Theory FOL_Fitting

(*  Author:     Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen, 2003
    Author: Asta Halkjær From, DTU Compute, 2019
    Thanks to John Bruntse Larsen, Anders Schlichtkrull & Jørgen Villadsen
    See also the Natural Deduction Assistant:

section ‹First-Order Logic According to Fitting›

theory FOL_Fitting
  imports "HOL-Library.Countable"

section ‹Miscellaneous Utilities›

text ‹Some facts about (in)finite sets›

theorem set_inter_compl_diff [simp]: - A  B = B - A by blast

section ‹Terms and formulae›

text ‹
The datatypes of terms and formulae in {\em de Bruijn notation}
are defined as follows:

datatype 'a "term"
  = Var nat
  | App 'a 'a term list

datatype ('a, 'b) form
  = FF
  | TT
  | Pred 'b 'a term list
  | And ('a, 'b) form ('a, 'b) form
  | Or ('a, 'b) form ('a, 'b) form
  | Impl ('a, 'b) form ('a, 'b) form
  | Neg ('a, 'b) form
  | Forall ('a, 'b) form
  | Exists ('a, 'b) form

text ‹
We use 'a› and 'b› to denote the type of
{\em function symbols} and {\em predicate symbols}, respectively.
In applications App a ts› and predicates
Pred a ts›, the length of ts› is considered
to be a part of the function or predicate name, so App a [t]›
and App a [t,u]› refer to different functions.

The size of a formula is used later for wellfounded induction. The
default implementation provided by the datatype package is not quite
what we need, so here is an alternative version:

primrec size_form :: ('a, 'b) form  nat where
  size_form FF = 0
| size_form TT = 0
| size_form (Pred _ _) = 0
| size_form (And p q) = size_form p + size_form q + 1
| size_form (Or p q) = size_form p + size_form q + 1
| size_form (Impl p q) = size_form p + size_form q + 1
| size_form (Neg p) = size_form p + 1
| size_form (Forall p) = size_form p + 1
| size_form (Exists p) = size_form p + 1

subsection ‹Closed terms and formulae›

text ‹
Many of the results proved in the following sections are restricted
to closed terms and formulae. We call a term or formula {\em closed at
level i›}, if it only contains ``loose'' bound variables with
indices smaller than i›.

  closedt :: nat  'a term  bool and
  closedts :: nat  'a term list  bool where
  closedt m (Var n) = (n < m)
| closedt m (App a ts) = closedts m ts
| closedts m [] = True
| closedts m (t # ts) = (closedt m t  closedts m ts)

primrec closed :: nat  ('a, 'b) form  bool where
  closed m FF = True
| closed m TT = True
| closed m (Pred b ts) = closedts m ts
| closed m (And p q) = (closed m p  closed m q)
| closed m (Or p q) = (closed m p  closed m q)
| closed m (Impl p q) = (closed m p  closed m q)
| closed m (Neg p) = closed m p
| closed m (Forall p) = closed (Suc m) p
| closed m (Exists p) = closed (Suc m) p

theorem closedt_mono: assumes le: i  j
  shows closedt i (t::'a term)  closedt j t
    and closedts i (ts::'a term list)  closedts j ts
  using le by (induct t and ts rule: closedt.induct closedts.induct) simp_all

theorem closed_mono: assumes le: i  j
  shows closed i p  closed j p
  using le
proof (induct p arbitrary: i j)
  case (Pred i l)
  then show ?case
    using closedt_mono by simp
qed auto

subsection ‹Substitution›

text ‹
We now define substitution functions for terms and formulae. When performing
substitutions under quantifiers, we need to {\em lift} the terms to be substituted
for variables, in order for the ``loose'' bound variables to point to the right

  substt :: 'a term  'a term  nat  'a term (‹_[_'/_] [300, 0, 0] 300) and
  substts :: 'a term list  'a term  nat  'a term list (‹_[_'/_] [300, 0, 0] 300) where
  (Var i)[s/k] = (if k < i then Var (i - 1) else if i = k then s else Var i)
| (App a ts)[s/k] = App a (ts[s/k])
| [][s/k] = []
| (t # ts)[s/k] = t[s/k] # ts[s/k]

  liftt :: 'a term  'a term and
  liftts :: 'a term list  'a term list where
  liftt (Var i) = Var (Suc i)
| liftt (App a ts) = App a (liftts ts)
| liftts [] = []
| liftts (t # ts) = liftt t # liftts ts

primrec subst :: ('a, 'b) form  'a term  nat  ('a, 'b) form
  (‹_[_'/_] [300, 0, 0] 300) where
  FF[s/k] = FF
| TT[s/k] = TT
| (Pred b ts)[s/k] = Pred b (ts[s/k])
| (And p q)[s/k] = And (p[s/k]) (q[s/k])
| (Or p q)[s/k] = Or (p[s/k]) (q[s/k])
| (Impl p q)[s/k] = Impl (p[s/k]) (q[s/k])
| (Neg p)[s/k] = Neg (p[s/k])
| (Forall p)[s/k] = Forall (p[liftt s/Suc k])
| (Exists p)[s/k] = Exists (p[liftt s/Suc k])

theorem lift_closed [simp]:
  closedt 0 (t::'a term)  closedt 0 (liftt t)
  closedts 0 (ts::'a term list)  closedts 0 (liftts ts)
  by (induct t and ts rule: closedt.induct closedts.induct) simp_all

theorem subst_closedt [simp]:
  assumes u: closedt 0 u
  shows closedt (Suc i) t  closedt i (t[u/i])
    and closedts (Suc i) ts  closedts i (ts[u/i])
  using u closedt_mono(1)
  by (induct t and ts rule: closedt.induct closedts.induct) auto

theorem subst_closed [simp]:
  closedt 0 t  closed (Suc i) p  closed i (p[t/i])
  by (induct p arbitrary: i t) simp_all

theorem subst_size_form [simp]: size_form (subst p t i) = size_form p
  by (induct p arbitrary: i t) simp_all

subsection ‹Parameters›

text ‹
The introduction rule ForallI› for the universal quantifier,
as well as the elimination rule ExistsE› for the existential
quantifier introduced in \secref{sec:proof-calculus} require the
quantified variable to be replaced by a ``fresh'' parameter. Fitting's
solution is to use a new nullary function symbol for this purpose.
To express that a function symbol is ``fresh'', we introduce functions
for collecting all function symbols occurring in a term or formula.

  paramst :: 'a term  'a set and
  paramsts :: 'a term list  'a set where
  paramst (Var n) = {}
| paramst (App a ts) = {a}  paramsts ts
| paramsts [] = {}
| paramsts (t # ts) = (paramst t  paramsts ts)

primrec params :: ('a, 'b) form  'a set where
  params FF = {}
| params TT = {}
| params (Pred b ts) = paramsts ts
| params (And p q) = params p  params q
| params (Or p q) = params p  params q
| params (Impl p q) = params p  params q
| params (Neg p) = params p
| params (Forall p) = params p
| params (Exists p) = params p

We also define parameter substitution functions on terms and formulae
that apply a function f› to all function symbols.

  psubstt :: ('a  'c)  'a term  'c term and
  psubstts :: ('a  'c)  'a term list  'c term list where
  psubstt f (Var i) = Var i
| psubstt f (App x ts) = App (f x) (psubstts f ts)
| psubstts f [] = []
| psubstts f (t # ts) = psubstt f t # psubstts f ts

primrec psubst :: ('a  'c)  ('a, 'b) form  ('c, 'b) form where
  psubst f FF = FF
| psubst f TT = TT
| psubst f (Pred b ts) = Pred b (psubstts f ts)
| psubst f (And p q) = And (psubst f p) (psubst f q)
| psubst f (Or p q) = Or (psubst f p) (psubst f q)
| psubst f (Impl p q) = Impl (psubst f p) (psubst f q)
| psubst f (Neg p) = Neg (psubst f p)
| psubst f (Forall p) = Forall (psubst f p)
| psubst f (Exists p) = Exists (psubst f p)

theorem psubstt_closed [simp]:
  closedt i (psubstt f t) = closedt i t
  closedts i (psubstts f ts) = closedts i ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: closedt.induct closedts.induct) simp_all

theorem psubst_closed [simp]:
  closed i (psubst f p) = closed i p
  by (induct p arbitrary: i) simp_all

theorem psubstt_subst [simp]:
  psubstt f (substt t u i) = substt (psubstt f t) (psubstt f u) i
  psubstts f (substts ts u i) = substts (psubstts f ts) (psubstt f u) i
  by (induct t and ts rule: psubstt.induct psubstts.induct) simp_all

theorem psubstt_lift [simp]:
  psubstt f (liftt t) = liftt (psubstt f t)
  psubstts f (liftts ts) = liftts (psubstts f ts)
  by (induct t and ts rule: psubstt.induct psubstts.induct) simp_all

theorem psubst_subst [simp]:
  psubst f (subst P t i) = subst (psubst f P) (psubstt f t) i
  by (induct P arbitrary: i t) simp_all

theorem psubstt_upd [simp]:
  x  paramst (t::'a term)  psubstt (f(x := y)) t = psubstt f t
  x  paramsts (ts::'a term list)  psubstts (f(x := y)) ts = psubstts f ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: psubstt.induct psubstts.induct) (auto split: sum.split)

theorem psubst_upd [simp]: x  params P  psubst (f(x := y)) P = psubst f P
  by (induct P) (simp_all del: fun_upd_apply)

theorem psubstt_id:
  fixes t :: 'a term and ts :: 'a term list
  shows psubstt id t = t and psubstts (λx. x) ts = ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: psubstt.induct psubstts.induct) simp_all

theorem psubst_id [simp]: psubst id = id
  fix p :: ('a, 'b) form
  show psubst id p = id p
    by (induct p) (simp_all add: psubstt_id)

theorem psubstt_image [simp]:
  paramst (psubstt f t) = f ` paramst t
  paramsts (psubstts f ts) = f ` paramsts ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: paramst.induct paramsts.induct) (simp_all add: image_Un)

theorem psubst_image [simp]: params (psubst f p) = f ` params p
  by (induct p) (simp_all add: image_Un)

section ‹Semantics›

text ‹
In this section, we define evaluation functions for terms and formulae.
Evaluation is performed relative to an environment mapping indices of variables
to values. We also introduce a function, denoted by e⟨i:a⟩›, for inserting
a value a› at position i› into the environment. All values of variables
with indices less than i› are left untouched by this operation, whereas the
values of variables with indices greater or equal than i› are shifted one
position up.

definition shift :: (nat  'a)  nat  'a  nat  'a (‹__:_ [90, 0, 0] 91) where
  ei:a = (λj. if j < i then e j else if j = i then a else e (j - 1))

lemma shift_eq [simp]: i = j  (ei:T) j = T
  by (simp add: shift_def)

lemma shift_gt [simp]: j < i  (ei:T) j = e j
  by (simp add: shift_def)

lemma shift_lt [simp]: i < j  (ei:T) j = e (j - 1)
  by (simp add: shift_def)

lemma shift_commute [simp]: ei:U0:T = e0:TSuc i:U
  fix x
  show (ei:U0:T) x = (e0:TSuc i:U) x
    by (cases x) (simp_all add: shift_def)

  evalt :: (nat  'c)  ('a  'c list  'c)  'a term  'c and
  evalts :: (nat  'c)  ('a  'c list  'c)  'a term list  'c list where
  evalt e f (Var n) = e n
| evalt e f (App a ts) = f a (evalts e f ts)
| evalts e f [] = []
| evalts e f (t # ts) = evalt e f t # evalts e f ts

primrec eval :: (nat  'c)  ('a  'c list  'c) 
  ('b  'c list  bool)  ('a, 'b) form  bool where
  eval e f g FF = False
| eval e f g TT = True
| eval e f g (Pred a ts) = g a (evalts e f ts)
| eval e f g (And p q) = ((eval e f g p)  (eval e f g q))
| eval e f g (Or p q) = ((eval e f g p)  (eval e f g q))
| eval e f g (Impl p q) = ((eval e f g p)  (eval e f g q))
| eval e f g (Neg p) = (¬ (eval e f g p))
| eval e f g (Forall p) = (z. eval (e0:z) f g p)
| eval e f g (Exists p) = (z. eval (e0:z) f g p)

text ‹
We write e,f,g,ps ⊨ p› to mean that the formula p› is a
semantic consequence of the list of formulae ps› with respect to an
environment e› and interpretations f› and g› for
function and predicate symbols, respectively.

definition model :: (nat  'c)  ('a  'c list  'c)  ('b  'c list  bool) 
    ('a, 'b) form list  ('a, 'b) form  bool (‹_,_,_,_  _› [50,50] 50) where
  (e,f,g,ps  p) = (list_all (eval e f g) ps  eval e f g p)

text ‹
The following substitution lemmas relate substitution and evaluation functions:

theorem subst_lemma' [simp]:
  evalt e f (substt t u i) = evalt (ei:evalt e f u) f t
  evalts e f (substts ts u i) = evalts (ei:evalt e f u) f ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: substt.induct substts.induct) simp_all

theorem lift_lemma [simp]:
  evalt (e0:z) f (liftt t) = evalt e f t
  evalts (e0:z) f (liftts ts) = evalts e f ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: liftt.induct liftts.induct) simp_all

theorem subst_lemma [simp]:
  eval e f g (subst a t i) = eval (ei:evalt e f t) f g a
  by (induct a arbitrary: e i t) simp_all

theorem upd_lemma' [simp]:
  n  paramst t  evalt e (f(n := x)) t = evalt e f t
  n  paramsts ts  evalts e (f(n := x)) ts = evalts e f ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: paramst.induct paramsts.induct) auto

theorem upd_lemma [simp]:
  n  params p  eval e (f(n := x)) g p = eval e f g p
  by (induct p arbitrary: e) simp_all

theorem list_upd_lemma [simp]: list_all (λp. n  params p) G 
  list_all (eval e (f(n := x)) g) G = list_all (eval e f g) G
  by (induct G) simp_all

theorem psubst_eval' [simp]:
  evalt e f (psubstt h t) = evalt e (λp. f (h p)) t
  evalts e f (psubstts h ts) = evalts e (λp. f (h p)) ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: psubstt.induct psubstts.induct) simp_all

theorem psubst_eval:
  eval e f g (psubst h p) = eval e (λp. f (h p)) g p
  by (induct p arbitrary: e) simp_all

text ‹
In order to test the evaluation function defined above, we apply it
to an example:

theorem ex_all_commute_eval:
  eval e f g (Impl (Exists (Forall (Pred p [Var 1, Var 0])))
    (Forall (Exists (Pred p [Var 0, Var 1]))))
  apply simp
  txt ‹
Simplification yields the following proof state:
@{subgoals [display]}
This is easily proved using intuitionistic logic:
  by iprover

section ‹Proof calculus›

text ‹
We now introduce a natural deduction proof calculus for first order logic.
The derivability judgement G ⊢ a› is defined as an inductive predicate.

inductive deriv :: ('a, 'b) form list  ('a, 'b) form  bool (‹_  _› [50,50] 50) where
  Assum: a  set G  G  a
| TTI: G  TT
| FFE: G  FF  G  a
| NegI: a # G  FF  G  Neg a
| NegE: G  Neg a  G  a  G  FF
| Class: Neg a # G  FF  G  a
| AndI: G  a  G  b  G  And a b
| AndE1: G  And a b  G  a
| AndE2: G  And a b  G  b
| OrI1: G  a  G  Or a b
| OrI2: G  b  G  Or a b
| OrE: G  Or a b  a # G  c  b # G  c  G  c
| ImplI: a # G  b  G  Impl a b
| ImplE: G  Impl a b  G  a  G  b
| ForallI: G  a[App n []/0]  list_all (λp. n  params p) G 
    n  params a  G  Forall a
| ForallE: G  Forall a  G  a[t/0]
| ExistsI: G  a[t/0]  G  Exists a
| ExistsE: G  Exists a  a[App n []/0] # G  b 
    list_all (λp. n  params p) G  n  params a  n  params b  G  b

text ‹
The following derived inference rules are sometimes useful in applications.

theorem Class': Neg A # G  A  G  A
  by (rule Class, rule NegE, rule Assum) (simp, iprover)

theorem cut: G  A  A # G  B  G  B
  by (rule ImplE, rule ImplI)

theorem ForallE': G  Forall a  subst a t 0 # G  B  G  B
  by (rule cut, rule ForallE)

text ‹
As an example, we show that the excluded middle, a commutation property
for existential and universal quantifiers, the drinker principle, as well
as Peirce's law are derivable in the calculus given above.

