Theory Martingale
section ‹Martingales›
theory Martingale imports Filtration
definition martingale where
"martingale M F X ⟷
(filtration M F) ∧ (∀t. integrable M (X t)) ∧ (borel_adapt_stoch_proc F X) ∧
(∀t s. t ≤ s ⟶ (AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F t) (X s) w = X t w))"
lemma martingaleAE:
assumes "martingale M F X"
and "t ≤ s"
shows "AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F t) (X s) w = (X t) w" using assms unfolding martingale_def by simp
lemma martingale_add:
assumes "martingale M F X"
and "martingale M F Y"
and "∀m. sigma_finite_subalgebra M (F m)"
shows "martingale M F (λn w. X n w + Y n w)" unfolding martingale_def
proof (intro conjI)
let ?sum = "λn w. X n w + Y n w"
show "∀n. integrable M (λw. X n w + Y n w)"
fix n
show "integrable M (λw. X n w + Y n w)"
by (metis Bochner_Integration.integrable_add assms(1) assms(2) martingale_def)
show "∀n m. n ≤ m ⟶ (AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F n) (λw. X m w + Y m w) w = X n w + Y n w)"
proof (intro allI impI)
fix n::'b
fix m
assume "n ≤ m"
show "AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F n) (λw. X m w + Y m w) w = X n w + Y n w"
proof -
have "integrable M (X m)" using assms unfolding martingale_def by simp
moreover have "integrable M (Y m)" using assms unfolding martingale_def by simp
moreover have " sigma_finite_subalgebra M (F n)" using assms by simp
ultimately have "AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F n) (λw. X m w + Y m w) w =
real_cond_exp M (F n) (X m) w + real_cond_exp M (F n) (Y m) w"
using sigma_finite_subalgebra.real_cond_exp_add[of M "F n" "X m" "Y m"] by simp
moreover have "AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F n) (X m) w = X n w" using ‹n≤ m› assms
unfolding martingale_def by simp
moreover have "AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F n) (Y m) w = Y n w" using ‹n≤ m› assms
unfolding martingale_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
show "filtration M F" using assms unfolding martingale_def by simp
show "borel_adapt_stoch_proc F (λn w. X n w + Y n w)" unfolding adapt_stoch_proc_def
fix n
show "(λw. X n w + Y n w) ∈ borel_measurable (F n)" using assms unfolding martingale_def adapt_stoch_proc_def
by (simp add: borel_measurable_add)
lemma disc_martingale_charact:
assumes "(∀n. integrable M (X n))"
and "filtration M F"
and "∀m. sigma_finite_subalgebra M (F m)"
and "∀m. X m ∈ borel_measurable (F m)"
and "(∀n. AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F n) (X (Suc n)) w = (X n) w)"
shows "martingale M F X " unfolding martingale_def
proof (intro conjI)
have "∀ k m. k ≤ m ⟶ (AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F (m-k)) (X m) w = X (m-k) w)"
proof (intro allI impI)
fix m
fix k::nat
show "k≤m ⟹ AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F (m-k)) (X m) w = X (m-k) w"
proof (induct k)
case 0
have "X m ∈ borel_measurable (F m)" using assms by simp
moreover have "integrable M (X m)" using assms by simp
moreover have "sigma_finite_subalgebra M (F m)" using assms by simp
ultimately have "AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F m) (X m) w = X m w"
using sigma_finite_subalgebra.real_cond_exp_F_meas[of M "F m" "X m"] by simp
thus ?case using 0 by simp
case (Suc k)
have "Suc (m - (Suc k)) = m - k" using Suc by simp
hence "AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F (m - (Suc k))) (X (Suc (m - (Suc k)))) w = (X (m - (Suc k))) w"
using assms by blast
hence "AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F (m - (Suc k))) (X ((m - k))) w = (X (m - (Suc k))) w"
using assms(3) ‹Suc (m - (Suc k)) = m - k› by simp
moreover have "AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F (m - (Suc k))) (real_cond_exp M (F (m - k)) (X m)) w =
real_cond_exp M (F (m - (Suc k))) (X m) w"
using sigma_finite_subalgebra.real_cond_exp_nested_subalg[of M "F (m- (Suc k))" "F (m-k)" "X m"]
by (metis Filtration.filtration_def Suc_n_not_le_n ‹Suc (m - Suc k) = m - k› assms(1) assms(2) assms(3)
filtrationE1 nat_le_linear)
moreover have "AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F (m - (Suc k))) (real_cond_exp M (F (m - k)) (X m)) w =
real_cond_exp M (F (m - (Suc k))) (X (m-k)) w" using Suc
sigma_finite_subalgebra.real_cond_exp_cong[of M "F (m - (Suc k))" "real_cond_exp M (F (m - k)) (X m)" "X (m - k)"]
borel_measurable_cond_exp[of M "F (m-k)" "X m"]
using Suc_leD assms(1) assms(3) borel_measurable_cond_exp2 by blast
ultimately show ?case by auto
thus "∀ n m. n ≤ m ⟶ (AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F n) (X m) w = X n w)"
by (metis diff_diff_cancel diff_le_self)
show "∀t. integrable M (X t)" using assms by simp
show "filtration M F" using assms by simp
show "borel_adapt_stoch_proc F X" using assms unfolding adapt_stoch_proc_def by simp
lemma (in finite_measure) constant_martingale:
assumes "∀t. sigma_finite_subalgebra M (F t)"
and "filtration M F"
shows "martingale M F (λn w. c)" unfolding martingale_def
proof (intro allI conjI impI)
show "filtration M F" using assms by simp
fix t
show "integrable M (λw. c)" by simp
fix t::'b
fix s
assume "t ≤ s"
show "AE w in M. real_cond_exp M (F t) (λw. c) w = c"
by (intro sigma_finite_subalgebra.real_cond_exp_F_meas, (auto simp add: assms))
show "borel_adapt_stoch_proc F (λn w. c)" unfolding adapt_stoch_proc_def by simp