Theory CIMP_vcg

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theory CIMP_vcg

section‹ State-based invariants \label{sec:cimp-invariants} ›


We provide a simple-minded verification condition generator (VCG) for this language, providing
support for establishing state-based invariants. It is just one way of reasoning about CIMP programs
and is proven sound wrt to the CIMP semantics.

Our approach follows citet"DBLP:journals/acta/Lamport80" and "DBLP:journals/toplas/LamportS84"
(and the later citet"Lamport:2002") and closely
related work by citet"AptFrancezDeRoever:1980",
citet"CousotCousot:1980" and citet"DBLP:journals/acta/LevinG81", who suggest the
incorporation of a history variable. citet"CousotCousot:1980" apparently contains a completeness proof.
Lamport mentions that this technique was well-known in the mid-80s
when he proposed the use of prophecy variables\footnote{@{url
""}}. See also citet"deRoeverEtAl:2001" for an extended discussion of
some of this.


declare small_step.intros[intro]

inductive_cases small_step_inv:
  "(l Request action val # cs, ls) →⇘as'"
  "(l Response action # cs, ls) →⇘as'"
  "(l LocalOp R # cs, ls) →⇘as'"
  "(l IF b THEN c FI # cs, ls) →⇘as'"
  "(l IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI # cs, ls) →⇘as'"
  "(l WHILE b DO c OD # cs, ls) →⇘as'"
  "(LOOP DO c OD # cs, ls) →⇘as'"

lemma small_step_stuck:
  "¬ ([], s) →⇘αc'"
by (auto elim: small_step.cases)

declare system_step.intros[intro]


By default we ask the simplifier to rewrite @{const "atS"} using
ambient @{const "AT"} information.


lemma atS_state_weak_cong[cong]:
  "AT s p = AT s' p  atS p ls s  atS p ls s'"
by (auto simp: atS_def)


We provide an incomplete set of basic rules for label sets.


lemma atS_simps:
  "¬atS p {} s"
  "atS p {l} s  at p l s"
  "at p l s; l  ls  atS p ls s"
  "(l. at p l s  l  ls)  ¬atS p ls s"
by (auto simp: atS_def)

lemma atS_mono:
  "atS p ls s; ls  ls'  atS p ls' s"
by (auto simp: atS_def)

lemma atS_un:
  "atS p (l  l') s  atS p l s  atS p l' s"
by (auto simp: atS_def)

lemma atLs_disj_union[simp]:
  "(atLs p label0  atLs p label1) = atLs p (label0  label1)"
unfolding atLs_def by simp

lemma atLs_insert_disj:
  "atLs p (insert l label0) = (atL p l  atLs p label0)"
by simp

lemma small_step_terminated:
  "s →⇘xs'  atCs (fst s) = {}  atCs (fst s') = {}"
by (induct pred: small_step) auto

lemma atC_not_empty:
  "atC c  {}"
by (induct c) auto

lemma atCs_empty:
  "atCs cs = {}  cs = []"
by (induct cs) (auto simp: atC_not_empty)

lemma terminated_no_commands:
  assumes "terminated p sh"
  shows "s. GST sh p = ([], s)"
using assms unfolding atLs_def AT_def by (metis atCs_empty prod.collapse singletonD)

lemma terminated_GST_stable:
  assumes "system_step q sh' sh"
  assumes "terminated p sh"
  shows "GST sh p = GST sh' p"
using assms by (auto dest!: terminated_no_commands simp: small_step_stuck elim!: system_step.cases)

lemma terminated_stable:
  assumes "system_step q sh' sh"
  assumes "terminated p sh"
  shows "terminated p sh'"
using assms unfolding atLs_def AT_def
by (fastforce split: if_splits prod.splits
               dest: small_step_terminated
              elim!: system_step.cases)

lemma system_step_pls_nonempty:
  assumes "system_step pls sh' sh"
  shows "pls  {}"
using assms by cases simp_all

lemma system_step_no_change:
  assumes "system_step ps sh' sh"
  assumes "p  ps"
  shows "GST sh' p = GST sh p"
using assms by cases simp_all