theorem tnd: []  Or (Pred p []) (Neg (Pred p [])) (is _  ?or)
proof -
  have [Neg ?or]  Neg ?or
    by (simp add: Assum)
  moreover { have [Pred p [], Neg ?or]  Neg ?or
      by (simp add: Assum)
    moreover have [Pred p [], Neg ?or]  Pred p []
      by (simp add: Assum)
    then have [Pred p [], Neg ?or]  ?or
      by (rule OrI1)
    ultimately have [Pred p [], Neg ?or]  FF
      by (rule NegE)
    then have [Neg ?or]  Neg (Pred p [])
      by (rule NegI)
    then have [Neg ?or]  ?or
      by (rule OrI2) }
  ultimately have [Neg ?or]  FF
    by (rule NegE)
  then show ?thesis
    by (rule Class)

theorem ex_all_commute:
  ([]::(nat, 'b) form list)  Impl (Exists (Forall (Pred p [Var 1, Var 0])))
     (Forall (Exists (Pred p [Var 0, Var 1])))
proof -
  let ?forall = Forall (Pred p [Var 1, Var 0]) :: (nat, 'b) form

  have [Exists ?forall]  Exists ?forall
    by (simp add: Assum)
  moreover { have [?forall[App 1 []/0], Exists ?forall]  Forall (Pred p [App 1 [], Var 0])
      by (simp add: Assum)
    moreover have [Pred p [App 1 [], Var 0][App 0 []/0], ?forall[App 1 []/0],
      Exists ?forall]  Pred p [Var 0, App 0 []][App 1 []/0]
      by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have [?forall[App 1 []/0], Exists ?forall]  (Pred p [Var 0, App 0 []])[App 1 []/0]
      by (rule ForallE') }
  then have [?forall[App 1 []/0], Exists ?forall]  Exists (Pred p [Var 0, App 0 []])
    by (rule ExistsI)
  moreover have list_all (λp. 1  params p) [Exists ?forall]
    by simp
  moreover have 1  params ?forall
    by simp
  moreover have 1  params (Exists (Pred p [Var 0, App (0 :: nat) []]))
    by simp
  ultimately have [Exists ?forall]  Exists (Pred p [Var 0, App 0 []])
    by (rule ExistsE)
  then have [Exists ?forall]  (Exists (Pred p [Var 0, Var 1]))[App 0 []/0]
    by simp
  moreover have list_all (λp. 0  params p) [Exists ?forall]
    by simp
  moreover have 0  params (Exists (Pred p [Var 0, Var 1]))
    by simp
  ultimately have [Exists ?forall]  Forall (Exists (Pred p [Var 0, Var 1]))
    by (rule ForallI)
  then show ?thesis
    by (rule ImplI)

theorem drinker: ([]::(nat, 'b) form list) 
  Exists (Impl (Pred P [Var 0]) (Forall (Pred P [Var 0])))
proof -
  let ?impl = (Impl (Pred P [Var 0]) (Forall (Pred P [Var 0]))) :: (nat, 'b) form
  let ?G' = [Pred P [Var 0], Neg (Exists ?impl)]
  let ?G = Neg (Pred P [App 0 []]) # ?G'

  have ?G  Neg (Exists ?impl)
    by (simp add: Assum)
  moreover have Pred P [App 0 []] # ?G  Neg (Pred P [App 0 []])
    and Pred P [App 0 []] # ?G  Pred P [App 0 []]
    by (simp_all add: Assum)
  then have Pred P [App 0 []] # ?G  FF
    by (rule NegE)
  then have Pred P [App 0 []] # ?G  Forall (Pred P [Var 0])
    by (rule FFE)
  then have ?G  ?impl[App 0 []/0]
    using ImplI by simp
  then have ?G  Exists ?impl
    by (rule ExistsI)
  ultimately have ?G  FF
    by (rule NegE)
  then have ?G'  Pred P [Var 0][App 0 []/0]
    using Class by simp
  moreover have list_all (λp. (0 :: nat)  params p) ?G'
    by simp
  moreover have (0 :: nat)  params (Pred P [Var 0])
    by simp
  ultimately have ?G'  Forall (Pred P [Var 0])
    by (rule ForallI)
  then have [Neg (Exists ?impl)]  ?impl[Var 0/0]
    using ImplI by simp
  then have [Neg (Exists ?impl)]  Exists ?impl
    by (rule ExistsI)
  then show ?thesis
    by (rule Class')

theorem peirce:
  []  Impl (Impl (Impl (Pred P []) (Pred Q [])) (Pred P [])) (Pred P [])
  (is []  Impl ?PQP (Pred P []))
proof -
  let ?PQPP = Impl ?PQP (Pred P [])

  have [?PQP, Neg ?PQPP]  ?PQP
    by (simp add: Assum)
  moreover { have [Pred P [], ?PQP, Neg ?PQPP]  Neg ?PQPP
      by (simp add: Assum)
    moreover have [?PQP, Pred P [], ?PQP, Neg ?PQPP]  Pred P []
      by (simp add: Assum)
    then have [Pred P [], ?PQP, Neg ?PQPP]  ?PQPP
      by (rule ImplI)
    ultimately have [Pred P [], ?PQP, Neg ?PQPP]  FF
      by (rule NegE) }
  then have [Pred P [], ?PQP, Neg ?PQPP]  Pred Q []
    by (rule FFE)
  then have [?PQP, Neg ?PQPP]  Impl (Pred P []) (Pred Q [])
    by (rule ImplI)
  ultimately have [?PQP, Neg ?PQPP]  Pred P []
    by (rule ImplE)
  then have [Neg ?PQPP]  ?PQPP
    by (rule ImplI)
  then show []  ?PQPP
    by (rule Class')

section ‹Correctness›

text ‹
The correctness of the proof calculus introduced in \secref{sec:proof-calculus}
can now be proved by induction on the derivation of @{term G  p}, using the
substitution rules proved in \secref{sec:semantics}.

theorem correctness: G  p  e f g. e,f,g,G  p
proof (induct p rule: deriv.induct)
  case (Assum a G)
  then show ?case by (simp add: model_def list_all_iff)
  case (ForallI G a n)
  show ?case
  proof (intro allI)
    fix f g and e :: nat  'c
    have z. e, (f(n := λx. z)), g, G  (a[App n []/0])
      using ForallI by blast
    then have z. list_all (eval e f g) G  eval (e0:z) f g a
      using ForallI unfolding model_def by simp
    then show e,f,g,G  Forall a unfolding model_def by simp
  case (ExistsE G a n b)
  show ?case
  proof (intro allI)
    fix f g and e :: nat  'c
    obtain z where list_all (eval e f g) G  eval (e0:z) f g a
      using ExistsE unfolding model_def by simp blast
    then have e, (f(n := λx. z)), g, G  b
      using ExistsE unfolding model_def by simp
    then show e,f,g,G  b
      using ExistsE unfolding model_def by simp
qed (simp_all add: model_def, blast+)

section ‹Completeness›

text ‹
The goal of this section is to prove completeness of the natural deduction
calculus introduced in \secref{sec:proof-calculus}. Before we start with the
actual proof, it is useful to note that the following two formulations of
completeness are equivalent:
\item All valid formulae are derivable, i.e.
  ps ⊨ p ⟹ ps ⊢ p›
\item All consistent sets are satisfiable
The latter property is called the {\em model existence theorem}. To see why 2
implies 1, observe that Neg p, ps \<notturnstile> FF› implies
that Neg p, ps› is consistent, which, by the model existence theorem,
implies that Neg p, ps› has a model, which in turn implies that
ps \<notTurnstile> p›. By contraposition, it therefore follows
from ps ⊨ p› that Neg p, ps ⊢ FF›, which allows us to
deduce ps ⊢ p› using rule Class›.

In most textbooks on logic, a set S› of formulae is called {\em consistent},
if no contradiction can be derived from S› using a {\em specific proof calculus},
i.e.\ S \<notturnstile> FF›. Rather than defining consistency relative to
a {\em specific} calculus, Fitting uses the more general approach of describing
properties that all consistent sets must have (see \secref{sec:consistent-sets}).

The key idea behind the proof of the model existence theorem is to
extend a consistent set to one that is {\em maximal} (see \secref{sec:extend}).
In order to do this, we use the fact that the set of formulae is enumerable
(see \secref{sec:enumeration}), which allows us to form a sequence
$\phi_0$, $\phi_1$, $\phi_2$, $\ldots$ containing all formulae.
We can then construct a sequence $S_i$ of consistent sets as follows:
  S_0 = S \\
  S_{i+1} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
    S_i \cup \{\phi_i\} & \hbox{if } S_i \cup \{\phi_i\} \hbox{ consistent} \\
    S_i & \hbox{otherwise}
To obtain a maximal consistent set, we form the union $\bigcup_i S_i$ of these
sets. To ensure that this union is still consistent, additional closure
(see \secref{sec:closure}) and finiteness (see \secref{sec:finiteness})
properties are needed.
It can be shown that a maximal consistent set is a {\em Hintikka set}
(see \secref{sec:hintikka}). Hintikka sets are satisfiable in {\em Herbrand}
models, where closed terms coincide with their interpretation.

subsection ‹Consistent sets›

text ‹
In this section, we describe an abstract criterion for consistent sets.
A set of sets of formulae is called a {\em consistency property}, if the
following holds:

definition consistency :: ('a, 'b) form set set  bool where
  consistency C = (S. S  C 
     (p ts. ¬ (Pred p ts  S  Neg (Pred p ts)  S)) 
     FF  S  Neg TT  S 
     (Z. Neg (Neg Z)  S  S  {Z}  C) 
     (A B. And A B  S  S  {A, B}  C) 
     (A B. Neg (Or A B)  S  S  {Neg A, Neg B}  C) 
     (A B. Or A B  S  S  {A}  C  S  {B}  C) 
     (A B. Neg (And A B)  S  S  {Neg A}  C  S  {Neg B}  C) 
     (A B. Impl A B  S  S  {Neg A}  C  S  {B}  C) 
     (A B. Neg (Impl A B)  S  S  {A, Neg B}  C) 
     (P t. closedt 0 t  Forall P  S  S  {P[t/0]}  C) 
     (P t. closedt 0 t  Neg (Exists P)  S  S  {Neg (P[t/0])}  C) 
     (P. Exists P  S  (x. S  {P[App x []/0]}  C)) 
     (P. Neg (Forall P)  S  (x. S  {Neg (P[App x []/0])}  C)))

text ‹
In \secref{sec:finiteness}, we will show how to extend a consistency property
to one that is of {\em finite character}. However, the above
definition of a consistency property cannot be used for this, since there is
a problem with the treatment of formulae of the form Exists P› and
Neg (Forall P)›. Fitting therefore suggests to define an {\em alternative
consistency property} as follows:

definition alt_consistency :: ('a, 'b) form set set  bool where
  alt_consistency C = (S. S  C 
     (p ts. ¬ (Pred p ts  S  Neg (Pred p ts)  S)) 
     FF  S  Neg TT  S 
     (Z. Neg (Neg Z)  S  S  {Z}  C) 
     (A B. And A B  S  S  {A, B}  C) 
     (A B. Neg (Or A B)  S  S  {Neg A, Neg B}  C) 
     (A B. Or A B  S  S  {A}  C  S  {B}  C) 
     (A B. Neg (And A B)  S  S  {Neg A}  C  S  {Neg B}  C) 
     (A B. Impl A B  S  S  {Neg A}  C  S  {B}  C) 
     (A B. Neg (Impl A B)  S  S  {A, Neg B}  C) 
     (P t. closedt 0 t  Forall P  S  S  {P[t/0]}  C) 
     (P t. closedt 0 t  Neg (Exists P)  S  S  {Neg (P[t/0])}  C) 
     (P x. (a  S. x  params a)  Exists P  S 
       S  {P[App x []/0]}  C) 
     (P x. (a  S. x  params a)  Neg (Forall P)  S 
       S  {Neg (P[App x []/0])}  C))

text ‹
Note that in the clauses for Exists P› and Neg (Forall P)›,
the first definition requires the existence of a parameter x› with a certain
property, whereas the second definition requires that all parameters x› that
are new for S› have a certain property. A consistency property can easily be
turned into an alternative consistency property by applying a suitable parameter

definition mk_alt_consistency :: ('a, 'b) form set set  ('a, 'b) form set set where
  mk_alt_consistency C = {S. f. psubst f ` S  C}

theorem alt_consistency:
  assumes conc: consistency C
  shows alt_consistency (mk_alt_consistency C) (is alt_consistency ?C')
  unfolding alt_consistency_def
proof (intro allI impI conjI)
  fix f :: 'a  'a and S :: ('a, 'b) form set

  assume S  mk_alt_consistency C
  then obtain f where sc: psubst f ` S  C (is ?S'  C)
    unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by blast

  fix p ts
  show ¬ (Pred p ts  S  Neg (Pred p ts)  S)
    assume *: Pred p ts  S  Neg (Pred p ts)  S
    then have psubst f (Pred p ts)  ?S'
      by blast
    then have Pred p (psubstts f ts)  ?S'
      by simp
    then have Neg (Pred p (psubstts f ts))  ?S'
      using conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then have Neg (Pred p ts)  S
      by force
    then show False
      using * by blast

  have FF  ?S' and Neg TT  ?S'
    using conc sc unfolding consistency_def by simp_all
  then show FF  S and Neg TT  S
    by (force, force)

  { fix Z
    assume Neg (Neg Z)  S
    then have psubst f (Neg (Neg Z))  ?S'
      by blast
    then have ?S'  {psubst f Z}  C
      using conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then show S  {Z}  ?C'
      unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by auto }

  { fix A B
    assume And A B  S
    then have psubst f (And A B)  ?S'
      by blast
    then have ?S'  {psubst f A, psubst f B}  C
      using conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then show S  {A, B}  ?C'
      unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by auto }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (Or A B)  S
    then have psubst f (Neg (Or A B))  ?S'
      by blast
    then have ?S'  {Neg (psubst f A), Neg (psubst f B)}  C
      using conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then show S  {Neg A, Neg B}  ?C'
      unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by auto }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (Impl A B)  S
    then have psubst f (Neg (Impl A B))  ?S'
      by blast
    then have ?S'  {psubst f A, Neg (psubst f B)}  C
      using conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then show S  {A, Neg B}  ?C'
      unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by auto }

  { fix A B
    assume Or A B  S
    then have psubst f (Or A B)  ?S'
      by blast
    then have ?S'  {psubst f A}  C  ?S'  {psubst f B}  C
      using conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then show S  {A}  ?C'  S  {B}  ?C'
      unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by auto }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (And A B)  S
    then have psubst f (Neg (And A B))  ?S'
      by blast
    then have ?S'  {Neg (psubst f A)}  C  ?S'  {Neg (psubst f B)}  C
      using conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then show S  {Neg A}  ?C'  S  {Neg B}  ?C'
      unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by auto }

  { fix A B
    assume Impl A B  S
    then have psubst f (Impl A B)  ?S'
      by blast
    then have ?S'  {Neg (psubst f A)}  C  ?S'  {psubst f B}  C
      using conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then show S  {Neg A}  ?C'  S  {B}  ?C'
      unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by auto }

  { fix P and t :: 'a term
    assume closedt 0 t and Forall P  S
    then have psubst f (Forall P)  ?S'
      by blast
    then have ?S'  {psubst f P[psubstt f t/0]}  C
      using closedt 0 t conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then show S  {P[t/0]}  ?C'
      unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by auto }

  { fix P and t :: 'a term
    assume closedt 0 t and Neg (Exists P)  S
    then have psubst f (Neg (Exists P))  ?S'
      by blast
    then have ?S'  {Neg (psubst f P[psubstt f t/0])}  C
      using closedt 0 t conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then show S  {Neg (P[t/0])}  ?C'
      unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by auto }

  { fix P :: ('a, 'b) form and x f'
    assume a  S. x  params a and Exists P  S
    moreover have psubst f (Exists P)  ?S'
      using calculation by blast
    then have y. ?S'  {psubst f P[App y []/0]}  C
      using conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then obtain y where ?S'  {psubst f P[App y []/0]}  C
      by blast

    moreover have psubst (f(x := y)) ` S = ?S'
      using calculation by (simp cong add: image_cong)
    moreover have psubst (f(x := y)) `
        S  {psubst (f(x := y)) P[App ((f(x := y)) x) []/0]}  C
      using calculation by auto
    ultimately have f. psubst f ` S  {psubst f P[App (f x) []/0]}  C
      by blast
    then show S  {P[App x []/0]}  ?C'
      unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by simp }

  { fix P :: ('a, 'b) form and x
    assume a  S. x  params a and Neg (Forall P)  S
    moreover have psubst f (Neg (Forall P))  ?S'
      using calculation by blast
    then have y. ?S'  {Neg (psubst f P[App y []/0])}  C
      using conc sc by (simp add: consistency_def)
    then obtain y where ?S'  {Neg (psubst f P[App y []/0])}  C
      by blast

    moreover have psubst (f(x := y)) ` S = ?S'
      using calculation by (simp cong add: image_cong)
    moreover have psubst (f(x := y)) `
    S  {Neg (psubst (f(x := y)) P[App ((f(x := y)) x) []/0])}  C
      using calculation by auto
    ultimately have f. psubst f ` S  {Neg (psubst f P[App (f x) []/0])}  C
      by blast
    then show S  {Neg (P[App x []/0])}  ?C'
      unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def by simp }

theorem mk_alt_consistency_subset: C  mk_alt_consistency C
  unfolding mk_alt_consistency_def
  fix x assume x  C
  then have psubst id ` x  C
    by simp
  then have (f. psubst f ` x  C)
    by blast
  then show x  {S. f. psubst f ` S  C}
    by simp

subsection ‹Closure under subsets›

text ‹
We now show that a consistency property can be extended to one
that is closed under subsets.

