Theory Polynomial_Expression_Additional

theory Polynomial_Expression_Additional

lemma real_of_float_eq_zero_iff[simp]: "real_of_float x = 0  x = 0"
  by (simp add: real_of_float_eq)

text ‹Theory @{theory Taylor_Models.Polynomial_Expression} contains a, more or less, 1:1 generalization
   of theory Multivariate_Polynomial›. Any additions belong here.›

declare [[coercion_map map_poly]]
declare [[coercion "interval_of::floatfloat interval"]]

text ‹Apply float interval arguments to a float poly.›
value "Ipoly [Ivl (Float 4 (-6)) (Float 10 6)] (poly.Add (poly.C (Float 3 5)) (poly.Bound 0))"

text @{term map_poly} for homomorphisms›

lemma map_poly_homo_polyadd_eq_zero_iff:
  "map_poly f (p +p q) = 0p  p +p q = 0p"
  if [symmetric, simp]: "x y. f (x + y) = f x + f y" "x. f x = 0  x = 0"
  by (induction p q rule: polyadd.induct) auto

lemma zero_iffD: "(x. f x = 0  x = 0)  f 0 = 0"
  by auto

lemma map_poly_homo_polyadd:
  "map_poly f (p1 +p p2) = map_poly f p1 +p map_poly f p2"
  if [simp]: "x y. f (x + y) = f x + f y" "x. f x = 0  x = 0"
  by (induction p1 p2 rule: polyadd.induct)
    (auto simp: zero_iffD[OF that(2)] Let_def map_poly_homo_polyadd_eq_zero_iff)

lemma map_poly_homo_polyneg:
  "map_poly f (~p p1) = ~p (map_poly f p1)"
  if [simp]: "x y. f (- x) = - f x"
  by (induction p1) (auto simp: Let_def map_poly_homo_polyadd_eq_zero_iff)

lemma map_poly_homo_polysub:
  "map_poly f (p1 -p p2) = map_poly f p1 -p map_poly f p2"
  if [simp]: "x y. f (x + y) = f x + f y" "x. f x = 0  x = 0" "x y. f (- x) = - f x"
  by (auto simp: polysub_def map_poly_homo_polyadd map_poly_homo_polyneg)

lemma map_poly_homo_polymul:
  "map_poly f (p1 *p p2) = map_poly f p1 *p map_poly f p2"
  if [simp]: "x y. f (x + y) = f x + f y" "x. f x = 0  x = 0" "x y. f (x * y) = f x * f y"
  by (induction p1 p2 rule: polymul.induct)
    (auto simp: zero_iffD[OF that(2)] map_poly_homo_polyadd)

lemma map_poly_homo_polypow:
  "map_poly f (p1 ^p n) = map_poly f p1 ^p n"
  if [simp]: "x y. f (x + y) = f x + f y" "x. f x = 0  x = 0" "x y. f (x * y) = f x * f y"
    "f 1 = 1" 
proof(induction n rule: nat_less_induct)
  case (1 n)
  then show ?case
    apply (cases n)
     apply (auto simp: map_poly_homo_polyadd map_poly_homo_polymul)
    by (smt Suc_less_eq div2_less_self even_Suc odd_Suc_div_two map_poly_homo_polymul that)

lemmas map_poly_homo_polyarith = map_poly_homo_polyadd map_poly_homo_polyneg map_poly_homo_polysub map_poly_homo_polymul map_poly_homo_polypow

text ‹Count the number of parameters of a polynomial.›

fun num_params :: "'a poly  nat"
  where "num_params (poly.C c) = 0"
  | "num_params (poly.Bound n)  = Suc n"
  | "num_params (poly.Add a b)  = max (num_params a) (num_params b)"
  | "num_params (poly.Sub a b)  = max (num_params a) (num_params b)"
  | "num_params (poly.Mul a b)  = max (num_params a) (num_params b)"
  | "num_params (poly.Neg a)    = num_params a"
  | "num_params (poly.Pw a n)   = num_params a"
  | "num_params (poly.CN a n b) = max (max (num_params a) (num_params b)) (Suc n)"

