Notes on Gödel’s and Scott’s Variants of the Ontological Argument (Isabelle/HOL dataset)

Christoph Benzmüller 📧 and Dana Scott 🌐

January 7, 2025

This is a development version of this entry. It might change over time and is not stable. Please refer to release versions for citations.


Experimental studies with Isabelle/HOL on Kurt Gödel’s modal ontological argument and Dana Scott’s variant of it are presented. They implicitly answer some questions that the authors have received over the last decade(s). In addition, some new results are reported. Our contribution is explained in full detail in an associated journal article. This document presents the corresponding Isabelle/HOL dataset (which is only slightly modified to meet AFP requirements).


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Related publications

  • Notes on Gödel’s and Scott’s Variants of the Ontological Argument, Monatshefte für Mathematik, to appear.

Session Notes_On_Goedels_Ontological_Argument