definition close :: ('a, 'b) form set set  ('a, 'b) form set set where
  close C = {S. S'  C. S  S'}

definition subset_closed :: 'a set set  bool where
  subset_closed C = (S'  C. S. S  S'  S  C)

lemma subset_in_close:
  assumes S  S'
  shows S'  x  C  S  x  close C
proof -
  have S'  x  close C  S  x  close C
    unfolding close_def using S  S' by blast
  then show ?thesis unfolding close_def by blast

theorem close_consistency:
  assumes conc: consistency C
  shows consistency (close C)
  unfolding consistency_def
proof (intro allI impI conjI)
  fix S
  assume S  close C
  then obtain x where x  C and S  x
    unfolding close_def by blast

  { fix p ts
    have ¬ (Pred p ts  x  Neg (Pred p ts)  x)
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by simp
    then show ¬ (Pred p ts  S  Neg (Pred p ts)  S)
      using S  x by blast }

  { have FF  x
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by blast
    then show FF  S
      using S  x by blast }

  { have Neg TT  x
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by blast
    then show Neg TT  S
      using S  x by blast }

  { fix Z
    assume Neg (Neg Z)  S
    then have Neg (Neg Z)  x
      using S  x by blast
    then have x  {Z}  C
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by simp
    then show S  {Z}  close C
      using S  x subset_in_close by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume And A B  S
    then have And A B  x
      using S  x by blast
    then have x  {A, B}  C
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by simp
    then show S  {A, B}  close C
      using S  x subset_in_close by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (Or A B)  S
    then have Neg (Or A B)  x
      using S  x by blast
    then have x  {Neg A, Neg B}  C
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by simp
    then show S  {Neg A, Neg B}  close C
      using S  x subset_in_close by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Or A B  S
    then have Or A B  x
      using S  x by blast
    then have x  {A}  C  x  {B}  C
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by simp
    then show S  {A}  close C  S  {B}  close C
      using S  x subset_in_close by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (And A B)  S
    then have Neg (And A B)  x
      using S  x by blast
    then have x  {Neg A}  C  x  {Neg B}  C
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by simp
    then show S  {Neg A}  close C  S  {Neg B}  close C
      using S  x subset_in_close by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Impl A B  S
    then have Impl A B  x
      using S  x by blast
    then have x  {Neg A}  C  x  {B}  C
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by simp
    then show S  {Neg A}  close C  S  {B}  close C
      using S  x subset_in_close by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (Impl A B)  S
    then have Neg (Impl A B)  x
      using S  x by blast
    then have x  {A, Neg B}  C
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by blast
    then show S  {A, Neg B}  close C
      using S  x subset_in_close by blast }

  { fix P and t :: 'a term
    assume closedt 0 t and Forall P  S
    then have Forall P  x
      using S  x by blast
    then have x  {P[t/0]}  C
      using closedt 0 t x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by blast
    then show S  {P[t/0]}  close C
      using S  x subset_in_close by blast }

  { fix P and t :: 'a term
    assume closedt 0 t and Neg (Exists P)  S
    then have Neg (Exists P)  x
      using S  x by blast
    then have x  {Neg (P[t/0])}  C
      using closedt 0 t x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by blast
    then show S  {Neg (P[t/0])}  close C
      using S  x subset_in_close by blast }

  { fix P
    assume Exists P  S
    then have Exists P  x
      using S  x by blast
    then have c. x  {P[App c []/0]}  C
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by blast
    then show c. S  {P[App c []/0]}  close C
      using S  x subset_in_close by blast }

  { fix P
    assume Neg (Forall P)  S
    then have Neg (Forall P)  x
      using S  x by blast
    then have c. x  {Neg (P[App c []/0])}  C
      using x  C conc unfolding consistency_def by simp
    then show c. S  {Neg (P[App c []/0])}  close C
      using S  x subset_in_close by blast }

theorem close_closed: subset_closed (close C)
  unfolding close_def subset_closed_def by blast

theorem close_subset: C  close C
  unfolding close_def by blast

text ‹
If a consistency property C› is closed under subsets, so is the
corresponding alternative consistency property:

theorem mk_alt_consistency_closed:
  assumes subset_closed C
  shows subset_closed (mk_alt_consistency C)
  unfolding subset_closed_def mk_alt_consistency_def
proof (intro ballI allI impI)
  fix S S' :: ('a, 'b) form set
  assume S  S' and S'  {S. f. psubst f ` S  C}
  then obtain f where *: psubst f ` S'  C
    by blast
  moreover have psubst f ` S  psubst f ` S'
    using S  S' by blast
  moreover have S'  C. S  S'. S  C
    using subset_closed C unfolding subset_closed_def by blast
  ultimately have psubst f ` S  C
    by blast
  then show S  {S. f. psubst f ` S  C}
    by blast

subsection ‹Finite character›

text ‹
In this section, we show that an alternative consistency property can
be extended to one of finite character. A set of sets C› is said
to be of finite character, provided that S› is a member of C›
if and only if every subset of S› is.

definition finite_char :: 'a set set  bool where
  finite_char C = (S. S  C = (S'. finite S'  S'  S  S'  C))

definition mk_finite_char :: 'a set set  'a set set where
  mk_finite_char C = {S. S'. S'  S  finite S'  S'  C}

theorem finite_alt_consistency:
  assumes altconc: alt_consistency C
    and subset_closed C
  shows alt_consistency (mk_finite_char C)
  unfolding alt_consistency_def
proof (intro allI impI conjI)
  fix S
  assume S  mk_finite_char C
  then have finc: S'  S. finite S'  S'  C
    unfolding mk_finite_char_def by blast

  have S'  C. S  S'. S  C
    using subset_closed C unfolding subset_closed_def by blast
  then have sc: S' x. S'  x  C  (S  S'  x. S  C)
    by blast

  { fix p ts
    show ¬ (Pred p ts  S  Neg (Pred p ts)  S)
      assume Pred p ts  S  Neg (Pred p ts)  S
      then have {Pred p ts, Neg (Pred p ts)}  C
        using finc by simp
      then show False
        using altconc unfolding alt_consistency_def by fast
    qed }

  show FF  S
    assume FF  S
    then have {FF}  C
      using finc by simp
    then show False
      using altconc unfolding alt_consistency_def by fast

  show Neg TT  S
    assume Neg TT  S
    then have {Neg TT}  C
      using finc by simp
    then show False
      using altconc unfolding alt_consistency_def by fast

  { fix Z
    assume *: Neg (Neg Z)  S
    show S  {Z}  mk_finite_char C
      unfolding mk_finite_char_def
    proof (intro allI impI CollectI)
      fix S'
      let ?S' = S' - {Z}  {Neg (Neg Z)}

      assume S'  S  {Z} and finite S'
      then have ?S'  S
        using * by blast
      moreover have finite ?S'
        using finite S' by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  C
        using finc by blast
      then have ?S'  {Z}  C
        using altconc unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
      then show S'  C
        using sc by blast
    qed }

  { fix A B
    assume *: And A B  S
    show S  {A, B}  mk_finite_char C
      unfolding mk_finite_char_def
    proof (intro allI impI CollectI)
      fix S'
      let ?S' = S' - {A, B}  {And A B}

      assume S'  S  {A, B} and finite S'
      then have ?S'  S
        using * by blast
      moreover have finite ?S'
        using finite S' by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  C
        using finc by blast
      then have ?S'  {A, B}  C
        using altconc unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
      then show S'  C
        using sc by blast
    qed }

  { fix A B
    assume *: Neg (Or A B)  S
    show S  {Neg A, Neg B}  mk_finite_char C
      unfolding mk_finite_char_def
    proof (intro allI impI CollectI)
      fix S'
      let ?S' = S' - {Neg A, Neg B}  {Neg (Or A B)}

      assume S'  S  {Neg A, Neg B} and finite S'
      then have ?S'  S
        using * by blast
      moreover have finite ?S'
        using finite S' by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  C
        using finc by blast
      then have ?S'  {Neg A, Neg B}  C
        using altconc unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
      then show S'  C
        using sc by blast
    qed }

  { fix A B
    assume *: Neg (Impl A B)  S
    show S  {A, Neg B}  mk_finite_char C
      unfolding mk_finite_char_def
    proof (intro allI impI CollectI)
      fix S'
      let ?S' = S' - {A, Neg B}  {Neg (Impl A B)}

      assume S'  S  {A, Neg B} and finite S'
      then have ?S'  S
        using * by blast
      moreover have finite ?S'
        using finite S' by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  C
        using finc by blast
      then have ?S'  {A, Neg B}  C
        using altconc unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
      then show S'  C
        using sc by blast
    qed }

  { fix A B
    assume *: Or A B  S
    show S  {A}  mk_finite_char C  S  {B}  mk_finite_char C
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume ¬ ?thesis
      then obtain Sa and Sb
        where Sa  S  {A} and finite Sa and Sa  C
          and Sb  S  {B} and finite Sb and Sb  C
        unfolding mk_finite_char_def by blast

      let ?S' = (Sa - {A})  (Sb - {B})  {Or A B}

      have ?S'  S
        using Sa  S  {A} Sb  S  {B} * by blast
      moreover have finite ?S'
        using finite Sa finite Sb by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  C
        using finc by blast
      then have ?S'  {A}  C  ?S'  {B}  C
        using altconc unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
      then have Sa  C  Sb  C
        using sc by blast
      then show False
        using Sa  C Sb  C by blast
    qed }

  { fix A B
    assume *: Neg (And A B)  S
    show S  {Neg A}  mk_finite_char C  S  {Neg B}  mk_finite_char C
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume ¬ ?thesis
      then obtain Sa and Sb
        where Sa  S  {Neg A} and finite Sa and Sa  C
          and Sb  S  {Neg B} and finite Sb and Sb  C
        unfolding mk_finite_char_def by blast

      let ?S' = (Sa - {Neg A})  (Sb - {Neg B})  {Neg (And A B)}

      have ?S'  S
        using Sa  S  {Neg A} Sb  S  {Neg B} * by blast
      moreover have finite ?S'
        using finite Sa finite Sb by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  C
        using finc by blast
      then have ?S'  {Neg A}  C  ?S'  {Neg B}  C
        using altconc unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
      then have Sa  C  Sb  C
        using sc by blast
      then show False
        using Sa  C Sb  C by blast
    qed }

  { fix A B
    assume *: Impl A B  S
    show S  {Neg A}  mk_finite_char C  S  {B}  mk_finite_char C
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume ¬ ?thesis
      then obtain Sa and Sb
        where Sa  S  {Neg A} and finite Sa and Sa  C
          and Sb  S  {B} and finite Sb and Sb  C
        unfolding mk_finite_char_def by blast

      let ?S' = (Sa - {Neg A})  (Sb - {B})  {Impl A B}

      have ?S'  S
        using Sa  S  {Neg A} Sb  S  {B} * by blast
      moreover have finite ?S'
        using finite Sa finite Sb by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  C
        using finc by blast
      then have ?S'  {Neg A}  C  ?S'  {B}  C
        using altconc unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
      then have Sa  C  Sb  C
        using sc by blast
      then show False
        using Sa  C Sb  C by blast
    qed }

  { fix P and t :: 'a term
    assume *: Forall P  S and closedt 0 t
    show S  {P[t/0]}  mk_finite_char C
      unfolding mk_finite_char_def
    proof (intro allI impI CollectI)
      fix S'
      let ?S' = S' - {P[t/0]}  {Forall P}

      assume S'  S  {P[t/0]} and finite S'
      then have ?S'  S
        using * by blast
      moreover have finite ?S'
        using finite S' by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  C
        using finc by blast
      then have ?S'  {P[t/0]}  C
        using altconc closedt 0 t unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
      then show S'  C
        using sc by blast
    qed }

  { fix P and t :: 'a term
    assume *: Neg (Exists P)  S and closedt 0 t
    show S  {Neg (P[t/0])}  mk_finite_char C
      unfolding mk_finite_char_def
    proof (intro allI impI CollectI)
      fix S'
      let ?S' = S' - {Neg (P[t/0])}  {Neg (Exists P)}

      assume S'  S  {Neg (P[t/0])} and finite S'
      then have ?S'  S
        using * by blast
      moreover have finite ?S'
        using finite S' by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  C
        using finc by blast
      then have ?S'  {Neg (P[t/0])}  C
        using altconc closedt 0 t unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
      then show S'  C
        using sc by blast
    qed }

  { fix P x
    assume *: Exists P  S and a  S. x  params a
    show S  {P[App x []/0]}  mk_finite_char C
      unfolding mk_finite_char_def
    proof (intro allI impI CollectI)
      fix S'
      let ?S' = S' - {P[App x []/0]}  {Exists P}

      assume S'  S  {P[App x []/0]} and finite S'
      then have ?S'  S
        using * by blast
      moreover have finite ?S'
        using finite S' by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  C
        using finc by blast
      moreover have a  ?S'. x  params a
        using a  S. x  params a ?S'  S by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  {P[App x []/0]}  C
        using altconc a  S. x  params a unfolding alt_consistency_def by blast
      then show S'  C
        using sc by blast
    qed }

  { fix P x
    assume *: Neg (Forall P)  S and a  S. x  params a
    show S  {Neg (P[App x []/0])}  mk_finite_char C
      unfolding mk_finite_char_def
    proof (intro allI impI CollectI)
      fix S'
      let ?S' = S' - {Neg (P[App x []/0])}  {Neg (Forall P)}

      assume S'  S  {Neg (P[App x []/0])} and finite S'
      then have ?S'  S
        using * by blast
      moreover have finite ?S'
        using finite S' by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  C
        using finc by blast
      moreover have a  ?S'. x  params a
        using a  S. x  params a ?S'  S by blast
      ultimately have ?S'  {Neg (P[App x []/0])}  C
        using altconc a  S. x  params a unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
      then show S'  C
        using sc by blast
    qed }

theorem finite_char: finite_char (mk_finite_char C)
  unfolding finite_char_def mk_finite_char_def by blast

theorem finite_char_closed: finite_char C  subset_closed C
  unfolding finite_char_def subset_closed_def
proof (intro ballI allI impI)
  fix S S'
  assume *: S. (S  C) = (S'. finite S'  S'  S  S'  C)
    and S'  C and S  S'
  then have S'. finite S'  S'  S  S'  C by blast
  then show S  C using * by blast

theorem finite_char_subset: subset_closed C  C  mk_finite_char C
  unfolding mk_finite_char_def subset_closed_def by blast

subsection ‹Enumerating datatypes›

text ‹
As has already been mentioned earlier, the proof of the model existence theorem
relies on the fact that the set of formulae is enumerable. Using the infrastructure
for datatypes, the types @{type term} and @{type form} can automatically be shown to
be a member of the @{class countable} type class:

instance term :: (countable) countable
  by countable_datatype

instance form :: (countable, countable) countable
  by countable_datatype

subsection ‹Extension to maximal consistent sets›

text ‹
Given a set C› of finite character, we show that
the least upper bound of a chain of sets that are elements
of C› is again an element of C›.

definition is_chain :: (nat  'a set)  bool where
  is_chain f = (n. f n  f (Suc n))

theorem is_chainD: is_chain f  x  f m  x  f (m + n)
  by (induct n) (auto simp: is_chain_def)

theorem is_chainD':
  assumes is_chain f and x  f m and m  k
  shows x  f k
proof -
  have n. k = m + n
    using m  k by (simp add: le_iff_add)
  then obtain n where k = m + n
    by blast
  then show x  f k
    using is_chain f x  f m
    by (simp add: is_chainD)

theorem chain_index:
  assumes ch: is_chain f and fin: finite F
  shows F  (n. f n)  n. F  f n
  using fin
proof (induct rule: finite_induct)
  case empty
  then show ?case by blast
  case (insert x F)
  then have n. F  f n and m. x  f m and F  (x. f x)
    using ch by simp_all
  then obtain n and m where F  f n and x  f m
    by blast
  have m  max n m and n  max n m
    by simp_all
  have x  f (max n m)
    using is_chainD' ch x  f m m  max n m by fast
  moreover have F  f (max n m)
    using is_chainD' ch F  f n n  max n m by fast
  moreover have x  f (max n m)  F  f (max n m)
    using calculation by blast
  ultimately show ?case by blast

lemma chain_union_closed':
  assumes is_chain f and (n. f n  C) and S'  C. S  S'. S  C
    and finite S' and S'  (n. f n)
  shows S'  C
proof -
  note finite S' and S'  (n. f n)
  then obtain n where S'  f n
    using chain_index is_chain f by blast
  moreover have f n  C
    using n. f n  C by blast
  ultimately show S'  C
    using S'  C. S  S'. S  C by blast

theorem chain_union_closed:
  assumes finite_char C and is_chain f and n. f n  C
  shows (n. f n)  C
proof -
  have subset_closed C
    using finite_char_closed finite_char C by blast
  then have S'  C. S  S'. S  C
    using subset_closed_def by blast
  then have S'. finite S'  S'  (n. f n)  S'  C
    using chain_union_closed' assms by blast
  moreover have ((n. f n)  C) = (S'. finite S'  S'  (n. f n)  S'  C)
    using finite_char C unfolding finite_char_def by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

text ‹
We can now define a function Extend› that extends a consistent
set to a maximal consistent set. To this end, we first define an auxiliary
function extend› that produces the elements of an ascending chain of
consistent sets.

