Theory CertCheck
section ‹ Certificate-based ApproxMC ›
text ‹ This turns the randomized algorithm into an
executable certificate checker ›
theory CertCheck
imports ApproxMCAnalysis
subsection ‹ ApproxMC with lists instead of sets ›
type_synonym 'a xor = "'a list × bool"
definition satisfies_xorL :: "'a xor ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool"
where "satisfies_xorL xb ω =
even (sum_list (map (of_bool ∘ ω) (fst xb)) +
of_bool (snd xb)::nat)"
definition sublist_bits::"'a list ⇒ bool list ⇒ 'a list"
where "sublist_bits ls bs =
map fst (filter snd (zip ls bs))"
definition xor_from_bits::
"'a list ⇒ bool list × bool ⇒ 'a xor"
where "xor_from_bits V xsb =
(sublist_bits V (fst xsb), snd xsb)"
locale ApproxMCL =
fixes sols :: "'fml ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool) set"
fixes enc_xor :: "'a xor ⇒ 'fml ⇒ 'fml"
assumes sols_enc_xor:
"⋀F xor.
sols (enc_xor xor F) =
sols F ∩ {ω. satisfies_xorL xor ω}"
definition list_of_set ::"'a set ⇒ 'a list"
where "list_of_set x = (@ls. set ls = x ∧ distinct ls)"
definition xor_conc :: "'a set × bool ⇒ 'a xor"
where "xor_conc xsb = (list_of_set (fst xsb), snd xsb)"
definition enc_xor_conc :: "'a set × bool ⇒ 'fml ⇒ 'fml"
where "enc_xor_conc = enc_xor ∘ xor_conc"
lemma distinct_count_list:
assumes "distinct ls"
shows "count_list ls x = of_bool (x ∈ set ls)"
using assms
apply (induction ls)
by auto
lemma list_of_set:
assumes "finite x"
shows "distinct (list_of_set x)" "set (list_of_set x) = x"
unfolding list_of_set_def
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms finite_distinct_list someI_ex)+
lemma count_list_list_of_set:
assumes "finite x"
shows "count_list (list_of_set x) y = of_bool (y ∈ x)"
apply (subst distinct_count_list)
using list_of_set[OF assms]
by auto
lemma satisfies_xorL_xor_conc:
assumes "finite x"
shows"satisfies_xorL (xor_conc (x,b)) ω ⟷ satisfies_xor (x,b) {x. ω x}"
unfolding satisfies_xorL_def xor_conc_def
using list_of_set[OF assms]
by (auto simp add: sum_list_map_eq_sum_count count_list_list_of_set[OF assms] Int_ac(3) assms)
sublocale appmc: ApproxMC sols enc_xor_conc
apply unfold_locales
unfolding enc_xor_conc_def o_def
apply (subst sols_enc_xor)
using satisfies_xorL_xor_conc by fastforce
definition size_xorL ::"
'fml ⇒ 'a list ⇒
(nat ⇒ bool list × bool) ⇒
nat ⇒ nat"
where "size_xorL F S xorsl i = (
let xors = map (xor_from_bits S ∘ xorsl) [0..<i] in
let Fenc = fold enc_xor xors F in
card (proj (set S) (sols Fenc)))"
definition check_xorL ::"
'fml ⇒ 'a list ⇒
nat ⇒
(nat ⇒ bool list × bool) ⇒
nat ⇒ bool"
where "check_xorL F S thresh xorsl i =
(size_xorL F S xorsl i < thresh)"
definition approxcore_xorsL :: "
'fml ⇒ 'a list ⇒
nat ⇒
(nat ⇒ (bool list × bool)) ⇒
where "
approxcore_xorsL F S thresh xorsl =
(case List.find
(check_xorL F S thresh xorsl) [1..<length S] of
None ⇒ 2 ^ length S
| Some m ⇒
(2 ^ m * size_xorL F S xorsl m))"
definition xor_abs :: "'a xor ⇒ 'a set × bool"
where "xor_abs xsb = (set (fst xsb), snd xsb)"
lemma sols_fold_enc_xor:
assumes "list_all2 (λx y.
