Theory CombinableWands

section ‹Combinable Magic Wands›

text ‹Note that, in this theory, assertions are represented as semantic assertions, i.e., as the set of states in which they hold.›

theory CombinableWands
  imports PartialHeapSA

subsection ‹Definitions›

type_synonym sem_assertion = "state set"

fun multiply :: "prat  state  state" where
  "multiply p φ = Abs_state (multiply_mask p (get_m φ), get_h φ)"

text ‹Because we work in an intuitionistic setting, a fraction of an assertion is defined using the upper-closure operator.›

fun multiply_sem_assertion :: "prat  sem_assertion  sem_assertion" where
  "multiply_sem_assertion p P = PartialSA.upper_closure (multiply p ` P)"

definition combinable :: "sem_assertion  bool" where
  "combinable P  (α β. ppos α  ppos β  pgte pwrite (padd α β)  (multiply_sem_assertion α P)  (multiply_sem_assertion β P)  multiply_sem_assertion (padd α β) P)"

definition scaled where
  "scaled φ = { multiply p φ |p. ppos p  pgte pwrite p }"

definition comp_min_mask :: "mask  (mask  mask)" where
  "comp_min_mask b a hl = pmin (a hl) (comp_one (b hl))"

definition scalable where
  "scalable w a  (φ  scaled w. ¬ a |#| φ)"

definition R where
  "R a w = (if scalable w a then w else Abs_state (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w), get_h w))"

definition cwand where
  "cwand A B = { w |w. a x. a  A  Some x = R a w  a  x  B }"

definition wand :: "sem_assertion  sem_assertion  sem_assertion" where
  "wand A B = { w |w. a x. a  A  Some x = w  a  x  B }"

definition intuitionistic where
  "intuitionistic A  (a b. a  b  b  A  a  A)"

definition binary_mask :: "mask  mask" where
  "binary_mask π l = (if π l = pwrite then pwrite else pnone)"

definition binary :: "sem_assertion  bool" where
  "binary A  (φ  A. Abs_state (binary_mask (get_m φ), get_h φ)  A)"

subsection Lemmas

lemma wand_equiv_def:
  "wand A B = { φ |φ. A  {φ}  B }"
  show "wand A B  {φ |φ. A  {φ}  B}"
    fix w assume "w  wand A B"
    have "A  {w}  B"
      fix x assume "x  A  {w}"
      then show "x  B"
        using PartialSA.add_set_elem w  wand A B commutative wand_def by auto
    then show "w  {φ |φ. A  {φ}  B}"
      by simp
  show "{φ |φ. A  {φ}  B}  wand A B"
    fix w assume "w  {φ |φ. A  {φ}  B}"
    have "a x. a  A  Some x = w  a  x  B"
    proof -
      fix a x assume "a  A  Some x = w  a"
      then have "x  A  {w}"
        using PartialSA.add_set_elem PartialSA.commutative by auto
      then show "x  B"
        using w  {φ |φ. A  {φ}  B} by blast
    then show "w  wand A B"
      using wand_def by force

lemma w_in_scaled:
  "w  scaled w"
proof -
  have "multiply pwrite w = w"
    by (simp add: Rep_state_inverse mult_write_mask)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) half_between_0_1 half_plus_half mem_Collect_eq not_pgte_charact pgt_implies_pgte ppos_add scaled_def)

lemma non_scalable_instantiate:
  assumes "¬ scalable w a"
  shows "p. ppos p  pgte pwrite p  a |#| multiply p w"
  using assms scalable_def scaled_def by auto

lemma compatible_same_mask:
  assumes "valid_mask (add_masks a w)"
  shows "w = comp_min_mask a w"
proof (rule ext)
  fix x
  have "pgte pwrite (padd (a x) (w x))"
    by (metis add_masks.simps assms valid_mask.elims(1))
  moreover have "padd (a x) (comp_one (a x)) = pwrite"
    by (meson assms padd_comp_one upper_valid_aux valid_mask.elims(1))
  then have "pgte (comp_one (a x)) (w x)"
    by (metis add_le_cancel_left calculation padd.rep_eq pgte.rep_eq)
  then show "w x = comp_min_mask a w x"
    by (metis comp_min_mask_def pmin_comm pmin_is)

lemma R_smaller:
  "w  R a w"
proof (cases "scalable w a")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: PartialSA.succ_refl R_def)
  case False
  then have "R a w = Abs_state (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w), get_h w)"
    by (meson R_def)
  moreover have "greater_mask (get_m w) (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w))"
  proof (rule greater_maskI)
    fix hl show "pgte (get_m w hl) (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w) hl)"
      by (simp add: comp_min_mask_def pmin_greater)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (metis Abs_state_cases larger_heap_refl Rep_state_cases Rep_state_inverse fst_conv get_h_m greaterI greater_mask_def mem_Collect_eq snd_conv valid_state_decompose)

lemma R_compatible_same:
  assumes "a |#| w"
  shows "R a w = w"
proof -
  have "¬ scalable w a"
    using assms scalable_def w_in_scaled by blast
  then have "R a w = Abs_state (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w), get_h w)"
    using R_def by auto
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis PartialSA.defined_def Rep_state_inverse assms compatible_same_mask get_h.simps get_m.simps plus_ab_defined prod.collapse)

lemma in_cwand:
  assumes "a x. a  A  Some x = R a w  a  x  B"
  shows "w  cwand A B"
  using assms cwand_def by force

lemma wandI:
  assumes "a x. a  A  Some x = a  w  x  B"
  shows "w  wand A B"
proof -
  have "A  {w}  B"
  proof (rule subsetI)
    fix x assume "x  A  {w}"
    then obtain a where "Some x = a  w" "a  A"
      using PartialSA.add_set_elem by auto
    then show "x  B"
      using assms by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using wand_equiv_def by force

