Theory FLPTheorem

section ‹FLPTheorem›

text ‹
  \file{FLPTheorem} combines the results of \file{FLPSystem} with the concept
  of fair infinite executions and culminates in showing the impossibility
  of a consensus algorithm in the proposed setting.

theory FLPTheorem
imports Execution FLPSystem

locale flpPseudoConsensus =
  flpSystem trans sends start
  trans :: "'p  's  'v messageValue 's" and
  sends :: "'p  's  'v messageValue  ('p, 'v) message multiset" and
  start :: "'p  's" +
  Agreement: " i c . agreementInit i c" and
  PseudoTermination: "cc Q . terminationPseudo 1 cc Q"

subsection ‹Obtaining non-uniform executions›

text ‹
  Executions which end with a \isb{nonUniform} configuration can be expanded
  to a strictly longer execution consuming a particular message.

  This lemma connects the previous results to the world of executions,
  thereby paving the way to the final contradiction. It covers a big part of
  the original proof of the theorem, i.e.\ finding the expansion to a longer
  execution where the decision for both values is still possible.
  \voelzer{constructing executions using Lemma 2}
lemma NonUniformExecutionsConstructable:
  exec :: "('p, 'v, 's ) configuration list " and
  trace :: "('p, 'v) message list" and 
  msg :: "('p, 'v) message" and
  p :: 'p  
  MsgEnabled: "enabled (last exec) msg" and
  PisReceiverOf: "isReceiverOf p msg" and
  ExecIsExecution: "execution trans sends start exec trace" and
  NonUniformLexec: "nonUniform (last exec)" and
  Agree: " cfg . reachable (last exec) cfg  agreement cfg"
  " exec' trace' . (execution trans sends start exec' trace') 
     nonUniform (last exec')
     prefixList exec exec'  prefixList trace trace' 
     ( cfg . reachable (last exec') cfg  agreement cfg)
     stepReachable (last exec) msg (last exec') 
     (msg  set (drop (length trace) trace'))"
proof -
  from NonUniformCanReachSilentBivalence[OF NonUniformLexec PseudoTermination Agree]
    obtain c' where C':
      "reachable (last exec) c'" 
      "val[p,c'] = {True, False}"
    by blast
  show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "stepReachable (last exec) msg c'")
    case True
    hence IsStepReachable: "stepReachable (last exec) msg c'" by simp
    hence " exec' trace'. (execution trans sends start exec' trace') 
       prefixList exec exec' 
       prefixList trace trace'  (last exec') = c' 
       msg  set (drop (length trace) trace')" 
      using ExecIsExecution expandExecution
      by auto
    then obtain exec' trace' where NewExec: 
      "(execution trans sends start exec' trace')" 
      "prefixList exec exec'" "(last exec') = c'" "prefixList trace trace'" 
      "msg  set (drop (length trace) trace')" by blast
    hence lastExecExec'Reachable: "reachable (last exec) (last exec')" 
      using C'(1) by simp
    hence InitReachLastExec':  "initReachable (last exec')" 
      using NonUniformLexec 
      by (metis ReachableTrans initReachable_def)
    hence nonUniformC': "nonUniform (last exec')" using C'(2) NewExec(3) 
      by (auto simp add: vUniform_def)
    hence isAgreementPreventing: 
      "( cfg . reachable (last exec') cfg  agreement cfg)"
      using lastExecExec'Reachable Agree by (metis ReachableTrans)
    with NewExec nonUniformC' IsStepReachable show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    hence NotStepReachable: "¬ (stepReachable (last exec) msg c')" by simp
    from C'(1) obtain exec' trace' where NewExec: 
      "execution trans sends start exec' trace'"
      "(prefixList exec exec'  prefixList trace trace') 
       (exec = exec'  trace = trace')"
      "last exec' = c'"
      using ExecIsExecution expandExecutionReachable by blast
    have lastExecExec'Reachable: "reachable (last exec) (last exec')" 
      using C'(1) NewExec(3) by simp
    with NonUniformLexec have InitReachLastExec': 
      "initReachable (last exec')" 
      by (metis ReachableTrans initReachable_def)
    with C'(2) NewExec(3) have nonUniformC': "nonUniform (last exec')" 
      by (auto simp add: vUniform_def)
    show " exec1 trace1 . (execution trans sends start exec1 trace1) 
       nonUniform (last exec1)
       prefixList exec exec1  prefixList trace trace1 
       ( cfg . reachable (last exec1) cfg  agreement cfg)
       stepReachable (last exec) msg (last exec1) 
       (msg  set (drop (length trace) trace1))"
    proof (cases "enabled (last exec') msg") 
      case True
      hence EnabledMsg: "enabled (last exec') msg" by auto
      hence " cMsg . ((last exec')  msg  cMsg )"  
      proof (cases msg)
        case (InMsg p' b)
        with PisReceiverOf have MsgIsInMsg: "(msg = <p, inM b>)" by auto
        define cfgInM where "cfgInM = states = λproc. (
        if proc = p then
          trans p (states (last exec') p) (Bool b)
        else states (last exec') proc),
        msgs = (((sends p (states (last exec') p) (Bool b))
              ∪# (msgs (last exec')-# msg))) "
          with UniqueReceiverOf MsgIsInMsg EnabledMsg have 
          "((last exec')  msg  cfgInM)" by auto
        thus " cMsg . ((last exec')  msg  cMsg )" by blast
        case (OutMsg b)
        thus " cMsg . ((last exec')  msg  cMsg )" using PisReceiverOf 
          by auto
        case (Msg p' v')
        with PisReceiverOf have MsgIsVMsg: "(msg = <p, v'>)" by auto
        define cfgVMsg where "cfgVMsg =
          states = λproc. (
              if proc = p then
               trans p (states (last exec') p) (Value v')
               else states (last exec') proc),
            msgs = (((sends p (states (last exec') p) (Value v'))
                ∪# (msgs (last exec') -# msg ))) "
        with UniqueReceiverOf MsgIsVMsg EnabledMsg noInSends have 
          "((last exec')  msg  cfgVMsg)" by auto 
        thus " cMsg . ((last exec')  msg  cMsg )" by blast
      then obtain cMsg where  CMsg:"((last exec')  msg  cMsg )" by auto
      define execMsg where "execMsg = exec' @ [cMsg]"
      define traceMsg where "traceMsg = trace' @ [msg]"
      from NewExec(1) CMsg obtain execMsg traceMsg where isExecution: 
        "execution trans sends start execMsg traceMsg"
        and ExecMsg: "prefixList exec' execMsg" "prefixList trace' traceMsg"
        "last execMsg = cMsg" "last traceMsg = msg" 
        using expandExecutionStep by blast
      have isPrefixListExec: "prefixList exec execMsg" 
        using PrefixListTransitive NewExec(2) ExecMsg(1) by auto 
      have isPrefixListTrace: "prefixList trace traceMsg" 
        using PrefixListTransitive NewExec(2) ExecMsg(2) by auto
      have cMsgLastReachable: "reachable cMsg (last execMsg)" 
        by (auto simp add: ExecMsg reachable.init) 
      hence isStepReachable: "stepReachable (last exec) msg (last execMsg)" 
        using CMsg lastExecExec'Reachable   
        by (auto simp add: stepReachable_def) 
      have InitReachLastExecMsg: "initReachable (last execMsg)" 
        using CMsg InitReachLastExec' cMsgLastReachable 
        by (metis ReachableTrans initReachable_def step) 
      have "val[p, (last exec')]  val[p, cMsg]" 
        using CMsg PisReceiverOf InitReachLastExec'
          ActiveProcessSilentDecisionValuesIncrease[of p p "last exec'" msg cMsg]
        by auto
      with ExecMsg C'(2) NewExec(3) have 
        "val[p, (last execMsg)] = {True, False}" by auto
      with InitReachLastExecMsg have isNonUniform: 
        "nonUniform (last execMsg)" by (auto simp add: vUniform_def)
      have "reachable (last exec) (last execMsg)" 
        using lastExecExec'Reachable cMsgLastReachable CMsg 
        by (metis ReachableTrans step)
      hence isAgreementPreventing: 
        "( cfg . reachable (last execMsg) cfg  agreement cfg)" 
        using Agree by (metis ReachableTrans)
      have "msg  set (drop (length trace) traceMsg)" using ExecMsg(4) 
        by (metis (full_types) PrefixListMonotonicity last_drop last_in_set
          length_0_conv length_drop less_zeroE zero_less_diff)
      thus ?thesis using isExecution isNonUniform isPrefixListExec 
        isPrefixListTrace isAgreementPreventing isStepReachable by blast
      case False
      hence notEnabled: "¬ (enabled (last exec') msg)" by auto
      have isStepReachable: "stepReachable (last exec) msg (last exec')" 
        using MsgEnabled notEnabled lastExecExec'Reachable StepReachable 
          by auto
        with NotStepReachable NewExec(3) show ?thesis by simp