∀w. satisfies_xorL x w = satisfies_xorL y w) xs ys"
assumes "sols F = sols G"
shows "sols (fold enc_xor xs F) = sols (fold enc_xor ys G)"
using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: ys F G)
case Nil
then show ?case
by auto
case (Cons x xss)
then obtain y yss where ys: "ys = y#yss"
by (meson list_all2_Cons1)
have all2: "∀w. satisfies_xorL x w = satisfies_xorL y w"
using Cons.prems(1) ys by blast
have *: "sols (enc_xor x F) = sols (enc_xor y G)"
apply (subst sols_enc_xor)
using all2 local.Cons(3) sols_enc_xor by presburger
then show ?case unfolding ys
using "*" Cons.IH Cons.prems(2) local.Cons(2) local.Cons(3) ys by auto
lemma satisfies_xor_xor_abs:
assumes "distinct x"
shows"satisfies_xor (xor_abs (x,b)) {x. ω x} ⟷ satisfies_xorL (x,b) ω"
unfolding satisfies_xorL_def xor_abs_def
apply (clarsimp simp add: sum_list_map_eq_sum_count)
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) IntD1 Int_commute assms card_eq_sum distinct_count_list of_bool_eq(2) sum.cong)
lemma xor_conc_xor_abs_rel:
assumes "distinct (fst x)"
shows"satisfies_xorL (xor_conc (xor_abs x)) w ⟷
satisfies_xorL x w"
unfolding xor_abs_def
apply (subst satisfies_xorL_xor_conc)
subgoal by (simp add: xor_abs_def[symmetric])
using assms satisfies_xor_xor_abs xor_abs_def by auto
lemma sorted_sublist_bits:
assumes "sorted V"
shows"sorted (sublist_bits V bs)"
unfolding sublist_bits_def
using assms
by (auto intro!: sorted_filter sorted_wrt_take simp add: map_fst_zip_take)
lemma distinct_sublist_bits:
assumes "distinct V"
shows"distinct (sublist_bits V bs)"
unfolding sublist_bits_def
using assms
by (auto intro!: distinct_map_filter simp add: map_fst_zip_take)
lemma distinct_fst_xor_from_bits:
assumes "distinct V"
shows"distinct (fst (xor_from_bits V bs))"
unfolding xor_from_bits_def
using distinct_sublist_bits[OF assms]
by auto
lemma size_xorL:
assumes "⋀j. j < i ⟹
xorsf j =
Some (xor_abs (xor_from_bits S (xorsl j)))"
assumes "distinct S"
shows "size_xorL F S xorsl i =
appmc.size_xor F (set S) xorsf i"
unfolding appmc.size_xor_def size_xorL_def
apply (clarsimp simp add: enc_xor_conc_def fold_map[symmetric])
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = "(λx. card (proj (set S) x))"])
apply (intro sols_fold_enc_xor)
by (auto simp add: list_all2_map1 list_all2_map2 list_all2_same assms(1) assms(2) distinct_fst_xor_from_bits xor_conc_xor_abs_rel)
lemma fold_enc_xor_more:
assumes "x ∈ sols (fold enc_xor (xs @ rev ys) F)"
shows "x ∈ sols (fold enc_xor xs F)"
using assms
proof (induction ys arbitrary: F)
case Nil
then show ?case
by auto
case ih: (Cons y ys)
show ?case
using ih by (auto simp add: ih.prems(1) sols_enc_xor)
lemma size_xorL_anti_mono:
assumes "x ≤ y" "distinct S"
shows "size_xorL F S xorsl x ≥ size_xorL F S xorsl y"
proof -
obtain ys where ys: "[0..<y] = [0..<x] @ ys" "distinct ys"
by (metis assms(1) bot_nat_0.extremum distinct_upt ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.add_diff_inverse upt_add_eq_append)
define rys where"rys = (rev (map (xor_from_bits S ∘ xorsl) ys))"
have *: "⋀y. y ∈ set rys ⟹ distinct (fst y)"
unfolding rys_def
using assms(2) distinct_fst_xor_from_bits
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ex_map_conv o_apply set_rev)
show ?thesis
unfolding size_xorL_def Let_def
apply (intro card_mono proj_mono)
subgoal using card_proj(1) by blast
unfolding ys
by (metis fold_enc_xor_more map_append rev_rev_ident subsetI)
lemma find_upto_SomeI:
assumes "⋀i. a ≤ i ⟹ i < x ⟹ ¬P i"
assumes "P x" "a ≤ x" "x < b"
shows "find P [a..<b] = Some x"
proof -
have x: "[a..<b] ! (x-a) = x"
by (simp add: assms(3) assms(4))
have j: "⋀j. j<x-a ⟹ ¬ P ([a..<b] ! j)"
using assms(1) assms(4) by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding find_Some_iff
using x j
by (metis assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) diff_less_mono length_upt)
lemma check_xorL:
assumes "⋀j. j < i ⟹
xorsf j =
Some (xor_abs (xor_from_bits S (xorsl j)))"
assumes "distinct S"
shows "check_xorL F S thresh xorsl i =
appmc.check_xor F (set S) thresh xorsf i"
unfolding appmc.check_xor_def check_xorL_def
using size_xorL[OF assms] by presburger
lemma approxcore_xorsL:
assumes "⋀j. j < length S - 1 ⟹
xorsf j =
Some (xor_abs (xor_from_bits S (xorsl j)))"
assumes S: "distinct S"
shows "approxcore_xorsL F S thresh xorsl =
appmc.approxcore_xors F (set S) thresh xorsf"
proof -
have c:"card (set S) = length S" using S
by (simp add: distinct_card)
have *: "find (check_xorL F S thresh xorsl) [1..<length S] =
find (appmc.check_xor F (set S) thresh xorsf) [1..<card (set S)]"
unfolding c
by (auto intro!: find_cong check_xorL[OF assms(1) S])
have **: "find (appmc.check_xor F
(set S) thresh xorsf)
[Suc 0..<length S] =
Some a ⟹
j < a ⟹
xorsf j =
(xor_from_bits S
(xorsl j)))" for a j
unfolding find_Some_iff
by (auto simp add: assms(1))
show ?thesis
unfolding appmc.approxcore_xors_def approxcore_xorsL_def * c
apply (cases "find (appmc.check_xor F (set S) thresh xorsf)
[Suc 0..<length S]")