lemma initial_stateD:
  assumes "initial_state sys s"
  shows "AT (GST = s, HST = []) = atC  PGMs sys  INIT sys (GST = s, HST = [])  (p l. ¬taken p l GST = s, HST = [])"
using assms unfolding initial_state_def split_def o_def LST_def AT_def taken_def by simp

lemma initial_states_initial[iff]:
  assumes "initial_state sys s"
  shows "at p l (GST = s, HST = [])  l  atC (PGMs sys p)"
using assms unfolding initial_state_def split_def AT_def by simp

  reachable_state :: "('answer, 'location, 'proc, 'question, 'state, 'ext) pre_system_ext
                     ('answer, 'location, 'proc, 'question, 'state) state_pred"
  "reachable_state sys s  (σ i. prerun sys σ  σ i = s)"

lemma reachable_stateE:
  assumes "reachable_state sys sh"
  assumes "σ i. prerun sys σ  P (σ i)"
  shows "P sh"
using assms unfolding reachable_state_def by blast

lemma prerun_reachable_state:
  assumes "prerun sys σ"
  shows "reachable_state sys (σ i)"
using assms unfolding prerun_def LTL.defs system_step_reflclp_def reachable_state_def by auto

lemma reachable_state_induct[consumes 1, case_names init LocalStep CommunicationStep, induct set: reachable_state]:
  assumes r: "reachable_state sys sh"
  assumes i: "s. initial_state sys s  P GST = s, HST = []"
  assumes l: "sh ls' p. reachable_state sys sh; P sh; GST sh p →⇘τls'  P GST = (GST sh)(p := ls'), HST = HST sh"
  assumes c: "sh ls1' ls2' p1 p2 α β.
                 reachable_state sys sh; P sh;
                 GST sh p1 →⇘«α, β»ls1'; GST sh p2 →⇘»α, β«ls2'; p1  p2 
                     P GST = (GST sh)(p1 := ls1', p2 := ls2'), HST = HST sh @ [(α, β)]"
  shows "P sh"
using r
proof(rule reachable_stateE)
  fix σ i assume "prerun sys σ" show "P (σ i)"
  proof(induct i)
    case 0 from prerun sys σ show ?case
      unfolding prerun_def by (metis (full_types) i old.unit.exhaust system_state.surjective)
    case (Suc i) with prerun sys σ show ?case
unfolding prerun_def LTL.defs system_step_reflclp_def reachable_state_def
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac x=i in spec)
apply (erule disjE; clarsimp)
apply (erule system_step.cases; clarsimp)
 apply (metis (full_types) prerun sys σ l old.unit.exhaust prerun_reachable_state system_state.surjective)
apply (metis (full_types) prerun sys σ c old.unit.exhaust prerun_reachable_state system_state.surjective)

lemma prerun_valid_TrueI:
  shows "syspre True"
unfolding prerun_valid_def by simp

lemma prerun_valid_conjI:
  assumes "syspre P"
  assumes "syspre Q"
  shows "syspre P  Q"
using assms unfolding prerun_valid_def always_def by simp

lemma valid_prerun_lift:
  assumes "syspre I"
  shows "sys  I"
using assms unfolding prerun_valid_def valid_def run_def by blast

lemma prerun_valid_induct:
  assumes "σ. prerun sys σ  I σ"
  assumes "σ. prerun sys σ  (I  (I)) σ"
  shows "syspre I"
unfolding prerun_valid_def using assms by (simp add: always_induct)

lemma prerun_validI:
  assumes "s. reachable_state sys s  I s"
  shows "syspre I"
unfolding prerun_valid_def using assms by (simp add: alwaysI prerun_reachable_state)

lemma prerun_validE:
  assumes "reachable_state sys s"
  assumes "syspre I"
  shows "I s"
using assms unfolding prerun_valid_def
by (metis alwaysE reachable_stateE suffix_state_prop)

subsubsection‹Relating reachable states to the initial programs \label{sec:cimp-decompose-small-step}›


To usefully reason about the control locations presumably embedded in
the single global invariant, we need to link the programs we have in
reachable state s› to the programs in the initial states. The
fragments› function decomposes the program into statements
that can be directly executed (\S\ref{sec:cimp-decompose}). We also
compute the locations we could be at after executing that statement as
a function of the process's local state.

