Theory DenotCongruenceFSet

section "Soundness wrt. contextual equivalence"

subsection "Denotational semantics is a congruence"  

theory DenotCongruenceFSet
  imports ChangeEnv DenotSoundFSet DenotCompleteFSet
lemma e_lam_cong[cong]: "E e  = E e'  E (ELam x e) = E (ELam x e')"
  by (rule ext) simp

lemma e_app_cong[cong]: " E e1 = E e1'; E e2 = E e2'   E (EApp e1 e2) = E (EApp e1' e2')"
  by (rule ext) simp 

lemma e_prim_cong[cong]: " E e1 = E e1'; E e2 = E e2'   E(EPrim f e1 e2) = E(EPrim f e1' e2')"
  by (rule ext) simp 

lemma e_if_cong[cong]: " E e1 = E e1'; E e2 = E e2'; E e3 = E e3'  
     E (EIf e1 e2 e3) = E (EIf e1' e2' e3')"
  by (rule ext) simp 

datatype ctx = CHole | CLam name ctx | CAppL ctx exp | CAppR exp ctx
  | CPrimL "nat  nat  nat"  ctx exp | CPrimR "nat  nat  nat"  exp ctx
  | CIf1 ctx exp exp | CIf2 exp ctx exp | CIf3 exp exp ctx

fun plug :: "ctx  exp  exp" where
  "plug CHole e = e" |
  "plug (CLam x C) e = ELam x (plug C e)" |
  "plug (CAppL C e2) e = EApp (plug C e) e2" |
  "plug (CAppR e1 C) e = EApp e1 (plug C e)" |
  "plug (CPrimL f C e2) e = EPrim f (plug C e) e2" |
  "plug (CPrimR f e1 C) e = EPrim f e1 (plug C e)" |
  "plug (CIf1 C e2 e3) e = EIf (plug C e) e2 e3" |
  "plug (CIf2 e1 C e3) e = EIf e1 (plug C e) e3" |
  "plug (CIf3 e1 e2 C) e = EIf e1 e2 (plug C e)" 
lemma congruence: "E e = E e'  E (plug C e) = E (plug C e')"
proof (induction C arbitrary: e e')
  case (CIf1 C e2 e3)
  have "E (EIf (plug C e) e2 e3) = E (EIf (plug C e') e2 e3)"
    apply (rule e_if_cong) using CIf1 apply blast+ done
  then show ?case by simp
  case (CIf2 e1 C e3)
  have "E (EIf e1 (plug C e) e3) = E (EIf e1 (plug C e') e3)"
    apply (rule e_if_cong) using CIf2 apply blast+ done
  then show ?case by simp
  case (CIf3 e1 e2 C)
  have "E (EIf e1 e2 (plug C e)) = E (EIf e1 e2 (plug C e'))"
    apply (rule e_if_cong) using CIf3 apply blast+ done
  then show ?case by simp
qed force+

subsection "Auxiliary lemmas" 
lemma diverge_denot_empty: assumes d: "diverge e" and fve: "FV e = {}" shows "E e [] = {}"
proof (rule classical)
  assume "E e []  {}"
  from this obtain A where wte: "A  E e []" by auto 
  have ge: "good_env [] []" by blast 
  from wte ge obtain v where e_v: "[]  e  v" and gv: "v  good A" 
    using denot_terminates by blast 
  from e_v fve obtain v' where e_vp: "e ⟶* v'" and val_vp: "isval v'" 
    using sound_wrt_small_step by blast 
  from d e_vp have " e'. v'  e'" by (simp add: diverge_def) 
  with val_vp have "False" using val_stuck by force 
  from this show ?thesis ..

lemma goes_wrong_denot_empty:
  assumes gw: "goes_wrong e" and fv_e: "FV e = {}" shows "E e [] = {}"
proof (rule classical)
  assume "E e []  {}"
  from this obtain A where wte: "A  E e []" by auto 
  have ge: "good_env [] []" by blast 
  from gw obtain e' where e_ep: "e ⟶* e'" and s_ep: "stuck e'" and nv_ep: "¬ isval e'"
    by auto 
  from wte e_ep have wtep: "A  E e' []" using preservation by blast 
  from fv_e e_ep have fv_ep: "FV e' = {}" using reduction_pres_fv by auto 
  from wtep fv_ep have "is_val e'  ( e''. e'  e'')" using progress[of A e' "[]" ] by simp
  from this s_ep nv_ep have "False" by simp 
  from this show ?thesis ..
lemma denot_empty_diverge: assumes E_e: "E e [] = {}" and fv_e: "FV e = {}" 
  shows "diverge e  goes_wrong e"
proof (rule classical)
  assume nd_gw: "¬ (diverge e  goes_wrong e)"
  from this have nd: "¬ diverge e" by blast 
  from nd_gw have gw: "¬ goes_wrong e" by blast 
  from nd obtain v::exp where e_v: "e ⟶* v" and stuck: "¬ ( e'. v  e')"
    by (simp only: diverge_def) blast 
  from gw e_v stuck have val_v: "isval v" by (simp only: goes_wrong_def stuck_def) blast 
  from fv_e e_v have fv_v: "FV v = {}" using reduction_pres_fv by auto 
  from val_v fv_v have val_v2: "is_val v" by simp 
  from e_v val_v2 obtain A where wte: "A  E e []" and wtv: "A  E v []" 
     using completeness[of e v] by blast 
  from this E_e have "False" by auto 
  from this show ?thesis ..

