Theory Riemann_Sphere

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
section ‹Riemann sphere›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹The extended complex plane $\mathbb{C}P^1$ can be identified with a Riemann (unit) sphere
$\Sigma$ by means of stereographic projection. The sphere is projected from its north pole $N$ to
the $xOy$ plane (identified with $\mathbb{C}$). This projection establishes a bijective map $sp$
between $\Sigma \setminus \{N\}$ and the finite complex plane $\mathbb{C}$. The infinite point is
defined as the image of $N$.›

theory Riemann_Sphere
imports Homogeneous_Coordinates Circlines "HOL-Analysis.Product_Vector"

text ‹Coordinates in $\mathbb{R}^3$›
type_synonym R3 = "real × real × real"

text ‹Type of points of $\Sigma$›
abbreviation unit_sphere where
  "unit_sphere  {(x::real, y::real, z::real). x*x + y*y + z*z = 1}"

typedef riemann_sphere = "unit_sphere"
  by (rule_tac x="(1, 0, 0)" in exI) simp

setup_lifting type_definition_riemann_sphere

lemma sphere_bounds':
  assumes "x*x + y*y + z*z = (1::real)"
  shows "-1  x  x  1"
  from assms have "x*x  1"
    by (smt (verit) real_minus_mult_self_le)
  hence "x2  12" "(- x)2  12"
    by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square)
  show "-1  x  x  1"
  proof (cases "x  0")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using x2  12
      by (smt (verit) power2_le_imp_le)      
    case False
    thus ?thesis
      using (-x)2  12
      by (smt (verit) power2_le_imp_le)      

lemma sphere_bounds:
  assumes "x*x + y*y + z*z = (1::real)"
  shows "-1  x  x  1"  "-1  y  y  1"  "-1  z  z  1"
  using assms
  using sphere_bounds'[of x y z] sphere_bounds'[of y x z] sphere_bounds'[of z x y]
  by (auto simp add: field_simps)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsection ‹Parametrization of the unit sphere in polar coordinates›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

lemma sphere_params_on_sphere:
  fixes α β :: real
  assumes "x = cos α * cos β" and "y = cos α * sin β" "z = sin α"
  shows "x*x + y*y + z*z = 1"
  have "x*x + y*y = (cos α * cos α) * (cos β * cos β) + (cos α * cos α) * (sin β * sin β)"
    using assms
    by simp
  hence "x*x + y*y = cos α * cos α"
    using sin_cos_squared_add3[of β]
    by (subst (asm) distrib_left[symmetric]) (simp add: field_simps)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    using sin_cos_squared_add3[of α]
    by simp

lemma sphere_params:
  fixes x y z :: real
  assumes "x*x + y*y + z*z = 1"
  shows "x = cos (arcsin z) * cos (atan2 y x)  y = cos (arcsin z) * sin (atan2 y x)  z = sin (arcsin z)"
proof (cases "z=1  z = -1")
  case True
  hence "x = 0  y = 0"
    using assms
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    using z = 1  z = -1
    by (auto simp add: cos_arcsin)
  case False
  hence "x  0  y  0"
    using assms
    by (auto simp add: square_eq_1_iff)
  thus ?thesis
    using real_sqrt_unique[of y "1 - z*z"]
    using real_sqrt_unique[of "-y" "1 - z*z"]
    using sphere_bounds[OF assms] assms
    by (auto simp add: cos_arcsin cos_arctan sin_arctan power2_eq_square field_simps real_sqrt_divide atan2_def)

lemma ex_sphere_params:
  assumes "x*x + y*y + z*z = 1"
  shows " α β. x = cos α * cos β  y = cos α * sin β  z = sin α  -pi / 2  α  α  pi / 2  -pi  β  β < pi"
using assms arcsin_bounded[of z] sphere_bounds[of x y z]
by (rule_tac x="arcsin z" in exI, rule_tac x="atan2 y x" in exI) (simp add: sphere_params arcsin_bounded atan2_bounded)

