Theory Prefix_Tree

section ‹Prefix Tree›

text ‹This theory introduces a tree to efficiently store prefix-complete sets of lists.
      Several functions to lookup or merge subtrees are provided.›

theory Prefix_Tree
imports Util "HOL-Library.Mapping" "HOL-Library.List_Lexorder" 

datatype 'a prefix_tree = PT "'a  'a prefix_tree"

definition empty :: "'a prefix_tree" where
  "empty = PT Map.empty"

fun isin :: "'a prefix_tree  'a list  bool" where
  "isin t [] = True" |
  "isin (PT m) (x # xs) = (case m x of None  False | Some t  isin t xs)"

lemma isin_prefix :
  assumes "isin t (xs@xs')"
  shows "isin t xs"
proof -
  obtain m where "t = PT m"
    by (metis prefix_tree.exhaust)

  show ?thesis using assms unfolding t = PT m
  proof (induction xs arbitrary: m)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by auto
    case (Cons x xs)
    then have "isin (PT m) (x # (xs @ xs'))"
      by auto
    then obtain m' where "m x = Some (PT m')"
                     and "isin (PT m') (xs@xs')"
      unfolding isin.simps
      by (metis option.exhaust option.simps(4) option.simps(5) prefix_tree.exhaust) 
    then show ?case 
      using Cons.IH[of m'] by auto

fun set :: "'a prefix_tree  'a list set" where
  "set t = {xs . isin t xs}"

lemma set_empty : "set empty = ({[]} :: 'a list set)"
  show "set empty  ({[]} :: 'a list set)"
    fix xs :: "'a list"
    assume "xs  set empty"
    then have "isin empty xs"
      by auto
    have "xs = []"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "xs  []"
      then obtain x xs' where "xs = x#xs'"
        using list.exhaust by auto 
      then have "Map.empty x  None"
        using isin empty xs unfolding empty_def
        by simp 
      then show "False"
        by auto
    then show "xs  {[]}" 
      by blast 
  show "({[]} :: 'a list set)  set empty"
    unfolding set.simps empty_def
    by simp 

lemma set_Nil : "[]  set t" 
  by auto

fun insert :: "'a prefix_tree  'a list  'a prefix_tree" where
  "insert t [] = t" |
  "insert (PT m) (x#xs) = PT (m(x  insert (case m x of None  empty | Some t'  t') xs))"

lemma insert_isin_prefix : "isin (insert t (xs@xs')) xs"
proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons x xs)
  moreover obtain m where "t = PT m"
    using prefix_tree.exhaust by auto 
  ultimately obtain t' where "(m(x  insert (case m x of None  empty | Some t'  t') xs)) x = Some t'"
    by simp
  then have "isin (insert t ((x#xs)@xs')) (x#xs) = isin (insert (case m x of None  empty | Some t'  t') (xs@xs')) xs"
    unfolding t = PT m
    by simp 
  then show ?case 
    using Cons.IH by auto


lemma insert_isin_other : 
  assumes "isin t xs"
shows "isin (insert t xs') xs"
proof (cases "xs = xs'")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using insert_isin_prefix[of t xs "[]"] by simp
  case False
  have *: " i xs xs' . take i xs = take i xs'  take (Suc i) xs  take (Suc i) xs'  isin t xs  isin (insert t xs') xs"
  proof -
    fix i xs xs' assume "take i xs = take i xs'"
                    and "take (Suc i) xs  take (Suc i) xs'"
                    and "isin t xs"
    then show "isin (insert t xs') xs"
    proof (induction i arbitrary: xs xs' t)
      case 0
      then consider (a) "xs = []  xs'  []" |
                    (b) "xs' = []  xs  []" |
                    (c) "xs  []  xs'  []  hd xs  hd xs'"
        by (metis take_Suc take_eq_Nil)
      then show ?case proof cases
        case a
        then show ?thesis by auto 
        case b
        then show ?thesis
          by (simp add: "0.prems"(3)) 
        case c
        then obtain b bs c cs where "xs = b#bs" and "xs' = c#cs" and "b  c"
          using list.exhaust_sel by blast
        obtain m where "t = PT m"
          using prefix_tree.exhaust by auto 
        have "isin (Prefix_Tree.insert t xs') xs = isin t xs" 
          unfolding t = PT m xs = b#bs xs' = c#cs insert.simps isin.simps using b  c
          by simp 
        then show ?thesis 
          using isin t xs by simp
      case (Suc i) 

      define hxs where hxs: "hxs = hd xs"
      define txs where txs: "txs = tl xs"
      define txs' where txs': "txs' = tl xs'"

      have "xs = hxs#txs"
        unfolding hxs txs
        using take (Suc i) xs = take (Suc i) xs' take (Suc (Suc i)) xs  take (Suc (Suc i)) xs'
        by (metis Zero_not_Suc hd_Cons_tl take_eq_Nil) 
      moreover have "xs' = hxs#txs'"
        unfolding hxs txs txs'
        using take (Suc i) xs = take (Suc i) xs' take (Suc (Suc i)) xs  take (Suc (Suc i)) xs'
        by (metis hd_Cons_tl hd_take take_Nil take_Suc_Cons take_tl zero_less_Suc)
      ultimately have "take (Suc i) txs  take (Suc i) txs'"
         using take (Suc (Suc i)) xs  take (Suc (Suc i)) xs'
         by (metis take_Suc_Cons) 
      moreover have "take i txs = take i txs'"
        using take (Suc i) xs = take (Suc i) xs' unfolding txs txs'
        by (simp add: take_tl) 
      ultimately have " t . isin t txs  isin (Prefix_Tree.insert t txs') txs" 
        using Suc.IH by blast

      obtain m where "t = PT m"
        using prefix_tree.exhaust by auto 
      obtain t' where "m hxs = Some t'"
                  and "isin t' txs"
        using case_optionE by (metis Suc.prems(3) t = PT m xs = hxs # txs isin.simps(2)) 

      have "isin (Prefix_Tree.insert t xs') xs = isin (Prefix_Tree.insert t' txs') txs"
        using m hxs = Some t' unfolding t = PT m xs = hxs#txs xs' = hxs#txs' by auto
      then show ?case
        using  t . isin t txs  isin (Prefix_Tree.insert t txs') txs isin t' txs 
        by simp

  show ?thesis 
    using different_lists_shared_prefix[OF False] *[OF _ _ assms] by blast

lemma insert_isin_rev : 
  assumes "isin (insert t xs') xs"
shows "isin t xs  ( xs'' . xs' = xs@xs'')" 
proof (cases "xs = xs'")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using insert_isin_prefix[of t xs "[]"] by simp
  case False

  have *: " i xs xs' . take i xs = take i xs'  take (Suc i) xs  take (Suc i) xs'  isin (insert t xs') xs  isin t xs  ( xs'' . xs' = xs@xs'')"
  proof -
    fix i xs xs' assume "take i xs = take i xs'"
                    and "take (Suc i) xs  take (Suc i) xs'"
                    and "isin (insert t xs') xs"
    then show "isin t xs  ( xs'' . xs' = xs@xs'')"
    proof (induction i arbitrary: xs xs' t)
      case 0
      then consider (a) "xs = []  xs'  []" |
                    (b) "xs' = []  xs  []" |
                    (c) "xs  []  xs'  []  hd xs  hd xs'"
        by (metis take_Suc take_eq_Nil)
      then show ?case proof cases
        case a
        then show ?thesis
          by (metis isin.simps(1) ) 
        case b
        then show ?thesis
          using "0.prems"(3) by auto
        case c
        then obtain b bs c cs where "xs = b#bs" and "xs' = c#cs" and "b  c"
          using list.exhaust_sel by blast
        obtain m where "t = PT m"
          using prefix_tree.exhaust by auto 
        have "isin (Prefix_Tree.insert t xs') xs = isin t xs" 
          unfolding t = PT m xs = b#bs xs' = c#cs insert.simps isin.simps using b  c
          by simp 
        then show ?thesis 
          using isin (insert t xs') xs by simp
      case (Suc i) 

      define hxs where hxs: "hxs = hd xs"
      define txs where txs: "txs = tl xs"
      define txs' where txs': "txs' = tl xs'"