lemma NonUniformExecutionBase:
  Cfg: "initial cfg" "nonUniform cfg"
  "execution trans sends start [cfg] [] 
   nonUniform (last [cfg]) 
   ( cfgList' msgList'.  nonUniform (last cfgList') 
     prefixList [cfg] cfgList' 
     prefixList [] msgList'
     (execution trans sends start cfgList' msgList')
      ( msg'. execution.minimalEnabled [cfg] [] msg' 
          msg'  set msgList'))"
proof -
  have NonUniListCfg: "nonUniform (last [cfg])" using Cfg(2) by auto
  have AgreeCfg': " cfg' . 
    reachable (last [cfg]) cfg'  agreement cfg'" 
    using Agreement Cfg(1) 
    by (auto simp add: agreementInit_def reachable.init agreement_def)
  have StartExec: "execution trans sends start [cfg] []" 
    using Cfg(1) by (unfold_locales, auto)
  hence " msg . execution.minimalEnabled [cfg] [] msg" 
    using Cfg execution.ExistImpliesMinEnabled
    by (metis enabled_def initial_def isReceiverOf.simps(1) 
       last.simps zero_less_one)
  then obtain msg where MinEnabledMsg: 
    "execution.minimalEnabled [cfg] [] msg" by blast
  hence " pMin . isReceiverOf pMin msg" using StartExec 
    by (auto simp add: execution.minimalEnabled_def)
  then obtain pMin where PMin: "isReceiverOf pMin msg" by blast
  hence "enabled (last [cfg]) msg  isReceiverOf pMin msg" 
    using MinEnabledMsg StartExec 
    by (auto simp add: execution.minimalEnabled_def)
  hence Enabled: "enabled (last [cfg]) msg" "isReceiverOf pMin msg" 
    by auto
  from Enabled StartExec NonUniListCfg PseudoTermination AgreeCfg' 
  have " exec' trace' . (execution trans sends start exec' trace') 
     nonUniform (last exec')
     prefixList [cfg] exec'  prefixList [] trace' 
     ( cfg' . reachable (last exec') cfg'  agreement cfg')
     stepReachable (last [cfg]) msg (last exec') 
     (msg  set (drop (length []) trace'))" 
  using NonUniformExecutionsConstructable[of "[cfg]" "msg" "pMin"
          "[]::('p,'v) message list"] 
    by simp
  with StartExec NonUniListCfg MinEnabledMsg show ?thesis by auto

lemma NonUniformExecutionStep:
 cfgList msgList
  Init: "initial (hd cfgList)" and
  NonUni: "nonUniform (last cfgList)" and
  Execution: "execution trans sends start cfgList msgList"
  "( cfgList' msgList' .
      nonUniform (last cfgList') 
       prefixList cfgList cfgList' 
       prefixList msgList msgList'
       (execution trans sends start cfgList' msgList') 
       (initial (hd cfgList'))
       ( msg'. execution.minimalEnabled cfgList msgList msg' 
         msg'  (set (drop (length msgList ) msgList')) ))"
proof -
  have ReachImplAgree: " cfg . reachable (last cfgList) cfg 
     agreement cfg"
    using Agreement Init NonUni ReachableTrans
    unfolding agreementInit_def agreement_def initReachable_def
    by (metis (full_types))
  have " msg p. enabled (last cfgList) msg  isReceiverOf p msg" 
  proof -
    from PseudoTermination NonUni have 
      "c'. qReachable (last cfgList) Proc c'  decided c'" 
      using terminationPseudo_def by auto
      then obtain c' where C': "reachable (last cfgList) c'" 
        "decided c'" 
        using QReachImplReach by blast 
    have NoOut: 
      "0 = msgs (last cfgList) <⊥, outM False>"  
      "0 = msgs (last cfgList) <⊥, outM True>" 
      using NonUni ReachImplAgree PseudoTermination 
      by (metis NonUniformImpliesNotDecided neq0_conv)+
    with C'(2) have "(last cfgList)  c'" 
      by (metis (full_types) less_zeroE)
    thus ?thesis using C'(1) ReachableStepFirst by blast
  then obtain msg p where Enabled: 
    "enabled (last cfgList) msg" "isReceiverOf p msg" by blast
  hence " msg . execution.minimalEnabled cfgList msgList msg" 
    using Init execution.ExistImpliesMinEnabled[OF Execution] by auto        
  then obtain msg' where MinEnabledMsg: 
    "execution.minimalEnabled cfgList msgList msg'" by blast
  hence " p' . isReceiverOf p' msg'"
    using Execution
    by (auto simp add: execution.minimalEnabled_def)
  then obtain p' where
    P': "isReceiverOf p' msg'" by blast
  hence Enabled':
    "enabled (last cfgList) msg'" "isReceiverOf p' msg'" 
    using MinEnabledMsg Execution
    by (auto simp add: execution.minimalEnabled_def)     
  have " exec' trace' . (execution trans sends start exec' trace') 
     nonUniform (last exec')
     prefixList cfgList exec'  prefixList msgList trace' 
     ( cfg . reachable (last exec') cfg  agreement cfg)
     stepReachable (last cfgList) msg' (last exec') 
     (msg'  set (drop (length msgList) trace')) "
    using NonUniformExecutionsConstructable[OF Enabled' Execution
          NonUni] ReachImplAgree by auto
  thus ?thesis
    using MinEnabledMsg by (metis execution.base)

subsection ‹Non-uniformity even when demanding fairness›

text ‹
  Using \isb{NonUniformExecutionBase} and \isb{NonUniformExecutionStep} one can obtain
  non-uniform executions which are fair.

  Proving the fairness turned out quite cumbersome.

text ‹
  These two functions construct infinite series of configurations lists
  and message lists from two extension functions. 
fun infiniteExecutionCfg ::
  "('p, 'v, 's) configuration 
   (('p, 'v, 's) configuration list  ('p, 'v) message list 
     ('p, 'v, 's) configuration list) 
   (('p, 'v, 's) configuration list  ('p, 'v) message list 
    ('p, 'v) message list) 
   (('p, 'v, 's) configuration list)"
and  infiniteExecutionMsg ::
  "('p, 'v, 's) configuration 
   (('p, 'v, 's) configuration list  ('p, 'v) message list 
     ('p, 'v, 's) configuration list) 
   (('p, 'v, 's) configuration list  ('p, 'v) message list 
    ('p, 'v) message list) 
   ('p, 'v) message list"
  "infiniteExecutionCfg cfg fStepCfg fStepMsg 0 = [cfg]"
| "infiniteExecutionCfg cfg fStepCfg fStepMsg (Suc n) =
    fStepCfg (infiniteExecutionCfg cfg fStepCfg fStepMsg n) 
             (infiniteExecutionMsg cfg fStepCfg fStepMsg n)"
| "infiniteExecutionMsg cfg fStepCfg fStepMsg 0 = []"
| "infiniteExecutionMsg cfg fStepCfg fStepMsg (Suc n) =
    fStepMsg (infiniteExecutionCfg cfg fStepCfg fStepMsg n) 
             (infiniteExecutionMsg cfg fStepCfg fStepMsg n)"

