Theory Card_Number_Partitions
section ‹Cardinality of Number Partitions›
theory Card_Number_Partitions
imports Number_Partition
subsection ‹The Partition Function›
fun Partition :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat"
"Partition 0 0 = 1"
| "Partition 0 (Suc k) = 0"
| "Partition (Suc m) 0 = 0"
| "Partition (Suc m) (Suc k) = Partition m k + Partition (m - k) (Suc k)"
lemma Partition_less:
assumes "m < k"
shows "Partition m k = 0"
using assms by (induct m k rule: Partition.induct) auto
lemma Partition_sum_Partition_diff:
assumes "k ≤ m"
shows "Partition m k = (∑i≤k. Partition (m - k) i)"
using assms by (induct m k rule: Partition.induct) auto
lemma Partition_parts1:
"Partition (Suc m) (Suc 0) = 1"
by (induct m) auto
lemma Partition_diag:
"Partition (Suc m) (Suc m) = 1"
by (induct m) auto
lemma Partition_diag1:
"Partition (Suc (Suc m)) (Suc m) = 1"
by (induct m) auto
lemma Partition_parts2:
shows "Partition m 2 = m div 2"
proof (induct m rule: nat_less_induct)
fix m
assume hypothesis: "∀n<m. Partition n 2 = n div 2"
have "(m = 0 ∨ m = 1) ∨ m ≥ 2" by auto
from this show "Partition m 2 = m div 2"
assume "m = 0 ∨ m = 1"
from this show ?thesis by (auto simp add: numerals(2))
assume "2 ≤ m"
from this obtain m' where m': "m = Suc (Suc m')" by (metis add_2_eq_Suc le_Suc_ex)
from hypothesis this have "Partition m' 2 = m' div 2" by simp
from this m' show ?thesis
using Partition_parts1 Partition.simps(4)[of "Suc m'" "Suc 0"] div2_Suc_Suc
by (simp add: numerals(2) del: Partition.simps)
subsection ‹Cardinality of Number Partitions›
lemma set_rewrite1:
"{p. p partitions Suc m ∧ sum p {..Suc m} = Suc k ∧ p 1 ≠ 0}
= (λp. p(1 := p 1 + 1)) ` {p. p partitions m ∧ sum p {..m} = k}" (is "?S = ?T")
fix p
assume assms: "p partitions Suc m" "sum p {..Suc m} = Suc k" "0 < p 1"
have "p(1 := p 1 - 1) partitions m"
using assms by (metis partitions_remove1 diff_Suc_1)
moreover have "(∑i≤m. (p(1 := p 1 - 1)) i) = k"
using assms by (metis count_remove1 diff_Suc_1)
ultimately have "p(1 := p 1 - 1) ∈ {p. p partitions m ∧ sum p {..m} = k}" by simp
moreover have "p = p(1 := p 1 - 1, 1 := (p(1 := p 1 - 1)) 1 + 1)"
using ‹0 < p 1› by auto
ultimately have "p ∈ (λp. p(1 := p 1 + 1)) ` {p. p partitions m ∧ sum p {..m} = k}" by blast
from this show "?S ⊆ ?T" by blast
fix p
assume assms: "p partitions m" "sum p {..m} = k"
have "(p(1 := p 1 + 1)) partitions Suc m" (is ?g1)
using assms by (metis partitions_insert1 Suc_eq_plus1 zero_less_one)
moreover have "sum (p(1 := p 1 + 1)) {..Suc m} = Suc k" (is ?g2)
using assms by (metis count_insert1 Suc_eq_plus1)
moreover have "(p(1 := p 1 + 1)) 1 ≠ 0" (is ?g3) by auto
ultimately have "?g1 ∧ ?g2 ∧ ?g3" by simp
from this show "?T ⊆ ?S" by auto
lemma set_rewrite2:
"{p. p partitions m ∧ sum p {..m} = k ∧ p 1 = 0}
= (λp. (λi. p (i - 1))) ` {p. p partitions (m - k) ∧ sum p {..m - k} = k}"
(is "?S = ?T")
fix p
assume assms: "p partitions m" "sum p {..m} = k" "p 1 = 0"
have "(λi. p (i + 1)) partitions m - k"
using assms partitions_decrease1 by blast
moreover from assms have "sum (λi. p (i + 1)) {..m - k} = k"
using assms count_decrease1 by blast
ultimately have "(λi. p (i + 1)) ∈ {p. p partitions m - k ∧ sum p {..m - k} = k}" by simp
moreover have "p = (λi. p ((i - 1) + 1))"
proof (rule ext)
fix i show "p i = p (i - 1 + 1)"
using assms by (cases i) (auto elim!: partitionsE)
ultimately have "p ∈ (λp. (λi. p (i - 1))) ` {p. p partitions m - k ∧ sum p {..m - k} = k}" by auto
from this show "?S ⊆ ?T" by auto
fix p
assume assms: "p partitions m - k" "sum p {..m - k} = k"
from assms have "(λi. p (i - 1)) partitions m" (is ?g1)
using partitions_increase1 by blast
moreover from assms have "(∑i≤m. p (i - 1)) = k" (is ?g2)
using count_increase1 by blast
moreover from assms have "p 0 = 0" (is ?g3)