lemma non_scalable_R_charact:
  assumes "¬ scalable w a"
  shows "get_m (R a w) = comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w)  get_h (R a w) = get_h w"
proof -
  have "R a w = Abs_state (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w), get_h w)"
    using R_def assms by auto
  moreover have "valid_state (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w), get_h w)"
  proof (rule valid_stateI)
    show "valid_mask (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w))"
    proof (rule valid_maskI)
      show "f. comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w) (null, f) = pnone"
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) PartialSA.unit_neutral add_masks.simps comp_min_mask_def option.distinct(1) p_greater_exists padd_zero plus_ab_defined pmin_greater valid_mask.simps)
      fix hl show "pgte pwrite (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w) hl)"
        by (metis PartialSA.unit_neutral comp_min_mask_def greater_mask_def greater_mask_equiv_def option.distinct(1) plus_ab_defined pmin_greater upper_valid_aux valid_mask.simps)
    fix hl assume "ppos (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w) hl)"
    show "get_h w hl  None"
      by (metis Rep_state ppos (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w) hl) comp_min_mask_def get_h.simps get_pre(2) mem_Collect_eq p_greater_exists pmin_greater ppos_add prod.collapse valid_heap_def valid_state.simps)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (metis Rep_state_cases Rep_state_inverse fst_conv get_h.simps get_m.simps mem_Collect_eq snd_conv)

lemma valid_bin:
  "valid_state (binary_mask (get_m a), get_h a)"
proof (rule valid_stateI)
  show "valid_mask (binary_mask (get_m a))"
    by (metis PartialSA.unit_neutral binary_mask_def minus_empty option.discI plus_ab_defined unit_charact(2) valid_mask.elims(2) valid_mask.elims(3))
  show "hl. ppos (binary_mask (get_m a) hl)  get_h a hl  None"
    by (metis Rep_prat Rep_state binary_mask_def get_h.simps get_pre(2) leD mem_Collect_eq pnone.rep_eq ppos.rep_eq prod.collapse valid_heap_def valid_state.simps)

lemma in_multiply_sem:
  assumes "x  multiply_sem_assertion p A"
  shows "a  A. x  multiply p a"
  using PartialSA.sep_algebra_axioms assms greater_def sep_algebra.upper_closure_def by fastforce

lemma get_h_multiply:
  assumes "pgte pwrite p"
  shows "get_h (multiply p x) = get_h x"
  using Abs_state_inverse assms multiply_valid by auto

lemma in_multiply_refl:
  assumes "x  A"
  shows "multiply p x  multiply_sem_assertion p A"
  using PartialSA.succ_refl PartialSA.upper_closure_def assms by fastforce

lemma get_m_smaller:
  assumes "pgte pwrite p"
  shows "get_m (multiply p a) hl = pmult p (get_m a hl)"
  using Abs_state_inverse assms multiply_mask_def multiply_valid by auto

lemma get_m_smaller_mask:
  assumes "pgte pwrite p"
  shows "get_m (multiply p a) = multiply_mask p (get_m a)"
  using Abs_state_inverse assms multiply_mask_def multiply_valid by auto

lemma multiply_order:
  assumes "pgte pwrite p"
      and "a  b"
    shows "multiply p a  multiply p b"
proof (rule greaterI)
  show "larger_heap (get_h (multiply p a)) (get_h (multiply p b))"
    using assms(1) assms(2) get_h_multiply larger_implies_larger_heap by presburger
  show "greater_mask (get_m (multiply p a)) (get_m (multiply p b))"
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) get_m_smaller_mask greater_maskI larger_implies_greater_mask_hl mult_greater)

lemma multiply_twice:
  assumes "pgte pwrite a  pgte pwrite b"
  shows "multiply a (multiply b x) = multiply (pmult a b) x"
proof -
  have "get_h (multiply (pmult a b) x) = get_h x"
    by (metis assms get_h_multiply p_greater_exists padd_asso pmult_order pmult_special(1))
  moreover have "get_h (multiply a (multiply b x)) = get_h x"
    using assms get_h_multiply by presburger
  moreover have "get_m (multiply a (multiply b x)) = get_m (multiply (pmult a b) x)"
  proof (rule ext)
    fix l
    have "pgte pwrite (pmult a b)" using multiply_smaller_pwrite assms by simp
    then have "get_m (multiply (pmult a b) x) l = pmult (pmult a b) (get_m x l)"
      using get_m_smaller by blast
    then show "get_m (multiply a (multiply b x)) l = get_m (multiply (pmult a b) x) l"
      by (metis Rep_prat_inverse assms get_m_smaller mult.assoc pmult.rep_eq)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using state_ext by presburger

lemma valid_mask_add_comp_min:
  assumes "valid_mask a"
      and "valid_mask b"
  shows "valid_mask (add_masks (comp_min_mask b a) b)"
proof (rule valid_maskI)
  show "f. add_masks (comp_min_mask b a) b (null, f) = pnone"
  proof -
    fix f
    have "comp_min_mask b a (null, f) = pnone"
      by (metis assms(1) comp_min_mask_def p_greater_exists padd_zero pmin_greater valid_mask.simps)
    then show "add_masks (comp_min_mask b a) b (null, f) = pnone"
      by (metis add_masks.simps assms(2) padd_zero valid_mask.simps)
  fix hl show "pgte pwrite (add_masks (comp_min_mask b a) b hl)"
  proof (cases "pgte (a hl) (comp_one (b hl))")
    case True
    then have "add_masks (comp_min_mask b a) b hl = padd (comp_one (b hl)) (b hl)"
      by (simp add: comp_min_mask_def pmin_is)
    then have "add_masks (comp_min_mask b a) b hl = pwrite"
      by (metis assms(2) padd_comm padd_comp_one valid_mask.simps)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: pgte.rep_eq)
    case False
    then have "comp_min_mask b a hl = a hl"
      by (metis comp_min_mask_def not_pgte_charact pgt_implies_pgte pmin_comm pmin_is)
    then have "add_masks (comp_min_mask b a) b hl = padd (a hl) (b hl)"
      by auto
    moreover have "pgte (padd (comp_one (b hl)) (b hl)) (padd (a hl) (b hl))"
      using False padd.rep_eq pgte.rep_eq by force
    moreover have "padd (comp_one (b hl)) (b hl) = pwrite"
      by (metis assms(2) padd_comm padd_comp_one valid_mask.simps)
    ultimately show ?thesis by simp