lemma FairNonUniformExecution:
  Cfg: "initial cfg" "nonUniform cfg"
shows " fe ft.
  (fe 0) = [cfg]
   fairInfiniteExecution fe ft
   ( n . nonUniform (last (fe n))
        prefixList (fe n) (fe (n+1)) 
        prefixList (ft n) (ft (n+1))
        (execution trans sends start (fe n) (ft n)))"
proof -
  have BC: 
    "execution trans sends start [cfg] [] 
     nonUniform (last [cfg]) 
     ( cfgList' msgList'.  nonUniform (last cfgList') 
     prefixList [cfg] cfgList' 
     prefixList [] msgList'
     (execution trans sends start cfgList' msgList')
     ( msg'. execution.minimalEnabled [cfg] [] msg' 
        msg'  set msgList'))"
    using NonUniformExecutionBase[OF assms] .
  ― ‹fStep ... a step leading to a fair execution.› 
  obtain fStepCfg fStepMsg where FStep: " cfgList msgList . cfgList' msgList' .
          fStepCfg cfgList msgList = cfgList' 
          fStepMsg cfgList msgList = msgList' 
          (initial (hd cfgList) 
          nonUniform (last cfgList) 
          execution trans sends start cfgList msgList  
          (nonUniform (last (fStepCfg cfgList msgList)) 
           prefixList cfgList (fStepCfg cfgList msgList) 
           prefixList msgList (fStepMsg cfgList msgList) 
           execution trans sends start (fStepCfg cfgList msgList) 
              (fStepMsg cfgList msgList) 
           (initial (hd (fStepCfg cfgList msgList)))
           ( msg'. execution.minimalEnabled cfgList msgList msg' 
             msg'  (set (drop (length msgList) 
                                (fStepMsg cfgList msgList))))))"
   using NonUniformExecutionStep
        "λ cfgList msgList cfgList' msgList'. 
          (initial (hd cfgList) 
           nonUniform (last cfgList) 
           execution trans sends start cfgList msgList 
             (nonUniform (last cfgList') 
             prefixList cfgList cfgList' 
             prefixList msgList msgList' 
             execution trans sends start cfgList' msgList'
             (initial (hd cfgList'))
             ( msg'. execution.minimalEnabled cfgList msgList msg' 
               msg'  (set (drop (length msgList ) msgList')))))" "False"] by auto
  define fe ft
    where "fe = infiniteExecutionCfg cfg fStepCfg fStepMsg"
      and "ft = infiniteExecutionMsg cfg fStepCfg fStepMsg"
  have BasicProperties: "(n. nonUniform (last (fe n)) 
     prefixList (fe n) (fe (n + 1))  prefixList (ft n) (ft (n + 1)) 
     execution trans sends start (fe n) (ft n) 
     initial (hd (fe (n + 1))))"
  proof (clarify)
    fix n
    show "nonUniform (last (fe n)) 
          prefixList (fe n) (fe (n + (1::nat))) 
           prefixList (ft n) (ft (n + (1::nat))) 
           execution trans sends start (fe n) (ft n) 
           initial (hd (fe (n + 1)))"
    proof(induct n)
      case 0
      hence "fe 0 = [cfg]" "ft 0 = []" "fe 1 = fStepCfg (fe 0) (ft 0)" 
        "ft 1 = fStepMsg (fe 0) (ft 0)"
        using fe_def ft_def
        by simp_all
      thus ?case
        using BC FStep
        by (simp, metis execution.base)
      case (Suc n)
        thus ?case
        using fe_def ft_def
        by (auto, (metis FStep execution.base)+)
  have Fair: "fairInfiniteExecution fe ft" 
    using BasicProperties
    unfolding fairInfiniteExecution_def infiniteExecution_def 
      execution_def flpSystem_def
  proof(auto simp add: finiteProcs minimalProcs finiteSends noInSends) 
    fix n n0 p msg
    assume AssumptionFair: "n. initReachable (last (fe n)) 
       ¬ vUniform False (last (fe n)) 
       ¬ vUniform True (last (fe n)) 
       prefixList (fe n) (fe (Suc n)) 
       prefixList (ft n) (ft (Suc n)) 
       Suc 0  length (fe n) 
       length (fe n) - Suc 0 = length (ft n) 
       initial (hd (fe n))  
       (i<length (fe n) - Suc 0. ((fe n ! i)  (ft n ! i) 
        (fe n ! Suc i)))  initial (hd (fe (Suc n)))"
      "n0 < length (fe n)"
      "enabled (fe n ! n0) msg" 
      "isReceiverOf p msg" 
      "correctInfinite fe ft p"
    have MessageStaysOrConsumed: " n n1 n2 msg. 
      (n1  n2  n2 < length (fe n)  (enabled (fe n ! n1) msg)) 
       (enabled (fe n ! n2) msg) 
           ( n0'  n1. n0' < length (ft n)  ft n ! n0' = msg)"
      fix n n1 n2 msg
      assume Ass: "n1  n2" "n2 < length (fe n)" "enabled (fe n ! n1) msg"
        "index<length (ft n). n1  index  ft n ! index  msg"
      have " k  n2 - n1 . 
        msgs (fe n ! n1) msg  msgs (fe n ! (n1 + k)) msg" 
        fix k
        show "k  n2 - n1  
          msgs (fe n ! n1) msg  msgs (fe n ! (n1 + k)) msg"
        proof(induct k, auto)
          fix k
          assume IV: "msgs (fe n ! n1) msg  msgs (fe n ! (n1 + k)) msg" 
            "Suc k  n2 - n1"
          from BasicProperties have Exec: 
            "execution trans sends start (fe n) (ft n)" by blast
          have "n2  length (ft n)"
            using Exec Ass(2)
            execution.length[of trans sends start "fe n" "ft n"]
            by simp
          hence RightIndex: "n1 + k  n1  n1 + k < length (ft n)"
            using IV(2) by simp
          have  Step: "(fe n ! (n1 + k))  (ft n ! (n1 + k)) 
                       (fe n ! Suc (n1 + k))" 
            using Exec execution.step[of trans sends start "fe n" "ft n" 
              "n1 + k" "fe n ! (n1 + k)" "fe n ! (n1 + k + 1)"] IV(2) 
            by simp
          hence "msg  (ft n ! (n1 + k))" 
            using Ass(4) Ass(2) IV(2) RightIndex Exec 
            execution.length[of trans sends start "fe n" "ft n"]
            by blast
          thus "msgs (fe n ! n1) msg  msgs (fe n ! Suc (n1 + k)) msg" 
            using Step OtherMessagesOnlyGrowing[of "(fe n ! (n1 + k))" 
              "(ft n ! (n1 + k))" "(fe n ! Suc (n1 + k))" "msg"] IV(1)
            by simp
      hence "msgs (fe n ! n1) msg  msgs (fe n ! n2) msg" 
        by (metis Ass(1) le_add_diff_inverse order_refl)
      thus "enabled (fe n ! n2) msg" using Ass(3) enabled_def 
        by (metis gr0I leD)
    have EnabledOrConsumed: "enabled (fe n ! (length (fe n) - 1)) msg 
       (n0'n0. n0' < length (ft n)  ft n ! n0' = msg)" 
      using AssumptionFair(3) AssumptionFair(2) 
        MessageStaysOrConsumed[of "n0" "length (fe n) - 1" "n" "msg"] 
      by auto
    have EnabledOrConsumedAtLast: "enabled (last (fe n)) msg  
      ( n0' . n0'  n0  n0' < length (ft n)  (ft n) ! n0' = msg )"
      using EnabledOrConsumed last_conv_nth AssumptionFair(2) 
      by (metis length_0_conv less_nat_zero_code)
    have Case2ImplThesis: "( n0' . n0'  n0  n0' < length (ft n) 
       ft n ! n0' = msg) 
       (n'n. n0'n0. n0' < length (ft n')  msg = ft n' ! n0')"
      by auto
    have Case1ImplThesis': "enabled (last (fe n)) msg 
       (n'n. n0' (length (ft n)). n0' < length (ft n') 
           msg = ft n' ! n0')" 
      assume AssumptionCase1ImplThesis': "enabled (last (fe n)) msg"
      show "n'n. n0'length (ft n). n0' < length (ft n') 
         msg = ft n' ! n0'" 
      proof(rule ccontr,simp)
        assume AssumptionFairContr: "n'n. n0'<length (ft n'). 
          length (ft n)  n0'  msg  ft n' ! n0'"
        define firstOccSet where "firstOccSet n = { msg1 .  nMsg . 
           n1  nMsg . 
          execution.firstOccurrence (fe n) (ft n) msg1 n1 
           execution.firstOccurrence (fe n) (ft n) msg nMsg }" for n
        have NotEmpty: "fe n  []" using  AssumptionFair(2) 
          by (metis less_nat_zero_code list.size(3))
        have FirstToLast': 
          " n . reachable ((fe n) ! 0) ((fe n) ! (length (fe n) - 1))"
          using execution.ReachableInExecution BasicProperties execution.notEmpty
          by (metis diff_less less_or_eq_imp_le not_gr0 not_one_le_zero)
        hence FirstToLast: " n . reachable (hd (fe n)) (last (fe n))" 
          using NotEmpty hd_conv_nth last_conv_nth AssumptionFair(1) 
          by (metis (full_types) One_nat_def length_0_conv 
        hence InitToLast: " n . initReachable (last (fe n))" 
          using BasicProperties by auto
        have " msg n0 .  n . 
          (execution.firstOccurrence (fe n) (ft n) msg n0) 
            0 < msgs (last (fe n)) msg"
          using BasicProperties execution.firstOccurrence_def 
          by metis
        hence " n .  msg'  (firstOccSet n) . 
          0 < msgs (last (fe n)) msg'" using firstOccSet_def by blast
        hence " n . firstOccSet n  {msg. 0 < msgs (last (fe n)) msg}"
          by (metis (lifting, full_types) mem_Collect_eq subsetI)
        hence FiniteMsgs: " n . finite (firstOccSet n)" 