subgoal by clarsimp
by (auto intro!: ApproxMCL.size_xorL simp add: ApproxMCL_axioms assms **)
definition approxmc_mapL::"
'fml ⇒ 'a list ⇒
real ⇒ real ⇒ nat ⇒
(nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (bool list × bool)) ⇒
where "approxmc_mapL F S ε δ n xorsLs = (
let ε = appmc.mk_eps ε in
let thresh = appmc.compute_thresh ε in
if card (proj (set S) (sols F)) < thresh then
card (proj (set S) (sols F))
let t = appmc.compute_t δ n in
median t (approxcore_xorsL F S thresh ∘ xorsLs))"
definition random_xorB :: "nat ⇒ (bool list × bool) pmf"
where "random_xorB n =
(replicate_pmf n (bernoulli_pmf (1/2)))
(bernoulli_pmf (1/2))"
lemma approxmc_mapL:
assumes "⋀i j. j < length S - 1 ⟹
xorsFs i j =
Some (xor_abs (xor_from_bits S (xorsLs i j)))"
assumes S: "distinct S"
shows "
approxmc_mapL F S ε δ n xorsLs =
appmc.approxmc_map F (set S) ε δ n xorsFs"
proof -
show ?thesis
unfolding approxmc_mapL_def appmc.approxmc_map_def Let_def
using assms by (auto intro!: median_cong approxcore_xorsL)
lemma approxmc_mapL':
assumes S: "distinct S"
shows "
approxmc_mapL F S ε δ n xorsLs =
appmc.approxmc_map F (set S) ε δ n
(λi j. if j < length S - 1
then Some (xor_abs (xor_from_bits S (xorsLs i j)))
else None)"
apply (intro approxmc_mapL)
using assms by auto
lemma bits_to_random_xor:
assumes "distinct S"
shows "map_pmf
(λx. xor_abs (xor_from_bits S x))
(random_xorB (length S)) =
random_xor (set S)"
proof -
have "xor_abs (xor_from_bits S (a,b)) = apfst (set ∘ sublist_bits S) (a,b)" for a b
using xor_abs_def by (auto simp add: xor_from_bits_def)
then have *: "(λx. xor_abs (xor_from_bits S x)) = apfst (set ∘ sublist_bits S)"
by auto
have "⋀x. x ∈ set S ⟹
z x ⟹
∃b. (∃n. S ! n = x ∧
map z S ! n = b ∧
n < length S) ∧ b" for z
by (metis assms distinct_Ex1 nth_map)
then have " set (map fst
(filter snd
(zip S (map z S)))) =
{x ∈ set S. Some (z x) = Some True}" for z
by (auto elim: in_set_zipE simp add: in_set_zip image_def )
then have **: "map_pmf (set ∘ sublist_bits S)
(replicate_pmf (length S) (bernoulli_pmf (1 / 2))) =
map_pmf (λb. {x ∈ set S. b x = Some True})
(Pi_pmf (set S) (Some undefined)
(λ_. map_pmf Some (bernoulli_pmf (1 / 2))))"
apply (subst replicate_pmf_Pi_pmf[OF assms, where def = "undefined"])
apply (subst Pi_pmf_map[of _ _ "undefined"])
subgoal by (auto intro!: pmf.map_cong0 simp add: map_pmf_comp sublist_bits_def)
subgoal by (meson set_zip_leftD)
unfolding map_pmf_comp sublist_bits_def o_def
by (auto intro!: pmf.map_cong0)
show ?thesis
unfolding random_xorB_def
apply (subst random_xor_from_bits)
by (auto simp add: * ** pair_map_pmf1[symmetric])
lemma Pi_pmf_map_pmf_Some:
assumes "finite S"
shows "Pi_pmf S None (λ_. map_pmf Some p) =
map_pmf (λf v. if v ∈ S then Some (f v) else None)
(Pi_pmf S def (λ_. p))"
proof -
have *: "Pi_pmf S None (λ_. map_pmf Some p) =
map_pmf (λf x. if x ∈ S then f x else None)
(Pi_pmf S (Some def) (λ_. map_pmf Some p))"
apply (subst Pi_pmf_default_swap[OF assms])
by auto
show ?thesis unfolding *
apply (subst Pi_pmf_map[OF assms, of _ def])
subgoal by simp
apply (simp add: map_pmf_comp o_def )
by (metis comp_eq_dest_lhs)
lemma bits_to_random_xors:
assumes "distinct S"
shows "
(λf j.
if j < n
then Some (xor_abs (xor_from_bits S (f j)))
else None)
(Pi_pmf {..<(n::nat)} def (λ_. random_xorB (length S))) =
random_xors (set S) n"
unfolding random_xors_def
apply (subst Pi_pmf_map_pmf_Some)
subgoal using assms by simp
apply (subst bits_to_random_xor[symmetric, OF assms])
apply (subst Pi_pmf_map[where dflt = "def", where dflt'="xor_abs (xor_from_bits S def)"])
subgoal by simp
subgoal by simp
apply (clarsimp simp add: map_pmf_comp o_def)
by (metis o_apply)
lemma bits_to_all_random_xors:
assumes "distinct S"
assumes "(λj. if j < n
then Some (xor_abs (xor_from_bits S (def1 j)))
else None) = def"
shows "
((∘) (λf j. if j < n
then Some (xor_abs (xor_from_bits S (f j)))
else None))
(Pi_pmf {0..<(m::nat)} def1
Pi_pmf {..<(n::nat)} def2 (λ_. random_xorB (length S)))) =
Pi_pmf {0..<m} def
(λi. random_xors (set S) n)"
apply (subst bits_to_random_xors[symmetric, OF assms(1), of _ "def2"])
apply (subst Pi_pmf_map[OF _])
using assms(2) by auto
definition random_seed_xors::"nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat ⇒ nat ⇒ bool list × bool) pmf"
where "random_seed_xors t l =
(prod_pmf {0..<t}
(λ_. prod_pmf {..<l-1} (λ_. random_xorB l)))"
lemma approxmcL_sound:
assumes δ: "δ > 0" "δ < 1"
assumes ε: "ε > 0"
assumes S: "distinct S"
shows "
(map_pmf (approxmc_mapL F S ε δ n)
(random_seed_xors (appmc.compute_t δ n) (length S)))
{c. real c ∈
{real (card (proj (set S) (sols F))) / (1 + ε)..
(1 + ε) * real (card (proj (set S) (sols F)))}}
≥ 1 - δ"
proof -
define def where "def =
(λj. if j < degree S
then Some (xor_abs (xor_from_bits S (undefined j)))
else None)"
have *: "(map_pmf (approxmc_mapL F S ε δ n)
(Pi_pmf {0..<appmc.compute_t δ n} undefined
(λ_. Pi_pmf {..<length S - 1} undefined
(λ_. random_xorB (length S))))) =
(map_pmf (appmc.approxmc_map F (set S) ε δ n)
(map_pmf ((∘) (λf.