subsection ‹The combinable wand is stronger than the original wand›

lemma cwand_stronger:
  "cwand A B  wand A B"
  fix w assume asm0: "w  cwand A B"
  then have r: "a x. a  A  Some x = R a w  a  x  B"
    using cwand_def by blast
  show "w  wand A B"
  proof (rule wandI)
    fix a x assume asm1: "a  A  Some x = a  w"
    then have "R a w = w"
      by (metis PartialSA.defined_def R_compatible_same option.distinct(1))
    then show "x  B"
      by (metis PartialSA.commutative asm1 r)

subsection ‹The combinable wand is the same as the original wand when the left-hand side is binary›

lemma binary_same:
  assumes "binary A"
      and "intuitionistic B"
  shows "wand A B  cwand A B"
proof (rule subsetI)
  fix w assume "w  wand A B"
  then have asm0: "A  {w}  B"
    by (simp add: wand_equiv_def)
  show "w  cwand A B"
  proof (rule in_cwand)
    fix a x assume asm1: "a  A  Some x = R a w  a"
    show "x  B"
    proof (cases "scalable w a")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis PartialSA.commutative PartialSA.defined_def R_def asm1 option.distinct(1) scalable_def w_in_scaled)
      case False
      then have r0: "get_m (R a w) = comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w)  get_h (R a w) = get_h w"
        using non_scalable_R_charact by blast
      moreover have "Abs_state (binary_mask (get_m a), get_h a)  A"
        using asm1 assms(1) binary_def by blast
      moreover have "greater_mask (add_masks (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w)) (get_m a))
  (add_masks (binary_mask (get_m a)) (get_m w))"
      proof (rule greater_maskI)
        fix hl show "pgte (add_masks (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w)) (get_m a) hl) (add_masks (binary_mask (get_m a)) (get_m w) hl)"
        proof (cases "get_m a hl = pwrite")
          case True
          obtain φ where "φ  scaled w" "a |#| φ" using False scalable_def[of w a]
            by blast
          then obtain p where "ppos p" "pgte pwrite p" "multiply p w |#| a"
            using PartialSA.commutative PartialSA.defined_def mem_Collect_eq scaled_def by auto
          have "get_m w hl = pnone"
          proof (rule ccontr)
            assume "get_m w hl  pnone"
            then have "ppos (get_m w hl)"
              by (metis less_add_same_cancel1 not_pgte_charact p_greater_exists padd.rep_eq padd_zero pgt.rep_eq ppos.rep_eq)
            moreover have "get_m (multiply p φ) = multiply_mask p (get_m φ)"
              using multiply_valid[of p φ] multiply.simps[of p φ]
              by (metis Rep_state_cases Rep_state_inverse pgte pwrite p fst_conv get_pre(2) mem_Collect_eq)
            then have "ppos (get_m (multiply p w) hl)" using pmult_ppos
              by (metis Rep_state_cases Rep_state_inverse pgte pwrite p ppos p calculation fst_conv get_pre(2) mem_Collect_eq multiply.simps multiply_mask_def multiply_valid)
            then have "pgt (padd (get_m (multiply p w) hl) (get_m a hl)) pwrite"
              by (metis True add_le_same_cancel2 leD not_pgte_charact padd.rep_eq pgte.rep_eq ppos.rep_eq)
            then have "¬ valid_mask (add_masks (get_m (multiply p w)) (get_m a))"
              by (metis add_masks.elims not_pgte_charact valid_mask.elims(1))
            then show False
              using PartialSA.defined_def multiply p w |#| a plus_ab_defined by blast
          then show ?thesis
            by (metis Rep_prat_inverse add.right_neutral add_masks.simps binary_mask_def p_greater_exists padd.rep_eq padd_comm pnone.rep_eq)
          case False
          then have "add_masks (binary_mask (get_m a)) (get_m w) hl = get_m w hl"
            by (metis Rep_prat_inject add.right_neutral add_masks.simps binary_mask_def padd.rep_eq padd_comm pnone.rep_eq)
          then show ?thesis
          proof (cases "pgte (get_m w hl) (comp_one (get_m a hl))")
            case True
            then have "comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w) hl = comp_one (get_m a hl)"
              using comp_min_mask_def pmin_is by presburger
            then have "add_masks (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w)) (get_m a) hl = pwrite"
              by (metis PartialSA.unit_neutral add_masks.simps add_masks_comm minus_empty option.distinct(1) padd_comp_one plus_ab_defined unit_charact(2) valid_mask.simps)
            then show ?thesis
              by (metis PartialSA.unit_neutral add_masks (binary_mask (get_m a)) (get_m w) hl = get_m w hl minus_empty option.distinct(1) plus_ab_defined unit_charact(2) valid_mask.simps)
            case False
            then have "comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w) hl = get_m w hl"
              by (metis comp_min_mask_def not_pgte_charact pgt_implies_pgte pmin_comm pmin_is)
            then show ?thesis
              using add_masks (binary_mask (get_m a)) (get_m w) hl = get_m w hl p_greater_exists by auto
      then have "valid_mask (add_masks (binary_mask (get_m a)) (get_m w))"
        by (metis asm1 calculation(1) greater_mask_def option.distinct(1) plus_ab_defined upper_valid_aux)
      moreover have "compatible_heaps (get_h a) (get_h w)"
        by (metis PartialSA.commutative asm1 r0 option.simps(3) plus_ab_defined)
      then obtain xx where "Some xx = Abs_state (binary_mask (get_m a), get_h a)  w"
        using Abs_state_inverse calculation compatible_def fst_conv plus_def valid_bin by auto
      then have "xx  B" using asm0
        by (meson PartialSA.add_set_elem Abs_state (binary_mask (get_m a), get_h a)  A singletonI subset_iff)
      moreover have "x  xx"
      proof (rule greaterI)
        show "greater_mask (get_m x) (get_m xx)"
          using Abs_state_inverse Some xx = Abs_state (binary_mask (get_m a), get_h a)  w asm1 greater_mask (add_masks (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w)) (get_m a)) (add_masks (binary_mask (get_m a)) (get_m w)) calculation(1) plus_charact(1) valid_bin by auto
        show "larger_heap (get_h x) (get_h xx)"
        proof (rule larger_heapI)
          fix hl xa assume "get_h xx hl = Some xa"
          then show "get_h x hl = Some xa"
            by (metis PartialSA.commutative Rep_state_cases Rep_state_inverse Some xx = Abs_state (binary_mask (get_m a), get_h a)  w asm1 calculation(1) get_h.simps mem_Collect_eq plus_charact(2) snd_conv valid_bin)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using assms(2) intuitionistic_def by blast

