Theory Binary_Relations_Order

✐‹creator "Kevin Kappelmann"›
theory Binary_Relations_Order

paragraph ‹Summary›
text ‹Basic results about the order on binary relations.›

lemma in_dom_if_rel_if_rel_comp_le:
  assumes "(R ∘∘ S)  (S ∘∘ R)"
  and "R x y" "S y z"
  shows "in_dom S x"
  using assms by (blast intro: in_dom_if_in_dom_rel_comp)

lemma in_codom_if_rel_if_rel_comp_le:
  assumes "(R ∘∘ S)  (S ∘∘ R)"
  and "R x y" "S y z"
  shows "in_codom R z"
  using assms by (blast intro: in_codom_if_in_codom_rel_comp)

lemma rel_comp_le_rel_inv_if_rel_comp_le_if_symmetric:
  assumes symms: "symmetric R1" "symmetric R2"
  and le: "(R1 ∘∘ R2)  R3"
  shows "(R2 ∘∘ R1)  R3¯"
proof -
  from le have "(R1 ∘∘ R2)¯  R3¯" by blast
  with symms show ?thesis by simp

lemma rel_inv_le_rel_comp_if_le_rel_comp_if_symmetric:
  assumes symms: "symmetric R1" "symmetric R2"
  and le: "R3  (R1 ∘∘ R2)"
  shows "R3¯  (R2 ∘∘ R1)"
proof -
  from le have "R3¯  (R1 ∘∘ R2)¯" by blast
  with symms show ?thesis by simp

corollary rel_comp_le_rel_comp_if_rel_comp_le_rel_comp_if_symmetric:
  assumes "symmetric (R1 :: 'a  'a  bool)" "symmetric R2" "symmetric R3" "symmetric R4"
  and "(R1 ∘∘ R2)  (R3 ∘∘ R4)"
  shows "(R2 ∘∘ R1)  (R4 ∘∘ R3)"
proof -
  from assms have "(R2 ∘∘ R1)  (R3 ∘∘ R4)¯"
    by (intro rel_comp_le_rel_inv_if_rel_comp_le_if_symmetric)
  with assms show ?thesis by simp

corollary rel_comp_le_rel_comp_iff_if_symmetric:
  assumes "symmetric (R1 :: 'a  'a  bool)" "symmetric R2" "symmetric R3" "symmetric R4"
  shows "(R1 ∘∘ R2)  (R3 ∘∘ R4)  (R2 ∘∘ R1)  (R4 ∘∘ R3)"
  using assms
  by (blast intro: rel_comp_le_rel_comp_if_rel_comp_le_rel_comp_if_symmetric)

corollary eq_if_le_rel_if_symmetric:
  assumes "symmetric R" "symmetric S"
  and "(R ∘∘ S)  (S ∘∘ R)"
  shows "(R ∘∘ S) = (S ∘∘ R)"
  using assms rel_comp_le_rel_comp_iff_if_symmetric[of R S]
  by (intro antisym) auto

lemma rel_comp_le_rel_comp_if_le_rel_if_reflexive_on_in_codom_if_transitive:
  assumes trans: "transitive S"
  and refl_on: "reflexive_on (in_codom S) R"
  and le_rel: "R  S"
  shows "R ∘∘ S  S ∘∘ R"
proof (rule le_relI)
  fix x1 x2 assume"(R ∘∘ S) x1 x2"
  then obtain x3 where "R x1 x3" "S x3 x2" by blast
  then have "S x1 x3" using le_rel by blast
  with S x3 x2 have "S x1 x2" using trans by blast
  with refl_on have "R x2 x2" by blast
  then show "(S ∘∘ R) x1 x2" using S x1 x2 by blast