(λj. if j < length S - 1
then Some (xor_abs (xor_from_bits S (f j)))
else None)))
(Pi_pmf {0..<appmc.compute_t δ n} undefined
(λ_. Pi_pmf {..<length S - 1} undefined
(λ_. random_xorB (length S))))))"
unfolding approxmc_mapL'[OF S]
by (simp add: map_pmf_comp o_def)
have **: "
(map_pmf (approxmc_mapL F S ε δ n)
(Pi_pmf {0..<appmc.compute_t δ n} undefined
(λ_. Pi_pmf {..<length S - 1} undefined
(λ_. random_xorB (length S))))) =
map_pmf (appmc.approxmc_map F (set S) ε δ n)
(Pi_pmf {0..<appmc.compute_t δ n} def
(λi. random_xors (set S) (card (set S) - 1)))"
unfolding *
apply (subst bits_to_all_random_xors[OF S])
using def_def
by (auto simp add: assms(4) distinct_card)
show ?thesis
unfolding ** appmc.approxmc_map_eq random_seed_xors_def
using δ(2) ε appmc.approxmc'_sound assms(1) by blast
lemma approxmcL_sound':
assumes δ: "δ > 0" "δ < 1"
assumes ε: "ε > 0"
assumes S: "distinct S"
shows "
(map_pmf (approxmc_mapL F S ε δ n)
(random_seed_xors (appmc.compute_t δ n) (length S)))
{c. real c ∉
{real (card (proj (set S) (sols F))) / (1 + ε)..
(1 + ε) * real (card (proj (set S) (sols F)))}} ≤ δ"
proof -
have "prob_space.prob
(map_pmf (approxmc_mapL F S ε δ n)
(Pi_pmf {0..<appmc.compute_t δ n} undefined
(λ_. Pi_pmf {..<length S - 1} undefined
(λ_. random_xorB (length S)))))
{c. real c ∉
{real (card (proj (set S) (sols F))) / (1 + ε)..
(1 + ε) * real (card (proj (set S) (sols F)))}} =
1 - prob_space.prob
(map_pmf (approxmc_mapL F S ε δ n)
(Pi_pmf {0..<appmc.compute_t δ n} undefined
(λ_. Pi_pmf {..<length S - 1} undefined
(λ_. random_xorB (length S)))))
{c. real c ∈
{real (card (proj (set S) (sols F))) / (1 + ε)..
(1 + ε) * real (card (proj (set S) (sols F)))}}"
apply (subst measure_pmf.prob_compl[symmetric])
by (auto simp add: vimage_def)
thus ?thesis using approxmcL_sound[OF assms, of "F" "n"] δ
unfolding random_seed_xors_def
by linarith
subsection ‹ ApproxMC certificate checker ›
definition str_of_bool :: "bool ⇒ String.literal"
where "str_of_bool b = (
if b then STR ''true'' else STR ''false'')"
fun str_of_nat_aux :: "nat ⇒ char list ⇒ char list"
where "str_of_nat_aux n acc = (
let c = char_of_integer (of_nat (48 + n mod 10)) in
if n < 10 then c # acc
else str_of_nat_aux (n div 10) (c # acc))"
definition str_of_nat :: "nat ⇒ String.literal"
where "str_of_nat n = String.implode (str_of_nat_aux n [])"
type_synonym 'a sol = "('a × bool) list"
definition canon_map_of :: "('a × bool) list ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool)"
where "canon_map_of ls =
(let m = map_of ls in
(λx. case m x of None ⇒ False | Some b ⇒ b))"
lemma canon_map_of[code]:
shows "canon_map_of ls =
(let m = Mapping.of_alist ls in
Mapping.lookup_default False m)"
unfolding canon_map_of_def lookup_default_def
by (auto simp add: lookup_of_alist)
definition proj_sol :: "'a list ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool list"
where "proj_sol S w = map w S"
text ‹ The following extended locale assumes
additional support for syntactically working with solutions ›
locale CertCheck = ApproxMCL sols enc_xor
for sols :: "'fml ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool) set"
and enc_xor :: "'a list × bool ⇒ 'fml ⇒ 'fml" +
fixes check_sol :: "'fml ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool"
fixes ban_sol :: "'a sol ⇒ 'fml ⇒ 'fml"
assumes sols_ban_sol:
"⋀F vs.