Eliding the bodies of IF› and WHILE› statements
yields smaller (but equivalent) proof obligations.


type_synonym  ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) loc_comp
  = "'state  'location set"

fun lconst :: "'location set  ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) loc_comp" where
  "lconst lp s = lp"

definition lcond :: "'location set  'location set  'state bexp
                    ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) loc_comp" where
  "lcond lp lp' b s = (if b s then lp else lp')"

lemma lcond_split:
  "Q (lcond lp lp' b s)  (b s  Q lp)  (¬b s  Q lp')"
unfolding lcond_def by (simp split: if_splits)

lemma lcond_split_asm:
  "Q (lcond lp lp' b s)  ¬ ((b s  ¬Q lp)  (¬b s  ¬ Q lp'))"
unfolding lcond_def by (simp split: if_splits)

lemmas lcond_splits = lcond_split lcond_split_asm

  fragments :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
               'location set
               ( ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
               × ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) loc_comp ) set"
  "fragments (l IF b THEN c FI) aft
       = { (l IF b THEN c' FI, lcond (atC c) aft b) |c'. True }
         fragments c aft"
| "fragments (l IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) aft
       = { (l IF b THEN c1' ELSE c2' FI, lcond (atC c1) (atC c2) b) |c1' c2'. True }
         fragments c1 aft  fragments c2 aft"
| "fragments (LOOP DO c OD) aft = fragments c (atC c)"
| "fragments (l WHILE b DO c OD) aft
       =  fragments c {l}  { (l WHILE b DO c' OD, lcond (atC c) aft b) |c'. True }"
| "fragments (c1;; c2) aft = fragments c1 (atC c2)  fragments c2 aft"
| "fragments (c1  c2) aft = fragments c1 aft  fragments c2 aft"
| "fragments c aft = { (c, lconst aft) }"

  fragmentsL :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com list
                ( ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
                 × ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) loc_comp ) set"
  "fragmentsL [] = {}"
| "fragmentsL [c] = fragments c {}"
| "fragmentsL (c # c' # cs) = fragments c (atC c')  fragmentsL (c' # cs)"

  fragmentsLS :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) local_state
                ( ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
                 × ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) loc_comp ) set"
  "fragmentsLS s  fragmentsL (cPGM s)"


We show that taking system steps preserves fragments.


lemma small_step_fragmentsLS:
  assumes "s →⇘αs'"
  shows "fragmentsLS s'  fragmentsLS s"
using assms by induct (case_tac [!] cs, auto)

lemma reachable_state_fragmentsLS:
  assumes "reachable_state sys sh"
  shows "fragmentsLS (GST sh p)  fragments (PGMs sys p) {}"
using assms
by (induct rule: reachable_state_induct)
   (auto simp: initial_state_def dest: subsetD[OF small_step_fragmentsLS])

  basic_com :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com  bool"
  "basic_com (l Request action val)"
| "basic_com (l Response action)"
| "basic_com (l LocalOp R)"
| "basic_com (l IF b THEN c FI)"
| "basic_com (l IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI)"
| "basic_com (l WHILE b DO c OD)"

lemma fragments_basic_com:
  assumes "(c', aft')  fragments c aft"
  shows "basic_com c'"
using assms by (induct c arbitrary: aft) (auto intro: basic_com.intros)

lemma fragmentsL_basic_com:
  assumes "(c', aft')  fragmentsL cs"
  shows "basic_com c'"
using assms
apply (induct cs)
 apply simp
apply (case_tac cs)
 apply (auto simp: fragments_basic_com)


To reason about system transitions we need to identify which basic
statement gets executed next. To that end we factor out the recursive
cases of the @{term "small_step"} semantics into \emph{contexts},
which isolate the basic_com› commands with immediate
externally-visible behaviour. Note that non-determinism means that
more than one basic_com› can be enabled at a time.

