Theory Rec_Ex

(*  Title: thys/Rec_Ex.thy
    Author: Franz Regensburger (FABR) 03/2022

section ‹Examples for Recursive Functions based on Rec\_def›

theory Rec_Ex
  imports Rec_Def

definition plus_2 :: "recf"
    "plus_2 = (Cn 1 s [s])"

lemma "rec_exec plus_2 [0] = Suc (Suc 0)"
  unfolding plus_2_def
proof -
  have "rec_exec (Cn 1 s [s]) [0] = rec_exec s (map (λ a. rec_exec a [0]) [s])"
    by auto
  also have "... = rec_exec s [Suc 0]"
    by auto
  also have "... = Suc (Suc 0)"
    by auto
  finally show "rec_exec (Cn 1 s [s]) [0] = Suc (Suc 0)" .

lemma "rec_exec plus_2 [2] = 4"
  unfolding plus_2_def
 by auto

lemma "rec_exec plus_2 [0] = 2"
  unfolding plus_2_def
 by auto

text ‹The arity parameter given to the constructors of recursive functions
is not checked during execution by the interpreter.

See the next example where we
run @{term "pls_2"} with two arguments instead of only one.

lemma "rec_exec plus_2 [2,3] = 4"
  unfolding plus_2_def
 by auto

lemma "rec_exec plus_2 [2,3] = 4"
  unfolding plus_2_def
 by auto

text ‹What is the purpose of the arity parameter?

   The argument 1 of the constructors, which is supposed to be the arity,
   is completely ignored by @{term "rec_exec"}.
   However, for proofing termination, we need a correct arity specification.

lemma "terminate plus_2 [2]"
  unfolding plus_2_def
proof (rule Rec_Def.terminate.termi_cn)
  show "terminate s (map (λg. rec_exec g [2]) [s])"
  proof -
    have "(map (λg. rec_exec g [2]) [s]) = [rec_exec s [2]]" by auto
    then show ?thesis using termi_s by auto
  show "gset [s]. terminate g [2]" by (auto simp add: termi_s)
 (*  1. length [2] = 8
    ahh: we need the correct arity for proving the predicate termination
  show "length [2] = 1" by auto

lemma "terminate plus_2 [2]"
  unfolding plus_2_def
  by (rule Rec_Def.terminate.termi_cn) (auto simp add: termi_s)

text ‹If we try to proof termination of a run with superfluous arguments, we are stuck.
We need the correct arity for proving the predicate termination.›

lemma "terminate plus_2 [2,3]"
  unfolding plus_2_def
proof (rule Rec_Def.terminate.termi_cn)
  show "terminate s (map (λg. rec_exec g [2, 3]) [s])"
    by (auto simp add: termi_s)
  show "gset [s]. terminate g [2, 3]"
    fix g
    assume "g  set [s]"
    then show "terminate g [2, 3]"
    proof -
      have "terminate s [2, 3]"
        (* this, we cannot prove based on the inductive definition of s *)