      have "xs = hxs#txs"
        unfolding hxs txs
        using take (Suc i) xs = take (Suc i) xs' take (Suc (Suc i)) xs  take (Suc (Suc i)) xs'
        by (metis Zero_not_Suc hd_Cons_tl take_eq_Nil) 
      moreover have "xs' = hxs#txs'"
        unfolding hxs txs txs'
        using take (Suc i) xs = take (Suc i) xs' take (Suc (Suc i)) xs  take (Suc (Suc i)) xs'
        by (metis hd_Cons_tl hd_take take_Nil take_Suc_Cons take_tl zero_less_Suc)
      ultimately have "take (Suc i) txs  take (Suc i) txs'"
         using take (Suc (Suc i)) xs  take (Suc (Suc i)) xs'
         by (metis take_Suc_Cons) 
      moreover have "take i txs = take i txs'"
        using take (Suc i) xs = take (Suc i) xs' unfolding txs txs'
        by (simp add: take_tl) 
      ultimately have " t . isin (Prefix_Tree.insert t txs') txs  isin t txs  (xs''. txs' = txs @ xs'')" 
        using Suc.IH by blast

      obtain m where "t = PT m"
        using prefix_tree.exhaust by auto 
      obtain t' where "(m(hxs  insert (case m hxs of None  empty | Some t'  t') txs')) hxs = Some t'"
                  and "isin t' txs"
        using case_optionE isin (Prefix_Tree.insert t xs') xs
        unfolding t = PT m xs = hxs#txs xs' = hxs#txs' insert.simps isin.simps by blast
      then have "t' = insert (case m hxs of None  empty | Some t'  t') txs'"
        by auto
      then have *: "isin (case m hxs of None  empty | Some t'  t') txs  (xs''. txs' = txs @ xs'')"
        using  t . isin (Prefix_Tree.insert t txs') txs  isin t txs  (xs''. txs' = txs @ xs'')
              isin t' txs
        by auto

      show ?case proof (cases "m hxs")
        case None
        then have "isin empty txs  (xs''. txs' = txs @ xs'')"
          using * by auto
        then have "txs = []  (xs''. txs' = txs @ xs'')"
          by (metis Prefix_Tree.empty_def case_optionE isin.elims(2) option.discI prefix_tree.inject)
        then have "(xs''. txs' = txs @ xs'')"
          by auto
        then show ?thesis 
          unfolding xs = hxs#txs xs' = hxs#txs' by auto
        case (Some t'')
        then consider "isin t'' txs" | "(xs''. txs' = txs @ xs'')"
          using * by auto
        then show ?thesis proof cases
          case 1
          moreover have "isin t xs = isin t'' txs"
            unfolding t = PT m xs = hxs#txs xs' = hxs#txs' using Some by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis by simp
          case 2
          then show ?thesis 
            unfolding xs = hxs#txs xs' = hxs#txs' by auto

  show ?thesis 
    using different_lists_shared_prefix[OF False] *[OF _ _ assms] by blast

lemma insert_set : "set (insert t xs) = set t  {xs' .  xs'' . xs = xs'@xs''}"
proof -
  have "set t  set (insert t xs)"
    using insert_isin_other by auto
  moreover have "{xs' .  xs'' . xs = xs'@xs''}  set (insert t xs)"
    using insert_isin_prefix
    by auto
  moreover have "set (insert t xs)  set t  {xs' .  xs'' . xs = xs'@xs''}"
    using insert_isin_rev[of t xs] unfolding set.simps by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma insert_isin : "xs  set (insert t xs)"
  unfolding insert_set by auto

lemma set_prefix :  
  assumes "xs@ys  set T"
  shows "xs  set T"
  using assms isin_prefix by auto

fun after :: "'a prefix_tree  'a list  'a prefix_tree" where
  "after t [] = t" |
  "after (PT m) (x # xs) = (case m x of None  empty | Some t  after t xs)"

lemma after_set : "set (after t xs) = Set.insert [] {xs' . xs@xs'  set t}"
  (is "?A t xs = ?B t xs")
  show "?A t xs  ?B t xs"
    fix xs' assume "xs'  ?A t xs"
    then show "xs'  ?B t xs"
    proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
      case Nil
      then show ?case by auto
      case (Cons x xs)
      obtain m where "t = PT m"
        using prefix_tree.exhaust by auto 
      show ?case proof (cases "m x")
        case None
        then have "after t (x#xs) = empty"
          unfolding t = PT m by auto
        then have "xs' = []"
          using Cons.prems set_empty by auto
        then show ?thesis by blast
        case (Some t')
        then have "after t (x#xs) = after t' xs"
          unfolding t = PT m by auto
        then have "xs'  set (after t' xs)"
          using Cons.prems by simp
        then have "xs'  ?B t' xs"
          using Cons.IH by auto

        show ?thesis proof (cases "xs' = []")
          case True
          then show ?thesis by auto
          case False
          then have "isin t' (xs@xs')"
            using xs'  ?B t' xs by auto
          then have "isin t (x#(xs@xs'))"
            unfolding t = PT m using Some by auto
          then show ?thesis by auto
  show "?B t xs  ?A t xs"
    fix xs' assume "xs'  ?B t xs"
    then show "xs'  ?A t xs"
    proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
      case Nil
      then show ?case by (cases xs'; auto)
      case (Cons x xs)
      obtain m where "t = PT m"
        using prefix_tree.exhaust by auto 

      show ?case proof (cases "xs' = []")
        case True
        then show ?thesis by (cases xs'; auto)
        case False
        then have "x # (xs @ xs')  set t"
          using Cons.prems by auto
        then have "isin t (x # (xs @ xs'))"
          by auto
        then obtain t' where "m x = Some t'"
                         and "isin t' (xs@xs')"
          unfolding t = PT m
          by (metis case_optionE isin.simps(2)) 
        then have "xs'  ?B t' xs"
          by auto 
        then have "xs'  ?A t' xs"
          using Cons.IH by blast
        moreover have "after t (x#xs) = after t' xs"
          using m x = Some t' unfolding t = PT m by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by simp  

lemma after_set_Cons :
  assumes "γ  set (after T α)"
  and     "γ  []"
shows "α  set T"
  using assms unfolding after_set
  by (metis insertE isin_prefix mem_Collect_eq set.simps)

function (domintros) combine :: "'a prefix_tree  'a prefix_tree  'a prefix_tree" where
  "combine (PT m1) (PT m2) = (PT (λ x . case m1 x of
    None  m2 x |
    Some t1  (case m2 x of
      None  Some t1 |
      Some t2  Some (combine t1 t2))))"
  by pat_completeness auto
proof -
    fix a b :: "'a prefix_tree"   

    have "combine_dom (a,b)" 
    proof (induction a arbitrary: b)
      case (PT m1)
      obtain m2 where "b = PT m2"
        by (metis prefix_tree.exhaust)
      have "(x a' b'. m1 x = Some a'  m2 x = Some b'  combine_dom (a', b'))"
      proof -
        fix x a' b' assume "m1 x = Some a'" and "m2 x = Some b'"
        have "Some a'  range m1"
          by (metis m1 x = Some a' range_eqI) 
        show "combine_dom (a', b')"
          using PT(1)[OF Some a'  range m1, of a']
          by simp 
      then show ?case
        using combine.domintros unfolding b = PT m2 by blast
  } note t = this

  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma combine_alt_def : 
  "combine (PT m1) (PT m2) = PT (λx . combine_options combine (m1 x) (m2 x))"  
  unfolding combine.simps
  by (simp add: combine_options_def)

lemma combine_set :
  "set (combine t1 t2) = set t1  set t2"

  show "set (combine t1 t2)  set t1  set t2"
    fix xs assume "xs  set (combine t1 t2)"
    then show "xs  set t1  set t2"
    proof (induction xs arbitrary: t1 t2)
      case Nil
      show ?case 
        using set_Nil by auto 
      case (Cons x xs)

      obtain m1 m2 where "t1 = PT m1" and "t2 = PT m2"
        by (meson prefix_tree.exhaust)  

      obtain t' where "combine_options combine (m1 x) (m2 x) = Some t'"
                  and "isin t' xs"
        using Cons.prems unfolding t1 = PT m1 t2 = PT m2 combine_alt_def set.simps
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) case_optionE isin.simps(2) mem_Collect_eq) 