(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsection ‹Stereographic and inverse stereographic projection›
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Stereographic projection›

definition stereographic_r3_cvec :: "R3  complex_vec" where
[simp]: "stereographic_r3_cvec M = (let (x, y, z) =  M in
     (if (x, y, z)  (0, 0, 1) then
           (x + 𝗂 * y, cor (1 - z))
           (1, 0)

lift_definition stereographic_r3_hcoords :: "R3  complex_homo_coords" is stereographic_r3_cvec
  by (auto split: if_split_asm simp add: cor_eq_0)

lift_definition stereographic :: "riemann_sphere  complex_homo" is stereographic_r3_hcoords

text ‹Inverse stereographic projection›

definition inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 :: "complex_vec  R3" where [simp]:
  "inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 z = (
     let (z1, z2) = z
       in if z2 = 0 then
              (0, 0, 1)
             let z = z1/z2;
                 X = Re (2*z / (1 + z*cnj z));
                 Y = Im (2*z / (1 + z*cnj z));
                 Z = ((cmod z)2 - 1) / (1 + (cmod z)2)
               in (X, Y, Z))"

lemma Re_stereographic:
  shows "Re (2 * z / (1 + z * cnj z)) = 2 * Re z / (1 + (cmod z)2)"
  using one_plus_square_neq_zero
  by (subst complex_mult_cnj_cmod, subst Re_divide_real) (auto simp add: power2_eq_square)

lemma Im_stereographic: 
  shows "Im (2 * z / (1 + z * cnj z)) = 2 * Im z / (1 + (cmod z)2)"
  using one_plus_square_neq_zero
  by (subst complex_mult_cnj_cmod, subst Im_divide_real) (auto simp add: power2_eq_square)

lemma inv_stereographic_on_sphere:
  assumes "X = Re (2*z / (1 + z*cnj z))" and "Y = Im (2*z / (1 + z*cnj z))" and "Z = ((cmod z)2 - 1) / (1 + (cmod z)2)"
  shows "X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z = 1"
  have "1 + (cmod z)2  0"
    by (smt (verit) power2_less_0)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    by (simp add: Re_stereographic Im_stereographic)
       (cases z, simp add: power2_eq_square real_sqrt_mult[symmetric] add_divide_distrib[symmetric], simp add: complex_norm power2_eq_square field_simps)

lift_definition inv_stereographic_hcoords_r3 :: "complex_homo_coords  R3" is inv_stereographic_cvec_r3

lift_definition inv_stereographic :: "complex_homo  riemann_sphere" is inv_stereographic_hcoords_r3
proof transfer
  fix v v'
  assume 1: "v  vec_zero" "v'  vec_zero" "v v v'"
  obtain v1 v2 v'1 v'2 where *: "v = (v1, v2)" "v' = (v'1, v'2)"
    by (cases v, cases v', auto)
  obtain x y z where
    **: "inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 v = (x, y, z)"
    by (cases "inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 v", blast)
  have "inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 v  unit_sphere"
  proof (cases "v2 = 0")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using *
      by simp
    case False
    thus ?thesis
      using * ** inv_stereographic_on_sphere[of x "v1 / v2" y z]
      by (simp add: norm_divide)
  have "inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 v = inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 v'"
    using 1 * **
    by (auto split: if_split if_split_asm)
  show "inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 v  unit_sphere 
        inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 v = inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 v'"
    by simp

text ‹North pole›
definition North_R3 :: R3 where
  [simp]: "North_R3 = (0, 0, 1)"
lift_definition North :: "riemann_sphere" is North_R3
  by simp

lemma stereographic_North: 
  shows "stereographic x = h  x = North"
  by (transfer, transfer, auto split: if_split_asm)

text ‹Stereographic and inverse stereographic projection are mutually inverse.›

lemma stereographic_inv_stereographic':
  z: "z = z1/z2" and "z2  0" and
  X: "X = Re (2*z / (1 + z*cnj z))" and Y: "Y = Im (2*z / (1 + z*cnj z))" and Z: "Z = ((cmod z)2 - 1) / (1 + (cmod z)2)"
  shows " k. k  0  (X + 𝗂*Y, complex_of_real (1 - Z)) = k *sv (z1, z2)"
  have "1 + (cmod z)2  0"
    by (metis one_power2 sum_power2_eq_zero_iff zero_neq_one)
  hence "(1 - Z) = 2 / (1 + (cmod z)2)"
    using Z
    by (auto simp add: field_simps)
  hence "cor (1 - Z) = 2 / cor (1 + (cmod z)2)"
    by auto
  have "X = 2 * Re(z) / (1 + (cmod z)2)"
    using X
    by (simp add: Re_stereographic)
  have "Y = 2 * Im(z) / (1 + (cmod z)2)"
    using Y
    by (simp add: Im_stereographic)
  have "X + 𝗂*Y = 2 * z / cor (1 + (cmod z)2)"
    using 1 + (cmod z)2  0
    unfolding Complex_eq[of X Y, symmetric]
    by (subst X = 2*Re(z) / (1 + (cmod z)2), subst Y = 2*Im(z) / (1 + (cmod z)2), simp add: Complex_scale4 Complex_scale1)
  have "1 + (cor (cmod (z1 / z2)))2  0"
    by (rule one_plus_square_neq_zero)
  show ?thesis
    using z2  0 1 + (cmod z)2  0
    by (simp, subst z)+
       (rule_tac x="(2 / (1 + (cor (cmod (z1 / z2)))2)) / z2" in exI, auto)

