Theory Binomial_Coefficient
subsection ‹Binomial Coefficient is Diophantine›
theory Binomial_Coefficient
imports Digit_Function
lemma bin_coeff_diophantine:
shows "c = a choose b ⟷ (∃u.(u = 2^(Suc a) ∧ c = nth_digit ((u+1)^a) b u))"
have "(u + 1)^a = (∑k≤a. (a choose k) * u ^ k)" for u
using binomial[of u 1 a] by auto
moreover have "a choose k < 2 ^ Suc a" for k
using binomial_le_pow2[of a k] by (simp add: le_less_trans)
ultimately have "nth_digit (((2 ^ Suc a) + 1)^a) b (2 ^ Suc a) = a choose b"
using nth_digit_gen_power_series[of "λk.(a choose k)" a a b] by (simp add: atLeast0AtMost)
then show ?thesis by auto
definition binomial_coefficient (‹[_ = _ choose _]› 1000)
where "[A = B choose C] ≡ (TERNARY (λa b c. a = b choose c) A B C)"
lemma binomial_coefficient_dioph[dioph]:
fixes A B C :: polynomial
defines "DR ≡ [C = A choose B]"
shows "is_dioph_rel DR"
proof -
define A' B' C' where pushed_def:
"A' ≡ (push_param A 2)" "B' ≡ (push_param B 2)" "C' ≡ (push_param C 2)"
define DS where "DS ≡ [∃2] [Param 0 = Const 2 ^ (A' [+] ❙1)]
[∧] [Param 1 = (Param 0 [+] ❙1) ^ A']
[∧] [C' = Digit (Param 1) B' (Param 0)]"
have "eval DS a = eval DR a" for a
proof -
have "eval DS a = (peval C a = nth_digit ((2 ^ Suc (peval A a) + 1)^ peval A a)
(peval B a) (2 ^ Suc (peval A a)))"
unfolding DS_def defs pushed_def apply (auto simp add: push_push)
apply (rule exI[of _ "[2 * 2 ^ peval A a, Suc (2 * 2 ^ peval A a) ^ peval A a]"])
apply (auto simp add: push_push push_list_eval)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Suc_lessI mult_pos_pos n_not_Suc_n
numeral_2_eq_2 one_eq_mult_iff pos2 zero_less_power)
then show ?thesis
unfolding DR_def binomial_coefficient_def defs by (simp add: bin_coeff_diophantine)
moreover have "is_dioph_rel DS"
unfolding DS_def by (auto simp: dioph)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto simp: is_dioph_rel_def)
declare binomial_coefficient_def[defs]
text ‹odd function is diophantine›
lemma odd_dioph_repr:
fixes a :: nat
shows "odd a ⟷ (∃x::nat. a = 2*x + 1)"
by (meson dvd_triv_left even_plus_one_iff oddE)
definition odd_lift (‹ODD _› [999] 1000)
where "ODD A ≡ (UNARY (odd) A)"
lemma odd_dioph[dioph]:
fixes A
defines "DR ≡ (ODD A)"
shows "is_dioph_rel DR"
proof -
define DS where "DS ≡ [∃] (push_param A 1) [=] Const 2 [*] Param 0 [+] Const 1"
have "eval DS a = eval DR a" for a
unfolding DS_def DR_def odd_lift_def defs using push_push1 by (simp add: odd_dioph_repr push0)
moreover have "is_dioph_rel DS"
unfolding DS_def by (auto simp: dioph)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto simp: is_dioph_rel_def)
declare odd_lift_def[defs]