Theory Regular_Tree_Relations.RRn_Automata

theory RRn_Automata
  imports Tree_Automata_Complement Ground_Ctxt
section ‹Regular relations›

subsection ‹Encoding pairs of terms›

text ‹The encoding of two terms $s$ and $t$ is given by its tree domain, which is the union of the
domains of $s$ and $t$, and the labels, which arise from looking up each position in $s$ and $t$,

definition gpair :: "'f gterm  'g gterm  ('f option × 'g option) gterm" where
  "gpair s t = glabel (λp. (gfun_at s p, gfun_at t p)) (gunion (gdomain s) (gdomain t))"

text ‹We provide an efficient implementation of gpair.›

definition zip_fill :: "'a list  'b list  ('a option × 'b option) list" where
  "zip_fill xs ys = zip (map Some xs @ replicate (length ys - length xs) None)
    (map Some ys @ replicate (length xs - length ys) None)"

lemma zip_fill_code [code]:
  "zip_fill xs [] = map (λx. (Some x, None)) xs"
  "zip_fill [] ys = map (λy. (None, Some y)) ys"
  "zip_fill (x # xs) (y # ys) = (Some x, Some y) # zip_fill xs ys"
  subgoal by (induct xs) (auto simp: zip_fill_def)
  subgoal by (induct ys) (auto simp: zip_fill_def)
  subgoal by (auto simp: zip_fill_def)

lemma length_zip_fill [simp]:
  "length (zip_fill xs ys) = max (length xs) (length ys)"
  by (auto simp: zip_fill_def)

lemma nth_zip_fill:
  assumes "i < max (length xs) (length ys)"
  shows "zip_fill xs ys ! i = (if i < length xs then Some (xs ! i) else None, if i < length ys then Some (ys ! i) else None)"
  using assms by (auto simp: zip_fill_def nth_append)

fun gpair_impl :: "'f gterm option  'g gterm option  ('f option × 'g option) gterm" where
  "gpair_impl (Some s) (Some t) = gpair s t"
| "gpair_impl (Some s) None     = map_gterm (λf. (Some f, None)) s"
| "gpair_impl None     (Some t) = map_gterm (λf. (None, Some f)) t"
| "gpair_impl None     None     = GFun (None, None) []"

declare gpair_impl.simps(2-4)[code]

lemma gpair_impl_code [simp, code]:
  "gpair_impl (Some s) (Some t) =
    (case s of GFun f ss  case t of GFun g ts 
    GFun (Some f, Some g) (map (λ(s, t). gpair_impl s t) (zip_fill ss ts)))"
proof (induct "gdomain s" "gdomain t" arbitrary: s t rule: gunion.induct)
  case (1 f ss g ts)
  obtain f' ss' where [simp]: "s = GFun f' ss'" by (cases s)
  obtain g' ts' where [simp]: "t = GFun g' ts'" by (cases t)
  show ?case using 1(2,3) 1(1)[of i "ss' ! i" "ts' ! i" for i]
    by (auto simp: gpair_def comp_def nth_zip_fill intro: glabel_map_gterm_conv[unfolded comp_def]
      intro!: nth_equalityI)

lemma gpair_code [code]:
  "gpair s t = gpair_impl (Some s) (Some t)"
  by simp

(* export_code gpair in Haskell *)

declare gpair_impl.simps(1)[simp del]

text ‹We can easily prove some basic properties. I believe that proving them by induction with a
definition along the lines of @{const gpair_impl} would be very cumbersome.›

lemma gpair_swap:
  "map_gterm prod.swap (gpair s t) = gpair t s"
  by (intro eq_gterm_by_gposs_gfun_at) (auto simp: gpair_def)

lemma gpair_assoc:
  defines "f  λ(f, gh). (f, gh  fst, gh  snd)"
  defines "g  λ(fg, h). (fg  fst, fg  snd, h)"
  shows "map_gterm f (gpair s (gpair t u)) = map_gterm g (gpair (gpair s t) u)"
  by (intro eq_gterm_by_gposs_gfun_at) (auto simp: gpair_def f_def g_def)

subsection ‹Decoding of pairs›

fun gcollapse :: "'f option gterm  'f gterm option" where
  "gcollapse (GFun None _) = None"
| "gcollapse (GFun (Some f) ts) = Some (GFun f (map the (filter (λt. ¬ Option.is_none t) (map gcollapse ts))))"

lemma gcollapse_groot_None [simp]:
  "groot_sym t = None  gcollapse t = None"
  "fst (groot t) = None  gcollapse t = None"
  by (cases t, simp)+

definition gfst :: "('f option × 'g option) gterm  'f gterm" where
  "gfst = the  gcollapse  map_gterm fst"

definition gsnd :: "('f option × 'g option) gterm  'g gterm" where
  "gsnd = the  gcollapse  map_gterm snd"

lemma filter_less_upt:
  "[i[i..<m] . i < n] = [i..<min n m]"
proof (cases "i  m")
  case True then show ?thesis
  proof (induct rule: inc_induct)
    case (step n) then show ?case by (auto simp: upt_rec[of n])
  qed simp
qed simp

lemma gcollapse_aux:
  assumes "gposs s = {p. p  gposs t  gfun_at t p  Some None}"
  shows "gposs (the (gcollapse t)) = gposs s"
    "p. p  gposs s  gfun_at (the (gcollapse t)) p = (gfun_at t p  id)"
proof (goal_cases)
  define s' t' where "s'  gdomain s" and "t'  gdomain t"
  have *: "gposs (the (gcollapse t)) = gposs s 
    (p. p  gposs s  gfun_at (the (gcollapse t)) p = (gfun_at t p  id))"
  using assms s'_def t'_def
  proof (induct s' t' arbitrary: s t rule: gunion.induct)
    case (1 f' ss' g' ts')
    obtain f ss where s [simp]: "s = GFun f ss" by (cases s)
    obtain g ts where t [simp]: "t = GFun (Some g) ts"
      using arg_cong[OF 1(2), of "λP. []  P"] by (cases t) auto
    have *: "i < length ts  ¬ Option.is_none (gcollapse (ts ! i))  i < length ss" for i
      using arg_cong[OF 1(2), of "λP. [i]  P"] by (cases "ts ! i") auto
    have l: "length ss  length ts"
      using arg_cong[OF 1(2), of "λP. [length ss-1]  P"] by auto
    have [simp]: "[tmap gcollapse ts . ¬ Option.is_none t] = take (length ss) (map gcollapse ts)"
      by (subst (2) map_nth[symmetric]) (auto simp add: * filter_map comp_def filter_less_upt
        cong: filter_cong[OF refl, of "[0..<length ts]", unfolded set_upt atLeastLessThan_iff]
        intro!: nth_equalityI)
    have [simp]: "i < length ss  gposs (ss ! i) = gposs (the (gcollapse (ts ! i)))" for i
      using conjunct1[OF 1(1), of i "ss ! i" "ts ! i"] l arg_cong[OF 1(2), of "λP. {p. i # p  P}"]
        1(3,4) by simp
    show ?case
    proof (intro conjI allI, goal_cases A B)
      case A show ?case using l by (auto simp: comp_def split: if_splits)
      case (B p) show ?case
      proof (cases p)
        case (Cons i q) then show ?thesis using arg_cong[OF 1(2), of "λP. {p. i # p  P}"]
          spec[OF conjunct2[OF 1(1)], of i "ss ! i" "ts ! i" q] 1(3,4) by auto
      qed auto
  { case 1 then show ?case using * by blast
    case 2 then show ?case using * by blast }