      show ?case proof (cases "m1 x")
        case None
        show ?thesis proof (cases "m2 x")
          case None
          then have False
            using m1 x = None combine_options combine (m1 x) (m2 x) = Some t'
            by simp  
          then show ?thesis 
            by simp
          case (Some t'')
          then have "m2 x = Some t'"
            using m1 x = None combine_options combine (m1 x) (m2 x) = Some t'
            by simp 
          then have "isin t2 (x#xs)"
            using isin t' xs unfolding t2 = PT m2 by auto
          then show ?thesis
            by simp            
        case (Some t1')
        show ?thesis proof (cases "m2 x")
          case None
          then have "m1 x = Some t'"
            using m1 x = Some t1' combine_options combine (m1 x) (m2 x) = Some t'
            by simp 
          then have "isin t1 (x#xs)"
            using isin t' xs unfolding t1 = PT m1 by auto
          then show ?thesis
            by simp 
          case (Some t2')
          then have "t' = combine t1' t2'"
            using m1 x = Some t1' combine_options combine (m1 x) (m2 x) = Some t'
            by simp  
          then have "xs  Prefix_Tree.set (combine t1' t2')"
            using isin t' xs
            by simp 
          then have "xs  Prefix_Tree.set t1'  Prefix_Tree.set t2'"
            using Cons.IH by blast
          then have "isin t1' xs  isin t2' xs"
            by simp
          then have "isin t1 (x#xs)  isin t2 (x#xs)"
            using m1 x = Some t1' m2 x = Some t2' unfolding t1 = PT m1 t2 = PT m2 by auto
          then show ?thesis 
            by simp
  show "(set t1  set t2)  set (combine t1 t2)"
  proof -
    have "set t1  set (combine t1 t2)"
      fix xs assume "xs  set t1"
      then have "isin t1 xs"
        by auto
      then show "xs  set (combine t1 t2)"
      proof (induction xs arbitrary: t1 t2)
        case Nil
        then show ?case using set_Nil by auto
        case (Cons x xs)

        obtain m1 m2 where "t1 = PT m1" and "t2 = PT m2"
          by (meson prefix_tree.exhaust)
        obtain t1' where "m1 x = Some t1'"
                     and "isin t1' xs"
          using Cons.prems unfolding t1 = PT m1 isin.simps
          using case_optionE by blast 

        show ?case proof (cases "m2 x")
          case None
          then have "combine_options combine (m1 x) (m2 x) = Some t1'"
            by (simp add: m1 x = Some t1')
          then have "isin (combine t1 t2) (x#xs)"
            using combine_alt_def
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons.prems m1 x = Some t1' t1 = PT m1 t2 = PT m2 isin.simps(2)) 
          then show ?thesis 
            by simp
          case (Some t2')
          then have "combine_options combine (m1 x) (m2 x) = Some (combine t1' t2')"
            by (simp add: m1 x = Some t1')
          moreover have "isin (combine t1' t2') xs"
            using Cons.IH[OF isin t1' xs]
            by simp
          ultimately have "isin (combine t1 t2) (x#xs)"
            unfolding t1 = PT m1 t2 = PT m2 using isin.simps(2)[of _ x xs]
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) combine_alt_def option.simps(5))
          then show ?thesis by simp
    moreover have "set t2  set (combine t1 t2)"
      fix xs assume "xs  set t2"
      then have "isin t2 xs"
        by auto
      then show "xs  set (combine t1 t2)"
      proof (induction xs arbitrary: t1 t2)
        case Nil
        then show ?case using set_Nil by auto
        case (Cons x xs)

        obtain m1 m2 where "t1 = PT m1" and "t2 = PT m2"
          by (meson prefix_tree.exhaust)
        obtain t2' where "m2 x = Some t2'"
                     and "isin t2' xs"
          using Cons.prems unfolding t2 = PT m2 isin.simps
          using case_optionE by blast 

        show ?case proof (cases "m1 x")
          case None
          then have "combine_options combine (m1 x) (m2 x) = Some t2'"
            by (simp add: m2 x = Some t2')
          then have "isin (combine t1 t2) (x#xs)"
            using combine_alt_def
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons.prems m2 x = Some t2' t1 = PT m1 t2 = PT m2 isin.simps(2)) 
          then show ?thesis 
            by simp
          case (Some t1')
          then have "combine_options combine (m1 x) (m2 x) = Some (combine t1' t2')"
            by (simp add: m2 x = Some t2')
          moreover have "isin (combine t1' t2') xs"
            using Cons.IH[OF isin t2' xs]
            by simp
          ultimately have "isin (combine t1 t2) (x#xs)"
            unfolding t1 = PT m1 t2 = PT m2 using isin.simps(2)[of _ x xs]
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) combine_alt_def option.simps(5))
          then show ?thesis by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis 
      by blast

fun combine_after :: "'a prefix_tree  'a list  'a prefix_tree  'a prefix_tree" where
  "combine_after t1 [] t2 = combine t1 t2" |
  "combine_after (PT m) (x#xs) t2 = PT (m(x  combine_after (case m x of None  empty | Some t'  t') xs t2))"

lemma combine_after_set : "set (combine_after t1 xs t2) = set t1  {xs' .  xs'' . xs = xs'@xs''}  {xs@xs' | xs' . xs'  set t2}"
  show "set (combine_after t1 xs t2)  set t1  {xs' .  xs'' . xs = xs'@xs''}  {xs@xs' | xs' . xs'  set t2}"
    fix ys assume "ys  set (combine_after t1 xs t2)"
    then show "ys  set t1  {xs' .  xs'' . xs = xs'@xs''}  {xs@xs' | xs' . xs'  set t2}"
    proof (induction ys arbitrary: xs t1)
      case Nil
      show ?case using set_Nil by auto
      case (Cons y ys)

      obtain m1 where "t1 = PT m1"
        by (meson prefix_tree.exhaust)  
      show ?case proof (cases xs)
        case Nil
        then show ?thesis using combine_set Cons.prems by auto
        case (Cons x xs')

        show ?thesis proof (cases "x = y")
          case True
          then have "isin (combine_after t1 (x#xs') t2) (x#ys)"
            using Cons Cons.prems by auto
          then have "isin (combine_after (case m1 x of None  empty | Some t'  t') xs' t2) ys"
            unfolding t1 = PT m1 by auto
          then consider "ys  set (case m1 x of None  empty | Some t'  t')" | "ys  {xs'' .  xs''' . xs' = xs''@xs'''}" | "ys  {xs' @ xs'' |xs''. xs''  set t2}"
            using Cons.IH by auto
          then show ?thesis proof cases
            case 1
            then show ?thesis proof (cases "m1 x")
              case None
              then have "ys = []"
                using 1 set_empty by auto
              then show ?thesis unfolding True Cons by auto
              case (Some t')
              then have "isin t' ys"
                using 1 by auto
              then have "y # ys  Prefix_Tree.set (PT m1)"
                using Some by (simp add: True)  
              then show ?thesis unfolding t1 = PT m1 by auto 
            case 2
            then show ?thesis unfolding True t1 = PT m1 Cons by auto
            case 3
            then show ?thesis unfolding True t1 = PT m1 Cons by auto
          case False
          then have "(m1(x  combine_after (case m1 x of None  empty | Some t'  t') xs' t2)) y = m1 y"
            by auto
          then have "isin t1 (y#ys)"
            using Cons Cons.prems unfolding t1 = PT m1
            by simp 
          then show ?thesis by auto

  show "set t1  {xs' .  xs'' . xs = xs'@xs''}  {xs@xs' | xs' . xs'  set t2}  set (combine_after t1 xs t2)"
  proof -
    have "set t1  set (combine_after t1 xs t2)"
      fix ys assume "ys  set t1"
      then show "ys  set (combine_after t1 xs t2)"
      proof (induction ys arbitrary: t1 xs)
        case Nil
        then show ?case using set_Nil by auto
        case (Cons y ys)
        then have "isin t1 (y#ys)"
          by auto
        show ?case proof (cases "xs")
          case Nil
          then show ?thesis using Cons.prems combine_set by auto
          case (Cons x xs')

          obtain m1 where "t1 = PT m1"
            by (meson prefix_tree.exhaust) 
          obtain t' where "m1 y = Some t'"
                      and "isin t' ys"
            using isin t1 (y#ys) unfolding t1 = PT m1 isin.simps
            using case_optionE by blast 
          then have "ys  set t'"
            by auto
          then have "isin (combine_after t' xs' t2) ys"
            using Cons.IH by auto