          using FiniteMessages[OF finiteProcs finiteSends] InitToLast
          by (metis rev_finite_subset)
        have FirstOccSetDecrOrConsumed: " index . 
          (enabled (last (fe index)) msg) 
           (firstOccSet (Suc index)  firstOccSet index 
           (enabled (last (fe (Suc index))) msg)
             msg  (set (drop (length (ft index)) (ft (Suc index)))))"
          fix index
          assume AssumptionFirstOccSetDecrOrConsumed:
            "enabled (last (fe index)) msg" 
            "msg  set (drop (length (ft index)) (ft (Suc index)))"
          have NotEmpty: "fe (Suc index)  []" "fe index  []" 
            using BasicProperties 
            by (metis AssumptionFair(1) One_nat_def list.size(3) 
          have LengthStep: "length (ft (Suc index)) > length (ft index)"
            using AssumptionFair(1) 
            by (metis PrefixListMonotonicity)              
          have IPrefixList:
            " i::nat . prefixList (ft i) (ft (Suc i))" 
            using AssumptionFair(1) by auto
          have IPrefixListEx:
            " i::nat . prefixList (fe i) (fe (Suc i))" 
            using AssumptionFair(1) by auto
          have LastOfIndex:
            "(fe (Suc index) ! (length (fe index) - Suc 0)) 
            = (last (fe index))"
            using PrefixSameOnLow[of "fe index" "fe (Suc index)"]
              IPrefixListEx[rule_format, of index]
              NotEmpty LengthStep 
            by (auto simp add: last_conv_nth)
          have NotConsumedIntermediate: 
            " i::nat < length (ft (Suc index)) . 
              (i  length (ft index)
               ft (Suc index) ! i  msg)" 
            using AssumptionFirstOccSetDecrOrConsumed(2) ListLenDrop 
            by auto
            "¬(i. i < length (ft (Suc index))  i  length (ft index)
             msg = (ft (Suc index)) ! i)" 
            using execution.length BasicProperties
            by auto
          hence "¬(i. i < length (fe (Suc index)) - 1 
             i  length (fe index) - 1 
             msg = (ft (Suc index)) ! i)"
            using BasicProperties[rule_format, of "Suc index"]
              BasicProperties[rule_format, of "index"]
              execution.length[of trans sends start]
            by auto
          hence EnabledIntermediate: 
            " i < length (fe (Suc index)) . (i  length (fe index) - 1
               enabled (fe (Suc index) ! i) msg)" 
            using BasicProperties[rule_format, of "Suc index"]
              BasicProperties[rule_format, of "index"]
              execution.StaysEnabled[of trans sends start
              "fe (Suc index)" "ft (Suc index)" "last (fe index)" msg 
              "length (fe index) - 1 "]
            by (auto, metis AssumptionFair(1) LastOfIndex 
          have "length (fe (Suc index)) - 1  length (fe index) - 1"
            using PrefixListMonotonicity NotEmpty BasicProperties 
            by (metis AssumptionFair(1) diff_le_mono less_imp_le)
          hence "enabled (fe (Suc index) 
            ! (length (fe (Suc index)) - 1)) msg"
            using EnabledIntermediate NotEmpty(1) 
            by (metis diff_less length_greater_0_conv zero_less_one)
          hence EnabledInSuc: "enabled (last (fe (Suc index))) msg" 
            using NotEmpty last_conv_nth[of "fe (Suc index)"] by simp
          have IndexIsExec: 
            "execution trans sends start (fe index) (ft index)" 
            using BasicProperties by blast
          have SucIndexIsExec: 
            "execution trans sends start (fe (Suc index)) 
              (ft (Suc index))" 
            using BasicProperties by blast
          have SameCfgOnLow: " i < length (fe index) . (fe index) ! i
            = (fe (Suc index)) ! i"
            using BasicProperties PrefixSameOnLow by auto
          have SameMsgOnLow: " i < length (ft index) . (ft index) ! i
            = (ft (Suc index)) ! i"
            using BasicProperties PrefixSameOnLow by auto
          have SmallIndex: " nMsg . execution.firstOccurrence
            (fe (Suc index)) (ft (Suc index)) msg nMsg 
             nMsg < length (fe index)" 
            fix nMsg
            assume "execution.firstOccurrence (fe (Suc index)) 
              (ft (Suc index)) msg nMsg"
            hence AssumptionSubset3: 
              "p. isReceiverOf p msg"
                "enabled (last (fe (Suc index))) msg"
                "nMsg < length (fe (Suc index))"
                "enabled (fe (Suc index) ! nMsg) msg"
                "n'nMsg. n' < length (ft (Suc index)) 
                 msg  ft (Suc index) ! n'"
                "nMsg  0  ¬ enabled (fe (Suc index) ! (nMsg - 1)) 
                msg  msg = ft (Suc index) ! (nMsg - 1)"
              using execution.firstOccurrence_def[of "trans" "sends" 
                "start" "fe (Suc index)" "ft (Suc index)" "msg" "nMsg"]
                SucIndexIsExec by auto
            show "nMsg < length (fe index)"
            proof(rule ccontr)
              assume AssumpSmallIndex: "¬ nMsg < length (fe index)"
              have "fe index  []" using BasicProperties 
                by (metis One_nat_def list.size(3) not_one_le_zero)
              hence "length (fe index) > 0" 
                by (metis length_greater_0_conv)
              hence nMsgNotZero: "nMsg  0" 
                using AssumpSmallIndex by metis
              hence SucCases: "¬ enabled ((fe (Suc index)) ! (nMsg - 1))
                msg  msg = (ft (Suc index)) ! (nMsg - 1)"
                using AssumptionSubset3(6) by blast
              have Cond1: "nMsg - 1  length (fe index) - 1"
                using AssumpSmallIndex by (metis diff_le_mono leI)
              hence Enabled: "enabled (fe (Suc index) ! (nMsg - 1)) msg"
                using EnabledIntermediate AssumptionSubset3(3) 
                by (metis less_imp_diff_less)
              have Cond2: "nMsg - 1  length (ft index)  nMsg - 1
                < length (ft (Suc index))"
                using Cond1 execution.length[of "trans" "sends" "start"
                  "fe index" "ft index"]
                  IndexIsExec AssumptionSubset3(3) 
                  by (simp, metis AssumptionFair(1) One_nat_def Suc_diff_1 
                    Suc_eq_plus1 less_diff_conv nMsgNotZero neq0_conv)
              hence NotConsumed: "ft (Suc index) ! (nMsg - 1)  msg" 
                using NotConsumedIntermediate by simp
              show False using SucCases Enabled NotConsumed
              by blast
          have Subset: " msgInSet . msgInSet  firstOccSet (Suc index)
             msgInSet  firstOccSet index" 
          unfolding firstOccSet_def
            fix msgInSet nMsg n1
            assume AssumptionSubset: "n1  nMsg"
              "execution.firstOccurrence (fe (Suc index)) 
                (ft (Suc index)) msgInSet n1"
              "execution.firstOccurrence (fe (Suc index)) 
                (ft (Suc index)) msg nMsg"
            have AssumptionSubset2: 
              "p. isReceiverOf p msgInSet"
                "enabled (last (fe (Suc index))) msgInSet"
                "n1 < length (fe (Suc index))"
                "enabled (fe (Suc index) ! n1) msgInSet"
                "n'n1. n' < length (ft (Suc index)) 
                   msgInSet  ft (Suc index) ! n'"
                "n1  0  ¬ enabled (fe (Suc index) ! (n1 - 1)) 
                  msgInSet  msgInSet = ft (Suc index) ! (n1 - 1)"
              using execution.firstOccurrence_def[of "trans" "sends" 
                "start" "fe (Suc index)" "ft (Suc index)" "msgInSet" 
                "n1"] AssumptionSubset(2) SucIndexIsExec by auto 
            have AssumptionSubset3: 
              "p. isReceiverOf p msg"
                "enabled (last (fe (Suc index))) msg"
                "nMsg < length (fe (Suc index))"
                "enabled (fe (Suc index) ! nMsg) msg"
                "n'nMsg. n' < length (ft (Suc index)) 
                   msg  ft (Suc index) ! n'"
                "nMsg  0  ¬ enabled (fe (Suc index) ! (nMsg - 1)) 
                  msg  msg = ft (Suc index) ! (nMsg - 1)"
              using execution.firstOccurrence_def[of "trans" "sends" 
                "start" "fe (Suc index)" "ft (Suc index)" "msg" "nMsg"]
                AssumptionSubset(3) SucIndexIsExec by auto
            have ShorterTrace: "length (ft index) 
                                < length (ft (Suc index))" 
              using PrefixListMonotonicity BasicProperties by auto

