Theory Safety_Properties
section ‹Safety properties ›
text ‹Here we prove some safety properties (state invariants) for a CoSMeDis
node that are needed in the proof of BD Security properties.
theory Safety_Properties
declare Let_def[simp]
declare if_splits[split]
declare IDsOK_def[simp]
lemmas eff_defs = s_defs c_defs d_defs u_defs
lemmas obs_defs = r_defs l_defs
lemmas effc_defs = eff_defs com_defs
lemmas all_defs = effc_defs obs_defs
declare sstep_Cons[simp]
lemma Lact_Ract_noStateChange[simp]:
assumes "a ∈ Lact ` UNIV ∪ Ract ` UNIV"
shows "snd (step s a) = s"
using assms by (cases a) auto
lemma Lact_Ract_noStateChange_set:
assumes "set al ⊆ Lact ` UNIV ∪ Ract ` UNIV"
shows "snd (sstep s al) = s"
using assms by (induct al) (auto split: prod.splits)
lemma reach_postIDs_persist:
"pID ∈∈ postIDs s ⟹ step s a = (ou,s') ⟹ pID ∈∈ postIDs s'"
apply (cases a)
subgoal for x1 apply(cases x1, auto simp: effc_defs) .
subgoal for x2 apply(cases x2, auto simp: effc_defs) .
subgoal for x3 apply(cases x3, auto simp: effc_defs) .
subgoal for x4 apply(cases x4, auto simp: effc_defs) .
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto
subgoal for x7 apply(cases x7, auto simp: effc_defs) .
lemma userOfA_not_userIDs_outErr:
"∃ uid. userOfA a = Some uid ∧ ¬ uid ∈∈ userIDs s ⟹
∀ aID uID p name. a ≠ Sact (sSys uID p) ⟹
∀ uID name. a ≠ Cact (cNUReq uID name) ⟹
fst (step s a) = outErr"
apply (cases a)
subgoal for x1 apply(cases x1, auto simp: all_defs) .
subgoal for x2 apply(cases x2, auto simp: all_defs) .
subgoal for x3 apply(cases x3, auto simp: all_defs) .
subgoal for x4 apply(cases x4, auto simp: all_defs) .
subgoal for x5 apply(cases x5, auto simp: all_defs) .
subgoal for x6 apply(cases x6, auto simp: all_defs) .
subgoal for x7 apply(cases x7, auto simp: all_defs) .
lemma reach_vis: "reach s ⟹ vis s pID ∈ {FriendV, PublicV}"
proof (induction rule: reach_step_induct)
case (Step s a) then show ?case proof (cases a)
case (Sact sAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases sAct) by (auto simp add: s_defs)
case (Cact cAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases cAct) by (auto simp add: c_defs)
case (Dact dAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases dAct) by (auto simp add: d_defs)
case (Uact uAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases uAct) by (auto simp add: u_defs)
case (COMact comAct) with Step show ?thesis apply (cases comAct)
by (auto simp add: com_defs)
qed auto
qed (auto simp add: istate_def)
lemma reach_not_postIDs_emptyPost:
"reach s ⟹ PID ∉ set (postIDs s) ⟹ post s PID = emptyPost"
proof (induction rule: reach_step_induct)
case (Step s a) then show ?case proof (cases a)
case (Sact sAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases sAct) by (auto simp add: s_defs)
case (Cact cAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases cAct) by (auto simp add: c_defs)
case (Dact dAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases dAct) by (auto simp add: d_defs)
case (Uact uAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases uAct) by (auto simp add: u_defs)
case (COMact comAct) with Step show ?thesis apply (cases comAct)
by (auto simp add: com_defs)
qed auto
qed (auto simp add: istate_def)
lemma reach_not_postIDs_friendV:
"reach s ⟹ PID ∉ set (postIDs s) ⟹ vis s PID = FriendV"
proof (induction rule: reach_step_induct)
case (Step s a) then show ?case proof (cases a)
case (Sact sAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases sAct) by (auto simp add: s_defs)
case (Cact cAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases cAct) by (auto simp add: c_defs)
case (Dact dAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases dAct) by (auto simp add: d_defs)
case (Uact uAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases uAct) by (auto simp add: u_defs)
case (COMact comAct) with Step show ?thesis apply (cases comAct)
by (auto simp add: com_defs)
qed auto
qed (auto simp add: istate_def)
lemma reach_owner_userIDs: "reach s ⟹ pID ∈∈ postIDs s ⟹ owner s pID ∈∈ userIDs s"
proof (induction rule: reach_step_induct)
case (Step s a) then show ?case proof (cases a)
case (Sact sAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases sAct) by (auto simp add: s_defs)
