Theory ExampleInstantiations

section ‹Example Instantiations›

text ‹
  This section provides a few example instantiations for the locales to show that they are not empty.

theory ExampleInstantiations
imports TreewidthCompleteGraph begin

datatype Vertices = u0 | v0 | w0

text ‹The empty graph is a tree.›
definition "T1   verts = {}, arcs = {} "
interpretation Graph_T1: Graph T1 unfolding T1_def by standard simp_all
interpretation Tree_T1: Tree T1
  by (rule Tree.intro, simp add: Graph_T1.Graph_axioms, standard, unfold T1_def, simp)
     (metis T1_def Graph_T1.cycle_def equals0D simps(2))

text ‹The complete graph with 2 vertices.›
definition "T2   verts = {u0, v0}, arcs = {(u0,v0),(v0,u0)} "
lemma Graph_T2: "Graph T2" unfolding T2_def by standard auto
lemma Tree_T2: "Tree T2"
  interpret Graph T2 using Graph_T2 .
  show ?thesis proof
    fix v w assume "v  VT2⇙" "w  VT2⇙" thus "connected v w"
      by (metis T2_def connected_def connected_edge empty_iff insert_iff last.simps list.discI
          list.sel(1) path_singleton simps(1,2))
    fix xs :: "Vertices list"
      fix x y
      assume "cycle xs" and xy: "(x = v0  y = u0)  (x = u0  y = v0)" and "hd xs = x"
      hence "last xs = y"
        by (metis T2_def cycleE distinct.simps(2) distinct_singleton insert_iff list.set(1)
            prod.inject simps(2))
      moreover have "v. v  set xs  v = x  v = y" using cycle xs xy
        by (metis cycle_def walk_in_V T2_def empty_iff insertE insert_absorb insert_subset
      ultimately have "xs = [x,y]" using cycle xs xy
        by (metis cycleE distinct_length_2_or_more last.simps list.exhaust_sel list.set_sel(1)
            list.set_sel(2) no_loops)
      hence False using cycle xs unfolding cycle_def by simp
    thus "¬cycle xs" by (metis T2_def cycleE empty_iff insertE prod.inject simps(2))
text ‹As expected, the treewidth of the complete graph with 2 vertices is 1.

  Note that we use Graph.treewidth_complete_graph› here and not treewidth_tree›.
  This is because treewidth_tree› requires the vertex set of the graph to be a set of
  natural numbers, which is not the case here.›
lemma T2_complete: " v  VT2; w  VT2; v  w   v T2w" unfolding T2_def by auto
lemma treewidth_T2: "Graph.treewidth T2 = 1"
  using Graph.treewidth_complete_graph[OF Graph_T2] T2_complete unfolding T2_def by simp

text ‹The complete graph with 3 vertices.›
definition "T3   verts = {u0, v0, w0}, arcs = {(u0,v0),(v0,u0),(v0,w0),(w0,v0),(w0,u0),(u0,w0)} "
lemma Graph_T3: "Graph T3" unfolding T3_def by standard auto
text @{term "[u0, v0, w0]"} is a cycle in @{const "T3"}, so @{const "T3"} is not a tree.›
lemma Not_Tree_T3: "¬Tree T3" proof
  assume "Tree T3" then interpret Tree T3 .
  let ?xs = "[u0, v0, w0]"
  have "path ?xs" by (metis T3_def Vertices.distinct(1,3,5)
    distinct_length_2_or_more distinct_singleton insert_iff simps(2) walk.Cons walk_2)
  moreover have "(hd ?xs, last ?xs)  arcs T3" by (simp add: T3_def)
  ultimately show False using meeting_paths_produce_cycle no_cycles walk_2
    by (metis distinct_length_2_or_more last_ConsL last_ConsR list.sel(1))

lemma T3_complete: " v  VT3; w  VT3; v  w   v T3w" unfolding T3_def by auto
lemma treewidth_T3: "Graph.treewidth T3 = 2"
  using Graph.treewidth_complete_graph[OF Graph_T3] T3_complete unfolding T3_def by simp

text ‹We omit a concrete example for the TreeDecomposition› locale because
  tree_decomposition_exists› already shows that it is non-empty.›
