Theory Semantics

theory Semantics
imports Main

section ‹The Language›

subsection ‹Variables and Values›

type_synonym vname = string ― ‹names for variables›

datatype val
  = Bool bool      ― ‹Boolean value›
  | Intg int       ― ‹integer value› 

abbreviation "true == Bool True"
abbreviation "false == Bool False"

subsection ‹Expressions and Commands›

datatype bop = Eq | And | Less | Add | Sub     ― ‹names of binary operations›

datatype expr
  = Val val                                          ― ‹value›
  | Var vname                                        ― ‹local variable›
  | BinOp expr bop expr    (‹_ «_» _› [80,0,81] 80)  ― ‹binary operation›

text ‹Note: we assume that only type correct expressions are regarded
  as later proofs fail if expressions evaluate to None due to type errors.
  However there is [yet] no typing system›

fun binop :: "bop  val  val  val option"
where "binop Eq v1 v2               = Some(Bool(v1 = v2))"
  | "binop And (Bool b1) (Bool b2)  = Some(Bool(b1  b2))"
  | "binop Less (Intg i1) (Intg i2) = Some(Bool(i1 < i2))"
  | "binop Add (Intg i1) (Intg i2)  = Some(Intg(i1 + i2))"
  | "binop Sub (Intg i1) (Intg i2)  = Some(Intg(i1 - i2))"

  | "binop bop v1 v2                = Some(Intg(0))"

datatype com
  = Skip
  | LAss vname expr        (‹_:=_› [70,70] 70)  ― ‹local assignment›
  | Seq com com            (‹_;;/ _› [61,60] 60)
  | Cond expr com com      (if '(_') _/ else _› [80,79,79] 70)
  | While expr com         (while '(_') _› [80,79] 70)

fun fv :: "expr  vname set" ― ‹free variables in an expression›
  FVc: "fv (Val V) = {}"
  | FVv: "fv (Var V) = {V}"
  | FVe: "fv (e1 «bop» e2) = fv e1  fv e2"

subsection ‹State›

type_synonym state = "vname  val"

text interpret› silently assumes type correct expressions, 
  i.e. no expression evaluates to None›

fun "interpret" :: "expr  state  val option" (__›)
where Val: "Val v s = Some v"
  | Var: "Var V s = s V"
  | BinOp: "e1«bop»e2 s = (case e1 s of None  None
    | Some v1  (case e2 s of None  None
                           | Some v2  binop bop v1 v2))"

subsection ‹Small Step Semantics›

inductive red :: "com * state  com * state  bool"
and red' :: "com  state  com  state  bool"
   (((1_,/_) / (1_,/_)) [0,0,0,0] 81)
  "c1,s1  c2,s2 == red (c1,s1) (c2,s2)" |
  "V:=e,s  Skip,s(V:=(e s))"

  | SeqRed:
  "c1,s  c1',s'  c1;;c2,s  c1';;c2,s'"

  | RedSeq:
  "Skip;;c2,s  c2,s"

  | RedCondTrue:
  "b s = Some true  if (b) c1 else c2,s  c1,s"

  | RedCondFalse:
  "b s = Some false  if (b) c1 else c2,s  c2,s"

  | RedWhileTrue:
  "b s = Some true  while (b) c,s  c;;while (b) c,s"

  | RedWhileFalse:
  "b s = Some false  while (b) c,s  Skip,s"

lemmas red_induct = red.induct[split_format (complete)]

abbreviation reds ::"com  state  com  state  bool" 
   (((1_,/_) →*/ (1_,/_)) [0,0,0,0] 81) where
  "c,s →* c',s' ==  red** (c,s) (c',s')"

lemma Skip_reds:
  "Skip,s →* c',s'  s = s'  c' = Skip"
by(blast elim:converse_rtranclpE red.cases)

lemma LAss_reds:
  "V:=e,s →* Skip,s'  s' = s(V:=e s)"
proof(induct "V:=e" s rule:converse_rtranclp_induct2)
  case (step s c'' s'')
  hence "c'' = Skip" and "s'' = s(V:=(e s))" by(auto elim:red.cases)
  with c'',s'' →* Skip,s' show ?case by(auto dest:Skip_reds)