primrec (nonexhaustive) dest_Neg :: ('a, 'b) form  ('a, 'b) form where
  dest_Neg (Neg p) = p

primrec (nonexhaustive) dest_Forall :: ('a, 'b) form  ('a, 'b) form where
  dest_Forall (Forall p) = p

primrec (nonexhaustive) dest_Exists :: ('a, 'b) form  ('a, 'b) form where
  dest_Exists (Exists p) = p

primrec extend :: (nat, 'b) form set  (nat, 'b) form set set 
    (nat  (nat, 'b) form)  nat  (nat, 'b) form set where
  extend S C f 0 = S
| extend S C f (Suc n) = (if extend S C f n  {f n}  C
       (if (p. f n = Exists p)
        then extend S C f n  {f n}  {subst (dest_Exists (f n))
          (App (SOME k. k  (p  extend S C f n  {f n}. params p)) []) 0}
        else if (p. f n = Neg (Forall p))
        then extend S C f n  {f n}  {Neg (subst (dest_Forall (dest_Neg (f n)))
          (App (SOME k. k  (p  extend S C f n  {f n}. params p)) []) 0)}
        else extend S C f n  {f n})
     else extend S C f n)

definition Extend :: (nat, 'b) form set  (nat, 'b) form set set 
    (nat  (nat, 'b) form)  (nat, 'b) form set where
  Extend S C f = (n. extend S C f n)

theorem is_chain_extend: is_chain (extend S C f)
  by (simp add: is_chain_def) blast

theorem finite_paramst [simp]: finite (paramst (t :: 'a term))
  finite (paramsts (ts :: 'a term list))
  by (induct t and ts rule: paramst.induct paramsts.induct) (simp_all split: sum.split)

theorem finite_params [simp]: finite (params p)
  by (induct p) simp_all

theorem finite_params_extend [simp]:
  infinite (p  S. - params p)  infinite (p  extend S C f n. - params p)
  by (induct n) simp_all

lemma infinite_params_available:
  assumes infinite (- (p  S. params p))
  shows x. x  (p  extend S C f n  {f n}. params p)
proof -
  let ?S' = extend S C f n  {f n}

  have infinite (- (x  ?S'. params x))
    using assms by simp
  then obtain x where x  - (x  ?S'. params x)
    using infinite_imp_nonempty by blast
  then have a  ?S'. x  params a
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma extend_in_C_Exists:
  assumes alt_consistency C
    and infinite (- (p  S. params p))
    and extend S C f n  {f n}  C (is ?S'  C)
    and p. f n = Exists p
  shows extend S C f (Suc n)  C
proof -
  obtain p where *: f n = Exists p
    using p. f n = Exists p by blast
  have x. x  (p  ?S'. params p)
    using infinite (- (p  S. params p)) infinite_params_available
    by blast
  moreover have Exists p  ?S'
    using * by simp
  then have x. x  (p  ?S'. params p)  ?S'  {p[App x []/0]}  C
    using ?S'  C alt_consistency C
    unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
  ultimately have (?S'  {p[App (SOME k. k  (p  ?S'. params p)) []/0]})  C
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) someI2)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms * by simp

lemma extend_in_C_Neg_Forall:
  assumes alt_consistency C
    and infinite (- (p  S. params p))
    and extend S C f n  {f n}  C (is ?S'  C)
    and p. f n  Exists p
    and p. f n = Neg (Forall p)
  shows extend S C f (Suc n)  C
proof -
  obtain p where *: f n = Neg (Forall p)
    using p. f n = Neg (Forall p) by blast
  have x. x  (p  ?S'. params p)
    using infinite (- (p  S. params p)) infinite_params_available
    by blast
  moreover have Neg (Forall p)  ?S'
    using * by simp
  then have x. x  (p  ?S'. params p)  ?S'  {Neg (p[App x []/0])}  C
    using ?S'  C alt_consistency C
    unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
  ultimately have (?S'  {Neg (p[App (SOME k. k  (p  ?S'. params p)) []/0])})  C
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) someI2)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms * by simp

lemma extend_in_C_no_delta:
  assumes extend S C f n  {f n}  C
    and p. f n  Exists p
    and p. f n  Neg (Forall p)
  shows extend S C f (Suc n)  C
  using assms by simp

lemma extend_in_C_stop:
  assumes extend S C f n  C
    and extend S C f n  {f n}  C
  shows extend S C f (Suc n)  C
  using assms by simp

theorem extend_in_C: alt_consistency C 
  S  C  infinite (- (p  S. params p))  extend S C f n  C
proof (induct n)
  case 0
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Suc n)
  then show ?case
    using extend_in_C_Exists extend_in_C_Neg_Forall
      extend_in_C_no_delta extend_in_C_stop
    by metis

text ‹
The main theorem about Extend› says that if C› is an
alternative consistency property that is of finite character,
S› is consistent and S› uses only finitely many
parameters, then Extend S C f› is again consistent.

theorem Extend_in_C: alt_consistency C  finite_char C 
  S  C  infinite (- (p  S. params p))  Extend S C f  C
  unfolding Extend_def
  using chain_union_closed is_chain_extend extend_in_C
  by blast

theorem Extend_subset: S  Extend S C f
  fix x
  assume x  S
  then have x  extend S C f 0 by simp
  then have n. x  extend S C f n by blast
  then show x  Extend S C f by (simp add: Extend_def)

text ‹
The Extend› function yields a maximal set:

definition maximal :: 'a set  'a set set  bool where
  maximal S C = (S'  C. S  S'  S = S')

theorem extend_maximal:
  assumes y. n. y = f n
    and finite_char C
  shows maximal (Extend S C f) C
  unfolding maximal_def Extend_def
proof (intro ballI impI)
  fix S'
  assume S'  C
    and (x. extend S C f x)  S'
  moreover have S'  (x. extend S C f x)
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ S'  (x. extend S C f x)
    then have z. z  S'  z  (x. extend S C f x)
      by blast
    then obtain z where z  S' and *: z  (x. extend S C f x)
      by blast
    then obtain n where z = f n
      using y. n. y = f n by blast

    from (x. extend S C f x)  S' z = f n z  S'
    have extend S C f n  {f n}  S' by blast

    from finite_char C
    have subset_closed C using finite_char_closed by blast
    then have S'  C. S  S'. S  C
      unfolding subset_closed_def by simp
    then have S  S'. S  C
      using S'  C by blast
    then have extend S C f n  {f n}  C
      using extend S C f n  {f n}  S'
      by blast
    then have z  extend S C f (Suc n)
      using z  (x. extend S C f x) z = f n
      by simp
    then show False using * by blast
  ultimately show (x. extend S C f x) = S'
    by simp

subsection ‹Hintikka sets and Herbrand models›

text ‹
A Hintikka set is defined as follows:

definition hintikka :: ('a, 'b) form set  bool where
  hintikka H =
     ((p ts. ¬ (Pred p ts  H  Neg (Pred p ts)  H)) 
     FF  H  Neg TT  H 
     (Z. Neg (Neg Z)  H  Z  H) 
     (A B. And A B  H  A  H  B  H) 
     (A B. Neg (Or A B)  H  Neg A  H  Neg B  H) 
     (A B. Or A B  H  A  H  B  H) 
     (A B. Neg (And A B)  H  Neg A  H  Neg B  H) 
     (A B. Impl A B  H  Neg A  H  B  H) 
     (A B. Neg (Impl A B)  H  A  H  Neg B  H) 
     (P t. closedt 0 t  Forall P  H  subst P t 0  H) 
     (P t. closedt 0 t  Neg (Exists P)  H  Neg (subst P t 0)  H) 
     (P. Exists P  H  (t. closedt 0 t  subst P t 0  H)) 
     (P. Neg (Forall P)  H  (t. closedt 0 t  Neg (subst P t 0)  H)))

text ‹
In Herbrand models, each {\em closed} term is interpreted by itself.
We introduce a new datatype hterm› (``Herbrand terms''), which
is similar to the datatype term› introduced in \secref{sec:terms},
but without variables. We also define functions for converting between
closed terms and Herbrand terms.

datatype 'a hterm = HApp 'a 'a hterm list

  term_of_hterm :: 'a hterm  'a term and
  terms_of_hterms :: 'a hterm list  'a term list where
  term_of_hterm (HApp a hts) = App a (terms_of_hterms hts)
| terms_of_hterms [] = []
| terms_of_hterms (ht # hts) = term_of_hterm ht # terms_of_hterms hts

theorem herbrand_evalt [simp]:
  closedt 0 t  term_of_hterm (evalt e HApp t) = t
  closedts 0 ts  terms_of_hterms (evalts e HApp ts) = ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: closedt.induct closedts.induct) simp_all

theorem herbrand_evalt' [simp]:
  evalt e HApp (term_of_hterm ht) = ht
  evalts e HApp (terms_of_hterms hts) = hts
  by (induct ht and hts rule: term_of_hterm.induct terms_of_hterms.induct) simp_all

theorem closed_hterm [simp]:
  closedt 0 (term_of_hterm (ht::'a hterm))
  closedts 0 (terms_of_hterms (hts::'a hterm list))
  by (induct ht and hts rule: term_of_hterm.induct terms_of_hterms.induct) simp_all

text ‹
We can prove that Hintikka sets are satisfiable in Herbrand models.
Note that this theorem cannot be proved by a simple structural induction
(as claimed in Fitting's book), since a parameter substitution has
to be applied in the cases for quantifiers. However, since parameter
substitution does not change the size of formulae, the theorem can
be proved by well-founded induction on the size of the formula p›.

theorem hintikka_model:
  assumes hin: hintikka H
  shows (p  H  closed 0 p 
    eval e HApp (λa ts. Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  H) p) 
  (Neg p  H  closed 0 p 
    eval e HApp (λa ts. Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  H) (Neg p))
proof (induct p rule: wf_induct [where r=measure size_form])
  show wf (measure size_form)
    by blast
  let ?eval = eval e HApp (λa ts. Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  H)

  fix x
  assume wf: y. (y, x)  measure size_form 
                  (y  H  closed 0 y  ?eval y) 
              (Neg y  H  closed 0 y  ?eval (Neg y))

  show (x  H  closed 0 x  ?eval x)  (Neg x  H  closed 0 x  ?eval (Neg x))
  proof (cases x)
    case FF
    show ?thesis
    proof (intro conjI impI)
      assume x  H
      then show ?eval x
        using FF hin by (simp add: hintikka_def)
      assume Neg x  H
      then show ?eval (Neg x) using FF by simp
    case TT
    show ?thesis
    proof (intro conjI impI)
      assume x  H
      then show ?eval x
        using TT by simp
      assume Neg x  H
      then show ?eval (Neg x)
        using TT hin by (simp add: hintikka_def)
    case (Pred p ts)
    show ?thesis
    proof (intro conjI impI)
      assume x  H and closed 0 x
      then show ?eval x using Pred by simp
      assume Neg x  H and closed 0 x
      then have Neg (Pred p ts)  H
        using Pred by simp
      then have Pred p ts  H
        using hin unfolding hintikka_def by fast
      then show ?eval (Neg x)
        using Pred closed 0 x by simp
    case (Neg Z)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (intro conjI impI)
      assume x  H and closed 0 x
      then show ?eval x
        using Neg wf by simp
      assume Neg x  H
      then have Z  H
        using Neg hin unfolding hintikka_def by blast
      moreover assume closed 0 x
      then have closed 0 Z
        using Neg by simp
      ultimately have ?eval Z
        using Neg wf by simp
      then show ?eval (Neg x)
        using Neg by simp
    case (And A B)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (intro conjI impI)
      assume x  H and closed 0 x
      then have And A B  H and closed 0 (And A B)
        using And by simp_all
      then have A  H  B  H
        using And hin unfolding hintikka_def by blast
      then show ?eval x
        using And wf closed 0 (And A B) by simp
      assume Neg x  H and closed 0 x
      then have Neg (And A B)  H and closed 0 (And A B)
        using And by simp_all
      then have Neg A  H  Neg B  H
        using hin unfolding hintikka_def by blast
      then show ?eval (Neg x)
        using And wf closed 0 (And A B) by fastforce
    case (Or A B)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (intro conjI impI)
      assume x  H and closed 0 x
      then have Or A B  H and closed 0 (Or A B)
        using Or by simp_all
      then have A  H  B  H
        using hin unfolding hintikka_def by blast
      then show ?eval x
        using Or wf closed 0 (Or A B) by fastforce
      assume Neg x  H and closed 0 x
      then have Neg (Or A B)  H and closed 0 (Or A B)
        using Or by simp_all
      then have Neg A  H  Neg B  H
        using hin unfolding hintikka_def by blast
      then show ?eval (Neg x)
        using Or wf closed 0 (Or A B) by simp
    case (Impl A B)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (intro conjI impI)
      assume x  H and closed 0 x
      then have Impl A B  H and closed 0 (Impl A B)
        using Impl by simp_all
      then have Neg A  H  B  H
        using hin unfolding hintikka_def by blast
      then show ?eval x
        using Impl wf closed 0 (Impl A B) by fastforce
      assume Neg x  H and closed 0 x
      then have Neg (Impl A B)  H and closed 0 (Impl A B)
        using Impl by simp_all
      then have A  H  Neg B  H
        using hin unfolding hintikka_def by blast
      then show ?eval (Neg x)
        using Impl wf closed 0 (Impl A B) by simp
    case (Forall P)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (intro conjI impI)
      assume x  H and closed 0 x
      have z. eval (e0:z) HApp (λa ts. Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  H) P
      proof (rule allI)
        fix z
        from x  H and closed 0 x
        have Forall P  H and closed 0 (Forall P)
          using Forall by simp_all
        then have *: P t. closedt 0 t  Forall P  H  P[t/0]  H
          using hin unfolding hintikka_def by blast
        from closed 0 (Forall P)
        have closed (Suc 0) P by simp

        have (P[term_of_hterm z/0], Forall P)  measure size_form 
              (P[term_of_hterm z/0]  H  closed 0 (P[term_of_hterm z/0]) 
              ?eval (P[term_of_hterm z/0]))
          using Forall wf by blast
        then show eval (e0:z) HApp (λa ts. Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  H) P
          using * Forall P  H closed (Suc 0) P by simp
      then show ?eval x
        using Forall by simp
      assume Neg x  H and closed 0 x
      then have Neg (Forall P)  H
        using Forall by simp
      then have t. closedt 0 t  Neg (P[t/0])  H
        using Forall hin unfolding hintikka_def by blast
      then obtain t where *: closedt 0 t  Neg (P[t/0])  H
        by blast
      then have closed 0 (P[t/0])
        using Forall closed 0 x by simp

      have (subst P t 0, Forall P)  measure size_form 
              (Neg (subst P t 0)  H  closed 0 (subst P t 0) 
              ?eval (Neg (subst P t 0)))
        using Forall wf by blast
      then have ?eval (Neg (P[t/0]))
        using Forall * closed 0 (P[t/0]) by simp
      then have z. ¬ eval (e0:z) HApp (λa ts. Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  H) P
        by auto
      then show ?eval (Neg x)
        using Forall by simp
    case (Exists P)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (intro conjI impI allI)
      assume x  H and closed 0 x
      then have t. closedt 0 t  (P[t/0])  H
        using Exists hin unfolding hintikka_def by blast
      then obtain t where *: closedt 0 t  (P[t/0])  H
        by blast
      then have closed 0 (P[t/0])
        using Exists closed 0 x by simp

      have (subst P t 0, Exists P)  measure size_form 
              ((subst P t 0)  H  closed 0 (subst P t 0) 
              ?eval (subst P t 0))
        using Exists wf by blast
      then have ?eval (P[t/0])
        using Exists * closed 0 (P[t/0]) by simp
      then have z. eval (e0:z) HApp (λa ts. Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  H) P
        by auto
      then show ?eval x
        using Exists by simp
      assume Neg x  H and closed 0 x
      have z. ¬ eval (e0:z) HApp (λa ts. Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  H) P
      proof (rule allI)
        fix z
        from Neg x  H and closed 0 x
        have Neg (Exists P)  H and closed 0 (Neg (Exists P))
          using Exists by simp_all
        then have *: P t. closedt 0 t  Neg (Exists P)  H  Neg (P[t/0])  H
          using hin unfolding hintikka_def by blast
        from closed 0 (Neg (Exists P))
        have closed (Suc 0) P by simp

        have (P[term_of_hterm z/0], Exists P)  measure size_form 
              (Neg (P[term_of_hterm z/0])  H  closed 0 (P[term_of_hterm z/0]) 
              ?eval (Neg (P[term_of_hterm z/0])))
          using Exists wf by blast
        then show ¬ eval (e0:z) HApp (λa ts. Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  H) P
          using * Neg (Exists P)  H closed (Suc 0) P by simp
      then show ?eval (Neg x)
        using Exists by simp

text ‹
Using the maximality of @{term Extend S C f}, we can show
that @{term Extend S C f} yields Hintikka sets:

lemma Exists_in_extend:
  assumes extend S C f n  {f n}  C (is ?S'  C)
    and Exists P = f n
  shows P[(App (SOME k. k  (p  extend S C f n  {f n}. params p)) [])/0] 
          extend S C f (Suc n)
    (is subst P ?t 0  extend S C f (Suc n))
proof -
  have p. f n = Exists p
    using Exists P = f n by metis
  then have extend S C f (Suc n) = (?S'  {(dest_Exists (f n))[?t/0]})
    using ?S'  C by simp
  also have  = (?S'  {(dest_Exists (Exists P))[?t/0]})
    using Exists P = f n by simp
  also have  = (?S'  {P[?t/0]})
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma Neg_Forall_in_extend:
  assumes extend S C f n  {f n}  C (is ?S'  C)
    and Neg (Forall P) = f n
  shows Neg (P[(App (SOME k. k  (p  extend S C f n  {f n}. params p)) [])/0])  
          extend S C f (Suc n)
    (is Neg (subst P ?t 0)  extend S C f (Suc n))
proof -
  have f n  Exists P
    using Neg (Forall P) = f n by auto

  have p. f n = Neg (Forall p)
    using Neg (Forall P) = f n by metis
  then have extend S C f (Suc n) = (?S'  {Neg (dest_Forall (dest_Neg (f n))[?t/0])})
    using ?S'  C f n  Exists P by auto
  also have  = (?S'  {Neg (dest_Forall (dest_Neg (Neg (Forall P)))[?t/0])})
    using Neg (Forall P) = f n by simp
  also have  = (?S'  {Neg (P[?t/0])})
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis
    by blast

theorem extend_hintikka:
  assumes fin_ch: finite_char C
    and infin_p: infinite (- (p  S. params p))
    and surj: y. n. y = f n
    and altc: alt_consistency C
    and S  C
  shows hintikka (Extend S C f) (is hintikka ?H)
  unfolding hintikka_def
proof (intro allI impI conjI)
  have maximal ?H C
    by (simp add: extend_maximal fin_ch surj)

  have ?H  C
    using Extend_in_C assms by blast

  have S'  C. ?H  S'  ?H = S'
    using maximal ?H C
    unfolding maximal_def by blast