lemma gfst_gpair:
  "gfst (gpair s t) = s"
proof -
  have *: "gposs s = {p  gposs (map_gterm fst (gpair s t)). gfun_at (map_gterm fst (gpair s t)) p  Some None}"
    using gfun_at_nongposs
    by (fastforce simp: gpair_def elim: gfun_at_possE)
  show ?thesis unfolding gfst_def comp_def using gcollapse_aux[OF *]
    by (auto intro!: eq_gterm_by_gposs_gfun_at simp: gpair_def)

lemma gsnd_gpair:
  "gsnd (gpair s t) = t"
  using gfst_gpair[of t s] gpair_swap[of t s, symmetric]
  by (simp add: gfst_def gsnd_def gpair_def gterm.map_comp comp_def)

lemma gpair_impl_None_Inv:
  "map_gterm (the  snd) (gpair_impl None (Some t)) = t"
  by (simp add: gterm.map_ident gterm.map_comp comp_def)

subsection ‹Contexts to gpair›

lemma gpair_context1:
  assumes "length ts = length us"
  shows "gpair (GFun f ts) (GFun f us) = GFun (Some f, Some f) (map (case_prod gpair) (zip ts us))"
  using assms unfolding gpair_code by (auto intro!: nth_equalityI simp: zip_fill_def)

lemma gpair_context2:
  assumes " i. i < length ts  ts ! i = gpair (ss ! i) (us ! i)"
  and "length ss = length ts" and "length us = length ts"
  shows "GFun (Some f, Some h) ts = gpair (GFun f ss) (GFun h us)"
  using assms unfolding gpair_code gpair_impl_code
  by (auto simp: zip_fill_def intro!: nth_equalityI)

lemma map_funs_term_some_gpair:
  shows "gpair t t = map_gterm (λf. (Some f, Some f)) t"
proof (induct t)
  case (GFun f ts)
  then show ?case by (auto intro!: gpair_context2[symmetric])

lemma gpair_inject [simp]:
  "gpair s t = gpair s' t'  s = s'  t = t'"
  by (metis gfst_gpair gsnd_gpair)

abbreviation gterm_to_None_Some :: "'f gterm  ('f option × 'f option) gterm" where
  "gterm_to_None_Some t  map_gterm (λf. (None, Some f)) t"
abbreviation "gterm_to_Some_None t  map_gterm (λf. (Some f, None)) t"

lemma inj_gterm_to_None_Some: "inj gterm_to_None_Some"
    by (meson Pair_inject gterm.inj_map inj_onI option.inject)

lemma zip_fill1:
  assumes "length ss < length ts"
  shows "zip_fill ss ts = zip (map Some ss) (map Some (take (length ss) ts)) @
    map (λ x. (None, Some x)) (drop (length ss) ts)"
  using assms by (auto simp: zip_fill_def list_eq_iff_nth_eq nth_append simp add: min.absorb2)

lemma zip_fill2:
  assumes "length ts < length ss"
  shows "zip_fill ss ts = zip (map Some (take (length ts) ss)) (map Some ts) @
    map (λ x. (Some x, None)) (drop (length ts) ss)"
  using assms by (auto simp: zip_fill_def list_eq_iff_nth_eq nth_append simp add: min.absorb2)

(* GPair position lemmas *)

(* MOVE me*)
lemma not_gposs_append [simp]:
  assumes "p  gposs t"
  shows "p @ q  gposs t = False" using assms poss_gposs_conv
  using poss_append_poss by blast

(*end Move *)

lemma gfun_at_gpair:
  "gfun_at (gpair s t) p = (if p  gposs s then (if p  gposs t
                                                 then Some (gfun_at s p, gfun_at t p)
                                                 else Some (gfun_at s p, None)) else
                           (if p  gposs t then Some (None, gfun_at t p) else None))"
  using gfun_at_glabel by (auto simp: gpair_def)

lemma gposs_of_gpair [simp]:
  shows "gposs (gpair s t) = gposs s  gposs t"
  by (auto simp: gpair_def)

lemma poss_to_gpair_poss:
  "p  gposs s  p  gposs (gpair s t)"
  "p  gposs t  p  gposs (gpair s t)"
  by auto

lemma gsubt_at_gpair_poss:
  assumes "p  gposs s" and "p  gposs t"
  shows "gsubt_at (gpair s t) p = gpair (gsubt_at s p) (gsubt_at t p)" using assms
  by (auto simp: gunion_gsubt_at_poss gfun_at_gpair intro!: eq_gterm_by_gposs_gfun_at)

lemma subst_at_gpair_nt_poss_Some_None:
  assumes "p  gposs s" and "p  gposs t"
  shows "gsubt_at (gpair s t) p = gterm_to_Some_None (gsubt_at s p)" using assms gfun_at_poss
  by (force simp: gunion_gsubt_at_poss gfun_at_gpair intro!: eq_gterm_by_gposs_gfun_at)

lemma subst_at_gpair_nt_poss_None_Some:
  assumes "p  gposs t" and "p  gposs s"
  shows "gsubt_at (gpair s t) p = gterm_to_None_Some (gsubt_at t p)" using assms gfun_at_poss
  by (force simp: gunion_gsubt_at_poss gfun_at_gpair intro!: eq_gterm_by_gposs_gfun_at)

lemma gpair_ctxt_decomposition:
  fixes C defines "p  ghole_pos C"
  assumes "p  gposs s" and "gpair s t = Cgterm_to_None_Some uG"
  shows "gpair s (gctxt_at_pos t p)vG = Cgterm_to_None_Some vG"
  using assms(2-)
proof -
  note p[simp] = assms(1)
  have pt: "p  gposs t" and pc: "p  gposs Cgterm_to_None_Some vG"
    and pu: "p  gposs Cgterm_to_None_Some uG"
    using arg_cong[OF assms(3), of gposs] assms(2) ghole_pos_in_apply
    by auto
  have *: "gctxt_at_pos (gpair s (gctxt_at_pos t (ghole_pos C))vG) (ghole_pos C) = gctxt_at_pos (gpair s t) (ghole_pos C)"
    using assms(2) pt
    by (intro eq_gctxt_at_pos)
      (auto simp: gposs_gctxt_at_pos gunion_gsubt_at_poss gfun_at_gpair gfun_at_gctxt_at_pos_not_after)
  have "gsubt_at (gpair s (gctxt_at_pos t p)vG) p = gsubt_at Cgterm_to_None_Some vG p"
    using pt assms(2) subst_at_gpair_nt_poss_None_Some[OF _ assms(2), of "(gctxt_at_pos t p)vG"]
    using ghole_pos_gctxt_at_pos
    by (simp add: ghole_pos_in_apply)
  then show ?thesis using assms(2) ghole_pos_gctxt_at_pos
    using gsubst_at_gctxt_at_eq_gtermD[OF assms(3) pu]
    by (intro gsubst_at_gctxt_at_eq_gtermI[OF _ pc])
       (auto simp: ghole_pos_in_apply * gposs_gctxt_at_pos[OF pt, unfolded p])

lemma groot_gpair [simp]:
  "fst (groot (gpair s t)) = (Some (fst (groot s)), Some (fst (groot t)))"
  by (cases s; cases t) (auto simp add: gpair_code)

lemma ground_ctxt_adapt_ground [intro]:
  assumes "ground_ctxt C"
  shows "ground_ctxt (adapt_vars_ctxt C)"
  using assms by (induct C) auto

lemma adapt_vars_ctxt2 :
  assumes "ground_ctxt C"
  shows "adapt_vars_ctxt (adapt_vars_ctxt C) = adapt_vars_ctxt C" using assms
  by (induct C) (auto simp: adapt_vars2)

subsection ‹Encoding of lists of terms›

definition gencode :: "'f gterm list  'f option list gterm" where
  "gencode ts = glabel (λp. map (λt. gfun_at t p) ts) (gunions (map gdomain ts))"