case (Cact cAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases cAct) by (auto simp add: c_defs)
case (Dact dAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases dAct) by (auto simp add: d_defs)
case (Uact uAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases uAct) by (auto simp add: u_defs)
case (COMact comAct) with Step show ?thesis apply (cases comAct)
by (auto simp add: com_defs)
qed auto
qed (auto simp add: istate_def)
lemma reach_admin_userIDs: "reach s ⟹ uID ∈∈ userIDs s ⟹ admin s ∈∈ userIDs s"
proof (induction rule: reach_step_induct)
case (Step s a) then show ?case proof (cases a)
case (Sact sAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases sAct) by (auto simp add: s_defs)
case (Cact cAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases cAct) by (auto simp add: c_defs)
case (Dact dAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases dAct) by (auto simp add: d_defs)
case (Uact uAct) with Step show ?thesis
apply (cases uAct) by (auto simp add: u_defs)
case (COMact comAct) with Step show ?thesis apply (cases comAct)
by (auto simp add: com_defs)
qed auto
qed (auto simp add: istate_def)
lemma reach_pendingUReqs_distinct: "reach s ⟹ distinct (pendingUReqs s)"
proof (induction rule: reach_step_induct)
case (Step s a) then show ?case proof (cases a)
case (Sact sAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases sAct) (auto simp add: s_defs) next
case (Cact cAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases cAct) (auto simp add: c_defs) next
case (Dact dAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases dAct) (auto simp add: d_defs) next
case (Uact uAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases uAct) (auto simp add: u_defs) next
case (COMact comAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases comAct) (auto simp add: com_defs)
qed auto
qed (auto simp: istate_def)
lemma reach_pendingUReqs:
"reach s ⟹ uid ∈∈ pendingUReqs s ⟹ uid ∉ set (userIDs s) ∧ admin s ∈∈ userIDs s"
proof (induction rule: reach_step_induct)
case (Step s a) then show ?case proof (cases a)
case (Sact sAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases sAct) (auto simp add: s_defs) next
case (Cact cAct)
with Step reach_pendingUReqs_distinct show ?thesis
by (cases cAct) (auto simp add: c_defs) next
case (Dact dAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases dAct) (auto simp add: d_defs) next
case (Uact uAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases uAct) (auto simp add: u_defs) next
case (COMact comAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases comAct) (auto simp add: com_defs)
qed auto
qed (auto simp: istate_def)
lemma reach_friendIDs_symmetric:
"reach s ⟹ uID1 ∈∈ friendIDs s uID2 ⟷ uID2 ∈∈ friendIDs s uID1"
proof (induction rule: reach_step_induct)
case (Step s a) then show ?case proof (cases a)
case (Sact sAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases sAct) (auto simp add: s_defs) next
case (Cact cAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases cAct) (auto simp add: c_defs ) next
case (Dact dAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases dAct) (auto simp add: d_defs ) next
case (Uact uAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases uAct) (auto simp add: u_defs) next
case (COMact comAct) with Step show ?thesis by (cases comAct) (auto simp add: com_defs)
qed auto
qed (auto simp add: istate_def)
lemma reach_distinct_friends_reqs:
assumes "reach s"
shows "distinct (friendIDs s uid)" and "distinct (pendingFReqs s uid)"
and "distinct (sentOuterFriendIDs s uid)" and "distinct (recvOuterFriendIDs s uid)"
and "uid' ∈∈ pendingFReqs s uid ⟹ uid' ∉ set (friendIDs s uid)"
and "uid' ∈∈ pendingFReqs s uid ⟹ uid ∉ set (friendIDs s uid')"
using assms proof (induction arbitrary: uid uid' rule: reach_step_induct)
case Istate
fix uid uid'
show "distinct (friendIDs istate uid)" and "distinct (pendingFReqs istate uid)"
and "distinct (sentOuterFriendIDs istate uid)" and "distinct (recvOuterFriendIDs istate uid)"
and "uid' ∈∈ pendingFReqs istate uid ⟹ uid' ∉ set (friendIDs istate uid)"
and "uid' ∈∈ pendingFReqs istate uid ⟹ uid ∉ set (friendIDs istate uid')"
unfolding istate_def by auto
case (Step s a)
have s': "reach (snd (step s a))" using reach_step[OF Step(1)] .