The representation of evaluation contexts follows citet"DBLP:journals/jar/Berghofer12". This style of
operational semantics was originated by citet"FelleisenHieb:1992".


type_synonym ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) ctxt
  = "(('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com  ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com)
   × (('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com  ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com list)"

  ctxt :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) ctxt set"
  C_Hole: "(id, [])  ctxt"
| C_Loop: "(E, fctxt)  ctxt  (λc1. LOOP DO E c1 OD, λc1. fctxt c1 @ [LOOP DO E c1 OD])  ctxt"
| C_Seq: "(E, fctxt)  ctxt  (λc1. E c1;; c2, λc1. fctxt c1 @ [c2])  ctxt"
| C_Choose1: "(E, fctxt)  ctxt  (λc1. E c1  c2, fctxt)  ctxt"
| C_Choose2: "(E, fctxt)  ctxt  (λc2. c1  E c2, fctxt)  ctxt"


We can decompose a small step into a context and a @{const "basic_com"}.


  decompose_com :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
                       ( ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
                        × ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) ctxt ) set"
  "decompose_com (LOOP DO c1 OD) = { (c, λt. LOOP DO ictxt t OD, λt. fctxt t @ [LOOP DO ictxt t OD]) |c fctxt ictxt. (c, ictxt, fctxt)  decompose_com c1 }"
| "decompose_com (c1;; c2) = { (c, λt. ictxt t;; c2, λt. fctxt t @ [c2]) |c fctxt ictxt. (c, ictxt, fctxt)  decompose_com c1 }"
| "decompose_com (c1  c2) = { (c, λt. ictxt t  c2, fctxt) |c fctxt ictxt. (c, ictxt, fctxt)  decompose_com c1 }
                            { (c, λt. c1  ictxt t, fctxt) |c fctxt ictxt. (c, ictxt, fctxt)  decompose_com c2 }"
| "decompose_com c = {(c, id, [])}"

  decomposeLS :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) local_state
                ( ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
                 × (('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com  ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com)
                 × (('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com  ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com list) ) set"
  "decomposeLS s = (case cPGM s of c # _  decompose_com c | _  {})"

lemma ctxt_inj:
  assumes "(E, fctxt)  ctxt"
  assumes "E x = E y"
  shows "x = y"
using assms by (induct set: ctxt) auto

lemma decompose_com_non_empty: "decompose_com c  {}"
by (induct c) auto

lemma decompose_com_basic_com:
  assumes "(c', ctxts)  decompose_com c"
  shows "basic_com c'"
using assms by (induct c arbitrary: c' ctxts) (auto intro: basic_com.intros)

lemma decomposeLS_basic_com:
  assumes "(c', ctxts)  decomposeLS s"
  shows "basic_com c'"
using assms unfolding decomposeLS_def by (simp add: decompose_com_basic_com split: list.splits)

lemma decompose_com_ctxt:
  assumes "(c', ctxts)  decompose_com c"
  shows "ctxts  ctxt"
using assms by (induct c arbitrary: c' ctxts) (auto intro: ctxt.intros)

lemma decompose_com_ictxt:
  assumes "(c', ictxt, fctxt)  decompose_com c"
  shows "ictxt c' = c"
using assms by (induct c arbitrary: c' ictxt fctxt) auto

lemma decompose_com_small_step:
  assumes as: "(c' # fctxt c' @ cs, s) →⇘αs'"
  assumes ds: "(c', ictxt, fctxt)  decompose_com c"
  shows "(c # cs, s) →⇘αs'"
using decompose_com_ctxt[OF ds] as decompose_com_ictxt[OF ds]
by (induct ictxt fctxt arbitrary: c cs)
   (cases s', fastforce simp: fun_eq_iff dest: ctxt_inj)+

theorem context_decompose:
  "s →⇘αs'  ((c, ictxt, fctxt)  decomposeLS s.
                     cPGM s = ictxt c # tl (cPGM s)
                    (c # fctxt c @ tl (cPGM s), cTKN s, cLST s) →⇘αs'
                    (latC c. cTKN s' = Some l))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs then show ?rhs
  unfolding decomposeLS_def
  proof(induct rule: small_step.induct)
    case (Choose1 c1 cs s α cs' s' c2) then show ?case
      apply clarsimp
      apply (rename_tac c ictxt fctxt)
      apply (rule_tac x="(c, λt. ictxt t  c2, fctxt)" in bexI)
      apply auto
    case (Choose2 c2 cs s α cs' s' c1) then show ?case
      apply clarsimp
      apply (rename_tac c ictxt fctxt)
      apply (rule_tac x="(c, λt. c1  ictxt t, fctxt)" in bexI)
      apply auto
  qed fastforce+
  assume ?rhs then show ?lhs
    unfolding decomposeLS_def
    by (cases s) (auto split: list.splits dest: decompose_com_small_step)


While we only use this result left-to-right (to decompose a small step
into a basic one), this equivalence shows that we lose no information
in doing so.

