Theory Outer_Friend_Receiver_Value_Setup

(* The value setup for outer friendship status confidentiality *)
theory Outer_Friend_Receiver_Value_Setup
  imports Outer_Friend_Receiver_State_Indistinguishability

subsubsection ‹Value Setup›

context OuterFriendReceiver

fun φ :: "(state,act,out) trans  bool" where
"φ (Trans s (COMact (comReceiveCreateOFriend aID cp uID uID')) ou s') =
  (aID = AID  uID = UID  uID'  UIDs AID'  ou = outOK)"
"φ (Trans s (COMact (comReceiveDeleteOFriend aID cp uID uID')) ou s') =
  (aID = AID  uID = UID  uID'  UIDs AID'  ou = outOK)"
"φ _ = False"

fun f :: "(state,act,out) trans  value" where
"f (Trans s (COMact (comReceiveCreateOFriend aID cp uID uID')) ou s') = FrVal AID' uID' True"
"f (Trans s (COMact (comReceiveDeleteOFriend aID cp uID uID')) ou s') = FrVal AID' uID' False"
"f _ = undefined"

lemma recvOFriend_eqButUID:
assumes "step s a = (ou, s')"
and "reach s"
and "a = COMact (comReceiveCreateOFriend AID cp UID uID')  a = COMact (comReceiveDeleteOFriend AID cp UID uID')"
and "uID'  UIDs AID'"
shows "eqButUID s s'"
using assms reach_distinct_friends_reqs(4) unfolding eqButUID_def eqButUIDf_def
by (auto simp: com_defs remove1_idem remove1_append)

(* major *) lemma eqButUID_step:
assumes ss1: "eqButUID s s1"
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')"
and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
and rs: "reach s"
and rs1: "reach s1"
shows "eqButUID s' s1'"
proof -
  note facts = eqButUID_recvOuterFriends_UIDs[OF ss1] eqButUID_UIDs[OF ss1]
               eqButUID_remove1_UID_recvOuterFriends[OF ss1]
  note simps = eqButUID_stateSelectors s_defs c_defs d_defs u_defs r_defs l_defs com_defs
  note congs = eqButUID_cong eqButUIDf_cong eqButUIDl_snoc_cong eqButUIDl_remove1_cong
  from assms show ?thesis proof (cases a)
    case (Sact sa) with assms show ?thesis by (cases sa) (auto simp: simps congs)
    case (Cact ca) with assms show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp: simps congs)
    case (Uact ua) with assms show ?thesis by (cases ua) (auto simp: simps congs)
    case (Ract ra) with assms show ?thesis by (cases ra) (auto simp: simps congs)
    case (Lact la) with assms show ?thesis by (cases la) (auto simp: simps congs)
    case (COMact ca)
      with assms show ?thesis proof (cases "φ (Trans s a ou s')  φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')")
        case True
          then have "eqButUID s s'" and "eqButUID s1 s1'"
            using COMact rs rs1 recvOFriend_eqButUID[OF step] recvOFriend_eqButUID[OF step1]
            by (cases ca; auto)+
          then show "eqButUID s' s1'" using ss1 by (auto intro: eqButUID_sym eqButUID_trans)
        case False
          then show ?thesis using assms facts COMact by (cases ca) (auto simp: simps intro!: congs)
    case (Dact da) with assms show ?thesis by (cases da) (auto simp: simps congs)

(* major *) lemma eqButUID_step_γ_out:
assumes ss1: "eqButUID s s1"
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')" and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
and φ: "φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')  φ (Trans s a ou s')"
and γ: "γ (Trans s a ou s')"
shows "ou = ou1"
proof -
  obtain uid com_act where uid_a: "(userOfA a = Some uid  uid  UIDs AID')
                                  (a = COMact com_act  ou  outErr)"
    using γ UID_UIDs by fastforce
  note simps = eqButUID_stateSelectors eqButUID_UIDs[OF ss1] r_defs s_defs c_defs com_defs l_defs u_defs d_defs
  note facts = ss1 step step1 uid_a
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases a)
    case (Ract ra) then show ?thesis using facts by (cases ra) (auto simp add: simps)
    case (Sact sa) then show ?thesis using facts by (cases sa) (auto simp add: simps)
    case (Cact ca) then show ?thesis using facts by (cases ca) (auto simp add: simps)
    case (COMact ca)
      then show ?thesis using facts proof (cases ca)
        case (comReceiveCreateOFriend aid sp uid uid')
          with facts φ show ?thesis using COMact eqButUID_recvOuterFriends_UIDs[OF ss1]
            by (auto simp: simps)
        case (comReceiveDeleteOFriend aid sp uid uid')
          with facts φ show ?thesis using COMact eqButUID_recvOuterFriends_UIDs[OF ss1]
            by (auto simp: simps)
      qed (auto simp: simps)
    case (Lact la)
      then show ?thesis using facts proof (cases la)
        case (lInnerPosts uid p)
          then have o: "nid. owner s nid = owner s1 nid"
                and n: "nid. post s nid = post s1 nid"
                and nids: "postIDs s = postIDs s1"
                and vis: "vis s = vis s1"
                and fu: "uid'. friendIDs s uid' = friendIDs s1 uid'"
                and e: "e_listInnerPosts s uid p  e_listInnerPosts s1 uid p"
            using ss1 unfolding eqButUID_def l_defs by auto
          have "listInnerPosts s uid p = listInnerPosts s1 uid p"
            unfolding listInnerPosts_def o n nids vis fu ..
          with e show ?thesis using Lact lInnerPosts step step1 by auto
      qed (auto simp add: simps)
    case (Uact ua) then show ?thesis using facts by (cases ua) (auto simp add: simps)
    case (Dact da) then show ?thesis using facts by (cases da) (auto simp add: simps)

lemma eqButUID_step_γ:
assumes ss1: "eqButUID s s1"
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')" and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
and φ: "φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')  φ (Trans s a ou s')"
shows "γ (Trans s a ou s') = γ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')"
using assms eqButUID_step_γ_out[OF assms] eqButUID_step_γ_out[OF _ step1 step]
by (auto intro: eqButUID_sym)

