Theory utp_recursion

section ‹ Fixed-points and Recursion ›

theory utp_recursion

subsection ‹ Fixed-point Laws ›
lemma mu_id: "(μ X  X) = true"
  by (simp add: antisym gfp_upperbound)

lemma mu_const: "(μ X  P) = P"
  by (simp add: gfp_const)

lemma nu_id: "(ν X  X) = false"                                                            
  by (meson lfp_lowerbound

lemma nu_const: "(ν X  P) = P"
  by (simp add: lfp_const)

lemma mu_refine_intro:
  assumes "(C  S)  F(C  S)" "(C  μ F) = (C  ν F)"
  shows "(C  S)  μ F"
proof -
  from assms have "(C  S)  ν F"
    by (simp add: lfp_lowerbound)
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (pred_auto)

subsection ‹ Obtaining Unique Fixed-points ›
text ‹ Obtaining termination proofs via approximation chains. Theorems and proofs adapted
  from Chapter 2, page 63 of the UTP book~cite"Hoare&98".  ›

type_synonym 'a chain = "nat  'a upred"

definition chain :: "'a chain  bool" where
  "chain Y = ((Y 0 = false)  ( i. Y (Suc i)  Y i))"

lemma chain0 [simp]: "chain Y  Y 0 = false"
  by (simp add:chain_def)

lemma chainI:
  assumes "Y 0 = false" " i. Y (Suc i)  Y i"
  shows "chain Y"
  using assms by (auto simp add: chain_def)

lemma chainE:
  assumes "chain Y" " i.  Y 0 = false; Y (Suc i)  Y i   P"
  shows "P"
  using assms by (simp add: chain_def)

lemma L274:
  assumes " n. ((E n p X) = (E n  Y))"
  shows "( (range E)  X) = ( (range E)  Y)"
  using assms by (pred_auto)

text ‹ Constructive chains ›

definition constr ::
  "('a upred  'a upred)  'a chain  bool" where
"constr F E  chain E  ( X n. ((F(X)  E(n + 1)) = (F(X  E(n))  E (n + 1))))"

lemma constrI:
  assumes "chain E" " X n. ((F(X)  E(n + 1)) = (F(X  E(n))  E (n + 1)))"
  shows "constr F E"
  using assms by (auto simp add: constr_def)

text ‹ This lemma gives a way of showing that there is a unique fixed-point when
        the predicate function can be built using a constructive function F
        over an approximation chain E ›

lemma chain_pred_terminates:
  assumes "constr F E" "mono F"
  shows "( (range E)  μ F) = ( (range E)  ν F)"
proof -
  from assms have " n. (E n  μ F) = (E n  ν F)"
  proof (rule_tac allI)
    fix n
    from assms show "(E n  μ F) = (E n  ν F)"
    proof (induct n)
      case 0 thus ?case by (simp add: constr_def)
      case (Suc n)
      note hyp = this
      thus ?case
      proof -
        have "(E (n + 1)  μ F) = (E (n + 1)  F (μ F))"
          using gfp_unfold[OF hyp(3), THEN sym] by (simp add: constr_def)
        also from hyp have "... = (E (n + 1)  F (E n  μ F))"
          by (metis conj_comm constr_def)
        also from hyp have "... = (E (n + 1)  F (E n  ν F))"
          by simp
        also from hyp have "... = (E (n + 1)  ν F)"
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) conj_comm constr_def lfp_unfold)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by (auto intro: L274)

theorem constr_fp_uniq:
  assumes "constr F E" "mono F" " (range E) = C"
  shows "(C  μ F) = (C  ν F)"
  using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) chain_pred_terminates by blast
subsection ‹ Noetherian Induction Instantiation›
text ‹ Contribution from Yakoub Nemouchi.The following generalization was used by Tobias Nipkow
        and Peter Lammich  in \emph{Refine\_Monadic} ›

