Theory SML_Product_Topology

(* Title: Examples/SML_Relativization/Topology/SML_Product_Topology.thy
   Author: Mihails Milehins
   Copyright 2021 (C) Mihails Milehins
section‹Relativization of the results about product topologies›
theory SML_Product_Topology

subsection‹Definitions and common properties›

    ('a::topological_space × 'b::topological_space) set  _
udopen::('a::topological_space × 'b::topological_space) set  bool

ctr relativization
  synthesis ctr_simps
  assumes [transfer_domain_rule, transfer_rule]: 
    "Domainp B = (λx. x  U1)" "Domainp A = (λx. x  U2)"
    and [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" "right_total A"
      "bi_unique B" "right_total B"
  trp (?'a A) and (?'b B) 
  in open_ow: open_prod.with_def
    ('(/on _ _ with _ _ : «open» _/') [1000, 999, 1000, 999, 1000] 10) 

locale product_topology_ow =
  ts1: topological_space_ow U1 τ1 + ts2: topological_space_ow U2 τ2 
  for U1 :: "'at set" and τ1 :: "'at set  bool" 
    and U2 :: "'bt set"and τ2 :: "'bt set  bool" +
  fixes τ :: "('at × 'bt) set  bool"
  assumes open_prod[tts_implicit]: "τ = open_ow U1 U2 τ2 τ1"

sublocale topological_space_ow U1 × U2 τ
  let ?U = "U1 × U2"  
  have open_prod': "τ S = open_ow U1 U2 τ2 τ1 S" for S
    by (simp only: open_prod)
  note op = open_prod'[unfolded open_ow_def, THEN iffD2, rule_format]
  show "τ (U1 × U2)" by (rule op) auto   
  show " S  ?U; T  ?U; τ S; τ T   τ (S  T)" for S T
    assume "S  ?U" and "T  ?U" and "τ S" and "τ T"
    from S  ?U T  ?U have "S  T  ?U" by auto
    show "τ (S  T)"
    proof(rule op)
      fix x assume "x  S  T"
      then have "x  S" and "x  T" by auto
      from open_prod'[
          unfolded open_ow_def, THEN iffD1, rule_format, OF τ S x  S
      obtain AS BS where 
        "AS  U1" "BS  U2" "τ1 AS" "τ2 BS" "x  AS × BS" "AS × BS  S" 
        by auto 
      from open_prod'[
          unfolded open_ow_def, THEN iffD1, rule_format, 
          OF τ T x  T
      obtain AT BT where 
        "AT  U1" "BT  U2" "τ1 AT" "τ2 BT" "x  AT × BT" "AT × BT  T" 
        by auto
      from AS  U1 AT  U1 have "AS  AT  U1" by auto
      moreover from BS  U2 BT  U2 have "BS  BT  U2" by auto
      moreover from AS  U1 AT  U1 τ1 AS τ1 AT have "τ1 (AS  AT)" 
        by auto
      moreover from BS  U2 BT  U2 τ2 BS τ2 BT have "τ2 (BS  BT)" 
        by auto
      moreover from x  AS × BS x  AT × BT have 
        "x  (AS  AT) × (BS  BT)"
        by clarsimp
      moreover from AS × BS  S AT × BT  T have 
        "(AS  AT) × (BS  BT)  S  T"
        by auto
      ultimately show 
        "APow U1. BPow U2. τ1 A  τ2 B  A × B  S  T  x  A × B" 
        by auto
  show " K  Pow ?U; SK. τ S   τ (K)" for K
  proof -
    assume "K  Pow ?U" and "SK. τ S" 
    from K  Pow ?U have "K  ?U" by auto
    show "τ (K)"
    proof(rule op)
      fix x assume "x  K"
      then obtain k where k: "x  k" and "k  K" by clarsimp
      from k  K have "k  K" by auto
      from k  K have "τ k" by (rule SK. τ S[rule_format])
      from open_prod'[
          unfolded open_ow_def, THEN iffD1, rule_format,
          OF this x  k
      obtain A B where 
        "A  U1" "B  U2" "τ1 A" "τ2 B" "x  A × B" "A × B  k"
        by auto
      from A × B  k k  K have "A × B  K" by simp
      from A  U1 B  U2 τ1 A τ2 B x  A × B this show 
        " APow U1. BPow U2. τ1 A  τ2 B  A × B   K  x  A × B"
        by auto