            have FirstOccurrenceMsg: "execution.firstOccurrence 
              (fe index) (ft index) msg nMsg"
              have Occ1: " p . isReceiverOf p msg" 
                using AssumptionSubset3(1) by blast
              have Occ2: "enabled (last (fe index)) msg" 
                using AssumptionFirstOccSetDecrOrConsumed by blast

              have "(fe index) ! nMsg = (fe (Suc index)) ! nMsg"
                using SmallIndex AssumptionSubset(3) 
                  PrefixSameOnLow[of "fe index" "fe (Suc index)"] 
                by simp
              hence Occ4: "enabled ((fe index) ! nMsg) msg" 
                using AssumptionSubset3(4) by simp
              have OccSameMsg: " n'  nMsg . n' < length (ft index) 
                 (ft index) ! n' = (ft (Suc index)) ! n'" 
                using PrefixSameOnLow BasicProperties by auto
              hence Occ5: " n'  nMsg . n' < length (ft index) 
                 msg  ((ft index) ! n')" 
                using AssumptionSubset3(5) ShorterTrace by simp

              have Occ6: "nMsg  0  (¬ enabled ((fe index) ! 
                (nMsg - 1)) msg  msg = (ft index ) ! (nMsg - 1))" 
                assume AssumpOcc6: "0 < nMsg" "msg  ft index ! 
                  (nMsg - 1)" "enabled (fe index ! (nMsg - 1)) msg"
                have "nMsg - (Suc 0) < length (fe index) - (Suc 0)" 
                  using SmallIndex AssumptionSubset(3) AssumpOcc6(1) 
                  by (metis Suc_le_eq diff_less_mono)
                hence SmallIndexTrace: "nMsg - 1 < length (ft index)" 
                  using IndexIsExec execution.length 
                  by (metis One_nat_def)
                have "¬ enabled (fe (Suc index) ! (nMsg - 1)) msg 
                   msg = ft (Suc index) ! (nMsg - 1)"
                  using AssumptionSubset3(6) AssumpOcc6(1) by blast
                moreover have "fe (Suc index) ! (nMsg - 1) 
                  = fe index ! (nMsg - 1)"
                  using SameCfgOnLow SmallIndex AssumptionSubset(3) 
                  by (metis less_imp_diff_less)
                moreover have "ft (Suc index) ! (nMsg - 1) 
                  = ft index ! (nMsg - 1)"
                  using SameMsgOnLow SmallIndexTrace by metis 
                ultimately have "¬ enabled (fe index ! (nMsg - 1)) msg 
                   msg = ft index ! (nMsg - 1)"
                  by simp
                thus False using AssumpOcc6 by blast

              show ?thesis using IndexIsExec Occ1 Occ2 SmallIndex 
                AssumptionSubset(3) Occ4 Occ5 Occ6
                execution.firstOccurrence_def[of "trans" "sends" "start"
                  "fe index" "ft index"]
                by simp 

            have "execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) (ft index) 
              msgInSet n1" 
              using AssumptionSubset2 AssumptionSubset(1)
              have Occ1': "p. isReceiverOf p msgInSet" 
                using AssumptionSubset2(1) by blast                 
              have Occ3': "n1 < length (fe index)" 
                using SmallIndex AssumptionSubset(3) AssumptionSubset(1)
                by (metis le_less_trans)
              have "(fe index) ! n1 = (fe (Suc index)) ! n1"
                using Occ3' PrefixSameOnLow[of "fe index" 
                  "fe (Suc index)"] BasicProperties by simp
              hence Occ4': "enabled (fe index ! n1) msgInSet" 
                using AssumptionSubset2(4) by simp
              have OccSameMsg': " n'  n1 . n' < length (ft index) 
                 (ft index) ! n' = (ft (Suc index)) ! n'" 
                using PrefixSameOnLow BasicProperties by auto
              hence Occ5': "n'  n1. n' < length (ft index) 
                 msgInSet  ft index ! n'" 
                using AssumptionSubset2(5) ShorterTrace by simp
              have "length (fe index) > 0" using NotEmpty(2) 
                by (metis length_greater_0_conv)
              hence "length (fe index) - 1 < length (fe index)" 
                by (metis One_nat_def diff_Suc_less)                  
                "enabled (fe index ! (length (fe index) - 1)) msgInSet
                 (n0'n1. n0' < length (ft index)  ft index ! n0'
                  = msgInSet)"
                using Occ4' Occ3' MessageStaysOrConsumed[of "n1" 
                  "length (fe index) - 1" "index" "msgInSet"]
                by (metis Suc_pred' 0 < length (fe index) 
                  not_le not_less_eq_eq)
              hence "enabled ((fe index) ! (length (fe index) - 1)) 
                using Occ5' by auto
              hence Occ2': "enabled (last (fe index)) msgInSet" 
                using last_conv_nth[of "fe index"] NotEmpty(2) by simp

              have Occ6': "n1  0  ¬ enabled (fe index ! (n1 - 1)) 
                msgInSet  msgInSet = ft index ! (n1 - 1)"
                assume AssumpOcc6': "0 < n1" "msgInSet  ft index ! 
                  (n1 - 1)" "enabled (fe index ! (n1 - 1)) msgInSet"
                have "n1 - (Suc 0) < length (fe index) - (Suc 0)" 
                  using Occ3' AssumpOcc6'(1) 
                  by (metis Suc_le_eq diff_less_mono)
                hence SmallIndexTrace': "n1 - 1 < length (ft index)" 
                  using IndexIsExec execution.length 
                  by (metis One_nat_def)
                have "¬ enabled (fe (Suc index) ! (n1 - 1)) msgInSet 
                   msgInSet = ft (Suc index) ! (n1 - 1)"
                  using AssumptionSubset2(6) AssumpOcc6'(1) by blast
                moreover have "fe (Suc index) ! (n1 - 1) 
                  = fe index ! (n1 - 1)"
                  using SameCfgOnLow Occ3' by (metis less_imp_diff_less)
                moreover have "ft (Suc index) ! (n1 - 1) 
                  = ft index ! (n1 - 1)"
                  using SameMsgOnLow SmallIndexTrace' by metis 
                ultimately have "¬ enabled (fe index ! 
                  (n1 - 1)) msgInSet  msgInSet = ft index ! (n1 - 1)"
                  by simp
                thus False using AssumpOcc6' by blast

              show ?thesis using IndexIsExec Occ1' Occ2' Occ3' Occ4' 
                Occ5' Occ6'
                execution.firstOccurrence_def[of "trans" "sends" 
                  "start" "fe index" "ft index"]
                by simp  
            thus "nMsg' n1'. n1'  nMsg' 
               execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) (ft index) 
                msgInSet n1' 
               execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) (ft index) 
                msg nMsg'" 
              using FirstOccurrenceMsg AssumptionSubset(1) by blast

          have ProperSubset: " msg' .msg'  firstOccSet index 
             msg'  firstOccSet (Suc index)"
            have "initial (hd (fe index))" using AssumptionFair(1) 
              by blast
            hence "msg'. execution.minimalEnabled (fe index) (ft index)
              msg'   msg'  set (drop (length (ft index)) 
                (fStepMsg (fe index) (ft index)))" 
              using FStep fe_def ft_def
                BasicProperties by simp
            then obtain consumedMsg where ConsumedMsg: 
              "execution.minimalEnabled (fe index) (ft index) 
              "consumedMsg  set (drop (length (ft index)) 
                (fStepMsg (fe index) (ft index)))" by blast
            hence ConsumedIsInDrop:
              "consumedMsg  set (drop (length (ft index)) (ft (Suc index)))"
              using fe_def ft_def FStep
                BasicProperties[rule_format, of index]
              by auto
            have MinImplAllBigger: " msg' . execution.minimalEnabled
            (fe index) (ft index) msg' 
              ( OccM' . (execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) 
              (ft index) msg' OccM' )
                 ( msg .  OccM . execution.firstOccurrence (fe index)
                  (ft index) msg OccM 
                 OccM'  OccM))" 
              fix msg'
              assume AssumpMinImplAllBigger: "execution.minimalEnabled 
                (fe index) (ft index) msg'"
              have IsExecIndex: "execution trans sends start 
                (fe index) (ft index)" 
                using  BasicProperties[rule_format, of index] by simp
              have "( p . isReceiverOf p msg')  
                (enabled (last (fe index)) msg')
                 ( n .  n < length (fe index) 
                   enabled ( (fe index) ! n) msg' 
                   ( n'  n . n' < length (ft index) 
                   msg'  ((ft index)! n'))
                   ( n' msg' . (( p . isReceiverOf p msg') 
                     (enabled (last (fe index)) msg') 
                     n' < length (ft index) 
                     enabled ((fe index)! n') msg' 
                     ( n''  n' . n'' < length (ft index) 
                     msg'  ((ft index) ! n'')))  n'  n))" 
              using execution.minimalEnabled_def[of trans sends start 
                "(fe index)" "(ft index)" msg'] 
                AssumpMinImplAllBigger IsExecIndex by auto
              then obtain OccM' where OccM': 
                "( p . isReceiverOf p msg')" 
                "(enabled (last (fe index)) msg')"
                "OccM' < length (fe index)" 
                "enabled ( (fe index) ! OccM') msg'"  
                "( n'  OccM' . n' < length (ft index) 
                 msg'  ((ft index)! n'))"
                "( n' msg' . (( p . isReceiverOf p msg') 
                   (enabled (last (fe index)) msg') 
                   n' < length (ft index) 
                   enabled ((fe index)! n') msg' 
                   ( n''  n' . n'' < length (ft index) 
                   msg'  ((ft index) ! n'')))  n'  OccM')" 
                by blast                  
              have "0 < OccM'  enabled (fe index ! (OccM' - Suc 0)) msg' 
                       msg'  ft index ! (OccM' - Suc 0)  False"
                fix p
                assume AssumpContr: 
                  "0 < OccM'"
                  "enabled (fe index ! (OccM' - Suc 0)) msg'"
                  "msg'  ft index ! (OccM' - Suc 0)"
                have LengthOccM': "(OccM' - 1) < length (ft index)" 
                using OccM'(3) IndexIsExec AssumpContr(1)   
                  by (metis  One_nat_def Suc_diff_1 Suc_eq_plus1_left 
                    Suc_less_eq le_add_diff_inverse)
                have BiggerIndices: "(n''(OccM' - 1). 
                  n'' < length (ft index)  msg'  ft index ! n'')"
                  using OccM'(5) by (metis AssumpContr(3) One_nat_def 
                      Suc_eq_plus1 diff_Suc_1 le_SucE le_diff_conv)
                have "(p. isReceiverOf p msg')  enabled (last 
                  (fe index)) msg'  (OccM' - 1) < length (ft index)
                     enabled (fe index ! (OccM' - 1)) msg' 
                     (n''(OccM' - 1). n'' < length (ft index) 
                       msg'  ft index ! n'')" 
                  using OccM' LengthOccM' AssumpContr BiggerIndices 
                  by simp
                hence "OccM'  OccM' - 1" using OccM'(6) by blast 
                thus False using AssumpContr(1) diff_less leD zero_less_one by blast
              hence FirstOccMsg': "execution.firstOccurrence (fe index)
                  (ft index) msg' OccM'"   
                unfolding execution_def
                  execution.firstOccurrence_def[OF IsExecIndex, of msg' OccM']
                by (auto simp add: OccM'(1,2,3,4,5))
              have "msg OccM. execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) 
                (ft index) msg OccM  OccM'  OccM" 
              proof clarify
                fix msg OccM
                assume  "execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) 
                  (ft index) msg OccM"
                hence AssumpOccMFirstOccurrence: 
                  " p . isReceiverOf p msg" 
                  "enabled (last (fe index)) msg" 
                  "OccM < (length (fe index))"
                  "enabled ((fe index) ! OccM) msg" 
                  "( n'  OccM . n' < length (ft index) 
                   msg  ((ft index) ! n'))"
                  "(OccM  0  (¬ enabled ((fe index) ! (OccM - 1)) 
                  msg  msg = (ft index)!(OccM - 1)))"
                  by (auto simp add: execution.firstOccurrence_def[of 
                      trans sends start "(fe index)" "(ft index)" 
                      msg OccM] IsExecIndex)
                hence "(p. isReceiverOf p msg) 
                  enabled (last (fe index)) msg 
                  enabled (fe index ! OccM) msg  
                  (n'' OccM. n'' < length (ft index) 
                     msg  ft index ! n'')" 
                 by simp
                thus "OccM'  OccM" using OccM' 
                proof(cases "OccM < length (ft index)",auto)
                  assume "¬ OccM < length (ft index)"
                  hence "OccM  length (fe index) - 1" 
                    using AssumptionFair(1) by (metis One_nat_def leI)
                  hence "OccM = length (fe index) - 1"
                    using AssumpOccMFirstOccurrence(3) by simp
                  thus "OccM'  OccM" using OccM'(3) by simp
              with FirstOccMsg' show "OccM'. 
                execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) (ft index) 
                  msg' OccM' 
                 (msg OccM. execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) 
                  (ft index) msg OccM  OccM'  OccM)" by blast

