Theory Stuttering

subsection‹Main Theorems›

theory Stuttering
imports StutteringLemmas


text ‹
  Using the lemmas of the previous section about the invariance by stuttering
  of various properties of TESL specifications, we can now prove that the atomic 
  formulae that compose TESL specifications are invariant by stuttering.

text ‹Sporadic specifications are preserved in a dilated run.›
lemma sporadic_sub:
  assumes sub  r
      and sub  c sporadic τ on c'TESL
    shows r  c sporadic τ on c'TESL
proof -
  from assms(1) is_subrun_def obtain f
    where dilating f sub r by blast
  hence n c. time ((Rep_run sub) n c) = time ((Rep_run r) (f n) c)
            hamlet ((Rep_run sub) n c) = hamlet ((Rep_run r) (f n) c) by (simp add: dilating_def)
  moreover from assms(2) have
    sub  {r.  n. hamlet ((Rep_run r) n c)  time ((Rep_run r) n c') = τ} by simp
  from this obtain k where time ((Rep_run sub) k c') = τ  hamlet ((Rep_run sub) k c) by auto
  ultimately have time ((Rep_run r) (f k) c') = τ  hamlet ((Rep_run r) (f k) c) by simp
  thus ?thesis by auto

text ‹Implications are preserved in a dilated run.›
theorem implies_sub:
  assumes sub  r
      and sub  c1 implies c2TESL
    shows r  c1 implies c2TESL
proof -
  from assms(1) is_subrun_def obtain f where dilating f sub r by blast
  moreover from assms(2) have
    sub  {r. n. hamlet ((Rep_run r) n c1)  hamlet ((Rep_run r) n c2)} by simp
  hence n. hamlet ((Rep_run sub) n c1)  hamlet ((Rep_run sub) n c2) by simp
  ultimately have n. hamlet ((Rep_run r) n c1)  hamlet ((Rep_run r) n c2)
    using ticks_imp_ticks_subk ticks_sub by blast
  thus ?thesis by simp

theorem implies_not_sub:
  assumes sub  r
      and sub  c1 implies not c2TESL
    shows r  c1 implies not c2TESL
proof -
  from assms(1) is_subrun_def obtain f where dilating f sub r by blast
  moreover from assms(2) have
    sub  {r. n. hamlet ((Rep_run r) n c1)  ¬ hamlet ((Rep_run r) n c2)} by simp
  hence n. hamlet ((Rep_run sub) n c1)  ¬ hamlet ((Rep_run sub) n c2) by simp
  ultimately have n. hamlet ((Rep_run r) n c1)  ¬ hamlet ((Rep_run r) n c2)
    using ticks_imp_ticks_subk ticks_sub by blast
  thus ?thesis by simp

text ‹Precedence relations are preserved in a dilated run.›
theorem weakly_precedes_sub:
  assumes sub  r
      and sub  c1 weakly precedes c2TESL
    shows r  c1 weakly precedes c2TESL
proof -
  from assms(1) is_subrun_def obtain f where *:dilating f sub r by blast
  from assms(2) have
    sub  {r. n. (run_tick_count r c2 n)  (run_tick_count r c1 n)} by simp
  hence n. (run_tick_count sub c2 n)  (run_tick_count sub c1 n) by simp
  from dil_tick_count[OF assms(1) this]
    have n. (run_tick_count r c2 n)  (run_tick_count r c1 n) by simp
  thus ?thesis by simp