subsection‹Transfer rules›

lemma (in product_topology_ow) open_with_oo_transfer[transfer_rule]:
  includes lifting_syntax
  fixes A :: "['at, 'a]  bool"
    and B :: "['bt, 'b]  bool"
  assumes tdr_U1[transfer_domain_rule]: "Domainp A = (λx. x  U1)"
    and [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" "right_total A"  
    and tdr_U2[transfer_domain_rule]: "Domainp B = (λx. x  U2)"
    and [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique B" "right_total B" 
    and τ1τ1'[transfer_rule]: "(rel_set A ===> (=)) τ1 τ1'"
    and τ2τ2'[transfer_rule]: "(rel_set B ===> (=)) τ2 τ2'"
  shows "(rel_set (rel_prod A B) ===> (=)) τ (open_prod.with τ2' τ1')"
  unfolding open_prod.with_def
  apply transfer_prover_start
  apply transfer_step+
  apply simp
  apply(fold subset_eq)
  unfolding open_prod open_ow_def tdr_U1 tdr_U2 
  by (meson Pow_iff)


context product_topology_ow

  tts: (?'a to U1) and (?'b to U2)
  rewriting ctr_simps
  substituting ts1.topological_space_ow_axioms 
    and ts2.topological_space_ow_axioms
  eliminating ?U  {} through (fold tts_implicit, insert closed_empty, simp)
  applying [folded tts_implicit]

tts_lemma open_prod_intro:
  assumes "S  U1 × U2"
    and "x. x  U1 × U2; x  S  
      APow U1. BPow U2. τ1 A  τ2 B  A × B  S  x  A × B"
  shows "τ S"
    is open_prod_intro.

tts_lemma open_Times:
  assumes "S  U1" and "T  U2" and "τ1 S" and "τ2 T"
  shows "τ (S × T)"
    is open_Times.
tts_lemma open_vimage_fst:
  assumes "S  U1" and "τ1 S"
  shows "τ (fst -` S  U1 × U2)"
    is open_vimage_fst.

tts_lemma closed_vimage_fst:
  assumes "S  U1" and "ts1.closed S"
  shows "closed (fst -` S  U1 × U2)"
    is closed_vimage_fst.

tts_lemma closed_Times:
  assumes "S  U1" and "T  U2" and "ts1.closed S" and "ts2.closed T"
  shows "closed (S × T)"
    is closed_Times.

tts_lemma open_image_fst:
  assumes "S  U1 × U2" and "τ S"
  shows "τ1 (fst ` S)"
    is open_image_fst.

tts_lemma open_image_snd:
  assumes "S  U1 × U2" and "τ S"
  shows "τ2 (snd ` S)"
    is open_image_snd.


  tts: (?'a to U1) and (?'b to U2)
  rewriting ctr_simps
  substituting ts1.topological_space_ow_axioms 
    and ts2.topological_space_ow_axioms
  eliminating ?U  {} 
    through (fold tts_implicit, unfold connected_ow_def, simp)
  applying [folded tts_implicit]

tts_lemma connected_Times:
  assumes "S  U1" and "T  U2" and "ts1.connected S" and "ts2.connected T"
  shows "connected (S × T)"
    is connected_Times.
tts_lemma connected_Times_eq:
  assumes "S  U1" and "T  U2"
    "connected (S × T) = (S = {}  T = {}  ts1.connected S  ts2.connected T)"
  is connected_Times_eq.

  tts: (?'b to U1) and (?'a to U2)
  rewriting ctr_simps
  substituting ts1.topological_space_ow_axioms 
    and ts2.topological_space_ow_axioms
  eliminating ?U  {} through (fold tts_implicit, insert closed_empty, simp)
  applying [folded tts_implicit]

tts_lemma open_vimage_snd:
  assumes "S  U2" and "τ2 S"
  shows "τ (snd -` S  U1 × U2)"
    is open_vimage_snd.

tts_lemma closed_vimage_snd:
  assumes "S  U2" and "ts2.closed S"
  shows "closed (snd -` S  U1 × U2)"
    is closed_vimage_snd.



