage_1 PROB  Sup (MPLS_stage_1 PROB)"
for PROB :: "'a problem"

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
definition PLS where
  "PLS s as  length ` {as'. (exec_plan s as' = exec_plan s as)  (subseq as' as)}"

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹NOTE proof finite PLS for use in 'proof in\_MPLS\_leq\_2\_pow\_n\_i'› 
lemma finite_PLS: "finite (PLS s as)"
proof -
  let ?S = "{as'. (exec_plan s as' = exec_plan s as)  (subseq as' as)}"
  let ?S1 = "length ` {as'. (exec_plan s as' = exec_plan s as) }" 
  let ?S2 = "length ` {as'. (subseq as' as)}"
  let ?n = "length as + 1"
  have "finite ?S2"
    using bounded_nat_set_is_finite[where n = ?n and N = ?S2]
    by fastforce
  moreover have "length ` ?S  (?S1  ?S2)"
    by blast
  ultimately have "finite (length ` ?S)"
    using infinite_super 
    by auto 
  then show ?thesis 
    unfolding PLS_def 
    by blast

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
definition MPLS where
    (λ (s, as). Inf (PLS s as)) 
    ` {(s, as). (s  valid_states PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB)}

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
definition problem_plan_bound where
  "problem_plan_bound PROB  Sup (MPLS PROB)"

lemma expanded_problem_plan_bound_thm_1: 
  fixes PROB
  shows " 
    (problem_plan_bound PROB) = Sup (
      (λ(s,as). Inf (PLS s as)) `
      {(s, as). (s  (valid_states PROB))  (as  valid_plans PROB)}
  unfolding problem_plan_bound_def MPLS_def 
  by blast

lemma expanded_problem_plan_bound_thm: 
  fixes PROB :: "(('a, 'b) fmap × ('a, 'b) fmap) set"
  shows "
    problem_plan_bound PROB = Sup ({Inf (PLS s as) | s as. 
      (s  valid_states PROB) 
       (as  valid_plans PROB)
proof -
    have "(
        {Inf (PLS s as) | s as. (s  valid_states PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB)}
      ) = ((λ(s, as). Inf (PLS s as)) ` {(s, as).
        (s  valid_states PROB) 
         (as  valid_plans PROB)
      by fast
    also have " = 
      (λ(s, as). Inf (PLS s as)) ` 
      ({s. fmdom' s = prob_dom PROB} × {as. set as  PROB})
      unfolding valid_states_def valid_plans_def
      by simp
    finally have "
      Sup ({Inf (PLS s as) | s as. (s  valid_states PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB)})
      = Sup (
        (λ(s, as). Inf (PLS s as)) ` 
        ({s. fmdom' s = prob_dom PROB} × {as. set as  PROB})
      by argo
  moreover have "
    problem_plan_bound PROB 
      Sup ((λ(s, as). Inf (PLS s as)) ` 
      ({s. fmdom' s = prob_dom PROB} × {as. set as  PROB}))
    unfolding problem_plan_bound_def MPLS_def valid_states_def valid_plans_def
    by fastforce
  ultimately show "
    problem_plan_bound PROB 
    = Sup ({Inf (PLS s as) | s as. 
      (s  valid_states PROB) 
       (as  valid_plans PROB)
    by argo 

subsection "Recurrence Diameter" 

text ‹ The recurrence diameter---defined as the longest simple path in the digraph modelling the
state space---provides a loose upper bound on the system diameter. [Abdulaziz et al., Definition 9, 
p.15] ›

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
― ‹NOTE 'fun' because of multiple defining equations, pattern matches.›
fun valid_path where
  "valid_path Pi [] = True"
| "valid_path Pi [s] = (s  valid_states Pi)"
| "valid_path Pi (s1 # s2 # rest) = (
  (s1  valid_states Pi) 
   (a. (a  Pi)  (exec_plan s1 [a] = s2))
   (valid_path Pi (s2 # rest))

lemma valid_path_ITP2015: "
  (valid_path Pi []  True)
   (valid_path Pi [s]  (s  valid_states Pi))
   (valid_path Pi (s1 # s2 # rest) 
      (s1  valid_states Pi) 
        (a  Pi)
         (exec_plan s1 [a] = s2)
       (valid_path Pi (s2 # rest))
  using valid_states_def
  by simp

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
― ‹NOTE second declaration skipped (declared twice in source).›
definition RD where
  "RD Pi  (Sup {length p - 1 | p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p})"
for Pi :: "'a problem"

lemma in_PLS_leq_2_pow_n: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and s :: "'a state" and as
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)" 
  shows "(x. 
    (x  PLS s as) 
     (x  (2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB)) - 1)
proof -
  obtain as' where 1:
    "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'" "subseq as' as" "length as'  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1" 
    using assms main_lemma 
    by blast
  let ?x="length as'"
  have "?x  PLS s as" 
    unfolding PLS_def
    using 1
    by simp
  moreover have "?x  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"
    using 1(3)
    by blast
  ultimately show "(x. 
    (x  PLS s as) 
     (x  (2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB)) - 1)
    unfolding PLS_def
    by blast

lemma in_MPLS_leq_2_pow_n: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and x
  assumes "finite PROB" "(x  MPLS PROB)"
  shows "(x  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1)" 
proof -
  let ?mpls = "MPLS PROB"
    ― ‹NOTE obtain p = (s, as) where 'x = Inf (PLS s as)' from premise.›
  have "?mpls = 
    (λ (s, as). Inf (PLS s as)) ` 
    {(s, as).  (s  valid_states PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB)}
    using MPLS_def 
    by blast
  then obtain s :: "('a, bool) fmap" and as :: "(('a, bool) fmap × ('a, bool) fmap) list" 
    where obtain_s_as: "x  
      ((λ (s, as). Inf (PLS s as)) ` 
      {(s, as). (s  valid_states PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB)})
    using assms(2) 
    by blast
  then have 
    "x  {Inf (PLS (fst p) (snd p)) | p. (fst p  valid_states PROB)  (snd p  valid_plans PROB)}" 
    using assms(1) obtain_s_as 
    by auto
  then have 
    " p. x = Inf (PLS (fst p) (snd p))  (fst p  valid_states PROB)  (snd p  valid_plans PROB)" 
    by blast
  then obtain p :: "('a, bool) fmap × (('a, bool) fmap × ('a, bool) fmap) list" where obtain_p:
    "x = Inf (PLS (fst p) (snd p))" "(fst p  valid_states PROB)" "(snd p  valid_plans PROB)" 
    by blast 
  then have "fst p  valid_states PROB" "snd p  valid_plans PROB"
    using obtain_p 
    by blast+    
  then obtain x' :: nat where obtain_x':
    "x'  PLS (fst p) (snd p)  x'  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1" 
    using assms(1) in_PLS_leq_2_pow_n[where s = "fst p" and as = "snd p"]
    by blast
  then have 1: "x'  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1" "x'  PLS (fst p) (snd p)" 
    "x = Inf (PLS (fst p) (snd p))" "finite (PLS (fst p) (snd p))"
    using obtain_x' obtain_p finite_PLS 
    by blast+
  moreover have "x  x'" 
    using 1(2, 4) obtain_p(1) cInf_le_finite
    by blast
  ultimately show "(x  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1)"
    by linarith

  assumes "finite (Pi :: 'a problem)"
  shows "finite (MPLS Pi)"
proof -
  have "x  MPLS Pi. x  2 ^ card (prob_dom Pi) - 1"
    using assms in_MPLS_leq_2_pow_n
    by blast
  then show "finite (MPLS Pi)" 
    using mems_le_finite[of "MPLS Pi" "2 ^ card (prob_dom Pi) - 1"]
    by blast

― ‹NOTE 'fun' because of multiple defining equations.›
fun statelist' where
  "statelist' s [] = [s]"
| "statelist' s (a # as) = (s # statelist' (state_succ s a) as)"

lemma LENGTH_statelist': 
  fixes as s
  shows "length (statelist' s as) = (length as + 1)"
  by (induction as arbitrary: s) auto

lemma valid_path_statelist': 
  fixes as and s :: "('a, 'b) fmap"
  assumes "(as  valid_plans Pi)" "(s  valid_states Pi)"
  shows "(valid_path Pi (statelist' s as))"
  using assms 
proof (induction as arbitrary: s Pi)
  case cons: (Cons a as)
  then have 1: "a  Pi" "as  valid_plans Pi"
    using valid_plan_valid_head valid_plan_valid_tail 
    by metis+
  then show ?case     
  proof (cases as)
    case Nil
      have "state_succ s a  valid_states Pi"
        using 1 cons.prems(2) valid_action_valid_succ
        by blast
      then have "valid_path Pi [state_succ s a]"
        using 1 cons.prems(2) cons.IH
        by force
      moreover have "(aa. aa  Pi  exec_plan s [aa] = state_succ s a)"
        using 1(1) 
        by fastforce
      ultimately have "valid_path Pi (statelist' s [a])" 
        using cons.prems(2)
        by simp
    then show ?thesis 
      using Nil
      by blast
    case (Cons b list)
      have "s  valid_states Pi" 
        using cons.prems(2)
        by simp
          ― ‹TODO this step is inefficient (~5s).›
      then have 
        "valid_path Pi (state_succ s a # statelist' (state_succ (state_succ s a) b) list)"
        using 1 cons.IH cons.prems(2) Cons lemma_1_i
        by fastforce
      moreover have 
        "(aa b. (aa, b)  Pi  state_succ s (aa, b) = state_succ s a)"
        using 1(1) surjective_pairing
        by metis
      ultimately have "valid_path Pi (statelist' s (a # b # list))" 
        using cons.prems(2)
        by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      using Cons
      by blast
qed simp