            have MinImplFirstOcc: " msg' . execution.minimalEnabled 
              (fe index) (ft index) msg' 
               msg'  firstOccSet index"
            proof -
              fix msg'
              assume AssumpMinImplFirstOcc: 
                "execution.minimalEnabled (fe index) (ft index) msg'"
              then obtain OccM' where OccM': 
                "execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) (ft index) 
                  msg' OccM'"
                " msg .  OccM . execution.firstOccurrence 
                (fe index) (ft index) msg OccM 
               OccM'  OccM" using MinImplAllBigger by blast
              thus "msg'  firstOccSet index" using OccM' 
              proof (auto simp add: firstOccSet_def)
                have "enabled (last (fe index)) msg" 
                  using AssumptionFirstOccSetDecrOrConsumed(1) by blast
                hence "nMsg .  execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) 
                  (ft index) msg nMsg"
                  using execution.FirstOccurrenceExists IndexIsExec 
                  AssumptionFair(4) by blast
                then obtain nMsg where NMsg: "execution.firstOccurrence
                  (fe index) (ft index) msg nMsg" by blast
                hence "OccM'  nMsg" using OccM' by simp
                hence "nMsg . OccM'  nMsg 
                  execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) (ft index) msg'
                  execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) (ft index) msg 
                  using OccM'(1) NMsg by blast 
                thus "nMsg n1 . n1  nMsg 
                  execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) (ft index) 
                    msg' n1 
                  execution.firstOccurrence (fe index) (ft index) 
                    msg nMsg" by blast
            hence ConsumedInSet: "consumedMsg  firstOccSet index" 
              using ConsumedMsg by simp
            have GreaterOccurrence: " nMsg n1 . 
                execution.firstOccurrence (fe (Suc index)) 
                  (ft (Suc index)) consumedMsg n1  
                execution.firstOccurrence (fe (Suc index)) 
                  (ft (Suc index)) msg nMsg 
                 nMsg < n1" 
            proof(rule ccontr,auto)
              fix nMsg n1
              assume AssumpGreaterOccurrence: "¬ nMsg < n1"
                "execution.firstOccurrence (fe (Suc index)) 
                  (ft (Suc index)) consumedMsg n1"
                "execution.firstOccurrence (fe (Suc index)) 
                  (ft (Suc index)) msg nMsg" 
              have "nMsg < length (fe index)" 
                using SmallIndex AssumpGreaterOccurrence(3) by simp
              hence "n1 < length (fe index)" 
                using AssumpGreaterOccurrence(1) 
                by (metis less_trans nat_neq_iff)
              hence N1Small: "n1  length (ft index)" 
                using IndexIsExec AssumptionFair(1) 
                by (metis  One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 le_diff_conv2 
                  not_le not_less_eq_eq)
              have NotConsumed: " i  n1 . i < length (ft (Suc index))
                 consumedMsg  (ft (Suc index)) ! i" 
                using execution.firstOccurrence_def[of "trans" "sends"
                  "start" "fe (Suc index)" "ft (Suc index)" 
                  "consumedMsg" "n1"]
                  AssumpGreaterOccurrence(2) SucIndexIsExec by auto
              have " i  length (ft index) . 
                i < length (ft (Suc index)) 
                 consumedMsg = (ft (Suc index)) ! i"
                using DropToIndex[of "consumedMsg" "length (ft index)"]
                ConsumedIsInDrop by simp
              then obtain i where IDef: "i  length (ft index)"
                "i < length (ft (Suc index))" 
                "consumedMsg = (ft (Suc index)) ! i" by blast
              thus False using NotConsumed N1Small by simp
            have "consumedMsg  firstOccSet (Suc index)" 
              assume AssumpConsumedInSucSet: 
                "consumedMsg  firstOccSet (Suc index)"
              hence "nMsg n1. n1  nMsg 
                  execution.firstOccurrence (fe (Suc index)) 
                    (ft (Suc index)) consumedMsg n1  
                  execution.firstOccurrence (fe (Suc index)) 
                    (ft (Suc index)) msg nMsg" 
                using firstOccSet_def by blast
              thus False using GreaterOccurrence 
                by (metis less_le_trans less_not_refl3)
            thus ?thesis using ConsumedInSet by blast

          hence "firstOccSet (Suc index)  firstOccSet index" 
            using Subset by blast
          thus "firstOccSet (Suc index)  firstOccSet index 
             enabled (last (fe (Suc index))) msg"
            using EnabledInSuc by blast

        have NotConsumed: " index  n . ¬ msg  
          (set (drop (length (ft index)) (ft (Suc index))))"
          fix index
          assume AssumpMsgNotConsumed: "n  index" 
            "msg  set (drop (length (ft index)) (ft (Suc index)))"

          have " n0'  length (ft index) . 
            n0' < length (ft (Suc index)) 
             msg = (ft (Suc index)) ! n0'" 
            using AssumpMsgNotConsumed(2) DropToIndex[of "msg" 
              "length (ft index)" "ft (Suc index)"] by auto
          then obtain n0' where MessageIndex: "n0'  length (ft index)" 
            "n0' < length (ft (Suc index))" 
            "msg = (ft (Suc index)) ! n0'" by blast
          have LengthIncreasing: "length (ft n)  length (ft index)" 
            using AssumpMsgNotConsumed(1) 
          proof(induct index,auto)
            fix indexa
            assume AssumpLengthIncreasing: 
              "n  indexa  length (ft n)  length (ft indexa)" 
              "n  Suc indexa" "n  index"
            show "length (ft n)  length (ft (Suc indexa))"
            proof(cases "n = Suc indexa",auto)
              assume "n  Suc indexa"
              hence "n  indexa" using AssumpLengthIncreasing(2) 
                by (metis le_SucE)
              hence LengthNA: "length (ft n)  length (ft indexa)" 
                using AssumpLengthIncreasing(1) by blast
              have PrefixIndexA: "prefixList (ft indexa) (ft (Suc indexa))"
                using BasicProperties by simp
              show "length (ft n)  length (ft (Suc indexa))"
                using LengthNA PrefixListMonotonicity[OF PrefixIndexA]
                by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) antisym le_cases 
                  less_imp_le less_le_trans)
          thus False using AssumptionFairContr MessageIndex 
            by (metis length (ft index)  n0' le_SucI le_trans)

