Theory IsaFoR_Term_Copy

(*  Title:       Integration of IsaFoR Terms and the Knuth-Bendix Order
    Author:      Dmitriy Traytel <traytel at>, 2014
    Author:      Anders Schlichtkrull <andschl at>, 2017
    Maintainer:  Anders Schlichtkrull <andschl at>

(* TODO: Try to rename Name clash, such that a copy is not needed *)
section ‹Integration of \textsf{IsaFoR} Terms and the Knuth--Bendix Order›

text ‹
This theory implements the abstract interface for atoms and substitutions using
the \textsf{IsaFoR} library.

theory IsaFoR_Term_Copy

text ‹
This part extends and integrates and the Knuth--Bendix order defined in

record 'f weights =
  w :: "'f × nat  nat"
  w0 :: nat
  pr_strict :: "'f × nat  'f × nat  bool"
  least :: "'f  bool"
  scf :: "'f × nat  nat  nat"

class weighted =
  fixes weights :: "'a weights"
  assumes weights_adm:
       (w weights) (w0 weights) (pr_strict weights) ((pr_strict weights)==) (least weights) (scf weights)"
  and pr_strict_total: "fi = gj  pr_strict weights fi gj  pr_strict weights gj fi"
  and pr_strict_asymp: "asymp (pr_strict weights)"
  and scf_ok: "i < n  scf weights (f, n) i  1"

instantiation unit :: weighted begin

definition weights_unit :: "unit weights" where "weights_unit =
  w = Suc  snd, w0 = 1, pr_strict = λ(_, n) (_, m). n > m, least = λ_. True, scf = λ_ _. 1"

  by (intro_classes, unfold_locales) (auto simp: weights_unit_def SN_iff_wf irreflp_def
      intro!: wf_subset[OF wf_inv_image[OF wf], of _ snd])

global_interpretation KBO:
    "w (weights :: 'f :: weighted weights)" "w0 (weights :: 'f :: weighted weights)"
    "pr_strict weights" "((pr_strict weights)==)" "least weights" "scf weights"
    defines weight = KBO.weight
    and kbo = KBO.kbo
  by (simp add: weights_adm)

lemma kbo_code[code]: "kbo s t =
  (let wt = weight t; ws = weight s in
  if vars_term_ms (KBO.SCF t) ⊆# vars_term_ms (KBO.SCF s)  wt  ws
    (if wt < ws then (True, True)
      (case s of
        Var y  (False, case t of Var x  True | Fun g ts  ts = []  least weights g)
      | Fun f ss 
          (case t of
            Var x  (True, True)
          | Fun g ts 
              if pr_strict weights (f, length ss) (g, length ts) then (True, True)
              else if (f, length ss) = (g, length ts) then lex_ext_unbounded kbo ss ts
              else (False, False))))
  else (False, False))"
  by (subst KBO.kbo.simps) (auto simp: Let_def split: term.splits)

definition "less_kbo s t = fst (kbo t s)"

lemma less_kbo_gtotal: "ground s  ground t  s = t  less_kbo s t  less_kbo t s"
  unfolding less_kbo_def using KBO.S_ground_total by (metis pr_strict_total subset_UNIV)

lemma less_kbo_subst:
  fixes σ :: "('f :: weighted, 'v) subst"
  shows "less_kbo s t  less_kbo (s  σ) (t  σ)"
  unfolding less_kbo_def by (rule KBO.S_subst)

lemma wfP_less_kbo: "wfP less_kbo"
proof -
  have "SN {(x, y). fst (kbo x y)}"
    using pr_strict_asymp by (fastforce simp: asympI irreflp_def intro!: KBO.S_SN scf_ok)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding SN_iff_wf wfp_def by (rule wf_subset) (auto simp: less_kbo_def)
