Theory CIMP_vcg_rules

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theory CIMP_vcg_rules

subsubsection‹ VCG rules \label{sec:cimp:vcg_rules} ›


We can develop some (but not all) of the familiar Hoare rules; see
citet"DBLP:journals/acta/Lamport80" and the
seL4/l4.verified lemma buckets for inspiration. We avoid many of the
issues Lamport mentions as we only treat basic (atomic) commands.


  fixes coms :: "('answer, 'location, 'proc, 'question, 'state) programs"
  fixes p :: "'proc"
  fixes aft :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) loc_comp"

  valid_syn :: "('answer, 'location, 'proc, 'question, 'state) state_pred
              ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
              ('answer, 'location, 'proc, 'question, 'state) state_pred  bool" where
  "valid_syn P c Q  coms, p, aft  P c Q"
notation valid_syn (_/ _/ _)

  valid_inv_syn :: "('answer, 'location, 'proc, 'question, 'state) state_pred
                   ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com  bool" where
  "valid_inv_syn P c  P c P"
notation valid_inv_syn (_/ _›)

lemma vcg_True:
  "P c True"
by (cases c) (fastforce elim!: vcg_inv intro: vcg.intros)+

lemma vcg_conj:
  " I c Q; I c R   I c Q  R"
by (cases c) (fastforce elim!: vcg_inv intro: vcg.intros)+

lemma vcg_pre_imp:
  " s. P s  Q s; Q c R   P c R"
by (cases c) (fastforce elim!: vcg_inv intro: vcg.intros)+

lemmas vcg_pre = vcg_pre_imp[rotated]

lemma vcg_post_imp:
  " s. Q s  R s; P c Q   P c R"
by (cases c) (fastforce elim!: vcg_inv intro: vcg.intros)+

lemma vcg_prop[intro]:
  "P c"
by (cases c) (fastforce intro: vcg.intros)+

lemma vcg_drop_imp:
  assumes "P c Q"
  shows "P c R  Q"
using assms
by (cases c) (fastforce elim!: vcg_inv intro: vcg.intros)+

lemma vcg_conj_lift:
  assumes x: "P c Q"
  assumes y: "P' c Q'"
  shows      "P  P' c Q  Q'"
apply (rule vcg_conj)
 apply (rule vcg_pre[OF x], simp)
apply (rule vcg_pre[OF y], simp)

lemma vcg_disj_lift:
  assumes x: "P  c Q"
  assumes y: "P' c Q'"
  shows      "P  P' c Q  Q'"
using assms
by (cases c) (fastforce elim!: vcg_inv intro: vcg.intros)+

lemma vcg_imp_lift:
  assumes "P' c ¬ P"
  assumes "Q' c Q"
  shows "P'  Q' c P  Q"
by (simp only: imp_conv_disj vcg_disj_lift[OF assms])

lemma vcg_ex_lift:
  assumes "x. P x c Q x"
  shows "λs. x. P x s c λs. x. Q x s"
using assms
by (cases c) (fastforce elim!: vcg_inv intro: vcg.intros)+

lemma vcg_all_lift:
  assumes "x. P x c Q x"
  shows "λs. x. P x s c λs. x. Q x s"
using assms
by (cases c) (fastforce elim!: vcg_inv intro: vcg.intros)+

lemma vcg_name_pre_state:
  assumes "s. P s  (=) s c Q"
  shows "P c Q"
using assms
by (cases c) (fastforce elim!: vcg_inv intro: vcg.intros)+

lemma vcg_lift_comp:
  assumes f: "P. λs. P (f s :: 'a :: type) c"
  assumes P: "x. Q x c P x"
  shows "λs. Q (f s) s c λs. P (f s) s"
apply (rule vcg_name_pre_state)
apply (rename_tac s)
apply (rule vcg_pre)
 apply (rule vcg_post_imp[rotated])
  apply (rule vcg_conj_lift)
   apply (rule_tac x="f s" in P)
  apply (rule_tac P="λfs. fs = f s" in f)
 apply simp
apply simp

subsubsection‹Cheap non-interference rules›


These rules magically construct VCG lifting rules from the easier to
prove eq_imp› facts. We don't actually use these in the GC,
but we do derive @{const "fun_upd"} equations using the same
mechanism. Thanks to Thomas Sewell for the requisite syntax magic.

As these eq_imp› facts do not usefully compose, we make the
definition asymmetric (i.e., g› does not get a bundle of

Note that these are effectively parametricity rules.


definition eq_imp :: "('a  'b  'c)  ('b  'e)  bool" where
  "eq_imp f g  (s s'. (x. f x s = f x s')  (g s = g s'))"

lemma eq_impD:
  " eq_imp f g; x. f x s = f x s'   g s = g s'"
by (simp add: eq_imp_def)

lemma eq_imp_vcg:
  assumes g: "eq_imp f g"
  assumes f: "x P. P  (f x) c"
  shows "P  g c"
apply (rule vcg_name_pre_state)
apply (rename_tac s)
apply (rule vcg_pre)
 apply (rule vcg_post_imp[rotated])
  apply (rule vcg_all_lift[where 'a='a])
  apply (rule_tac x=x and P="λfs. fs = f x s" in f[rule_format])
 apply simp
 apply (frule eq_impD[where f=f, OF g])
 apply simp
apply simp

lemma eq_imp_vcg_LST:
  assumes g: "eq_imp f g"
  assumes f: "x P. P  (f x)  LST c"
  shows "P  g  LST c"
apply (rule vcg_name_pre_state)
apply (rename_tac s)
apply (rule vcg_pre)
 apply (rule vcg_post_imp[rotated])
  apply (rule vcg_all_lift[where 'a='a])
  apply (rule_tac x=x and P="λfs. fs = f x s" in f[rule_format])
 apply simp
 apply (frule eq_impD[where f=f, OF g])
 apply simp
apply simp

lemma eq_imp_fun_upd:
  assumes g: "eq_imp f g"
  assumes f: "x. f x (s(fld := val)) = f x s"
  shows "g (s(fld := val)) = g s"
apply (rule eq_impD[OF g])
apply (rule f)

lemma curry_forall_eq:
  "(f. P f) = (f. P (case_prod f))"
by (metis case_prod_curry)

lemma pres_tuple_vcg:
  "(P. P  (λs. (f s, g s)) c)
     ((P. P  f c)  (P. P  g c))"
apply (simp add: curry_forall_eq o_def)
apply safe
  apply fast
 apply fast
apply (rename_tac P)
apply (rule_tac f="f" and P="λfs s. P fs (g s)" in vcg_lift_comp; simp)

lemma pres_tuple_vcg_LST:
  "(P. P  (λs. (f s, g s))  LST c)
     ((P. P  f  LST c)  (P. P  g  LST c))"
apply (simp add: curry_forall_eq o_def)
apply safe
  apply fast
 apply fast
apply (rename_tac P)
apply (rule_tac f="λs. f s" and P="λfs s. P fs (g s)" for g in vcg_lift_comp; simp)

no_notation valid_syn (_/ _/ _)