by (auto elim!: partitionsE)
ultimately have "?g1 ∧ ?g2 ∧ ?g3" by simp
from this show "?T ⊆ ?S" by auto
theorem card_partitions_k_parts:
"card {p. p partitions n ∧ (∑i≤n. p i) = k} = Partition n k"
proof (induct n k rule: Partition.induct)
case 1
have eq: "{p. p = (λx. 0) ∧ p 0 = 0} = {(λx. 0)}" by auto
show "card {p. p partitions 0 ∧ sum p {..0} = 0} = Partition 0 0"
by (simp add: partitions_zero eq)
case (2 k)
have eq: "{p. p = (λx. 0) ∧ p 0 = Suc k} = {}" by auto
show "card {p. p partitions 0 ∧ sum p {..0} = Suc k} = Partition 0 (Suc k)"
by (simp add: partitions_zero eq)
case (3 m)
have eq: "{p. p partitions Suc m ∧ sum p {..Suc m} = 0} = {}"
by (fastforce elim!: partitionsE simp add: le_Suc_eq)
from this show "card {p. p partitions Suc m ∧ sum p {..Suc m} = 0} = Partition (Suc m) 0"
by (simp only: Partition.simps card.empty)
case (4 m k)
let ?set1 = "{p. p partitions Suc m ∧ sum p {..Suc m} = Suc k ∧ p 1 ≠ 0}"
let ?set2 = "{p. p partitions Suc m ∧ sum p {..Suc m} = Suc k ∧ p 1 = 0}"
have "finite {p. p partitions Suc m}"
by (simp add: finite_partitions)
from this have finite_sets: "finite ?set1" "finite ?set2" by simp+
have set_eq: "{p. p partitions Suc m ∧ sum p {..Suc m} = Suc k} = ?set1 ∪ ?set2" by auto
have disjoint: "?set1 ∩ ?set2 = {}" by auto
have inj1: "inj_on (λp. p(1 := p 1 + 1)) {p. p partitions m ∧ sum p {..m} = k}"
by (auto intro!: inj_onI) (metis diff_Suc_1 fun_upd_idem_iff fun_upd_upd)
have inj2: "inj_on (λp i. p (i - 1)) {p. p partitions m - k ∧ sum p {..m - k} = Suc k}"
by (auto intro!: inj_onI simp add: fun_eq_iff) (metis add_diff_cancel_right')
have card1: "card ?set1 = Partition m k"
using inj1 4(1) by (simp only: set_rewrite1 card_image)
have card2: "card ?set2 = Partition (m - k) (Suc k)"
using inj2 4(2) by (simp only: set_rewrite2 card_image diff_Suc_Suc)
have "card {p. p partitions Suc m ∧ sum p {..Suc m} = Suc k} = Partition m k + Partition (m - k) (Suc k)"
using finite_sets disjoint by (simp only: set_eq card_Un_disjoint card1 card2)
from this show "card {p. p partitions Suc m ∧ sum p {..Suc m} = Suc k} = Partition (Suc m) (Suc k)"
by auto
theorem card_partitions:
"card {p. p partitions n} = (∑k≤n. Partition n k)"
proof -
have seteq: "{p. p partitions n} = ⋃((λk. {p. p partitions n ∧ (∑i≤n. p i) = k}) ` {..n})"
by (auto intro: partitions_parts_bounded)
have finite: "⋀k. finite {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = k}"
by (simp add: finite_partitions)
have "card {p. p partitions n} = card (⋃((λk. {p. p partitions n ∧ (∑i≤n. p i) = k}) ` {..n}))"
using finite by (simp add: seteq)
also have "... = (∑x≤n. card {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = x})"
using finite by (subst card_UN_disjoint) auto
also have "... = (∑k≤n. Partition n k)"
by (simp add: card_partitions_k_parts)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma card_partitions_atmost_k_parts:
"card {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} ≤ k} = Partition (n + k) k"
proof -
have "card {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} ≤ k} =
card (⋃((λk'. {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = k'}) ` {..k}))"
proof -
have "{p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} ≤ k} =
(⋃k'≤k. {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = k'})" by auto
from this show ?thesis by simp
also have "card (⋃((λk'. {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = k'}) ` {..k})) =
sum (λk'. card {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = k'}) {..k}"
using finite_partitions_k_parts by (subst card_UN_disjoint) auto
also have "… = sum (λk'. Partition n k') {..k}"
using card_partitions_k_parts by simp
also have "… = Partition (n + k) k"
using Partition_sum_Partition_diff by simp
finally show ?thesis .
