Theory SAT_Plan_Extensions
theory SAT_Plan_Extensions
imports SAT_Plan_Base
section "Serializable SATPlan Encodings"
text ‹ A SATPlan encoding with exclusion of operator interference (see definition
\ref{def:sat-plan-encoding-with-interference-exclusion}) can be defined by extending the basic
SATPlan encoding with clauses
@{text[display, indent=4] "
❙¬(Atom (Operator k (index ops op⇩1))
❙∨ ❙¬(Atom (Operator k (index ops op⇩2))"}
for all pairs of distinct interfering operators \<^term>‹op⇩1›, \<^term>‹op⇩2› for all time points
\<^term>‹k < t› for a given estimated plan length \<^term>‹t›. Definitions
\ref{isadef:interfering-operator-pair-exclusion-encoding} and
\ref{isadef:interfering-operator-exclusion-encoding} implement the encoding for operator pairs
resp. for all interfering operator pairs and all time points. ›
definition encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion
:: "'variable strips_problem
⇒ nat
⇒ 'variable strips_operator
⇒ 'variable strips_operator
⇒ sat_plan_variable formula"
where "encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2
≡ let ops = operators_of Π in
❙¬(Atom (Operator k (index ops op⇩1)))
❙∨ ❙¬(Atom (Operator k (index ops op⇩2)))"
definition encode_interfering_operator_exclusion
:: "'variable strips_problem ⇒ nat ⇒ sat_plan_variable formula"
where "encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π t ≡ let
ops = operators_of Π
; interfering = filter (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). index ops op⇩1 ≠ index ops op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2) (List.product ops ops)
in foldr (❙∧) [encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2.
(op⇩1, op⇩2) ← interfering, k ← [0..<t]] (❙¬⊥)"
text ‹ A SATPlan encoding with interfering operator pair exclusion can now be defined by
simplying adding the conjunct \<^term>‹encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π t› to the basic
SATPlan encoding. ›
definition encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion
:: "'variable strips_problem ⇒ nat ⇒ sat_plan_variable formula"
(‹Φ⇩∀ _ _› 52)
where "encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion Π t
≡ encode_initial_state Π
❙∧ (encode_operators Π t
❙∧ (encode_all_frame_axioms Π t
❙∧ (encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π t
❙∧ (encode_goal_state Π t))))"
lemma cnf_of_encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion_is_i[simp]:
"cnf (encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2) = {{
(Operator k (index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩1))¯
, (Operator k (index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩2))¯ }}"
proof -
let ?ops = "strips_problem.operators_of Π"
have "cnf (encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2)
= cnf (❙¬(Atom (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))) ❙∨ ❙¬(Atom (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))))"
unfolding encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion_def
by metis
also have "… = { C ∪ D | C D.
C ∈ cnf (❙¬(Atom (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))))
∧ D ∈ cnf (❙¬(Atom (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2)))) }"
by simp
finally show ?thesis
by auto
lemma cnf_of_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_is_ii[simp]:
"set [encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2.
(op⇩1, op⇩2) ← filter (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2).
index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩1 ≠ index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2)
(List.product (strips_problem.operators_of Π) (strips_problem.operators_of Π))
, k ← [0..<t]]
= (⋃(op⇩1, op⇩2)
∈ { (op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (operators_of Π) × set (operators_of Π).
index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩1 ≠ index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2 }.
(λk. encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2) ` {0..<t})"
proof -
let ?ops = "strips_problem.operators_of Π"
let ?interfering = "filter (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2) (List.product ?ops ?ops)"
let ?fs = "[encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2.
(op⇩1, op⇩2) ← ?interfering, k ← [0..<t]]"
have "set ?fs = ⋃(set
` (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). map (λk. encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2) [0..<t])
` (set (filter (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2 ∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2)
(List.product ?ops ?ops))))"
unfolding set_concat set_map
by blast
also have "… = ⋃((λ(op⇩1, op⇩2).
set (map (λk. encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2) [0..<t]))
` (set (filter (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2 ∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2)
(List.product ?ops ?ops))))"
unfolding image_comp[of
set "λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). map (λk. encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2) [0..<t]"]
by fast
also have "… = ⋃((λ(op⇩1, op⇩2).