definition gdecode_nth :: "'f option list gterm  nat  'f gterm" where
  "gdecode_nth t i = the (gcollapse (map_gterm (λf. f ! i) t))"

lemma gdecode_nth_gencode:
  assumes "i < length ts"
  shows "gdecode_nth (gencode ts) i = ts ! i"
proof -
  have *: "gposs (ts ! i) = {p  gposs (map_gterm (λf. f ! i) (gencode ts)).
           gfun_at (map_gterm (λf. f ! i) (gencode ts)) p  Some None}"
    using assms
    by (auto simp: gencode_def elim: gfun_at_possE dest: gfun_at_poss_gpossD) (force simp: fun_at_def' split: if_splits)
  show ?thesis unfolding gdecode_nth_def comp_def using assms gcollapse_aux[OF *]
    by (auto intro!: eq_gterm_by_gposs_gfun_at simp: gencode_def)
     (metis (no_types) gposs_map_gterm length_map list.set_map map_nth_eq_conv nth_mem) 

definition gdecode :: "'f option list gterm  'f gterm list" where
  "gdecode t = (case t of GFun f ts  map (λi. gdecode_nth t i) [0..<length f])"

lemma gdecode_gencode:
  "gdecode (gencode ts) = ts"
proof (cases "gencode ts")
  case (GFun f ts')
  have "length f = length ts" using arg_cong[OF GFun, of "λt. gfun_at t []"]
    by (auto simp: gencode_def)
  then show ?thesis using gdecode_nth_gencode[of _ ts]
    by (auto intro!: nth_equalityI simp: gdecode_def GFun)

definition gencode_impl :: "'f gterm option list  'f option list gterm" where
  "gencode_impl ts = glabel (λp. map (λt. t  (λt. gfun_at t p)) ts) (gunions (map (case_option (GFun () []) gdomain) ts))"

lemma gencode_code [code]:
  "gencode ts = gencode_impl (map Some ts)"
  by (auto simp: gencode_def gencode_impl_def comp_def)

lemma gencode_singleton:
  "gencode [t] = map_gterm (λf. [Some f]) t"
  using glabel_map_gterm_conv[unfolded comp_def, of "λt. [t]" t]
  by (simp add: gunions_def gencode_def)

lemma gencode_pair:
  "gencode [t, u] = map_gterm (λ(f, g). [f, g]) (gpair t u)"
  by (simp add: gunions_def gencode_def gpair_def map_gterm_glabel comp_def)

subsection ‹RRn relations›

definition RR1_spec where
  "RR1_spec A T   A = T"

definition RR2_spec where
  "RR2_spec A T   A = {gpair t u |t u. (t, u)  T}"

definition RRn_spec where
  "RRn_spec n A R   A = gencode ` R  (ts  R. length ts = n)"

lemma RR1_to_RRn_spec:
  assumes "RR1_spec A T"
  shows "RRn_spec 1 (fmap_funs_reg (λf. [Some f]) A) ((λt. [t]) ` T)"
proof -
  have [simp]: "inj_on (λf. [Some f]) X" for X by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
  show ?thesis using assms
    by (auto simp: RR1_spec_def RRn_spec_def fmap_funs_ℒ image_comp comp_def gencode_singleton)

lemma RR2_to_RRn_spec:
  assumes "RR2_spec A T"
  shows "RRn_spec 2 (fmap_funs_reg (λ(f, g). [f, g]) A) ((λ(t, u). [t, u]) ` T)"
proof -
  have [simp]: "inj_on (λ(f, g). [f, g]) X" for X by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
  show ?thesis using assms
    by (auto simp: RR2_spec_def RRn_spec_def fmap_funs_ℒ image_comp comp_def prod.case_distrib gencode_pair)

lemma RRn_to_RR2_spec:
  assumes "RRn_spec 2 A T"
  shows "RR2_spec (fmap_funs_reg (λ f. (f ! 0 ,  f ! 1)) A) ((λ f. (f ! 0, f ! 1)) ` T)" (is "RR2_spec ?A ?T")
proof -
  {fix xs assume "xs  T" then have "length xs = 2" using assms by (auto simp: RRn_spec_def)
    then obtain t u where *: "xs = [t, u]"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Suc_1 length_0_conv length_Suc_conv)
    have **: "(λf. (f ! 0, f ! Suc 0))  (λ(f, g). [f, g]) = id" by auto
    have "map_gterm (λf. (f ! 0, f ! Suc 0)) (gencode xs) = gpair t u"
      unfolding * gencode_pair gterm.map_comp ** gterm.map_id ..
    then have " t u. xs = [t, u]  map_gterm (λf. (f ! 0, f ! Suc 0)) (gencode xs) = gpair t u"
      using * by blast}
  then show ?thesis using assms
    by (force simp: RR2_spec_def RRn_spec_def fmap_funs_ℒ image_comp comp_def prod.case_distrib gencode_pair image_iff Bex_def)

lemma relabel_RR1_spec [simp]:
  "RR1_spec (relabel_reg A) T  RR1_spec A T"
  by (simp add: RR1_spec_def)

lemma relabel_RR2_spec [simp]:
  "RR2_spec (relabel_reg A) T  RR2_spec A T"
  by (simp add: RR2_spec_def)

lemma relabel_RRn_spec [simp]:
  "RRn_spec n (relabel_reg A) T  RRn_spec n A T"
  by (simp add: RRn_spec_def)

lemma trim_RR1_spec [simp]:
  "RR1_spec (trim_reg A) T  RR1_spec A T"
  by (simp add: RR1_spec_def ℒ_trim)

lemma trim_RR2_spec [simp]:
  "RR2_spec (trim_reg A) T  RR2_spec A T"
  by (simp add: RR2_spec_def ℒ_trim)

lemma trim_RRn_spec [simp]:
  "RRn_spec n (trim_reg A) T  RRn_spec n A T"
  by (simp add: RRn_spec_def ℒ_trim)

lemma swap_RR2_spec:
  assumes "RR2_spec A R"
  shows "RR2_spec (fmap_funs_reg prod.swap A) (prod.swap ` R)" using assms
  by (force simp add: RR2_spec_def fmap_funs_ℒ gpair_swap image_iff)

subsection ‹Nullary automata›

lemma false_RRn_spec:
  "RRn_spec n empty_reg {}"
  by (auto simp: RRn_spec_def ℒ_epmty)

lemma true_RR0_spec:
  "RRn_spec 0 (Reg {|q|} (TA {|[] []  q|} {||})) {[]}"
  by (auto simp: RRn_spec_def ℒ_def const_ta_lang gencode_def gunions_def)

subsection ‹Pairing RR1 languages›

text ‹cf. @{const "gpair"}.›

abbreviation "lift_Some_None s  (Some s, None)"
abbreviation "lift_None_Some s  (None, Some s)"
abbreviation "pair_eps A B  (λ (p, q). ((Some (fst p), q), (Some (snd p), q))) |`| (eps A |×| finsert None (Some |`| 𝒬 B))"
abbreviation "pair_rule  (λ (ra, rb). TA_rule (Some (r_root ra), Some (r_root rb)) (zip_fill (r_lhs_states ra) (r_lhs_states rb)) (Some (r_rhs ra), Some (r_rhs rb)))"

lemma lift_Some_None_pord_swap [simp]:
  "prod.swap  lift_Some_None = lift_None_Some"
  "prod.swap  lift_None_Some = lift_Some_None"
  by auto

lemma eps_to_pair_eps_Some_None:
  "(p, q) |∈| eps 𝒜  (lift_Some_None p, lift_Some_None q) |∈| pair_eps 𝒜 "
  by force