― ‹TODO explicit proof.›
lemma statelist'_exec_plan: 
  fixes a s p
  assumes "(statelist' s as = p)"
  shows "(exec_plan s as = last p)"
  using assms 
  apply(induction as arbitrary: s p)
  apply(cases "as")
    (metis LENGTH_statelist' One_nat_def add_Suc_right list.size(3) nat.simps(3))
    (metis (no_types) LENGTH_statelist' One_nat_def add_Suc_right list.size(3) nat.simps(3))

lemma statelist'_EQ_NIL: "statelist' s as  []"
  by (cases as) auto

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma statelist'_TAKE_i:
  assumes "Suc m  length (a # as)"
  shows "m  length as"
  using assms 
  by (induction as arbitrary: a m) auto

lemma statelist'_TAKE: 
  fixes as s p
  assumes "(statelist' s as = p)"
  shows "(n. n  length as  (exec_plan s (take n as)) = (p ! n))" 
  using assms
proof (induction as arbitrary: s p)
  case Nil
    fix n
    assume P1: "n  length []"
    then have "exec_plan s (take n []) = s" 
      by simp
    moreover have "p ! 0 = s" 
      using Nil.prems 
      by force
    ultimately have "exec_plan s (take n []) = p ! n" 
      using P1
      by simp
  then show ?case by blast
  case (Cons a as)
    fix n
    assume P2: "n  length (a # as)"
    then have "exec_plan s (take n (a # as)) = p ! n" 
      using Cons.prems 
    proof (cases "n = 0")
      case False
      then obtain m where a: "n = Suc m"
        using not0_implies_Suc
        by presburger
      moreover have b: "statelist' s (a # as) ! n = statelist' (state_succ s a) as ! m"
        using a nth_Cons_Suc
        by simp
      moreover have c: "exec_plan s (take n (a # as)) = exec_plan (state_succ s a) (take m as)"
        using a
        by force
      moreover have "m  length as" 
        using a P2 statelist'_TAKE_i
        by simp
      moreover have 
        "exec_plan (state_succ s a) (take m as) = statelist' (state_succ s a) as ! m"
        using calculation(2, 3, 4) Cons.IH
        by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis 
        using Cons.prems
        by argo
    qed fastforce
  then show ?case by blast

lemma MPLS_nempty: 
  fixes PROB :: "(('a, 'b) fmap × ('a, 'b) fmap) set" 
  assumes "finite PROB"
  shows "MPLS PROB  {}"
proof -
  let ?S="{(s, as). s  valid_states PROB  as  valid_plans PROB}"
    ― ‹NOTE type of 's' had to be fixed for 'valid\_states\_nempty'.›
  obtain s :: "('a, 'b) fmap"  where "s  valid_states PROB"
    using assms valid_states_nempty
    by blast
  moreover have "[]  valid_plans PROB"
    using empty_plan_is_valid
    by auto
  ultimately have "(s, [])  ?S" 
    by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    unfolding MPLS_def
    by blast

theorem bound_main_lemma: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" 
  assumes "finite PROB"
  shows "(problem_plan_bound PROB  (2 ^ (card (prob_dom PROB))) - 1)"
proof -
  have "MPLS PROB  {}"
    using assms MPLS_nempty
    by auto
  moreover have "(x. x  MPLS PROB  x  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1)"
    using assms in_MPLS_leq_2_pow_n
    by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding problem_plan_bound_def
    using cSup_least 
    by blast

― ‹NOTE types in premise had to be fixed to be able to match `valid\_as\_valid\_exec`.›
lemma bound_child_parent_card_state_set_cons: 
  fixes P f
  assumes "((PROB :: 'a problem) as (s :: 'a state). 
    (P PROB) 
     (as  valid_plans PROB) 
     (s  valid_states PROB) 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       (subseq as' as) 
       (length as' < f PROB)
  shows "(PROB s as. 
    (P PROB)
     (as  valid_plans PROB)
     (s  (valid_states PROB))
      (x  PLS s as) 
       (x < f PROB)
proof -
    fix PROB :: "'a problem" and as and s :: "'a state"
    assume P1: "(P PROB)" 
      "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
      "(s  valid_states PROB)" 
        (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
         (subseq as' as) 
         (length as' < f PROB)
    have "(exec_plan s as  valid_states PROB)"
      using assms P1 valid_as_valid_exec
      by blast
    then have "(P PROB)
       (as  valid_plans PROB)
       (s  (valid_states PROB))
        (x  PLS s as) 
         (x < f PROB)
      unfolding PLS_def 
      using P1 
      by force
  then show "(PROB s as. 
    (P PROB)
     (as  valid_plans PROB)
     (s  (valid_states PROB))
      (x  PLS s as) 
       (x < f PROB)
    using assms
    by simp

― ‹NOTE types of premise had to be fixed to be able to use lemma `bound\_child\_parent\_card\_state\_set\_cons`.›
lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS: 
  fixes P f
  assumes "((PROB :: 'a problem) as (s :: 'a state).
    (P PROB) 
     (s  valid_states PROB) 
     (as  valid_plans PROB) 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       (subseq as' as) 
       (length as' < f PROB)
  shows "(PROB x. P PROB
     (x  MPLS(PROB)) 
     (x < f PROB)
proof -
    fix PROB :: "'a problem" and as and s :: "'a state"
    assume "(P PROB)"
      "(s  valid_states PROB)"
      "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
        (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
         (subseq as' as) 
         (length as' < f PROB)
    then have "(x. x  PLS s as  x < f PROB)"
      using assms(1) bound_child_parent_card_state_set_cons[where P = P and f = f]
      by presburger
  note 1 = this
    fix PROB x
    assume P1: "P PROB" "x  MPLS PROB"
      ― ‹TODO refactor 'x\_in\_MPLS\_if' and use here.›
    then obtain s as where a:
      "x = Inf (PLS s as)" "s  valid_states PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB"
      unfolding MPLS_def
      by auto
    moreover have "(as'. 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       (subseq as' as) 
       (length as' < f PROB)
      using P1(1) assms calculation(2, 3) 
      by blast
    ultimately obtain x' where "x'  PLS s as" "x' < f PROB"
      using P1 1
      by blast
    then have "x < f PROB"
      using a(1) mem_lt_imp_MIN_lt
      by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma bound_child_parent_card_state_set_cons_finite: 
  fixes P f
  assumes "(PROB as s.
    P PROB  finite PROB  as  (valid_plans PROB)  s  (valid_states PROB) 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       subseq as' as 
       length as' < f(PROB)
  shows "(PROB s as. 
    P PROB  finite PROB  as  (valid_plans PROB)  (s  (valid_states PROB))
     (x. (x  PLS s as)  x < f PROB)
proof -
    fix PROB s as
    assume "P PROB" "finite PROB" "as  (valid_plans PROB)" "s  (valid_states PROB)"
      " (as'. 
        (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
         subseq as' as 
         length as' < f PROB
      (* NOTE[1]
        moreover have "exec_plan s as ∈ valid_states PROB" 
          using calculation valid_as_valid_exec by blast
    then obtain as' where 
      "(exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')" "subseq as' as" "length as' < f PROB"
      by blast
    moreover have "length as'  PLS s as" 
      unfolding PLS_def
      using calculation
      by fastforce
    ultimately have "(x. (x  PLS s as)  x < f PROB)"
      by blast
  then show "(PROB s as. 
    P PROB  
     finite PROB
     as  (valid_plans PROB)
     (s  (valid_states PROB))
     (x. (x  PLS s as)  x < f PROB)
    using assms
    by auto

lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_finite: 
  fixes P f
  assumes "(PROB as s. 
    P PROB  finite PROB  s  (valid_states PROB)  as  (valid_plans PROB) 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       subseq as' as 
       length as' < f(PROB)
  shows "(PROB x. 
    P PROB  finite PROB 
     (x  MPLS PROB)
     x < f PROB
proof -
    fix PROB x
    assume P1: "P PROB" "finite PROB" "x  MPLS PROB"
      ― ‹TODO refactor 'x\_in\_MPLS\_if' and use here.›
    then obtain s as where a:
      "x = Inf (PLS s as)" "s  valid_states PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB"
      unfolding MPLS_def
      by auto
    moreover have "(as'. 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       (subseq as' as) 
       (length as' < f PROB)
      using P1(1, 2) assms calculation(2, 3)
      by blast
    moreover obtain x' where "x'  PLS s as" "x' < f PROB"
      using PLS_def calculation(4)
      by fastforce 
    then have "x < f PROB" 
      using a(1) mem_lt_imp_MIN_lt 
      by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by blast

lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_problem_plan_bound: 
  fixes P f
  assumes "(PROB as s. 
    (P PROB) 
     finite PROB
     (s  valid_states PROB) 
     (as  valid_plans PROB) 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')
       (subseq as' as)
       (length as' < f PROB)
  shows "(PROB. 
    (P PROB) 
     finite PROB
     (problem_plan_bound PROB < f PROB)
proof -
  have 1: "PROB x. 
    P PROB 
     finite PROB 
     x  MPLS PROB   
     x < f PROB
    using assms bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_finite
    by blast
    fix PROB x
    assume "P PROB  finite PROB 
       x  MPLS PROB   
       x < f PROB
    then have "PROB.
      P PROB  finite PROB 
       problem_plan_bound PROB < f PROB
      unfolding problem_plan_bound_def
      using 1 bound_child_parent_not_eq_last_diff_paths 1 MPLS_nempty
      by metis
    then have "PROB.
      P PROB  finite PROB 
       problem_plan_bound PROB < f PROB
      using MPLS_nempty
      by blast 

  then show "(PROB. 
    (P PROB) 
     finite PROB
     (problem_plan_bound PROB < f PROB)
    using 1
    by blast

lemma bound_child_parent_card_state_set_cons_thesis: 
  assumes "finite PROB" "(as s. 
    as  (valid_plans PROB) 
     s  (valid_states PROB) 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')
       subseq as' as 
       length as' < k
  )" "as  (valid_plans PROB)" "(s  (valid_states PROB))" 
  shows "(x. (x  PLS s as)  x < k)"
  unfolding PLS_def 
  using assms
  by fastforce

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹TODO refactor/move up.›
lemma x_in_MPLS_if: 
  fixes x PROB 
  assumes "x  MPLS PROB"  
  shows "s as. s  valid_states PROB  as  valid_plans PROB  x = Inf (PLS s as)" 
  using assms
  unfolding MPLS_def
  by fast

lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_thesis: 
  assumes "finite PROB" "(as s. 
    (s  valid_states PROB) 
     (as  valid_plans PROB)
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       (subseq as' as)
       (length as' < k)
  )" "(x  MPLS PROB)" 
  shows "(x < k)" 
proof -
  obtain s as where 1: "s  valid_states PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB" "x = Inf (PLS s as)"
    using assms(3) x_in_MPLS_if 
    by blast
  then obtain x' :: nat where "x'  PLS s as" "x' < k" 
    using assms(1, 2) bound_child_parent_card_state_set_cons_thesis 
    by blast
  then have "Inf (PLS s as) < k"
    using mem_lt_imp_MIN_lt 
    by blast
  then show "x < k" 
    using 1
    by simp

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma bounded_MPLS_contains_supremum: 
  fixes PROB
  assumes "finite PROB" "(k. x  MPLS PROB. x < k)" 
  shows "Sup (MPLS PROB)  MPLS PROB" 
proof -
  obtain k where "x  MPLS PROB. x < k" 
    using assms(2)
    by blast
  moreover have "finite (MPLS PROB)"
    using assms(2) finite_nat_set_iff_bounded
    by presburger
  moreover have "MPLS PROB  {}" 
    using assms(1) MPLS_nempty
    by auto
  ultimately show "Sup (MPLS PROB)  MPLS PROB"
    unfolding Sup_nat_def
    by simp

lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_problem_plan_bound_thesis': 
  assumes "finite PROB" "(as s. 
      s  (valid_states PROB) 
       as  (valid_plans PROB)
        (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
         subseq as' as 
         length as' < k
  shows "problem_plan_bound PROB < k" 
proof -
  have 1: "x  MPLS PROB. x < k" 
    using assms(1, 2) bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_thesis 
    by blast
  then have "Sup (MPLS PROB)  MPLS PROB" 
    using assms(1) bounded_MPLS_contains_supremum 
    by auto
  then have "Sup (MPLS PROB) < k" 
    using 1
    by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    unfolding problem_plan_bound_def
    by simp

lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_problem_plan_bound_thesis: 
  assumes "finite PROB" "(as s. 
      (s  valid_states PROB) 
       (as  valid_plans PROB) 
        (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
         (subseq as' as)
         (length as'  k)
  shows "(problem_plan_bound PROB  k)" 
proof -
  have 1: "xMPLS PROB. x < k + 1" 
    using assms(1, 2) bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_thesis[where k = "k + 1"] Suc_eq_plus1 
    by metis
  then have "Sup (MPLS PROB)  MPLS PROB" 
    using assms(1) bounded_MPLS_contains_supremum 
    by fast
  then show "(problem_plan_bound PROB  k)"
    unfolding problem_plan_bound_def 
    using 1
    by fastforce

lemma  bound_on_all_plans_bounds_problem_plan_bound_: 
  fixes P f PROB
  assumes "(PROB' as s. 
      finite PROB  (P PROB')  (s  valid_states PROB')  (as  valid_plans PROB') 
        (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
         (subseq as' as)
         (length as' < f PROB')
    )" "(P PROB)" "finite PROB" 
  shows "(problem_plan_bound PROB < f PROB)"
  unfolding problem_plan_bound_def MPLS_def
  using assms bound_on_all_plans_bounds_problem_plan_bound_thesis' expanded_problem_plan_bound_thm_1
  by metis

  fixes PROB s as
  assumes "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)" 
  shows "(Inf (PLS s as)  (MPLS PROB))" 
  unfolding MPLS_def
  using assms
  by fast

― ‹NOTE type of `s` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
― ‹NOTE premises rewritten to implications for proof set up.›
lemma problem_plan_bound_ge_min_pls: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and s :: "'a state" and as k
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)" 
    "(problem_plan_bound PROB  k)"
  shows "(Inf (PLS s as)  problem_plan_bound PROB)"
proof -
  have "Inf (PLS s as)  MPLS PROB" 
    using assms(2, 3) S_VALID_AS_VALID_IMP_MIN_IN_PLS 
    by blast
  moreover have "finite (MPLS PROB)" 
    using assms(1) FINITE_MPLS 
    by blast
  ultimately have "Inf (PLS s as)  Sup (MPLS PROB)"
    using le_cSup_finite
    by blast 
  then show ?thesis 
    unfolding problem_plan_bound_def
    by simp

lemma  PLS_NEMPTY: 
  fixes s as 
  shows "PLS s as  {}"
  unfolding PLS_def
  by blast

lemma  PLS_nempty_and_has_min: 
  fixes s as 
  shows "(x. (x  PLS s as)  (x = Inf (PLS s as)))"
proof -
  have "PLS s as  {}" 
    using PLS_NEMPTY 
    by blast
  then have "Inf (PLS s as)  PLS s as"
    unfolding Inf_nat_def
    using LeastI_ex Max_in finite_PLS
    by metis 
  then show ?thesis 
    by blast

lemma  PLS_works: 
  fixes x s as
  assumes "(x  PLS s as)" 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')
       (length as' = x) 
       (subseq as' as)
  using assms
  unfolding PLS_def
  by (smt imageE mem_Collect_eq)

― ‹NOTE type of `s` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma problem_plan_bound_works: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and as and s :: "'a state"
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)" 
  shows "(as'. 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       (subseq as' as)
       (length as'  problem_plan_bound PROB)
proof -
  have "problem_plan_bound PROB  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"
    using assms(1) bound_main_lemma 
    by blast
  then have 1: "Inf (PLS s as)  problem_plan_bound PROB"
      assms(1, 2, 3)
    by blast
  then have "x. x  PLS s as  x = Inf (PLS s as)" 
    using PLS_nempty_and_has_min
    by blast 
  then have "Inf (PLS s as)  (PLS s as)"
    by blast 
  then obtain as' where 2:
    "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'" "length as' = Inf (PLS s as)" "subseq as' as"
    using PLS_works
    by blast
  then have "length as'  problem_plan_bound PROB" 
    using 1
    by argo
  then show "(as'. 
    (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
     (subseq as' as)
     (length as'  problem_plan_bound PROB)
    using 2(1) 2(3)
    by blast