lemma stereographic_inv_stereographic [simp]:
  shows "stereographic (inv_stereographic w) = w"
  have "w = stereographic (inv_stereographic w)"
  proof (transfer, transfer)
    fix w
    assume "w  vec_zero"
    obtain w1 w2 where *: "w = (w1, w2)"
      by (cases w, auto)
    obtain x y z where **: "inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 w = (x, y, z)"
      by (cases "inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 w", blast)
    show "w v stereographic_r3_cvec (inv_stereographic_cvec_r3 w)"
      using w  vec_zero stereographic_inv_stereographic'[of "w1/w2" w1 w2 x y z] * **
      by (auto simp add: split_def Let_def split: if_split_asm)
  thus ?thesis
    by simp

text ‹Stereographic projection is bijective function›

lemma bij_stereographic:
  shows "bij stereographic"
  unfolding bij_def inj_on_def surj_def
proof (safe)
  fix a b
  assume "stereographic a = stereographic b"
  thus "a = b"
  proof (transfer, transfer)
    fix a b :: R3
    obtain xa ya za xb yb zb where
      *: "a = (xa, ya, za)" "b = (xb, yb, zb)"
      by (cases a, cases b, auto)
    assume **: "a  unit_sphere" "b  unit_sphere" "stereographic_r3_cvec a v stereographic_r3_cvec b"
    show "a = b"
    proof (cases "a = (0, 0, 1)  b = (0, 0, 1)")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using * **
        by (simp split: if_split_asm) force+
      case False
      then obtain k where ++: "k  0" "cor xb + 𝗂 * cor yb = k * (cor xa + 𝗂 * cor ya)" "1 - cor zb = k * (1 - cor za)"
        using * **
        by (auto split: if_split_asm)

          assume "xb + xa*zb = xa + xb*za"
                 "yb + ya*zb = ya + yb*za"
                 "xa*xa + ya*ya + za*za = 1" "xb*xb + yb*yb + zb*zb = 1"
                 "za  1" "zb  1"
          hence "xa = xb  ya = yb  za = zb"
            by algebra
      } note *** = this

      have "za  1" "zb  1"
        using False * **
        by auto
      have "k = (1 - cor zb) / (1 - cor za)"
        using 1 - cor zb = k * (1 - cor za) za  1
        by simp
      hence "(1 - cor za) * (cor xb + 𝗂 * cor yb) = (1 - cor zb) * (cor xa + 𝗂 * cor ya)"
        using za  1 ++(2)
        by simp
      hence "xb + xa*zb = xa + xb*za"
            "yb + ya*zb = ya + yb*za"
            "xa*xa + ya*ya + za*za = 1" "xb*xb + yb*yb + zb*zb = 1"
        using * ** za  1
        apply (simp_all add: field_simps)
        unfolding complex_of_real_def imaginary_unit.ctr
        by (simp_all add: legacy_Complex_simps)
      thus ?thesis
          using * ** *** za  1 zb  1
          by simp
  fix y
  show " x. y = stereographic x"
    by (rule_tac x="inv_stereographic y" in exI, simp)

lemma inv_stereographic_stereographic [simp]: 
  shows "inv_stereographic (stereographic x) = x"
  using stereographic_inv_stereographic[of "stereographic x"]
  using bij_stereographic
  unfolding bij_def inj_on_def
  by simp

lemma inv_stereographic_is_inv:
  shows "inv_stereographic = inv stereographic"
  by (rule inv_equality[symmetric], simp_all)