definition pair_automaton :: "('p, 'f) ta  ('q, 'g) ta  ('p option × 'q option, 'f option × 'g option) ta" where
  "pair_automaton A B = TA 
    (map_ta_rule lift_Some_None lift_Some_None |`| rules A |∪|
     map_ta_rule lift_None_Some lift_None_Some |`| rules B |∪|
     pair_rule |`| (rules A |×| rules B))
    (pair_eps A B |∪| map_both prod.swap |`| (pair_eps B A))"

definition pair_automaton_reg where
  "pair_automaton_reg R L = Reg (Some |`| fin R |×| Some |`| fin L) (pair_automaton (ta R) (ta L))"

lemma pair_automaton_eps_simps:
  "(lift_Some_None p, p') |∈| eps (pair_automaton A B)  (lift_Some_None p, p') |∈| pair_eps A B"
  "(q , lift_Some_None q') |∈| eps (pair_automaton A B)  (q , lift_Some_None q') |∈| pair_eps A B"
  by (auto simp: pair_automaton_def eps_to_pair_eps_Some_None)

lemma pair_automaton_eps_Some_SomeD:
  "((Some p, Some p'), r) |∈| eps (pair_automaton A B)  fst r  None  snd r  None  (Some p = fst r  Some p' = snd r) 
     (Some p  fst r  (p, the (fst r)) |∈| (eps A))  (Some p'  snd r  (p', the (snd r)) |∈| (eps B))"
  by (auto simp: pair_automaton_def)

lemma pair_automaton_eps_Some_SomeD2:
  "(r, (Some p, Some p')) |∈| eps (pair_automaton A B)  fst r  None  snd r  None  (fst r = Some p  snd r = Some p') 
     (fst r  Some p  (the (fst r), p) |∈| (eps A))  (snd r  Some p'  (the (snd r), p') |∈| (eps B))"
  by (auto simp: pair_automaton_def)

lemma pair_eps_Some_None:
  fixes p q q'
  defines "l  (p, q)" and "r  lift_Some_None q'"
  assumes "(l, r) |∈| (eps (pair_automaton A B))|+|"
  shows "q = None  p  None  (the p, q') |∈| (eps A)|+|" using assms(3, 1, 2)
proof (induct arbitrary: q' q rule: ftrancl_induct)
  case (Step b)
  then show ?case unfolding pair_automaton_eps_simps
    by (auto simp: pair_automaton_eps_simps)
       (meson not_ftrancl_into)
qed (auto simp: pair_automaton_def)

lemma pair_eps_Some_Some:
  fixes p q
  defines "l  (Some p, Some q)"
  assumes "(l, r) |∈| (eps (pair_automaton A B))|+|"
  shows "fst r  None  snd r  None 
      (fst l  fst r  (p, the (fst r)) |∈| (eps A)|+|) 
      (snd l  snd r  (q, the (snd r)) |∈| (eps B)|+|)"
  using assms(2, 1)
proof (induct arbitrary: p q rule: ftrancl_induct)
  case (Step b c)
  then obtain r r' where *: "b = (Some r, Some r')" by (cases b) auto
  show ?case using Step(2)
    using pair_automaton_eps_Some_SomeD[OF  Step(3)[unfolded *]]
    by (auto simp: *) (meson not_ftrancl_into)+
qed (auto simp: pair_automaton_def)

lemma pair_eps_Some_Some2:
  fixes p q
  defines "r  (Some p, Some q)"
  assumes "(l, r) |∈| (eps (pair_automaton A B))|+|"
  shows "fst l  None  snd l  None 
      (fst l  fst r  (the (fst l), p) |∈| (eps A)|+|) 
      (snd l  snd r  (the (snd l), q) |∈| (eps B)|+|)"
  using assms(2, 1)
proof (induct arbitrary: p q rule: ftrancl_induct)
  case (Step b c)
  from pair_automaton_eps_Some_SomeD2[OF Step(3)]
  obtain r r' where *: "c = (Some r, Some r')" by (cases c) auto
  from Step(2)[OF this] show ?case
    using pair_automaton_eps_Some_SomeD[OF  Step(3)[unfolded *]]
    by (auto simp: *) (meson not_ftrancl_into)+
qed (auto simp: pair_automaton_def)

lemma map_pair_automaton:
  "pair_automaton (fmap_funs_ta f A) (fmap_funs_ta g B) =
   fmap_funs_ta (λ(a, b). (map_option f a, map_option g b)) (pair_automaton A B)" (is "?Ls = ?Rs")
proof -
  let ?ls = "pair_rule  map_prod (map_ta_rule id f) (map_ta_rule id g)"
  let ?rs = "map_ta_rule id (λ(a, b). (map_option f a, map_option g b))  pair_rule"
  have *: "(λ(a, b). (map_option f a, map_option g b))  lift_Some_None = lift_Some_None  f"
    "(λ(a, b). (map_option f a, map_option g b))  lift_None_Some = lift_None_Some  g"
    by (auto simp: comp_def)
  have "?ls x = ?rs x" for x
    by (cases x) (auto simp: ta_rule.map_sel)
  then have [simp]: "?ls = ?rs" by blast
  then have "rules ?Ls = rules ?Rs"
    unfolding pair_automaton_def fmap_funs_ta_def
    by (simp add: fimage_funion map_ta_rule_comp * map_prod_ftimes)
  moreover have "eps ?Ls = eps ?Rs"
    unfolding pair_automaton_def fmap_funs_ta_def
    by (simp add: fimage_funion 𝒬_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (intro TA_equalityI) simp

lemmas map_pair_automaton_12 =
  map_pair_automaton[of _ _ id, unfolded fmap_funs_ta_id option.map_id]
  map_pair_automaton[of id _ _, unfolded fmap_funs_ta_id option.map_id]

lemma fmap_states_funs_ta_commute:
  "fmap_states_ta f (fmap_funs_ta g A) = fmap_funs_ta g (fmap_states_ta f A)"
proof -
  have [simp]: "map_ta_rule f id (map_ta_rule id g r) = map_ta_rule id g (map_ta_rule f id r)" for r
    by (cases r) auto
  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: ta_rule.case_distrib fmap_states_ta_def fmap_funs_ta_def fimage_iff fBex_def split: ta_rule.splits)

lemma states_pair_automaton:
  "𝒬 (pair_automaton A B) |⊆| (finsert None (Some |`| 𝒬 A) |×| (finsert None (Some |`| 𝒬 B)))"
  unfolding pair_automaton_def
  apply (intro 𝒬_subseteq_I)
  apply (auto simp: ta_rule.map_sel in_fset_conv_nth nth_zip_fill rule_statesD eps_statesD)
  apply (simp add: rule_statesD)+