(λk. encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2) ` {0..<t})
` (set (filter (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2 ∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2)
(List.product ?ops ?ops))))"
unfolding set_map[of _ "[0..<t]"] atLeastLessThan_upt[of 0 t]
by blast
also have "… = ⋃((λ(op⇩1, op⇩2).
(λk. encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2) ` {0..<t})
` (Set.filter (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2 ∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2)
(set (List.product ?ops ?ops))))"
unfolding set_filter[of "λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2" "List.product ?ops ?ops"]
by force
finally show ?thesis
unfolding operators_of_def set_product[of ?ops ?ops]
by fastforce
lemma cnf_of_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_is_iii[simp]:
fixes Π :: "'variable strips_problem"
shows "cnf ` set [encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2.
(op⇩1, op⇩2) ← filter (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2).
index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩1 ≠ index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2)
(List.product (strips_problem.operators_of Π) (strips_problem.operators_of Π))
, k ← [0..<t]]
= (⋃(op⇩1, op⇩2)
∈ { (op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (strips_problem.operators_of Π) × set (strips_problem.operators_of Π).
index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩1 ≠ index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2 }.
{{{ (Operator k (index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩1))¯
, (Operator k (index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩2))¯ }} | k. k ∈ {0..<t}})"
proof -
let ?ops = "strips_problem.operators_of Π"
let ?interfering = "filter (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2) (List.product ?ops ?ops)"
let ?fs = "[encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2.
(op⇩1, op⇩2) ← ?interfering, k ← [0..<t]]"
have "cnf ` set ?fs = cnf ` (⋃(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ { (op⇩1, op⇩2).
(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (operators_of Π) × set (operators_of Π) ∧ index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2 }.
(λk. encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2) ` {0..<t})"
unfolding cnf_of_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_is_ii
by blast
also have "… = (⋃(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ { (op⇩1, op⇩2).
(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (operators_of Π) × set (operators_of Π) ∧ index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2 }.
(λk. cnf (encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2)) ` {0..<t})"
unfolding image_Un image_comp comp_apply
by blast
also have "… = (⋃(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ { (op⇩1, op⇩2).
(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (operators_of Π) × set (operators_of Π) ∧ index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2 }.
(λk. {{ (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))¯, (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))¯ }}) ` {0..<t})"
by simp
also have "… = (⋃(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ { (op⇩1, op⇩2).
(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (operators_of Π) × set (operators_of Π) ∧ index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2 }.
(λk. {{ (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))¯, (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))¯ }})
` { k | k. k ∈ {0..<t}})"
by blast
finally show ?thesis
unfolding operators_of_def setcompr_eq_image[of _ "λk. k ∈ {0..<t}"]
by force
lemma cnf_of_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_is:
"cnf (encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π t) = ⋃(⋃(op⇩1, op⇩2)
∈ { (op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (operators_of Π) × set (operators_of Π).
index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩1 ≠ index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2 }.
{{{ (Operator k (index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩1))¯
, (Operator k (index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩2))¯ }} | k. k ∈ {0..<t}})"
proof -
let ?ops = "strips_problem.operators_of Π"
let ?interfering = "filter (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2) (List.product ?ops ?ops)"
let ?fs = "[encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2.
(op⇩1, op⇩2) ← ?interfering, k ← [0..<t]]"
have "cnf (encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π t) = cnf (foldr (❙∧) ?fs (❙¬⊥))"
unfolding encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_def
by metis
also have "… = ⋃(cnf ` set ?fs)"
unfolding cnf_foldr_and[of ?fs]..
