Theory ValuesFSetProps

theory ValuesFSetProps
  imports ValuesFSet

  vfun_le_inv[elim!]: "VFun t1  VFun t2" and
  le_fun_nat_inv[elim!]: "VFun t2  VNat x1" and
  le_any_nat_inv[elim!]: "v  VNat n" and
  le_nat_any_inv[elim!]: "VNat n  v" and
  le_fun_any_inv[elim!]: "VFun t  v" and
  le_any_fun_inv[elim!]: "v  VFun t" 

proposition val_le_refl[simp]: fixes v::val shows "v  v" by (induction v) auto

proposition val_le_trans[trans]: fixes v2::val shows " v1  v2; v2  v3   v1  v3"
  by (induction v2 arbitrary: v1 v3) blast+

lemma fsubset[intro!]: "fset A  fset B  A |⊆| B"
proof (rule fsubsetI)
  fix x assume ab: "fset A  fset B" and xa: "x |∈| A"
  from xa have "x  fset A" by simp
  from this ab have "x  fset B" by blast
  from this show "x |∈| B" by simp
proposition val_le_antisymm: fixes v1::val shows " v1  v2; v2  v1   v1 = v2"
  by (induction v1 arbitrary: v2) auto

lemma le_nat_any[simp]: "VNat n  v  v = VNat n"
  by (cases v) auto

lemma le_any_nat[simp]: "v  VNat n  v = VNat n"
  by (cases v) auto

lemma le_nat_nat[simp]: "VNat n  VNat n'  n = n'"
  by auto