  { fix p ts
    show ¬ (Pred p ts  ?H  Neg (Pred p ts)  ?H)
      using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by fast }

  show FF  ?H
    using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by blast

  show Neg TT  ?H
    using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by blast

  { fix Z
    assume Neg (Neg Z)  ?H
    then have ?H  {Z}  C
      using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by fast
    then show Z  ?H
      using maximal ?H C unfolding maximal_def by fast }

  { fix A B
    assume And A B  ?H
    then have ?H  {A, B}  C
      using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by fast
    then show A  ?H and B  ?H
      using maximal ?H C unfolding maximal_def by fast+ }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (Or A B)  ?H
    then have ?H  {Neg A, Neg B}  C
      using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by fast
    then show Neg A  ?H and Neg B  ?H
      using maximal ?H C unfolding maximal_def by fast+ }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (Impl A B)  ?H
    then have ?H  {A, Neg B}  C
      using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by blast
    then show A  ?H and Neg B  ?H
      using maximal ?H C unfolding maximal_def by fast+ }

  { fix A B
    assume Or A B  ?H
    then have ?H  {A}  C  ?H  {B}  C
      using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by fast
    then show A  ?H  B  ?H
      using maximal ?H C unfolding maximal_def by fast }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (And A B)  ?H
    then have ?H  {Neg A}  C  ?H  {Neg B}  C
      using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
    then show Neg A  ?H  Neg B  ?H
      using maximal ?H C unfolding maximal_def by fast }

  { fix A B
    assume Impl A B  ?H
    then have ?H  {Neg A}  C  ?H  {B}  C
      using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by simp
    then show Neg A  ?H  B  ?H
      using maximal ?H C unfolding maximal_def by fast }

  { fix P and t :: nat term
    assume Forall P  ?H and closedt 0 t
    then have ?H  {P[t/0]}  C
      using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by blast
    then show P[t/0]  ?H
      using maximal ?H C unfolding maximal_def by fast }

  { fix P and t :: nat term
    assume Neg (Exists P)  ?H and closedt 0 t
    then have ?H  {Neg (P[t/0])}  C
      using ?H  C altc unfolding alt_consistency_def by blast
    then show Neg (P[t/0])  ?H
      using maximal ?H C unfolding maximal_def by fast }

  { fix P
    assume Exists P  ?H
    obtain n where *: Exists P = f n
      using surj by blast

    let ?t = App (SOME k. k  (p  extend S C f n  {f n}. params p)) []
    have closedt 0 ?t by simp

    have Exists P  (n. extend S C f n)
      using Exists P  ?H Extend_def by blast
    then have extend S C f n  {f n}  (n. extend S C f n)
      using * by (simp add: UN_upper)
    then have extend S C f n  {f n}  C
      using Extend_def Extend S C f  C fin_ch finite_char_closed
      unfolding subset_closed_def by metis
    then have P[?t/0]  extend S C f (Suc n)
      using * Exists_in_extend by blast
    then have P[?t/0]  ?H
      using Extend_def by blast
    then show t. closedt 0 t  P[t/0]  ?H
      using closedt 0 ?t by blast }

  { fix P
    assume Neg (Forall P)  ?H
    obtain n where *: Neg (Forall P) = f n
      using surj by blast

    let ?t = App (SOME k. k  (p  extend S C f n  {f n}. params p)) []
    have closedt 0 ?t by simp

    have Neg (Forall P)  (n. extend S C f n)
      using Neg (Forall P)  ?H Extend_def by blast
    then have extend S C f n  {f n}  (n. extend S C f n)
      using * by (simp add: UN_upper)
    then have extend S C f n  {f n}  C
      using Extend_def Extend S C f  C fin_ch finite_char_closed
      unfolding subset_closed_def by metis
    then have Neg (P[?t/0])  extend S C f (Suc n)
      using * Neg_Forall_in_extend by blast
    then have Neg (P[?t/0])  ?H
      using Extend_def by blast
    then show t. closedt 0 t  Neg (P[t/0])  ?H
      using closedt 0 ?t by blast }

subsection ‹Model existence theorem›

text ‹
Since the result of extending S› is a superset of S›,
it follows that each consistent set S› has a Herbrand model:

lemma hintikka_Extend_S:
  assumes consistency C and S  C
    and infinite (- (p  S. params p))
  shows hintikka (Extend S (mk_finite_char (mk_alt_consistency (close C))) from_nat)
    (is hintikka (Extend S ?C' from_nat))
proof -
  have finite_char ?C'
    using finite_char by blast
  moreover have y. y = from_nat (to_nat y)
    by simp
  then have y. n. y = from_nat n
    by blast
  moreover have alt_consistency ?C'
    using alt_consistency close_closed close_consistency consistency C
      finite_alt_consistency mk_alt_consistency_closed
    by blast
  moreover have S  close C
    using close_subset S  C by blast
  then have S  mk_alt_consistency (close C)
    using mk_alt_consistency_subset by blast
  then have S  ?C'
    using close_closed finite_char_subset mk_alt_consistency_closed by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using extend_hintikka infinite (- (p  S. params p))
    by metis

theorem model_existence:
  assumes consistency C
    and S  C
    and infinite (- (p  S. params p))
    and p  S
    and closed 0 p
  shows eval e HApp (λa ts. Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  Extend S
        (mk_finite_char (mk_alt_consistency (close C))) from_nat) p
  using assms hintikka_model hintikka_Extend_S Extend_subset
  by blast

subsection ‹Completeness for Natural Deduction›

text ‹
Thanks to the model existence theorem, we can now show the completeness
of the natural deduction calculus introduced in \secref{sec:proof-calculus}.
In order for the model existence theorem to be applicable, we have to prove
that the set of sets that are consistent with respect to ⊢› is a
consistency property:

theorem deriv_consistency:
  assumes inf_param: infinite (UNIV :: 'a set)
  shows consistency {S::('a, 'b) form set. G. S = set G  ¬ G  FF}
  unfolding consistency_def
proof (intro conjI allI impI notI)
  fix S :: ('a, 'b) form set
  assume S  {set G | G. ¬ G  FF} (is S  ?C)
  then obtain G :: ('a, 'b) form list
    where *: S = set G and ¬ G  FF
    by blast

  { fix p ts
    assume Pred p ts  S  Neg (Pred p ts)  S
    then have G  Pred p ts and G  Neg (Pred p ts)
      using Assum * by blast+
    then have G  FF
      using NegE by blast
    then show False
      using ¬ G  FF by blast }

  { assume FF  S
    then have G  FF
      using Assum * by blast
    then show False
      using ¬ G  FF by blast }

  { assume Neg TT  S
    then have G  Neg TT
      using Assum * by blast
    moreover have G  TT
      using TTI by blast
    ultimately have G  FF
      using NegE by blast
    then show False
      using ¬ G  FF by blast }

  { fix Z
    assume Neg (Neg Z)  S
    then have G  Neg (Neg Z)
      using Assum * by blast

    { assume Z # G  FF
      then have G  Neg Z
        using NegI by blast
      then have G  FF
        using NegE G  Neg (Neg Z) by blast
      then have False
        using ¬ G  FF by blast }
    then have ¬ Z # G  FF
      by blast
    moreover have S  {Z} = set (Z # G)
      using * by simp
    ultimately show S  {Z}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume And A B  S
    then have G  And A B
      using Assum * by blast
    then have G  A and G  B
      using AndE1 AndE2 by blast+

    { assume A # B # G  FF
      then have B # G  Neg A
        using NegI by blast
      then have G  Neg A
        using cut G  B by blast
      then have G  FF
        using NegE G  A by blast
      then have False
        using ¬ G  FF by blast }
    then have ¬ A # B # G  FF
      by blast
    moreover have S  {A, B} = set (A # B # G)
      using * by simp
    ultimately show S  {A, B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (Or A B)  S
    then have G  Neg (Or A B)
      using Assum * by blast

    have A # Neg B # G  A
      by (simp add: Assum)
    then have A # Neg B # G  Or A B
      using OrI1 by blast
    moreover have A # Neg B # G  Neg (Or A B)
      using * Neg (Or A B)  S by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have A # Neg B # G  FF
      using NegE A # Neg B # G  Neg (Or A B) by blast
    then have Neg B # G  Neg A
      using NegI by blast

    have B # G  B
      by (simp add: Assum)
    then have B # G  Or A B
      using OrI2 by blast
    moreover have B # G  Neg (Or A B)
      using * Neg (Or A B)  S by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have B # G  FF
      using NegE B # G  Neg (Or A B) by blast
    then have G  Neg B
      using NegI by blast

    { assume Neg A # Neg B # G  FF
      then have Neg B # G  Neg (Neg A)
        using NegI by blast
      then have Neg B # G  FF
        using NegE Neg B # G  Neg A by blast
      then have G  FF
        using cut G  Neg B by blast
      then have False
        using ¬ G  FF by blast }
    then have ¬ Neg A # Neg B # G  FF
      by blast
    moreover have S  {Neg A, Neg B} = set (Neg A # Neg B # G)
      using * by simp
    ultimately show S  {Neg A, Neg B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (Impl A B)  S

    have A # Neg A # Neg B # G  A
      by (simp add: Assum)
    moreover have A # Neg A # Neg B # G  Neg A
      by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have A # Neg A # Neg B # G  FF
      using NegE by blast
    then have A # Neg A # Neg B # G  B
      using FFE by blast
    then have Neg A # Neg B # G  Impl A B
      using ImplI by blast
    moreover have Neg A # Neg B # G  Neg (Impl A B)
      using * Neg (Impl A B)  S by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have Neg A # Neg B # G  FF
      using NegE by blast
    then have Neg B # G  A
      using Class by blast

    have A # B # G  B
      by (simp add: Assum)
    then have B # G  Impl A B
      using ImplI by blast
    moreover have B # G  Neg (Impl A B)
      using * Neg (Impl A B)  S by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have B # G  FF
      using NegE by blast
    then have G  Neg B
      using NegI by blast

    { assume A # Neg B # G  FF
      then have Neg B # G  Neg A
        using NegI by blast
      then have Neg B # G  FF
        using NegE Neg B # G  A by blast
      then have G  FF
        using cut G  Neg B by blast
      then have False
        using ¬ G  FF
        by blast }
    then have ¬ A # Neg B # G  FF
      by blast
    moreover have {A, Neg B}  S = set (A # Neg B # G)
      using * by simp
    ultimately show S  {A, Neg B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Or A B  S
    then have G  Or A B
      using * Assum by blast

    { assume (G'. set G' = S  {A}  G'  FF)
        and (G'. set G' = S  {B}  G'  FF)
      then have A # G  FF and B # G  FF
        using * by simp_all
      then have G  FF
        using OrE G  Or A B by blast
      then have False
        using ¬ G  FF by blast }
    then show S  {A}  ?C  S  {B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (And A B)  S

    let ?x = Or (Neg A) (Neg B)

    have B # A # Neg ?x # G  A and B # A # Neg ?x # G  B
      by (simp_all add: Assum)
    then have B # A # Neg ?x # G  And A B
      using AndI by blast
    moreover have B # A # Neg ?x # G  Neg (And A B)
      using * Neg (And A B)  S by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have B # A # Neg ?x # G  FF
      using NegE by blast
    then have A # Neg ?x # G  Neg B
      using NegI by blast
    then have A # Neg ?x # G  ?x
      using OrI2 by blast
    moreover have A # Neg ?x # G  Neg ?x
      by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have A # Neg ?x # G  FF
      using NegE by blast
    then have Neg ?x # G  Neg A
      using NegI by blast
    then have Neg ?x # G  ?x
      using OrI1 by blast
    then have G  Or (Neg A) (Neg B)
      using Class' by blast

    { assume (G'. set G' = S  {Neg A}  G'  FF)
        and (G'. set G' = S  {Neg B}  G'  FF)
      then have Neg A # G  FF and Neg B # G  FF
        using * by simp_all
      then have G  FF
        using OrE G  Or (Neg A) (Neg B) by blast
      then have False
        using ¬ G  FF by blast }
    then show S  {Neg A}  ?C  S  {Neg B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Impl A B  S

    let ?x = Or (Neg A) B

    have A # Neg ?x # G  A
      by (simp add: Assum)
    moreover have A # Neg ?x # G  Impl A B
      using * Impl A B  S by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have A # Neg ?x # G  B
      using ImplE by blast
    then have A # Neg ?x # G  ?x
      using OrI2 by blast
    moreover have A # Neg ?x # G  Neg ?x
      by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have A # Neg ?x # G  FF
      using NegE by blast
    then have Neg ?x # G  Neg A
      using NegI by blast
    then have Neg ?x # G  ?x
      using OrI1 by blast
    then have G  Or (Neg A) B
      using Class' by blast

    { assume (G'. set G' = S  {Neg A}  G'  FF)
        and (G'. set G' = S  {B}  G'  FF)
      then have Neg A # G  FF and B # G  FF
        using * by simp_all
      then have G  FF
        using OrE G  Or (Neg A) B by blast
      then have False
        using ¬ G  FF by blast }
    then show S  {Neg A}  ?C  S  {B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix P and t :: 'a term
    assume closedt 0 t and Forall P  S
    then have G  Forall P
      using Assum * by blast
    then have G  P[t/0]
      using ForallE by blast

    { assume P[t/0] # G  FF
      then have G  FF
        using cut G  P[t/0] by blast
      then have False
        using ¬ G  FF by blast }
    then have ¬ P[t/0] # G  FF
      by blast
    moreover have S  {P[t/0]} = set (P[t/0] # G)
      using * by simp
    ultimately show S  {P[t/0]}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix P and t :: 'a term
    assume closedt 0 t and Neg (Exists P)  S
    then have G  Neg (Exists P)
      using Assum * by blast
    then have P[t/0]  set (P[t/0] # G)
      by (simp add: Assum)
    then have P[t/0] # G  P[t/0]
      using Assum by blast
    then have P[t/0] # G  Exists P
      using ExistsI by blast
    moreover have P[t/0] # G  Neg (Exists P)
      using * Neg (Exists P)  S by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have P[t/0] # G  FF
      using NegE by blast
    then have G  Neg (P[t/0])
      using NegI by blast

