Theory Independent_Post_Observation_Setup_RECEIVER

(* Strengthened observation setup, customized for post confidentiality *)
theory Independent_Post_Observation_Setup_RECEIVER

subsubsection ‹Receiver observation setup›

locale Strong_ObservationSetup_RECEIVER = Fixed_UIDs + Fixed_PID + Fixed_AID

(*  *)
fun γ :: "(state,act,out) trans  bool" where
"γ (Trans _ a _ _) 
   ( uid. userOfA a = Some uid  uid  UIDs)
   ― ‹Communication actions are considered to be observable in order to make the security
       properties compositional›
   (ca. a = COMact ca)
   ― ‹The following actions are added to strengthen the observers in order to show that all
      posts ‹other than PID› of AID› are completely independent of that post;  the
      confidentiality of the latter is protected even if the observers can see all updates to
      other posts (and actions contributing to the declassification triggers of those posts).›
   (uid p pid pst. a = Uact (uPost uid p pid pst))
   (uid p. a = Sact (sSys uid p))
   (uid p uid' p'. a = Cact (cUser uid p uid' p'))
   (uid p pid. a = Cact (cPost uid p pid))
   (uid p uid'. a = Cact (cFriend uid p uid'))
   (uid p uid'. a = Dact (dFriend uid p uid'))
   (uid p pid v. a = Uact (uVisPost uid p pid v))"

(* Note: the passwords don't really have to be purged (since identity theft is not
considered in the first place); however, purging passwords looks more sane. *)

(* Purging the password in starting actions: *)
fun sPurge :: "sActt  sActt" where
"sPurge (sSys uid pwd) = sSys uid emptyPass"

(* Purging communicating actions: user-password information is removed, and post content for PID
  is removed from the only kind of action that may contain such info: comReceivePost.
  Note: server-password info is not purged --todo: discuss this.  *)
fun comPurge :: "comActt  comActt" where
 "comPurge (comSendServerReq uID p aID reqInfo) = comSendServerReq uID emptyPass aID reqInfo"
|"comPurge (comConnectClient uID p aID sp) = comConnectClient uID emptyPass aID sp"
(* *)
|"comPurge (comReceivePost aID sp pID pst uID vs) =
  (let pst' = (if aID = AID  pID = PID then emptyPost else pst)
   in comReceivePost aID sp pID pst' uID vs)"
(* *)
|"comPurge (comSendPost uID p aID pID) = comSendPost uID emptyPass aID pID"
|"comPurge (comSendCreateOFriend uID p aID uID') = comSendCreateOFriend uID emptyPass aID uID'"
|"comPurge (comSendDeleteOFriend uID p aID uID') = comSendDeleteOFriend uID emptyPass aID uID'"
|"comPurge ca = ca"

(* Note: No output purge here -- only for the issuer. *)

fun g :: "(state,act,out)trans  obs" where
 "g (Trans _ (Sact sa) ou _) = (Sact (sPurge sa), ou)"
|"g (Trans _ (COMact ca) ou _) = (COMact (comPurge ca), ou)"
|"g (Trans _ a ou _) = (a,ou)"

lemma comPurge_simps:
  "comPurge ca = comSendServerReq uID p aID reqInfo  (p'. ca = comSendServerReq uID p' aID reqInfo  p = emptyPass)"
  "comPurge ca = comReceiveClientReq aID reqInfo  ca = comReceiveClientReq aID reqInfo"
  "comPurge ca = comConnectClient uID p aID sp  (p'. ca = comConnectClient uID p' aID sp  p = emptyPass)"
  "comPurge ca = comConnectServer aID sp  ca = comConnectServer aID sp"
  "comPurge ca = comReceivePost aID sp pID pst' uID v  (pst. ca = comReceivePost aID sp pID pst uID v  pst' = (if pID = PID  aID = AID then emptyPost else pst))"
  "comPurge ca = comSendPost uID p aID pID  (p'. ca = comSendPost uID p' aID pID  p = emptyPass)"
  "comPurge ca = comSendCreateOFriend uID p aID uID'  (p'. ca = comSendCreateOFriend uID p' aID uID'  p = emptyPass)"
  "comPurge ca = comReceiveCreateOFriend aID cp uID uID'  ca = comReceiveCreateOFriend aID cp uID uID'"
  "comPurge ca = comSendDeleteOFriend uID p aID uID'  (p'. ca = comSendDeleteOFriend uID p' aID uID'  p = emptyPass)"
  "comPurge ca = comReceiveDeleteOFriend aID cp uID uID'  ca = comReceiveDeleteOFriend aID cp uID uID'"
by (cases ca; auto)+

lemma g_simps:
  "g (Trans s a ou s') = (COMact (comSendServerReq uID p aID reqInfo), ou')
 (p'. a = COMact (comSendServerReq uID p' aID reqInfo)  p = emptyPass  ou = ou')"
  "g (Trans s a ou s') = (COMact (comReceiveClientReq aID reqInfo), ou')
 a = COMact (comReceiveClientReq aID reqInfo)  ou = ou'"
  "g (Trans s a ou s') = (COMact (comConnectClient uID p aID sp), ou')
 (p'. a = COMact (comConnectClient uID p' aID sp)  p = emptyPass  ou = ou')"
  "g (Trans s a ou s') = (COMact (comConnectServer aID sp), ou')
 a = COMact (comConnectServer aID sp)  ou = ou'"
  "g (Trans s a ou s') = (COMact (comReceivePost aID sp pID pst' uID v), ou')
 (pst. a = COMact (comReceivePost aID sp pID pst uID v)  pst' = (if pID = PID  aID = AID then emptyPost else pst)  ou = ou')"
   "g (Trans s a ou s') = (COMact (comSendPost uID p aID nID), O_sendPost (aid, sp, pid, pst, own, v))
 (p'. a = COMact (comSendPost uID p' aID nID)  p = emptyPass  ou = O_sendPost (aid, sp, pid, pst, own, v))"
  "g (Trans s a ou s') = (COMact (comSendCreateOFriend uID p aID uID'), ou')
 (p'. a = (COMact (comSendCreateOFriend uID p' aID uID'))  p = emptyPass  ou = ou')"
  "g (Trans s a ou s') = (COMact (comReceiveCreateOFriend aID cp uID uID'), ou')
 a = COMact (comReceiveCreateOFriend aID cp uID uID')  ou = ou'"
  "g (Trans s a ou s') = (COMact (comSendDeleteOFriend uID p aID uID'), ou')
 (p'. a = COMact (comSendDeleteOFriend uID p' aID uID')  p = emptyPass  ou = ou')"
  "g (Trans s a ou s') = (COMact (comReceiveDeleteOFriend aID cp uID uID'), ou')
 a = COMact (comReceiveDeleteOFriend aID cp uID uID')  ou = ou'"
by (cases a; auto simp: comPurge_simps ObservationSetup_RECEIVER.comPurge.simps)+