lemma num_params_map_poly[simp]:
  shows "num_params (map_poly f p) = num_params p"
  by (induction p, simp_all)

lemma num_params_polyadd:
  shows "num_params (p1 +p p2)  max (num_params p1) (num_params p2)"
proof (induction p1 p2 rule: polyadd.induct)
  case (4 c n p c' n' p')
  then show ?case
    apply (simp only: num_params.simps polyadd.simps ac_simps not_less Let_def le_max_iff_disj max.bounded_iff split: if_split)
    apply simp
        apply (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) dual_order.trans le_cases3)
qed auto

lemma num_params_polyneg:
  shows "num_params (~p p) = num_params p"
  by (induction p rule: polyneg.induct) simp_all

lemma num_params_polymul:
  shows "num_params (p1 *p p2)  max (num_params p1) (num_params p2)"
proof (induction p1 p2 rule: polymul.induct)
  case (4 c n p c' n' p')
  then show ?case
    apply (cases n n' rule: linorder_cases)
      apply (simp_all only: num_params.simps polyadd.simps polymul.simps ac_simps not_less Let_def le_max_iff_disj max.bounded_iff split: if_split)
      apply simp_all
      apply (smt (verit, best) le_cases3 order_trans)
     apply (smt (verit, del_insts) le_max_iff_disj max_0L max_def num_params.simps(1) num_params.simps(8) num_params_polyadd)
    apply (smt (z3) dual_order.trans nle_le)
qed auto

lemma num_params_polypow:
  shows "num_params (p ^p n)  num_params p"
  apply (induction n rule: polypow.induct)
  unfolding polypow.simps
  by (auto intro!: order_trans[OF num_params_polymul]
      simp: Let_def simp del: polypow.simps)

lemma num_params_polynate:
  shows "num_params (polynate p)  num_params p"
proof(induction p rule: polynate.induct)
  case (2 l r)
  thus ?case
    using num_params_polyadd[of "polynate l" "polynate r"]
    by simp
  case (3 l r)
  thus ?case
    using num_params_polyadd[of "polynate l" "~p (polynate r)"] 
    by (simp add: polysub_def num_params_polyneg)
  case (4 l r)
  thus ?case
    using num_params_polymul[of "polynate l" "polynate r"]
    by simp
  case (5 p)
  thus ?case
    by (simp add: num_params_polyneg)
  case (6 p n)
  thus ?case
    using num_params_polypow[of n "polynate p"]
    by simp
qed simp_all

lemma polynate_map_poly_real[simp]:
  fixes p :: "float poly"
  shows "map_poly real_of_float (polynate p) = polynate (map_poly real_of_float p)"
  by (induction p) (simp_all add: map_poly_homo_polyarith)

text ‹Evaluating a float poly is equivalent to evaluating the corresponding
   real poly with the float parameters converted to reals.›
lemma Ipoly_real_float_eqiv:
  fixes p::"float poly" and xs::"float list"
  assumes "num_params p  length xs"
  shows "Ipoly xs (p::real poly) = Ipoly xs p"
  using assms by (induction p, simp_all)

text ‹Evaluating an 'a poly› with 'a interval› arguments is monotone.›
lemma Ipoly_interval_args_mono:
  fixes p::"'a::linordered_idom poly"
    and   x::"'a list"
    and   xs::"'a interval list"
  assumes "x all_ini xs"
  assumes "num_params p  length xs"
  shows "Ipoly x p  set_of (Ipoly xs (map_poly interval_of p))"
  using assms
  by (induction p)
    (auto simp: all_in_i_def plus_in_intervalI minus_in_intervalI times_in_intervalI
      uminus_in_intervalI set_of_power_mono)