{ fix uid uid'
have "distinct (friendIDs (snd (step s a)) uid) ∧ distinct (pendingFReqs (snd (step s a)) uid)
∧ distinct (sentOuterFriendIDs (snd (step s a)) uid)
∧ distinct (recvOuterFriendIDs (snd (step s a)) uid)
∧ (uid' ∈∈ pendingFReqs (snd (step s a)) uid ⟶ uid' ∉ set (friendIDs (snd (step s a)) uid))"
proof (cases a)
case (Sact sa) with Step show ?thesis by (cases sa) (auto simp add: s_defs) next
case (Cact ca) with Step show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp add: c_defs) next
case (Dact da) with Step show ?thesis by (cases da) (auto simp add: d_defs distinct_removeAll) next
case (Uact ua) with Step show ?thesis by (cases ua) (auto simp add: u_defs) next
case (Ract ra) with Step show ?thesis by auto next
case (Lact ra) with Step show ?thesis by auto next
case (COMact ca) with Step show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp add: com_defs) next
} note goal = this
fix uid uid'
from goal show "distinct (friendIDs (snd (step s a)) uid)"
and "distinct (pendingFReqs (snd (step s a)) uid)"
and "distinct (sentOuterFriendIDs (snd (step s a)) uid)"
and "distinct (recvOuterFriendIDs (snd (step s a)) uid)"
by auto
assume "uid' ∈∈ pendingFReqs (snd (step s a)) uid"
with goal show "uid' ∉ set (friendIDs (snd (step s a)) uid)" by auto
then show "uid ∉ set (friendIDs (snd (step s a)) uid')"
using reach_friendIDs_symmetric[OF s'] by simp
lemma remove1_in_set: "x ∈∈ remove1 y xs ⟹ x ∈∈ xs"
by (induction xs) auto
lemma reach_IDs_used_IDsOK[rule_format]:
assumes "reach s"
shows "uid ∈∈ pendingFReqs s uid' ⟶ IDsOK s [uid, uid'] [] [] []" (is ?p)
and "uid ∈∈ friendIDs s uid' ⟶ IDsOK s [uid, uid'] [] [] []" (is ?f)
using assms proof -
from assms have "uid ∈∈ pendingFReqs s uid' ∨ uid ∈∈ friendIDs s uid'
⟶ IDsOK s [uid, uid'] [] [] []"
proof (induction rule: reach_step_induct)
case Istate then show ?case by (auto simp add: istate_def)
case (Step s a) then show ?case proof (cases a)
case (Sact sa) with Step show ?thesis by (cases sa) (auto simp: s_defs) next
case (Cact ca) with Step show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp: c_defs intro: remove1_in_set) next
case (Dact da) with Step show ?thesis by (cases da) (auto simp: d_defs) next
case (Uact ua) with Step show ?thesis by (cases ua) (auto simp: u_defs) next
case (COMact ca) with Step show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp: com_defs)
qed auto
then show ?p and ?f by auto
lemma reach_AID_used_valid:
assumes "reach s"
and "aid ∈∈ serverApiIDs s ∨ aid ∈∈ clientApiIDs s ∨ aid ∈∈ pendingSApiReqs s ∨ aid ∈∈ pendingCApiReqs s"
shows "admin s ∈∈ userIDs s"
using assms proof (induction rule: reach_step_induct)
case Istate then show ?case by (auto simp: istate_def)
case (Step s a) then show ?case proof (cases a)
case (Sact sa) with Step show ?thesis by (cases sa) (auto simp: s_defs) next
case (Cact ca) with Step show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp: c_defs) next
case (Dact da) with Step show ?thesis by (cases da) (auto simp: d_defs) next
case (Uact ua) with Step show ?thesis by (cases ua) (auto simp: u_defs) next