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
definition MPLS_s where
  "MPLS_s PROB s  (λ (s, as). Inf (PLS s as)) ` {(s, as) | as. as  valid_plans PROB}"

― ‹NOTE type of `PROB` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma bound_main_lemma_s_3: 
  fixes PROB :: "(('a, 'b) fmap × ('a, 'b) fmap) set" and s
  shows "MPLS_s PROB s  {}"
proof -
  ― ‹TODO @{term "(s, [])  {}"} could be refactored (this is used in 'MPLS\_nempty' too).›
  have "[]  valid_plans PROB" 
    using empty_plan_is_valid 
    by blast
  then have "(s, [])  {(s, as). as  valid_plans PROB}" 
    by simp
  then show "MPLS_s PROB s  {}"
    unfolding MPLS_s_def
    by blast

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
definition problem_plan_bound_s where
  "problem_plan_bound_s PROB s = Sup (MPLS_s PROB s)"

― ‹NOTE removed typing from assumption due to matching problems in later proofs.›
lemma  bound_on_all_plans_bounds_PLS_s: 
  fixes P f 
  assumes "(PROB as s.  
    finite PROB  (P PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB)  (s  valid_states PROB) 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')
       (subseq as' as)
       (length as' < f PROB s)
  shows "(PROB s as. 
    finite PROB  (P PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB)  (s  valid_states PROB)
      (x  PLS s as) 
       (x < f PROB s)

  using assms 
  unfolding PLS_def
  by fastforce

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_s_i:
  fixes PROB s x
  assumes "s  valid_states PROB" "x  MPLS_s PROB s" 
  shows "as. x = Inf (PLS s as)  as  valid_plans PROB" 
proof -
  let ?S="{(s, as) | as. as  valid_plans PROB}"
  obtain x' where 1: 
    "x'  ?S"
    "x = (λ (s, as). Inf (PLS s as)) x'"
    using assms 
    unfolding MPLS_s_def
    by blast
  let ?as="snd x'"
  let ?s="fst x'"
  have "?as  valid_plans PROB"
    using 1(1) 
    by auto
  moreover have "?s = s"
    using 1(1)
    by fastforce
  moreover have "x = Inf (PLS ?s ?as)"
    using 1(2)
    by (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    by blast

lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_s: 
  fixes P f
  assumes "(PROB as s.
    finite PROB  (P PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB)   (s  valid_states PROB)
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       (subseq as' as)
       (length as' < f PROB s)
  shows "(PROB x s. 
    finite PROB  (P PROB)  (s  valid_states PROB)  (x  MPLS_s PROB s) 
      (x < f PROB s)
  using assms
  unfolding MPLS_def

proof -
  have 1: "PROB s as.
     finite PROB  P PROB  as  valid_plans PROB  s  valid_states PROB 
     (x. x  PLS s as  x < f PROB s)"
    using bound_on_all_plans_bounds_PLS_s[OF assms] .
    fix PROB x and s :: "('a, 'b) fmap"
    assume P1: "finite PROB" "(P PROB)" "(s  valid_states PROB)" 
      assume "(x  MPLS_s PROB s)"
      then obtain as where i: "x = Inf (PLS s as)" "as  valid_plans PROB"
        using P1 bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_s_i
        by blast
      then obtain x' where "x'  PLS s as" "x' < f PROB s"
        using P1 i 1
        by blast
      then have "x < f PROB s"
        using mem_lt_imp_MIN_lt i(1) 
        by blast 
    then have "(x  MPLS_s PROB s)  (x < f PROB s)" 
      by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma Sup_MPLS_s_lt_if: 
  fixes PROB s k
  assumes "(xMPLS_s PROB s. x < k)"
  shows "Sup (MPLS_s PROB s) < k"
proof -
  have "MPLS_s PROB s  {}" 
    using bound_main_lemma_s_3
    by fast
  then have "Sup (MPLS_s PROB s)  MPLS_s PROB s"
    using assms Sup_nat_def bounded_nat_set_is_finite
    by force
  then show "Sup (MPLS_s PROB s) < k"
    using assms
    by blast

― ‹NOTE type of `P` had to be fixed (type mismatch in goal).›
lemma bound_child_parent_lemma_s_2: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and P :: "'a problem  bool" and s f
  assumes "((PROB :: 'a problem) as s. 
    finite PROB  (P PROB)  (s  valid_states PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB) 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       (subseq as' as)
       (length as' < f PROB s)
  shows "(
    finite PROB  (P PROB)  (s  valid_states PROB)
     problem_plan_bound_s PROB s < f PROB s
proof -
  ― ‹NOTE manual instantiation is required (automation fails otherwise).›
  have "(PROB :: 'a problem) x s. 
    finite PROB  P PROB  s  valid_states PROB 
     x  MPLS_s PROB s 
     x < f PROB s
    using assms bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_s[of P f]
    by simp
  then show
    "finite PROB  (P PROB)  (s  valid_states PROB)  (problem_plan_bound_s PROB s < f PROB s)"
    unfolding problem_plan_bound_s_def 
    using Sup_MPLS_s_lt_if problem_plan_bound_s_def
    by metis

theorem bound_main_lemma_reachability_s: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and s
  assumes "finite PROB" "s  valid_states PROB" 
  shows "(problem_plan_bound_s PROB s < card (reachable_s PROB s))"
proof -
  ― ‹NOTE derive premise for MP of 'bound\_child\_parent\_lemma\_s\_2'.›
  ― ‹NOTE type of `s` had to be fixed (warning in assumption declaration).›
    fix PROB :: "'a problem" and s :: "'a state" and as
    assume P1: "finite PROB" "s  valid_states PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB"
    then obtain as' where a: "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'" "subseq as' as" 
      "length as'  card (reachable_s PROB s) - 1"
      using P1 main_lemma_reachability_s
      by blast
    then have "length as' < card (reachable_s PROB s)"
      using P1(1, 2) card_reachable_s_non_zero
      by fastforce
    then have "(as'. 
      exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'  subseq as' as  length as' < card (reachable_s PROB s))
      using a 
      by blast
  then have "
    finite PROB  True  s  valid_states PROB 
     problem_plan_bound_s PROB s < card (reachable_s PROB s)
    using bound_child_parent_lemma_s_2[where PROB = PROB and P = "λ_. True" and s = s
        and f = "λPROB s. card (reachable_s PROB s)"]
    by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    using assms(1, 2)
    by blast

lemma  problem_plan_bound_s_LESS_EQ_problem_plan_bound_thm: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and s :: "'a state"
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)"
  shows "(problem_plan_bound_s PROB s < problem_plan_bound PROB + 1)"
proof - 
    fix PROB :: "'a problem" and s :: "'a state" and as
    assume "finite PROB" "s  valid_states PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB" 
    then obtain as' where a: "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'" "subseq as' as" 
      "length as'  problem_plan_bound PROB"
      using problem_plan_bound_works
      by blast
    then have "length as' < problem_plan_bound PROB + 1"
      by linarith
    then have "as'. 
      exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'  subseq as' as  length as'  problem_plan_bound PROB + 1
      using a 
      by fastforce
    ― ‹TODO unsure why a proof is needed at all here.›
  then have "(PROB :: 'a problem) as s.
   finite PROB  True  s  valid_states PROB  as  valid_plans PROB 
    exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'  subseq as' as  length as' < problem_plan_bound PROB + 1)
    by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 problem_plan_bound_works le_imp_less_Suc)
  then show "(problem_plan_bound_s PROB s < problem_plan_bound PROB + 1)" 
    using assms bound_child_parent_lemma_s_2[where PROB = PROB and s = s and P = "λ_. True" 
        and f = "λPROB s. problem_plan_bound PROB + 1"]
    by fast

― ‹NOTE lemma `bound\_main\_lemma\_s\_1` skipped (this is being equivalently redeclared later).›

  fixes PROB as 
  assumes "(as  valid_plans PROB)" 
  shows "(Inf (PLS s as)  MPLS_s PROB s)"
  using assms
  unfolding MPLS_s_def
  by fast

