Theory CreateAlgorithms

subsection ‹Edit Operations \label{sec:edit}›

theory CreateAlgorithms
  imports BasicAlgorithms

fun is_visible :: "('ℐ, ) woot_character  bool"
  where "is_visible (InsertMessage _ _ _ s) = (s  None)"

fun nth_visible :: "('ℐ, ) woot_character list  nat  error + 'ℐ extended"
    "nth_visible s k = (let v = ext_ids (filter is_visible s) in 
      if k < length v then 
        return (v ! k) 
        error (STR ''Argument k out of bounds.''))"

text ‹Let @{term l} be the count of visible symbols in @{term s}. The function
  @{term "nth_visible s n"}:
  \item Returns the identifier of the $n$-th visible element in $s$ if $1 \leq n \leq l$.
  \item Returns @{term } if $n = 0$, and @{term } if $n = l + 1$.
  \item Returns an error otherwise.
  Note that, with this definition, the first visible character in the string has the index $1$.

  Algorithms @{text create_insert} and @{term create_delete} detail the process by which messages
  are created in response to a user action.›

fun from_non_extended :: "'ℐ extended  error + 'ℐ"
    "from_non_extended  i  = Inr i" |
    "from_non_extended _ = error (STR ''Expected InString'')"

fun create_insert :: 
  "('ℐ, ) woot_character list  nat     'ℐ  error + ('ℐ, ) message"
  where "create_insert s n σ' i =
    do {
      p  nth_visible s n;
      q  nth_visible s (n + 1);
      return (Insert (InsertMessage p i q σ'))

text ‹In particular, when a user inserts a character @{term σ'} between visible position
  @{term n} and its successor of the string of a peer with state @{term s}, @{term create_insert}
  starts by retrieving the identifiers @{term p} of the last visible character before @{term n}
  in @{term w} (or @{term } if no such character exists) and @{text q} of the first
  visible one after @{term n} (or @{term }).

  It then broadcasts the message @{term "Insert (InsertMessage p i q σ')"} with the new
  identifier @{term i}.›

fun create_delete :: "('ℐ, ) woot_character list  nat  error + ('ℐ, ) message"
  where "create_delete s n =
    do {
      m  nth_visible s n;
      i  from_non_extended m;
      return (Delete (DeleteMessage i))

text ‹When the user deletes the visible character at position @{term n}, @{term create_delete}
  retrieves the identifier @{term i} of the @{term n}'th visible character in @{term s} and
  broadcasts the message @{term "Delete (DeleteMessage i)"}.

  In both cases the message will be integrated into the peer's own state, with the same
  algorithm that integrates messages received from other peers.›