lemma swap_pair_automaton:
  assumes "(p, q) |∈| ta_der (pair_automaton A B) (term_of_gterm t)"
  shows "(q, p) |∈| ta_der (pair_automaton B A) (term_of_gterm (map_gterm prod.swap t))"
proof -
  let ?m = "map_ta_rule prod.swap prod.swap"
  have [simp]: "map prod.swap (zip_fill xs ys) = zip_fill ys xs" for xs ys
    by (auto simp: zip_fill_def zip_nth_conv comp_def intro!: nth_equalityI)
  let ?swp = "λX. fmap_states_ta prod.swap (fmap_funs_ta prod.swap X)"
  { fix A B
    let ?AB = "?swp (pair_automaton A B)" and ?BA = "pair_automaton B A"
    have "eps ?AB |⊆| eps ?BA" "rules ?AB |⊆| rules ?BA"
      by (auto simp: fmap_states_ta_def fmap_funs_ta_def pair_automaton_def
          fimage_funion comp_def prod.map_comp ta_rule.map_comp)
  } note * = this
  let ?BA = "?swp (?swp (pair_automaton B A))" and ?AB = "?swp (pair_automaton A B)"
  have **: "r |∈| rules (pair_automaton B A)  ?m r |∈| ?m |`| rules (pair_automaton B A)" for r
    by blast
  have "r |∈| rules ?BA  r |∈| rules ?AB" "e |∈| eps ?BA  e |∈| eps ?AB" for r e
    using *[of B A] map_ta_rule_prod_swap_id
    unfolding fmap_funs_ta_def fmap_states_ta_def ta.sel
    by (auto simp: map_ta_rule_comp image_iff ta_rule.map_id0 intro!: bexI[of _ "?m r"]) 
  then have "eps ?BA |⊆| eps ?AB" "rules ?BA |⊆| rules ?AB"
    by blast+
  then have "fmap_states_ta prod.swap (fmap_funs_ta prod.swap (pair_automaton A B)) = pair_automaton B A"
    using *[of A B] by (simp add: fmap_states_funs_ta_commute fmap_funs_ta_comp fmap_states_ta_comp TA_equalityI)
  then show ?thesis
    using ta_der_fmap_states_ta[OF ta_der_fmap_funs_ta[OF assms], of prod.swap prod.swap]
    by (simp add: gterm.map_comp comp_def)

lemma to_ta_der_pair_automaton:
  "p |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm t) 
    (Some p, None) |∈| ta_der (pair_automaton A B) (term_of_gterm (map_gterm (λf. (Some f, None)) t))"
  "q |∈| ta_der B (term_of_gterm u) 
    (None, Some q) |∈| ta_der (pair_automaton A B) (term_of_gterm (map_gterm (λf. (None, Some f)) u))"
  "p |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm t)  q |∈| ta_der B (term_of_gterm u) 
    (Some p, Some q) |∈| ta_der (pair_automaton A B) (term_of_gterm (gpair t u))"
proof (goal_cases sn ns ss)
  let ?AB = "pair_automaton A B"
  have 1: "(Some p, None) |∈| ta_der (pair_automaton A B) (term_of_gterm (map_gterm (λf. (Some f, None)) s))"
    if "p |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm s)" for A B p s
  proof (rule fsubsetD[OF ta_der_mono])
    show "rules (fmap_states_ta lift_Some_None (fmap_funs_ta lift_Some_None A)) |⊆|
      rules (pair_automaton A B)"
      by (auto simp: fmap_states_ta_def fmap_funs_ta_def comp_def ta_rule.map_comp
    show "eps (fmap_states_ta lift_Some_None (fmap_funs_ta lift_Some_None A)) |⊆|
      eps (pair_automaton A B)"
      by (rule fsubsetI)
        (auto simp: fmap_states_ta_def fmap_funs_ta_def pair_automaton_def comp_def fimage.rep_eq
          dest: eps_to_pair_eps_Some_None)
    show "lift_Some_None p |∈| ta_der
      (fmap_states_ta lift_Some_None (fmap_funs_ta lift_Some_None A))
      (term_of_gterm (gterm_to_Some_None s))"
      using ta_der_fmap_states_ta[OF ta_der_fmap_funs_ta[OF that], of lift_Some_None]
      using ta_der_fmap_funs_ta ta_der_to_fmap_states_der that by fastforce
  have 2: "q |∈| ta_der B (term_of_gterm t) 
    (None, Some q) |∈| ta_der ?AB (term_of_gterm (map_gterm (λg. (None, Some g)) t))"
    for q t using swap_pair_automaton[OF 1[of q B t A]] by (simp add: gterm.map_comp comp_def)
    case sn then show ?case by (rule 1)
    case ns then show ?case by (rule 2)
    case ss then show ?case
    proof (induct t arbitrary: p q u)
      case (GFun f ts)
      obtain g us where u [simp]: "u = GFun g us" by (cases u)
      obtain p' ps where p': "f ps  p' |∈| rules A" "p' = p  (p', p) |∈| (eps A)|+|" "length ps = length ts"
        "i. i < length ts  ps ! i |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm (ts ! i))" using GFun(2) by auto
      obtain q' qs where q': "g qs  q' |∈| rules B" "q' = q  (q', q) |∈| (eps B)|+|" "length qs = length us"
        "i. i < length us  qs ! i |∈| ta_der B (term_of_gterm (us ! i))" using GFun(3) by auto
      have *: "Some p |∈| Some |`| 𝒬 A" "Some q' |∈| Some |`| 𝒬 B"
        using p'(2,1) q'(1)
        by (auto simp: rule_statesD eps_trancl_statesD)
      have eps: "p' = p  q' = q  ((Some p', Some q'), (Some p, Some q)) |∈| (eps ?AB)|+|"
      proof (cases "p' = p")
        case True note p = this then show ?thesis
        proof (cases "q' = q")
          case False
          then have "(q', q) |∈| (eps B)|+|" using q'(2) by auto
          hence "((Some p', Some q'), Some p', Some q) |∈| (eps (pair_automaton A B))|+|"
          proof (rule ftrancl_map[rotated])
            fix x y
            assume "(x, y) |∈| eps B"
            thus "((Some p', Some x), Some p', Some y) |∈| eps (pair_automaton A B)"
              using p'(1)[THEN rule_statesD(1), simplified]
              apply (simp add: pair_automaton_def image_iff fSigma.rep_eq)
              by fastforce
          thus ?thesis
            by (simp add: p)
        qed (simp add: p)
        case False note p = this
        then have *: "(p', p) |∈| (eps A)|+|" using p'(2) by auto
        then have eps: "((Some p', Some q'), Some p, Some q') |∈| (eps (pair_automaton A B))|+|"
        proof (rule ftrancl_map[rotated])
          fix x y
          assume "(x, y) |∈| eps A"
          then show "((Some x, Some q'), Some y, Some q') |∈| eps (pair_automaton A B)"
            using q'(1)[THEN rule_statesD(1), simplified]
            apply (simp add: pair_automaton_def image_iff fSigma.rep_eq)
            by fastforce
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases "q' = q")
          case True then show ?thesis using eps
            by simp
          case False
          then have "(q', q) |∈| (eps B)|+|" using q'(2) by auto
          then have "((Some p, Some q'), Some p, Some q) |∈| (eps (pair_automaton A B))|+|"
            apply (rule ftrancl_map[rotated])
            using *[THEN eps_trancl_statesD]
            apply (simp add: p pair_automaton_def image_iff fSigma.rep_eq)
            by fastforce
          then show ?thesis using eps
            by (meson ftrancl_trans)
      have "(Some f, Some g) zip_fill ps qs  (Some p', Some q') |∈| rules ?AB"
        using p'(1) q'(1) by (force simp: pair_automaton_def)
      then show ?case using GFun(1)[OF nth_mem p'(4) q'(4)] p'(1 - 3)  q'(1 - 3) eps
        using 1[OF p'(4), of _ B] 2[OF q'(4)]
        by (auto simp: gpair_code nth_zip_fill less_max_iff_disj
                    intro!: exI[of _ "zip_fill ps qs"] exI[of _ "Some p'"] exI[of _ "Some q'"])