case (COMact ca) with Step show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp: com_defs intro: remove1_in_set)
qed auto
lemma IDs_mono[rule_format]:
assumes "step s a = (ou, s')"
shows "uid ∈∈ userIDs s ⟶ uid ∈∈ userIDs s'" (is "?u")
and "nid ∈∈ postIDs s ⟶ nid ∈∈ postIDs s'" (is "?n")
and "aid ∈∈ clientApiIDs s ⟶ aid ∈∈ clientApiIDs s'" (is "?c")
and "sid ∈∈ serverApiIDs s ⟶ sid ∈∈ serverApiIDs s'" (is "?s")
and "nid ∈∈ outerPostIDs s aid ⟶ nid ∈∈ outerPostIDs s' aid" (is "?o")
proof -
from assms have "?u ∧ ?n ∧ ?c ∧ ?s ∧ ?o" proof (cases a)
case (Sact sa) with assms show ?thesis by (cases sa) (auto simp add: s_defs) next
case (Cact ca) with assms show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp add: c_defs) next
case (Dact da) with assms show ?thesis by (cases da) (auto simp add: d_defs) next
case (Uact ua) with assms show ?thesis by (cases ua) (auto simp add: u_defs) next
case (COMact ca) with assms show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp add: com_defs)
qed (auto)
then show "?u" "?n" "?c" "?s" "?o" by auto
lemma IDsOK_mono:
assumes "step s a = (ou, s')"
and "IDsOK s uIDs pIDs saID_pIDs_s caIDs"
shows "IDsOK s' uIDs pIDs saID_pIDs_s caIDs"
using IDs_mono[OF assms(1)] assms(2)
by (auto simp add: list_all_iff)
lemma step_outerFriendIDs_idem:
assumes "step s a = (ou, s')"
and "∀uID p aID uID'. a ≠ COMact (comSendCreateOFriend uID p aID uID') ∧
a ≠ COMact (comReceiveCreateOFriend aID p uID uID') ∧
a ≠ COMact (comSendDeleteOFriend uID p aID uID') ∧
a ≠ COMact (comReceiveDeleteOFriend aID p uID uID')"
shows "sentOuterFriendIDs s' = sentOuterFriendIDs s" (is ?sent)
and "recvOuterFriendIDs s' = recvOuterFriendIDs s" (is ?recv)
proof -
have "?sent ∧ ?recv" using assms proof (cases a)
case (Sact sa) with assms show ?thesis by (cases sa) (auto simp add: s_defs) next
case (Cact ca) with assms show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp add: c_defs) next
case (Dact da) with assms show ?thesis by (cases da) (auto simp add: d_defs) next
case (Uact ua) with assms show ?thesis by (cases ua) (auto simp add: u_defs) next
case (COMact ca) with assms show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp add: com_defs)
qed auto
then show "?sent" and "?recv" by auto
lemma istate_sSys:
assumes "step istate a = (ou, s')"
obtains uid p where "a = Sact (sSys uid p)"
| "s' = istate"
using assms proof (cases a)
case (Sact sa) with assms show ?thesis by (cases sa) (auto intro: that) next
case (Cact ca) with assms that(2) show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp add: c_defs istate_def) next
case (Dact da) with assms that(2) show ?thesis by (cases da) (auto simp add: d_defs istate_def) next
case (Uact ua) with assms that(2) show ?thesis by (cases ua) (auto simp add: u_defs istate_def) next
case (COMact ca) with assms that(2) show ?thesis by (cases ca) (auto simp add: com_defs istate_def) next
case (Ract ra) with assms that(2) show ?thesis by (cases ra) (auto simp add: r_defs istate_def) next
case (Lact la) with assms that(2) show ?thesis by (cases la) (auto simp add: l_defs istate_def)