Theory SmallStepLam
section ‹Small-step semantics of CBV lambda calculus›
theory SmallStepLam
imports Lambda
The following substitution function is not capture avoiding, so it has a precondition
that $v$ is closed. With hindsight, we should have used DeBruijn indices instead
because we also use substitution in the optimizing compiler.
fun subst :: "name ⇒ exp ⇒ exp ⇒ exp" where
"subst x v (EVar y) = (if x = y then v else EVar y)" |
"subst x v (ENat n) = ENat n" |
"subst x v (ELam y e) = (if x = y then ELam y e else ELam y (subst x v e))" |
"subst x v (EApp e1 e2) = EApp (subst x v e1) (subst x v e2)" |
"subst x v (EPrim f e1 e2) = EPrim f (subst x v e1) (subst x v e2)" |
"subst x v (EIf e1 e2 e3) = EIf (subst x v e1) (subst x v e2) (subst x v e3)"
inductive isval :: "exp ⇒ bool" where
valnat[intro!]: "isval (ENat n)" |
vallam[intro!]: "isval (ELam x e)"
isval_var_inv[elim!]: "isval (EVar x)" and
isval_app_inv[elim!]: "isval (EApp e1 e2)" and
isval_prim_inv[elim!]: "isval (EPrim f e1 e2)" and
isval_if_inv[elim!]: "isval (EIf e1 e2 e3)"
definition is_val :: "exp ⇒ bool" where
"is_val v ≡ isval v ∧ FV v = {}"
declare is_val_def[simp]
inductive reduce :: "exp ⇒ exp ⇒ bool" (infix ‹⟶› 55) where
beta[intro!]: "⟦ is_val v ⟧ ⟹ EApp (ELam x e) v ⟶ (subst x v e)" |
app_left[intro!]: "⟦ e1 ⟶ e1' ⟧ ⟹ EApp e1 e2 ⟶ EApp e1' e2" |
app_right[intro!]: "⟦ e2 ⟶ e2' ⟧ ⟹ EApp e1 e2 ⟶ EApp e1 e2'" |
delta[intro!]: "EPrim f (ENat n1) (ENat n2) ⟶ ENat (f n1 n2)" |
prim_left[intro!]: "⟦ e1 ⟶ e1' ⟧ ⟹ EPrim f e1 e2 ⟶ EPrim f e1' e2" |
prim_right[intro!]: "⟦ e2 ⟶ e2' ⟧ ⟹ EPrim f e1 e2 ⟶ EPrim f e1 e2'" |
if_zero[intro!]: "EIf (ENat 0) thn els ⟶ els" |
if_nz[intro!]: "n ≠ 0 ⟹ EIf (ENat n) thn els ⟶ thn" |
if_cond[intro!]: "⟦ cond ⟶ cond' ⟧ ⟹
EIf cond thn els ⟶ EIf cond' thn els"
red_var_inv[elim!]: "EVar x ⟶ e" and
red_int_inv[elim!]: "ENat n ⟶ e" and
red_lam_inv[elim!]: "ELam x e ⟶ e'" and
red_app_inv[elim!]: "EApp e1 e2 ⟶ e'"
inductive multi_step :: "exp ⇒ exp ⇒ bool" (infix ‹⟶*› 55) where
ms_nil[intro!]: "e ⟶* e" |
ms_cons[intro!]: "⟦ e1 ⟶ e2; e2 ⟶* e3 ⟧ ⟹ e1 ⟶* e3"
definition diverge :: "exp ⇒ bool" where
"diverge e ≡ (∀ e'. e ⟶* e' ⟶ (∃ e''. e' ⟶ e''))"
definition stuck :: "exp ⇒ bool" where
"stuck e ≡ ¬ (∃ e'. e ⟶ e')"
declare stuck_def[simp]
definition goes_wrong :: "exp ⇒ bool" where
"goes_wrong e ≡ ∃ e'. e ⟶* e' ∧ stuck e' ∧ ¬ isval e'"
declare goes_wrong_def[simp]