(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsection ‹Circles on the sphere›
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Circlines in the plane correspond to circles on the Riemann sphere, and we formally establish
this connection. Every circle in three--dimensional space can be obtained as the intersection of a
sphere and a plane. We establish a one-to-one correspondence between circles on the Riemann sphere
and planes in space. Note that the plane need not intersect the sphere, but we will still say that
it defines a single imaginary circle. However, for one special circline (the one with the identity
representative matrix), there does not exist a plane in $\mathbb{R}^3$ that would correspond to it
--- in order to have this, instead of considering planes in $\mathbb{R}^3$, we must consider three
dimensional projective space and consider the infinite (hyper)plane.›

text ‹Planes in $R^3$ are given by equations $ax+by+cz=d$. Two four-tuples of coefficients $(a, b, c,
d)$ give the same plane iff they are proportional.›

type_synonym R4 = "real × real × real × real"

fun mult_sv :: "real  R4  R4" (infixl *sv4 100) where
  "k *sv4 (a, b, c, d) = (k*a, k*b, k*c, k*d)"

abbreviation plane_vectors where
  "plane_vectors  {(a::real, b::real, c::real, d::real). a  0  b  0  c  0  d  0}"

typedef plane_vec = "plane_vectors"
  by (rule_tac x="(1, 1, 1, 1)" in exI) simp

setup_lifting type_definition_plane_vec

definition plane_vec_eq_r4 :: "R4  R4  bool" where
  [simp]: "plane_vec_eq_r4 v1 v2  ( k. k  0  v2 = k *sv4 v1)"

lift_definition plane_vec_eq :: "plane_vec  plane_vec  bool" is plane_vec_eq_r4

lemma mult_sv_one [simp]:
  shows "1 *sv4 x = x"
  by (cases x) simp

lemma mult_sv_distb [simp]:
  shows "x *sv4 (y *sv4 v) = (x*y) *sv4 v"
  by (cases v) simp

quotient_type plane = plane_vec / plane_vec_eq
proof (rule equivpI)
  show "reflp plane_vec_eq"
    unfolding reflp_def
    by (auto simp add: plane_vec_eq_def) (rule_tac x="1" in exI, simp)
  show "symp plane_vec_eq"
    unfolding symp_def
    by (auto simp add: plane_vec_eq_def) (rule_tac x="1/k" in exI, simp)
  show "transp plane_vec_eq"
    unfolding transp_def
    by (auto simp add: plane_vec_eq_def) (rule_tac x="ka*k" in exI, simp)

text ‹Plane coefficients give a linear equation and the point on the Riemann sphere lies on the
circle determined by the plane iff its representation satisfies that linear equation.›

definition on_sphere_circle_r4_r3 :: "R4  R3  bool" where
  [simp]: "on_sphere_circle_r4_r3 α A 
      (let (X, Y, Z) = A;
           (a, b, c, d) = α
        in a*X + b*Y + c*Z + d = 0)"

lift_definition on_sphere_circle_vec :: "plane_vec  R3  bool" is on_sphere_circle_r4_r3

lift_definition on_sphere_circle :: "plane  riemann_sphere  bool" is on_sphere_circle_vec
proof (transfer)
  fix pv1 pv2 :: R4 and w :: R3
  obtain a1 b1 c1 d1 a2 b2 c2 d2 x y z where
    *: "pv1 = (a1, b1, c1, d1)" "pv2 = (a2, b2, c2, d2)" "w = (x, y, z)"
    by (cases pv1, cases pv2, cases w, auto)
  assume "pv1  plane_vectors" "pv2  plane_vectors" "w  unit_sphere" "plane_vec_eq_r4 pv1 pv2"
  then obtain k where **: "a2 = k*a1" "b2 = k*b1" "c2 = k*c1" "d2 = k*d1" "k  0"
    using *
    by auto
  have "k * a1 * x + k * b1 * y + k * c1 * z + k * d1 = k*(a1*x + b1*y + c1*z + d1)"
    by (simp add: field_simps)
  thus "on_sphere_circle_r4_r3 pv1 w = on_sphere_circle_r4_r3 pv2 w"
    using * **
    by simp

definition sphere_circle_set where
  "sphere_circle_set α = {A. on_sphere_circle α A}"