        hence FirstOccSetDecrImpl: 
          " index  n . (enabled (last (fe index)) msg) 
           firstOccSet (Suc index)  firstOccSet index 
             (enabled (last (fe (Suc index))) msg)"
          using FirstOccSetDecrOrConsumed by blast
        hence FirstOccSetDecrImpl: " index  n . firstOccSet 
          (Suc index)  firstOccSet index"
          using KeepProperty[of "n" "λx.(enabled (last (fe x)) msg)" 
            "λx.(firstOccSet (Suc x)  firstOccSet x)"]
            AssumptionCase1ImplThesis' by blast
        hence FirstOccSetDecr': " index  n . 
          card (firstOccSet (Suc index)) < card (firstOccSet index)"
          using FiniteMsgs psubset_card_mono by metis
        hence "card (firstOccSet (n + (card (firstOccSet n) + 1))) 
           card (firstOccSet n) - (card (firstOccSet n) + 1)"
          using SmallerMultipleStepsWithLimit[of "n" 
            "λx. card (firstOccSet x)" "card (firstOccSet n) + 1"]
          by blast
        hence IsNegative:"card (firstOccSet (n + (card 
          (firstOccSet n) + 1))) < 0" 
          by (metis FirstOccSetDecr' diff_add_zero leD le_add1 
            less_nat_zero_code neq0_conv)
        thus False by (metis less_nat_zero_code)

    hence Case1ImplThesis: "enabled (last (fe n)) msg 
       (n'n. n0'n0. n0' < length (ft n')  msg = ft n' ! n0')"
      using AssumptionFair(2) execution.length[of trans sends start 
        "fe n" "ft n"] BasicProperties 
      by (metis One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_lessI leI le_less_trans 
        less_asym less_diff_conv)

    show "n'n. n0'n0. n0' < length (ft n')  msg = ft n' ! n0'"
    using disjE[OF EnabledOrConsumedAtLast Case1ImplThesis Case2ImplThesis] .
  show ?thesis proof (rule exI[of _ fe], rule exI[of _ ft])
    show "fe 0 = [cfg]  fairInfiniteExecution fe ft 
       (n. nonUniform (last (fe n))  prefixList (fe n) (fe (n + 1)) 
           prefixList (ft n) (ft (n + 1))
           execution trans sends start (fe n) (ft n))"
    using Fair fe_def FStep BasicProperties by auto

subsection ‹Contradiction›

text ‹
  An infinite execution is said to be a terminating FLP execution if each process
  at some point sends a decision message or if it stops, which is expressed
  by the process not processing any further messages.
definition (in flpSystem) terminationFLP::
  "(nat  ('p, 'v, 's) configuration list) 
   (nat  ('p, 'v) message list)  bool"
  "terminationFLP fe ft  infiniteExecution fe ft  
  ( p .  n .
     ( i0 < length (ft n).  b . 
      (<⊥, outM b> ∈# sends p (states ((fe n) ! i0) p) (unpackMessage ((ft n) ! i0)))
       isReceiverOf p ((ft n) ! i0))
   ( n1 > n .  m  set (drop (length (ft n)) (ft n1)) . ¬ isReceiverOf p m))"

theorem ConsensusFails:
    " fe ft . (fairInfiniteExecution fe ft  terminationFLP fe ft)" and
  Validity: " i c . validity i c" and
  Agreement: " i c . agreementInit i c"
proof -
  obtain cfg where Cfg: "initial cfg" "nonUniform cfg"
    using InitialNonUniformCfg[OF PseudoTermination Validity Agreement] 
        by blast
  obtain fe:: "nat  ('p, 'v, 's) configuration list" and
              ft:: "nat  ('p, 'v) message list"
    where FE: "(fe 0) = [cfg]" "fairInfiniteExecution fe ft"
        "((n::nat) . nonUniform (last (fe n)) 
           prefixList (fe n) (fe (n+1)) 
           prefixList (ft n) (ft (n+1))
           (execution trans sends start (fe n) (ft n)))" 
    using FairNonUniformExecution[OF Cfg] 
    by blast

  have AllArePrefixesExec: " m .  n > m . prefixList (fe m) (fe n)"
    fix m::nat and n::nat
    assume MLessN: "m < n"
    have "prefixList (fe m) (fe n)" using MLessN 
    proof(induct n, simp)
      fix n
      assume IA: "(m < n)  (prefixList (fe m) (fe n))" "m < (Suc n)"
      have "m = n  m < n" using IA(2) by (metis less_SucE)
      thus "prefixList (fe m) (fe (Suc n))"
      proof(cases "m = n", auto)
        show "prefixList (fe n) (fe (Suc n))" using FE by simp
        assume "m < n"
        hence IA2: "prefixList (fe m) (fe n)" using IA(1) by simp
        have "prefixList (fe n) (fe (n+1))" using FE by simp
        thus "prefixList (fe m) (fe (Suc n))" using PrefixListTransitive 
          IA2 by simp
    thus "prefixList (fe m) (fe n)" by simp

  have AllArePrefixesTrace: " m .  n > m . prefixList (ft m) (ft n)"
    fix m::nat and n::nat
    assume MLessN: "m < n"
    have "prefixList (ft m) (ft n)" using MLessN
    proof(induct n, simp)
      fix n
      assume IA: "(m < n)  (prefixList (ft m) (ft n))" "m < (Suc n)"
      have "m = n  m < n" using IA(2) by (metis less_SucE)
      thus "prefixList (ft m) (ft (Suc n))"
      proof(cases "m = n", auto)
        show "prefixList (ft n) (ft (Suc n))" using FE by simp
        assume "m < n"
        hence IA2: "prefixList (ft m) (ft n)" using IA(1) by simp
        have "prefixList (ft n) (ft (n+1))" using FE by simp
        thus "prefixList (ft m) (ft (Suc n))" using PrefixListTransitive 
          IA2 by simp
    thus "prefixList (ft m) (ft n)" by simp

  have Length: " n . length (fe n)  n + 1" 
    fix n
    show "length (fe n)  n + 1" 
    proof(induct n, simp add: FE(1))
      fix n
      assume IH: "(n + (1::nat))  (length (fe n))"
      have "length (fe (n+1))  length (fe n) + 1" using FE(3) 
        by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_le_eq)
      thus "(Suc n) + (1::nat)  (length (fe (Suc n)))" using IH by auto

  have AllExecsFromInit: " n .  n0 < length (fe n) . 
    reachable cfg ((fe n) ! n0)"
    fix n::nat and n0::nat
    assume "n0 < length (fe n)"
    thus "reachable cfg ((fe n) ! n0)"
    proof(cases "0 = n", auto)
      assume N0Less: "n0 < length (fe 0)"
      have NoStep: "reachable cfg cfg" using reachable.simps by blast 
      have "length (fe 0) = 1" using FE(1) by simp
      hence N0Zero: "n0 = 0" using N0Less FE by simp
      hence "(fe 0) ! n0 = cfg" using FE(1) by simp
      thus "reachable cfg ((fe 0) ! n0)" using FE(1) NoStep N0Zero by simp
      assume NNotZero: "0 < n" "n0 < (length (fe n))"
      have ZeroCfg: "(fe 0) = [cfg]" using FE by simp
      have "prefixList (fe 0) (fe n)" using AllArePrefixesExec NNotZero 
        by simp
      hence PrList: "prefixList [cfg] (fe n)" using ZeroCfg by simp
      have CfgFirst: "cfg = (fe n) ! 0"
        using prefixList.cases[OF PrList]
        by (metis (full_types) ZeroCfg list.distinct(1) nth_Cons_0)
      have "reachable ((fe n) ! 0) ((fe n) ! n0)"
        using execution.ReachableInExecution FE NNotZero(2) by (metis le0)
      thus "(reachable cfg ((fe n) ! n0))" using assms CfgFirst by simp

  have NoDecided: "( n n0 v . (n0 < length (fe n)) 
                   ¬ vDecided v ((fe n) ! n0))" 
    fix n n0 v
    assume AssmNoDecided: "n0 < length (fe n)" 
      "initReachable ((fe n) ! n0)"
      "0 < (msgs ((fe n) ! n0) <⊥, outM v>)"
    have LastNonUniform: "nonUniform (last (fe n))" using FE by simp
    have LastIsLastIndex: " l . l  []  last l = l ! ((length l) - 1)" 
      by (metis last_conv_nth)
    have Fou: "n0  length (fe n) - 1" using AssmNoDecided by simp
    have FeNNotEmpty:"fe n  []" using FE(1) AllArePrefixesExec 
      by (metis AssmNoDecided(1) less_nat_zero_code list.size(3))
    hence Fou2: "length (fe n) - 1 < length (fe n)" by simp
    have "last (fe n) = (fe n) ! (length (fe n) - 1)" 
      using LastIsLastIndex FeNNotEmpty by auto
    have LastNonUniform: "nonUniform (last (fe n))" using FE by simp 
    have "reachable ((fe n) ! n0) ((fe n) ! (length (fe n) - 1))" 
      using FE execution.ReachableInExecution Fou Fou2 by metis
    hence N0ToLast: "reachable ((fe n) ! n0) (last (fe n))" 
      using LastIsLastIndex[of "fe n"] FeNNotEmpty by simp
    hence LastVDecided: "vDecided v (last (fe n))" 
      using NoOutMessageLoss[of "((fe n) ! n0)" "(last (fe n))"] 
      by (simp,
        metis LastNonUniform le_neq_implies_less less_nat_zero_code neq0_conv)

    have AllAgree: " cfg' . reachable (last (fe n)) cfg' 
       agreement cfg'" 
      fix cfg'
      assume LastToNext: "reachable (last (fe n)) cfg'"
      hence "reachable cfg  ((fe n) ! (length (fe n) - 1))" 
        using AllExecsFromInit AssmNoDecided(1) by auto
      hence "reachable cfg (last (fe n))" using LastIsLastIndex[of "fe n"] 
        FeNNotEmpty by simp
      hence FirstToLast: "reachable cfg cfg'" using initReachable_def Cfg 
        LastToNext ReachableTrans by blast
      hence "agreementInit cfg cfg'" using Agreement by simp
      hence "v1. (<⊥, outM v1> ∈# msgs cfg')  (v2. (<⊥, outM v2> ∈# 
        msgs cfg')  v2 = v1)"
        using Cfg FirstToLast
        by (simp add: agreementInit_def)
      thus "agreement cfg'" by (simp add: agreement_def)
    thus "False" using NonUniformImpliesNotDecided LastNonUniform 
      PseudoTermination LastVDecided by simp

  have Termination: "terminationFLP fe ft" using assms(1)[OF FE(2)] .

