The Boustrophedon Transform, the Entringer Numbers, and Related Sequences

Manuel Eberl 📧

October 24, 2024

This is a development version of this entry. It might change over time and is not stable. Please refer to release versions for citations.


This entry defines the Boustrophedon transform, which can be seen as either a transformation of a sequence of numbers or, equivalently, an exponential generating function. We define it in terms of the Seidel triangle, a number triangle similar to Pascal's triangle, and then prove the closed form $\mathcal B(f) = (\sec + \tan) f$.

We also define several related sequences, such as:

  • the zigzag numbers $E_n$, counting the number of alternating permutations on a linearly ordered set with $n$ elements; or, alternatively, the number of increasing binary trees with $n$ elements
  • the Entringer numbers $E_{n,k}$, which generalise the zigzag numbers and count the number of alternating permutations of $n+1$ elements that start with the $k$-th smallest element
  • the secant and tangent numbers $S_n$ and $T_n$, which are the series of numbers such that $\sec x = \sum_{n\geq 0} \frac{S(n)}{(2n)!}\,x^{2n}$ and $\tan x = \sum_{n\geq 1} \frac{T(n)}{(2n-1)!}\,x^{2n-1}$, respectively
  • the Euler numbers $\mathcal{E}_n$ and Euler polynomials $\mathcal{E}_n(x)$, which are analogous to Bernoulli numbers and Bernoulli polynomials and satisfy many similar properties, which we also prove

Various relationships between these sequences are shown; notably we have $E_{2n} = S_n$ and $E_{2n+1} = T_{n+1}$ and $\mathcal E_{2n} = (-1)^n S_n$ and \[T_n = \frac{(-1)^{n+1} 2^{2n} (2^{2n}-1) B_{2n}}{2n}\] where $B_n$ denotes the Bernoulli numbers.

Reasonably efficient executable algorithms to compute the Boustrophedon transform and the above sequences are also given, including imperative ones for $T_n$ and $S_n$ using Imperative HOL.


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Session Boustrophedon_Transform