finally show ?thesis
unfolding cnf_of_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_is_iii[of Π t]
by blast
lemma cnf_of_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_contains_clause_if:
fixes Π :: "'variable strips_problem"
assumes "k < t"
and "op⇩1 ∈ set (strips_problem.operators_of Π)" and "op⇩2 ∈ set (strips_problem.operators_of Π)"
and "index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩1 ≠ index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩2"
and "are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2"
shows "{ (Operator k (index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩1))¯
, (Operator k (index (strips_problem.operators_of Π) op⇩2))¯}
∈ cnf (encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π t)"
proof -
let ?ops = "strips_problem.operators_of Π"
and ?Φ⇩X = "encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π t"
let ?Ops = "{ (op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (operators_of Π) × set (operators_of Π).
index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2 ∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2 }"
and ?f = "λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). {{{ (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))¯, (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))¯ }}
| k. k ∈ {0..<t}}"
let ?A = "(⋃(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ ?Ops. ?f (op⇩1, op⇩2))"
let ?B = "⋃?A"
and ?C = "{ (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))¯, (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))¯ }"
have "(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ ?Ops"
using assms(2, 3, 4, 5)
unfolding operators_of_def
by force
moreover have "{ ?C } ∈ ?f (op⇩1, op⇩2)"
using assms(1)
by auto
moreover have "{ ?C } ∈ ?A"
using UN_iff[of ?C _ ?Ops] calculation(1, 2)
by blast
ultimately have "∃X ∈ ?A. ?C ∈ X"
by auto
thus ?thesis
unfolding cnf_of_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_is
using Union_iff[of ?C ?A]
by auto
lemma is_cnf_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion:
fixes Π :: "'variable strips_problem"
shows "is_cnf (encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π t)"
proof -
let ?ops = "strips_problem.operators_of Π"
let ?interfering = "filter (λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2) (List.product ?ops ?ops)"
let ?fs = "[encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2.
(op⇩1, op⇩2) ← ?interfering, k ← [0..<t]]"
let ?Fs = "(⋃(op⇩1, op⇩2)
∈ { (op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (operators_of Π) × set (operators_of Π). are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2 }.
(λk. encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2) ` {0..<t})"
fix f
assume "f ∈ set ?fs"
then have "f ∈ ?Fs"
unfolding cnf_of_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_is_ii
by blast
then obtain op⇩1 op⇩2
where "(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (operators_of Π) × set (operators_of Π)"
and "are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2"
and "f ∈ (λk. encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2) ` {0..<t}"
by fast
then obtain k where "f = encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion Π k op⇩1 op⇩2"
by blast
then have "f = ❙¬(Atom (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))) ❙∨ ❙¬(Atom (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2)))"
unfolding encode_interfering_operator_pair_exclusion_def
by metis
hence "is_cnf f"
by force
thus ?thesis
unfolding encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_def
using is_cnf_foldr_and_if[of ?fs]
by meson
lemma is_cnf_encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion:
assumes "is_valid_problem_strips Π"
shows "is_cnf (Φ⇩∀ Π t)"
using is_cnf_encode_problem is_cnf_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion assms
unfolding encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion_def SAT_Plan_Base.encode_problem_def