    { assume Neg (P[t/0]) # G  FF
      then have G  FF
        using cut G  Neg (P[t/0]) by blast
      then have False
        using ¬ G  FF by blast }
    then have ¬ Neg (P[t/0]) # G  FF
      by blast
    moreover have S  {Neg (P[t/0])} = set (Neg (P[t/0]) # G)
      using * by simp
    ultimately show S  {Neg (P[t/0])}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix P
    assume Exists P  S
    then have G  Exists P
      using * Assum by blast

    have finite ((p  set G. params p)  params P)
      by simp
    then have infinite (- ((p  set G. params p)  params P))
      using inf_param Diff_infinite_finite finite_compl by blast
    then have infinite (- ((p  set G. params p)  params P))
      by (simp add: Compl_eq_Diff_UNIV)
    then obtain x where **: x  - ((p  set G. params p)  params P)
      using infinite_imp_nonempty by blast

    { assume P[App x []/0] # G  FF
      moreover have list_all (λp. x  params p) G
        using ** by (simp add: list_all_iff)
      moreover have x  params P
        using ** by simp
      moreover have x  params FF
        by simp
      ultimately have G  FF
        using ExistsE G  Exists P by fast
      then have False
        using ¬ G  FF
        by blast}
    then have ¬ P[App x []/0] # G  FF
      by blast
    moreover have S  {P[App x []/0]} = set (P[App x []/0] # G)
      using * by simp
    ultimately show x. S  {P[App x []/0]}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix P
    assume Neg (Forall P)  S
    then have G  Neg (Forall P)
      using * Assum by blast

    have finite ((p  set G. params p)  params P)
      by simp
    then have infinite (- ((p  set G. params p)  params P))
      using inf_param Diff_infinite_finite finite_compl by blast
    then have infinite (- ((p  set G. params p)  params P))
      by (simp add: Compl_eq_Diff_UNIV)
    then obtain x where **: x  - ((p  set G. params p)  params P)
      using infinite_imp_nonempty by blast

    let ?x = Neg (Exists (Neg P))

    have Neg (P[App x []/0]) # ?x # G  Neg P[App x []/0]
      by (simp add: Assum)
    then have Neg (P[App x []/0]) # ?x # G  Exists (Neg P)
      using ExistsI by blast
    moreover have Neg (P[App x []/0]) # ?x # G  ?x
      by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have Neg (P[App x []/0]) # ?x # G  FF
      using NegE by blast
    then have ?x # G  P[App x []/0]
      using Class by blast
    moreover have list_all (λp. x  params p) (?x # G)
      using ** by (simp add: list_all_iff)
    moreover have x  params P
      using ** by simp
    ultimately have ?x # G  Forall P
      using ForallI by fast
    moreover have ?x # G  Neg (Forall P)
      using * Neg (Forall P)  S by (simp add: Assum)
    ultimately have ?x # G  FF
      using NegE by blast
    then have G  Exists (Neg P)
      using Class by blast

    { assume Neg (P[App x []/0]) # G  FF
      moreover have list_all (λp. x  params p) G
        using ** by (simp add: list_all_iff)
      moreover have x  params P
        using ** by simp
      moreover have x  params FF
        by simp
      ultimately have G  FF
        using ExistsE G  Exists (Neg P) by fastforce
      then have False
        using ¬ G  FF
        by blast}
    then have ¬ Neg (P[App x []/0]) # G  FF
      by blast
    moreover have S  {Neg (P[App x []/0])} = set (Neg (P[App x []/0]) # G)
      using * by simp
    ultimately show x. S  {Neg (P[App x []/0])}  ?C
      by blast }

text ‹
Hence, by contradiction, we have completeness of natural deduction:

theorem natded_complete:
  assumes closed 0 p
    and list_all (closed 0) ps
    and mod: e f g. e,(f :: nat  nat hterm list  nat hterm),
              (g :: nat  nat hterm list  bool),ps  p
  shows ps  p
proof (rule Class, rule ccontr)
  fix e
  assume ¬ Neg p # ps  FF

  let ?S = set (Neg p # ps)
  let ?C = {set (G :: (nat, nat) form list) | G. ¬ G  FF}
  let ?f = HApp
  let ?g = (λa ts. Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  Extend ?S
              (mk_finite_char (mk_alt_consistency (close ?C))) from_nat)

  from list_all (closed 0) ps
  have p  set ps. closed 0 p
    by (simp add: list_all_iff)

  { fix x
    assume x  ?S
    moreover have consistency ?C
      using deriv_consistency by blast
    moreover have ?S  ?C
      using ¬ Neg p # ps  FF by blast
    moreover have infinite (- (p  ?S. params p))
      by (simp add: Compl_eq_Diff_UNIV)
    moreover note closed 0 p p  set ps. closed 0 p x  ?S
    then have closed 0 x by auto
    ultimately have eval e ?f ?g x
      using model_existence by blast }
  then have list_all (eval e ?f ?g) (Neg p # ps)
    by (simp add: list_all_iff)
  moreover have eval e ?f ?g (Neg p)
    using calculation by simp
  moreover have list_all (eval e ?f ?g) ps
    using calculation by simp
  then have eval e ?f ?g p
    using mod unfolding model_def by blast
  ultimately show False by simp

section ‹L\"owenheim-Skolem theorem›

text ‹
Another application of the model existence theorem presented in \secref{sec:model-existence}
is the L\"owenheim-Skolem theorem. It says that a set of formulae that is satisfiable in an
{\em arbitrary model} is also satisfiable in a {\em Herbrand model}. The main idea behind the
proof is to show that satisfiable sets are consistent, hence they must be satisfiable in a
Herbrand model.

theorem sat_consistency:
  consistency {S. infinite (- (p  S. params p))  (f. (p::('a, 'b)form)  S. eval e f g p)}
  unfolding consistency_def
proof (intro allI impI conjI)
  let ?C = {S. infinite (- (p  S. params p))  (f. p  S. eval e f g p)}

  fix S :: ('a, 'b) form set
  assume S  ?C
  then have inf_params: infinite (- (p  S. params p))
    and f. p  S. eval e f g p
    by blast+
  then obtain f where *: x  S. eval e f g x by blast

  { fix p ts
    show ¬ (Pred p ts  S  Neg (Pred p ts)  S)
      assume Pred p ts  S  Neg (Pred p ts)  S
      then have eval e f g (Pred p ts)  eval e f g (Neg (Pred p ts))
        using * by blast
      then show False by simp
    qed }

  show FF  S
    using * by fastforce

  show Neg TT  S
    using * by fastforce

  { fix Z
    assume Neg (Neg Z)  S
    then have x  S  {Neg (Neg Z)}. eval e f g x
      using * by blast
    then have x  S  {Z}. eval e f g x
      by simp
    moreover have infinite (- (p  S  {Z}. params p))
      using inf_params by simp
    ultimately show S  {Z}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume And A B  S
    then have x  S  {And A B}. eval e f g x
      using * by blast
    then have x  S  {A, B}. eval e f g x
      by simp
    moreover have infinite (- (p  S  {A, B}. params p))
      using inf_params by simp
    ultimately show S  {A, B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (Or A B)  S
    then have x  S  {Neg (Or A B)}. eval e f g x
      using * by blast
    then have x  S  {Neg A, Neg B}. eval e f g x
      by simp
    moreover have infinite (- (p  S  {Neg A, Neg B}. params p))
      using inf_params by simp
    ultimately show S  {Neg A, Neg B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (Impl A B)  S
    then have x  S  {Neg (Impl A B)}. eval e f g x
      using * by blast
    then have x  S  {A, Neg B}. eval e f g x
      by simp
    moreover have infinite (- (p  S  {A, Neg B}. params p))
      using inf_params by simp
    ultimately show S  {A, Neg B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Or A B  S
    then have x  S  {Or A B}. eval e f g x
      using * by blast
    then have (x  S  {A}. eval e f g x) 
               (x  S  {B}. eval e f g x)
      by simp
    moreover have infinite (- (p  S  {A}. params p))
      and infinite (- (p  S  {B}. params p))
      using inf_params by simp_all
    ultimately show S  {A}  ?C  S  {B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Neg (And A B)  S
    then have x  S  {Neg (And A B)}. eval e f g x
      using * by blast
    then have (x  S  {Neg A}. eval e f g x) 
               (x  S  {Neg B}. eval e f g x)
      by simp
    moreover have infinite (- (p  S  {Neg A}. params p))
      and infinite (- (p  S  {Neg B}. params p))
      using inf_params by simp_all
    ultimately show S  {Neg A}  ?C  S  {Neg B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix A B
    assume Impl A B  S
    then have x  S  {Impl A B}. eval e f g x
      using * by blast
    then have (x  S  {Neg A}. eval e f g x) 
               (x  S  {B}. eval e f g x)
      by simp
    moreover have infinite (- (p  S  {Neg A}. params p))
      and infinite (- (p  S  {B}. params p))
      using inf_params by simp_all
    ultimately show S  {Neg A}  ?C  S  {B}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix P and t :: 'a term
    assume Forall P  S
    then have x  S  {Forall P}. eval e f g x
      using * by blast
    then have x  S  {P[t/0]}. eval e f g x
      by simp
    moreover have infinite (- (p  S  {P[t/0]}. params p))
      using inf_params by simp
    ultimately show S  {P[t/0]}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix P and t :: 'a term
    assume Neg (Exists P)  S
    then have x  S  {Neg (Exists P)}. eval e f g x
      using * by blast
    then have x  S  {Neg (P[t/0])}. eval e f g x
      by simp
    moreover have infinite (- (p  S  {Neg (P[t/0])}. params p))
      using inf_params by simp
    ultimately show S  {Neg (P[t/0])}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix P
    assume Exists P  S
    then have x  S  {Exists P}. eval e f g x
      using * by blast
    then have eval e f g (Exists P)
      by blast
    then obtain z where eval (e0:z) f g P
      by auto
    moreover obtain x where **: x  - (p  S. params p)
      using inf_params infinite_imp_nonempty by blast
    then have x  params P
      using Exists P  S by auto
    ultimately have eval (e0:(f(x := λy. z)) x []) (f(x := λy. z)) g P
      by simp
    moreover have p  S. eval e (f(x := λy. z)) g p
      using * ** by simp
    moreover have infinite (- (p  S  {P[App x []/0]}. params p))
      using inf_params by simp
    ultimately have S  {P[App x []/0]}  
                      {S. infinite (- (p  S. params p))  (p  S. eval e (f(x := λy. z)) g p)}
      by simp
    then show x. S  {P[App x []/0]}  ?C
      by blast }

  { fix P
    assume Neg (Forall P)  S
    then have x  S  {Neg (Forall P)}. eval e f g x
      using * by blast
    then have eval e f g (Neg (Forall P))
      by blast
    then obtain z where ¬ eval (e0:z) f g P
      by auto
    moreover obtain x where **: x  - (p  S. params p)
      using inf_params infinite_imp_nonempty by blast
    then have x  params P
      using Neg (Forall P)  S by auto
    ultimately have ¬ eval (e0:(f(x := λy. z)) x []) (f(x := λy. z)) g P
      by simp
    moreover have p  S. eval e (f(x := λy. z)) g p
      using * ** by simp
    moreover have infinite (- (p  S  {P[App x []/0]}. params p))
      using inf_params by simp
    ultimately have S  {Neg (P[App x []/0])}  
                      {S. infinite (- (p  S. params p))  (p  S. eval e (f(x := λy. z)) g p)}
      by simp
    then show x. S  {Neg (P[App x []/0])}  ?C
      by blast }

theorem doublep_infinite_params:
  infinite (- (p  psubst (λn::nat. 2 * n) ` S. params p))
proof (rule infinite_super)
  show infinite (range (λn::nat. 2 * n + 1))
    using inj_onI Suc_1 Suc_mult_cancel1 add_right_imp_eq finite_imageD infinite_UNIV_char_0
    by (metis (no_types, lifting))
  have m n. Suc (2 * m)  2 * n by arith
  then show range (λn. 2 * n + 1)
     - (p::(nat, 'a) form  psubst (λn . 2 * n) ` S. params p)
    by auto

text ‹
When applying the model existence theorem, there is a technical
complication. We must make sure that there are infinitely many
unused parameters. In order to achieve this, we encode parameters
as natural numbers and multiply each parameter occurring in the
set S› by 2›.

theorem loewenheim_skolem:
  assumes evalS: p  S. eval e f g p
  shows p  S. closed 0 p  eval e' (λn. HApp (2*n)) (λa ts.
      Pred a (terms_of_hterms ts)  Extend (psubst (λn. 2 * n) ` S)
        (mk_finite_char (mk_alt_consistency (close
          {S. infinite (- (p  S. params p))  (f. p  S. eval e f g p)}))) from_nat) p
    (is _  _. _ _ _  eval _ _ ?g _)
  using evalS
proof (intro ballI impI)
  fix p

  let ?C = {S. infinite (- (p  S. params p))  (f. x  S. eval e f g x)}

  assume p  S
    and closed 0 p
  then have eval e f g p
    using evalS by blast
  then have x  S. eval e f g x
    using evalS by blast
  then have p  psubst (λn. 2 * n) ` S. eval e (λn. f (n div 2)) g p
    by (simp add: psubst_eval)
  then have psubst (λn. 2 * n) ` S  ?C
    using doublep_infinite_params by blast
  moreover have psubst (λn. 2 * n) p  psubst (λn. 2 * n) ` S
    using p  S by blast
  moreover have closed 0 (psubst (λn. 2 * n) p)
    using closed 0 p by simp
  moreover have consistency ?C
    using sat_consistency by blast
  ultimately have eval e' HApp ?g (psubst (λn. 2 * n) p)
    using model_existence by blast
  then show eval e' (λn. HApp (2 * n)) ?g p
    using psubst_eval by blast

section ‹Completeness for open formulas›

abbreviation new_term c t  c  paramst t
abbreviation new_list c ts  c  paramsts ts

abbreviation new c p  c  params p

abbreviation news c z  list_all (new c) z

subsection ‹Renaming›

lemma new_psubst_image':
  new_term c t  d  image f (paramst t)  new_term d (psubstt (f(c := d)) t)
  new_list c l  d  image f (paramsts l)  new_list d (psubstts (f(c := d)) l)
  by (induct t and l rule: paramst.induct paramsts.induct) auto

lemma new_psubst_image: new c p  d  image f (params p)  new d (psubst (f(c := d)) p)
  using new_psubst_image' by (induct p) auto

lemma news_psubst: news c z  d  image f (p  set z. params p) 
    news d (map (psubst (f(c := d))) z)
  using new_psubst_image by (induct z) auto

lemma member_psubst: p  set z  psubst f p  set (map (psubst f) z)
  by (induct z) auto

lemma deriv_psubst:
  fixes f :: 'a  'a
  assumes inf_params: infinite (UNIV :: 'a set)
  shows z  p  map (psubst f) z  psubst f p
proof (induct z p arbitrary: f rule: deriv.induct)
  case (Assum a G)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.Assum member_psubst by blast
  case (TTI G)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.TTI by auto
  case (FFE G a)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.FFE by auto
  case (NegI a G)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.NegI by auto
  case (NegE G a)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.NegE by auto
  case (Class a G)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.Class by auto
  case (ImplE G a b)
  then have map (psubst f) G  Impl (psubst f a) (psubst f b)
    and map (psubst f) G  psubst f a
    by simp_all
  then show ?case
    using deriv.ImplE by blast
  case (ImplI G a b)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.ImplI by auto
  case (OrE G a b c)
  then have map (psubst f) G  Or (psubst f a) (psubst f b)
    and psubst f a # map (psubst f) G  psubst f c
    and psubst f b # map (psubst f) G  psubst f c
    by simp_all
  then show ?case
    using deriv.OrE by blast
  case (OrI1 G a b)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.OrI1 by auto
  case (OrI2 G a b)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.OrI2 by auto
  case (AndE1 G a b)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.AndE1 by auto
  case (AndE2 p q z)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.AndE2 by auto
  case (AndI G a b)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.AndI by fastforce
  case (ExistsE z p c q)
  let ?params = params p  params q  (p  set z. params p)

  have finite ?params
    by simp
  then obtain fresh where *: fresh  ?params  {c}  image f ?params
    using ex_new_if_finite inf_params
    by (metis finite.emptyI finite.insertI finite_UnI finite_imageI)

  let ?f = f(c := fresh)

  have news c (p # q # z)
    using ExistsE by simp
  then have new fresh (psubst ?f p) new fresh (psubst ?f q) news fresh (map (psubst ?f) z)
    using * new_psubst_image news_psubst by (fastforce simp add: image_Un)+
  then have map (psubst ?f) z = map (psubst f) z
    using ExistsE by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Ball_set map_eq_conv psubst_upd)

  have map (psubst ?f) z  psubst ?f (Exists p)
    using ExistsE by blast
  then have map (psubst ?f) z  Exists (psubst ?f p)
    by simp
  moreover have map (psubst ?f) (subst p (App c []) 0 # z)  psubst ?f q
    using ExistsE by blast
  then have subst (psubst ?f p) (App fresh []) 0 # map (psubst ?f) z  psubst ?f q
    by simp
  moreover have news fresh (map (psubst ?f) (p # q # z))
    using new fresh (psubst ?f p) new fresh (psubst ?f q) news fresh (map (psubst ?f) z)
    by simp
  then have new fresh (psubst ?f p) new fresh (psubst ?f q) news fresh (map (psubst ?f) z)
    by simp_all
  ultimately have map (psubst ?f) z  psubst ?f q
    using deriv.ExistsE by metis
  then show ?case
    using ExistsE map (psubst ?f) z = map (psubst f) z by simp
  case (ExistsI z p t)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.ExistsI by auto
  case (ForallE z p t)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.ForallE by auto
  case (ForallI z p c)
  let ?params = params p (p  set z. params p)