lemma Ipoly_interval_args_inc_mono:
  fixes p::"'a::{real_normed_algebra, linear_continuum_topology, linordered_idom} poly"
    and   I::"'a interval list" and J::"'a interval list"
  assumes "num_params p  length I"
  assumes "I all_subset J"
  shows "set_of (Ipoly I (map_poly interval_of p))  set_of (Ipoly J (map_poly interval_of p))"
  using assms
  by (induction p)
    (simp_all add: set_of_add_inc set_of_sub_inc set_of_mul_inc set_of_neg_inc set_of_pow_inc)

section ‹Splitting polynomials to reduce floating point precision›

text ‹TODO: Move this!
  Definitions regarding floating point numbers should not be in a theory about polynomials.›
fun float_prec :: "float  int"
  where "float_prec f = (let p=exponent f in if p  0 then 0 else -p)"

fun float_round :: "nat  float  float"
  where "float_round prec f = (
         let d = float_down prec f; u = float_up prec f
         in if f - d < u - f then d else u)"

text ‹Splits any polynomial p› into two polynomials l›, r›, such that ∀x::real. p(x) = l(x) + r(x)›
   and all floating point coefficients in p› are rounded to precision prec›.
   Not all cases need to give good results. Polynomials normalized with polynate
   only contain poly.C› and poly.CN› constructors.›
fun split_by_prec :: "nat  float poly  float poly * float poly"
  where "split_by_prec prec (poly.C f) = (let r = float_round prec f in (poly.C r, poly.C (f - r)))"
  | "split_by_prec prec (poly.Bound n) = (poly.Bound n, poly.C 0)"
  | "split_by_prec prec (poly.Add l r) = (let (ll, lr) = split_by_prec prec l;
                                                (rl, rr) = split_by_prec prec r
                                            in (poly.Add ll rl, poly.Add lr rr))"
  | "split_by_prec prec (poly.Sub l r) = (let (ll, lr) = split_by_prec prec l;
                                             (rl, rr) = split_by_prec prec r
                                         in (poly.Sub ll rl, poly.Sub lr rr))"
  | "split_by_prec prec (poly.Mul l r) = (let (ll, lr) = split_by_prec prec l;
                                                (rl, rr) = split_by_prec prec r
                                            in (poly.Mul ll rl, poly.Add (poly.Add (poly.Mul lr rl) (poly.Mul ll rr)) (poly.Mul lr rr)))"
  | "split_by_prec prec (poly.Neg p) = (let (l, r) = split_by_prec prec p in (poly.Neg l, poly.Neg r))"
  | "split_by_prec prec (poly.Pw p 0) = (poly.C 1, poly.C 0)"
  | "split_by_prec prec (poly.Pw p (Suc n)) = (let (l, r) = split_by_prec prec p in (poly.Pw l n, poly.Sub (poly.Pw p (Suc n)) (poly.Pw l n)))"
  | "split_by_prec prec (poly.CN c n p) = (let (cl, cr) = split_by_prec prec c;
                                                 (pl, pr) = split_by_prec prec p
                                             in (poly.CN cl n pl, poly.CN cr n pr))"

text ‹TODO: Prove precision constraint on l›.›
lemma split_by_prec_correct:
  fixes args :: "real list"
  assumes "(l, r) = split_by_prec prec p"
  shows "Ipoly args p = Ipoly args l + Ipoly args r" (is ?P1)
    and   "num_params l  num_params p" (is ?P2)
    and   "num_params r  num_params p" (is ?P3)
  unfolding atomize_conj
  using assms
proof(induction p arbitrary: l r)
  case (Add p1 p2 l r)
  thus ?case
    apply(simp add: Add(1,2)[OF prod.collapse] split_beta)
    using max.coboundedI1 max.coboundedI2 prod.collapse
    by metis
  case (Sub p1 p2 l r)
  thus ?case
    apply(simp add: Sub(1,2)[OF prod.collapse] split_beta)
    using max.coboundedI1 max.coboundedI2 prod.collapse
    by metis
  case (Mul p1 p2 l r)
  thus ?case
    apply(simp add: Mul(1,2)[OF prod.collapse] split_beta algebra_simps)
    using max.coboundedI1 max.coboundedI2 prod.collapse
    by metis
  case (Neg p l r) 
  thus ?case by (simp add: Neg(1)[OF prod.collapse] split_beta)
  case (Pw p n l r)
  thus ?case by (cases n) (simp_all add: Pw(1)[OF prod.collapse] split_beta)
  case (CN c n p2)
  thus ?case
    apply(simp add: CN(1,2)[OF prod.collapse] split_beta algebra_simps) 
    by (meson le_max_iff_disj prod.collapse)
qed (simp_all add: Let_def)

