Theory Binary_Relations_Function_Evaluation
subsection ‹Evaluation of Functions as Binary Relations›
theory Binary_Relations_Function_Evaluation
consts eval :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c"
definition "eval_rel R x ≡ THE y. R x y"
adhoc_overloading eval ⇌ eval_rel
open_bundle eval_syntax
notation eval (‹'(`')›)
notation eval (‹(_`_)› [999, 1000] 999)
lemma eval_eq_if_right_unique_onI:
assumes "right_unique_on P R"
and "P x"
and "R x y"
shows "R`x = y"
using assms unfolding eval_rel_def by (auto dest: right_unique_onD)
lemma eval_eq_if_right_unique_on_eqI:
assumes "right_unique_on ((=) x) R"
and "R x y"
shows "R`x = y"
using assms by (auto intro: eval_eq_if_right_unique_onI)
lemma rel_eval_if_ex1:
assumes "∃!y. R x y"
shows "R x (R`x)"
using assms unfolding eval_rel_def by (rule theI')
lemma rel_if_eval_eq_if_in_dom_if_right_unique_on_eq:
assumes "right_unique_on ((=) x) R"
and "in_dom R x"
and "R`x = y"
shows "R x y"
using assms by (blast intro: rel_eval_if_ex1[of R x] dest: right_unique_onD)
corollary rel_eval_if_in_dom_if_right_unique_on_eq:
assumes "right_unique_on ((=) x) R"
and "in_dom R x"
shows "R x (R`x)"
using assms by (rule rel_if_eval_eq_if_in_dom_if_right_unique_on_eq) simp
lemma eq_app_eval_eq_eq [simp]: "(λx. (=) (f x))`x = f x"
by (auto intro: eval_eq_if_right_unique_onI)
lemma extend_eval_eq_if_not_in_dom [simp]:
assumes "¬(in_dom R x)"
shows "(extend x y R)`x = y"
using assms by (force intro: eval_eq_if_right_unique_on_eqI)
corollary extend_bottom_eval_eq [simp]:
fixes x :: 'a and y :: 'b
shows "(extend x y (⊥ :: 'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool))`x = y"
by (intro extend_eval_eq_if_not_in_dom) auto
lemma glue_eval_eqI:
assumes "right_unique_on P (glue ℛ)"
and "ℛ R"
and "P x"
and "R x y"
shows "(glue ℛ)`x = y"
using assms by (auto intro: eval_eq_if_right_unique_onI)
lemma glue_eval_eq_evalI:
assumes "right_unique_on P (glue ℛ)"
and "ℛ R"
and "P x"
and "in_dom R x"
shows "(glue ℛ)`x = R`x"
using assms by (intro glue_eval_eqI[of P ℛ R])
(auto intro: rel_if_eval_eq_if_in_dom_if_right_unique_on_eq[of x] dest: right_unique_onD)
text ‹Note: the following rest on the definition of extend and eval:›
lemma extend_eval_eq_if_neq [simp]:
fixes R :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool"
shows "x ≠ y ⟹ (extend y z R)`x = R`x"
unfolding extend_rel_def eval_rel_def by auto
lemma sup_eval_eq_left_eval_if_not_in_dom [simp]:
fixes R S :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool"
shows "¬(in_dom S x) ⟹ (R ⊔ S)`x = R`x"
unfolding eval_rel_def by (cases "∃y. S x y") auto
lemma sup_eval_eq_right_eval_if_not_in_dom [simp]:
fixes R S :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool"
shows "¬(in_dom R x) ⟹ (R ⊔ S)`x = S`x"
unfolding eval_rel_def by (cases "∃y. R x y") auto
lemma rel_restrict_left_eval_eq_if_pred [simp]:
fixes R :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool"
assumes "P x"
shows "(R↾⇘P⇙)`x = R`x"
using assms unfolding eval_rel_def rel_restrict_left_pred_def by auto