  hence AllDecideOrCrash: 
    "p. n . 
       ( i0 < length (ft n) . b. 
          (<⊥, outM b> ∈# 
            sends p (states (fe n ! i0) p) (unpackMessage (ft n ! i0))) 
           isReceiverOf p (ft n ! i0)) 
       ( n1 > n .  m  (set (drop (length (ft n)) (ft n1))) .
          ¬ isReceiverOf p m)"
    using FE(2)
    unfolding terminationFLP_def fairInfiniteExecution_def 
    by blast

  have " p .  n . ( n1 > n .  m  (set (drop (length (ft n)) (ft n1))) .
    ¬ isReceiverOf p m)"
    fix p
    from AllDecideOrCrash have
    " n . 
       ( i0 < length (ft n) . b. 
        (<⊥, outM b> ∈# sends p (states (fe n ! i0) p) (unpackMessage (ft n ! i0))) 
        isReceiverOf p (ft n ! i0)) 
       ( n1 > n .  m  (set (drop (length (ft n)) (ft n1))). 
        ¬ isReceiverOf p m)" by simp
    hence "( n .  i0 < length (ft n) . 
         (b. (<⊥, outM b> ∈# 
            sends p (states (fe n ! i0) p) (unpackMessage (ft n ! i0))) 
           isReceiverOf p (ft n ! i0)))
          ( n . n1 > n .  m  (set (drop (length (ft n)) (ft n1))) .
           ¬ isReceiverOf p m)" by blast
    thus "n. (n1>n. ( m  (set (drop (length (ft n)) (ft n1))).
      (¬ (isReceiverOf p m))))"
    proof(elim disjE, auto)
      fix n i0 b
      assume DecidingPoint:
        "i0 < length (ft n)"
        "isReceiverOf p (ft n ! i0)"
        "<⊥, outM b> ∈# sends p (states (fe n ! i0) p) (unpackMessage (ft n ! i0))"
      have "i0 < length (fe n) - 1"
        using DecidingPoint(1)
        by (metis (no_types) FE(3) execution.length) 
      hence StepN0: "((fe n) ! i0)  ((ft n) ! i0)  ((fe n) ! (i0 + 1))" 
        using FE by (metis execution.step)
      hence "msgs ((fe n) ! (i0 + 1)) <⊥, outM b> 
        = (msgs ((fe n) ! i0) <⊥, outM b>) +
        (sends p (states ((fe n) ! i0) p) 
        (unpackMessage ((ft n) ! i0)) <⊥, outM b>)" 
        using DecidingPoint(2) OutOnlyGrowing[of "(fe n) ! i0" "(ft n) ! i0"
          "(fe n) ! (i0 + 1)" "p"] 
        by auto
      hence "(sends p (states ((fe n) ! i0) p) 
        (unpackMessage ((ft n) ! i0)) <⊥, outM b>) 
         msgs ((fe n) ! (i0 + 1)) <⊥, outM b>" 
        using asynchronousSystem.steps_def by auto
      hence OutMsgEx: "0 < msgs ((fe n) ! (i0 + 1)) <⊥, outM b>" 
        using asynchronousSystem.steps_def DecidingPoint(3) by auto
      have "(i0 + 1) < length (fe n)"
        using DecidingPoint(1) i0 < length (fe n) - 1 by auto
      hence "initReachable ((fe n) ! (i0 + 1))" 
        using AllExecsFromInit Cfg(1) 
        by (metis asynchronousSystem.initReachable_def)
      hence Decided: "vDecided b ((fe n) ! (i0 + 1))" using OutMsgEx 
        by auto
      have "i0 + 1 < length (fe n)" using DecidingPoint(1) 
        by (metis (((i0::nat) + (1::nat)) < (length (
          (fe::(nat  ('p, 'v, 's) configuration list)) (n::nat)))))
      hence "¬ vDecided b ((fe n) ! (i0 + 1))" using NoDecided by auto
      hence "False" using Decided by auto
      thus "n. (n1>n. ( m  (set (drop (length (ft n)) (ft n1))). 
        (¬ (isReceiverOf p m))))" by simp
  hence " (crashPoint::'p  nat) . 
     p .   n . crashPoint p = n  ( n1 > n .  m  (set (drop 
    (length (ft n)) (ft n1))) . (¬ isReceiverOf p m))" by metis  
  then obtain crashPoint where CrashPoint:
    " p . ( n1 > (crashPoint p) .  m  (set (drop (length 
    (ft (crashPoint p))) (ft n1))) . (¬ isReceiverOf p m))"
    by blast
  define limitSet where "limitSet = {crashPoint p | p . p  Proc}"
  have "finite {p. p  Proc}" using finiteProcs by simp
  hence "finite limitSet" using limitSet_def finite_image_set[] by blast
  hence " limit .  l  limitSet . l < limit" using 
    finite_nat_set_iff_bounded by auto
  hence " limit .  p . (crashPoint p) < limit" using limitSet_def by auto
  then obtain limit where Limit: " p . (crashPoint p) < limit" by blast
  define lengthLimit where "lengthLimit = length (ft limit) - 1"
  define lateMessage where "lateMessage = last (ft limit)"
  hence "lateMessage = (ft limit) ! (length (ft limit) - 1)" 
    by (metis AllArePrefixesTrace Limit last_conv_nth less_nat_zero_code 
      list.size(3) PrefixListMonotonicity)
  hence LateIsLast: "lateMessage = (ft limit) ! lengthLimit" 
  using lateMessage_def lengthLimit_def by auto

  have " p . isReceiverOf p lateMessage" 
  proof(rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ ((p::'p). (isReceiverOf p lateMessage))"
    hence IsOutMsg: " v . lateMessage = <⊥, outM v>"
      by (metis isReceiverOf.simps(1) isReceiverOf.simps(2) message.exhaust)
    have "execution trans sends start (fe limit) (ft limit)" using FE 
      by auto
    hence "length (fe limit) - 1 = length (ft limit)"
      using execution.length by simp
    hence "lengthLimit < length (fe limit) - 1" 
      using lengthLimit_def 
      by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) Length Limit One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1
        Suc_le_eq diff_less 
        diffs0_imp_equal gr_implies_not0 less_Suc0 neq0_conv)
    hence "((fe limit) ! lengthLimit)  ((ft limit) ! lengthLimit) 
       ((fe limit) ! (lengthLimit + 1))"
      using FE by (metis execution.step)
    hence "((fe limit) ! lengthLimit)  lateMessage  ((fe limit) ! 
      (lengthLimit + 1))"
      using LateIsLast by auto
    thus False using IsOutMsg steps_def by auto

  then obtain p where ReceiverOfLate: "isReceiverOf p lateMessage" by blast
  have " n1 > (crashPoint p) . 
     m  (set (drop (length (ft (crashPoint p))) (ft n1))) . 
      (¬ isReceiverOf p m)"
    using CrashPoint
    by simp
  hence NoMsgAfterLimit: " m  (set (drop (length (ft (crashPoint p))) 
    (ft limit))) . (¬ isReceiverOf p m)"
    using Limit
    by auto
  have "lateMessage  set (drop (length(ft (crashPoint p))) (ft limit))" 
    have "crashPoint p < limit" using Limit by simp
    hence "prefixList (ft (crashPoint p)) (ft limit)" 
      using AllArePrefixesTrace by auto
    hence CrashShorterLimit: "length (ft (crashPoint p)) 
      < length (ft limit)" using PrefixListMonotonicity by auto
    hence "last (drop (length (ft (crashPoint p))) (ft limit)) 
      = last (ft limit)" by (metis last_drop)
    hence "lateMessage = last (drop (length (ft (crashPoint p))) 
      (ft limit))" using lateMessage_def by auto
    thus "lateMessage  set (drop (length(ft (crashPoint p))) (ft limit))" 
      by (metis CrashShorterLimit drop_eq_Nil last_in_set not_le)
  hence "¬ isReceiverOf p lateMessage" using NoMsgAfterLimit by auto
  thus "False" using ReceiverOfLate by simp