theorem strictly_precedes_sub:
  assumes sub  r
      and sub  c1 strictly precedes c2TESL
    shows r  c1 strictly precedes c2TESL
proof -
  from assms(1) is_subrun_def obtain f where *:dilating f sub r by blast
  from assms(2) have
    sub  { ρ. n::nat. (run_tick_count ρ c2 n)  (run_tick_count_strictly ρ c1 n) }
  by simp
  with strictly_precedes_alt_def2[of c2 c1]  have
    sub  { ρ. (¬hamlet ((Rep_run ρ) 0 c2))
   (n::nat. (run_tick_count ρ c2 (Suc n))  (run_tick_count ρ c1 n)) }
  by blast
  hence (¬hamlet ((Rep_run sub) 0 c2))
        (n::nat. (run_tick_count sub c2 (Suc n))  (run_tick_count sub c1 n))
    by simp
    1:(¬hamlet ((Rep_run sub) 0 c2))
      (n::nat. (tick_count sub c2 (Suc n))  (tick_count sub c1 n))
  by (simp add: tick_count_is_fun)
  have n::nat. (tick_count r c2 (Suc n))  (tick_count r c1 n)
  proof -
    { fix n::nat
      have tick_count r c2 (Suc n)  tick_count r c1 n
      proof (cases n0. f n0 = n)
        case True ― ‹n is in the image of f›
          from this obtain n0 where fn:f n0 = n by blast
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases sn0. f sn0 = Suc n)
            case True ― ‹Suc n is in the image of f›
              from this obtain sn0 where fsn:f sn0 = Suc n by blast
              with fn strict_mono_suc * have sn0 = Suc n0
                using  dilating_def dilating_fun_def by blast
              with 1 have tick_count sub c2 sn0  tick_count sub c1 n0 by simp
              thus ?thesis using fn fsn tick_count_sub[OF *] by simp
            case False ― ‹Suc n is not in the image of f›
              hence ¬hamlet ((Rep_run r) (Suc n) c2)
                using * by (simp add: dilating_def dilating_fun_def)
              hence tick_count r c2 (Suc n) = tick_count r c2 n
                by (simp add: tick_count_suc)
              also have ... = tick_count sub c2 n0
                using fn tick_count_sub[OF *] by simp
              finally have tick_count r c2 (Suc n) = tick_count sub c2 n0 .
              moreover have tick_count sub c2 n0  tick_count sub c2 (Suc n0)
                by (simp add: tick_count_suc)
              ultimately have
                tick_count r c2 (Suc n)  tick_count sub c2 (Suc n0) by simp
              moreover have
                tick_count sub c2 (Suc n0)  tick_count sub c1 n0 using 1 by simp
              ultimately have tick_count r c2 (Suc n)  tick_count sub c1 n0 by simp
              thus ?thesis using tick_count_sub[OF *] fn by simp
        case False ― ‹n is not in the image of f›
          from greatest_prev_image[OF * this] obtain np  where
            np_prop:f np < n  (k. f np < k  k  n  (k0. f k0 = k)) by blast
          from tick_count_latest[OF * this] have
            tick_count r c1 n = tick_count r c1 (f np) . 
          hence a:tick_count r c1 n = tick_count sub c1 np
            using tick_count_sub[OF *] by simp
          have b: tick_count sub c2 (Suc np)  tick_count sub c1 np using 1 by simp
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases sn0. f sn0 = Suc n)
            case True ― ‹Suc n is in the image of f›
              from this obtain sn0 where fsn:f sn0 = Suc n by blast
              from next_non_stuttering[OF * np_prop this]  have sn_prop:sn0 = Suc np .
              with b have tick_count sub c2 sn0  tick_count sub c1 np by simp
              thus ?thesis using tick_count_sub[OF *] fsn a by auto
            case False ― ‹Suc n is not in the image of f›
              hence ¬hamlet ((Rep_run r) (Suc n) c2)
                using * by (simp add: dilating_def dilating_fun_def)
              hence tick_count r c2 (Suc n) = tick_count r c2 n
                by (simp add: tick_count_suc)
              also have ... = tick_count sub c2 np using np_prop tick_count_sub[OF *]
                by (simp add: tick_count_latest[OF * np_prop])
              finally have tick_count r c2 (Suc n) = tick_count sub c2 np .
              moreover have tick_count sub c2 np  tick_count sub c2 (Suc np)
                by (simp add: tick_count_suc)
              ultimately have
                tick_count r c2 (Suc n)  tick_count sub c2 (Suc np) by simp
              moreover have
                tick_count sub c2 (Suc np)  tick_count sub c1 np using 1 by simp
              ultimately have tick_count r c2 (Suc n)  tick_count sub c1 np by simp
              thus ?thesis using np_prop mono_tick_count  using a by linarith
    } thus ?thesis ..
  moreover from 1 have ¬hamlet ((Rep_run r) 0 c2)
    using * empty_dilated_prefix ticks_sub by fastforce
  ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: tick_count_is_fun strictly_precedes_alt_def2) 