lemma from_ta_der_pair_automaton:
  "(None, None) |∉| ta_der (pair_automaton A B) (term_of_gterm s)"
  "(Some p, None) |∈| ta_der (pair_automaton A B) (term_of_gterm s) 
    t. p |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm t)  s = map_gterm (λf. (Some f, None)) t"
  "(None, Some q) |∈| ta_der (pair_automaton A B) (term_of_gterm s) 
    u. q |∈| ta_der B (term_of_gterm u)  s = map_gterm (λf. (None, Some f)) u"
  "(Some p, Some q) |∈| ta_der (pair_automaton A B) (term_of_gterm s) 
   t u. p |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm t)  q |∈| ta_der B (term_of_gterm u)  s = gpair t u"
proof (goal_cases nn sn ns ss)
  let ?AB = "pair_automaton A B"
  { fix p s A B assume "(Some p, None) |∈| ta_der (pair_automaton A B) (term_of_gterm s)"
    then have "t. p |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm t)  s = map_gterm (λf. (Some f, None)) t"
    proof (induct s arbitrary: p)
      case (GFun h ss)
      obtain rs sp nq where r: "h rs  (sp, nq) |∈| rules (pair_automaton A B)"
        "sp = Some p  nq = None  ((sp, nq), (Some p, None)) |∈| (eps (pair_automaton A B))|+|" "length rs = length ss"
        "i. i < length ss  rs ! i |∈| ta_der (pair_automaton A B) (term_of_gterm (ss ! i))"
        using GFun(2) by auto
      obtain p' where pq: "sp = Some p'" "nq = None" "p' = p  (p', p) |∈| (eps A)|+|"
        using r(2) pair_eps_Some_None[of sp nq p A B]
        by (cases sp) auto
      obtain f ps where h: "h = lift_Some_None f" "rs = map lift_Some_None ps"
        "f ps  p' |∈| rules A"
        using r(1) unfolding pq(1, 2) by (auto simp: pair_automaton_def map_ta_rule_cases)
      obtain ts where "i. i < length ss 
        ps ! i |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm (ts i))  ss ! i = map_gterm (λf. (Some f, None)) (ts i)"
        using GFun(1)[OF nth_mem, of i "ps ! i" for i] r(4)[unfolded h(2)] r(3)[unfolded h(2) length_map]
        by auto metis
      then show ?case using h(3) pq(3) r(3)[unfolded h(2) length_map]
        by (intro exI[of _ "GFun f (map ts [0..<length ss])"]) (auto simp: h(1) intro!: nth_equalityI)
  } note 1 = this
  have 2: "u. q |∈| ta_der B (term_of_gterm u)  s = map_gterm (λg. (None, Some g)) u"
    if "(None, Some q) |∈| ta_der ?AB (term_of_gterm s)" for q s
    using 1[OF swap_pair_automaton, OF that]
    by (auto simp: gterm.map_comp comp_def gterm.map_ident
      dest!: arg_cong[of "map_gterm prod.swap _" _ "map_gterm prod.swap", unfolded gterm.map_comp])
    case nn
    then show ?case
      by (intro ta_der_not_reach) (auto simp: pair_automaton_def map_ta_rule_cases)
    case sn then show ?case by (rule 1)
    case ns then show ?case by (rule 2)
    case ss then show ?case
    proof (induct s arbitrary: p q)
      case (GFun h ss)
      obtain rs sp sq where r: "h rs  (sp, sq) |∈| rules ?AB"
        "sp = Some p  sq = Some q  ((sp, sq), (Some p, Some q)) |∈| (eps ?AB)|+|" "length rs = length ss"
        "i. i < length ss  rs ! i |∈| ta_der ?AB (term_of_gterm (ss ! i))"
        using GFun(2) by auto
      from r(2) have "sp  None" "sq  None" using pair_eps_Some_Some2[of "(sp, sq)" p q]
        by auto
      then obtain p' q' where pq: "sp = Some p'" "sq = Some q'"
        "p' = p  (p', p) |∈| (eps A)|+|" "q' = q  (q', q) |∈| (eps B)|+|"
        using r(2) pair_eps_Some_Some[where ?r = "(Some p, Some q)" and ?A = A and ?B = B]
        using pair_eps_Some_Some2[of "(sp, sq)" p q]
        by (cases sp; cases sq) auto
      obtain f g ps qs where h: "h = (Some f, Some g)" "rs = zip_fill ps qs"
        "f ps  p' |∈| rules A" "g qs  q' |∈| rules B"
        using r(1) unfolding pq(1,2) by (auto simp: pair_automaton_def map_ta_rule_cases)
      have *: "t u. ps ! i |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm t)  qs ! i |∈| ta_der B (term_of_gterm u)  ss ! i = gpair t u"
        if "i < length ps" "i < length qs" for i
        using GFun(1)[OF nth_mem, of i "ps ! i" "qs ! i"] r(4)[unfolded pq(1,2) h(2), of i] that
          r(3)[symmetric] by (auto simp: nth_zip_fill h(2))
      { fix i assume "i < length ss"
        then have "t u. (i < length ps  ps ! i |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm t)) 
            (i < length qs  qs ! i |∈| ta_der B (term_of_gterm u)) 
            ss ! i = gpair_impl (if i < length ps then Some t else None) (if i < length qs then Some u else None)"
          using *[of i] 1[of "ps ! i" A B "ss ! i"] 2[of "qs ! i" "ss ! i"] r(4)[of i] r(3)[symmetric]
          by (cases "i < length ps"; cases "i < length qs")
            (auto simp add: h(2) nth_zip_fill less_max_iff_disj gpair_code split: gterm.splits) }
      then obtain ts us where "i. i < length ss 
          (i < length ps  ps ! i |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm (ts i))) 
          (i < length qs  qs ! i |∈| ta_der B (term_of_gterm (us i))) 
          ss ! i = gpair_impl (if i < length ps then Some (ts i) else None) (if i < length qs then Some (us i) else None)"
        by metis
      moreover then have "i. i < length ps  ps ! i |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm (ts i))"
         "i. i < length qs  qs ! i |∈| ta_der B (term_of_gterm (us i))"
        using r(3)[unfolded h(2)] by auto
      ultimately show ?case using h(3,4) pq(3,4) r(3)[symmetric]
        by (intro exI[of _ "GFun f (map ts [0..<length ps])"] exI[of _ "GFun g (map us [0..<length qs])"])
          (auto simp: gpair_code h(1,2) less_max_iff_disj nth_zip_fill intro!: nth_equalityI split: prod.splits gterm.splits)

lemma diagonal_automaton:
  assumes "RR1_spec A R"
  shows "RR2_spec (fmap_funs_reg (λf. (Some f, Some f)) A) {(s, s) | s. s  R}" using assms
  by (auto simp: RR2_spec_def RR1_spec_def fmap_funs_reg_def fmap_funs_gta_lang map_funs_term_some_gpair ℒ_def)

lemma pair_automaton:
  assumes "RR1_spec A T" "RR1_spec B U"
  shows "RR2_spec (pair_automaton_reg A B) (T × U)"
proof -
  let ?AB = "pair_automaton (ta A) (ta B)"
  { fix t u assume t: "t  T" and u: "u  U"
    obtain p where p: "p |∈| fin A" "p |∈| ta_der (ta A) (term_of_gterm t)" using t assms(1)
      by (auto simp: RR1_spec_def gta_lang_def ℒ_def gta_der_def)
    obtain q where q: "q |∈| fin B" "q |∈| ta_der (ta B) (term_of_gterm u)" using u assms(2)
      by (auto simp: RR1_spec_def gta_lang_def ℒ_def gta_der_def)
    have "gpair t u   (pair_automaton_reg A B)" using p(1) q(1) to_ta_der_pair_automaton(3)[OF p(2) q(2)]
      by (auto simp: pair_automaton_reg_def ℒ_def)
  } moreover
  { fix s assume "s   (pair_automaton_reg A B)"
    from this[unfolded gta_lang_def ℒ_def]
    obtain r where r: "r |∈| fin (pair_automaton_reg A B)" "r |∈| gta_der ?AB s"
      by (auto simp: pair_automaton_reg_def)
    obtain p q where pq: "r = (Some p, Some q)" "p |∈| fin A" "q |∈| fin B"
      using r(1) by (auto simp: pair_automaton_reg_def)
    from from_ta_der_pair_automaton(4)[OF r(2)[unfolded pq(1) gta_der_def]]
    obtain t u where "p |∈| ta_der (ta A) (term_of_gterm t)" "q |∈| ta_der (ta B) (term_of_gterm u)" "s = gpair t u"
      by (elim exE conjE) note * = this
    then have "t   A" "u   B" using pq(2,3)
      by (auto simp: ℒ_def)
    then have "t u. s = gpair t u  t  T  u  U" using assms
      by (auto simp: RR1_spec_def *(3) intro!: exI[of _ t, OF exI[of _ u]])
  } ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp: RR2_spec_def)

