Theory Pairing_Heap_List2_Analysis

(* Author: Tobias Nipkow (based on Hauke Brinkop's tree proofs) *)

subsection ‹Okasaki's Pairing Heap (Modified)›

theory Pairing_Heap_List2_Analysis

‹Amortized analysis of a modified version of the pairing heaps defined by Okasaki cite"Okasaki".
Simplified version of proof in the Nipkow and Brinkop paper.›

fun lift_hp :: "'b  ('a hp  'b)  'a heap  'b" where
"lift_hp c f None = c" |
"lift_hp c f (Some h) = f h"

consts sz :: "'a  nat"

size_hps  "sz :: 'a hp list  nat"
size_hp  "sz :: 'a hp  nat"
size_heap  "sz :: 'a heap  nat"

fun size_hps :: "'a hp list  nat" where
"size_hps(Hp x hsl # hsr) = size_hps hsl + size_hps hsr + 1" |
"size_hps [] = 0"

definition size_hp :: "'a hp  nat" where
[simp]: "size_hp h = sz(hps h) + 1"

definition size_heap :: "'a heap  nat" where
[simp]: "size_heap  lift_hp 0 sz"


consts Φ :: "'a  real"

Φ_hps  "Φ :: 'a hp list  real"
Φ_hp  "Φ :: 'a hp  real"
Φ_heap  "Φ :: 'a heap  real"

fun Φ_hps :: "'a hp list  real" where
"Φ_hps [] = 0" |
"Φ_hps (Hp x hsl # hsr) = Φ_hps hsl + Φ_hps hsr + log 2 (sz hsl + sz hsr + 1)"

definition Φ_hp :: "'a hp  real" where
[simp]: "Φ_hp h = Φ (hps h) + log 2 (sz(hps(h))+1)"

definition Φ_heap :: "'a heap  real" where
[simp]: "Φ_heap  lift_hp 0 Φ"


lemma Φ_hps_ge0: "Φ (hs::_ hp list)  0"
by (induction hs rule: size_hps.induct) auto

declare algebra_simps[simp]

lemma sz_hps_Cons[simp]: "sz(h # hs) = sz (h::_ hp) + sz hs"
by(cases h) simp

lemma link2: "link (Hp x lx) h = (case h of (Hp y ly)  
    (if x < y then Hp x (Hp y ly # lx) else Hp y (Hp x lx # ly)))"
by(simp split: hp.split)

lemma sz_hps_link: "sz(hps (link h1 h2)) = sz h1 + sz h2 - 1" 
by (induction rule: link.induct) simp_all

lemma pass1_size[simp]: "sz (pass1 hs) = sz hs" 
by (induction hs rule: pass1.induct) (simp_all add: sz_hps_link)

lemma pass2_None[simp]: "pass2 hs = None  hs = []"
by(cases hs) auto

lemma ΔΦ_insert:
  "Φ (Pairing_Heap_List2.insert x h) - Φ h  log 2 (sz h + 1)"
by(cases h)(auto simp: link2 split: hp.split)

lemma ΔΦ_link: "Φ (link h1 h2) - Φ h1 - Φ h2  2 * log 2 (sz h1 + sz h2)"
by (cases "(h1,h2)" rule: link.cases) (simp  add: add_increasing)
(* unused
lemma Φ_Cons: "Φ (h # hs) = Φ(hps h) + Φ hs + log 2 (sz(hps h) + sz hs + 1)"
by(cases h) simp

lemma Φ_hps_link:
  "Φ (hps(link h1 h2)) = Φ (hps h1) + Φ (hps h2) + log 2 (sz h1+sz h2-1)"
by (cases "(h1,h2)" rule: link.cases) (simp)