lemma Seq2_reds:
  "Skip;;c2,s →* Skip,s'  c2,s →* Skip,s'"
by(induct c=="Skip;;c2" s rule:converse_rtranclp_induct2)(auto elim:red.cases)

lemma Seq_reds:
  assumes "c1;;c2,s →* Skip,s'"
  obtains s'' where "c1,s →* Skip,s''" and "c2,s'' →* Skip,s'"
proof -
  have "s''. c1,s →* Skip,s''  c2,s'' →* Skip,s'"
  proof -
    { fix c c'
      assume "c,s →* c',s'" and "c = c1;;c2" and "c' = Skip"
      hence "s''. c1,s →* Skip,s''  c2,s'' →* Skip,s'"
      proof(induct arbitrary:c1 rule:converse_rtranclp_induct2)
        case refl thus ?case by simp
        case (step c s c'' s'')
        note IH = c1. c'' = c1;;c2; c' = Skip 
           sx. c1,s'' →* Skip,sx  c2,sx →* Skip,s'
        from step
        have "c1;;c2,s  c'',s''" by simp
        hence "(c1 = Skip  c'' = c2  s = s'')  
          (c1'. c1,s  c1',s''  c'' = c1';;c2)"
          by(auto elim:red.cases)
        thus ?case
          assume "c1 = Skip  c'' = c2  s = s''"
          with c'',s'' →* c',s' c' = Skip
          show ?thesis by auto
          assume "c1'. c1,s  c1',s''  c'' = c1';;c2"
          then obtain c1' where "c1,s  c1',s''" and "c'' = c1';;c2" by blast
          from IH[OF c'' = c1';;c2 c' = Skip]
          obtain sx where "c1',s'' →* Skip,sx" and "c2,sx →* Skip,s'"
            by blast
          from c1,s  c1',s'' c1',s'' →* Skip,sx
          have "c1,s →* Skip,sx" by(auto intro:converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
          with c2,sx →* Skip,s' show ?thesis by auto
      qed }
    with c1;;c2,s →* Skip,s' show ?thesis by simp
  with that show ?thesis by blast

lemma Cond_True_or_False:
  "if (b) c1 else c2,s →* Skip,s'  b s = Some true  b s = Some false"
by(induct c=="if (b) c1 else c2" s rule:converse_rtranclp_induct2)(auto elim:red.cases)

lemma CondTrue_reds:
  "if (b) c1 else c2,s →* Skip,s'  b s = Some true  c1,s →* Skip,s'"
by(induct c=="if (b) c1 else c2" s rule:converse_rtranclp_induct2)(auto elim:red.cases)

lemma CondFalse_reds:
  "if (b) c1 else c2,s →* Skip,s'  b s = Some false  c2,s →* Skip,s'"
by(induct c=="if (b) c1 else c2" s rule:converse_rtranclp_induct2)(auto elim:red.cases)

lemma WhileFalse_reds: 
  "while (b) cx,s →* Skip,s'  b s = Some false  s = s'"
proof(induct "while (b) cx" s rule:converse_rtranclp_induct2)
  case step thus ?case by(auto elim:red.cases dest: Skip_reds)

lemma WhileTrue_reds: 
  "while (b) cx,s →* Skip,s'  b s = Some true
   sx. cx,s →* Skip,sx  while (b) cx,sx →* Skip,s'"
proof(induct "while (b) cx" s rule:converse_rtranclp_induct2)
  case (step s c'' s'')
  hence "c'' = cx;;while (b) cx  s'' = s" by(auto elim:red.cases)
  with c'',s'' →* Skip,s' show ?case by(auto dest:Seq_reds)

lemma While_True_or_False:
  "while (b) com,s →* Skip,s'  b s = Some true  b s = Some false"
by(induct c=="while (b) com" s rule:converse_rtranclp_induct2)(auto elim:red.cases)

inductive red_n :: "com  state  nat  com  state  bool"
   (((1_,/_) →⇗_ (1_,/_)) [0,0,0,0,0] 81)
where red_n_Base: "c,s →⇗0c,s"
     | red_n_Rec: "c,s  c'',s''; c'',s'' →⇗nc',s'  c,s →⇗Suc nc',s'"