by blast
lemma cnf_of_encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion_structure:
shows "cnf (Φ⇩I Π) ⊆ cnf (Φ⇩∀ Π t)"
and "cnf ((Φ⇩G Π) t) ⊆ cnf (Φ⇩∀ Π t)"
and "cnf (encode_operators Π t) ⊆ cnf (Φ⇩∀ Π t)"
and "cnf (encode_all_frame_axioms Π t) ⊆ cnf (Φ⇩∀ Π t)"
and "cnf (encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π t) ⊆ cnf (Φ⇩∀ Π t)"
unfolding encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion_def encode_problem_def SAT_Plan_Base.encode_problem_def
by auto+
lemma encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion_has_model_then_also_partial_encodings:
assumes "𝒜 ⊨ Φ⇩∀ Π t"
shows "𝒜 ⊨ SAT_Plan_Base.encode_initial_state Π"
and "𝒜 ⊨ SAT_Plan_Base.encode_operators Π t"
and "𝒜 ⊨ SAT_Plan_Base.encode_all_frame_axioms Π t"
and "𝒜 ⊨ encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π t"
and "𝒜 ⊨ SAT_Plan_Base.encode_goal_state Π t"
using assms
unfolding encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion_def encode_problem_def SAT_Plan_Base.encode_problem_def
by simp+
text ‹ Just as for the basic SATPlan encoding we defined local context for the SATPlan encoding
with interfering operator exclusion. We omit this here since it is basically identical to the one
shown in the basic SATPlan theory replacing only the definitions of \isaname{encode_transitions}
and \isaname{encode_problem}. The sublocale proof is shown below. It confirms that the new
encoding again a CNF as required by locale \isaname{sat_encode_strips}. ›
subsection "Soundness"
text ‹ The Proof of soundness for the SATPlan encoding with interfering operator exclusion follows
directly from the proof of soundness of the basic SATPlan encoding. By looking at the structure of
the new encoding which simply extends the basic SATPlan encoding with a conjunct, any model for
encoding with exclusion of operator interference also models the basic SATPlan encoding and the
soundness of the new encoding therefore follows from theorem
Moreover, since we additionally added interfering operator exclusion clauses at every timestep, the
decoded parallel plan cannot contain any interfering operators in any parallel operator (making it
serializable). ›
lemma encode_problem_serializable_sound_i:
assumes "is_valid_problem_strips Π"
and "𝒜 ⊨ Φ⇩∀ Π t"
and "k < t"
and "ops ∈ set (subseqs ((Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t) ! k))"
shows "are_all_operators_non_interfering ops"
proof -
let ?ops = "strips_problem.operators_of Π"
and ?π = "Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t"
and ?Φ⇩X = "encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π t"
let ?π⇩k = "(Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t) ! k"
fix C
assume C_in: "C ∈ cnf ?Φ⇩X"
have "cnf_semantics 𝒜 (cnf ?Φ⇩X)"
using cnf_semantics_monotonous_in_cnf_subsets_if[OF assms(2)
is_cnf_encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion[OF assms(1)]
hence "clause_semantics 𝒜 C"
unfolding cnf_semantics_def
using C_in
by fast
} note nb⇩1 = this
fix op⇩1 op⇩2
assume "op⇩1 ∈ set ?π⇩k" and "op⇩2 ∈ set ?π⇩k"
and index_op⇩1_is_not_index_op⇩2: "index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2"
moreover have op⇩1_in: "op⇩1 ∈ set ?ops" and 𝒜_models_op⇩1:"𝒜 (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))"
and op⇩2_in: "op⇩2 ∈ set ?ops" and 𝒜_models_op⇩2: "𝒜 (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))"
using decode_plan_step_element_then[OF assms(3)] calculation
unfolding decode_plan_def
by blast+
moreover {
let ?C = "{ (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))¯, (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))¯ }"
assume "are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2"
moreover have "?C ∈ cnf ?Φ⇩X"
using cnf_of_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_contains_clause_if[OF
assms(3) op⇩1_in op⇩2_in index_op⇩1_is_not_index_op⇩2] calculation
by blast
moreover have "¬clause_semantics 𝒜 ?C"
using 𝒜_models_op⇩1 𝒜_models_op⇩2