text ‹
  Time delayed relations are preserved in a dilated run.
theorem time_delayed_sub:
  assumes sub  r
      and sub   a time-delayed by δτ on ms implies b TESL
    shows r   a time-delayed by δτ on ms implies b TESL
proof -
  from assms(1) is_subrun_def obtain f where *:dilating f sub r by blast
  from assms(2) have n. hamlet ((Rep_run sub) n a)
                           (m  n. first_time sub ms m (time ((Rep_run sub) n ms) + δτ)
                                        hamlet ((Rep_run sub) m b))
    using TESL_interpretation_atomic.simps(5)[of a δτ ms b] by simp
  hence **:n0. hamlet ((Rep_run r) (f n0) a)
                   (m0  n0. first_time r ms (f m0) (time ((Rep_run r) (f n0) ms) + δτ)
                                   hamlet ((Rep_run r) (f m0) b))
    using first_time_image[OF *] dilating_def * by fastforce
  hence n. hamlet ((Rep_run r) n a)
                   (m  n. first_time r ms m (time ((Rep_run r) n ms) + δτ)
                                 hamlet ((Rep_run r) m b))
  proof -
    { fix n assume assm:hamlet ((Rep_run r) n a)
      from ticks_image_sub[OF * assm] obtain n0 where nfn0:n = f n0 by blast
      with ** assm have ft0:
        (m0  n0. first_time r ms (f m0) (time ((Rep_run r) (f n0) ms) + δτ)
                     hamlet ((Rep_run r) (f m0) b)) by blast
      have (m  n. first_time r ms m (time ((Rep_run r) n ms) + δτ) 
                        hamlet ((Rep_run r) m b))
      proof -
      { fix m assume hyp:m  n
        have first_time r ms m (time (Rep_run r n ms) + δτ)  hamlet (Rep_run r m b)
        proof (cases m0. f m0 = m)
          case True
          from this obtain m0 where m = f m0 by blast
          moreover have strict_mono f using * by (simp add: dilating_def dilating_fun_def)
          ultimately show ?thesis using ft0 hyp nfn0 by (simp add: strict_mono_less_eq)
          case False thus ?thesis
          proof (cases m = 0)
            case True
              hence m = f 0 using * by (simp add: dilating_def dilating_fun_def)
              then show ?thesis using False by blast
            case False
            hence pm. m = Suc pm by (simp add: not0_implies_Suc)
            from this obtain pm where mpm:m = Suc pm by blast
            hence pm0. f pm0 = Suc pm using m0. f m0 = m by simp 
            with *  have time (Rep_run r (Suc pm) ms) = time (Rep_run r pm ms)
              using dilating_def dilating_fun_def by blast
            hence time (Rep_run r pm ms) = time (Rep_run r m ms) using mpm by simp
            moreover from mpm have pm < m by simp
            ultimately have m' < m. time (Rep_run r m' ms) = time (Rep_run r m ms) by blast
            hence ¬(first_time r ms m (time (Rep_run r n ms) + δτ))
              by (auto simp add: first_time_def)
            thus ?thesis by simp
      } thus ?thesis by simp
    } thus ?thesis by simp
  thus ?thesis by simp

text ‹Time relations are preserved through dilation of a run.›
lemma tagrel_sub':
  assumes sub  r
      and sub   time-relation c1,c2  R TESL
    shows R (time ((Rep_run r) n c1), time ((Rep_run r) n c2))
proof -
  from assms(1) is_subrun_def obtain f where *:dilating f sub r by blast
  moreover from assms(2) TESL_interpretation_atomic.simps(2) have
    sub  {r. n. R (time ((Rep_run r) n c1), time ((Rep_run r) n c2))} by blast
  hence 1:n. R (time ((Rep_run sub) n c1), time ((Rep_run sub) n c2)) by simp
  show ?thesis
  proof (induction n)
    case 0
      from 1 have R (time ((Rep_run sub) 0 c1), time ((Rep_run sub) 0 c2)) by simp
      moreover from * have f 0 = 0 by (simp add: dilating_def dilating_fun_def)
      moreover from * have c. time ((Rep_run sub) 0 c) = time ((Rep_run r) (f 0) c)
        by (simp add: dilating_def)
      ultimately show ?case by simp
    case (Suc n)
    then show ?case
    proof (cases n0. f n0 = Suc n)
      case True
      with * have c. time (Rep_run r (Suc n) c) = time (Rep_run r n c)
        by (simp add: dilating_def dilating_fun_def) 
      thus ?thesis using Suc.IH by simp
      case False
      from this obtain n0 where n0prop:f n0 = Suc n by blast
      from 1 have R (time ((Rep_run sub) n0 c1), time ((Rep_run sub) n0 c2)) by simp
      moreover from n0prop * have time ((Rep_run sub) n0 c1) = time ((Rep_run r) (Suc n) c1)
        by (simp add: dilating_def)
      moreover from n0prop * have time ((Rep_run sub) n0 c2) = time ((Rep_run r) (Suc n) c2)
        by (simp add: dilating_def)
      ultimately show ?thesis by simp