(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsection ‹Connections of circlines in the plane and circles on the Riemann sphere›
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹We introduce stereographic and inverse stereographic projection between circles on the Riemann
sphere and circlines in the extended complex plane.›

definition inv_stereographic_circline_cmat_r4 :: "complex_mat  R4" where
  [simp]: "inv_stereographic_circline_cmat_r4 H  =
            (let (A, B, C, D) = H
              in (Re (B+C), Re(𝗂*(C-B)), Re(A-D), Re(D+A)))"

lift_definition inv_stereographic_circline_clmat_pv :: "circline_mat  plane_vec" is inv_stereographic_circline_cmat_r4
  by (auto simp add: hermitean_def mat_adj_def mat_cnj_def real_imag_0 eq_cnj_iff_real)

lift_definition inv_stereographic_circline :: "circline  plane" is inv_stereographic_circline_clmat_pv
  apply transfer
  apply simp
  apply (erule exE)
  apply (rule_tac x="k" in exI)
  apply (case_tac "circline_mat1", case_tac "circline_mat2")
  apply (simp add: field_simps)

definition stereographic_circline_r4_cmat :: "R4  complex_mat" where
[simp]: "stereographic_circline_r4_cmat α =
         (let (a, b, c, d) = α
           in (cor ((c+d)/2) , ((cor a + 𝗂 * cor b)/2), ((cor a - 𝗂 * cor b)/2), cor ((d-c)/2)))"

lift_definition stereographic_circline_pv_clmat :: "plane_vec  circline_mat" is stereographic_circline_r4_cmat
  by (auto simp add: hermitean_def mat_adj_def mat_cnj_def)

lift_definition stereographic_circline :: "plane  circline" is stereographic_circline_pv_clmat
  apply transfer
  apply transfer
  apply (case_tac plane_vec1, case_tac plane_vec2, simp, erule exE, rule_tac x=k in exI, simp add: field_simps)

text ‹Stereographic and inverse stereographic projection of circlines are mutually inverse.›

lemma stereographic_circline_inv_stereographic_circline:
  shows "stereographic_circline  inv_stereographic_circline = id"
proof (rule ext, simp)
  fix H
  show "stereographic_circline (inv_stereographic_circline H) = H"
  proof (transfer, transfer)
    fix H
    assume hh: "hermitean H  H  mat_zero"
    obtain A B C D where HH: "H = (A, B, C, D)"
      by (cases "H") auto
    have "is_real A" "is_real D" "C = cnj B"
      using HH hh hermitean_elems[of A B C D]
      by auto
    thus "circline_eq_cmat (stereographic_circline_r4_cmat (inv_stereographic_circline_cmat_r4 H)) H"
      using HH
      apply simp
      apply (rule_tac x=1 in exI, cases B)
      by (smt (verit) add_uminus_conv_diff complex_cnj_add complex_cnj_complex_of_real complex_cnj_i complex_cnj_mult complex_cnj_one complex_eq distrib_left_numeral mult.commute mult.left_commute mult.left_neutral mult_cancel_right2 mult_minus_left of_real_1 one_add_one)

text ‹Stereographic and inverse stereographic projection of circlines are mutually inverse.›
lemma inv_stereographic_circline_stereographic_circline:
  "inv_stereographic_circline  stereographic_circline = id"
proof (rule ext, simp)
  fix α
  show "inv_stereographic_circline (stereographic_circline α) = α"
  proof (transfer, transfer)
    fix α
    assume aa: "α  plane_vectors"
    obtain a b c d where AA: "α = (a, b, c, d)"
      by (cases "α") auto
    thus "plane_vec_eq_r4 (inv_stereographic_circline_cmat_r4 (stereographic_circline_r4_cmat α)) α"
      using AA
      by simp (rule_tac x=1 in exI, auto simp add: field_simps complex_of_real_def)