unfolding clause_semantics_def
by auto
ultimately have False
using nb⇩1
by blast
ultimately have "¬are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2"
by blast
} note nb⇩3 = this
show ?thesis
using assms
proof (induction ops)
case (Cons op⇩1 ops)
have "are_all_operators_non_interfering ops"
using Cons.IH[OF Cons.prems(1, 2, 3) Cons_in_subseqsD[OF Cons.prems(4)]]
by blast
moreover {
fix op⇩2
assume op⇩2_in_ops: "op⇩2 ∈ set ops"
moreover have op⇩1_in_π⇩k: "op⇩1 ∈ set ?π⇩k" and op⇩2_in_π⇩k: "op⇩2 ∈ set ?π⇩k"
using element_of_subseqs_then_subset[OF Cons.prems(4)] calculation(1)
by auto+
have "distinct (op⇩1 # ops)"
using subseqs_distinctD[OF Cons.prems(4)]
decode_plan_step_distinct[OF Cons.prems(3)]
unfolding decode_plan_def
by blast
moreover have "op⇩1 ∈ set ?ops" and "op⇩2 ∈ set ?ops"
using decode_plan_step_element_then(1)[OF Cons.prems(3)] op⇩1_in_π⇩k op⇩2_in_π⇩k
unfolding decode_plan_def
by force+
moreover have "op⇩1 ≠ op⇩2"
using op⇩2_in_ops calculation(1)
by fastforce
ultimately have "index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2"
using index_eq_index_conv
by auto
ultimately have "¬are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2"
using nb⇩3
by blast
ultimately show ?case
using list_all_iff
by auto
qed simp
theorem encode_problem_serializable_sound:
assumes "is_valid_problem_strips Π"
and "𝒜 ⊨ Φ⇩∀ Π t"
shows "is_parallel_solution_for_problem Π (Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t)"
and "∀k < length (Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t). are_all_operators_non_interfering ((Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t) ! k)"
proof -
have "𝒜 ⊨ SAT_Plan_Base.encode_initial_state Π"
and "𝒜 ⊨ SAT_Plan_Base.encode_operators Π t"
and "𝒜 ⊨ SAT_Plan_Base.encode_all_frame_axioms Π t"
and "𝒜 ⊨ SAT_Plan_Base.encode_goal_state Π t"
using assms(2)
unfolding encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion_def
by simp+
then have "𝒜 ⊨ SAT_Plan_Base.encode_problem Π t"
unfolding SAT_Plan_Base.encode_problem_def
by simp
thus "is_parallel_solution_for_problem Π (Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t)"
using encode_problem_parallel_sound assms(1, 2)
unfolding decode_plan_def
by blast
let ?π = "Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t"
fix k
assume "k < t"
moreover have "?π ! k ∈ set (subseqs (?π ! k))"
using subseqs_refl
by blast
ultimately have "are_all_operators_non_interfering (?π ! k)"
using encode_problem_serializable_sound_i[OF assms]
unfolding SAT_Plan_Base.decode_plan_def decode_plan_def
by blast
moreover have "length ?π = t"
unfolding SAT_Plan_Base.decode_plan_def decode_plan_def
by simp
ultimately show "∀k < length ?π. are_all_operators_non_interfering (?π ! k)"
by simp
subsection "Completeness"
lemma encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion_complete_i:
assumes "is_valid_problem_strips Π"
and "is_parallel_solution_for_problem Π π"
and "∀k < length π. are_all_operators_non_interfering (π ! k)"
shows "valuation_for_plan Π π ⊨ encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π (length π)"
proof -
let ?𝒜 = "valuation_for_plan Π π"
and ?Φ⇩X = "encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π (length π)"
and ?ops = "strips_problem.operators_of Π"
and ?t = "length π"
let ?τ = "trace_parallel_plan_strips ((Π)⇩I) π"
let ?Ops = "{ (op⇩1, op⇩2). (op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (operators_of Π) × set (operators_of Π)
∧ index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2
∧ are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2 }"
and ?f = "λ(op⇩1, op⇩2). {{{ (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))¯, (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))¯ }}
| k. k ∈ {0..<length π} }"
let ?A = "⋃(?f ` ?Ops)"
let ?B = "⋃?A"
have nb⇩1: "∀ops ∈ set π. ∀op ∈ set ops. op ∈ set (operators_of Π)"
using is_parallel_solution_for_problem_operator_set[OF assms(2)]
unfolding operators_of_def
by blast
fix k op
assume "k < length π" and "op ∈ set (π ! k)"
