Theory Dom_Semi_List

(* Author: Nan Jiang *)

section ‹A semilattice of reversed-ordered list›

theory Dom_Semi_List
imports Main  "Jinja.Semilat" Sorted_List_Operations2 Sorted_Less2 Cfg

type_synonym node = nat

context cfg_doms

definition nodes :: "nat list" 
  where "nodes  (g_V G)"

definition nodes_le :: "node list  node list  bool" where
"nodes_le xs ys  (sorted (rev ys)  sorted (rev xs)  (set ys)  (set xs))  xs = ys"

definition nodes_sup ::"node list   node list   node list " where
"nodes_sup = (λx y. inter_sorted_rev x y)"

definition nodes_semi :: "node list sl" where
"nodes_semi   ((rev  sorted_list_of_set) ` (Pow (set (nodes))), nodes_le, nodes_sup )"

lemma subset_nodes_inpow: 
  assumes "sorted (rev xs)"
      and "set xs  set nodes"
    shows "xs  (rev  sorted_list_of_set) ` (Pow (set nodes))"   
proof -
  from assms(1) have "(sorted_list_of_set (set xs)) = rev xs" by (auto intro:sorted_less_rev_set_eq)
  then have "rev (rev xs) = rev (sorted_list_of_set (set xs))" by simp
  with assms(2) show ?thesis by auto

lemma nil_in_A: "[]  (rev  sorted_list_of_set) ` (Pow (set nodes))"  
proof(simp add: Pow_def image_def)
  have "sorted_list_of_set {} = []" by auto
  then show "xset nodes. sorted_list_of_set x = []" by blast

lemma single_n_in_A: "p < length nodes  [p]  (rev  sorted_list_of_set) ` (Pow (set nodes))"
proof (unfold nodes_def)
  let ?S = "(rev  sorted_list_of_set) ` (Pow (set (g_V G)))"
  assume "p < length (g_V G)"  
  then have p: "{p}  Pow (set (g_V G))" by (auto simp add:Pow_def verts_set)
  then have "[p] ?S" by (unfold image_def) force
  then show "[p]  ?S" by auto
lemma inpow_subset_nodes: 
  assumes "xs  (rev  sorted_list_of_set) ` (Pow (set nodes))"
    shows "set xs  set nodes"
proof -
  from assms obtain x where x: "x  Pow (set nodes)" and "xs = (rev  sorted_list_of_set) x" by auto
  then have eq: "set xs = set (sorted_list_of_set x)" by auto
  have "x  Pow (set nodes). finite x"  by (auto intro: rev_finite_subset)
  with x eq show "set xs  set nodes" by auto

lemma inter_in_pow_nodes: 
  assumes "xs  (rev  sorted_list_of_set) ` (Pow (set nodes))"
    shows "(rev  sorted_list_of_set)(set xs  set ys)  (rev  (sorted_list_of_set)) ` (Pow (set nodes))"
  using assms
proof -  
  let ?res = "set xs  set ys"
  from assms have "set xs  set nodes" using inpow_subset_nodes by auto
  then have "?res  set nodes" by auto
  then show ?thesis using subset_nodes_inpow by auto

lemma nodes_le_order: "order nodes_le ((rev  sorted_list_of_set) ` (Pow (set nodes)))"
proof -
  let ?A = "(rev  sorted_list_of_set) ` (Pow (set nodes))"

  have "x  ?A. sorted (rev x)" by (auto intro: sorted_less_sorted_list_of_set)
  then have "x?A. nodes_le x x" by (auto simp add:nodes_le_def) 

  moreover have "x?A. y?A. (nodes_le x y  nodes_le y x  x = y)" 
  proof (intro strip)
    fix x y   
    assume "x  ?A" and "y  ?A" and "nodes_le x y  nodes_le y x"
    then have "sorted (rev x)  sorted (rev (y::nat list))   set x = set y  x = y" 
      by (auto simp add: nodes_le_def intro:subset_antisym sorted_less_sorted_list_of_set)
   then show "x = y" by (auto dest: sorted_less_rev_set_unique)     

  moreover have "x ?A.   y ?A. z ?A . nodes_le x y  nodes_le y  z  nodes_le x z" 
    by (auto simp add: nodes_le_def) 

  ultimately show ?thesis by (unfold order_def lesub_def lesssub_def) fastforce

lemma nodes_semi_auxi: 
  "let A = (rev  sorted_list_of_set) ` (Pow (set (nodes)));
       r = nodes_le;
       f = (λx y.  (inter_sorted_rev x y))
    in semilat(A, r, f)"
proof -
  let ?A = "(rev  sorted_list_of_set) ` (Pow (set (nodes)))"
  let ?r = "nodes_le" 
  let ?f = "(λx y. (inter_sorted_rev x y))"

  have "order ?r ?A" by (rule nodes_le_order)

  moreover have "closed ?A ?f" 
  proof (unfold closed_def, intro strip)
    fix xs ys assume xs_in: "xs  ?A" and ys_in: "ys  ?A"
    then have sorted_xs: "sorted (rev xs)" 
          and sorted_ys: "sorted (rev ys)" 
      by (auto intro: sorted_less_sorted_list_of_set)
    then have inter_xs_ys: "set (?f xs ys) = set xs  set ys" and 
              sorted_res: "sorted (rev (?f xs ys))"
      using inter_sorted_correct by auto

    from xs_in have "set xs  set nodes" using inpow_subset_nodes by auto
    with inter_xs_ys have "set (?f xs ys)  set nodes" by auto
    with sorted_res show "xs ⊔⇘?fys ?A" using subset_nodes_inpow by (auto simp add:plussub_def)   

