Theory Friend_Value_Setup

(* The value setup for friendship status confidentiality *)
theory Friend_Value_Setup
  imports "Friend_Openness"

subsection ‹Value Setup›

context Friend

datatype "value" =
  FrVal bool ― ‹updated friendship status between UID1› and UID2›
| OVal bool ― ‹updated dynamic declassification trigger condition›

fun φ :: "(state,act,out) trans  bool" where
"φ (Trans s (Cact (cFriend uid p uid')) ou s') =
  ((uid,uid')  {(UID1,UID2), (UID2,UID1)}  ou = outOK 
   open s  open s')"
"φ (Trans s (Dact (dFriend uid p uid')) ou s') =
  ((uid,uid')  {(UID1,UID2), (UID2,UID1)}  ou = outOK 
   open s  open s')"
"φ (Trans s (Cact (cUser uid p uid' p')) ou s') =
  (open s  open s')"
"φ _ = False"

fun f :: "(state,act,out) trans  value" where
"f (Trans s (Cact (cFriend uid p uid')) ou s') =
  (if (uid,uid')  {(UID1,UID2), (UID2,UID1)} then FrVal True
                                              else OVal True)"
"f (Trans s (Dact (dFriend uid p uid')) ou s') =
  (if (uid,uid')  {(UID1,UID2), (UID2,UID1)} then FrVal False
                                              else OVal False)"
"f (Trans s (Cact (cUser uid p uid' p')) ou s') = OVal False"
"f _ = undefined"

lemma φE:
assumes φ: "φ (Trans s a ou s')" (is "φ ?trn")
and step: "step s a = (ou, s')"
and rs: "reach s"
obtains (Friend) uid p uid' where "a = Cact (cFriend uid p uid')" "ou = outOK" "f ?trn = FrVal True"
                                  "uid = UID1  uid' = UID2  uid = UID2  uid' = UID1"
                                  "IDsOK s [UID1, UID2] [] [] []"
                                  "¬friends12 s" "friends12 s'"
      | (Unfriend) uid p uid' where "a = Dact (dFriend uid p uid')" "ou = outOK" "f ?trn = FrVal False"
                                    "uid = UID1  uid' = UID2  uid = UID2  uid' = UID1"
                                    "IDsOK s [UID1, UID2] [] [] []"
                                    "friends12 s" "¬friends12 s'"
      | (OpenF) uid p uid' where "a = Cact (cFriend uid p uid')"
                                 "(uid  UIDs  uid'  {UID1,UID2})  (uid'  UIDs  uid  {UID1,UID2})"
                                 "ou = outOK" "f ?trn = OVal True" "¬openByF s" "openByF s'"
                                 "¬openByA s" "¬openByA s'"
      | (CloseF) uid p uid' where "a = Dact (dFriend uid p uid')"
                                  "(uid  UIDs  uid'  {UID1,UID2})  (uid'  UIDs  uid  {UID1,UID2})"
                                  "ou = outOK" "f ?trn = OVal False" "openByF s" "¬openByF s'"
                                  "¬openByA s" "¬openByA s'"
      | (CloseA) uid p uid' p' where "a = Cact (cUser uid p uid' p')"
                                     "uid'  {UID1,UID2}" "openByA s" "¬openByA s'"
                                     "¬openByF s" "¬openByF s'"
                                     "ou = outOK" "f ?trn = OVal False"
using φ proof (elim φ.elims disjE conjE)
  fix s1 uid p uid' ou1 s1'
  assume "(uid,uid')  {(UID1,UID2), (UID2,UID1)}" and ou: "ou1 = outOK"
     and "?trn = Trans s1 (Cact (cFriend uid p uid')) ou1 s1'"
  then have trn: "a = Cact (cFriend uid p uid')" "s = s1" "s' = s1'" "ou = ou1"
        and uids: "uid = UID1  uid' = UID2  uid = UID2  uid' = UID1" using UID1_UID2 by auto
  then show thesis using ou uids trn step UID1_UID2_UIDs UID1_UID2 reach_distinct_friends_reqs[OF rs]
    by (intro Friend[of uid p uid']) (auto simp add: c_defs friends12_def)
  fix s1 uid p uid' ou1 s1'
  assume op: "open s1  open s1'"
     and "?trn = Trans s1 (Cact (cFriend uid p uid')) ou1 s1'"
  then have trn: "open s  open s'" "s = s1" "s' = s1'" "ou = ou1"
        and a: "a = Cact (cFriend uid p uid')"
    by auto
  with step have uids: "(uid  UIDs  uid'  {UID1, UID2}  uid  {UID1, UID2}  uid'  UIDs) 
                        ou = outOK  ¬openByF s  openByF s'  ¬openByA s  ¬openByA s'"
    by (cases rule: step_open_cases) auto
  then show thesis using a UID1_UID2_UIDs by (intro OpenF) auto
  fix s1 uid p uid' ou1 s1'
  assume "(uid,uid')  {(UID1,UID2), (UID2,UID1)}" and ou: "ou1 = outOK"
     and "?trn = Trans s1 (Dact (dFriend uid p uid')) ou1 s1'"
  then have trn: "a = Dact (dFriend uid p uid')" "s = s1" "s' = s1'" "ou = ou1"
        and uids: "uid = UID1  uid' = UID2  uid = UID2  uid' = UID1" using UID1_UID2 by auto
  then show thesis using step ou reach_friendIDs_symmetric[OF rs]
    by (intro Unfriend) (auto simp: d_defs friends12_def)
  fix s1 uid p uid' ou1 s1'
  assume op: "open s1  open s1'"
     and "?trn = Trans s1 (Dact (dFriend uid p uid')) ou1 s1'"
  then have trn: "open s  open s'" "s = s1" "s' = s1'" "ou = ou1"
        and a: "a = Dact (dFriend uid p uid')"
    by auto
  with step have uids: "(uid  UIDs  uid'  {UID1, UID2}  uid  {UID1, UID2}  uid'  UIDs) 
                        ou = outOK  openByF s  (¬openByF s')  (¬openByA s)  (¬openByA s')"
    by (cases rule: step_open_cases) auto
  then show thesis using a UID1_UID2_UIDs by (intro CloseF) auto
  fix s1 uid p uid' p' ou1 s1'
  assume op: "open s1  open s1'"
     and "?trn = Trans s1 (Cact (cUser uid p uid' p')) ou1 s1'"
  then have trn: "open s  open s'" "s = s1" "s' = s1'" "ou = ou1"
        and a: "a = Cact (cUser uid p uid' p')"
    by auto
  with step have uids: "(uid' = UID2  uid' = UID1)  ou = outOK 
                        (¬openByF s)  (¬openByF s')  openByA s  (¬openByA s')"
    by (cases rule: step_open_cases) auto
  then show thesis using a UID1_UID2_UIDs by (intro CloseA) auto