subsection ‹The combinable wand is combinable›

lemma combinableI:
  assumes "a b. ppos a  ppos b  padd a b = pwrite  (multiply_sem_assertion a (cwand A B))  (multiply_sem_assertion b (cwand A B))  cwand A B"
  shows "combinable (cwand A B)"
proof -
  have "a b. ppos a  ppos b  pgte pwrite (padd a b)  (multiply_sem_assertion a (cwand A B))  (multiply_sem_assertion b (cwand A B))  multiply_sem_assertion (padd a b) (cwand A B)"
  proof -    
    fix a b assume asm0: "ppos a  ppos b  pgte pwrite (padd a b)"
    then have "pgte pwrite a  pgte pwrite b"
      using padd.rep_eq pgte.rep_eq ppos.rep_eq by auto
    show "(multiply_sem_assertion a (cwand A B))  (multiply_sem_assertion b (cwand A B))  multiply_sem_assertion (padd a b) (cwand A B)"
      fix x assume "x  multiply_sem_assertion a (cwand A B)  multiply_sem_assertion b (cwand A B)"
      then obtain xa xb where "Some x = xa  xb" "xa  multiply_sem_assertion a (cwand A B)" "xb  multiply_sem_assertion b (cwand A B)"
        by (meson PartialSA.add_set_elem)
      then obtain wa wb where "wa  cwand A B" "wb  cwand A B" "xa  multiply a wa" "xb  multiply b wb"
        by (meson in_multiply_sem)
      let ?a = "pdiv a (padd a b)"
      let ?b = "pdiv b (padd a b)"
      have r0: "pgte pwrite ?a  pgte pwrite ?b"
        using asm0 p_greater_exists padd_comm pdiv_smaller ppos_add by blast
      have "multiply ?a wa |#| multiply ?b wb"
      proof (rule compatibleI)
        show "compatible_heaps (get_h (multiply (pdiv a (padd a b)) wa)) (get_h (multiply (pdiv b (padd a b)) wb))"
        proof -
          have "compatible_heaps (get_h (multiply a wa)) (get_h (multiply b wb))"
            by (metis PartialSA.asso2 PartialSA.asso3 PartialSA.greater_equiv PartialSA.minus_some Some x = xa  xb xa  multiply a wa xb  multiply b wb option.simps(3) plus_ab_defined)
          moreover have "get_h (multiply (pdiv a (padd a b)) wa) = get_h (multiply a wa)  get_h (multiply (pdiv b (padd a b)) wb) = get_h (multiply b wb)"
          proof -
            have "pgte pwrite a  pgte pwrite b"
              by (metis asm0 p_greater_exists padd_asso padd_comm)
            moreover have "pgte pwrite ?a  pgte pwrite ?b"
              using asm0 p_greater_exists padd_comm pdiv_smaller ppos_add by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using get_h_multiply by presburger
          then show ?thesis
            using calculation by presburger
        show "valid_mask (add_masks (get_m (multiply (pdiv a (padd a b)) wa)) (get_m (multiply (pdiv b (padd a b)) wb)))"
        proof (rule valid_maskI)
          show "f. add_masks (get_m (multiply (pdiv a (padd a b)) wa)) (get_m (multiply (pdiv b (padd a b)) wb)) (null, f) = pnone"
            by (metis PartialSA.unit_neutral add_masks_equiv_valid_null option.distinct(1) plus_ab_defined valid_mask.simps valid_null_def)
          fix hl have "add_masks (get_m (multiply (pdiv a (padd a b)) wa)) (get_m (multiply (pdiv b (padd a b)) wb)) hl
                      = padd (pmult ?a (get_m wa hl)) (pmult ?b (get_m wb hl))"
          proof -
            have "get_m (multiply ?a wa) hl = pmult ?a (get_m wa hl)"
              using Abs_state_inverse r0 multiply_mask_def multiply_valid by auto
            moreover have "get_m (multiply ?b wb) hl = pmult ?b (get_m wb hl)"
              using Abs_state_inverse r0 multiply_mask_def multiply_valid by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis by simp
          moreover have "pgte pwrite (padd (pmult ?a (get_m wa hl)) (pmult ?b (get_m wb hl)))"
          proof (rule padd_one_ineq_sum)
            show "pgte pwrite (get_m wa hl)"
              by (metis PartialSA.unit_neutral option.discI plus_ab_defined upper_valid_aux valid_mask.simps)
            show "pgte pwrite (get_m wb hl)"
              by (metis PartialSA.unit_neutral option.discI plus_ab_defined upper_valid_aux valid_mask.simps)
            show "padd (pdiv a (padd a b)) (pdiv b (padd a b)) = pwrite"
              using asm0 sum_coeff by blast
          ultimately show "pgte pwrite (add_masks (get_m (multiply (pdiv a (padd a b)) wa)) (get_m (multiply (pdiv b (padd a b)) wb)) hl)"
            by presburger
      then obtain xx where xx_def: "Some xx = multiply ?a wa  multiply ?b wb"        
        using PartialSA.defined_def by auto
      moreover have inclusion: "(multiply_sem_assertion ?a (cwand A B))  (multiply_sem_assertion ?b (cwand A B))  cwand A B"
      proof (rule assms)
        show "ppos (pdiv a (padd a b))  ppos (pdiv b (padd a b))  padd (pdiv a (padd a b)) (pdiv b (padd a b)) = pwrite"
          using asm0 padd.rep_eq pdiv.rep_eq ppos.rep_eq sum_coeff by auto
      ultimately have "xx  cwand A B"
      proof -
        have "multiply ?a wa  multiply_sem_assertion ?a (cwand A B)"
          using wa  cwand A B in_multiply_refl by presburger
        moreover have "multiply ?b wb  multiply_sem_assertion ?b (cwand A B)"
          by (meson wb  cwand A B in_multiply_refl)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using PartialSA.add_set_def xx_def inclusion by fastforce
      moreover have "x  multiply (padd a b) xx"
      proof (rule greaterI)
        have "valid_state (multiply_mask (padd a b) (get_m xx), get_h xx)"
          using asm0 multiply_valid by blast
        show "larger_heap (get_h x) (get_h (multiply (padd a b) xx))"
        proof -
          have "get_h (multiply (padd a b) xx) = get_h xx"
            using asm0 get_h_multiply by blast
          moreover have "get_h xx = get_h wa ++ get_h wb"
            by (metis xx_def asm0 get_h_multiply p_greater_exists padd_comm plus_charact(2) sum_coeff)
          moreover have "get_h x = get_h xa ++ get_h xb"
            using Some x = xa  xb plus_charact(2) by presburger
          moreover have "get_h wa = get_h (multiply a wa)  get_h wb = get_h (multiply b wb)"
            by (metis asm0 get_h_multiply order_trans p_greater_exists padd_comm pgte.rep_eq)
          moreover have "larger_heap (get_h xa) (get_h wa)  larger_heap (get_h xb) (get_h wb)"
            using xa  multiply a wa xb  multiply b wb calculation(4) larger_implies_larger_heap by presburger
          ultimately show ?thesis
            by (metis Some x = xa  xb larger_heaps_sum_ineq option.simps(3) plus_ab_defined)
        show "greater_mask (get_m x) (get_m (multiply (padd a b) xx))"
        proof (rule greater_maskI)
          fix hl
          have "pgte (get_m x hl) (padd (get_m xa hl) (get_m xb hl))"
            using Some x = xa  xb pgte.rep_eq plus_charact(1) by auto
          moreover have "pgte (get_m xa hl) (get_m (multiply a wa) hl)  pgte (get_m xb hl) (get_m (multiply b wb) hl)"
            using xa  multiply a wa xb  multiply b wb larger_implies_greater_mask_hl by blast
          moreover have "get_m (multiply (padd a b) xx) hl = pmult (padd a b) (get_m xx hl)"
            by (metis Rep_state_cases Rep_state_inverse valid_state (multiply_mask (padd a b) (get_m xx), get_h xx) fst_conv get_pre(2) mem_Collect_eq multiply.simps multiply_mask_def)
          moreover have "... = padd (pmult (pmult (padd a b) ?a) (get_m wa hl)) (pmult (pmult (padd a b) ?b) (get_m wb hl))"
          proof -
            have "get_m (multiply ?a wa) hl = pmult ?a (get_m wa hl)"
              by (metis Abs_state_inverse asm0 fst_conv get_pre(2) mem_Collect_eq multiply.simps multiply_mask_def multiply_valid p_greater_exists sum_coeff)
            moreover have "get_m (multiply ?b wb) hl = pmult ?b (get_m wb hl)"
              by (metis Abs_state_inverse asm0 fst_conv get_pre(2) mem_Collect_eq multiply.simps multiply_mask_def multiply_valid p_greater_exists padd_comm pdiv_smaller ppos_add)
            ultimately have "get_m xx hl = padd (pmult ?a (get_m wa hl)) (pmult ?b (get_m wb hl))"
              using xx_def plus_charact(1) by fastforce
            then show ?thesis
              by (simp add: pmult_padd)
          moreover have "... = padd (pmult a (get_m wa hl)) (pmult b (get_m wb hl))"
            using asm0 pmult_pdiv_cancel ppos_add by presburger
          moreover have "get_m (multiply a wa) hl = pmult a (get_m wa hl)  get_m (multiply b wb) hl = pmult b (get_m wb hl)"
          proof -
            have "valid_mask (multiply_mask a (get_m wa))"
              using asm0 mult_add_states multiply_valid upper_valid_aux valid_state.simps by blast
            moreover have "valid_mask (multiply_mask b (get_m wb))"
              using asm0 mult_add_states multiply_valid upper_valid valid_state.simps by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) Abs_state_inverse asm0 fst_conv get_pre(2) mem_Collect_eq multiply.simps multiply_mask_def multiply_valid order_trans p_greater_exists padd_comm pgte.rep_eq)
          ultimately show "pgte (get_m x hl) (get_m (multiply (padd a b) xx) hl)"
            by (simp add: padd.rep_eq pgte.rep_eq)
      ultimately show "x  multiply_sem_assertion (padd a b) (cwand A B)"
        by (metis PartialSA.up_closed_def PartialSA.upper_closure_up_closed in_multiply_refl multiply_sem_assertion.simps)
  then show ?thesis
    using combinable_def by presburger