― ‹NOTE moved up because it's used in the following lemma.›
― ‹NOTE type of `s` had to be fixed for 'in\_PLS\_leq\_2\_pow\_n'.›
lemma bound_main_lemma_s_1: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and s :: "'a state" and x
  assumes "finite PROB" "s  (valid_states PROB)" "x  MPLS_s PROB s"
  shows "(x  (2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB)) - 1)"
proof -
  obtain as :: "(('a, bool) fmap × ('a, bool) fmap) list" where "as  valid_plans PROB"
    using empty_plan_is_valid 
    by blast
  then obtain x where 1: "x  PLS s as" "x  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"
    using assms in_PLS_leq_2_pow_n
    by blast
  then have "Inf (PLS s as)  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1" 
    using mem_le_imp_MIN_le[where s = "PLS s as" and k = "2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"]
    by blast
  then have "x  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1" 
    using assms(3) 1
    by blast
      ― ‹TODO unsure why a proof is needed here (typing problem?).›
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(1, 2, 3) S_VALID_AS_VALID_IMP_MIN_IN_PLS bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_s_i 
    by metis

lemma problem_plan_bound_s_ge_min_pls: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and as k s
  assumes "finite PROB" "s  (valid_states PROB)" "as  (valid_plans PROB)" 
    "problem_plan_bound_s PROB s  k"
  shows "(Inf (PLS s as)  problem_plan_bound_s PROB s)"
proof -
  have "xMPLS_s PROB s. x  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"
    using assms(1, 2) bound_main_lemma_s_1 by blast
  then have 1: "finite (MPLS_s PROB s)"
    using mems_le_finite[where s = "MPLS_s PROB s" and k = "2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"]
    by blast
  then have "MPLS_s PROB s  {}" 
    using bound_main_lemma_s_3 
    by fast
  then have "Inf (PLS s as)  MPLS_s PROB s" 
    using assms AS_VALID_MPLS_VALID 
    by blast 
  then show "(Inf (PLS s as)  problem_plan_bound_s PROB s)"
    unfolding problem_plan_bound_s_def 
    using 1 le_cSup_finite 
    by blast

theorem bound_main_lemma_s:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and s
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)"
  shows "(problem_plan_bound_s PROB s  2 ^ (card (prob_dom PROB)) - 1)"
proof -
  have 1: "xMPLS_s PROB s. x  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"
    using assms bound_main_lemma_s_1
    by metis 
  then have "MPLS_s PROB s  {}" 
    using bound_main_lemma_s_3 
    by fast
  then have "Sup (MPLS_s PROB s)  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"
    using 1 bound_main_lemma_2[where s = "MPLS_s PROB s" and k = "2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"]
    by blast
  then show "problem_plan_bound_s PROB s  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"
    unfolding problem_plan_bound_s_def
    by blast

lemma problem_plan_bound_s_works:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and as s
  assumes "finite PROB" "(as  valid_plans PROB)" "(s  valid_states PROB)"
  shows "(as'. 
    (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
     (subseq as' as) 
     (length as'  problem_plan_bound_s PROB s)
proof -
  have "problem_plan_bound_s PROB s  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"
    using assms(1, 3) bound_main_lemma_s 
    by blast
  then have 1: "Inf (PLS s as)  problem_plan_bound_s PROB s"
    using assms problem_plan_bound_s_ge_min_pls[of PROB s as " 2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"]
    by blast
  then obtain x where obtain_x: "x  PLS s as  x = Inf (PLS s as)"
    using PLS_nempty_and_has_min
    by blast
  then have "as'. exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'  length as' = Inf (PLS s as)  subseq as' as"
    using PLS_works[where s = s and as = as and x = "Inf (PLS s as)"]
    by fastforce
  then show "(as'. 
    (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')  (subseq as' as) 
     (length as'  problem_plan_bound_s PROB s)
    using 1
    by metis

― ‹NOTE skipped second declaration (declared twice in source).›
lemma PLS_def_ITP2015: 
  fixes s as
  shows "PLS s as = {length as' | as'. (exec_plan s as' = exec_plan s as)  (subseq as' as)}"
  using PLS_def 
  by blast

― ‹NOTE Set comprehension had to be rewritten to image (there is no pattern matching in the part 
left of the pipe symbol).›
lemma expanded_problem_plan_bound_charles_thm: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" 
  shows " 
    problem_plan_bound_charles PROB 
    = Sup (
        Inf (PLS_charles (fst p) (snd p) PROB) 
        | p. (fst p  valid_states PROB)  (snd p  valid_plans PROB)})
  unfolding problem_plan_bound_charles_def MPLS_charles_def
  by blast

lemma bound_main_lemma_charles_3:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem"
  assumes "finite PROB"
  shows "MPLS_charles PROB  {}"
proof -
  have 1: "[]  valid_plans PROB" 
    using empty_plan_is_valid
    by auto
  then obtain s :: "'a state" where obtain_s: "s  valid_states PROB"
    using assms valid_states_nempty
    by auto
  then  have "Inf (PLS_charles s [] PROB)  MPLS_charles PROB" 
    unfolding MPLS_charles_def
    using 1
    by auto
  then show "MPLS_charles PROB  {}"
    by blast

lemma in_PLS_charles_leq_2_pow_n: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and s as
  assumes "finite PROB" "s  valid_states PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB"
  shows "(x. 
    (x  PLS_charles s as PROB) 
     (x  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1))
proof -
  obtain as' where 1:
    "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'" "subseq as' as" "length as'  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1" 
    using assms main_lemma
    by blast
  then have "as'  valid_plans PROB"
    using assms(3) sublist_valid_plan 
    by blast 
  then have "length as'  PLS_charles s as PROB"
    unfolding PLS_charles_def
    using 1
    by auto
  then show ?thesis 
    using 1(3)
    by fast

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹NOTE this lemma retrieves `s`, `as` for a given @{term "x  MPLS_charles PROB"} and characterizes it as
the minimum of 'PLS\_charles s as PROB'.›
lemma x_in_MPLS_charles_then: 
  fixes PROB s as
  assumes "x  MPLS_charles PROB"
  shows "s as. 
    s  valid_states PROB  as  valid_plans PROB  x = Inf (PLS_charles s as PROB)
proof -
  have "p  {p. (fst p)  valid_states PROB  (snd p)  valid_plans PROB}. x = Inf (PLS_charles (fst p) (snd p) PROB)"
    using MPLS_charles_def assms 
    by fast
  then obtain p where 1:
    "p  {p. (fst p)  valid_states PROB  (snd p)  valid_plans PROB}" 
    "x = Inf (PLS_charles (fst p) (snd p) PROB)"
    by blast
  then have "fst p  valid_states PROB" "snd p  valid_plans PROB" 
    by blast+
  then show ?thesis 
    using 1 
    by fast

lemma in_MPLS_charles_leq_2_pow_n:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and x
  assumes "finite PROB" "x  MPLS_charles PROB"
  shows "x  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"
proof -
  obtain s as where 1:
    "s  valid_states PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB" "x = Inf (PLS_charles s as PROB)"
    using assms(2) x_in_MPLS_charles_then
    by blast
  then obtain x' where 2: "x'  PLS_charles s as PROB""x'  2 ^ card (prob_dom PROB) - 1"
    using assms(1) in_PLS_charles_leq_2_pow_n 
    by blast
  then have "x  x'" 
    using 1(3) mem_le_imp_MIN_le
    by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    using 1 2
    by linarith

lemma bound_main_lemma_charles:
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem"
  assumes "finite PROB"
  shows "problem_plan_bound_charles PROB  2 ^ (card (prob_dom PROB)) - 1"
proof -
  have 1: "xMPLS_charles PROB. x  2 ^ (card (prob_dom PROB)) - 1"
    using assms in_MPLS_charles_leq_2_pow_n
    by blast
  then have "MPLS_charles PROB  {}"
    using assms bound_main_lemma_charles_3
    by blast
  then have "Sup (MPLS_charles PROB)  2 ^ (card (prob_dom PROB)) - 1"
    using 1 bound_main_lemma_2 
    by meson
  then show ?thesis 
    using problem_plan_bound_charles_def
    by metis

lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_PLS_charles:
  fixes P and f
  assumes "(PROB :: 'a problem) as s.
    (P PROB)  finite PROB  (as  valid_plans PROB)  (s  valid_states PROB) 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')  (subseq as' as) (length as' < f PROB))
  shows "(PROB s as. 
    (P PROB)  finite PROB  (as  valid_plans PROB)   (s  valid_states PROB)
      (x  PLS_charles s as PROB) 
       (x < f PROB)))
proof -
    ― ‹NOTE type for 's' had to be fixed (type mismatch in first proof step.›
    fix PROB :: "'a problem" and as and s :: "'a state"
    assume P: 
      "P PROB" "finite PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB" "s  valid_states PROB"
        (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
         (subseq as' as)
         (length as' < f PROB)
    then obtain as' where 1:
      "(exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')" "(subseq as' as)" "(length as' < f PROB)"
      using P(5) 
      by blast
    then have 2: "as'  valid_plans PROB"
      using P(3) sublist_valid_plan 
      by blast 
    let ?x = "length as'"
    have "?x  PLS_charles s as PROB"
      unfolding PLS_charles_def
      using 1 2
      by auto
    then have "x. x  PLS_charles s as PROB  x < f PROB"
      using 1 2 
      by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    using assms 
    by auto