lemma stereographic_sphere_circle_set'':
  shows "on_sphere_circle (inv_stereographic_circline H) z 
         on_circline H (stereographic z)"
proof (transfer, transfer)
  fix M :: R3 and H :: complex_mat
  assume hh: "hermitean H  H  mat_zero" "M  unit_sphere"
  obtain A B C D where HH: "H = (A, B, C, D)"
    by (cases "H") auto
  have *: "is_real A" "is_real D" "C = cnj B"
    using hh HH hermitean_elems[of A B C D]
    by auto
  obtain x y z where MM: "M = (x, y, z)"
    by (cases "M") auto
  show "on_sphere_circle_r4_r3 (inv_stereographic_circline_cmat_r4 H) M 
        on_circline_cmat_cvec H (stereographic_r3_cvec M)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    assume ?lhs
    show ?rhs
    proof (cases "z=1")
      case True
      hence "x = 0" "y = 0"
        using MM hh
        by auto
      thus ?thesis
        using * ?lhs HH MM z=1
        by (cases A, simp add: vec_cnj_def Complex_eq Let_def)
      case False
      hence "Re A*(1+z) + 2*Re B*x + 2*Im B*y + Re D*(1-z) = 0"
        using * ?lhs HH MM
        by (simp add: Let_def field_simps)
      hence "(Re A*(1+z) + 2*Re B*x + 2*Im B*y + Re D*(1-z))*(1-z) = 0"
        by simp
      hence "Re A*(1+z)*(1-z) + 2*Re B*x*(1-z) + 2*Im B*y*(1-z) + Re D*(1-z)*(1-z) = 0"
        by (simp add: field_simps)
      have "x*x+y*y = (1+z)*(1-z)"
        using MM hh
        by (simp add: field_simps)
      have "Re A*(x*x+y*y) + 2*Re B*x*(1-z) + 2*Im B*y*(1-z) + Re D*(1-z)*(1-z) = 0"
        by simp
      hence "(x * Re A + (1 - z) * Re B) * x - (- (y * Re A) + - ((1 - z) * Im B)) * y + (x * Re B + y * Im B + (1 - z) * Re D) * (1 - z) = 0"
        by (simp add: field_simps)
      thus ?thesis
        using z  1 HH MM * Re A*(1+z) + 2*Re B*x + 2*Im B*y + Re D*(1-z) = 0
        apply (simp add: Let_def vec_cnj_def)
        apply (subst complex_eq_iff)
        apply (simp add: field_simps)
    assume ?rhs
    show ?lhs
    proof (cases "z=1")
      case True
      hence "x = 0" "y = 0"
        using MM hh
        by auto
      thus ?thesis
        using HH MM ?rhs z = 1
        by (simp add: Let_def vec_cnj_def)
      case False
      hence "(x * Re A + (1 - z) * Re B) * x - (- (y * Re A) + - ((1 - z) * Im B)) * y + (x * Re B + y * Im B + (1 - z) * Re D) * (1 - z) = 0"
        using HH MM * ?rhs
        by (simp add: Let_def vec_cnj_def complex_eq_iff)
      hence "Re A*(x*x+y*y) + 2*Re B*x*(1-z) + 2*Im B*y*(1-z) + Re D*(1-z)*(1-z) = 0"
        by (simp add: field_simps)
      have "x*x + y*y = (1+z)*(1-z)"
        using MM hh
        by (simp add: field_simps)
      have "Re A*(1+z)*(1-z) + 2*Re B*x*(1-z) + 2*Im B*y*(1-z) + Re D*(1-z)*(1-z) = 0"
        by simp
      hence "(Re A*(1+z) + 2*Re B*x + 2*Im B*y + Re D*(1-z))*(1-z) = 0"
        by (simp add: field_simps)
      hence "Re A*(1+z) + 2*Re B*x + 2*Im B*y + Re D*(1-z) = 0"
        using z  1
        by simp
      thus ?thesis
        using MM HH *
        by (simp add: field_simps)

lemma stereographic_sphere_circle_set' [simp]:
  shows "stereographic ` sphere_circle_set (inv_stereographic_circline H) =
         circline_set H"
unfolding sphere_circle_set_def circline_set_def
apply safe
  fix x
  assume "on_sphere_circle (inv_stereographic_circline H) x"
  thus "on_circline H (stereographic x)"
    using stereographic_sphere_circle_set''
    by simp
  fix x
  assume "on_circline H x"
  show "x  stereographic ` {z. on_sphere_circle (inv_stereographic_circline H) z}"
    show "x = stereographic (inv_stereographic x)"
      by simp
    show "inv_stereographic x  {z. on_sphere_circle (inv_stereographic_circline H) z}"
      using stereographic_sphere_circle_set''[of H "inv_stereographic x"] on_circline H x
      by simp

text ‹The projection of the set of points on a circle on the Riemann sphere is exactly the set of
points on the circline obtained by the just introduced circle stereographic projection.›
lemma stereographic_sphere_circle_set:
  shows "stereographic ` sphere_circle_set H = circline_set (stereographic_circline H)"
using stereographic_sphere_circle_set'[of "stereographic_circline H"]
using inv_stereographic_circline_stereographic_circline
unfolding comp_def
by (metis id_apply)

text ‹Stereographic projection of circlines is bijective.›
lemma bij_stereographic_circline:
  shows "bij stereographic_circline"
  using stereographic_circline_inv_stereographic_circline inv_stereographic_circline_stereographic_circline
  using o_bij by blast

text ‹Inverse stereographic projection is bijective.›
lemma bij_inv_stereographic_circline:
  shows "bij inv_stereographic_circline"
  using stereographic_circline_inv_stereographic_circline inv_stereographic_circline_stereographic_circline
  using o_bij by blast