  moreover have "(x?A. y?A. x ⊑⇘?rx ⊔⇘?fy)  (x?A. y?A. y ⊑⇘?rx ⊔⇘?fy)" 
  proof(rule conjI, intro strip)   
    fix xs ys 
    assume xs_in: "xs  ?A" and ys_in: "ys  ?A"
    then have sorted_xs: "sorted (rev xs)" and sorted_ys: "sorted (rev ys)" 
      by (auto intro: sorted_less_sorted_list_of_set)
    then have "set (?f xs ys)  set xs" and sorted_f_xs_ys: "sorted (rev (?f xs ys))" 
      by (auto simp add: inter_sorted_correct)
    then show "xs ⊑⇘?rxs ⊔⇘?fys"  by (simp add: lesub_def sorted_xs sorted_ys sorted_f_xs_ys nodes_le_def plussub_def)
    show "x?A. y?A. y ⊑⇘?rx ⊔⇘?fy"
    proof (intro strip)
      fix xs ys 
      assume xs_in: "xs  ?A" and ys_in: "ys  ?A"
      then have sorted_xs: "sorted (rev xs)" and sorted_ys: "sorted (rev ys)" 
        by (auto intro: sorted_less_sorted_list_of_set)
      then have "set (?f xs ys)  set ys" and sorted_f_xs_ys: "sorted (rev (?f xs ys))" by (auto simp add: inter_sorted_correct)
      then show "ys ⊑⇘?rxs ⊔⇘?fys" by (simp add: lesub_def sorted_ys sorted_xs sorted_f_xs_ys nodes_le_def plussub_def)

  moreover have "x?A. y?A. z?A. x ⊑⇘?rz  y  ⊑⇘?rz  x ⊔⇘?fy ⊑⇘?rz" 
  proof (intro strip)
    fix xs ys zs
    assume xin: "xs  ?A" and yin: "ys  ?A" and zin: "zs  ?A" and "xs ⊑⇘?rzs  ys ⊑⇘?rzs"
    then have xs_zs: "xs ⊑⇘?rzs" and ys_zs: "ys ⊑⇘?rzs" and sorted_xs: "sorted (rev xs)" and sorted_ys: "sorted (rev ys)" by (auto simp add: sorted_less_sorted_list_of_set)
    then have inter_xs_ys: "set (?f xs ys) = (set xs  set ys)" and sorted_f_xs_ys: "sorted (rev (?f xs ys))" 
      by (auto simp add: inter_sorted_correct)

    from xs_zs ys_zs sorted_xs have sorted_zs: "sorted (rev zs)"
                                and "set zs  set xs"
                                and "set zs  set ys" by (auto simp add: lesub_def nodes_le_def)
    then have zs: "set zs  set xs  set ys" by auto
    with inter_xs_ys sorted_zs sorted_f_xs_ys show "xs ⊔⇘?fys ⊑⇘?rzs" 
      by (auto simp add:plussub_def lesub_def  sorted_xs sorted_ys sorted_f_xs_ys sorted_zs nodes_le_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis  by (unfold semilat_def) simp

lemma nodes_semi_is_semilat: "semilat (nodes_semi)"
  using nodes_semi_auxi 
  by (auto simp add: nodes_sup_def nodes_semi_def)

lemma sorted_rev_subset_len_lt:
  assumes "sorted (rev a)"
      and "sorted (rev b)"
      and "set a  set b"
    shows "length a < length b" 
  using assms
  from assms(1) assms(2) have dist_a: "distinct a" and dist_b: "distinct b" by (auto dest: distinct_sorted_rev)
  from assms(3)  have "card (set a) < card (set b)" by (auto intro: psubset_card_mono)
  with dist_a dist_b show ?thesis by (auto simp add: distinct_card)

lemma wf_nodes_le_auxi: "wf {(y, x). (sorted (rev y)  sorted (rev x)  set y  set x)  x  y}"
  apply(rule wf_measure [THEN wf_subset])
  apply(simp only: measure_def inv_image_def)
  apply clarify
  apply(frule sorted_rev_subset_len_lt)
    apply fastforce
  by (auto intro:sorted_less_rev_set_unique)

lemma wf_nodes_le_auxi2: 
  "wf {(y, x). sorted (rev y)  sorted (rev x)  set y  set x  rev x  rev y}" 
  using wf_nodes_le_auxi by auto
lemma  wf_nodes_le: "wf {(y, x). nodes_le x y  x  y}"
proof -
  have eq_set: "{(y, x). (sorted (rev y)  sorted (rev x)  set y  set x)  x  y} = 
                {(y, x). nodes_le x y  x  y}" by (unfold nodes_le_def) auto
  have "{(y, x). (sorted (rev y)  sorted (rev x)  set y  set x)  x  y} =
        {(y, x). (sorted (rev y)  sorted (rev x)  set y  set x)  x  y}"
    by (auto simp add:sorted_less_rev_set_unique)
  from this wf_nodes_le_auxi have "wf {(y, x). (sorted (rev y)  sorted (rev x)  set y  set x)  x  y}" by (rule subst)
  with eq_set show ?thesis by (rule subst)

lemma acc_nodes_le: "acc nodes_le" 
  apply (unfold acc_def lesssub_def lesub_def)
  apply (rule wf_nodes_le)

lemma acc_nodes_le2: "acc (fst (snd nodes_semi))"
  apply (unfold nodes_semi_def)
  apply (auto simp add: lesssub_def lesub_def intro: acc_nodes_le)

lemma nodes_le_refl [iff] : "nodes_le s s"
  apply (unfold nodes_le_def lesssub_def lesub_def)
  apply (auto)