― ‹NOTE added lemma (refactored from `bound\_on\_all\_plans\_bounds\_MPLS\_charles`).›
lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_charles_i:
  assumes "(PROB :: 'a problem) s as.
    (P PROB)  finite PROB  (as  valid_plans PROB)  (s  valid_states PROB)
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as')  (subseq as' as)  (length as' < f PROB))
  shows "(PROB :: 'a problem) s as.
    P PROB  finite PROB  as  valid_plans PROB  s  valid_states PROB
     Inf {n. n  PLS_charles s as PROB} < f PROB
proof -
    fix PROB :: "'a problem" and s as
    have "P PROB  finite PROB  as  valid_plans PROB  s  valid_states PROB
      (x. x  PLS_charles s as PROB  x < f PROB)
      using assms bound_on_all_plans_bounds_PLS_charles[of P f]
      by blast
    then have "
      P PROB  finite PROB  as  valid_plans PROB  s  valid_states PROB
       Inf {n. n  PLS_charles s as PROB} < f PROB
      using mem_lt_imp_MIN_lt CollectI
      by metis
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_charles:
  fixes P f
  assumes "((PROB :: 'a problem) as s. 
    (P PROB)  finite PROB  (s  valid_states PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB) 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       (subseq as' as)
       (length as' < f PROB)
  shows "(PROB x. 
    (P PROB)  finite PROB
     (x  MPLS_charles PROB) 
     (x < f PROB)
proof -
  have 1: "(PROB :: 'a problem) s as. 
    P PROB  finite PROB  as  valid_plans PROB  s  valid_states PROB
     Inf {n. n  PLS_charles s as PROB} < f PROB
    using assms bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_charles_i
    by blast
    fix PROB :: "'a problem" and x
    assume P1: "(P PROB)" "finite PROB" "x  MPLS_charles PROB" 
    then obtain s as where a:
      "as  valid_plans PROB" "s  valid_states PROB" "x = Inf (PLS_charles s as PROB)"
      using x_in_MPLS_charles_then 
      by blast
    then have "Inf {n. n  PLS_charles s as PROB} < f PROB"
      using 1 P1
      by blast
    then have "x < f PROB" 
      using a
      by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma (refactored from 'bound\_on\_all\_plans\_bounds\_problem\_plan\_bound\_charles').›
lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_problem_plan_bound_charles_i: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem"
  assumes "finite PROB" "x  MPLS_charles PROB. x < k"
  shows "Sup (MPLS_charles PROB)  MPLS_charles PROB"
proof -
  have 1: "MPLS_charles PROB  {}" 
    using assms(1) bound_main_lemma_charles_3 
    by auto
  then have "finite (MPLS_charles PROB)"
    using assms(2) finite_nat_set_iff_bounded
    by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    unfolding Sup_nat_def
    using 1
    by simp

lemma bound_on_all_plans_bounds_problem_plan_bound_charles: 
  fixes P f
  assumes "((PROB :: 'a problem) as s. 
    (P PROB)  finite PROB  (s  valid_states PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB) 
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       (subseq as' as)
       (length as' < f PROB)))
  shows "(PROB. 
    (P PROB)  finite PROB  (problem_plan_bound_charles PROB < f PROB))
proof -
  have 1: "PROB x. P PROB  finite PROB  x  MPLS_charles PROB  x < f PROB"
    using assms bound_on_all_plans_bounds_MPLS_charles
    by blast
    fix PROB
    assume P: "P PROB" "finite PROB" 
    moreover have 2: "x. x  MPLS_charles PROB  x < f PROB" 
      using 1 P 
      by blast
      fix x
      assume P1: "x  MPLS_charles PROB" 
      moreover have "x < f PROB"
        using P(1, 2) P1 1
        by presburger
      moreover have "MPLS_charles PROB  {}" 
        using P1
        by blast
      moreover have "Sup (MPLS_charles PROB) < f PROB"
        using calculation(3) 2 bound_child_parent_not_eq_last_diff_paths[of "MPLS_charles PROB" "f PROB"] 
        by blast
      ultimately have "(problem_plan_bound_charles PROB < f PROB)"
        unfolding problem_plan_bound_charles_def 
        by blast
    moreover have "Sup (MPLS_charles PROB)  MPLS_charles PROB" 
      using P(2) 2 bound_on_all_plans_bounds_problem_plan_bound_charles_i
      by blast
    ultimately have "problem_plan_bound_charles PROB < f PROB"
      unfolding problem_plan_bound_charles_def 
      by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

subsection "The Relation between Diameter, Sublist Diameter and Recurrence Diameter Bounds."

text ‹ The goal of this subsection is to verify the relation between diameter, sublist diameter
and recurrence diameter bounds given by HOL4 Theorem 1, i.e.

  @{term "𝖽(δ)  𝗅(δ)  𝗅(δ)  𝗋𝖽(δ)"}

where @{term "𝖽(δ)"}, @{term "𝗅(δ)"} and @{term "𝗋𝖽(δ)"} denote the diameter, sublist diameter and recurrence diameter bounds.
[Abdualaziz et al., p.20]

The relevant lemmas are `sublistD\_bounds\_D` and `RD\_bounds\_sublistD` which culminate in 
theorem `sublistD\_bounds\_D\_and\_RD\_bounds\_sublistD`. ›

lemma sublistD_bounds_D:  
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem"
  assumes "finite PROB"
  shows "problem_plan_bound_charles PROB  problem_plan_bound PROB"
proof -
  ― ‹NOTE obtain the premise needed for MP of 'bound\_on\_all\_plans\_bounds\_problem\_plan\_bound\_charles'.›
    fix PROB :: "'a problem" and s :: "'a state" and as
    assume P: "finite PROB" "s  valid_states PROB" "as  valid_plans PROB" 
    then have "as'. 
      exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'  subseq as' as  length as'  problem_plan_bound PROB
      using problem_plan_bound_works
      by blast
    then have "as'. 
      exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'  subseq as' as  length as' < problem_plan_bound PROB + 1
      by force
  then have "problem_plan_bound_charles PROB < problem_plan_bound PROB + 1"
    using assms bound_on_all_plans_bounds_problem_plan_bound_charles[where f = "λPROB. problem_plan_bound PROB + 1"
        and P = "λ_. True"]
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by simp

― ‹NOTE added lemma (this was adapted from pred\_setScript.sml:4887 with exlusion of the premise for 
the empty set since `Max {}` is undefined in Isabelle/HOL.)›
lemma MAX_SET_ELIM':
  fixes P Q
  assumes "finite P" "P  {}" "(x. (y. y  P  y  x)  x  P  R x)"
  shows "R (Max P)" 
  using assms
  by force