lemma Seq_red_nE: assumes "c1;;c2,s →⇗nSkip,s'"
  obtains i j s'' where "c1,s →⇗iSkip,s''" and "c2,s'' →⇗jSkip,s'"
  and "n = i + j + 1"
proof -
  from c1;;c2,s →⇗nSkip,s' 
  have "i j s''. c1,s →⇗iSkip,s''  c2,s'' →⇗jSkip,s'  n = i + j + 1"
  proof(induct "c1;;c2" s n "Skip" s' arbitrary:c1 rule:red_n.induct)
    case (red_n_Rec s c'' s'' n s')
    note IH = c1. c'' = c1;;c2
       i j sx. c1,s'' →⇗iSkip,sx  c2,sx →⇗jSkip,s'  n = i + j + 1
    from c1;;c2,s  c'',s''
    have "(c1 = Skip  c'' = c2  s = s'')  
      (c1'. c'' = c1';;c2  c1,s  c1',s'')"
      by(induct "c1;;c2" _ _ _ rule:red_induct) auto
    thus ?case
      assume "c1 = Skip  c'' = c2  s = s''"
      hence "c1 = Skip" and "c'' = c2" and "s = s''" by simp_all
      from c1 = Skip have "c1,s →⇗0Skip,s" by(fastforce intro:red_n_Base)
      with c'',s'' →⇗nSkip,s' c'' = c2 s = s''
      show ?thesis by(rule_tac x="0" in exI) auto
      assume "c1'. c'' = c1';;c2  c1,s  c1',s''"
      then obtain c1' where "c'' = c1';;c2" and "c1,s  c1',s''" by blast
      from IH[OF c'' = c1';;c2] obtain i j sx
        where "c1',s'' →⇗iSkip,sx" and "c2,sx →⇗jSkip,s'"
        and "n = i + j + 1" by blast
      from c1,s  c1',s'' c1',s'' →⇗iSkip,sx
      have "c1,s →⇗Suc iSkip,sx" by(rule red_n.red_n_Rec)
      with c2,sx →⇗jSkip,s' n = i + j + 1 show ?thesis
        by(rule_tac x="Suc i" in exI) auto
  with that show ?thesis by blast

lemma while_red_nE:
  "while (b) cx,s →⇗nSkip,s' 
   (b s = Some false  s = s'  n = 1) 
     (i j s''. b s = Some true  cx,s →⇗iSkip,s''  
                while (b) cx,s'' →⇗jSkip,s'  n = i + j + 2)"
proof(induct "while (b) cx" s n "Skip" s' rule:red_n.induct)
  case (red_n_Rec s c'' s'' n s')
  from while (b) cx,s  c'',s''
  have "(b s = Some false  c'' = Skip  s'' = s) 
    (b s = Some true  c'' = cx;;while (b) cx  s'' = s)"
    by(induct "while (b) cx" _ _ _ rule:red_induct) auto
  thus ?case
    assume "b s = Some false  c'' = Skip  s'' = s"
    hence "b s = Some false" and "c'' = Skip" and "s'' = s" by simp_all
    with c'',s'' →⇗nSkip,s' have "s = s'" and "n = 0"
      by(induct _ _ Skip _ rule:red_n.induct,auto elim:red.cases)
    with b s = Some false show ?thesis by fastforce
    assume "b s = Some true  c'' = cx;;while (b) cx  s'' = s"
    hence "b s = Some true" and "c'' = cx;;while (b) cx" 
      and "s'' = s" by simp_all
    with c'',s'' →⇗nSkip,s'
    obtain i j sx where "cx,s →⇗iSkip,sx" and "while (b) cx,sx →⇗jSkip,s'"
      and "n = i + j + 1" by(fastforce elim:Seq_red_nE)
    with b s = Some true show ?thesis by fastforce