lemma pair_automaton':
  shows " (pair_automaton_reg A B) = case_prod gpair ` ( A ×  B)"
  using pair_automaton[of A _ B] by (auto simp: RR1_spec_def RR2_spec_def)

subsection ‹Collapsing›

text ‹cf. @{const "gcollapse"}.›

fun collapse_state_list where
  "collapse_state_list Qn Qs [] = [[]]"
| "collapse_state_list Qn Qs (q # qs) = (let rec = collapse_state_list Qn Qs qs in
    (if q |∈| Qn  q |∈| Qs then map (Cons None) rec @ map (Cons (Some q)) rec
     else if q |∈| Qn then map (Cons None) rec
     else if q |∈| Qs then map (Cons (Some q)) rec
     else [[]]))"

lemma collapse_state_list_inner_length:
  assumes "qss = collapse_state_list Qn Qs qs"
    and " i < length qs. qs ! i |∈| Qn  qs ! i |∈| Qs"
    and "i < length qss"
  shows "length (qss ! i) = length qs" using assms
proof (induct qs arbitrary: qss i)
  case (Cons q qs)
  have "i<length qs. qs ! i |∈| Qn  qs ! i |∈| Qs" using Cons(3) by auto
  then show ?case using Cons(1)[of "collapse_state_list Qn Qs qs"] Cons(2-)
    by (auto simp: Let_def nth_append)
qed auto

lemma collapse_fset_inv_constr:
  assumes " i < length qs'. qs ! i |∈| Qn  qs' ! i = None 
    qs ! i |∈| Qs  qs' ! i = Some (qs ! i)"
    and "length qs = length qs'"
  shows "qs' |∈| fset_of_list (collapse_state_list Qn Qs qs)" using assms
proof (induct qs arbitrary: qs')
  case (Cons q qs)
  have "(tl qs') |∈| fset_of_list (collapse_state_list Qn Qs qs)" using Cons(2-)
    by (intro Cons(1)[of "tl qs'"]) (cases qs', auto)
  then show ?case using Cons(2-)
    by (cases qs') (auto simp: Let_def image_def)
qed auto

lemma collapse_fset_inv_constr2:
  assumes " i < length qs. qs ! i |∈| Qn  qs ! i |∈| Qs"
    and "qs' |∈| fset_of_list (collapse_state_list Qn Qs qs)" and "i < length qs'"
  shows "qs ! i |∈| Qn  qs' ! i = None  qs ! i |∈| Qs  qs' ! i = Some (qs ! i)"
  using assms
proof (induct qs arbitrary: qs' i)
  case (Cons a qs)
  have "i  0  qs ! (i - 1) |∈| Qn  tl qs' ! (i - 1) = None  qs ! (i - 1) |∈| Qs  tl qs' ! (i - 1) = Some (qs ! (i - 1))"
    using Cons(2-)
    by (intro Cons(1)[of "tl qs'" "i - 1"]) (auto simp: Let_def split: if_splits)
  then show ?case using Cons(2-)
    by (cases i) (auto simp: Let_def split: if_splits)
qed auto

definition collapse_rule where
  "collapse_rule A Qn Qs =
    |⋃| ((λ r. fset_of_list (map (λ qs. TA_rule (r_root r) qs (Some (r_rhs r))) (collapse_state_list Qn Qs (r_lhs_states r)))) |`|
    ffilter (λ r. ( i < length (r_lhs_states r). r_lhs_states r ! i |∈| Qn  r_lhs_states r ! i |∈| Qs))
      (ffilter (λ r. r_root r  None) (rules A)))"

definition collapse_rule_fset where
  "collapse_rule_fset A Qn Qs = (λ r. TA_rule (the (r_root r)) (map the (filter (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) (r_lhs_states r))) (the (r_rhs r))) |`|
     collapse_rule A Qn Qs"

lemma collapse_rule_set_conv:
  "fset (collapse_rule_fset A Qn Qs) = {TA_rule f (map the (filter (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) qs')) q | f qs qs' q.
      TA_rule (Some f) qs q |∈| rules A  length qs = length qs' 
      (i < length qs. qs ! i |∈| Qn  qs' ! i = None  qs ! i |∈| Qs  (qs' ! i) = Some (qs ! i))} " (is "?Ls = ?Rs")
  {fix f qs' q qs assume ass: "TA_rule (Some f) qs q |∈| rules A"
    "length qs = length qs'"
    "i < length qs. qs ! i |∈| Qn  qs' ! i = None  qs ! i |∈| Qs  (qs' ! i) = Some (qs ! i)"
    then have "TA_rule (Some f) qs' (Some q) |∈| collapse_rule A Qn Qs"
      using collapse_fset_inv_constr[of qs' qs Qn Qs] unfolding collapse_rule_def
      by (auto simp: fset_of_list.rep_eq fimage_iff intro!: bexI[of _ "TA_rule (Some f) qs q"])
    then have "TA_rule f (map the (filter (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) qs')) q  ?Ls"
      unfolding collapse_rule_fset_def
      by (auto simp: image_iff Bex_def intro!: exI[of _"TA_rule (Some f) qs' (Some q)"])}
  then show "?Rs  ?Ls" by blast
  {fix f qs q assume ass: "TA_rule f qs q  ?Ls"
    then obtain ps qs' where w: "TA_rule (Some f) ps q |∈| rules A"
      " i < length ps. ps ! i |∈| Qn  ps ! i |∈| Qs" 
      "qs' |∈| fset_of_list (collapse_state_list Qn Qs ps)"
      "qs = map the (filter (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) qs')"
      unfolding collapse_rule_fset_def collapse_rule_def
        by (auto simp: ffUnion.rep_eq fset_of_list.rep_eq) (metis ta_rule.collapse)
    then have " i < length qs'. ps ! i |∈| Qn  qs' ! i = None  ps ! i |∈| Qs  qs' ! i = Some (ps ! i)"
      using collapse_fset_inv_constr2
      by metis
    moreover have "length ps = length qs'"
      using collapse_state_list_inner_length[of _ Qn Qs ps]
      using w(2, 3) calculation(1)
      by (auto simp: in_fset_conv_nth)
    ultimately have "TA_rule f qs q  ?Rs"
      using w(1) unfolding w(4)
      by auto fastforce}
  then show "?Ls  ?Rs" 
    by (intro subsetI) (metis (no_types, lifting) ta_rule.collapse) 

lemma collapse_rule_fmember [simp]:
  "TA_rule f qs q |∈| (collapse_rule_fset A Qn Qs)  ( qs' ps.
   qs = map the (filter (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) qs')  TA_rule (Some f) ps q |∈| rules A  length ps = length qs' 
  (i < length ps. ps ! i |∈| Qn  qs' ! i = None  ps ! i |∈| Qs  (qs' ! i) = Some (ps ! i)))"
  unfolding collapse_rule_set_conv
  by auto