sols (ban_sol vs F) =
sols F ∩ {ω. map ω (map fst vs) ≠ map snd vs}"
assumes check_sol:
"⋀F w. check_sol F w ⟷ w ∈ sols F"
text ‹ Assuming parameter access to an UNSAT checking oracle ›
fixes check_unsat :: "'fml ⇒ bool"
text ‹ Throughout this checker, INL indicates error, INR indicates success ›
definition check_BSAT_sols::"
'fml ⇒ 'a list ⇒ nat ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool) list ⇒ String.literal + unit"
where "check_BSAT_sols F S thresh cms = (
let ps = map (proj_sol S) cms in
let b1 = list_all (check_sol F) cms in
let b2 = distinct ps in
let b3 =
(length cms < thresh ⟶
check_unsat (fold ban_sol (map (zip S) ps) F)) in
if b1 ∧ b2 ∧ b3 then Inr ()
else Inl (STR ''checks ---'' +
STR '' all valid sols: '' + str_of_bool b1 +
STR '', all distinct sols: '' + str_of_bool b2 +
STR '', unsat check (< thresh sols): '' + str_of_bool b3)
definition BSAT ::"
'fml ⇒ 'a list ⇒ nat ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool) list ⇒ String.literal + nat"
where "BSAT F S thresh xs = (
case check_BSAT_sols F S thresh xs of
Inl err ⇒ Inl err
| Inr _ ⇒ Inr (length xs)
definition size_xorL_cert :: "
'fml ⇒ 'a list ⇒ nat ⇒
(nat ⇒ (bool list × bool)) ⇒ nat ⇒
(('a ⇒ bool) list) ⇒ String.literal + nat"
where "size_xorL_cert F S thresh xorsl i xs = (
let xors = map (xor_from_bits S ∘ xorsl) [0..<i] in
let Fenc = fold enc_xor xors F in
BSAT Fenc S thresh xs
fun approxcore_xorsL_cert :: "
'fml ⇒ 'a list ⇒ nat ⇒
nat × ('a ⇒ bool) list × ('a ⇒ bool) list ⇒
(nat ⇒ (bool list × bool))
⇒ String.literal + nat"
where "approxcore_xorsL_cert F S thresh (m,cert1,cert2) xorsl = (
if 1 ≤ m ∧ m ≤ length S
case size_xorL_cert F S thresh xorsl (m-1) cert1 of
Inl err ⇒ Inl (STR ''cert1 '' + err)
| Inr n ⇒
if n ≥ thresh
if m = length S
then Inr (2 ^ length S)
case size_xorL_cert F S thresh xorsl m cert2 of
Inl err ⇒ Inl (STR ''cert2 '' + err)
| Inr c ⇒
if c < thresh then Inr (2 ^ m * c)
else Inl (STR ''too many solutions at m added XORs'')
else Inl (STR ''too few solutions at m-1 added XORs'')
Inl (STR ''invalid value of m, need 1 <= m <= |S|''))"
definition find_t :: "real ⇒ nat"
where "find_t δ = (
case find (λi. appmc.raw_median_bound 0.14 i < δ) [0..<256] of
Some m ⇒ m
| None ⇒ appmc.fix_t δ
fun fold_approxcore_xorsL_cert:: "
'fml ⇒ 'a list ⇒ nat ⇒
nat ⇒ nat ⇒
(nat ⇒ (nat × ('a ⇒ bool) list × ('a ⇒ bool) list)) ⇒
(nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (bool list × bool))
⇒ String.literal + (nat list)"
"fold_approxcore_xorsL_cert F S thresh t 0 cs xorsLs = Inr []"
| "fold_approxcore_xorsL_cert F S thresh t (Suc i) cs xorsLs = (
let it = t - Suc i in
case approxcore_xorsL_cert F S thresh (cs it) (xorsLs it) of
Inl err ⇒ Inl (STR ''round '' + str_of_nat it + STR '' '' + err)
| Inr n ⇒
(case fold_approxcore_xorsL_cert F S thresh t i cs xorsLs of
Inl err ⇒ Inl err
| Inr ns ⇒ Inr (n # ns)))"
definition calc_median::"
'fml ⇒ 'a list ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒
(nat ⇒ (nat × ('a ⇒ bool) list × ('a ⇒ bool) list)) ⇒
(nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (bool list × bool)) ⇒
String.literal + nat"
where "calc_median F S thresh t ms xorsLs = (
case fold_approxcore_xorsL_cert F S thresh t t ms xorsLs of
Inl err ⇒ Inl err
| Inr ls ⇒ Inr (sort ls ! (t div 2))
fun certcheck::"
'fml ⇒ 'a list ⇒
real ⇒ real ⇒
(('a ⇒ bool) list ×
(nat ⇒ (nat × ('a ⇒ bool) list × ('a ⇒ bool) list))) ⇒
(nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (bool list × bool)) ⇒
String.literal + nat"
where "certcheck F S ε δ (m0,ms) xorsLs = (
let ε = appmc.mk_eps ε in
let thresh = appmc.compute_thresh ε in
case BSAT F S thresh m0 of Inl err ⇒ Inl err
| Inr Y ⇒
if Y < thresh then Inr Y
let t = find_t δ in
calc_median F S thresh t ms xorsLs)"
assumes check_unsat: "⋀F. check_unsat F ⟹ sols F = {}"
lemma sols_fold_ban_sol:
shows"sols (fold ban_sol ls F) =
sols F ∩ {ω. (∀vs ∈ set ls. map ω (map fst vs) ≠ map snd vs)}"
proof (induction ls arbitrary: F)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons vs ls)
show ?case
using Cons(1) sols_ban_sol
by auto
lemma inter_cong_right:
assumes "⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ x ∈ B ⟷ x ∈ C"
shows "A ∩ B = A ∩ C"
using assms by auto
lemma proj_sol_canon_map_of:
assumes "distinct S" "length S = length w"
shows "proj_sol S (canon_map_of (zip S w)) = w"
using assms