lemma while_red_n_induct [consumes 1, case_names false true]:
  assumes major: "while (b) cx,s →⇗nSkip,s'"
  and IHfalse:"s.  b s = Some false  P s s"
  and IHtrue:"s i j s''.   b s = Some true; cx,s →⇗iSkip,s''; 
                            while (b) cx,s'' →⇗jSkip,s'; P s'' s'  P s s'"
  shows "P s s'"
using major
proof(induct n arbitrary:s rule:nat_less_induct)
  fix n s
  assume IHall:"m<n. x. while (b) cx,x →⇗mSkip,s'  P x s'"
    and  "while (b) cx,s →⇗nSkip,s'"
  from while (b) cx,s →⇗nSkip,s'
  have "(b s = Some false  s = s'  n = 1) 
     (i j s''. b s = Some true  cx,s →⇗iSkip,s''  
                while (b) cx,s'' →⇗jSkip,s'  n = i + j + 2)" 
    by(rule while_red_nE)
  thus "P s s'"
    assume "b s = Some false  s = s'  n = 1"
    hence "b s = Some false" and "s = s'" by auto
    from IHfalse[OF b s = Some false] have "P s s" .
    with s = s' show ?thesis by simp
    assume "i j s''. b s = Some true  cx,s →⇗iSkip,s''  
                      while (b) cx,s'' →⇗jSkip,s'  n = i + j + 2"
    then obtain i j s'' where "b s = Some true"
      and "cx,s →⇗iSkip,s''" and "while (b) cx,s'' →⇗jSkip,s'"
      and "n = i + j + 2" by blast
    with IHall have "P s'' s'"
      apply(erule_tac x="j" in allE) apply clarsimp done
    from IHtrue[OF b s = Some true cx,s →⇗iSkip,s'' 
      while (b) cx,s'' →⇗jSkip,s' this] show ?thesis .

lemma reds_to_red_n:"c,s →* c',s'  n. c,s →⇗nc',s'"
by(induct rule:converse_rtranclp_induct2,auto intro:red_n.intros)

lemma red_n_to_reds:"c,s →⇗nc',s'  c,s →* c',s'"
by(induct rule:red_n.induct,auto intro:converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)

lemma while_reds_induct[consumes 1, case_names false true]:
  "while (b) cx,s →* Skip,s'; s. b s = Some false  P s s;
    s s''.  b s = Some true; cx,s →* Skip,s''; 
             while (b) cx,s'' →* Skip,s'; P s'' s'  P s s'
   P s s'"
apply(drule reds_to_red_n,clarsimp)
apply(erule while_red_n_induct,clarsimp)
by(auto dest:red_n_to_reds)

lemma red_det:
  "c,s  c1,s1; c,s  c2,s2  c1 = c2  s1 = s2"
proof(induct arbitrary:c2 rule:red_induct)
  case (SeqRed c1 s c1' s' c2')
  note IH = c2. c1,s  c2,s2  c1' = c2  s' = s2
  from c1;;c2',s  c2,s2 have "c1 = Skip  (cx. c2 = cx;;c2'  c1,s  cx,s2)"
    by(fastforce elim:red.cases)
  thus ?case
    assume "c1 = Skip"
    with c1,s  c1',s' have False by(fastforce elim:red.cases)
    thus ?thesis by simp
    assume "cx. c2 = cx;;c2'  c1,s  cx,s2"
    then obtain cx where "c2 = cx;;c2'" and "c1,s  cx,s2" by blast
    from IH[OF c1,s  cx,s2] have "c1' = cx  s' = s2" .
    with c2 = cx;;c2' show ?thesis by simp
qed (fastforce elim:red.cases)+

theorem reds_det:
  "c,s →* Skip,s1; c,s →* Skip,s2  s1 = s2"
proof(induct rule:converse_rtranclp_induct2)
  case refl
  from Skip,s1 →* Skip,s2 show ?case
    by -(erule converse_rtranclpE,auto elim:red.cases)
  case (step c'' s'' c' s')
  note IH = c',s' →* Skip,s2  s1 = s2
  from step have "c'',s''  c',s'"
    by simp
  from c'',s'' →* Skip,s2 this have "c',s' →* Skip,s2"
    by -(erule converse_rtranclpE,auto elim:red.cases dest:red_det)
  from IH[OF this] show ?thesis .
