We formalized three algorithms for polynomial interpolation over arbitrary
fields: Lagrange's explicit expression, the recursive algorithm of Neville
and Aitken, and the Newton interpolation in combination with an efficient
implementation of divided differences. Variants of these algorithms for
integer polynomials are also available, where sometimes the interpolation
can fail; e.g., there is no linear integer polynomial p such that
p(0) = 0 and p(2) = 1. Moreover, for the Newton interpolation
for integer polynomials, we proved that all intermediate results that are
computed during the algorithm must be integers. This admits an early
failure detection in the implementation. Finally, we proved the uniqueness
of polynomial interpolation.
The development also contains improved code equations to speed up the division of integers in target languages.
Session Polynomial_Interpolation
- Is_Rat_To_Rat
- Divmod_Int
- Improved_Code_Equations
- Ring_Hom
- Missing_Unsorted
- Missing_Polynomial
- Ring_Hom_Poly
- Newton_Interpolation
- Lagrange_Interpolation
- Neville_Aitken_Interpolation
- Polynomial_Interpolation
Used by
- The Sturm–Tarski Theorem
- Polynomial Factorization
- The Factorization Algorithm of Berlekamp and Zassenhaus
- Expressiveness of Deep Learning
- The Transcendence of e
- Count the Number of Complex Roots
- Gauss Sums and the Pólya–Vinogradov Inequality
- Formal Puiseux Series
- The Theorem of Three Circles
- A First Complete Algorithm for Real Quantifier Elimination in Isabelle/HOL
- Chebyshev Polynomials
- Two theorems about the geometry of the critical points of a complex polynomial
- A simple proof that π is irrational
- The Boustrophedon Transform, the Entringer Numbers, and Related Sequences