lemma Φ_link:
  "Φ (link h1 h2) = Φ (hps h1) + Φ (hps h2) + log 2 (sz h1+sz h2-1) + log 2 (sz h1+sz h2)"
by (cases "(h1,h2)" rule: link.cases) (simp)
lemma ΔΦ_pass1: "Φ (pass1 hs) - Φ hs   2 * log 2 (sz hs + 1) - length hs + 2"
proof (induction hs rule: pass1.induct)
  case (1 h1 h2 hs)
  let ?hs' = "h1 # h2 # hs" let ?m = "sz hs"
  obtain x1 hs1 x2 hs2 where h12: "h1 = Hp x1 hs1" "h2 = Hp x2 hs2"
    using hp.exhaust_sel by blast
  let ?n1 = "sz hs1" let ?n2 = "sz hs2"
  have "Φ (pass1 ?hs') - Φ ?hs' = Φ (pass1 hs) + log 2 (?n1+?n2+1) - Φ hs - log 2 (?n2+?m+1)" 
    by (simp add: h12)
  also have "  log 2 (?n1+?n2+1) - log 2 (?n2+?m+1) + 2 * log 2 (?m+1) - length hs + 2" 
    using 1 by (simp)
  also have "  2 * log 2 (?n1+?n2+?m+2) - log 2 (?n2+?m+1) + log 2 (?m+1) - length hs" 
        using ld_sum_inequality [of "?n1+?n2+1" "?m+1"] by(simp)
  also have "  2 * log 2 (?n1+?n2+?m+2) - length hs" by simp
  also have " = 2 * log 2 (sz ?hs') - length ?hs' + 2" using h12 by simp
  also have "  2 * log 2 (sz ?hs' + 1) - length ?hs' + 2" using h12 by simp
  finally show ?case .
qed simp_all

lemma size_hps_pass2: "sz(pass2 hs) = sz hs"
apply(induction hs rule: pass2.induct)
apply(auto simp: sz_hps_link split: option.split)

lemma ΔΦ_pass2: "hs  []  Φ (pass2 hs) - Φ hs  log 2 (sz hs)"
proof (induction hs)
  case IH: (Cons h1 hs)
  obtain x hs1 where [simp]: "h1 = Hp x hs1" by (metis hp.exhaust)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "hs = []")
    case False
    then obtain h2 where [simp]: "pass2 hs = Some h2" by fastforce
    then obtain y hs2 where [simp]: "h2 = Hp y hs2" by (metis hp.exhaust)
(* automatic: *)
    from False size_hps_pass2[of hs,symmetric] IH(1) have ?thesis
      by(simp add: add_mono)
(* explicit: *)
    let ?n1 = "sz hs1" let ?n2 = "sz hs2"
    have *: "Φ (link h1 h2) = Φ hs1 + Φ hs2 + log 2 (?n1+?n2+1) + log 2 (?n1+?n2+2)"
      by simp
    have [simp]: "sz hs = sz hs2 + 1" using size_hps_pass2[of hs] by simp
    hence IH2: "Φ (hs2) - Φ hs  0" using IH(1)[OF False] by simp
    have "Φ (pass2 (h1 # hs)) - Φ (h1 # hs) = Φ (link h1 h2) - (Φ hs1 + Φ hs + log 2 (?n1+sz hs+1))"
      by simp
    also have " = Φ hs2 + log 2 (?n1+?n2+1) - Φ hs"
      using * by simp
    also have "  log 2 (?n1+?n2+1)"
      using IH2 by simp
    also have "  log 2 (sz(h1 # hs))" by simp
    finally show ?thesis .
  qed simp
qed simp

corollary ΔΦ_pass2': "Φ (pass2 hs) - Φ hs  log 2 (sz hs + 1)"
proof cases
  assume "hs = []" thus ?thesis by simp
  assume "hs  []"
  hence "log 2 (sz hs)  log 2 (sz hs + 1)" by (auto simp:  neq_Nil_conv)
  then show ?thesis using ΔΦ_pass2[OF hs  []] by linarith