subsection ‹Cardinality of Number Partitions as Multisets of Natural Numbers›
lemma bij_betw_multiset_number_partition_with_size:
"bij_betw count {N. number_partition n N ∧ size N = k} {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = k}"
proof (rule bij_betw_byWitness[where f'="Abs_multiset"])
show "∀N∈{N. number_partition n N ∧ size N = k}. Abs_multiset (count N) = N"
using count_inverse by blast
show "∀p∈{p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = k}. count (Abs_multiset p) = p"
by (auto simp add: partitions_imp_finite_elements)
show "count ` {N. number_partition n N ∧ size N = k} ⊆ {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = k}"
by (auto simp add: count_partitions_iff size_nat_multiset_eq)
show "Abs_multiset ` {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = k} ⊆ {N. number_partition n N ∧ size N = k}"
using partitions_iff_Abs_multiset size_nat_multiset_eq by fastforce
lemma bij_betw_multiset_number_partition_with_atmost_size:
"bij_betw count {N. number_partition n N ∧ size N ≤ k} {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} ≤ k}"
proof (rule bij_betw_byWitness[where f'="Abs_multiset"])
show "∀N∈{N. number_partition n N ∧ size N ≤ k}. Abs_multiset (count N) = N"
using count_inverse by blast
show "∀p∈{p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} ≤ k}. count (Abs_multiset p) = p"
by (auto simp add: partitions_imp_finite_elements)
show "count ` {N. number_partition n N ∧ size N ≤ k} ⊆ {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} ≤ k}"
by (auto simp add: count_partitions_iff size_nat_multiset_eq)
show "Abs_multiset ` {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} ≤ k} ⊆ {N. number_partition n N∧ size N ≤ k}"
using partitions_iff_Abs_multiset size_nat_multiset_eq by fastforce
theorem card_number_partitions_with_atmost_k_parts:
shows "card {N. number_partition n N ∧ size N ≤ x} = Partition (n + x) x"
proof -
have "bij_betw count {N. number_partition n N ∧ size N ≤ x} {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} ≤ x}"
by (rule bij_betw_multiset_number_partition_with_atmost_size)
from this have "card {N. number_partition n N ∧ size N ≤ x} = card {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} ≤ x}"
by (rule bij_betw_same_card)
also have "card {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} ≤ x} = Partition (n + x) x"
by (rule card_partitions_atmost_k_parts)
finally show ?thesis .
theorem card_partitions_with_k_parts:
"card {N. number_partition n N ∧ size N = k} = Partition n k"
proof -
have "bij_betw count {N. number_partition n N ∧ size N = k} {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = k}"
by (rule bij_betw_multiset_number_partition_with_size)
from this have "card {N. number_partition n N ∧ size N = k} = card {p. p partitions n ∧ sum p {..n} = k}"
by (rule bij_betw_same_card)
also have "… = Partition n k" by (rule card_partitions_k_parts)
finally show ?thesis .
subsection ‹Cardinality of Number Partitions with only 1-parts›
lemma number_partition1_eq_replicate_mset:
"{N. (∀n. n∈# N ⟶ n = 1) ∧ number_partition n N} = {replicate_mset n 1}"
show "{N. (∀n. n ∈# N ⟶ n = 1) ∧ number_partition n N} ⊆ {replicate_mset n 1}"
fix N
assume N: "N ∈ {N. (∀n. n ∈# N ⟶ n = 1) ∧ number_partition n N}"
have "N = replicate_mset n 1"
proof (rule multiset_eqI)
fix i
have "count N 1 = sum_mset N"
proof cases
assume "N = {#}"
from this show ?thesis by auto
assume "N ≠ {#}"
from this N have "1 ∈# N" by blast
from this N show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: sum_mset_sum_count sum.remove[where x="1"] simp del: One_nat_def)
from N this show "count N i = count (replicate_mset n 1) i"
unfolding number_partition_def by (auto intro: count_inI)
from this show "N ∈ {replicate_mset n 1}" by simp
show "{replicate_mset n 1} ⊆ {N. (∀n. n ∈# N ⟶ n = 1) ∧ number_partition n N}"
unfolding number_partition_def by auto
lemma card_number_partitions_with_only_parts_1_eq_1:
assumes "n ≤ x"
shows "card {N. (∀n. n∈# N ⟶ n = 1) ∧ number_partition n N ∧ size N ≤ x} = 1" (is "card ?N = _")
proof -
have "∀N ∈ {N. (∀n. n ∈# N ⟶ n = 1) ∧ number_partition n N}. size N = n"
unfolding number_partition1_eq_replicate_mset by simp
from this number_partition1_eq_replicate_mset ‹n ≤ x› have "?N = {replicate_mset n 1}" by auto
from this show ?thesis by simp
lemma card_number_partitions_with_only_parts_1_eq_0:
assumes "x < n"
shows "card {N. (∀n. n∈# N ⟶ n = 1) ∧ number_partition n N ∧ size N ≤ x} = 0" (is "card ?N = _")
proof -
have "∀N ∈ {N. (∀n. n ∈# N ⟶ n = 1) ∧ number_partition n N}. size N = n"
unfolding number_partition1_eq_replicate_mset by simp
from this number_partition1_eq_replicate_mset‹x < n› have "?N = {}" by auto
from this show ?thesis by (simp only: card.empty)