unfolding proj_sol_def canon_map_of_def
proof (induction w arbitrary: S)
case Nil
then show ?case
by auto
case (Cons a w)
obtain s ss where ss: "S = s # ss"
by (metis Cons.prems(2) Suc_le_length_iff order.refl)
then show ?case
apply clarsimp
by (smt (z3) Cons.IH Cons.prems(2) add.right_neutral add_Suc_right distinct.simps(2) list.size(4) local.Cons(2) map_eq_conv nat.inject)
lemma proj_sol_cong:
assumes "restr (set S) A = restr (set S) B"
shows "proj_sol S A = proj_sol S B"
using assms
unfolding proj_sol_def restr_def map_eq_conv
by (metis option.simps(1))
lemma canon_map_of_map_of:
assumes "length S = length x"
assumes "canon_map_of (zip S x) ∈ A"
shows "map_of (zip S x) ∈ proj (set S) A"
proof -
define f where "f = (λxa. case map_of (zip S x) xa of
None ⇒ False | Some b ⇒ b)"
have "map_of (zip S x) =
(λy. if y ∈ set S then Some (f y) else None)"
unfolding f_def fun_eq_iff
using map_of_zip_is_Some[OF assms(1)]
by (metis option.case_eq_if option.distinct(1) option.exhaust option.sel)
thus ?thesis
using assms unfolding canon_map_of_def ApproxMCCore.proj_def restr_def image_def
using f_def by auto
lemma proj_proj_sol_map_of_zip_1:
assumes "distinct S" "length S = length w"
assumes w: "w ∈ rdb"
shows "
map_of (zip S w) ∈
proj (set S) {ω. proj_sol S ω ∈ rdb}"
apply (intro canon_map_of_map_of[OF assms(2)])
using proj_sol_canon_map_of[OF assms(1-2)] w by auto
lemma proj_proj_sol_map_of_zip_2:
assumes "⋀bs. bs ∈ rdb ⟹ length bs = length S"
assumes w: "w ∈ proj (set S) {ω. proj_sol S ω ∈ rdb}"
shows "
w ∈ (map_of ∘ zip S) ` rdb"
proof -
obtain ww where ww: "proj_sol S ww ∈ rdb" "w = restr (set S) ww"
using w unfolding ApproxMCCore.proj_def
by auto
have "w = map_of (zip S (proj_sol S ww))"
unfolding ww restr_def proj_sol_def map_of_zip_map
by auto
thus ?thesis using ww
by (auto simp add: image_def)
lemma proj_proj_sol_map_of_zip:
assumes "distinct S"
assumes "⋀bs. bs ∈ rdb ⟹ length bs = length S"
shows "
proj (set S) {ω. proj_sol S ω ∈ rdb} =
(map_of ∘ zip S) ` rdb"
apply (rule antisym)
using proj_proj_sol_map_of_zip_2[OF assms(2)]
by blast
using assms(2)
by (auto intro!: proj_proj_sol_map_of_zip_1[OF assms(1)])
definition ban_proj_sol ::"'a list ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool) list ⇒ 'fml ⇒ 'fml"
where "ban_proj_sol S xs F =
fold ban_sol (map (zip S ∘ proj_sol S) xs) F"
lemma check_sol_imp_proj:
assumes "w ∈ sols F"
shows "map_of (zip S (proj_sol S w)) ∈ proj (set S) (sols F)"
unfolding proj_sol_def map_of_zip_map ApproxMCCore.proj_def image_def restr_def
using assms by auto
lemma checked_BSAT_lower:
assumes S: "distinct S"
assumes "check_BSAT_sols F S thresh xs = Inr ()"
shows "length xs ≤ card (proj (set S) (sols F))"
"length xs < thresh ⟹
card (proj (set S) (sols F)) = length xs"
proof -
define Sxs where "Sxs = map (proj_sol S) xs"
have dSxs: "distinct Sxs"
using assms unfolding Sxs_def check_BSAT_sols_def Let_def
by (auto split: if_splits)
have lSxs: "⋀x. x ∈ set Sxs ⟹ length x = length S"
unfolding Sxs_def proj_sol_def by auto
define SSxs where "SSxs = map (zip S) Sxs"
have dSSxs: "distinct (map map_of SSxs)"
unfolding SSxs_def
using dSxs unfolding inj_on_def distinct_map
by (smt (verit) assms(1) imageE lSxs list.set_map map_of_zip_inject)
have *: "set (map map_of SSxs) ⊆ proj (set S) (sols F)"
unfolding Sxs_def SSxs_def
using assms unfolding check_BSAT_sols_def Let_def
by (auto intro!: check_sol_imp_proj split: if_splits simp add: check_sol list_all_iff)
have "length xs = card (set (map map_of SSxs))"
by (metis SSxs_def Sxs_def dSSxs length_map length_remdups_card_conv remdups_id_iff_distinct)
thus "length xs ≤ card (proj (set S) (sols F))"
by (metis * List.finite_set card_mono card_proj(1))
have frr1: "(∀vs ∈ set SSxs. map ω (map fst vs) ≠ map snd vs) ⟹
(∀vs ∈ set Sxs. proj_sol S ω ≠ vs)" for ω
apply (clarsimp simp add: proj_sol_def SSxs_def)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) in_set_zip nth_map)
have frr2: "(∀vs ∈ set Sxs. proj_sol S ω ≠ vs) ⟹
(vs ∈ set SSxs ⟹ map ω (map fst vs) ≠ map snd vs)" for vs ω
apply (clarsimp simp add: proj_sol_def SSxs_def)
by (smt (z3) Sxs_def assms(1) length_map length_map length_map map_eq_conv map_fst_zip map_of_zip_inject mem_Collect_eq nth_map nth_map nth_map proj_sol_def set_conv_nth set_conv_nth zip_map_fst_snd)
have frr: "{ω. (∀vs ∈ set SSxs. map ω (map fst vs) ≠ map snd vs)} =