hence "lit_semantics ?𝒜 ((Operator k (index ?ops op))⇧+) = (k < length ?τ - 1)"
using encode_problem_parallel_complete_vi_a[OF assms(2)]
encode_problem_parallel_complete_vi_b[OF assms(2)] initial_of_def
by(cases "k < length ?τ - 1"; simp)
} note nb⇩2 = this
fix k op⇩1 op⇩2
assume "k < length π"
and "op⇩1 ∈ set (π ! k)"
and "index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2"
and "are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2"
moreover have "are_all_operators_non_interfering (π ! k)"
using assms(3) calculation(1)
by blast
moreover have "op⇩1 ≠ op⇩2"
using calculation(3)
by blast
ultimately have "op⇩2 ∉ set (π ! k)"
using are_all_operators_non_interfering_set_contains_no_distinct_interfering_operator_pairs
by blast
} note nb⇩3 = this
fix C
assume "C ∈ cnf ?Φ⇩X"
then have "C ∈ ?B"
using cnf_of_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion_is[of Π "length π"]
by argo
then obtain C' where "C' ∈ ?A" and C_in: "C ∈ C'"
using Union_iff[of C ?A]
by meson
then obtain op⇩1 op⇩2 where "(op⇩1, op⇩2) ∈ set (operators_of Π) × set (operators_of Π)"
and index_op⇩1_is_not_index_op⇩2: "index ?ops op⇩1 ≠ index ?ops op⇩2"
and are_operators_interfering_op⇩1_op⇩2: "are_operators_interfering op⇩1 op⇩2"
and C'_in: "C' ∈ {{{(Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))¯, (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))¯}}
| k. k ∈ {0..<length π}}"
using UN_iff[of C' ?f ?Ops]
by blast
then obtain k where "k ∈ {0..<length π}"
and C_is: "C = { (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))¯, (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))¯ }"
using C_in C'_in
by blast
then have k_lt_length_π: "k < length π"
by simp
consider (A) "op⇩1 ∈ set (π ! k)"
| (B) "op⇩2 ∈ set (π ! k)"
| (C) "¬op⇩1 ∈ set (π ! k) ∨ ¬op⇩2 ∈ set (π ! k)"
by linarith
hence "clause_semantics ?𝒜 C"
proof (cases)
case A
moreover have "op⇩2 ∉ set (π ! k)"
using nb⇩3 k_lt_length_π calculation index_op⇩1_is_not_index_op⇩2 are_operators_interfering_op⇩1_op⇩2
by blast
moreover have "¬?𝒜 (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))"
using encode_problem_parallel_complete_vi_d[OF assms(2) k_lt_length_π]
by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using C_is
unfolding clause_semantics_def
by force
case B
moreover have "op⇩1 ∉ set (π ! k)"
using nb⇩3 k_lt_length_π calculation index_op⇩1_is_not_index_op⇩2 are_operators_interfering_op⇩1_op⇩2
by blast
moreover have "¬?𝒜 (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))"
using encode_problem_parallel_complete_vi_d[OF assms(2) k_lt_length_π]
by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using C_is
unfolding clause_semantics_def
by force
case C
then show ?thesis
proof (rule disjE)
assume "op⇩1 ∉ set (π ! k)"
then have "¬?𝒜 (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩1))"
using encode_problem_parallel_complete_vi_d[OF assms(2) k_lt_length_π]
by blast
thus "clause_semantics (valuation_for_plan Π π) C"
using C_is
unfolding clause_semantics_def
by force
assume "op⇩2 ∉ set (π ! k)"
then have "¬?𝒜 (Operator k (index ?ops op⇩2))"
using encode_problem_parallel_complete_vi_d[OF assms(2) k_lt_length_π]
by blast
thus "clause_semantics (valuation_for_plan Π π) C"
using C_is
unfolding clause_semantics_def
by force
then have "cnf_semantics ?𝒜 (cnf ?Φ⇩X)"
unfolding cnf_semantics_def..
thus ?thesis
using cnf_semantics[OF is_nnf_cnf[OF is_cnf_encode_interfering_operator_exclusion]]
by fast
text ‹ Similar to the soundness proof, we may reuse the previously established
facts about the valuation for the completeness proof of the basic SATPlan encoding
To make it clearer why this is true we have a look at the form of the clauses for interfering operator
pairs \<^term>‹op⇩1› and \<^term>‹op⇩2› at the same time index \<^term>‹k› which have the form shown below:
@{text[display, indent=4] "{ (Operator k (index ops op⇩1))¯, (Operator k (index ops op⇩2))¯ }"}
where \<^term>‹ops ≡ strips_problem.operators_of Π›.