lemma combinable_cwand:
  assumes "combinable B"
      and "intuitionistic B"
    shows "combinable (cwand A B)"
proof (rule combinableI)
  fix α β assume asm0: "ppos α  ppos β  padd α β = pwrite"
  then have "pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β"
    by (metis p_greater_exists padd_comm)
  show "multiply_sem_assertion α (cwand A B)  multiply_sem_assertion β (cwand A B)  cwand A B"
    fix w assume asm: "w  multiply_sem_assertion α (cwand A B)  multiply_sem_assertion β (cwand A B)"
    then obtain xa xb where "Some w = xa  xb" "xa  multiply_sem_assertion α (cwand A B)" "xb  multiply_sem_assertion β (cwand A B)"
      by (meson PartialSA.add_set_elem)
    then obtain wa wb where "wa  cwand A B" "wb  cwand A B" "xa  multiply α wa" "xb  multiply β wb"
      by (meson in_multiply_sem)
    then obtain r: "a x. a  A  Some x = R a wa  a  x  B" "a x. a  A  Some x = R a wb  a  x  B"
      using cwand_def by blast
    show "w  cwand A B"
    proof (rule in_cwand)
      fix a x assume asm1: "a  A  Some x = R a w  a"
      have "¬ scalable w a"
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume "¬ ¬ scalable w a"
        then have "R a w = w  ¬ a |#| R a w"
          by (simp add: R_def scalable_def w_in_scaled)
        then show False
          using PartialSA.commutative PartialSA.defined_def asm1 by auto
      then have r3: "get_h (R a w) = get_h w  get_m (R a w) = comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m w)"
        using non_scalable_R_charact by blast
      moreover obtain p where "a |#| multiply p w" "ppos p  pgte pwrite p"
        using ¬ scalable w a non_scalable_instantiate by blast
      moreover have "¬ scalable wa a"
      proof -
        have "a |#| multiply (pmult α p) wa"
        proof -
          have "w  xa" using Some w = xa  xb using PartialSA.greater_def by blast
          then have "multiply p w  multiply p xa"
            using calculation(3) multiply_order by blast
          then have "multiply p w  multiply (pmult α p) wa"
          proof -
            have "multiply p w  multiply p (multiply α wa)"
              using PartialSA.succ_trans w  xa xa  multiply α wa calculation(3) multiply_order by blast
            then show ?thesis
              using pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β calculation(3) multiply_twice pmult_comm by auto
          then show ?thesis
            using PartialSA.asso3 PartialSA.defined_def PartialSA.minus_some calculation(2) by fastforce
        moreover have "ppos (pmult α p)  pgte pwrite (pmult α p)"
          by (metis Rep_prat_inverse ppos p  pgte pwrite p add.right_neutral asm0 dual_order.strict_iff_order padd.rep_eq pgte.rep_eq pmult_comm pmult_ppos pmult_special(2) pnone.rep_eq ppos.rep_eq ppos_eq_pnone padd_one_ineq_sum)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using scalable_def scaled_def by auto
      then have r1: "get_h (R a wa) = get_h wa  get_m (R a wa) = comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m wa)"
        using non_scalable_R_charact by blast
      moreover have "R a wa |#| a"
      proof (rule compatibleI)
        have "larger_heap (get_h w) (get_h xa)  larger_heap (get_h xa) (get_h wa)"
          by (metis PartialSA.commutative PartialSA.greater_equiv Some w = xa  xb pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β xa  multiply α wa get_h_multiply larger_implies_larger_heap)
        then show "compatible_heaps (get_h (R a wa)) (get_h a)"
          by (metis asm1 calculation(1) calculation(4) larger_heap_comp option.distinct(1) plus_ab_defined)
        show "valid_mask (add_masks (get_m (R a wa)) (get_m a))"
          by (metis PartialSA.unit_neutral calculation(4) minus_empty option.distinct(1) plus_ab_defined unit_charact(2) valid_mask_add_comp_min)
      then obtain ba where "Some ba = R a wa  a"
        using PartialSA.defined_def by auto