          show ?thesis proof (cases "x=y")
            case True
            show ?thesis 
              using isin (combine_after t' xs' t2) ys m1 y = Some t'
              unfolding Cons True t1 = PT m1 by auto
            case False
            then have "isin (combine_after (PT m1) (x # xs') t2) (y#ys) = isin (PT m1) (y#ys)"
              unfolding combine_after.simps by auto
            then show ?thesis 
              using y # ys  Prefix_Tree.set t1
              unfolding Cons t1 = PT m1 
              by auto
    moreover have "{xs' .  xs'' . xs = xs'@xs''}  {xs@xs' | xs' . xs'  set t2}  set (combine_after t1 xs t2)"
    proof -
      have "{xs@xs' | xs' . xs'  set t2}  set (combine_after t1 xs t2)  {xs' .  xs'' . xs = xs'@xs''}  set (combine_after t1 xs t2)"
        fix ys assume *:"{xs@xs' | xs' . xs'  set t2}  set (combine_after t1 xs t2)"
                  and "ys  {xs' .  xs'' . xs = xs'@xs''}"   
        then obtain xs' where "xs = ys@xs'"
          by blast
        then have **: "isin (combine_after t1 xs t2) (ys@xs')"
          using * set_Nil[of t2] by force
        show "ys  set (combine_after t1 xs t2)"
          using  isin_prefix[OF **] by auto
      moreover have "{xs@xs' | xs' . xs'  set t2}  set (combine_after t1 xs t2)"
        fix ys assume "ys  {xs@xs' | xs' . xs'  set t2}"
        then obtain xs' where "ys = xs@xs'" and "xs'  set t2"
          by auto


        show "ys  set (combine_after t1 xs t2)" 
          unfolding ys = xs@xs'
        proof (induction xs arbitrary: t1)
          case Nil 
          then show ?case using combine_set xs'  set t2 by auto
          case (Cons x xs)

          obtain m1 where "t1 = PT m1"
            by (meson prefix_tree.exhaust) 

          have "isin (combine_after t1 (x # xs) t2) ((x # xs) @ xs') = isin (combine_after (case m1 x of None  empty | Some t'  t') xs t2) (xs @ xs')"
            unfolding t1 = PT m1 by auto
          then have *:"(x # xs) @ xs'  Prefix_Tree.set (combine_after t1 (x # xs) t2) = isin (combine_after (case m1 x of None  empty | Some t'  t') xs t2) (xs @ xs')"
            by auto

          show ?case 
            using xs'  set t2 Cons 
            unfolding * 
            by (cases "m1 x"; simp)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by blast

fun from_list :: "'a list list  'a prefix_tree" where
  "from_list xs = foldr (λ x t . insert t x) xs empty"

lemma from_list_set : "set (from_list xs) = Set.insert [] {xs'' .  xs' xs''' . xs'  list.set xs  xs' = xs''@xs'''}"
proof (induction xs)
  case Nil
  have "from_list [] = empty"
    by auto
  then have "set (from_list []) = {[]}"
    using set_empty by auto
  moreover have "Set.insert [] {xs'' .  xs' xs''' . xs'  list.set []  xs' = xs''@xs'''} = {[]}"
    by auto
  ultimately show ?case 
    by blast
  case (Cons x xs)

  have "from_list (x#xs) = insert (from_list xs) x"
    by auto
  then have "set (from_list (x#xs)) = set (from_list xs)  {xs'. xs''. x = xs' @ xs''}"
    using insert_set by auto
  then show ?case
    unfolding Cons by force

lemma from_list_subset : "list.set xs  set (from_list xs)"
  unfolding from_list_set by auto

lemma from_list_set_elem :
  assumes "x  list.set xs"
  shows "x  set (from_list xs)"
  using assms unfolding from_list_set by force

function (domintros) finite_tree :: "'a prefix_tree  bool" where
  "finite_tree (PT m) = (finite (dom m)  ( t  ran m . finite_tree t))"
  by pat_completeness auto
proof -
  { fix a :: "'a prefix_tree"   

    have "finite_tree_dom a" 
    proof (induction a)
      case (PT m)
      have "(x. x  ran m  finite_tree_dom x)"
      proof -
        fix x :: "'a prefix_tree"
        assume "x  ran m"
        then have "a. m a = Some x"
          by (simp add: ran_def)
        then show "finite_tree_dom x"
          using PT.IH by blast
      then show ?case
        using finite_tree.domintros
        by blast 
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma combine_after_after_subset :
  "set T2  set (after (combine_after T1 xs T2) xs)"
  unfolding combine_after_set after_set
  by auto

lemma subset_after_subset :
  "set T2  set T1  set (after T2 xs)  set (after T1 xs)"
  unfolding after_set by auto

lemma set_alt_def :
  "set (PT m) = Set.insert [] ( x  dom m . (Cons x) ` (set (the (m x))))"
  (is "?A m = ?B m")
  show "?A m  ?B m" 
    fix xs assume "xs  ?A m"
    then have "isin (PT m) xs"
      by auto
    then show "xs  ?B m"
    proof (induction xs arbitrary: m)
      case Nil
      then show ?case by auto
      case (Cons x xs)
      then obtain t where "m x = Some t"
                      and "isin t xs"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) case_optionE isin.simps(2)) 
      obtain m' where "t = PT m'"
        using prefix_tree.exhaust by blast
      then have "xs  ?B m'"
        using isin t xs Cons.IH by blast
      moreover have "x  dom m"
        using m x = Some t
        by auto
      ultimately show ?case 
        using m x = Some t
        using isin t xs t = PT m' 
        by fastforce  

  show "?B m  ?A m"
    fix xs assume "xs  ?B m"
    then show "xs  ?A m"
    proof (induction xs arbitrary: m)
      case Nil
      show ?case 
        by auto
      case (Cons x xs)
      then have "x#xs  ( x  dom m . (Cons x) ` (set (the (m x))))"
        by auto
      then have "x  dom m"
            and "xs  (set (the (m x)))"
        by auto
      then obtain t where "m x = Some t" and "isin t xs"
        unfolding keys_is_none_rep
        by auto
      then show ?case
        by auto

lemma finite_tree_iff :
  "finite_tree t = finite (set t)"
  (is "?P1 = ?P2")
  show "?P1  ?P2"
  proof induction
    case (PT m)
    have "set (PT m) = Set.insert [] (xdom m. (#) x ` set (the (m x)))"
      unfolding set_alt_def by simp
    moreover have "finite (dom m)"
      using PT.prems by auto
    moreover have " x . x  dom m  finite ((#) x ` set (the (m x)))"
    proof -
      fix x assume "x  dom m"
      then obtain y where "m x = Some y"
        by auto
      then have "y  ran m"
        by (meson ranI)
      then have "finite_tree y"
        using PT.prems by auto
      then have "finite (set y)"
        using PT.IH[of "Some y" y] m x = Some y
        by (metis option.set_intros rangeI) 
      moreover have "(the (m x)) = y"
        using m x = Some y by auto
      ultimately show "finite ((#) x ` set (the (m x)))"
        by blast
    ultimately show ?case
      by simp 

  show "?P2  ?P1"
  proof (induction t)
    case (PT m)
    have "finite (dom m)"
    proof -
      have " x . x  dom m  [x]  set (PT m)"
        using image_eqI by auto
      then have "(λx . [x]) ` dom m  set (PT m)"
        by auto
      have "inj (λx . [x])"
        by (meson inj_onI list.inject)    
      show ?thesis
        by (meson PT.prems UNIV_I (λx. [x]) ` dom m  Prefix_Tree.set (PT m) inj (λx. [x]) inj_on_finite inj_on_subset subsetI)  
    moreover have " t . t  ran m  finite_tree t"
    proof -
      fix t assume "t  ran m"
      then obtain x where "m x = Some t"
        unfolding ran_def by blast
      then have "(#) x ` set t  set (PT m)"
        unfolding set_alt_def
        by auto 
      then have "finite ((#) x ` set t)"
        using PT.prems
        by (simp add: finite_subset) 
      moreover have "inj ((#) x)"
        by auto 
      ultimately have "finite (set t)"
        by (simp add: finite_image_iff)
      then show "finite_tree t"
        using PT.IH[of "Some t" t] m x = Some t
        by (metis option.set_intros rangeI) 
    ultimately show ?case
      by simp 
lemma empty_finite_tree : 
  "finite_tree empty"
  unfolding finite_tree_iff set_empty by auto

lemma insert_finite_tree : 
  assumes "finite_tree t"
  shows "finite_tree (insert t xs)"
proof -
  have "{xs'. xs''. xs = xs' @ xs''} = list.set (prefixes xs)"
    unfolding prefixes_set by blast
  then have "finite {xs'. xs''. xs = xs' @ xs''}" 
    using List.finite_set by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using assms unfolding finite_tree_iff insert_set 
    by blast

lemma from_list_finite_tree : 
  "finite_tree (from_list xs)"
  using insert_finite_tree empty_finite_tree by (induction xs; auto)