section ‹Splitting polynomials by degree›

fun maxdegree :: "('a::zero) poly  nat"
  where "maxdegree (poly.C c) = 0"
  | "maxdegree (poly.Bound n) = 1"
  | "maxdegree (poly.Add l r) = max (maxdegree l) (maxdegree r)"
  | "maxdegree (poly.Sub l r) = max (maxdegree l) (maxdegree r)"
  | "maxdegree (poly.Mul l r) = maxdegree l + maxdegree r"
  | "maxdegree (poly.Neg p) = maxdegree p"
  | "maxdegree (poly.Pw p n) = n * maxdegree p"
  | "maxdegree (poly.CN c n p) = max (maxdegree c) (1 + maxdegree p)"

fun split_by_degree :: "nat  'a::zero poly  'a poly * 'a poly"
  where "split_by_degree n (poly.C c) = (poly.C c, poly.C 0)"
  | "split_by_degree 0 p = (poly.C 0, p)"
  | "split_by_degree (Suc n) (poly.CN c v p) = (
         let (cl, cr) = split_by_degree (Suc n) c;
             (pl, pr) = split_by_degree n p
         in (poly.CN cl v pl, poly.CN cr v pr))"
    ― ‹This function is only intended for use on polynomials in normal form.
       Hence most cases never get executed.›
  | "split_by_degree n p = (poly.C 0, p)"

lemma split_by_degree_correct:
  fixes x :: "real list" and p :: "float poly"
  assumes "(l, r) = split_by_degree ord p"
  shows "maxdegree l  ord" (is ?P1)
    and   "Ipoly x p = Ipoly x l + Ipoly x r" (is ?P2)
    and   "num_params l  num_params p" (is ?P3)
    and   "num_params r  num_params p" (is ?P4)
  unfolding atomize_conj
  using assms
proof(induction p arbitrary: l r ord)
  case (C c l r ord)
  thus ?case by simp
  case (Bound v l r ord)
  thus ?case by (cases ord) simp_all
  case (Add p1 p2 l r ord)
  thus ?case by (cases ord) simp_all
  case (Sub p1 p2 l r ord)
  thus ?case by (cases ord) simp_all
  case (Mul p1 p2 l r ord)
  thus ?case by (cases ord) simp_all
  case (Neg p l r ord)
  thus ?case by (cases ord) simp_all
  case (Pw p k l r ord)
  thus ?case by (cases ord) simp_all
  case (CN c v p l r ord)
  then show ?case
  proof(cases ord)
    case (Suc m)
    obtain cl cr where cl_cr_def: "(cl, cr) = split_by_degree (Suc m) c"
      by (cases "split_by_degree (Suc m) c", simp)
    obtain pl pr where pl_pr_def: "(pl, pr) = split_by_degree m p"
      by (cases "split_by_degree m p", simp)
    have [simp]: "Ipoly x p = Ipoly x pl + Ipoly x pr"
      using CN(2)[OF pl_pr_def]
      by (cases ord) simp_all
    from CN(3)
    have l_decomp: "l = CN cl v pl" and r_decomp: "r = CN cr v pr"
      by (simp_all add: Suc cl_cr_def[symmetric] pl_pr_def[symmetric])
    show ?thesis
      using CN(1)[OF cl_cr_def]  CN(2)[OF pl_pr_def]
      unfolding l_decomp
      by (cases p) (auto simp add: l_decomp r_decomp algebra_simps Suc)
  qed simp