lemma val_ty_observe:
  " A  E v []; A  E v' [];
    observe v ob; isval v'; isval v   observe v' ob"
  apply (cases v) apply auto apply (cases v') apply auto 
  apply (cases v') apply auto 
  apply (cases ob) apply auto 

subsection "Soundness wrt. contextual equivalence"

lemma soundness_wrt_ctx_equiv_aux[rule_format]:
  assumes e12: "E e1 = E e2"
  and fv_e1: "FV (plug C e1) = {}" and fv_e2: "FV (plug C e2) = {}"
  shows "run (plug C e1) ob  run (plug C e2) ob"
  assume run_Ce1: "run (plug C e1) ob"
  from e12 have pe12: "E (plug C e1) = E (plug C e2)" by (rule congruence)   
  from run_Ce1 have "(( v. (plug C e1) ⟶* v  observe v ob) 
              ((diverge (plug C e1)  goes_wrong (plug C e1))  ob = OBad))"
    by (simp only: run_def)
  from this show "run (plug C e2) ob"
    assume "v. plug C e1 ⟶* v  observe v ob"
    from this obtain v where r_v: "plug C e1 ⟶* v"
      and ob_v: "observe v ob" by blast
    from r_v fv_e1 have fv_v: "FV v = {}" by (rule reduction_pres_fv)
    from ob_v fv_v have val_v: "is_val v" by (cases v) auto 
    from r_v val_v obtain A  where ce1a: "A  E (plug C e1) []"
      and wt_v_ap: "A  E v []" using completeness[of "plug C e1" v] by auto 
    from ce1a pe12 have ce2a: "A  E (plug C e2) []" by force 
    have ge: "good_env [] []" by blast
    from ce2a ge obtain v' where Ce2_vp: "[]  plug C e2  v'" and vpa: "v'  good A"
      using denot_terminates by blast 
    from Ce2_vp fv_e2 obtain v'' ob' where Ce2_vpp: "plug C e2 ⟶* v''" and vvpp: "isval v''"
      and ovpp: "observe v'' ob'" and vp_ob: "bs_observe v' ob'"
      using sound_wrt_small_step[of "plug C e2" v'] by blast
    from ovpp have vpp_ob: "observe v'' ob"
    proof -
      from ce2a Ce2_vpp have vpp_app: "A  E v'' []" using preservation by blast 
      from vpp_app wt_v_ap ob_v vvpp val_v
      show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule val_ty_observe) prefer 3 apply assumption apply auto done
    from Ce2_vpp vpp_ob show ?thesis by (simp add: run_def) blast
    assume d_e1: "(diverge (plug C e1)  goes_wrong (plug C e1))  ob = OBad"
    from d_e1 fv_e1 have E_Ce1: "E (plug C e1) [] = {}"
      using diverge_denot_empty goes_wrong_denot_empty by blast 
    from E_Ce1 pe12 have E_Ce2: "E (plug C e2) [] = {}" by simp 
    from E_Ce2 fv_e2 have "diverge (plug C e2)  goes_wrong (plug C e2)" 
      using denot_empty_diverge by blast 
    from this d_e1 show ?thesis  by (simp add: run_def) 

definition ctx_equiv :: "exp  exp  bool" (infix "" 51) where
"e  e'   C ob. FV (plug C e) = {}  FV (plug C e') = {} 
   run (plug C e) ob = run (plug C e') ob" 

theorem denot_sound_wrt_ctx_equiv: assumes e12: "E e1 = E e2" shows "e1  e2"
  using e12
  apply (simp only: ctx_equiv_def) apply clarify apply (rule iffI)
   apply (rule soundness_wrt_ctx_equiv_aux) apply assumption+
  apply (rule soundness_wrt_ctx_equiv_aux) apply auto