lemma  wf_fixp_uinduct_pure_ueq_gen:     
  assumes fixp_unfold: "fp B = B (fp B)"
  and              WF: "wf R"
  and     induct_step:
          "f st. st'. (st',st)  R   (((Pre  e< =u «st'»)  Post)  f)
                fp B = f ((Pre  e< =u «st»)  Post)  (B f)"
        shows "((Pre  Post)  fp B)"  
proof -  
  { fix st
    have "((Pre  e< =u «st»)  Post)  (fp B)" 
    using WF proof (induction rule: wf_induct_rule)
      case (less x)
      hence "(Pre  e< =u «x»  Post)  B (fp B)"
        by (rule induct_step, rel_blast, simp)
      then show ?case
        using fixp_unfold by auto
  thus ?thesis 
  by pred_simp  
text ‹ The next lemma shows that using substitution also work. However it is not that generic
        nor practical for proof automation ... ›

lemma refine_usubst_to_ueq:
  "vwb_lens E  (Pre  Post)«st'»/$E  f«st'»/$E = (((Pre  $E =u «st'»)  Post)  f)"
  by (rel_auto, metis vwb_lens_wb wb_lens.get_put)  

text ‹ By instantiation of @{thm wf_fixp_uinduct_pure_ueq_gen} with @{term μ} and lifting of the 
        well-founded relation we have ... ›
lemma mu_rec_total_pure_rule: 
  assumes WF: "wf R"
  and     M: "mono B"  
  and     induct_step:
          " f st.  (Pre  (e<,«st»)u u «R»  Post)  f
                μ B = f (Pre  e< =u «st»  Post)  (B f)"
        shows "(Pre  Post)  μ B"  
proof (rule wf_fixp_uinduct_pure_ueq_gen[where fp=μ and Pre=Pre and B=B and R=R and e=e])
  show "μ B = B (μ B)"
    by (simp add: M def_gfp_unfold)
  show "wf R"
    by (fact WF)
  show "f st. (st'. (st', st)  R  (Pre  e< =u «st'»  Post)  f)  
                μ B = f  
                (Pre  e< =u «st»  Post)  B f"
    by (rule induct_step, rel_simp, simp)

lemma nu_rec_total_pure_rule: 
  assumes WF: "wf R"
  and     M: "mono B"  
  and     induct_step:
          " f st.  (Pre  (e<,«st»)u u «R»  Post)  f
                ν B = f (Pre  e< =u «st»  Post)  (B f)"
        shows "(Pre  Post)  ν B"  
proof (rule wf_fixp_uinduct_pure_ueq_gen[where fp=ν and Pre=Pre and B=B and R=R and e=e])
  show "ν B = B (ν B)"
    by (simp add: M def_lfp_unfold)
  show "wf R"
    by (fact WF)
  show "f st. (st'. (st', st)  R  (Pre  e< =u «st'»  Post)  f)  
                ν B = f  
                (Pre  e< =u «st»  Post)  B f"
    by (rule induct_step, rel_simp, simp)

text ‹Since @{term "B ((Pre  (E<,«st»)uu«R»  Post))  B (μ B)"} and 
      @{term "mono B"}, thus,  @{thm mu_rec_total_pure_rule} can be expressed as follows›
lemma mu_rec_total_utp_rule: 
  assumes WF: "wf R"
    and     M: "mono B"  
    and     induct_step:
    "st. (Pre  e< =u «st»  Post)  (B ((Pre  (e<,«st»)u u «R»  Post)))"
  shows "(Pre  Post)  μ B"  
proof (rule mu_rec_total_pure_rule[where R=R and e=e], simp_all add: assms)
  show "f st. (Pre  (e<, «st»)u u «R»  Post)  f  μ B = f  (Pre  e< =u «st»  Post)  B f"
    by (simp add: M induct_step monoD order_subst2)

lemma nu_rec_total_utp_rule: 
  assumes WF: "wf R"
    and     M: "mono B"  
    and     induct_step:
    "st. (Pre  e< =u «st»  Post)  (B ((Pre  (e<,«st»)u u «R»  Post)))"
  shows "(Pre  Post)  ν B"  
proof (rule nu_rec_total_pure_rule[where R=R and e=e], simp_all add: assms)
  show "f st. (Pre  (e<, «st»)u u «R»  Post)  f  ν B = f  (Pre  e< =u «st»  Post)  B f"
    by (simp add: M induct_step monoD order_subst2)