lemma ΔΦ_del_min:
shows "Φ (del_min (Some h)) - Φ (Some h) 
   2 * log 2 (sz(hps h) + 1) - length (hps h) + 2"
proof -
  obtain x hs where [simp]: "h = Hp x hs" by (meson hp.exhaust_sel)
  have "Φ (del_min (Some h)) - Φ (Some h) =
        Φ (pass2 (pass1 hs)) - (log 2 (sz hs + 1) + Φ hs)" by simp
  also have "  Φ (pass1 hs) - Φ hs"
    using ΔΦ_pass2'[of "pass1 hs"] by(simp)
  also have "  2 * log 2 (sz hs + 1) - length hs + 2" by(rule ΔΦ_pass1)
  finally show ?thesis by simp

time_fun link

lemma T_link_0[simp]: "T_link h1 h2 = 0"
by (cases "(h1,h2)" rule: T_link.cases) auto

time_fun pass1

time_fun pass2

time_fun del_min

time_fun Pairing_Heap_List2.insert

lemma T_insert_0[simp]: "T_insert a h = 0"
by (cases h) auto

time_fun merge

lemma T_merge_0[simp]: "T_merge h1 h2 = 0"
by (cases "(h1,h2)" rule: merge.cases) auto

lemma A_insert: "T_insert a ho + Φ(Pairing_Heap_List2.insert a ho) - Φ ho  log 2 (sz ho + 1)"
using ΔΦ_insert by auto

lemma A_merge:
  "T_merge ho1 ho2 + Φ (merge ho1 ho2) - Φ ho1 - Φ ho2  2 * log 2 (sz ho1 + sz ho2 + 1)"
proof (cases "(ho1,ho2)" rule: merge.cases)
  case (3 h1 h2)
  then show ?thesis using ΔΦ_link[of "the ho1" "the ho2"] apply auto
    by (smt (verit, best) log_mono of_nat_0_le_iff)
qed auto

lemma A_del_min:
  "T_del_min ho + Φ (del_min ho) - Φ ho  2*log 2 (sz ho + 1) + 4"
proof (cases ho)
  case [simp]: (Some h)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases h)
    case [simp]: (Hp x hs)
    have "T_pass2 (pass1 hs) + T_pass1 hs  2 + length hs"
      by (induct hs rule: T_pass1.induct) (auto split: option.split)
    hence  "T_del_min ho   " by simp
    have "Φ (del_min ho) - Φ ho  2*log 2 (sz ho) - length hs + 2"
      using  ΔΦ_del_min[of h] by (simp)
    have "  2*log 2 (sz ho + 1) - length hs + 2" by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by linarith
qed simp

fun exec :: "'a :: linorder op  'a heap list  'a heap" where
"exec Empty [] = None" | 
"exec Del_min [h] = del_min h" |
"exec (Insert x) [h] = Pairing_Heap_List2.insert x h" |
"exec Merge [h1,h2] = merge h1 h2"

fun cost :: "'a :: linorder op  'a heap list  nat" where
"cost Empty _ = 0" |
"cost Del_min [h] = T_del_min h" |
"cost (Insert a) [h] = T_insert a h" |
"cost Merge [h1,h2] = T_merge h1 h2"

fun U :: "'a :: linorder op  'a heap list  real" where
"U Empty _ = 0" |
"U (Insert a) [h] = log 2 (sz h + 1)" |
"U Del_min [h] = 2*log 2 (sz h + 1) + 4" |
"U Merge [h1,h2] = 2*log 2 (sz h1 + sz h2 + 1)"

interpretation pairing: Amortized
where arity = arity and exec = exec and cost = cost and inv = "λ_. True"
and Φ = Φ and U = U
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case (2 s) show ?case by (cases s) (auto simp: Φ_hps_ge0)
  case (3 ss f) show ?case
  proof (cases f)
    case Empty with 3 show ?thesis by(auto)
    case Insert
    thus ?thesis using Insert A_insert 3 by auto
    case [simp]: Del_min
    then obtain ho where "ss = [ho]" using 3 by auto
    thus ?thesis using A_del_min by fastforce
    case [simp]: Merge
    then obtain ho1 ho2 where "ss = [ho1, ho2]"
      using 3 by(auto simp: numeral_eq_Suc)
    thus ?thesis using A_merge by auto
qed simp