Decomposing a compound command preserves @{constfragments} too.


  loc_compC :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
                             ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com list
                             ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) loc_comp"
  "loc_compC (l IF b THEN c FI) cs = lcond (atC c) (atCs cs) b"
| "loc_compC (l IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) cs = lcond (atC c1) (atC c2) b"
| "loc_compC (LOOP DO c OD) cs = lconst (atC c)"
| "loc_compC (l WHILE b DO c OD) cs = lcond (atC c) (atCs cs) b"
| "loc_compC c cs = lconst (atCs cs)"

lemma decompose_fragments:
  assumes "(c, ictxt, fctxt)  decompose_com c0"
  shows "(c, loc_compC c (fctxt c @ cs))  fragments c0 (atCs cs)"
using assms
proof(induct c0 arbitrary: c ictxt fctxt cs)
  case (Loop c01 c ictxt fctxt cs)
  from Loop.prems Loop.hyps(1)[where cs="ictxt c # cs"] show ?case by (auto simp: decompose_com_ictxt)
  case (Seq c01 c02 c ictxt fctxt cs)
  from Seq.prems Seq.hyps(1)[where cs="c02 # cs"] show ?case by auto
qed auto

lemma at_decompose:
  assumes "(c, ictxt, fctxt)  decompose_com c0"
  shows "atC c  atC c0"
using assms by (induct c0 arbitrary: c ictxt fctxt; fastforce)

lemma at_decomposeLS:
  assumes "(c, ictxt, fctxt)  decomposeLS s"
  shows "atC c  atCs (cPGM s)"
using assms unfolding decomposeLS_def by (auto simp: at_decompose split: list.splits)

lemma decomposeLS_fragmentsLS:
  assumes "(c, ictxt, fctxt)  decomposeLS s"
  shows "(c, loc_compC c (fctxt c @ tl (cPGM s)))  fragmentsLS s"
using assms
proof(cases "cPGM s")
  case (Cons d ds)
  with assms decompose_fragments[where cs="ds"] show ?thesis
    by (cases ds) (auto simp: decomposeLS_def)
qed (simp add: decomposeLS_def)

lemma small_step_loc_compC:
  assumes "basic_com c"
  assumes "(c # cs, ls) →⇘αls'"
  shows "loc_compC c cs (snd ls) = atCs (cPGM ls')"
using assms by (fastforce elim: basic_com.cases elim!: small_step_inv split: lcond_splits)


The headline result allows us to constrain the initial and final states
of a given small step in terms of the original programs, provided the
initial state is reachable.


theorem decompose_small_step:
  assumes "GST sh p →⇘αps'"
  assumes "reachable_state sys sh"
  obtains c cs aft
    where "(c, aft)  fragments (PGMs sys p) {}"
      and "atC c  atCs (cPGM (GST sh p))"
      and "aft (cLST (GST sh p)) = atCs (cPGM ps')"
      and "(c # cs, cTKN (GST sh p), cLST (GST sh p)) →⇘αps'"
      and "latC c. cTKN ps' = Some l"
using assms
apply -
apply (frule iffD1[OF context_decompose])
apply clarsimp
apply (frule decomposeLS_fragmentsLS)
apply (frule at_decomposeLS)
apply (frule (1) subsetD[OF reachable_state_fragmentsLS])
apply (frule decomposeLS_basic_com)
apply (frule (1) small_step_loc_compC)
apply simp


Reasoning by induction over the reachable states
with @{thm [source] "decompose_small_step"} is quite tedious. We
provide a very simple VCG that generates friendlier local proof
obligations in \S\ref{sec:vcg}.


subsection‹Simple-minded Hoare Logic/VCG for CIMP \label{sec:vcg}›



We do not develop a proper Hoare logic or full VCG for CIMP: this
machinery merely packages up the subgoals that arise from induction
over the reachable states (\S\ref{sec:cimp-invariants}). This is
somewhat in the spirit of citet"Ridge:2009".