lemma combine_after_finite_tree :
  assumes "finite_tree t1"
  and     "finite_tree t2"
shows "finite_tree (combine_after t1 α t2)"
proof -
  have "finite (Prefix_Tree.set t2)" and "finite (Prefix_Tree.set t1)"
    using assms unfolding finite_tree_iff by auto
  then have "finite (Prefix_Tree.set (Prefix_Tree.insert t1 α)  {α @ as |as. as  Prefix_Tree.set t2})"
    using finite_tree_iff insert_finite_tree by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding finite_tree_iff combine_after_set
    by (metis insert_set)

lemma combine_finite_tree :
  assumes "finite_tree t1"
  and     "finite_tree t2"
shows "finite_tree (combine t1 t2)"
  using assms unfolding finite_tree_iff combine_set
  by blast

function (domintros) sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree :: "('a :: linorder) prefix_tree  'a list list" where
  "sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree (PT m) = 
    (if dom m = {}
      then [[]]
      else concat (map (λk . map ((#) k) (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree (the (m k)))) (sorted_list_of_set (dom m))))"
  by pat_completeness auto
proof -
  { fix a :: "'a prefix_tree"   

    have "sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree_dom a" 
    proof (induction a)
      case (PT m)
      then show ?case
        by (metis List.set_empty domIff empty_iff option.set_sel range_eqI set_sorted_list_of_set sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree.domintros sorted_list_of_set.fold_insort_key.infinite)
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree_Nil :
  assumes "[]  list.set (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree t)" 
shows "t = empty"
proof -
  obtain m where "t = PT m"
    using prefix_tree.exhaust by blast

  show ?thesis proof (cases "dom m = {}")
    case True
    then have "m = Map.empty"
      using True by blast
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding t = PT m
      by (simp add: Prefix_Tree.empty_def)
    case False
    then have "[]  list.set (concat (map (λk . map ((#) k) (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree (the (m k)))) (sorted_list_of_set (dom m))))"
      using assms unfolding t = PT m by auto
    then show ?thesis
      by auto 

lemma sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree_set :
  assumes "finite_tree t"
  shows "list.set (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree t) = {y. y  set t  ¬( y' . y'  []  y@y'  set t)}"
    (is "?S1 = ?S2")
  show "?S1  ?S2"
    fix xs assume "xs  ?S1"
    then show "xs  ?S2"
    proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
      case Nil
      then have "t = empty"
        using sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree_Nil by auto
      then show ?case 
        using set_empty by auto
      case (Cons x xs)

      obtain m where "t = PT m"
        using prefix_tree.exhaust by blast
      have "x#xs  list.set (concat (map (λk . map ((#) k) (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree (the (m k)))) (sorted_list_of_set (dom m))))"
        by (metis (no_types) Cons.prems(1) t = PT m empty_iff list.set(1) list.simps(3) set_ConsD sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree.simps)
      then have "x  list.set (sorted_list_of_set (dom m))"
            and "xs  list.set (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree (the (m x)))"
        by auto

      have "x  dom m"
        using x  list.set (sorted_list_of_set (dom m)) unfolding t = PT m
        by (metis equals0D list.set(1) sorted_list_of_set.fold_insort_key.infinite sorted_list_of_set.set_sorted_key_list_of_set)
      then obtain t' where "m x = Some t'"
        by auto
      then have "xs  list.set (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree t')"
        using xs  list.set (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree (the (m x))) 
        by auto
      then have "xs  set t'" and "¬( y' . y'  []  xs@y'  set t')"
        using Cons.IH by blast+

      have "x#xs  set t"
        unfolding t = PT m using xs  set t' m x = Some t' by auto
      moreover have "¬( y' . y'  []  (x#xs)@y'  set t)"
        assume "y'. y'  []  (x # xs) @ y'  Prefix_Tree.set t"
        then obtain y' where "y'  []" and "(x # xs) @ y'  Prefix_Tree.set t"
          by blast
        then have "isin (PT m) (x # (xs @ y'))"
          unfolding t = PT m by auto
        then have "isin t' (xs @ y')"
          using m x = Some t' by auto
        then have " y' . y'  []  xs@y'  set t'"
          using y'  [] by auto
        then show False
          using ¬( y' . y'  []  xs@y'  set t') by simp
      ultimately show ?case by blast

  show "?S2  ?S1"
    fix xs assume "xs  ?S2"
    then show "xs  ?S1"
    using assms proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
      case Nil
      then have "set t = {[]}"
        by auto
      moreover obtain m where "t = PT m"
        using prefix_tree.exhaust by blast
      ultimately have " x . ¬ isin (PT m) [x]"
        by force
      moreover have " x . x  dom m  isin (PT m) [x]"
        by auto
      ultimately have "dom m = {}"
        by blast
      then show ?case
        unfolding t = PT m by auto
      case (Cons x xs)

      obtain m where "t = PT m"
        using prefix_tree.exhaust by blast
      then have "isin (PT m) (x#xs)"
        using Cons.prems(1) by auto
      then obtain t' where "m x = Some t'"
                       and "isin t' xs"
        by (metis case_optionE isin.simps(2))
      then have "x  dom m"
        by auto
      then have "dom m  {}"
        by auto

      have "finite_tree t'"
        using finite_tree t m x = Some t' unfolding t = PT m
        by (meson finite_tree.simps ranI) 
      moreover have "xs  {y  Prefix_Tree.set t'. y'. y'  []  y @ y'  Prefix_Tree.set t'}"
      proof -
        have "xs  set t'"
          using isin t' xs by auto
        moreover have "(y'. y'  []  xs @ y'  Prefix_Tree.set t')"
          assume "y'. y'  []  xs @ y'  Prefix_Tree.set t'"
          then obtain y' where "y'  []" and "xs @ y'  Prefix_Tree.set t'"
            by blast
          then have "isin t' (xs@y')"
            by auto
          then have "isin (PT m) (x#(xs@y'))"
            using m x = Some t' by auto
          then show False
            using Cons.prems(1) y'  [] unfolding t = PT m by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by blast
      ultimately have "xs  list.set (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree t')"
        using Cons.IH by blast
      moreover have "x  list.set (sorted_list_of_set (dom m))"
        using x  dom m finite_tree t unfolding t = PT m
        by simp
      ultimately show ?case
        using finite_tree t dom m  {} m x = Some t' unfolding t = PT m 
        by force

lemma sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree_ob :
  assumes "finite_tree T"
  and     "xs  set T"
obtains xs' where "xs@xs'  list.set (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree T)"
proof -
  let ?xs = "{xs@xs' | xs' . xs@xs'  set T}"

  let ?xs' = "arg_max_on length ?xs"

  have "xs  ?xs"
    using assms(2) by auto
  then have "?xs  {}"
    by blast
  moreover have "finite ?xs"
    using finite_subset[of ?xs "set T"]
    using assms(1) unfolding finite_tree_iff 
    by blast
  ultimately obtain xs' where "xs'  ?xs" and " xs'' . xs''  ?xs  length xs''  length xs'"
    using max_length_elem[of ?xs]
    by force

  obtain xs'' where "xs' = xs@xs''" and "xs@xs''  set T"
    using xs'  ?xs by auto
  have " xs''' . xs@xs'''  set T  length xs'''  length xs''"
  proof -
    fix xs''' assume "xs@xs'''  set T"
    then have "xs@xs'''  ?xs"
      by auto
    then have "length (xs@xs''')   length xs'"
      using  xs'' . xs''  ?xs  length xs''  length xs' 
      by blast
    then show "length xs'''  length xs''"
      unfolding xs' = xs@xs'' by auto
  then have "¬( y' . y'  []  (xs@xs'')@y'  set T)"
    by fastforce
  then have "xs@xs''  list.set (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree T)"
    using xs@xs''  set T
    unfolding sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree_set[OF assms(1)]
    by blast
  then show ?thesis using that by blast

function (domintros) sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree :: "('a :: linorder) prefix_tree  'a list list" where
  "sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree (PT m) = 
    (if dom m = {}
      then [[]]
      else [] # concat (map (λk . map ((#) k) (sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree (the (m k)))) (sorted_list_of_set (dom m))))"
  by pat_completeness auto
proof -
    fix a :: "'a prefix_tree"   
    have "sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree_dom a" 
    proof (induction a)
      case (PT m)
      then show ?case
        by (metis List.set_empty domIff emptyE option.set_sel rangeI sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree.domintros sorted_list_of_set.fold_insort_key.infinite sorted_list_of_set.set_sorted_key_list_of_set)
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree_set :
  assumes "finite_tree t"
  shows "list.set (sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree t) = set t"
    (is "?S1 = ?S2")
  show "?S1  ?S2"
    fix xs assume "xs  ?S1"
    then show "xs  ?S2"
    proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
      case Nil
      then show ?case 
        using set_empty by auto
      case (Cons x xs)

