Theory Lib

theory "Lib"
section ‹Generic Mathematical Background Lemmas›

lemma finite_subset [simp]: "finite M  finite {xM. P x}"
  by simp

lemma finite_powerset [simp]: "finite M  finite {S. SM}"
  by simp

definition fst_proj:: "('a*'b) set  'a set"
  where "fst_proj M  {A. B. (A,B)M}"

definition snd_proj:: "('a*'b) set  'b set"
  where "snd_proj M  {B. A. (A,B)M}"

lemma fst_proj_mem [simp]: "(A  fst_proj M) = (B. (A,B)M)"
  unfolding fst_proj_def by auto
lemma snd_proj_mem [simp]: "(B  snd_proj M) = (A. (A,B)M)"
  unfolding snd_proj_def by auto

lemma fst_proj_prop: "xfst_proj {(A,B)| A B. P A  R A B}. P(x)"
  unfolding fst_proj_def by auto

lemma snd_proj_prop: "xsnd_proj {(A,B) | A B. P B  R A B}. P(x)"
  unfolding snd_proj_def by auto

lemma map_cons: "map f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (map f xs)"
  by (rule
lemma map_append: "map f (append xs ys) = append (map f xs) (map f ys)"
  by simp

text‹Lockstep induction schema for two simultaneous least fixpoints.
  If the successor step and supremum step of two least fixpoint inflations
  preserve a relation, then that relation holds of the two respective least fixpoints.›

lemma lfp_lockstep_induct [case_names monof monog step union]:
  fixes f :: "'a::complete_lattice  'a"
    and g :: "'b::complete_lattice  'b"
  assumes monof: "mono f" 
    and monog: "mono g"
    and R_step: "A B. A  lfp(f)  B  lfp(g)  R A B  R (f(A)) (g(B))"
    and R_Union: "M::('a*'b) set. ((A,B)M. R A B)  R (Sup (fst_proj M)) (Sup (snd_proj M))"
  shows "R (lfp f) (lfp g)"
  (*using idea of proof of "Inductive.thy:lfp_ordinal_induct"*)
  let ?M = "{(A,B). A  lfp f  B  lfp g  R A B}"
  from R_Union have supdoes: "R (Sup (fst_proj ?M)) (Sup (snd_proj ?M))" by simp
  also have "Sup (fst_proj ?M) = lfp f" and "Sup (snd_proj ?M) = lfp g"
  proof (rule antisym)
    show fle: "Sup (fst_proj ?M)  lfp f"
      using fst_proj_prop Sup_le_iff by fastforce
    then have "f (Sup (fst_proj ?M))  f (lfp f)"
      by (rule monof [THEN monoD])
    then have fsup: "f (Sup (fst_proj ?M))  lfp f"
      using monof [THEN lfp_unfold] by simp

    have gle: "Sup (snd_proj ?M)  lfp g"
      using snd_proj_prop Sup_le_iff by fastforce
    then have "g (Sup (snd_proj ?M))  g (lfp g)"
      by (rule monog [THEN monoD])
    then have gsup: "g (Sup (snd_proj ?M))  lfp g"
      using monog [THEN lfp_unfold] by simp

    from fsup and gsup have fgsup: "(f(Sup(fst_proj ?M)), g(Sup(snd_proj ?M)))  ?M"
      using R_Union R_step Sup_le_iff
      using calculation fle gle by blast 

    from fgsup have "f (Sup (fst_proj ?M))  Sup (fst_proj ?M)"
      using Sup_upper by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) fst_proj_def mem_Collect_eq) 
    then show fge: "lfp f  Sup (fst_proj ?M)"
      by (rule lfp_lowerbound)
    show "Sup (snd_proj ?M) = lfp g"
    proof (rule antisym)
      show "Sup (snd_proj ?M)  lfp g" by (rule gle)
      from fgsup have "g (Sup (snd_proj ?M))  Sup (snd_proj ?M)"
        using Sup_upper by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) snd_proj_def mem_Collect_eq)
      then show gge: "lfp g  Sup (snd_proj ?M)"
        by (rule lfp_lowerbound)
  then show ?thesis using supdoes by simp

lemma sup_eq_all: "(A. (AM  f(A)=g(A)))
   Sup {f(A) | A. AM} = Sup {g(A) | A. AM}"
  by metis

lemma sup_corr_eq_chain: "M::('a::complete_lattice*'a) set. ((A,B)M. f(A)=g(B))  (Sup {f(A) | A. Afst_proj M} = Sup {g(B) | B. Bsnd_proj M})"
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) case_prod_conv fst_proj_mem snd_proj_mem)