Now, consider an operator \<^term>‹op⇩1› that is contained in the \<^term>‹k›-th plan step \<^term>‹π ! k›
(symmetrically for \<^term>‹op⇩2›). Since \<^term>‹π› is a serializable solution, there can be no
interference between \<^term>‹op⇩1› and \<^term>‹op⇩2› at time \<^term>‹k›. Hence \<^term>‹op⇩2› cannot be in \<^term>‹π ! k›
This entails that for \<^term>‹𝒜 ≡ valuation_for_plan Π π› it holds that
@{text[display, indent=4] "𝒜 ⊨ ❙¬ Atom (Operator k (index ops op⇩2))"}
and \<^term>‹𝒜› therefore models the clause.
Furthermore, if neither is present, than \<^term>‹𝒜› will evaluate both atoms to false and the clause
therefore evaluates to true as well.
It follows from this that each clause in the extension of the SATPlan encoding evaluates to true
for \<^term>‹𝒜›. The other parts of the encoding evaluate to true as per the completeness of the
basic SATPlan encoding (theorem \ref{isathm:completeness-satplan-encoding}).›
theorem encode_problem_serializable_complete:
assumes "is_valid_problem_strips Π"
and "is_parallel_solution_for_problem Π π"
and "∀k < length π. are_all_operators_non_interfering (π ! k)"
shows "valuation_for_plan Π π ⊨ Φ⇩∀ Π (length π)"
proof -
let ?𝒜 = "valuation_for_plan Π π"
and ?Φ⇩X = "encode_interfering_operator_exclusion Π (length π)"
have "?𝒜 ⊨ SAT_Plan_Base.encode_problem Π (length π)"
using assms(1, 2) encode_problem_parallel_complete
by auto
moreover have "?𝒜 ⊨ ?Φ⇩X"
using encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion_complete_i[OF assms].
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion_def encode_problem_def
by force
value "stop"
lemma encode_problem_forall_step_decoded_plan_is_serializable_i:
assumes "is_valid_problem_strips Π"
and "𝒜 ⊨ Φ⇩∀ Π t"
shows "(Π)⇩G ⊆⇩m execute_serial_plan ((Π)⇩I) (concat (Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t))"
proof -
let ?G = "(Π)⇩G"
and ?I = "(Π)⇩I"
and ?π = "Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t"
let ?π' = "concat (Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t)"
and ?τ = "trace_parallel_plan_strips ?I ?π"
and ?σ = "map (decode_state_at Π 𝒜) [0..<Suc (length ?π)]"
fix k
assume k_lt_length_π: "k < length ?π"
moreover have "𝒜 ⊨ SAT_Plan_Base.encode_problem Π t"
using assms(2)
unfolding encode_problem_with_operator_interference_exclusion_def
encode_problem_def SAT_Plan_Base.encode_problem_def
by simp
moreover have "length ?σ = length ?τ"
using encode_problem_parallel_correct_vii assms(1) calculation
unfolding decode_state_at_def decode_plan_def initial_of_def
by fast
ultimately have "k < length ?τ - 1" and "k < t"
unfolding decode_plan_def SAT_Plan_Base.decode_plan_def
by force+
} note nb = this
have "?G ⊆⇩m execute_parallel_plan ?I ?π"
using encode_problem_serializable_sound assms
unfolding is_parallel_solution_for_problem_def decode_plan_def
goal_of_def initial_of_def
by blast
hence "?G ⊆⇩m last (trace_parallel_plan_strips ?I ?π)"
using execute_parallel_plan_reaches_goal_iff_goal_is_last_element_of_trace
by fast
moreover {
fix k
assume k_lt_length_π: "k < length ?π"
moreover have "k < length ?τ - 1" and "k < t"
using nb calculation
by blast+
moreover have "are_all_operators_applicable (?τ ! k) (?π ! k)"
and "are_all_operator_effects_consistent (?π ! k)"
using trace_parallel_plan_strips_operator_preconditions calculation(2)
by blast+
moreover have "are_all_operators_non_interfering (?π ! k)"
using encode_problem_serializable_sound(2)[OF assms(1, 2)] k_lt_length_π
by blast
