Theory Transport_Partial_Quotient_Types

✐‹creator "Kevin Kappelmann"›
section ‹Transport for Partial Quotient Types›
theory Transport_Partial_Quotient_Types

paragraph ‹Summary›
text ‹Every partial quotient type @{term Quotient}, as used by the Lifting
package, is transportable.›

context transport

interpretation t : transport L "(=)" l r .

lemma Quotient_T_eq_Galois:
  assumes "Quotient (≤L) l r T"
  shows "T = t.Galois"
proof (intro ext iffI)
  fix x y assume "T x y"
  with assms have "xL x" "l x = y" using Quotient_cr_rel by auto
  with assms have "r (l x)L x" "r (l x)L r y"
    using Quotient_rep_abs Quotient_rep_reflp by auto
  with assms have "xL r y" using Quotient_part_equivp
    by (blast elim: part_equivpE dest: transpD sympD)
  then show "t.Galois x y" by blast
  fix x y assume "t.Galois x y"
  with assms show "T x y" using Quotient_cr_rel Quotient_refl1 Quotient_symp
    by (fastforce intro: Quotient_rel_abs2[symmetric] dest: sympD)

lemma Quotient_if_preorder_equivalence:
  assumes "((≤L) ≡pre (=)) l r"
  shows "Quotient (≤L) l r t.Galois"
proof (rule QuotientI)
  from assms show g2: "l (r y) = y" for y by fastforce
  from assms show "r yL r y" for y by blast
  show g1: "xL x'  xL x  x'L x'  l x = l x'"
    (is "?lhs  ?rhs") for x x'
  proof (rule iffI)
    assume ?rhs
    with assms have "η xL η x'" by fastforce
    moreover from ?rhs assms have "xL η x" "η x'L x'"
      by (blast elim: t.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE)+
    moreover from assms have "transitive (≤L)" by blast
    ultimately show "xL x'" by blast
    assume ?lhs
    with assms show ?rhs by blast
  from assms show "t.Galois = (λx y. xL x  l x = y)"
    by (intro ext iffI)
    (metis g1 g2 t.left_GaloisE,
      auto intro!: t.left_Galois_left_if_left_rel_if_inflationary_on_in_fieldI
      elim!: t.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE)

lemma partial_equivalence_rel_equivalence_if_Quotient:
  assumes "Quotient (≤L) l r T"
  shows "((≤L) ≡PER (=)) l r"
proof (rule t.partial_equivalence_rel_equivalence_if_order_equivalenceI)
  from Quotient_part_equivp[OF assms] show "partial_equivalence_rel (≤L)"
    by (blast elim: part_equivpE dest: transpD sympD)
  have "x ≡⇘Lr (l x)" if "in_field (≤L) x" for x
  proof -
    from assms in_field (≤L) x have "xL x"
      using Quotient_refl1 Quotient_refl2 by fastforce
    with assms Quotient_rep_abs Quotient_symp show ?thesis
      by (fastforce dest: sympD)
  with assms show "((≤L) o (=)) l r"
    using Quotient_abs_rep Quotient_rel_abs Quotient_rep_reflp
    by (intro t.order_equivalenceI mono_wrt_relI rel_equivalence_onI
      inflationary_onI deflationary_onI)
qed auto

corollary Quotient_iff_partial_equivalence_rel_equivalence:
  "Quotient (≤L) l r t.Galois  ((≤L) ≡PER (=)) l r"
  using Quotient_if_preorder_equivalence partial_equivalence_rel_equivalence_if_Quotient
  by blast

corollary Quotient_T_eq_ge_Galois_right:
  assumes "Quotient (≤L) l r T"
  shows "T = t.ge_Galois_right"
  using assms
  by (subst t.ge_Galois_right_eq_left_Galois_if_symmetric_if_in_codom_eq_in_dom_if_galois_prop)
  (blast dest: partial_equivalence_rel_equivalence_if_Quotient
  intro: in_codom_eq_in_dom_if_reflexive_on_in_field Quotient_T_eq_Galois)+