Note that this approach is not compositional: it consults the original
system to find matching communicating pairs, and aft›
tracks the labels of possible successor statements. More serious Hoare
logics are provided by citet"DBLP:journals/acta/Lamport80" and "DBLP:journals/toplas/LamportS84"
and "CousotCousot89-IC".

Intuitively we need to discharge a proof obligation for either @{const
"Request"}s or @{const "Response"}s but not both. Here we choose to
focus on @{const "Request"}s as we expect to have more local
information available about these.


  vcg :: "('answer, 'location, 'proc, 'question, 'state) programs
         ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) loc_comp
         ('answer, 'location, 'proc, 'question, 'state) state_pred
         ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
         ('answer, 'location, 'proc, 'question, 'state) state_pred
         bool" (‹_, _, _ / _/ _/ _ [11,0,0,0,0,0] 11)
  " aft' action' s ps' p's' l' β s' p'.
       pre s; (l' Response action', aft')  fragments (coms p') {}; p  p';
        ps'  val β (s p); (p's', β)  action' (action (s p)) (s p');
        at p l s; at p' l' s;
        AT s' = (AT s)(p := aft (s p), p' := aft' (s p'));
        s' = s(p := ps', p' := p's');
        taken p l s';
        HST s' = HST s @ [(action (s p), β)];
        p''-{p,p'}. GST s' p'' = GST s p''
        post s'
     coms, p, aft  pre l Request action val post"
| " s ps' s'.
       pre s; ps'  f (s p);
        at p l s;
        AT s' = (AT s)(p := aft (s p));
        s' = s(p := ps');
        taken p l s';
        HST s' = HST s;
        p''-{p}. GST s' p'' = GST s p''
        post s'
     coms, p, aft  pre l LocalOp f post"
| " s s'.
       pre s;
        at p l s;
        AT s' = (AT s)(p := aft (s p));
        s' = s;
        taken p l s';
        HST s' = HST s;
        p''-{p}. GST s' p'' = GST s p''
        post s'
     coms, p, aft  pre l IF b THEN t FI post"
| " s s'.
       pre s;
        at p l s;
        AT s' = (AT s)(p := aft (s p));
        s' = s;
        taken p l s';
        HST s' = HST s;
        p''-{p}. GST s' p'' = GST s p''
        post s'
     coms, p, aft  pre l IF b THEN t ELSE e FI post"
| " s s'.
       pre s;
        at p l s;
        AT s' = (AT s)(p := aft (s p));
        s' = s;
        taken p l s';
        HST s' = HST s;
        p''-{p}. GST s' p'' = GST s p''
        post s'
     coms, p, aft  pre l WHILE b DO c OD post"
― ‹There are no proof obligations for the following commands, but including them makes some basic rules hold (\S\ref{sec:cimp:vcg_rules}):›
| "coms, p, aft  pre l Response action post"
| "coms, p, aft  pre c1 ;; c2 post"
| "coms, p, aft  pre LOOP DO c OD post"
| "coms, p, aft  pre c1  c2 post"


We abbreviate invariance with one-sided validity syntax.


abbreviation valid_inv (‹_, _, _ / _/ _› [11,0,0,0,0] 11) where
  "coms, p, aft  I c  coms, p, aft  I c I"

inductive_cases vcg_inv:
  "coms, p, aft  pre l Request action val post"
  "coms, p, aft  pre l LocalOp f post"
  "coms, p, aft  pre l IF b THEN t FI post"
  "coms, p, aft  pre l IF b THEN t ELSE e FI post"
  "coms, p, aft  pre l WHILE b DO c OD post"
  "coms, p, aft  pre LOOP DO c OD post"
  "coms, p, aft  pre l Response action post"
  "coms, p, aft  pre c1 ;; c2 post"
  "coms, p, aft  pre Choose c1 c2 post"