lemma step_open_φ:
assumes "step s a = (ou, s')"
and "open s  open s'"
shows "φ (Trans s a ou s')"
using assms by (cases rule: step_open_cases) (auto simp: open_def)

lemma step_friends12_φ:
assumes "step s a = (ou, s')"
and "friends12 s  friends12 s'"
shows "φ (Trans s a ou s')"
proof -
  have "a = Cact (cFriend UID1 (pass s UID1) UID2)  a = Cact (cFriend UID2 (pass s UID2) UID1) 
        a = Dact (dFriend UID1 (pass s UID1) UID2)  a = Dact (dFriend UID2 (pass s UID2) UID1)"
   using assms step_friends12 by (cases "ou = outOK") auto
  moreover then have "ou = outOK" using assms by auto
  ultimately show "φ (Trans s a ou s')" by auto

lemma eqButUID_step_φ_imp:
assumes ss1: "eqButUID s s1"
and rs: "reach s" and rs1: "reach s1"
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')" and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
and a: "a  Cact (cFriend UID1 (pass s UID1) UID2)  a  Cact (cFriend UID2 (pass s UID2) UID1) 
        a  Dact (dFriend UID1 (pass s UID1) UID2)  a  Dact (dFriend UID2 (pass s UID2) UID1)"
and φ: "φ (Trans s a ou s')"
shows "φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')"
proof -
  have "eqButUID s' s1'" using eqButUID_step[OF ss1 step step1 rs rs1] .
  then have "open s = open s1" and "open s' = open s1'"
        and "openByA s = openByA s1" and "openByA s' = openByA s1'"
        and "openByF s = openByF s1" and "openByF s' = openByF s1'"
    using ss1 by (auto simp: eqButUID_open_eq eqButUID_openByA_eq eqButUID_openByF_eq)
  with φ a step step1 show "φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')" using UID1_UID2_UIDs
    by (elim φ.elims) (auto simp: c_defs d_defs)

lemma eqButUID_step_φ:
assumes ss1: "eqButUID s s1"
and rs: "reach s" and rs1: "reach s1"
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')" and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
and a: "a  Cact (cFriend UID1 (pass s UID1) UID2)  a  Cact (cFriend UID2 (pass s UID2) UID1) 
        a  Dact (dFriend UID1 (pass s UID1) UID2)  a  Dact (dFriend UID2 (pass s UID2) UID1)"
shows "φ (Trans s a ou s') = φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')"
  assume "φ (Trans s a ou s')"
  with assms show "φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')" by (rule eqButUID_step_φ_imp)
  assume "φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')"
  moreover have "eqButUID s1 s" using ss1 by (rule eqButUID_sym)
  moreover have "a  Cact (cFriend UID1 (pass s1 UID1) UID2) 
                 a  Cact (cFriend UID2 (pass s1 UID2) UID1) 
                 a  Dact (dFriend UID1 (pass s1 UID1) UID2) 
                 a  Dact (dFriend UID2 (pass s1 UID2) UID1)"
    using a ss1 by (auto simp: eqButUID_stateSelectors)
  ultimately show "φ (Trans s a ou s')" using rs rs1 step step1
    by (intro eqButUID_step_φ_imp[of s1 s])

