This theory provides functions for finding the index of an element in a list, by predicate and by value.
Session List-Index
Used by
- Jinja is not Java
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Affine Arithmetic
- Decision Procedures for MSO on Words Based on Derivatives of Regular Expressions
- Derivatives of Logical Formulas
- Converting Linear Temporal Logic to Deterministic (Generalized) Rabin Automata
- Planarity Certificates
- Analysis of List Update Algorithms
- Randomised Social Choice Theory
- The Imperative Refinement Framework
- Formalization of Nested Multisets, Hereditary Multisets, and Syntactic Ordinals
- Lower bound on comparison-based sorting algorithms
- The number of comparisons in QuickSort
- An Algebra for Higher-Order Terms
- A verified algorithm for computing the Smith normal form of a matrix
- Verified SAT-Based AI Planning
- JinjaDCI: a Java semantics with dynamic class initialization
- Isabelle's Metalogic: Formalization and Proof Checker
- A data flow analysis algorithm for computing dominators
- Gale-Shapley Algorithm
- Fisher's Inequality: Linear Algebraic Proof Techniques for Combinatorics
- Making Arbitrary Relational Calculus Queries Safe-Range
- MLSS Decision Procedure
- The Sum-of-Squares Function and Jacobi's Two-Square Theorem