      moreover have "¬ scalable wb a"
      proof -
        have "a |#| multiply (pmult β p) wb"
        proof -
          have "w  xb" using Some w = xa  xb
            using PartialSA.greater_equiv by blast
          then have "multiply p w  multiply p xb"
            using calculation(3) multiply_order by blast
          then have "multiply p w  multiply (pmult β p) wb"
          proof -
            have "multiply p w  multiply p (multiply β wb)"
              using PartialSA.succ_trans w  xb xb  multiply β wb calculation(3) multiply_order by blast
            then show ?thesis
              using pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β calculation(3) multiply_twice pmult_comm by auto
          then show ?thesis
            using PartialSA.asso3 PartialSA.defined_def PartialSA.minus_some calculation(2) by fastforce
        moreover have "ppos (pmult β p)  pgte pwrite (pmult β p)"
          by (simp add: pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β ppos p  pgte pwrite p asm0 multiply_smaller_pwrite pmult_ppos)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using scalable_def scaled_def by auto
      then have r2: "get_h (R a wb) = get_h wb  get_m (R a wb) = comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m wb)"
        using non_scalable_R_charact by blast
      moreover have "R a wb |#| a"
      proof (rule compatibleI)
        have "larger_heap (get_h w) (get_h xb)  larger_heap (get_h xb) (get_h wb)"
          using Some w = xa  xb pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β xb  multiply β wb get_h_multiply larger_heap_def larger_implies_larger_heap plus_charact(2) by fastforce
        then show "compatible_heaps (get_h (R a wb)) (get_h a)"
          by (metis asm1 calculation(1) calculation(6) larger_heap_comp option.simps(3) plus_ab_defined)
        show "valid_mask (add_masks (get_m (R a wb)) (get_m a))"
          by (metis PartialSA.unit_neutral calculation(6) minus_empty option.distinct(1) plus_ab_defined unit_charact(2) valid_mask_add_comp_min)
      then obtain bb where "Some bb = R a wb  a"
        using PartialSA.defined_def by auto