      obtain m where "t = PT m"
        using prefix_tree.exhaust by blast
      have "x#xs  list.set (concat (map (λk . map ((#) k) (sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree (the (m k)))) (sorted_list_of_set (dom m))))"
        by (metis (no_types) Cons.prems(1) t = PT m empty_iff list.set(1) list.simps(3) set_ConsD sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree.simps)
      then have "x  list.set (sorted_list_of_set (dom m))"
            and "xs  list.set (sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree (the (m x)))"
        by auto

      have "x  dom m"
        using x  list.set (sorted_list_of_set (dom m)) unfolding t = PT m
        by (metis emptyE empty_set sorted_list_of_set.fold_insort_key.infinite sorted_list_of_set.set_sorted_key_list_of_set)
      then obtain t' where "m x = Some t'"
        by auto
      then have "xs  list.set (sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree t')"
        using xs  list.set (sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree (the (m x))) 
        by auto
      then have "xs  set t'" 
        using Cons.IH by blast+

      show "x#xs  set t"
        unfolding t = PT m using xs  set t' m x = Some t' by auto

  show "?S2  ?S1"
    fix xs assume "xs  ?S2"
    then show "xs  ?S1"
    using assms proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
      case Nil
      obtain m where "t = PT m"
        using prefix_tree.exhaust by blast
      then show ?case 
        by auto
      case (Cons x xs)

      obtain m where "t = PT m"
        using prefix_tree.exhaust by blast
      then have "isin (PT m) (x#xs)"
        using Cons.prems(1) by auto
      then obtain t' where "m x = Some t'"
                       and "isin t' xs"
        by (metis case_optionE isin.simps(2))
      then have "x  dom m"
        by auto
      then have "dom m  {}"
        by auto

      have "finite_tree t'"
        using finite_tree t m x = Some t' unfolding t = PT m
        by (meson finite_tree.simps ranI) 
      moreover have "xs  set t'"
        using isin t' xs by auto
      ultimately have "xs  list.set (sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree t')"
        using Cons.IH by blast
      moreover have "x  list.set (sorted_list_of_set (dom m))"
        using x  dom m finite_tree t unfolding t = PT m
        by simp
      ultimately show ?case
        using finite_tree t dom m  {} m x = Some t' unfolding t = PT m 
        by force

fun difference_list :: "('a::linorder) prefix_tree  'a prefix_tree  'a list list" where
  "difference_list t1 t2 = filter (λ xs . ¬ isin t2 xs) (sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree t1)"

lemma difference_list_set :
  assumes "finite_tree t1"
shows "List.set (difference_list t1 t2) = (set t1 - set t2)"
  unfolding difference_list.simps 
            sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree_set[OF assms]
  by fastforce

fun is_leaf :: "'a prefix_tree  bool" where
  "is_leaf t = (t = empty)"

fun is_maximal_in :: "'a prefix_tree  'a list  bool" where
  "is_maximal_in T α = (isin T α  is_leaf (after T α))"

function (domintros) height :: "'a prefix_tree  nat" where
  "height (PT m) = (if (is_leaf (PT m)) then 0 else 1 + Max (height ` ran m))"
  by pat_completeness auto
proof -
  { fix a :: "'a prefix_tree"   

    have "height_dom a" 
    proof (induction a)
      case (PT m)
      have "(x. x  ran m  height_dom x)"
      proof -
        fix x :: "'a prefix_tree"
        assume "x  ran m"
        then have "a. m a = Some x"
          by (simp add: ran_def)
        then show "height_dom x"
          using PT.IH by blast
      then show ?case
        using height.domintros
        by blast 
  then show ?thesis by auto

function (domintros) height_over :: "'a list  'a prefix_tree  nat" where
  "height_over xs (PT m) = 1 + foldr (λ x maxH . case m x of Some t'  max (height_over xs t') maxH | None  maxH) xs 0"
  by pat_completeness auto
proof -
    fix a :: "'a prefix_tree"   
    fix xs :: "'a list"
    have "height_over_dom (xs, a)" 
    proof (induction a)
      case (PT m)
      have "(x. x  ran m  height_over_dom (xs, x))"
      proof -
        fix x :: "'a prefix_tree"
        assume "x  ran m"
        then have "a. m a = Some x"
          by (simp add: ran_def)
        then show "height_over_dom (xs, x)"
          using PT.IH by blast
      then show ?case
        using height_over.domintros
        by (simp add: height_over.domintros ranI)
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma height_over_empty :
  "height_over xs empty = 1"
proof -
  define xs' where "xs' = xs"
  have "foldr (λ x maxH . case Map.empty x of Some t'  max (height_over xs' t') maxH | None  maxH) xs 0 = 0"
    by (induction xs; auto)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding xs'_def empty_def 
    by auto

lemma height_over_subtree_less :
  assumes "m x = Some t'"
  and     "x  list.set xs"
shows "height_over xs t' < height_over xs (PT m)"
proof -

  define xs' where "xs' = xs"

  have "height_over xs' t'  foldr (λ x maxH . case m x of Some t'  max (height_over xs' t') maxH | None  maxH) xs 0"
    using assms(2) proof (induction xs)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by auto
    case (Cons x' xs)

    define f where "f = foldr (λ x maxH . case m x of Some t'  max (height_over xs' t') maxH | None  maxH) xs 0"

    have *: "foldr (λ x maxH . case m x of Some t'  max (height_over xs' t') maxH | None  maxH) (x'#xs) 0
              = (case m x' of Some t'  max (height_over xs' t') f | None  f)"
      unfolding f_def by auto

    show ?case proof (cases "x=x'")
      case True
      show ?thesis 
        using m x = Some t'
        unfolding * True by auto
      case False
      then have "x  list.set xs"
        using Cons.prems(1) by auto
      show ?thesis
        using Cons.IH[OF x  list.set xs]
        unfolding * f_def[symmetric] 
        by (cases "m x'"; auto)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding xs'_def by auto

fun maximum_prefix :: "'a prefix_tree  'a list  'a list" where
  "maximum_prefix t [] = []" |
  "maximum_prefix (PT m) (x # xs) = (case m x of None  [] | Some t  x # maximum_prefix t xs)"

lemma maximum_prefix_isin :
  "isin t (maximum_prefix t xs)"
proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
  case Nil
  show ?case 
    by auto
  case (Cons x xs)

  obtain m where *:"t = PT m"
    using finite_tree.cases by blast

  show ?case proof (cases "m x")
    case None
    then have "maximum_prefix t (x#xs) = []"
      unfolding * by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      by auto
    case (Some t')
    then have "maximum_prefix t (x#xs) = x # maximum_prefix t' xs"
      unfolding * by auto
    moreover have "isin t' (maximum_prefix t' xs)"
      using Cons.IH by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (simp add: "*" Some)

lemma maximum_prefix_maximal :
  "maximum_prefix t xs = xs 
     ( x' xs' . xs = (maximum_prefix t xs)@[x']@xs'  ¬ isin t ((maximum_prefix t xs)@[x']))"
proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
  case Nil
  show ?case by auto
  case (Cons x xs)
  obtain m where *:"t = PT m"
    using finite_tree.cases by blast

  show ?case proof (cases "m x")
    case None
    then have "maximum_prefix t (x#xs) = []"
      unfolding * by auto
    moreover have "¬ isin t ([]@[x]@xs)"
      using isin_prefix[of t "[x]" xs]
      by (simp add: "*" None)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (simp add: "*" None)
    case (Some t')
    then have "maximum_prefix t (x#xs) = x # maximum_prefix t' xs"
      unfolding * by auto
    moreover note Cons.IH[of t']
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (simp add: "*" Some) 