text ‹Operations on lists.›

lemma length_map2[simp]: "length (map2 f a b) = min (length a) (length b)"
proof(induction "map2 f a b" arbitrary: a b)
  case (Nil a b)
  hence "a = [] | b = []"
    by(cases a, simp, cases b, simp_all)
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Cons x c a b)
  have "0 < length a  0 < length b"
    using Cons(2)
    by (cases a, simp, cases b, simp_all)
  then obtain xa ar xb br
    where a_decomp[simp]: "a = xa # ar"
      and   b_decomp[simp]: "b = xb # br"
    by (cases a, simp_all, cases b, simp_all)
  show ?case
    using Cons
    by simp

lemma map2_nth[simp]:
  assumes "n < length a"
  assumes "n < length b"
  shows "(map2 f a b)!n = f (a!n) (b!n)"
  using assms
proof(induction n arbitrary: a b)
  case (0 a b)
  have "0 < length a" and "0 < length b"
    using 0
    by simp_all
  thus ?case
    using 0
    by simp
  case (Suc n a b)
  from Suc.prems have  "0 < length a" "0 < length b" "n < length (tl a)" "n < length (tl b)"
    using Suc.prems by auto
  have "map2 f a b = map2 f (hd a # tl a) (hd b # tl b)"
    using 0 < length a 0 < length b
    by simp
  also have " ! Suc n = map2 f (tl a) (tl b) ! n"
    by simp
  also have " = f (tl a ! n) (tl b ! n)"
    using n < length (tl a) n < length (tl b) by (rule Suc.IH)
  also have "tl a ! n = (hd a # tl a) ! Suc n" by simp
  also have "(hd a # tl a) = a" using 0 < length a by simp
  also have "tl b ! n = (hd b # tl b) ! Suc n" by simp
  also have "(hd b # tl b) = b" using 0 < length b by simp
  finally show ?case .

text ‹Translating a polynomial by a vector.›
fun poly_translate :: "'a list  'a poly  'a poly"
  where "poly_translate vs (poly.C c)  = poly.C c"
  | "poly_translate vs (poly.Bound n) = poly.Add (poly.Bound n) (poly.C (vs ! n))"
  | "poly_translate vs (poly.Add l r) = poly.Add (poly_translate vs l) (poly_translate vs r)"
  | "poly_translate vs (poly.Sub l r) = poly.Sub (poly_translate vs l) (poly_translate vs r)"
  | "poly_translate vs (poly.Mul l r) = poly.Mul (poly_translate vs l) (poly_translate vs r)"
  | "poly_translate vs (poly.Neg p) = poly.Neg (poly_translate vs p)"
  | "poly_translate vs (poly.Pw p n) = poly.Pw (poly_translate vs p) n"
  | "poly_translate vs (poly.CN c n p) = poly.Add (poly_translate vs c) (poly.Mul (poly.Add (poly.Bound n) (poly.C (vs ! n))) (poly_translate vs p))"

text ‹Translating a polynomial is equivalent to translating its argument.›
lemma poly_translate_correct:
  assumes "num_params p  length x"
  assumes "length x = length v"
  shows "Ipoly x (poly_translate v p) = Ipoly (map2 (+) x v) p"
  using assms
  by (induction p, simp_all)

lemma real_poly_translate: 
  assumes "num_params p  length v"
  shows "Ipoly x (map_poly real_of_float (poly_translate v p)) = Ipoly x (poly_translate v (map_poly real_of_float p))"
  using assms
  by (induction p, simp_all)

lemma num_params_poly_translate[simp]:
  shows "num_params (poly_translate v p) = num_params p"
  by (induction p, simp_all)