definition "Qn A  (let S = (r_rhs |`| ffilter (λ r. r_root r = None) (rules A)) in (eps A)|+| |``| S |∪| S)"
definition "Qs A  (let S = (r_rhs |`| ffilter (λ r. r_root r  None) (rules A)) in (eps A)|+| |``| S |∪| S)"

lemma Qn_member_iff [simp]:
  "q |∈| Qn A  ( ps p. TA_rule None ps p |∈| rules A  (p = q  (p, q) |∈| (eps A)|+|))" (is "?Ls  ?Rs")
proof -
  {assume ass: "q |∈| Qn A" then obtain r where
      "r_rhs r = q  (r_rhs r, q) |∈| (eps A)|+|" "r |∈| rules A" "r_root r = None"
      by (force simp: Qn_def Image_def image_def Let_def fImage.rep_eq)
    then have "?Ls  ?Rs"  by (cases r) auto}
  moreover have "?Rs  ?Ls" by (force simp: Qn_def Image_def image_def Let_def fImage.rep_eq)
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma Qs_member_iff [simp]:
  "q |∈| Qs A  ( f ps p. TA_rule (Some f) ps p |∈| rules A  (p = q  (p, q) |∈| (eps A)|+|))"  (is "?Ls  ?Rs")
proof -
  {assume ass: "q |∈| Qs A" then obtain f r where
      "r_rhs r = q  (r_rhs r, q) |∈| (eps A)|+|" "r |∈| rules A" "r_root r = Some f"
      by (force simp: Qs_def Image_def image_def Let_def fImage.rep_eq)
    then have "?Ls  ?Rs"  by (cases r) auto}
  moreover have "?Rs  ?Ls" by (force simp: Qs_def Image_def image_def Let_def fImage.rep_eq)
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma collapse_Qn_Qs_set_conv:
  "fset (Qn A) = {q' |qs q q'. TA_rule None qs q |∈| rules A  (q = q'  (q, q') |∈| (eps A)|+|)}" (is "?Ls1 = ?Rs1")
  "fset (Qs A) = {q' |f qs q q'. TA_rule (Some f) qs q |∈| rules A  (q = q'  (q, q') |∈| (eps A)|+|)}"  (is "?Ls2 = ?Rs2")
  by auto force+

definition collapse_automaton :: "('q, 'f option) ta  ('q, 'f) ta" where
  "collapse_automaton A = TA (collapse_rule_fset A (Qn A) (Qs A)) (eps A)"

definition collapse_automaton_reg where
  "collapse_automaton_reg R = Reg (fin R) (collapse_automaton (ta R))"

lemma ta_states_collapse_automaton:
  "𝒬 (collapse_automaton A) |⊆| 𝒬 A"
  apply (intro 𝒬_subseteq_I)
  apply (auto simp: collapse_automaton_def collapse_Qn_Qs_set_conv collapse_rule_set_conv
    fset_of_list.rep_eq in_set_conv_nth rule_statesD eps_statesD[unfolded])
  apply (metis Option.is_none_def fnth_mem option.sel rule_statesD(3) ta_rule.sel(2))

lemma last_nthI:
  assumes "i < length ts" "¬ i < length ts - Suc 0"
  shows "ts ! i = last ts" using assms
  by (induct ts arbitrary: i)
    (auto, metis last_conv_nth length_0_conv less_antisym nth_Cons')

lemma collapse_automaton':
  assumes "𝒬 A |⊆| ta_reachable A" (* cf. ta_trim *)
  shows "gta_lang Q (collapse_automaton A) = the ` (gcollapse ` gta_lang Q A - {None})"
proof -
  define Qn' where "Qn' = Qn A"
  define Qs' where "Qs' = Qs A"
  {fix t assume t: "t  gta_lang Q (collapse_automaton A)"
    then obtain q where q: "q |∈| Q" "q |∈| ta_der (collapse_automaton A) (term_of_gterm t)" by auto
    have " t'. q |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm t')  gcollapse t'  None  t = the (gcollapse t')" using q(2)
    proof (induct rule: ta_der_gterm_induct)
      case (GFun f ts ps p q)
      from GFun(1 - 3) obtain qs rs where ps: "TA_rule (Some f) qs p |∈| rules A" "length qs = length rs"
        "i. i < length qs  qs ! i |∈| Qn'  rs ! i = None  qs ! i |∈| Qs'  rs ! i = Some (qs ! i)"
        "ps = map the (filter (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) rs)"
        by (auto simp: collapse_automaton_def Qn'_def Qs'_def)
      obtain ts' where ts':
        "ps ! i |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm (ts' i))" "gcollapse (ts' i)  None" "ts ! i = the (gcollapse (ts' i))"
        if "i < length ts" for i using GFun(5) by metis
      from ps(2, 3, 4) have rs: "i < length qs  rs ! i = None  rs ! i = Some (qs ! i)" for i
        by auto
      {fix i assume "i < length qs" "rs ! i = None"
        then have " t'. groot_sym t' = None  qs ! i |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm t')"
          using ps(1, 2) ps(3)[of i]
          by (auto simp: ta_der_trancl_eps Qn'_def groot_sym_groot_conv elim!: ta_reachable_rule_gtermE[OF assms])
             (force dest: ta_der_trancl_eps)+}
      note None = this
      {fix i assume i: "i < length qs" "rs ! i = Some (qs ! i)"
        have "map Some ps = filter (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) rs" using ps(4)
          by (induct rs arbitrary: ps) (auto simp add: Option.is_none_def)
        from filter_rev_nth_idx[OF _ _ this, of i]
        have *: "rs ! i = map Some ps ! filter_rev_nth (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) rs i"
          "filter_rev_nth (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) rs i < length ps"
          using ps(2, 4) i by auto
        then have "the (rs ! i) = ps ! filter_rev_nth (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) rs i"
          "filter_rev_nth (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) rs i < length ps"
          by auto} note Some = this
      let ?P = "λ t i. qs ! i |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm t) 
          (rs ! i = None  groot_sym t = None) 
          (rs ! i = Some (qs ! i)  t = ts' (filter_rev_nth (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) rs i))"
      {fix i assume i: "i < length qs"
        then have " t. ?P t i" using Some[OF i] None[OF i] ts' ps(2, 4) GFun(2) rs[OF i]
          by (cases "rs ! i") auto}
      then obtain ts'' where ts'': "length ts'' = length qs"
        "i < length qs  qs ! i |∈| ta_der A (term_of_gterm (ts'' ! i))"
        "i < length qs  rs ! i = None  groot_sym (ts'' ! i) = None"
        "i < length qs  rs ! i = Some (qs ! i)  ts'' ! i = ts' (filter_rev_nth (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) rs i)"
      for i using that Ex_list_of_length_P[of "length qs" ?P] by auto
      from  ts''(1, 3, 4) Some ps(2, 4) GFun(2) rs ts'(2-)
      have "map Some ts = (filter (λq. ¬ Option.is_none q) (map gcollapse ts''))"
      proof (induct ts'' arbitrary: qs rs ps ts rule: rev_induct)
        case (snoc a us)
        from snoc(2, 7) obtain r rs' where [simp]: "rs = rs' @ [r]"
          by (metis append_butlast_last_id append_is_Nil_conv length_0_conv not_Cons_self2)
        have l: "length us = length (butlast qs)" "length (butlast qs) = length (butlast rs)"
          using snoc(2, 7) by auto
        have *: "i < length (butlast qs)  butlast rs ! i = None  groot_sym (us ! i) = None" for i
          using snoc(3)[of i] snoc(2, 7)
          by (auto simp:nth_append l(1) nth_butlast split!: if_splits)
        have **: "i < length (butlast qs)  butlast rs ! i = None  butlast rs ! i