  have finite ?params
    by simp
  then obtain fresh where *: fresh  ?params  {c}  image f ?params
    using ex_new_if_finite inf_params
    by (metis finite.emptyI finite.insertI finite_UnI finite_imageI)

  let ?f = f(c := fresh)

  have news c (p # z)
    using ForallI by simp
  then have new fresh (psubst ?f p) news fresh (map (psubst ?f) z)
    using * new_psubst_image news_psubst by (fastforce simp add: image_Un)+
  then have map (psubst ?f) z = map (psubst f) z
    using ForallI by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Ball_set map_eq_conv psubst_upd)

  have map (psubst ?f) z  psubst ?f (subst p (App c []) 0)
    using ForallI by blast
  then have map (psubst ?f) z  subst (psubst ?f p) (App fresh []) 0
    by simp
  moreover have news fresh (map (psubst ?f) (p # z))
    using new fresh (psubst ?f p) news fresh (map (psubst ?f) z)
    by simp
  then have new fresh (psubst ?f p) news fresh (map (psubst ?f) z)
    by simp_all
  ultimately have map (psubst ?f) z  Forall (psubst ?f p)
    using deriv.ForallI by metis
  then show ?case
    using ForallI map (psubst ?f) z = map (psubst f) z by simp

subsection ‹Substitution for constants›

  subc_term :: 'a  'a term  'a term  'a term and
  subc_list :: 'a  'a term  'a term list  'a term list where
  subc_term c s (Var n) = Var n |
  subc_term c s (App i l) = (if i = c then s else App i (subc_list c s l)) |
  subc_list c s [] = [] |
  subc_list c s (t # l) = subc_term c s t # subc_list c s l

primrec subc :: 'a  'a term  ('a, 'b) form  ('a, 'b) form where
  subc c s FF = FF |
  subc c s TT = TT |
  subc c s (Pred i l) = Pred i (subc_list c s l) |
  subc c s (Neg p) = Neg (subc c s p) |
  subc c s (Impl p q) = Impl (subc c s p) (subc c s q) |
  subc c s (Or p q) = Or (subc c s p) (subc c s q) |
  subc c s (And p q) = And (subc c s p) (subc c s q) |
  subc c s (Exists p) = Exists (subc c (liftt s) p) |
  subc c s (Forall p) = Forall (subc c (liftt s) p)

primrec subcs :: 'a  'a term  ('a, 'b) form list  ('a, 'b) form list where
  subcs c s [] = [] |
  subcs c s (p # z) = subc c s p # subcs c s z

lemma subst_0_lift:
  substt (liftt t) s 0 = t
  substts (liftts l) s 0 = l
  by (induct t and l rule: substt.induct substts.induct) simp_all

lemma params_lift [simp]:
  fixes t :: 'a term and ts :: 'a term list
    paramst (liftt t) = paramst t
    paramsts (liftts ts) = paramsts ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: paramst.induct paramsts.induct) simp_all

lemma subst_new' [simp]:
  new_term c s  new_term c t  new_term c (substt t s m)
  new_term c s  new_list c l  new_list c (substts l s m)
  by (induct t and l rule: substt.induct substts.induct) simp_all

lemma subst_new [simp]: new_term c s  new c p  new c (subst p s m)
  by (induct p arbitrary: m s) simp_all

lemma subst_new_all:
  assumes a  set cs list_all (λc. new c p) cs
  shows list_all (λc. new c (subst p (App a []) m)) cs
  using assms by (induct cs) auto

lemma subc_new' [simp]:
  new_term c t  subc_term c s t = t
  new_list c l  subc_list c s l = l
  by (induct t and l rule: subc_term.induct subc_list.induct) auto

lemma subc_new [simp]: new c p  subc c s p = p
  by (induct p arbitrary: s) simp_all

lemma subcs_news: news c z  subcs c s z = z
  by (induct z) simp_all

lemma subc_psubst' [simp]:
  (x  paramst t. x  c  f x  f c) 
    psubstt f (subc_term c s t) = subc_term (f c) (psubstt f s) (psubstt f t)
  (x  paramsts l. x  c  f x  f c) 
    psubstts f (subc_list c s l) = subc_list (f c) (psubstt f s) (psubstts f l)
  by (induct t and l rule: psubstt.induct psubstts.induct) simp_all

lemma subc_psubst: (x  params p. x  c  f x  f c) 
    psubst f (subc c s p) = subc (f c) (psubstt f s) (psubst f p)
  by (induct p arbitrary: s) simp_all

lemma subcs_psubst: (x  (p  set z. params p). x  c  f x  f c) 
    map (psubst f) (subcs c s z) = subcs (f c) (psubstt f s) (map (psubst f) z)
  by (induct z) (simp_all add: subc_psubst)

lemma new_lift:
  new_term c t  new_term c (liftt t)
  new_list c l  new_list c (liftts l)
  by (induct t and l rule: liftt.induct liftts.induct) simp_all

lemma new_subc' [simp]:
  new_term d s  new_term d t  new_term d (subc_term c s t)
  new_term d s  new_list d l  new_list d (subc_list c s l)
  by (induct t and l rule: substt.induct substts.induct) simp_all

lemma new_subc [simp]: new_term d s  new d p  new d (subc c s p)
  by (induct p arbitrary: s) simp_all

lemma news_subcs: new_term d s  news d z  news d (subcs c s z)
  by (induct z) simp_all

lemma psubst_new_free':
  c  n  new_term n (psubstt (id(n := c)) t)
  c  n  new_list n (psubstts (id(n := c)) l)
  by (induct t and l rule: paramst.induct paramsts.induct) simp_all

lemma psubst_new_free: c  n  new n (psubst (id(n := c)) p)
  using psubst_new_free' by (induct p) fastforce+

lemma map_psubst_new_free: c  n  news n (map (psubst (id(n := c))) z)
  using psubst_new_free by (induct z) fastforce+

lemma psubst_new_away' [simp]:
  new_term fresh t  psubstt (id(fresh := c)) (psubstt (id(c := fresh)) t) = t
  new_list fresh l  psubstts (id(fresh := c)) (psubstts (id(c := fresh)) l) = l
  by (induct t and l rule: psubstt.induct psubstts.induct) auto

lemma psubst_new_away [simp]: new fresh p  psubst (id(fresh := c)) (psubst (id(c := fresh)) p) = p
  by (induct p) simp_all

lemma map_psubst_new_away:
  news fresh z  map (psubst (id(fresh := c))) (map (psubst (id(c := fresh))) z) = z
  by (induct z) simp_all

lemma psubst_new':
  new_term c t  psubstt (id(c := x)) t = t
  new_list c l  psubstts (id(c := x)) l = l
  by (induct t and l rule: psubstt.induct psubstts.induct) auto

lemma psubst_new: new c p  psubst (id(c := x)) p = p
  using psubst_new' by (induct p) fastforce+

lemma map_psubst_new: news c z  map (psubst (id(c := x))) z = z
  using psubst_new by (induct z) auto

lemma lift_subst [simp]:
  liftt (substt t u m) = substt (liftt t) (liftt u) (m + 1)
  liftts (substts l u m) = substts (liftts l) (liftt u) (m + 1)
  by (induct t and l rule: substt.induct substts.induct) simp_all

lemma new_subc_same' [simp]:
  new_term c s  new_term c (subc_term c s t)
  new_term c s  new_list c (subc_list c s l)
  by (induct t and l rule: subc_term.induct subc_list.induct) simp_all

lemma new_subc_same: new_term c s  new c (subc c s p)
  by (induct p arbitrary: s) simp_all

lemma lift_subc:
  liftt (subc_term c s t) = subc_term c (liftt s) (liftt t)
  liftts (subc_list c s l) = subc_list c (liftt s) (liftts l)
  by (induct t and l rule: liftt.induct liftts.induct) simp_all

lemma new_subc_put':
  new_term c s  subc_term c s (substt t u m) = subc_term c s (substt t (subc_term c s u) m)
  new_term c s  subc_list c s (substts l u m) = subc_list c s (substts l (subc_term c s u) m)
  by (induct t and l rule: subc_term.induct subc_list.induct) simp_all

lemma new_subc_put:
  new_term c s  subc c s (subst p t m) = subc c s (subst p (subc_term c s t) m)
proof (induct p arbitrary: s m t)
  case FF
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case TT
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Pred i l)
  then show ?case
    using new_subc_put' by fastforce
  case (Neg p)
  then show ?case
    by (metis subc.simps(4) subst.simps(7))
  case (Impl p q)
  then show ?case
    by (metis subc.simps(5) subst.simps(6))
  case (Or p q)
  then show ?case
    by (metis subc.simps(6) subst.simps(5))
  case (And p q)
  then show ?case
    by (metis subc.simps(7) subst.simps(4))
  case (Exists p)
  have subc c s (subst (Exists p) (subc_term c s t) m) =
      Exists (subc c (liftt s) (subst p (subc_term c (liftt s) (liftt t)) (Suc m)))
    by (simp add: lift_subc)
  also have  = Exists (subc c (liftt s) (subst p (liftt t) (Suc m)))
    using Exists new_lift(1) by metis
  finally show ?case
    by simp
  case (Forall p)
  have subc c s (subst (Forall p) (subc_term c s t) m) =
      Forall (subc c (liftt s) (subst p (subc_term c (liftt s) (liftt t)) (Suc m)))
    by (simp add: lift_subc)
  also have  = Forall (subc c (liftt s) (subst p (liftt t) (Suc m)))
    using Forall new_lift(1) by metis
  finally show ?case
    by simp

lemma subc_subst_new':
  new_term c u  subc_term c (substt s u m) (substt t u m) = substt (subc_term c s t) u m
  new_term c u  subc_list c (substt s u m) (substts l u m) = substts (subc_list c s l) u m
  by (induct t and l rule: subc_term.induct subc_list.induct) simp_all

lemma subc_subst_new:
  new_term c t  subc c (substt s t m) (subst p t m) = subst (subc c s p) t m
  using subc_subst_new' by (induct p arbitrary: m t s) fastforce+

lemma subc_sub_0_new [simp]:
  new_term c t  subc c s (subst p t 0) = subst (subc c (liftt s) p) t 0
  using subc_subst_new subst_0_lift(1) by metis

lemma member_subc: p  set z  subc c s p  set (subcs c s z)
  by (induct z) auto

lemma deriv_subc:
  fixes p :: ('a, 'b) form
  assumes inf_params: infinite (UNIV :: 'a set)
  shows z  p  subcs c s z  subc c s p
proof (induct z p arbitrary: c s rule: deriv.induct)
  case (Assum p z)
  then show ?case
    using member_subc deriv.Assum by fast
  case TTI
  then show ?case
    using deriv.TTI by simp
  case FFE
  then show ?case
    using deriv.FFE by auto
  case (NegI z p)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.NegI by auto
  case (NegE z p)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.NegE by fastforce
  case (Class p z)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.Class by auto
  case (ImplE z p q)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.ImplE by fastforce
  case (ImplI z q p)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.ImplI by fastforce
  case (OrE z p q r)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.OrE by fastforce
  case (OrI1 z p q)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.OrI1 by fastforce
  case (OrI2 z q p)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.OrI2 by fastforce
  case (AndE1 z p q)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.AndE1 by fastforce
  case (AndE2 z p q)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.AndE2 by fastforce
  case (AndI p z q)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.AndI by fastforce
  case (ExistsE z p d q)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases c = d)
    case True
    then have z  q
      using ExistsE deriv.ExistsE by fast
    moreover have new c q and news c z
      using ExistsE True by simp_all
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using subc_new subcs_news by metis
    case False
    let ?params = params p  params q  (p  set z. params p)  paramst s  {c}  {d}

    have finite ?params
      by simp
    then obtain fresh where fresh: fresh  ?params
      using inf_params by (meson ex_new_if_finite infinite_UNIV_listI)

    let ?s = psubstt (id(d := fresh)) s
    let ?f = id(d := fresh, fresh := d)

    have f: x  ?params. x  c  ?f x  ?f c
      using fresh by simp

    have new_term d ?s
      using fresh psubst_new_free'(1) by fast
    then have psubstt ?f ?s = psubstt (id(fresh := d)) ?s
      by (metis fun_upd_twist psubstt_upd(1))
    then have psubst_s: psubstt ?f ?s = s
      using fresh by simp

    have ?f c = c and new_term (?f c) (App fresh [])
      using False fresh by auto

    have subcs c (psubstt ?f ?s) z  subc c (psubstt ?f ?s) (Exists p)
      using ExistsE by blast
    then have exi_p:
      subcs c s z  Exists (subc c (liftt (psubstt ?f ?s)) p)
      using psubst_s by simp

    have news d z
      using ExistsE by simp
    moreover have news fresh z
      using fresh by (induct z) simp_all
    ultimately have map (psubst ?f) z = z
      by (induct z) simp_all
    moreover have x  p  set z. params p. x  c  ?f x  ?f c
      by auto
    ultimately have psubst_z: map (psubst ?f) (subcs c ?s z) = subcs c s z
      using ?f c = c psubst_s by (simp add: subcs_psubst)

    have psubst ?f (subc c ?s (subst p (App d []) 0)) =
        subc (?f c) (psubstt ?f ?s) (psubst ?f (subst p (App d []) 0))
      using fresh by (simp add: subc_psubst)
    also have  = subc c s (subst (psubst ?f p) (App fresh []) 0)
      using psubst_subst psubst_s ?f c = c by simp
    also have  = subc c s (subst p (App fresh []) 0)
      using ExistsE fresh by simp
    finally have psubst_p: psubst ?f (subc c ?s (subst p (App d []) 0)) =
        subst (subc c (liftt s) p) (App fresh []) 0
      using subc_sub_0_new new_term (?f c) (App fresh []) ?f c = c by metis

    have x  params q. x  c  ?f x  ?f c
      using f by blast
    then have psubst_q: psubst ?f (subc c ?s q) = subc c s q
      using ExistsE fresh ?f c = c psubst_s f by (simp add: subc_psubst)

    have subcs c ?s (subst p (App d []) 0 # z)  subc c ?s q
      using ExistsE by blast
    then have subc c ?s (subst p (App d []) 0) # subcs c ?s z  subc c ?s q
      by simp
    then have psubst ?f (subc c ?s (subst p (App d []) 0)) # map (psubst ?f) (subcs c ?s z)
         psubst ?f (subc c ?s q)
      using deriv_psubst inf_params by fastforce
    then have q: subst (subc c (liftt s) p) (App fresh []) 0 # subcs c s z  subc c s q
      using psubst_q psubst_z psubst_p by simp

    have new fresh (subc c (liftt s) p)
      using fresh new_subc new_lift by simp
    moreover have new fresh (subc c s q)
      using fresh new_subc by simp
    moreover have news fresh (subcs c s z)
      using fresh news fresh z by (simp add: news_subcs)
    ultimately show subcs c s z  subc c s q
      using deriv.ExistsE exi_p q psubst_s by metis
  case (ExistsI z p t)
  let ?params = params p  (p  set z. params p)  paramst s  paramst t  {c}

  have finite ?params
    by simp
  then obtain fresh where fresh: fresh  ?params
    using inf_params by (meson ex_new_if_finite infinite_UNIV_listI)

  let ?f = id(c := fresh)
  let ?g = id(fresh := c)
  let ?s = psubstt ?f s

  have c: ?g c = c
    using fresh by simp
  have s: psubstt ?g ?s = s
    using fresh by simp
  have p: psubst ?g (Exists p) = Exists p
    using fresh by simp

  have x  (p  set z. params p). x  c  ?g x  ?g c
    using fresh by auto
  moreover have map (psubst ?g) z = z
    using fresh by (induct z) simp_all
  ultimately have z: map (psubst ?g) (subcs c ?s z) = subcs c s z
    using s by (simp add: subcs_psubst)

  have new_term c ?s
    using fresh psubst_new_free' by fast
  then have subcs c ?s z  subc c ?s (subst p (subc_term c ?s t) 0)
    using ExistsI new_subc_put by metis
  moreover have new_term c (subc_term c ?s t)
    using new_term c ?s new_subc_same' by fast
  ultimately have subcs c ?s z  subst (subc c (liftt ?s) p) (subc_term c ?s t) 0
    using subc_sub_0_new by metis

  then have subcs c ?s z  subc c ?s (Exists p)
    using deriv.ExistsI by simp
  then have map (psubst ?g) (subcs c ?s z)  psubst ?g (subc c ?s (Exists p))
    using deriv_psubst inf_params by blast
  moreover have x  params (Exists p). x  c  ?g x  ?g c
    using fresh by auto
  ultimately show subcs c s z  subc c s (Exists p)
    using c s p z by (simp add: subc_psubst)
  case (ForallE z p t)
  let ?params = params p  (p  set z. params p)  paramst s  paramst t  {c}