ultimately have "are_all_operators_applicable (?τ ! k) (?π ! k)"
and "are_all_operator_effects_consistent (?π ! k)"
and "are_all_operators_non_interfering (?π ! k)"
by blast+
ultimately show ?thesis
using execute_parallel_plan_is_execute_sequential_plan_if assms(1)
by metis
lemma encode_problem_forall_step_decoded_plan_is_serializable_ii:
fixes Π :: "'variable strips_problem"
shows "list_all (λop. ListMem op (strips_problem.operators_of Π))
(concat (Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t))"
proof -
let ?π = "Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t"
let ?π' = "concat ?π"
have "set ?π' = ⋃(set ` (⋃k < t. { decode_plan' Π 𝒜 k }))"
unfolding decode_plan_def decode_plan_set_is set_concat
by auto
also have "… = ⋃(⋃k < t. { set (decode_plan' Π 𝒜 k) })"
by blast
finally have "set ?π' = (⋃k < t. set (decode_plan' Π 𝒜 k))"
by blast
} note nb = this
fix op
assume "op ∈ set ?π'"
then obtain k where "k < t" and "op ∈ set (decode_plan' Π 𝒜 k)"
using nb
by blast
moreover have "op ∈ set (decode_plan Π 𝒜 t ! k)"
using calculation
unfolding decode_plan_def SAT_Plan_Base.decode_plan_def
by simp
ultimately have "op ∈ set (operators_of Π)"
using decode_plan_step_element_then(1)
unfolding operators_of_def decode_plan_def
by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding list_all_iff ListMem_iff operators_of_def
by blast
text ‹ Given the soundness and completeness of the SATPlan encoding with interfering operator
exclusion \<^term>‹Φ⇩∀ Π t›, we can
now conclude this part with showing that for a parallel plan \<^term>‹π ≡ Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t›
that was decoded from a model \<^term>‹𝒜› of \<^term>‹Φ⇩∀ Π t› the serialized plan
\<^term>‹π' ≡ concat π› is a serial solution for \<^term>‹Π›. To this end, we have to show that
\item the state reached by serial execution of \<^term>‹π'› subsumes \<^term>‹G›, and
\item all operators in \<^term>‹π'› are operators contained in \<^term>‹𝒪›.
While the proof of the latter step is rather straight forward, the proof for the
former requires a bit more work. We use the previously established theorem on serial and parallel
STRIPS equivalence (theorem \ref{isathm:equivalence-parallel-serial-strips-plans}) to show the
serializability of \<^term>‹π› and therefore have to show that \<^term>‹G› is subsumed by the last state
of the trace of \<^term>‹π'›
@{text[display, indent=4] "G ⊆⇩m last (trace_sequential_plan_strips I π')"}
and moreover that at every step of the parallel plan execution, the parallel operator execution
condition as well as non interference are met
@{text[display, indent=4] "∀k < length π. are_all_operators_non_interfering (π ! k)"}.
\footnote{These propositions are shown in lemmas \texttt{encode\_problem\_forall\_step\_decoded\_plan\_is\_serializable\_ii} and
\texttt{encode\_problem\_forall\_step\_decoded\_plan\_is\_serializable\_i} which have been omitted for
Note that the parallel operator execution condition is implicit in the existence of the parallel
trace for \<^term>‹π› with
@{text[display, indent=4] "G ⊆⇩m last (trace_parallel_plan_strips I π)"}
warranted by the soundness of \<^term>‹Φ⇩∀ Π t›. ›
theorem serializable_encoding_decoded_plan_is_serializable:
assumes "is_valid_problem_strips Π"
and "𝒜 ⊨ Φ⇩∀ Π t"
shows "is_serial_solution_for_problem Π (concat (Φ¯ Π 𝒜 t))"
using encode_problem_forall_step_decoded_plan_is_serializable_i[OF assms]
unfolding is_serial_solution_for_problem_def goal_of_def
initial_of_def decode_plan_def
by blast