(* collects for sequence xs all sequences ys in the tree such that ys is maximal in the tree and 
   (map fst ys) is a prefix of (map fst xs) *)
fun maximum_fst_prefixes :: "('a×'b) prefix_tree  'a list  'b list  ('a×'b) list list" where
  "maximum_fst_prefixes t [] ys = (if is_leaf t then [[]] else [])" |
  "maximum_fst_prefixes (PT m) (x # xs) ys = (if is_leaf (PT m) then [[]] else concat (map (λ y . map ((#) (x,y)) (maximum_fst_prefixes (the (m (x,y))) xs ys)) (filter (λ y . (m (x,y)  None)) ys)))"

lemma maximum_fst_prefixes_set :
  "list.set (maximum_fst_prefixes t xs ys)  set t"
proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
  case Nil
  show ?case 
    by auto
  case (Cons x xs)

  obtain m where *:"t = PT m"
    using finite_tree.cases by blast

  show "list.set (maximum_fst_prefixes t (x # xs) ys)  set t"
    fix p assume "p  list.set (maximum_fst_prefixes t (x # xs) ys)"

    show "p  set t" proof (cases "is_leaf (PT m)")
      case True
      then have "p = []"
        using p  list.set (maximum_fst_prefixes t (x # xs) ys)  unfolding * maximum_fst_prefixes.simps by force
      then show ?thesis 
        using set_Nil[of t] 
        by blast
      case False
      then obtain y where "y  list.set (filter (λ y . (m (x,y)  None)) ys)"
                    and "p  list.set (map ((#) (x,y)) (maximum_fst_prefixes (the (m (x,y))) xs ys))"
        using p  list.set (maximum_fst_prefixes t (x # xs) ys)
        unfolding * by auto

      then have "m (x,y)  None"
        by auto
      then obtain t' where "m (x,y) = Some t'"
        by auto
      moreover obtain p' where "p = (x,y)#p'" and "p'  list.set (maximum_fst_prefixes (the (m (x,y))) xs ys)"
        using p  list.set (map ((#) (x,y)) (maximum_fst_prefixes (the (m (x,y))) xs ys))
        by auto
      ultimately have "isin t' p'"
        using Cons.IH
        by auto 
      then have "isin t p"
        unfolding * p = (x,y)#p' using m (x,y) = Some t' by auto
      then show "p  set t"
        by auto

lemma maximum_fst_prefixes_are_prefixes :
  assumes "xys  list.set (maximum_fst_prefixes t xs ys)"
  shows "map fst xys = take (length xys) xs"
using assms proof (induction xys arbitrary: t xs)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons xy xys)
  then have "xs  []"
    by auto
  then obtain x xs' where "xs = x#xs'"
    using list.exhaust by auto
  obtain m where *:"t = PT m"
    using finite_tree.cases by blast
  have "is_leaf (PT m) = False"
    using Cons.prems unfolding * xs = x#xs'
    by auto
  have "(xy#xys)  list.set (concat (map (λ y . map ((#) (x,y)) (maximum_fst_prefixes (the (m (x,y))) xs' ys)) (filter (λ y . (m (x,y)  None)) ys)))"
    using Cons.prems unfolding * xs = x#xs' is_leaf (PT m) = False maximum_fst_prefixes.simps by auto
  then obtain y where "y  list.set (filter (λ y . (m (x,y)  None)) ys)"
                  and "(xy#xys)  list.set (map ((#) (x,y)) (maximum_fst_prefixes (the (m (x,y))) xs' ys))"
    by auto
  then have "xy = (x,y)" and "xys  list.set (maximum_fst_prefixes (the (m (x,y))) xs' ys)"
    by auto

  have **: "take (length ((x, y) # xys)) (x # xs') = x # (take (length xys) xs')"
    by auto

  show ?case
    using Cons.IH[OF xys  list.set (maximum_fst_prefixes (the (m (x,y))) xs' ys)]
    unfolding xy = (x,y) xs = x#xs' ** by auto

lemma finite_tree_set_eq : 
  assumes "set t1 = set t2"
  and     "finite_tree t1"
  shows "t1 = t2"
using assms proof (induction "height t1" arbitrary: t1 t2 rule: less_induct)
  case less

  obtain m1 m2 where "t1 = PT m1" and "t2 = PT m2"
    by (metis finite_tree.cases) 

  show ?case proof (cases "height t1")
    case 0
    have "t1 = empty"
      using 0
      unfolding t1 = PT m1 height.simps is_leaf.simps
      by (metis add_is_0 zero_neq_one) 
    then have "set t2 = {[]}"
      using less Prefix_Tree.set_empty by auto 
    have "m2 = Map.empty" 
      show "x. m2 x = None"
      proof -
        fix x show "m2 x = None"
        proof (rule ccontr) 
          assume "m2 x  None"
          then obtain t' where "m2 x = Some t'"
            by blast 
          then have "[x]  set t2" 
            unfolding t2 = PT m2 set.simps by auto
          then show False
            using set t2 = {[]} by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      unfolding t1 = empty t2 = PT m2 empty_def by simp
    case (Suc k)

    show ?thesis proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "t1  t2"

      then have "m1  m2"
        using t1 = PT m1 t2 = PT m2 by auto
      then obtain x where "m1 x  m2 x"
        by (meson ext)

      then consider "m1 x  None  m2 x  None" | "m1 x = None  m2 x  None"
        by fastforce
      then show False proof cases
        case 1
        then obtain t1' t2' where "m1 x = Some t1'" and "m2 x = Some t2'"
          by auto
        then have "t1'  t2'"
          using m1 x  m2 x by auto
        moreover have "set t1' = set t2'" 
        proof -
          have " io . isin t1' io = isin t1 (x#io)"
            unfolding t1 = PT m1 using m1 x = Some t1' by auto
          moreover have " io . isin t2' io = isin t2 (x#io)"
            unfolding t2 = PT m2 using m2 x = Some t2' by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using less.prems(1)
            by (metis Collect_cong mem_Collect_eq set.simps) 
        moreover have "height t1' < height t1"
        proof -
          have "height t1 = 1 + Max (height ` ran m1)"
            using Suc 
            unfolding t1 = PT m1 height.simps 
            by (meson Zero_not_Suc) 
          moreover have "height t1'  height ` ran m1"
            using m1 x = Some t1'
            by (meson image_eqI ranI) 
          moreover have "finite (ran m1)"
            using less.prems(2) 
            unfolding t1 = PT m1 finite_tree.simps
            by (simp add: finite_ran) 
          ultimately have "height t1  1 + height t1'"
            by simp
          then show ?thesis by auto
        moreover have "finite_tree t1'"
          using less.prems(2) 
          unfolding t1 = PT m1 finite_tree.simps
          by (meson m1 x = Some t1' ranI)  
        ultimately show False 
          using less.hyps[of t1' t2']
          by blast
        case 2
        then have "isin t1 [x]  isin t2 [x]"
          unfolding t1 = PT m1 t2 = PT m2 by auto
        then show False using less.prems(1) by auto

(* obtain all trees after an input trace *)
fun after_fst :: "('a × 'b) prefix_tree  'a list  'b list  ('a × 'b) prefix_tree" where
  "after_fst t [] ys = t" |
  "after_fst (PT m) (x # xs) ys = foldr (λ y t . case m (x,y) of None  t | Some t'  combine t (after_fst t' xs ys)) ys empty"

subsection ‹Alternative characterization for code generation›

text ‹In order to generate code for the prefix trees, we represent the map inside each prefix tree
      by Mapping.›

definition MPT :: "('a,'a prefix_tree) mapping  'a prefix_tree" where
  "MPT m = PT (Mapping.lookup m)"

code_datatype MPT

lemma equals_MPT[code]: "equal_class.equal (MPT m1) (MPT m2) = (m1 = m2)" 
proof -
  have "equal_class.equal (MPT m1) (MPT m2) = equal_class.equal (PT (Mapping.lookup m1)) (PT (Mapping.lookup m2))"
    unfolding MPT_def by simp
  also have " = ((Mapping.lookup m1) = (Mapping.lookup m2))"
    using prefix_tree.eq.simps by auto
  also have " = (m1 = m2)"
    by (simp add: Mapping.lookup.rep_eq rep_inject)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma empty_MPT[code] :
  "empty = MPT Mapping.empty"
  unfolding MPT_def empty_def
  by (metis lookup_empty) 

lemma insert_MPT[code] :
  "insert (MPT m) xs = (case xs of
    []  (MPT m) |
    (x#xs)  MPT (Mapping.update x (insert (case Mapping.lookup m x of None  empty | Some t'  t') xs) m))"
  apply (cases xs; simp)
  by (simp add: MPT_def lookup.rep_eq update.rep_eq)  

lemma isin_MPT[code] :
  "isin (MPT m) xs = (case xs of
    []  True |
    (x#xs)  (case Mapping.lookup m x of None  False | Some t  isin t xs))"
  unfolding MPT_def by (cases xs; auto)

lemma after_MPT[code] :
  "after (MPT m) xs = (case xs of
    []  MPT m |
    (x#xs)  (case Mapping.lookup m x of None  empty | Some t  after t xs))"
  unfolding MPT_def by (cases xs; auto)