      moreover obtain ya where "Some ya = R a wa  a"
        using calculation(5) by auto
      then have "ya  B"
        using asm1 r(1) by blast
      then have "multiply α ya  multiply_sem_assertion α B"
        using in_multiply_refl by blast
      moreover obtain yb where "Some yb = R a wb  a"
        using calculation(7) by auto
      then have "yb  B"
        using asm1 r(2) by blast
      then have "multiply β yb  multiply_sem_assertion β B"
        using in_multiply_refl by blast
      moreover have "(multiply α ya) |#| (multiply β yb)"
      proof (rule compatibleI)
        have "get_h ya = get_h wa ++ get_h a"
          using Some ya = R a wa  a r1 plus_charact(2) by presburger
        then have "get_h (multiply α ya) = get_h wa ++ get_h a"
          using pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β get_h_multiply by presburger
        moreover have "get_h yb = get_h wb ++ get_h a"
          using Some yb = R a wb  a r2 plus_charact(2) by presburger
        then have "get_h (multiply β yb) = get_h wb ++ get_h a"
          using pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β get_h_multiply by presburger
        moreover have "compatible_heaps (get_h wa) (get_h wb)"
        proof (rule compatible_heapsI)
          fix hl a b assume "get_h wa hl = Some a" "get_h wb hl = Some b"
          then have "get_h xa hl = Some a" "get_h xb hl = Some b"
           apply (metis (full_types) pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β xa  multiply α wa get_h_multiply larger_heap_def larger_implies_larger_heap)
            by (metis get_h wb hl = Some b pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β xb  multiply β wb get_h_multiply larger_heap_def larger_implies_larger_heap)
          moreover have "compatible_heaps (get_h xa) (get_h xb)"
            by (metis Some w = xa  xb option.simps(3) plus_ab_defined)
          ultimately show "a = b"
            by (metis compatible_heaps_def compatible_options.simps(1))
        ultimately show "compatible_heaps (get_h (multiply α ya)) (get_h (multiply β yb))"
          by (metis PartialSA.commutative PartialSA.core_is_smaller Some ya = R a wa  a Some yb = R a wb  a
              r1 r2 compatible_heaps_sum core_defined(1) core_defined(2) option.distinct(1) plus_ab_defined)
        show "valid_mask (add_masks (get_m (multiply α ya)) (get_m (multiply β yb)))"
        proof (rule valid_maskI)
          show "f. add_masks (get_m (multiply α ya)) (get_m (multiply β yb)) (null, f) = pnone"
            by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) PartialSA.core_is_smaller add_masks.simps core_defined(2) minus_empty not_None_eq plus_ab_defined valid_mask.simps)
          fix hl 
          have "add_masks (get_m (multiply α ya)) (get_m (multiply β yb)) hl = padd (pmult α (get_m ya hl)) (pmult β (get_m yb hl))"
            using pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β get_m_smaller by auto
          moreover have "get_m ya hl = padd (get_m (R a wa) hl) (get_m a hl)  get_m yb hl = padd (get_m (R a wb) hl) (get_m a hl)"
            using Some ya = R a wa  a Some yb = R a wb  a plus_charact(1) by auto          
          ultimately show "pgte pwrite (add_masks (get_m (multiply α ya)) (get_m (multiply β yb)) hl)"
            by (metis PartialSA.unit_neutral asm0 option.distinct(1) padd_one_ineq_sum plus_ab_defined plus_charact(1) valid_mask.simps)
      then obtain y where "Some y = multiply α ya  multiply β yb"
        using PartialSA.defined_def by auto
      moreover have "x  y"
      proof (rule greaterI)
        have "get_h y = get_h ya ++ get_h yb"
          using pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β calculation(10) get_h_multiply plus_charact(2) by presburger
        moreover have "get_h ya = get_h wa ++ get_h a"
          using Some ya = R a wa  a r1 plus_charact(2) by presburger
        moreover have "get_h yb = get_h wb ++ get_h a"
          using Some yb = R a wb  a r2 plus_charact(2) by presburger
        moreover have "larger_heap (get_h x) (get_h wa)"
        proof -
          have "larger_heap (get_h x) (get_h xa)"
            by (metis PartialSA.greater_def Some w = xa  xb r3 asm1 larger_heap_trans larger_implies_larger_heap)
          moreover have "larger_heap (get_h xa) (get_h wa)"
            by (metis pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β xa  multiply α wa get_h_multiply larger_implies_larger_heap)
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using larger_heap_trans by blast
        moreover have "larger_heap (get_h x) (get_h wb)"
        proof -
          have "larger_heap (get_h x) (get_h xb)"
            by (metis PartialSA.greater_def PartialSA.greater_equiv Some w = xa  xb r3 asm1 larger_heap_trans larger_implies_larger_heap)
          moreover have "larger_heap (get_h xb) (get_h wb)"
            by (metis pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β xb  multiply β wb get_h_multiply larger_implies_larger_heap)
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using larger_heap_trans by blast
        moreover have "larger_heap (get_h x) (get_h a)"
          using PartialSA.greater_equiv asm1 larger_implies_larger_heap by blast
        ultimately show "larger_heap (get_h x) (get_h y)"          
          by (simp add: larger_heap_plus)
        show "greater_mask (get_m x) (get_m y)"
        proof (rule greater_maskI)
          fix hl 
          have "get_m x hl = padd (get_m (R a w) hl) (get_m a hl)"
            using asm1 plus_charact(1) by auto
          moreover have "get_m y hl = padd (pmult α (padd (get_m (R a wa) hl) (get_m a hl))) (pmult β (padd (get_m (R a wb) hl) (get_m a hl)))"
            by (metis Some y = multiply α ya  multiply β yb Some ya = R a wa  a Some yb = R a wb  a pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β add_masks.simps get_m_smaller plus_charact(1))

          moreover have equ: "padd (pmult α (padd (get_m (R a wa) hl) (get_m a hl))) (pmult β (padd (get_m (R a wb) hl) (get_m a hl)))
= padd (padd (pmult α (get_m a hl)) (pmult β (get_m a hl))) (padd (pmult α (get_m (R a wa) hl)) (pmult β (get_m (R a wb) hl)))"
            using padd_asso padd_comm pmult_distr by force