{ω. (∀vs ∈ set Sxs. proj_sol S ω ≠ vs)}"
using frr1 frr2 by auto
moreover {
assume "length xs < thresh"
then have "sols (ban_proj_sol S xs F) = {}"
apply (intro check_unsat)
using assms(2) unfolding check_BSAT_sols_def Let_def
by (auto simp add:ban_proj_sol_def o_assoc split: if_splits)
then have "sols F ∩ {ω. (∀vs ∈ set Sxs. proj_sol S ω ≠ vs)} = {}"
unfolding ban_proj_sol_def sols_fold_ban_sol
by (auto simp add: SSxs_def Sxs_def)
then have 1:"proj (set S) (sols F) ∩
proj (set S)
{ω. ∀vs∈set Sxs. proj_sol S ω ≠ vs} = {}"
unfolding ApproxMCCore.proj_def
using proj_sol_cong
by (smt (verit, del_insts) disjoint_iff_not_equal image_iff mem_Collect_eq)
have 2: "proj (set S) (sols F) ∩ -proj (set S) {ω. (∀vs ∈ set Sxs. proj_sol S ω ≠ vs)} =
proj (set S) (sols F) ∩ proj (set S) {ω. proj_sol S ω ∈ set Sxs}"
apply (intro inter_cong_right)
by (auto intro!: proj_sol_cong simp add: ApproxMCCore.proj_def )
have 3: "proj (set S) {ω. proj_sol S ω ∈ set Sxs} = (map_of ∘ zip S) ` (set Sxs)"
apply (intro proj_proj_sol_map_of_zip[OF S])
using lSxs by auto
have 4: " proj (set S) (sols F) ∩ (map_of ∘ zip S) ` (set Sxs) =
(map_of ∘ zip S) ` (set Sxs)"
using "*" SSxs_def by auto
have **:"proj (set S) (sols F) =
proj (set S) (sols F) ∩ proj (set S) {ω. (∀vs ∈ set Sxs. proj_sol S ω ≠ vs)} ∪
proj (set S) (sols F) ∩ -proj (set S) {ω. (∀vs ∈ set Sxs. proj_sol S ω ≠ vs)}"
by auto
have "card (proj (set S) (sols F)) =
card ((map_of ∘ zip S) ` (set Sxs))"
apply (subst **)
apply (subst card_Un_disjoint)
using 1 2 3 4 by (auto simp add: card_proj(1))
then have "card (proj (set S) (sols F)) = length xs"
by (simp add: SSxs_def ‹length xs = card (set (map map_of SSxs))›)
thus "length xs < thresh ⟹ card (proj (set S) (sols F)) = length xs"
by auto
lemma good_BSAT:
assumes "distinct S"
assumes "BSAT F S thresh xs = Inr n"
shows "n ≤ card (proj (set S) (sols F))"
"n < thresh ⟹
card (proj (set S) (sols F)) = n"
using checked_BSAT_lower[OF assms(1)] assms(2)
by (auto simp add: BSAT_def split: if_splits sum.splits)
lemma size_xorL_cert:
assumes "distinct S"
assumes "size_xorL_cert F S thresh xorsl i xs = Inr n"
"size_xorL F S xorsl i ≥ n"
"n < thresh ⟶ size_xorL F S xorsl i = n"
using assms unfolding size_xorL_def size_xorL_cert_def
using good_BSAT by auto
lemma approxcore_xorsL_cert:
assumes S: "distinct S"
assumes "approxcore_xorsL_cert F S thresh mc xorsl = Inr n"
shows "approxcore_xorsL F S thresh xorsl = n"
proof -
obtain m cert1 cert2 where mc: "mc = (m,cert1,cert2)"
using prod_cases3 by blast
obtain nn1 where
nn1:"size_xorL_cert F S thresh xorsl (m-1) cert1 = Inr nn1"
using assms unfolding mc
by (auto split: if_splits sum.splits)
from size_xorL_cert[OF S this]
have nn1l:
"nn1 ≤ size_xorL F S xorsl (m - 1)"
"nn1 < thresh ⟶ size_xorL F S xorsl (m - 1) = nn1" by auto
have m: "1 ≤ m" "m ≤ length S"
"nn1 ≥ thresh" and
ms: "m = length S ∧ n = 2 ^ length S ∨
m < length S"
using nn1 assms unfolding mc
by (auto split: if_splits simp add: Let_def)
have bnd: "⋀i. 1 ≤ i ⟹ i ≤ m -1 ⟹
size_xorL F S xorsl i ≥ thresh"
using nn1l m(3)
by (meson assms(1) dual_order.trans size_xorL_anti_mono)
note ms
moreover {
assume *: "m = length S"
then have "find (check_xorL F S thresh xorsl) [1..<length S] = None"
unfolding find_None_iff check_xorL_def
by (auto simp add: bnd leD)
then have ?thesis
unfolding approxcore_xorsL_def
using * ms by force
moreover {
assume *: "m < length S"
obtain nn2 where
nn2:"size_xorL_cert F S thresh xorsl m cert2 = Inr nn2"
"nn2 < thresh"
"n = 2 ^ m * nn2"
using assms * unfolding mc
by (auto split: if_splits sum.splits)
from size_xorL_cert[OF S nn2(1)]
have nn2l:
"size_xorL F S xorsl m = nn2"
using nn2(2) by blast
then have "find (check_xorL F S thresh xorsl) [Suc 0..<length S] = Some m"
apply (intro find_upto_SomeI)
subgoal by (auto simp add: m * bnd check_xorL_def leD)
using "*" calculation(1) size_xorL_cert(2) nn2
by (auto simp add: m * bnd check_xorL_def leD)
subgoal using m(1) by linarith
by (auto simp add: m * bnd check_xorL_def leD)
then have ?thesis
unfolding approxcore_xorsL_def using nn2 nn2l
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma fold_approxcore_xorsL_cert:
assumes S: "distinct S"
assumes "i ≤ t"
assumes "fold_approxcore_xorsL_cert F S thresh t i cs xorsLs = Inr ns"
shows "map (approxcore_xorsL F S thresh ∘ xorsLs) [t-i..<t] = ns "
using assms(2-3)
