Theory Lem_list_extra

chapter ‹Generated by Lem from list_extra.lem›.›

theory "Lem_list_extra" 



― ‹open import Bool Maybe Basic_classes Tuple Num List Assert_extra›

― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹ head of non-empty list    ›
― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹val head : forall 'a. list 'a -> 'a›
― ‹let head l=  match l with | x::xs -> x | [] -> failwith "List_extra.head of empty list" end›

― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹ tail of non-empty list    ›
― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹val tail : forall 'a. list 'a -> list 'a›
― ‹let tail l=  match l with | x::xs -> xs | [] -> failwith "List_extra.tail of empty list" end›

― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹ last                      ›
― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹val last : forall 'a. list 'a -> 'a›
― ‹let rec last l=  match l with | [x] -> x | x1::x2::xs -> last (x2 :: xs) | [] -> failwith "List_extra.last of empty list" end›

― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹ init                      ›
― ‹ ------------------------- ›

― ‹ All elements of a non-empty list except the last one. ›
― ‹val init : forall 'a. list 'a -> list 'a›
― ‹let rec init l=  match l with | [x] -> [] | x1::x2::xs -> x1::(init (x2::xs)) | [] -> failwith "List_extra.init of empty list" end›

― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹ foldl1 / foldr1           ›
― ‹ ------------------------- ›

― ‹ folding functions for non-empty lists,
    which don`t take the base case ›
― ‹val foldl1 : forall 'a. ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> list 'a -> 'a›
fun foldl1  :: "('a  'a  'a) 'a list  'a "  where 
     " foldl1 f (x # xs) = ( List.foldl f x xs )"
|" foldl1 f ([]) = ( failwith (''List_extra.foldl1 of empty list''))"

― ‹val foldr1 : forall 'a. ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> list 'a -> 'a›
fun foldr1  :: "('a  'a  'a) 'a list  'a "  where 
     " foldr1 f (x # xs) = ( List.foldr f xs x )"
|" foldr1 f ([]) = ( failwith (''List_extra.foldr1 of empty list''))"

― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹ nth element               ›
― ‹ ------------------------- ›

― ‹ get the nth element of a list ›
― ‹val nth : forall 'a. list 'a -> nat -> 'a›
― ‹let nth l n=  match index l n with Just e -> e | Nothing -> failwith "List_extra.nth" end›

― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹ Find_non_pure             ›
― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹val findNonPure : forall 'a. ('a -> bool) -> list 'a -> 'a› 
definition findNonPure  :: "('a  bool) 'a list  'a "  where 
     " findNonPure P l = ( (case  (List.find P l) of 
    Some e      => e
  | None     => failwith (''List_extra.findNonPure'')

― ‹ ------------------------- ›
― ‹ zip same length           ›
― ‹ ------------------------- ›

― ‹val zipSameLength : forall 'a 'b. list 'a -> list 'b -> list ('a * 'b)› 
fun  zipSameLength  :: " 'a list  'b list ('a*'b)list "  where 
     " zipSameLength l1 l2 = ( (case  (l1, l2) of
    (x # xs, y # ys) => (x, y) # zipSameLength xs ys
  | ([], []) => []
  | _ => failwith (''List_extra.zipSameLength of different length lists'')


― ‹val     unfoldr: forall 'a 'b. ('a -> maybe ('b * 'a)) -> 'a -> list 'b›
function (sequential,domintros)  unfoldr  :: "('a ('b*'a)option) 'a  'b list "  where 
     " unfoldr f x = (
  (case  f x of
      Some (y, x') =>
        y # unfoldr f x'
    | None =>
by pat_completeness auto