  have finite ?params
    by simp
  then obtain fresh where fresh: fresh  ?params
    using inf_params by (meson ex_new_if_finite infinite_UNIV_listI)

  let ?f = id(c := fresh)
  let ?g = id(fresh := c)
  let ?s = psubstt ?f s

  have c: ?g c = c
    using fresh by simp
  have s: psubstt ?g ?s = s
    using fresh by simp
  have p: psubst ?g (subst p t 0) = subst p t 0
    using fresh psubst_new psubst_subst subst_new psubst_new'(1) by fastforce

  have x  (p  set z. params p). x  c  ?g x  ?g c
    using fresh by auto
  moreover have map (psubst ?g) z = z
    using fresh by (induct z) simp_all
  ultimately have z: map (psubst ?g) (subcs c ?s z) = subcs c s z
    using s by (simp add: subcs_psubst)

  have new_term c ?s
    using fresh psubst_new_free' by fastforce

  have subcs c ?s z  Forall (subc c (liftt ?s) p)
    using ForallE by simp
  then have subcs c ?s z  subst (subc c (liftt ?s) p) (subc_term c ?s t) 0
    using deriv.ForallE by blast
  moreover have new_term c (subc_term c ?s t)
    using new_term c ?s new_subc_same' by fast
  ultimately have subcs c ?s z  subc c ?s (subst p (subc_term c ?s t) 0)
    by simp
  then have subcs c ?s z  subc c ?s (subst p t 0)
    using new_subc_put new_term c ?s by metis
  then have map (psubst ?g) (subcs c ?s z)  psubst ?g (subc c ?s (subst p t 0))
    using deriv_psubst inf_params by blast
  moreover have x  params (subst p t 0). x  c  ?g x  ?g c
    using fresh p psubst_new_free by (metis fun_upd_apply id_apply)
  ultimately show subcs c s z  subc c s (subst p t 0)
    using c s p z by (simp add: subc_psubst)
  case (ForallI z p d)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases c = d)
    case True
    then have z  Forall p
      using ForallI deriv.ForallI by fast
    moreover have new c p and news c z
      using ForallI True by simp_all
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (simp add: subcs_news)
    case False
    let ?params = params p  (p  set z. params p)  paramst s  {c}  {d}

    have finite ?params
      by simp
    then obtain fresh where fresh: fresh  ?params
      using inf_params by (meson ex_new_if_finite infinite_UNIV_listI)

    let ?s = psubstt (id(d := fresh)) s
    let ?f = id(d := fresh, fresh := d)

    have f: x  ?params. x  c  ?f x  ?f c
      using fresh by simp

    have new_term d ?s
      using fresh psubst_new_free' by fastforce
    then have psubstt ?f ?s = psubstt (id(fresh := d)) ?s
      by (metis fun_upd_twist psubstt_upd(1))
    then have psubst_s: psubstt ?f ?s = s
      using fresh by simp

    have ?f c = c and new_term c (App fresh [])
      using False fresh by auto

    have psubst ?f (subc c ?s (subst p (App d []) 0)) =
      subc (?f c) (psubstt ?f ?s) (psubst ?f (subst p (App d []) 0))
      by (simp add: subc_psubst)
    also have  = subc c s (subst (psubst ?f p) (App fresh []) 0)
      using ?f c = c psubst_subst psubst_s by simp
    also have  = subc c s (subst p (App fresh []) 0)
      using ForallI fresh by simp
    finally have psubst_p: psubst ?f (subc c ?s (subst p (App d []) 0)) =
        subst (subc c (liftt s) p) (App fresh []) 0
      using subc_sub_0_new new_term c (App fresh []) by simp

    have news d z
      using ForallI by simp
    moreover have news fresh z
      using fresh by (induct z) simp_all
    ultimately have map (psubst ?f) z = z
      by (induct z) simp_all
    moreover have x  p  set z. params p. x  c  ?f x  ?f c
      by auto
    ultimately have psubst_z: map (psubst ?f) (subcs c ?s z) = subcs c s z
      using ?f c = c psubst_s by (simp add: subcs_psubst)

    have subcs c ?s z  subc c ?s (subst p (App d []) 0)
      using ForallI by blast
    then have map (psubst ?f) (subcs c ?s z)  psubst ?f (subc c ?s (subst p (App d []) 0))
      using deriv_psubst inf_params by blast
    then have subcs c s z  psubst ?f (subc c ?s (subst p (App d []) 0))
      using psubst_z by simp
    then have sub_p: subcs c s z  subst (subc c (liftt s) p) (App fresh []) 0
      using psubst_p by simp

    have new_term fresh s
      using fresh by simp
    then have new_term fresh (liftt s)
      using new_lift by simp
    then have new fresh (subc c (liftt s) p)
      using fresh new_subc by simp
    moreover have news fresh (subcs c s z)
      using news fresh z new_term fresh s news_subcs by fast
    ultimately show subcs c s z  subc c s (Forall p)
      using deriv.ForallI sub_p by simp

subsection ‹Weakening assumptions›

lemma psubst_new_subset:
  assumes set z  set z' c  (p  set z. params p)
  shows set z  set (map (psubst (id(c := n))) z')
  using assms by force

lemma subset_cons: set z  set z'  set (p # z)  set (p # z')
  by auto

lemma weaken_assumptions:
  fixes p :: ('a, 'b) form
  assumes inf_params: infinite (UNIV :: 'a set)
  shows z  p  set z  set z'  z'  p
proof (induct z p arbitrary: z' rule: deriv.induct)
  case (Assum p z)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.Assum by auto
  case TTI
  then show ?case
    using deriv.TTI by auto
  case FFE
  then show ?case
    using deriv.FFE by auto
  case (NegI p z)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.NegI subset_cons by metis
  case (NegE p z)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.NegE by metis
  case (Class z p)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.Class subset_cons by metis
  case (ImplE z p q)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.ImplE by blast
  case (ImplI z q p)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.ImplI subset_cons by metis
  case (OrE z p q z )
  then show ?case
    using deriv.OrE subset_cons by metis
  case (OrI1 z p q)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.OrI1 by blast
  case (OrI2 z q p)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.OrI2 by blast
  case (AndE1 z p q)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.AndE1 by blast
  case (AndE2 z p q)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.AndE2 by blast
  case (AndI z p q)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.AndI by blast
  case (ExistsE z p c q)
  let ?params = params p  params q  (p  set z'. params p)  {c}

  have finite ?params
    by simp
  then obtain fresh where fresh: fresh  ?params
    using inf_params by (meson ex_new_if_finite List.finite_set infinite_UNIV_listI)

  let ?z' = map (psubst (id(c := fresh))) z'

  have news c z
    using ExistsE by simp
  then have set z  set ?z'
    using ExistsE psubst_new_subset by (simp add: Ball_set)
  then have ?z'  Exists p
    using ExistsE by blast

  moreover have set (subst p (App c []) 0 # z)  set (subst p (App c []) 0 # ?z')
    using set z  set ?z' by auto
  then have subst p (App c []) 0 # ?z'  q
    using ExistsE by blast

  moreover have news c ?z'
    using fresh by (simp add: map_psubst_new_free)
  then have new c p new c q news c ?z'
    using ExistsE by simp_all

  ultimately have ?z'  q
    using ExistsE deriv.ExistsE by metis

  then have map (psubst (id(fresh := c))) ?z'  psubst (id(fresh := c)) q
    using deriv_psubst inf_params by blast
  moreover have map (psubst (id(fresh := c))) ?z' = z'
    using fresh map_psubst_new_away Ball_set by fastforce
  moreover have psubst (id(fresh := c)) q = q
    using fresh by simp
  ultimately show z'  q
    by simp
  case (ExistsI z p t)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.ExistsI by blast
  case (ForallE p z t)
  then show ?case
    using deriv.ForallE by blast
  case (ForallI z p c)
  let ?params = params p  (p  set z'. params p)  {c}

  have finite ?params
    by simp
  then obtain fresh where fresh: fresh  ?params
    using inf_params by (meson ex_new_if_finite List.finite_set infinite_UNIV_listI)

  let ?z' = map (psubst (id(c := fresh))) z'

  have news c z
    using ForallI by simp
  then have set z  set ?z'
    using ForallI psubst_new_subset by (metis (no_types, lifting) Ball_set UN_iff)
  then have ?z'  subst p (App c []) 0
    using ForallI by blast

  moreover have p  set ?z'. c  params p
    using fresh psubst_new_free by fastforce
  then have list_all (λp. c  params p) (p # ?z')
    using ForallI by (simp add: list_all_iff)
  then have new c p news c ?z'
    by simp_all

  ultimately have ?z'  Forall p
    using ForallI deriv.ForallI by fast

  then have map (psubst (id(fresh := c))) ?z'  psubst (id(fresh := c)) (Forall p)
    using deriv_psubst inf_params by blast
  moreover have map (psubst (id(fresh := c))) ?z' = z'
    using fresh map_psubst_new_away Ball_set by fastforce
  moreover have psubst (id(fresh := c)) (Forall p) = Forall p
    using fresh ForallI by simp
  ultimately show z'  Forall p
    by simp

subsection ‹Implications and assumptions›

primrec put_imps :: ('a, 'b) form  ('a, 'b) form list  ('a, 'b) form where
  put_imps p [] = p |
  put_imps p (q # z) = Impl q (put_imps p z)

lemma semantics_put_imps:
  (e,f,g,z  p) = eval e f g (put_imps p z)
  unfolding model_def by (induct z) auto

lemma shift_imp_assum:
  fixes p :: ('a, 'b) form
  assumes inf_params: infinite (UNIV :: 'a set)
    and z  Impl p q
  shows p # z  q
proof -
  have set z  set (p # z)
    by auto
  then have p # z  Impl p q
    using assms weaken_assumptions inf_params by blast
  moreover have p # z  p
    by (simp add: Assum)
  ultimately show p # z  q
    using ImplE by blast

lemma remove_imps:
  assumes infinite (- params p)
  shows z'  put_imps p z  rev z @ z'  p
  using assms shift_imp_assum by (induct z arbitrary: z') auto

subsection ‹Closure elimination›

lemma subc_sub_closed_var' [simp]:
  new_term c t  closedt (Suc m) t  subc_term c (Var m) (substt t (App c []) m) = t
  new_list c l  closedts (Suc m) l  subc_list c (Var m) (substts l (App c []) m) = l
  by (induct t and l rule: substt.induct substts.induct) auto

lemma subc_sub_closed_var [simp]: new c p  closed (Suc m) p 
    subc c (Var m) (subst p (App c []) m) = p
  by (induct p arbitrary: m) simp_all

primrec put_unis :: nat  ('a, 'b) form  ('a, 'b) form where
  put_unis 0 p = p |
  put_unis (Suc m) p = Forall (put_unis m p)

lemma sub_put_unis [simp]:
  subst (put_unis k p) (App c []) i = put_unis k (subst p (App c []) (i + k))
  by (induct k arbitrary: i) simp_all

lemma closed_put_unis [simp]: closed m (put_unis k p) = closed (m + k) p
  by (induct k arbitrary: m) simp_all

lemma valid_put_unis: (e :: nat  'a) f g. eval e f g p 
    eval (e :: nat  'a) f g (put_unis m p)
  by (induct m arbitrary: e) simp_all

lemma put_unis_collapse: put_unis m (put_unis n p) = put_unis (m + n) p
  by (induct m) simp_all

fun consts_for_unis :: ('a, 'b) form  'a list  ('a, 'b) form where
  consts_for_unis (Forall p) (c#cs) = consts_for_unis (subst p (App c []) 0) cs |
  consts_for_unis p _ = p

lemma consts_for_unis: []  put_unis (length cs) p 
  []  consts_for_unis (put_unis (length cs) p) cs
proof (induct cs arbitrary: p)
  case (Cons c cs)
  then have []  Forall (put_unis (length cs) p)
    by simp
  then have []  subst (put_unis (length cs) p) (App c []) 0
    using ForallE by blast
  then show ?case
    using Cons by simp
qed simp

primrec vars_for_consts :: ('a, 'b) form  'a list  ('a, 'b) form where
  vars_for_consts p [] = p |
  vars_for_consts p (c # cs) = subc c (Var (length cs)) (vars_for_consts p cs)

lemma vars_for_consts:
  assumes infinite (- params p)
  shows []  p  []  vars_for_consts p xs
  using assms deriv_subc by (induct xs arbitrary: p) fastforce+

lemma vars_for_consts_for_unis:
  closed (length cs) p  list_all (λc. new c p) cs  distinct cs 
   vars_for_consts (consts_for_unis (put_unis (length cs) p) cs) cs = p
  by (induct cs arbitrary: p) (simp_all add: subst_new_all)

lemma fresh_constant:
  fixes p :: ('a, 'b) form
  assumes infinite (UNIV :: 'a set)
  shows c. c  set cs  new c p
proof -
  have finite (set cs  params p)
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using assms ex_new_if_finite UnI1 UnI2 by metis

lemma fresh_constants:
  fixes p :: ('a, 'b) form
  assumes infinite (UNIV :: 'a set)
  shows cs. length cs = m  list_all (λc. new c p) cs  distinct cs
proof (induct m)
  case (Suc m)
  then obtain cs where length cs = m  list_all (λc. new c p) cs  distinct cs
    by blast
  moreover obtain c where c  set cs  new c p
    using Suc assms fresh_constant by blast
  ultimately have length (c # cs) = Suc m  list_all (λc. new c p) (c # cs)  distinct (c # cs)
    by simp
  then show ?case
    by blast
qed simp

lemma closed_max:
  assumes closed m p closed n q
  shows closed (max m n) p  closed (max m n) q
proof -
  have m  max m n and n  max m n
    by simp_all
  then show ?thesis
    using assms closed_mono by metis

lemma ex_closed' [simp]:
  fixes t :: 'a term and l :: 'a term list
  shows m. closedt m t n. closedts n l
proof (induct t and l rule: closedt.induct closedts.induct)
  case (Cons_term t l)
  then obtain m and n where closedt m t and closedts n l
    by blast
  moreover have m  max m n and n  max m n
    by simp_all
  ultimately have closedt (max m n) t and closedts (max m n) l
    using closedt_mono by blast+
  then show ?case
    by auto
qed auto

lemma ex_closed [simp]: m. closed m p
proof (induct p)
  case FF
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case TT
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Neg p)
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Impl p q)
  then show ?case
    using closed_max by fastforce
  case (Or p q)
  then show ?case
    using closed_max by fastforce
  case (And p q)
  then show ?case
    using closed_max by fastforce
  case (Exists p)
  then obtain m where closed m p
    by blast
  then have closed (Suc m) p
    using closed_mono Suc_n_not_le_n nat_le_linear by blast
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Forall p)
  then obtain m where closed m p
    by blast
  then have closed (Suc m) p
    using closed_mono Suc_n_not_le_n nat_le_linear by blast
  then show ?case
    by auto
qed simp_all

lemma ex_closure: m. closed 0 (put_unis m p)
  by simp

lemma remove_unis_sentence:
  assumes inf_params: infinite (- params p)
    and closed 0 (put_unis m p) []  put_unis m p
  shows []  p
proof -
  obtain cs :: 'a list where length cs = m
    and *: distinct cs and **: list_all (λc. new c p) cs
    using assms finite_compl finite_params fresh_constants inf_params by metis
  then have []  consts_for_unis (put_unis (length cs) p) cs
    using assms consts_for_unis by blast
  then have []  vars_for_consts (consts_for_unis (put_unis (length cs) p) cs) cs
    using vars_for_consts inf_params by fastforce
  moreover have closed (length cs) p
    using assms length cs = m by simp
  ultimately show []  p
    using vars_for_consts_for_unis * ** by metis

subsection ‹Completeness›

theorem completeness:
  fixes p :: (nat, nat) form
  assumes (e :: nat  nat hterm) f g. e, f, g, z  p
  shows z  p
proof -
  let ?p = put_imps p (rev z)

  have *: (e :: nat  nat hterm) f g. eval e f g ?p
    using assms semantics_put_imps unfolding model_def by fastforce
  obtain m where **: closed 0 (put_unis m ?p)
    using ex_closure by blast
  moreover have list_all (closed 0) []
    by simp
  moreover have (e :: nat  nat hterm) f g. e, f, g, []  put_unis m ?p
    using * valid_put_unis unfolding model_def by blast
  ultimately have []  put_unis m ?p
    using natded_complete by blast
  then have []  ?p
    using ** remove_unis_sentence by fastforce
  then show z  p
    using remove_imps by fastforce

abbreviation valid p  (e :: nat  nat hterm) f g. eval e f g p

  fixes p :: (nat, nat) form
  shows valid p  eval e f g p
  using completeness correctness
  unfolding model_def by (metis list.pred_inject(1))

  fixes p :: (nat, nat) form
  shows ([]  p) = valid p
  using completeness correctness
  unfolding model_def by fastforce

corollary e (f::nat  nat hterm list  nat hterm) (g::nat  nat hterm list  bool).
    e,f,g,ps  p  ps  p
  by (rule completeness)