          have "pgte (get_m (R a w) hl) (padd (pmult α (get_m (R a wa) hl)) (pmult β (get_m (R a wb) hl)))"
          proof (cases "pgte (get_m w hl) (comp_one (get_m a hl))")
            case True
            then have "get_m (R a w) hl = (comp_one (get_m a hl))"
              using r3 comp_min_mask_def pmin_is by presburger
            moreover have "pgte (comp_one (get_m a hl)) (get_m (R a wa) hl)"
              by (metis r1 comp_min_mask_def pmin_comm pmin_greater)
            then have "pgte (pmult α (comp_one (get_m a hl))) (pmult α (get_m (R a wa) hl))"
              by (metis pmult_comm pmult_order)
            moreover have "pgte (comp_one (get_m a hl)) (get_m (R a wb) hl)"
              by (metis r2 comp_min_mask_def pmin_comm pmin_greater)
            then have "pgte (pmult β (comp_one (get_m a hl))) (pmult β (get_m (R a wb) hl))"
              by (metis pmult_comm pmult_order)
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using pgte (comp_one (get_m a hl)) (get_m (R a wa) hl) pgte (comp_one (get_m a hl)) (get_m (R a wb) hl) asm0 padd_one_ineq_sum by presburger
            case False
            then have "get_m (R a w) hl = get_m w hl"
              by (metis r3 comp_min_mask_def not_pgte_charact pgt_implies_pgte pmin_comm pmin_is)
            moreover have "pgte (get_m w hl) (padd (pmult α (get_m wa hl)) (pmult β (get_m wb hl)))"
            proof -
              have "pgte (get_m w hl) (padd (get_m xa hl) (get_m xb hl))"
                using Some w = xa  xb not_pgte_charact pgt_implies_pgte plus_charact(1) by auto
              moreover have "pgte (get_m xa hl) (pmult α (get_m wa hl))"
                by (metis pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β xa  multiply α wa get_m_smaller larger_implies_greater_mask_hl)
              moreover have "pgte (get_m xb hl) (pmult β (get_m wb hl))"
                by (metis pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β xb  multiply β wb get_m_smaller larger_implies_greater_mask_hl)
              ultimately show ?thesis
                by (simp add: padd.rep_eq pgte.rep_eq)
            moreover have "pgte (pmult α (get_m wa hl)) (pmult α (get_m (R a wa) hl))"
              by (metis R_smaller larger_implies_greater_mask_hl pmult_comm pmult_order)
            moreover have "pgte (pmult β (get_m wb hl)) (pmult β (get_m (R a wb) hl))"
              by (metis R_smaller larger_implies_greater_mask_hl pmult_comm pmult_order)
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using padd.rep_eq pgte.rep_eq by force
          moreover have "get_m x hl = padd (get_m (R a w) hl) (get_m a hl)"
            using calculation(1) by auto
          moreover have "get_m y hl = padd (pmult α (get_m ya hl)) (pmult β (get_m yb hl))"
            using Some y = multiply α ya  multiply β yb pgte pwrite α  pgte pwrite β get_m_smaller plus_charact(1) by auto
          moreover have "padd (pmult α (get_m ya hl)) (pmult β (get_m yb hl)) = 
padd (pmult α (padd (get_m (R a wa) hl) (get_m a hl))) (pmult β (padd (get_m (R a wb) hl) (get_m a hl)))"
            using calculation(2) calculation(5) by presburger
          moreover have "... = padd (pmult (padd α β) (get_m a hl)) (padd (pmult α (get_m (R a wa) hl)) (pmult β (get_m (R a wb) hl)))"
            by (metis equ pmult_comm pmult_distr)
          ultimately show "pgte (get_m x hl) (get_m y hl)"
            using asm0 p_greater_exists padd_asso padd_comm pmult_special(1) by force
      ultimately have "y  multiply_sem_assertion α B  multiply_sem_assertion β B"
        using PartialSA.add_set_elem by blast
      then have "y  multiply_sem_assertion pwrite B"
        by (metis asm0 assms(1) combinable_def not_pgte_charact pgt_implies_pgte subsetD)
      then obtain b where "y  multiply pwrite b" "b  B"
        using in_multiply_sem by blast
      then have "multiply pwrite b = b"
        by (metis Rep_state_inverse get_h_m mult_write_mask multiply.simps)
      then have "y  B"
        by (metis b  B y  multiply pwrite b assms(2) intuitionistic_def)
      show "x  B"
        using x  y y  B assms(2) intuitionistic_def by blast

subsection Theorems

text ‹The following theorem is crucial to use the package logic~cite"Dardinier22" to automatically
compute footprints of combinable wands.›

theorem R_mono_transformer:
  "PartialSA.mono_transformer (R a)"
proof -
  have "R a unit = unit"
    by (simp add: PartialSA.succ_antisym PartialSA.unit_smaller R_smaller)
  moreover have "φ φ'. φ'  φ  R a φ'  R a φ"
  proof -
    fix φ φ'
    assume "φ'  φ"
    show "R a φ'  R a φ"
    proof (cases "scalable φ' a")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis PartialSA.succ_trans R_def R_smaller φ'  φ)
      case False
      then obtain p where "ppos p" "pgte pwrite p" "multiply p φ' |#| a"
        by (metis PartialSA.commutative PartialSA.defined_def non_scalable_instantiate)
      then have "multiply p φ |#| a"
        using PartialSA.smaller_compatible φ'  φ multiply_order by blast
      then have "¬ scalable φ a"
        using PartialSA.commutative PartialSA.defined_def pgte pwrite p ppos p scalable_def scaled_def by auto

      moreover have "greater_mask (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m φ')) (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m  φ))"
      proof (rule greater_maskI)
        fix hl show "pgte (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m φ') hl) (comp_min_mask (get_m a) (get_m φ) hl)"
        proof (cases "pgte (get_m φ' hl) (comp_one (get_m a hl))")
          case True
          then show ?thesis
            by (metis comp_min_mask_def pmin_comm pmin_greater pmin_is)
          case False
          then show ?thesis
            by (metis PartialSA.succ_trans R_smaller φ'  φ calculation comp_min_mask_def larger_implies_greater_mask_hl non_scalable_R_charact not_pgte_charact pgt_implies_pgte pmin_comm pmin_is)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using False φ'  φ greaterI larger_implies_larger_heap non_scalable_R_charact by presburger
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: PartialSA.mono_transformer_def)

theorem properties_of_combinable_wands:
  assumes "intuitionistic B"
    shows "combinable B  combinable (cwand A B)"
      and "cwand A B  wand A B"
      and "binary A  cwand A B = wand A B"
  by (simp_all add: assms combinable_cwand cwand_stronger binary_same dual_order.eq_iff)
