The Tensor Product on Hilbert Spaces

Dominique Unruh 🌐

September 10, 2024

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We formalize the tensor product of Hilbert spaces, and related material. Specifically, we define the product of vectors in Hilbert spaces, of operators on Hilbert spaces, and of subspaces of Hilbert spaces, and of von Neumann algebras, and study their properties. The theory is based on the AFP entry Complex_Bounded_Operators that introduces Hilbert spaces and operators and related concepts, but in addition to their work, we defined and study a number of additional concepts needed for the tensor product. Specifically: Hilbert-Schmidt and trace-class operators; compact operators; positive operators; the weak operator, strong operator, and weak* topology; the spectral theorem for compact operators; and the double commutant theorem.


BSD License


Session Hilbert_Space_Tensor_Product