lemma PT_Mapping_ob : 
  fixes t :: "'a prefix_tree"
  obtains m where "t = MPT m"
proof -
  obtain m' where "t = PT m'"
    using prefix_tree.exhaust by blast 
  then have "t = MPT (Mapping m')" 
    unfolding MPT_def
    by (simp add: Mapping_inverse lookup.rep_eq) 
  then show ?thesis using that by blast

lemma set_MPT[code] :
  "set (MPT m) = Set.insert [] ( x  Mapping.keys m . (Cons x) ` (set (the (Mapping.lookup m x))))"
  unfolding MPT_def set_alt_def keys_dom_lookup by simp

lemma combine_MPT[code] : 
  "combine (MPT m1) (MPT m2) = MPT (Mapping.combine combine m1 m2)"  
proof -
  have "combine (MPT m1) (MPT m2) = combine (PT (Mapping.lookup m1)) (PT (Mapping.lookup m2))"
    unfolding MPT_def by simp
  also have " = PT (λx . combine_options combine ((Mapping.lookup m1) x) ((Mapping.lookup m2) x))"
    unfolding combine.simps
    by (simp add: combine_options_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (metis MPT_def combine.abs_eq lookup.abs_eq rep_inverse) 

lemma combine_after_MPT[code] :
  "combine_after (MPT m) xs t = (case xs of
    []  combine (MPT m) t |
    (x#xs)  MPT (Mapping.update x (combine_after (case Mapping.lookup m x of None  empty | Some t'  t') xs t) m))"
  apply (cases xs; simp)
  by (simp add: MPT_def lookup.rep_eq update.rep_eq)  

lemma finite_tree_MPT[code] :
  "finite_tree (MPT m) = (finite (Mapping.keys m)  ( x  Mapping.keys m . finite_tree (the (Mapping.lookup m x))))"
  unfolding MPT_def finite_tree.simps keys_dom_lookup ran_dom_the_eq[symmetric] by blast

lemma sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree_MPT[code] :
  "sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree (MPT m) = 
    (if Mapping.keys m = {}
      then [[]]
      else concat (map (λk . map ((#) k) (sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree (the (Mapping.lookup m k)))) (sorted_list_of_set (Mapping.keys m))))"
  unfolding MPT_def sorted_list_of_maximal_sequences_in_tree.simps keys_dom_lookup by simp

lemma is_leaf_MPT[code]:
  "is_leaf (MPT m) = (Mapping.is_empty m)"
  by (simp add: MPT_def Mapping.is_empty_def Prefix_Tree.empty_def keys_dom_lookup)

lemma height_MPT[code] :
  "height (MPT m) = (if (is_leaf (MPT m)) then 0 else 1 + Max ((height  the  Mapping.lookup m) ` Mapping.keys m))"
proof -
  have "height (MPT m) = (if (is_leaf (MPT m)) then 0 else 1 + Max (height ` ((λk . the (Mapping.lookup m k)) ` Mapping.keys m)))"
    by (simp add: MPT_def keys_dom_lookup ran_dom_the_eq)
  moreover have "(height ` ((λk . the (Mapping.lookup m k)) ` Mapping.keys m)) = ((height  the  Mapping.lookup m) ` Mapping.keys m)"
    by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    by auto

lemma maximum_prefix_MPT[code]:
  "maximum_prefix (MPT m) xs = (case xs of
    []  [] |
    (x#xs)  (case Mapping.lookup m x of None  [] | Some t  x # maximum_prefix t xs))"
  apply (cases xs; simp)
  by (simp add: MPT_def lookup.rep_eq)  

lemma sorted_list_of_in_tree_MPT[code] :
  "sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree (MPT m) = 
    (if Mapping.keys m = {}
      then [[]]
      else [] # concat (map (λk . map ((#) k) (sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree (the (Mapping.lookup m k)))) (sorted_list_of_set (Mapping.keys m))))"
  unfolding MPT_def sorted_list_of_sequences_in_tree.simps keys_dom_lookup by simp

lemma maximum_fst_prefixes_leaf: 
  fixes xs :: "'a list" and ys :: "'b list"
shows "maximum_fst_prefixes empty xs ys  = [[]]"
proof -
  have "is_leaf (empty :: ('a×'b)prefix_tree)" by auto
  obtain m where "(empty :: ('a×'b)prefix_tree) = PT m"
    using prefix_tree.exhaust by blast 

  show ?thesis proof (cases xs)
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case (Cons x xs)
    show ?thesis 
      using is_leaf (empty :: ('a×'b)prefix_tree)
      unfolding (empty :: ('a×'b)prefix_tree) = PT m  Cons maximum_fst_prefixes.simps by force

lemma maximum_fst_prefixes_MPT[code]:
  "maximum_fst_prefixes (MPT m) xs ys = (case xs of
    []  (if is_leaf (MPT m) then [[]] else []) |
    (x # xs)  (if is_leaf (MPT m) then [[]] else concat (map (λ y . map ((#) (x,y)) (maximum_fst_prefixes (the (Mapping.lookup m (x,y))) xs ys)) (filter (λ y . (Mapping.lookup m (x,y)  None)) ys))))"
  using maximum_fst_prefixes_leaf
  apply (cases xs) 
    apply auto[1]
  by (simp add: MPT_def lookup.rep_eq)  

(* The following function computes the maximum prefix xs' of xs such that there exists
   a sequence ys in the tree with (map fst xs' = map fst ys).
   Requires theory Polynomials.OAlist.
fun maximum_fst_prefix :: "('a×'b) prefix_tree ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'b list ⇒ ('a×'b) list" where
  "maximum_fst_prefix t [] ys = []" |
  "maximum_fst_prefix (PT m) (x # xs) ys = 
    (case (map (λ y . (x,y) # maximum_fst_prefix (the (m (x,y))) xs ys) (filter (λ y . (m (x,y) ≠ None)) ys)) of
      [] ⇒ [] |
      (p'#ps) ⇒ min_list_param (λ a b . length a > length b) (p'#ps))"

lemma maximum_fst_prefix_isin :
  "isin t (maximum_fst_prefix t xs ys)"
proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
  case Nil
  show ?case 
    by auto
  case (Cons x xs)

  obtain m where *:"t = PT m"
    using finite_tree.cases by blast

  show ?case proof (cases "(map (λ y . (x,y) # maximum_fst_prefix (the (m (x,y))) xs ys) (filter (λ y . (m (x,y) ≠ None)) ys))")
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis  unfolding * by auto
    case (Cons p' ps)

    then have "maximum_fst_prefix t (x # xs) ys = min_list_param (λ a b . length a > length b) (p'#ps)"
      unfolding * by auto
    then have "maximum_fst_prefix t (x # xs) ys ∈ list.set (p'#ps)"
      by (metis list.simps(3) min_list_param_in)
    then have "maximum_fst_prefix t (x # xs) ys ∈ list.set (map (λ y . (x,y) # maximum_fst_prefix (the (m (x,y))) xs ys) (filter (λ y . (m (x,y) ≠ None)) ys))"
      unfolding Cons .
    then obtain y where "y ∈ list.set (filter (λ y . (m (x,y) ≠ None)) ys)"
                    and "maximum_fst_prefix t (x # xs) ys = (x,y) # maximum_fst_prefix (the (m (x,y))) xs ys"
      by auto
    then have "m (x,y) ≠ None"
      by auto
    then obtain t' where "m (x,y) = Some t'"
      by auto
    then have "maximum_fst_prefix t (x # xs) ys = (x,y) # maximum_fst_prefix t' xs ys"
      using ‹maximum_fst_prefix t (x # xs) ys = (x,y) # maximum_fst_prefix (the (m (x,y))) xs ys›
      by auto
    have "isin t' (maximum_fst_prefix t' xs ys)"
      using Cons.IH by blast
    then show ?thesis
      using ‹m (x,y) = Some t'›
      unfolding ‹maximum_fst_prefix t (x # xs) ys = (x,y) # maximum_fst_prefix t' xs ys›
      unfolding *
      by auto

lemma maximum_fst_prefix_MPT[code]:
  "maximum_fst_prefix (MPT m) xs ys = (case xs of
    [] ⇒ [] |
    (x#xs) ⇒ (case (map (λ y . (x,y) # maximum_fst_prefix (the (Mapping.lookup m (x,y))) xs ys) (filter (λ y . (Mapping.lookup m (x,y) ≠ None)) ys)) of
      [] ⇒ [] |
      (p'#ps) ⇒ min_list_param (λ a b . length a > length b) (p'#ps)))"
  apply (cases xs; auto)
  by (simp add: MPT_def lookup.rep_eq)  