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
― ‹NOTE adapted from pred\_setScript.sml:4895 (premise `finite P` was added).›
lemma MIN_SET_ELIM':
  fixes P Q
  assumes "finite P" "P  {}" "x. (y. y  P  x  y)  x  P  Q x"
  shows "Q (Min P)"
proof -
  let ?x="Min P" 
  have "Min P  P" 
    using Min_in[OF assms(1) assms(2)]
    by simp
  moreover {
    fix y
    assume P: "y  P"
    then have "?x  y"
      using Min.coboundedI[OF assms(1)]
      by blast
    then have "Q ?x" using P assms
      by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma (refactored from `RD\_bounds\_sublistD`).›
lemma RD_bounds_sublistD_i_a:
  fixes Pi :: "'a problem" 
  assumes "finite Pi"
  shows "finite {length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}" 
proof -
    let ?ss="{length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}"
    let ?ss'="{p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}"
    have 1: "?ss = (λx. length x - 1) ` ?ss'"
      by blast
      ― ‹NOTE type of `valid\_states Pi` had to be asserted to match `FINITE\_valid\_states`.›
      let ?S="{p. distinct p  set p  (valid_states Pi :: 'a state set)}"
        from assms have "finite (valid_states Pi :: 'a state set)" 
          using FINITE_valid_states[of Pi]
          by simp
        then have "finite ?S"
          by blast
      moreover {
          fix x
          assume "x  ?ss'"
          then have "x  ?S" 
          proof (induction x)
            case (Cons a x)
            then have a: "valid_path Pi (a # x)" "distinct (a # x)"
              by blast+
            moreover {
              fix x' 
              assume P: "x'  set (a # x)" 
              then have "x'  valid_states Pi" 
              proof (cases "x")
                case Nil
                from a(1) Nil 
                have "a  valid_states Pi"
                  by simp
                moreover from P Nil 
                have "x' = a" 
                  by force
                ultimately show ?thesis
                  by simp
                case (Cons a' list)
                    from Cons.prems have "valid_path Pi (a # x)"
                      by simp
                    then have "a  valid_states Pi" "valid_path Pi (a' # list)"
                      using Cons 
                      by fastforce+
                  note a = this
                  moreover {
                    from Cons.prems have "distinct (a # x)"
                      by blast
                    then have "distinct (a' # list)" 
                      using Cons
                      by simp
                  have "(a' # list)  ?ss'" 
                    by blast
                  then have "(a' # list)  ?S" 
                    using Cons Cons.IH 
                    by argo
                then show ?thesis
                  using P a(1) local.Cons set_ConsD
                  by fastforce
            ultimately show ?case
              by blast
          qed simp
        then have "?ss'  ?S"
          by blast
      ultimately have "finite ?ss'"
        using rev_finite_subset 
        by auto
    note 2 = this
    from 1 2 have "finite ?ss" 
      using finite_imageI
      by auto
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma (refactored from `RD\_bounds\_sublistD`).›
lemma RD_bounds_sublistD_i_b:
  fixes Pi :: "'a problem" 
  shows "{length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}  {}"
proof -
  let ?Q="{length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}"
  let ?Q'="{p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}"
    have "valid_path Pi []"
      by simp
    moreover have "distinct []"
      by simp
    ultimately have "[]  ?Q'"
      by simp
  note 1 = this
  have "?Q = (λp. length p - 1) ` ?Q'" 
    by blast
  then have "length [] - 1  ?Q"
    using 1
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) image_iff list.size(3))
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma (refactored from `RD\_bounds\_sublistD`).›
lemma RD_bounds_sublistD_i_c:
  fixes Pi :: "'a problem" and as :: "(('a, bool) fmap × ('a, bool) fmap) list" and x 
    and s :: "('a, bool) fmap" 
  assumes "s  valid_states Pi" "as  valid_plans Pi" 
    "(y. y  {length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}  y  x)" 
    "x  {length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}"
  shows "Min (PLS s as)  Max {length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}" 
proof -
  let ?P="(PLS s as)"
  let ?Q="{length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}"
  from assms(4) obtain p where 1:
    "x = length p - 1" "valid_path Pi p" "distinct p"
    by blast
    fix p'
    assume "valid_path Pi p'" "distinct p'" 
    then obtain y where "y  ?Q" "y = length p' - 1" 
      by blast
        ― ‹NOTE we cannot infer @{term "length p' - 1  length p - 1"} since `length p' = 0` might be true.›
    then have a: "length p' - 1  length p - 1" 
      using assms(3) 1(1) 
      by meson
  note 2 = this
    from finite_PLS PLS_NEMPTY
    have "finite (PLS s as)" "PLS s as  {}"
      by blast+
    moreover {
      fix n
      assume P: "(y. y  PLS s as  n  y)" "n  PLS s as"
      from P(2) obtain as' where i: 
        "n = length as'" "exec_plan s as' = exec_plan s as" "subseq as' as"
        unfolding PLS_def
        by blast
      let ?p'="statelist' s as'"
        have "length as' = length ?p' - 1" 
          by (simp add: LENGTH_statelist')        
            ― ‹MARKER (topologicalPropsScript.sml:195)›
        have "1 + (length p - 1) = length p - 1 + 1" 
          by presburger
            ― ‹MARKER (topologicalPropsScript.sml:200)›
          from assms(2) i(3) sublist_valid_plan
          have "as'  valid_plans Pi" 
            by blast
          then have "valid_path Pi ?p'"
            using assms(1) valid_path_statelist'
            by auto
        moreover {
            assume C: "¬distinct ?p'"
              ― ‹NOTE renamed variable `drop` to `drop'` to avoid shadowing of the function by the 
            same name in Isabelle/HOL.›
            then obtain rs pfx drop' tail where C_1: "?p' = pfx @ [rs] @ drop' @ [rs] @ tail" 
              using not_distinct_decomp[OF C]
              by fast
            let ?pfxn="length pfx"
            have C_2: "?p' ! ?pfxn = rs"
              by (simp add: C_1) 
            from LENGTH_statelist'
            have C_3: "length as' + 1 = length ?p'" 
              by metis
            then have "?pfxn  length as'"
              using C_1
              by fastforce
            then have C_4: "exec_plan s (take ?pfxn as') = rs" 
              using C_2 statelist'_TAKE
              by blast
            let ?prsd = "length (pfx @ [rs] @ drop')"
            let ?ap1 = "take ?pfxn as'" 
              ― ‹MARKER (topologicalPropsScript.sml:215)›
            from C_1 
            have C_5: "?p' ! ?prsd = rs"
              by (metis append_Cons length_append nth_append_length nth_append_length_plus)
            from C_1 C_3 
            have C_6: "?prsd  length as'" 
              by simp
            then have C_7: "exec_plan s (take ?prsd as') = rs" 
              using C_5 statelist'_TAKE
              by auto
            let ?ap2="take ?prsd as'"
            let ?asfx="drop ?prsd as'" 
            have C_8: "as' = ?ap2 @ ?asfx"
              by force
            then have "exec_plan s as' = exec_plan (exec_plan s ?ap2) ?asfx"
              using exec_plan_Append
              by metis
            then have C_9: "exec_plan s as' = exec_plan s (?ap1 @ ?asfx)"
              using C_4 C_7 exec_plan_Append
              by metis
            from C_6 
            have C_10: "(length ?ap1 = ?pfxn)  (length ?ap2 = ?prsd)" 
              by fastforce
            then have C_11: "length (?ap1 @ ?asfx) < length (?ap2 @ ?asfx)"
              by auto
              from C_10 
              have "?pfxn + length ?asfx = length (?ap1 @ ?asfx)"   
                by simp
              from C_9 i(2)
              have C_12: "exec_plan s (?ap1 @ ?asfx) = exec_plan s as" 
                by argo
                    have "prefix ?ap1 ?ap2"
                      by (metis (no_types) length_append prefix_def take_add) 
                    then have "subseq ?ap1 ?ap2"
                      using isPREFIX_sublist
                      by blast
                  moreover have "sublist ?asfx ?asfx"
                    using sublist_refl
                    by blast
                  ultimately have "subseq (?ap1 @ ?asfx) as'"
                    using C_8 subseq_append
                    by metis
                moreover from i(3)
                have "subseq as' as"
                  by simp
                ultimately have "subseq (?ap1 @ ?asfx) as"
                  using sublist_trans
                  by blast
              then have "length (?ap1 @ ?asfx)  PLS s as"
                unfolding PLS_def 
                using C_12 
                by blast
            then have False 
              using P(1) i(1) C_10
              by auto
          hence "distinct ?p'" 
            by auto
        ultimately have "length ?p' - 1  length p - 1" 
          using 2 
          by blast
      note ii = this
        from i(1) have "n + 1 = length ?p'"
          using LENGTH_statelist'[symmetric]
          by blast
        also have "  1 + (length p - 1)"
          using ii
          by linarith
        finally have "n  length p - 1" 
          by fastforce
      then have "n  length p - 1"
        by blast
    ultimately have "Min ?P  length p - 1" 
      using MIN_SET_ELIM'[where P="?P" and Q="λx. x  length p - 1"]
      by blast
  note 3 = this
    have "length p - 1  Max {length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}" 
      using assms(3, 4) 1(1)
      by (smt Max.coboundedI bdd_aboveI bdd_above_nat)
    have "Min (PLS s as)  length p - 1"
      using 3
      by blast
    have "Min (PLS s as)  Max {length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}"
      by linarith
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

― ‹NOTE added lemma (refactored from `RD\_bounds\_sublistD`).›
lemma RD_bounds_sublistD_i:
  fixes Pi :: "'a problem" and x
  assumes "finite Pi" "(y. y  MPLS Pi  y  x)" "x  MPLS Pi" 
  shows "x  Max {length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}" 
proof -
    let ?P="MPLS Pi"
    let ?Q="{length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}"
    from assms(3) 
    obtain s as where 1:
      "s  valid_states Pi" "as  valid_plans Pi" "x = Inf (PLS s as)"
      unfolding MPLS_def
      by fast
    have "x  Max ?Q" proof -
      text ‹ Show that `x` is not only the infimum but also the minimum of `PLS s as`.›
        have "finite (PLS s as)" 
          using finite_PLS 
          by auto
        have "PLS s as  {}" 
          using PLS_NEMPTY
          by auto
        have a: "Inf (PLS s as) = Min (PLS s as)" 
          using cInf_eq_Min[of "PLS s as"]
          by blast
        from 1(3) a have "x = Min (PLS s as)"
          by blast
      note a = this
        let ?limit="Min (PLS s as)"
        from assms(1) 
        have a: "finite ?Q" 
          using RD_bounds_sublistD_i_a
          by blast
        have b: "?Q  {}"
          using RD_bounds_sublistD_i_b 
          by fast
        from 1(1, 2) 
        have c: "x. (y. y  ?Q  y  x)  x  ?Q  ?limit  Max ?Q" 
          using RD_bounds_sublistD_i_c
          by blast
        have "?limit  Max ?Q" 
          using MAX_SET_ELIM'[where P="?Q" and R="λx. ?limit  Max ?Q", OF a b c]
          by blast
      note b = this
      from a b show "x  Max ?Q"
        by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding MPLS_def
    by blast