proof (induction i arbitrary: ns)
case 0
then show ?case
by auto
case c:(Suc i)
from c(3)
obtain n nss where *:"ns = n # nss"
"fold_approxcore_xorsL_cert F S thresh t i cs xorsLs = Inr nss"
"approxcore_xorsL_cert F S thresh (cs (t-Suc i)) (xorsLs (t-Suc i)) = Inr n"
by (auto simp add: Let_def split: sum.splits)
have "i ≤ t" using c by auto
from c(1)[OF this *(2)]
have 2: "nss =
map (approxcore_xorsL F S thresh ∘ xorsLs) [t - i..<t]"
by auto
have i:"[t - Suc i..<t] = (t - Suc i) # [t - i..<t]"
apply (subst upt_rec)
using c(2)
using Suc_diff_Suc Suc_le_lessD by presburger
show ?case
unfolding i *
apply (clarsimp simp add: 2 )
using 2 "*"(3) approxcore_xorsL_cert assms(1) by blast
lemma calc_median:
assumes S: "distinct S"
assumes "calc_median F S thresh t ms xorsLs = Inr n"
shows "median t (approxcore_xorsL F S thresh ∘ xorsLs) = n"
using assms
unfolding calc_median_def median_def
apply (clarsimp simp add: assms split: if_splits sum.splits)
using fold_approxcore_xorsL_cert[OF S]
by (metis diff_is_0_eq' dual_order.refl)
lemma compute_t_find_t[simp]:
shows "appmc.compute_t δ (find_t δ) = find_t δ"
unfolding find_t_def appmc.compute_t_def
apply (clarsimp simp add: option.case_eq_if)
unfolding find_Some_iff
by auto
lemma certcheck:
assumes "distinct S"
assumes "certcheck F S ε δ (m0,ms) xorsLs = Inr n"
shows "approxmc_mapL F S ε δ (find_t δ) xorsLs = n"
using assms(2)
unfolding approxmc_mapL_def
using good_BSAT apply (clarsimp split: sum.splits if_splits simp add: Let_def)
subgoal using order_le_less_trans assms by blast
using assms order.strict_trans1
by (meson assms(1) calc_median)
lemma certcheck':
assumes "distinct S"
assumes "¬isl (certcheck F S ε δ m xorsLs)"
shows "projr (certcheck F S ε δ m xorsLs) =
approxmc_mapL F S ε δ (find_t δ) xorsLs"
by (metis certcheck assms(1) assms(2) sum.collapse(2) surj_pair)
lemma certcheck_sound:
assumes δ: "δ > 0" "δ < 1"
assumes ε: "ε > 0"
assumes S: "distinct S"
shows "
(map_pmf (λr. certcheck F S ε δ (f r) r)
(random_seed_xors (find_t δ) (length S)))
{c. ¬isl c ∧
real (projr c) ∉
{real (card (proj (set S) (sols F))) / (1 + ε)..
(1 + ε) * real (card (proj (set S) (sols F)))}} ≤ δ"
proof -
have "measure_pmf.prob
(map_pmf (λr. certcheck F S ε δ (f r) r)
(random_seed_xors (find_t δ) (length S)))
{c. ¬isl c ∧
real (projr c) ∉
{real (card (proj (set S) (sols F))) / (1 + ε)..
(1 + ε) * real (card (proj (set S) (sols F)))}} ≤
(map_pmf (approxmc_mapL F S ε δ (find_t δ))
(random_seed_xors (appmc.compute_t δ (find_t δ)) (length S)))
{c. real c ∉
{real (card (proj (set S) (sols F))) / (1 + ε)..
(1 + ε) * real (card (proj (set S) (sols F)))}}"
unfolding measure_map_pmf compute_t_find_t
by (auto intro!: measure_pmf.finite_measure_mono simp add: certcheck'[OF S])
also have "... ≤ δ"
by (intro approxmcL_sound'[OF assms])
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma certcheck_promise_complete:
assumes δ: "δ > 0" "δ < 1"
assumes ε: "ε > 0"
assumes S: "distinct S"
assumes r: "⋀r.
r ∈ set_pmf (random_seed_xors (find_t δ) (length S)) ⟹
¬isl (certcheck F S ε δ (f r) r)"
shows "
(map_pmf (λr. certcheck F S ε δ (f r) r)
(random_seed_xors (find_t δ) (length S)))
{c. real (projr c) ∈
{real (card (proj (set S) (sols F))) / (1 + ε)..
(1 + ε) * real (card (proj (set S) (sols F)))}} ≥ 1 - δ"
proof -
have "
(map_pmf (λr. certcheck F S ε δ (f r) r)
(random_seed_xors (find_t δ) (length S)))
{c. real (projr c) ∈
{real (card (proj (set S) (sols F))) / (1 + ε)..
(1 + ε) * real (card (proj (set S) (sols F)))}} =
(map_pmf (approxmc_mapL F S ε δ (find_t δ))
(random_seed_xors (appmc.compute_t δ (find_t δ)) (length S)))
{c. real c ∈
{real (card (proj (set S) (sols F))) / (1 + ε)..
(1 + ε) * real (card (proj (set S) (sols F)))}}"
unfolding measure_map_pmf compute_t_find_t
by (auto intro!: measure_pmf.measure_pmf_eq simp add: certcheck'[OF S] r)
also have "... ≥ 1 - δ"
by (intro approxmcL_sound[OF assms(1-4)])
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma certcheck_code[code]:
"certcheck F S ε δ (m0,ms) xorsLs = (
if δ > 0 ∧ δ < 1 ∧ ε > 0 ∧ distinct S then
(let ε = appmc.mk_eps ε in
let thresh = appmc.compute_thresh ε in
case BSAT F S thresh m0 of Inl err ⇒ Inl err
| Inr Y ⇒
if Y < thresh then Inr Y
let t = find_t δ in
calc_median F S thresh t ms xorsLs)
else Code.abort (STR ''invalid inputs'')
(λ_. certcheck F S ε δ (m0,ms) xorsLs))"
by auto