We tweak @{const "fragments"} by omitting @{const "Response"}s,
yielding fewer obligations


  vcg_fragments' :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
                'location set
                ( ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
                 × ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) loc_comp ) set"
  "vcg_fragments' (l Response action) aft = {}"
| "vcg_fragments' (l IF b THEN c FI) aft
       = vcg_fragments' c aft
        { (l IF b THEN c' FI, lcond (atC c) aft b) |c'. True }"
| "vcg_fragments' (l IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) aft
       = vcg_fragments' c2 aft  vcg_fragments' c1 aft
        { (l IF b THEN c1' ELSE c2' FI, lcond (atC c1) (atC c2) b) |c1' c2'. True }"
| "vcg_fragments' (LOOP DO c OD) aft = vcg_fragments' c (atC c)"
| "vcg_fragments' (l WHILE b DO c OD) aft
       = vcg_fragments' c {l}  { (l WHILE b DO c' OD, lcond (atC c) aft b) |c'. True }"
| "vcg_fragments' (c1 ;; c2) aft = vcg_fragments' c2 aft  vcg_fragments' c1 (atC c2)"
| "vcg_fragments' (c1  c2) aft = vcg_fragments' c1 aft  vcg_fragments' c2 aft"
| "vcg_fragments' c aft = {(c, lconst aft)}"

  vcg_fragments :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
                   ( ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com
                    × ('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) loc_comp ) set"
  "vcg_fragments c  vcg_fragments' c {}"

fun isResponse :: "('answer, 'location, 'question, 'state) com  bool" where
  "isResponse (l Response action)  True"
| "isResponse _  False"

lemma fragments_vcg_fragments':
  " (c, aft)  fragments c' aft'; ¬isResponse c   (c, aft)  vcg_fragments' c' aft'"
by (induct c' arbitrary: aft') auto

lemma vcg_fragments'_fragments:
  "vcg_fragments' c' aft'  fragments c' aft'" 
by (induct c' arbitrary: aft') (auto 10 0)

lemma VCG_step:
  assumes V: "p. (c, aft)  vcg_fragments (PGMs sys p). PGMs sys, p, aft  pre c post"
  assumes S: "system_step p sh' sh"
  assumes R: "reachable_state sys sh"
  assumes P: "pre sh"
  shows "post sh'"
using S
proof cases
  case LocalStep with P show ?thesis
    apply -
    apply (erule decompose_small_step[OF _ R])
    apply (frule fragments_basic_com)
    apply (erule basic_com.cases)
    apply (fastforce dest!: fragments_vcg_fragments' V[rule_format]
                      elim: vcg_inv elim!: small_step_inv
                      simp: LST_def AT_def taken_def fun_eq_iff)+
  case CommunicationStep with P show ?thesis
    apply -
    apply (erule decompose_small_step[OF _ R])
    apply (erule decompose_small_step[OF _ R])
    subgoal for c cs aft c' cs' aft'
    apply (frule fragments_basic_com[where c'=c])
    apply (frule fragments_basic_com[where c'=c'])
    apply (elim basic_com.cases; clarsimp elim!: small_step_inv)
    apply (drule fragments_vcg_fragments')
    apply (fastforce dest!: V[rule_format]
                      elim: vcg_inv elim!: small_step_inv
                      simp: LST_def AT_def taken_def fun_eq_iff)+


The user sees the conclusion of V› for each element of @{constvcg_fragments}.


lemma VCG_step_inv_stable:
  assumes V: "p. (c, aft)  vcg_fragments (PGMs sys p). PGMs sys, p, aft  I c"
  assumes "prerun sys σ"
  shows "(I  I) σ"
apply (rule alwaysI)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule nextI)
apply clarsimp
using assms(2) unfolding prerun_def
apply clarsimp
apply (erule_tac i=i in alwaysE)
unfolding system_step_reflclp_def
apply clarsimp
apply (erule disjE; clarsimp)
using VCG_step[where pre=I and post=I] V assms(2) prerun_reachable_state
apply blast

lemma VCG:
  assumes I: "s. initial_state sys s  I (GST = s, HST = [])"
  assumes V: "p. (c, aft)  vcg_fragments (PGMs sys p). PGMs sys, p, aft  I c"
  shows "syspre I"
apply (rule prerun_valid_induct)
 apply (clarsimp simp: prerun_def state_prop_def)
 apply (metis (full_types) I old.unit.exhaust system_state.surjective)
using VCG_step_inv_stable[OF V] apply blast

lemmas VCG_valid = valid_prerun_lift[OF VCG, of sys I] for sys I