corollary tagrel_sub:
  assumes sub  r
      and sub   time-relation c1,c2  R TESL
    shows r   time-relation c1,c2  R TESL
using tagrel_sub'[OF assms] unfolding TESL_interpretation_atomic.simps(3) by simp

text ‹Time relations are also preserved by contraction›
lemma tagrel_sub_inv:
  assumes sub  r
      and r   time-relation c1, c2  R TESL
    shows sub   time-relation c1, c2  R TESL
proof -
  from assms(1) is_subrun_def obtain f where df:dilating f sub r by blast
  moreover from assms(2) TESL_interpretation_atomic.simps(2) have
    r  {ρ. n. R (time ((Rep_run ρ) n c1), time ((Rep_run ρ) n c2))} by blast
  hence n. R (time ((Rep_run r) n c1), time ((Rep_run r) n c2)) by simp
  hence n. (n0. f n0 = n)  R (time ((Rep_run r) n c1), time ((Rep_run r) n c2)) by simp
  hence n0. R (time ((Rep_run r) (f n0) c1), time ((Rep_run r) (f n0) c2)) by blast
  moreover from dilating_def df have
    n c. time ((Rep_run sub) n c) = time ((Rep_run r) (f n) c) by blast
  ultimately have n0. R (time ((Rep_run sub) n0 c1), time ((Rep_run sub) n0 c2)) by auto
  thus ?thesis by simp

text ‹
  Kill relations are preserved in a dilated run.
theorem kill_sub:
  assumes sub  r
      and sub   c1 kills c2 TESL
    shows r   c1 kills c2 TESL
proof -
  from assms(1) is_subrun_def obtain f where *:dilating f sub r by blast
  from assms(2) TESL_interpretation_atomic.simps(8) have
    n. hamlet (Rep_run sub n c1)  (mn. ¬ hamlet (Rep_run sub m c2)) by simp
  hence 1:n. hamlet (Rep_run r (f n) c1)  (mn. ¬ hamlet (Rep_run r (f m) c2))
    using ticks_sub[OF *] by simp
  hence n. hamlet (Rep_run r (f n) c1)  (m (f n). ¬ hamlet (Rep_run r m c2))
  proof -
    { fix n assume hamlet (Rep_run r (f n) c1)
      with 1 have 2: m  n. ¬ hamlet (Rep_run r (f m) c2) by simp
      have  m (f n). ¬ hamlet (Rep_run r m c2)
      proof -
        { fix m assume h:m  f n
          have ¬ hamlet (Rep_run r m c2)
          proof (cases m0. f m0 = m)
            case True
              from this obtain m0 where fm0:f m0 = m by blast
              hence m0  n
                using * dilating_def dilating_fun_def h strict_mono_less_eq by fastforce
              with 2 show ?thesis using fm0 by blast
            case False
              thus ?thesis  using ticks_image_sub'[OF *] by blast
        } thus ?thesis by simp
    } thus ?thesis by simp
  hence n. hamlet (Rep_run r n c1)  (m  n. ¬ hamlet (Rep_run r m c2))
    using ticks_imp_ticks_subk[OF *] by blast
  thus ?thesis using TESL_interpretation_atomic.simps(8) by blast

lemmas atomic_sub_lemmas = sporadic_sub tagrel_sub implies_sub implies_not_sub
                           time_delayed_sub weakly_precedes_sub
                           strictly_precedes_sub kill_sub

text ‹
  We can now prove that all atomic specification formulae are preserved
  by the dilation of runs.
lemma atomic_sub: 
  assumes sub  r
      and sub   φ TESL
    shows r   φ TESL
using assms(2) atomic_sub_lemmas[OF assms(1)] by (cases φ, simp_all)

text ‹
  Finally, any TESL specification is invariant by stuttering.
theorem TESL_stuttering_invariant:
  assumes sub  r
    shows sub  ⟦⟦ S ⟧⟧TESL  r  ⟦⟦ S ⟧⟧TESL
proof (induction S)
  case Nil
    thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons a s)
    from Cons.prems have sa:sub   a TESL and sb:sub  ⟦⟦ s ⟧⟧TESL
      using TESL_interpretation_image by simp+
    from Cons.IH[OF sb] have r  ⟦⟦ s ⟧⟧TESL .
    moreover from atomic_sub[OF assms(1) sa] have r   a TESL .
    ultimately show ?case using  TESL_interpretation_image by simp