― ‹NOTE type of `Pi` had to be fixed for use of `FINITE\_valid\_states`.›
lemma RD_bounds_sublistD: 
  fixes Pi :: "'a problem"
  assumes "finite Pi"
  shows "problem_plan_bound Pi  RD Pi"
proof -
  let ?P="MPLS Pi"
  let ?Q="{length p - 1 |p. valid_path Pi p  distinct p}"
    from assms 
    have 1: "finite ?P" 
      using FINITE_MPLS
      by blast
    from assms 
    have 2: "?P  {}"
      using MPLS_nempty
      by blast
    from assms 
    have 3: "x. (y. y  ?P  y  x)  x  ?P  x  Max ?Q"
      using RD_bounds_sublistD_i 
      by blast
    have "Max ?P  Max ?Q"
      using MAX_SET_ELIM'[OF 1 2 3]
      by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    unfolding problem_plan_bound_def RD_def Sup_nat_def
    using RD_bounds_sublistD_i_b by auto 

― ‹NOTE type for `PROB` had to be fixed in order to be able to match `sublistD\_bounds\_D`.›
theorem sublistD_bounds_D_and_RD_bounds_sublistD: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem"
  assumes "finite PROB"
  shows "
    problem_plan_bound_charles PROB  problem_plan_bound PROB 
     problem_plan_bound PROB  RD PROB
  using assms sublistD_bounds_D RD_bounds_sublistD 
  by auto

― ‹NOTE type of `PROB` had to be fixed for MP of lemmas.›
lemma empty_problem_bound: 
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem"
  assumes "(prob_dom PROB = {})"
  shows "(problem_plan_bound PROB = 0)"
proof -
    fix PROB' and as :: "(('a, 'b) fmap × ('a, 'b) fmap) list" and s :: "('a, 'b) fmap"
      "finite PROB" "prob_dom PROB' = {}" "s  valid_states PROB'" "as  valid_plans PROB'"
    then have "exec_plan s [] = exec_plan s as"
      using empty_prob_dom_imp_empty_plan_always_good
      by blast
    then have "(as'. exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'  subseq as' as  length as' < 1)"
      by force
  then show ?thesis 
    using bound_on_all_plans_bounds_problem_plan_bound_[where P="λP. prob_dom P = {}" and f="λP. 1", of PROB]
    using assms empty_prob_dom_finite 
    by blast 

lemma problem_plan_bound_works':
  fixes PROB :: "'a problem" and as s
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s  valid_states PROB)" "(as  valid_plans PROB)"
  shows "(as'. 
    (exec_plan s as' = exec_plan s as) 
     (subseq as' as)
     (length as'  problem_plan_bound PROB) 
     (sat_precond_as s as')
proof -
  obtain as' where 1:
    "exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as'" "subseq as' as" "length as'  problem_plan_bound PROB"
    using assms problem_plan_bound_works 
    by blast
      ― ‹NOTE this step seems to be handled implicitely in original proof.›
  moreover have "rem_condless_act s [] as'  valid_plans PROB"
    using assms(3) 1(2) rem_condless_valid_10 sublist_valid_plan
    by blast
  moreover have "subseq (rem_condless_act s [] as') as'" 
    using rem_condless_valid_8 
    by blast
  moreover have "length (rem_condless_act s [] as')  length as'" 
    using rem_condless_valid_3
    by blast
  moreover have "sat_precond_as s (rem_condless_act s [] as')"
    using rem_condless_valid_2
    by blast
  moreover have "exec_plan s as' = exec_plan s (rem_condless_act s [] as')"
    using rem_condless_valid_1
    by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by fastforce

― ‹TODO remove? Can be solved directly with 'TopologicalProps.bound\_on\_all\_plans\_bounds\_problem\_plan\_bound\_thesis'.›
lemma problem_plan_bound_UBound: 
  assumes "(as s.
    (s  valid_states PROB) 
     (as  valid_plans PROB)
      (exec_plan s as = exec_plan s as') 
       subseq as' as 
       (length as' < f PROB)
  )" "finite PROB"
  shows "(problem_plan_bound PROB < f PROB)"
proof -
  let ?P = "λPr. PROB = Pr"
  have "?P PROB" by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using assms bound_on_all_plans_bounds_problem_plan_bound_[where P = ?P] 
    by force

subsection "Traversal Diameter"

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
definition traversed_states where
  "traversed_states s as  set (state_list s as)" 

lemma finite_traversed_states: "finite (traversed_states s as)"
  unfolding traversed_states_def
  by simp

lemma traversed_states_nempty: "traversed_states s as  {}"
  unfolding traversed_states_def 
  by (induction as) auto

lemma traversed_states_geq_1: 
  fixes s
  shows "1  card (traversed_states s as)"
proof -
  have "card (traversed_states s as)  0"
    using traversed_states_nempty finite_traversed_states card_0_eq
    by blast
  then show "1  card (traversed_states s as)"
    by linarith 

lemma init_is_traversed: "s  traversed_states s as"
  unfolding traversed_states_def
  by (induction as) auto

― ‹NOTE name shortened.›
definition td where
  "td PROB  Sup {
    (card (traversed_states (fst p) (snd p))) - 1 
    | p. (fst p  valid_states PROB)  (snd p  valid_plans PROB)}

lemma traversed_states_rem_condless_act: "s. 
  traversed_states s (rem_condless_act s [] as) = traversed_states s as
  apply(induction as)
  apply(auto simp add: traversed_states_def rem_condless_act_cons)
  subgoal by (simp add: state_succ_pair)
  subgoal using init_is_traversed traversed_states_def by blast
  subgoal by (simp add: state_succ_pair) 

― ‹NOTE added lemma.›
lemma td_UBound_i: 
  fixes PROB :: "(('a, 'b) fmap × ('a, 'b) fmap) set"
  assumes "finite PROB" 
  shows "
    (card (traversed_states (fst p) (snd p))) - 1 
    | p. (fst p  valid_states PROB)  (snd p  valid_plans PROB)}
proof -
  let ?S="{p. (fst p  valid_states PROB)  (snd p  valid_plans PROB)}"
  obtain s :: "'a state" where "s  valid_states PROB" 
    using assms valid_states_nempty
    by blast
  moreover have "[]  valid_plans PROB"
    using empty_plan_is_valid
    by auto
  ultimately have "?S  {}"
    using assms valid_states_nempty 
    by auto  
  then show ?thesis
    by blast 

lemma td_UBound: 
  fixes PROB :: "(('a, 'b) fmap × ('a, 'b) fmap) set" 
  assumes "finite PROB" "(s as. 
    (sat_precond_as s as)  (s  valid_states PROB)  (as  valid_plans PROB) 
     (card (traversed_states s as)  k)
  shows "(td PROB  k - 1)"
proof -
  let ?S="{
    (card (traversed_states (fst p) (snd p))) - 1 
    | p. (fst p  valid_states PROB)  (snd p  valid_plans PROB)}
    fix x
    assume "x  ?S"
    then obtain p where 1:
      "x = card (traversed_states (fst p) (snd p)) - 1" "fst p  valid_states PROB" 
      "snd p  valid_plans PROB"
      by blast
    let ?s="fst p"
    let ?as="snd p" 
      let ?as'="(rem_condless_act ?s [] ?as)"
      have 2: "traversed_states ?s ?as = traversed_states ?s ?as'"
        using traversed_states_rem_condless_act
        by blast
      moreover have "sat_precond_as ?s ?as'"
        using rem_condless_valid_2
        by blast
      moreover have "?as'  valid_plans PROB"
        using 1(3) rem_condless_valid_10
        by blast
      ultimately have "card (traversed_states ?s ?as')  k"
        using assms(2) 1(2)
        by blast 
      then have "card (traversed_states ?s ?as)  k"
        using 2
        by argo
    then have "x  k - 1" 
      using 1
      by linarith
  moreover have "?S  {}"
    using assms td_UBound_i
    by fast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding td_def
    using td_UBound_i bound_main_lemma_2[of ?S "k - 1"]
    by presburger
