Theory Ground_Superposition_Soundness
theory Ground_Superposition_Soundness
imports Ground_Superposition
lemma (in ground_superposition_calculus) soundness_ground_superposition:
step: "superposition P1 P2 C"
shows "G_entails {P1, P2} {C}"
using step
proof (cases P1 P2 C rule: superposition.cases)
case (superpositionI L⇩1 P⇩1' L⇩2 P⇩2' 𝒫 s t s' t')
show ?thesis
unfolding G_entails_def true_clss_singleton
unfolding true_clss_insert
proof (intro allI impI, elim conjE)
fix I :: "'f gterm rel"
let ?I' = "(λ(t⇩1, t). Upair t⇩1 t) ` I"
assume "refl I" and "trans I" and "sym I" and "compatible_with_gctxt I" and
"?I' ⊫ P1" and "?I' ⊫ P2"
then obtain K1 K2 :: "'f gatom literal" where
"K1 ∈# P1" and "?I' ⊫l K1" and "K2 ∈# P2" and "?I' ⊫l K2"
by (auto simp: true_cls_def)
show "?I' ⊫ C"
proof (cases "K2 = 𝒫 (Upair s⟨t⟩⇩G s')")
case K1_def: True
hence "?I' ⊫l 𝒫 (Upair s⟨t⟩⇩G s')"
using ‹?I' ⊫l K2› by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases "K1 = Pos (Upair t t')")
case K2_def: True
hence "(t, t') ∈ I"
using ‹?I' ⊫l K1› true_lit_uprod_iff_true_lit_prod[OF ‹sym I›] by simp
have ?thesis if "𝒫 = Pos"
proof -
from that have "(s⟨t⟩⇩G, s') ∈ I"
using ‹?I' ⊫l K2› K1_def true_lit_uprod_iff_true_lit_prod[OF ‹sym I›] by simp
hence "(s⟨t'⟩⇩G, s') ∈ I"
using ‹(t, t') ∈ I›
using ‹compatible_with_gctxt I› ‹refl I› ‹sym I› ‹trans I›
by (meson compatible_with_gctxtD refl_onD1 symD trans_onD)
hence "?I' ⊫l Pos (Upair s⟨t'⟩⇩G s')"
by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding superpositionI that
by simp
moreover have ?thesis if "𝒫 = Neg"
proof -
from that have "(s⟨t⟩⇩G, s') ∉ I"
using ‹?I' ⊫l K2› K1_def true_lit_uprod_iff_true_lit_prod[OF ‹sym I›] by simp
hence "(s⟨t'⟩⇩G, s') ∉ I"
using ‹(t, t') ∈ I›
using ‹compatible_with_gctxt I› ‹trans I›
by (metis compatible_with_gctxtD transD)
hence "?I' ⊫l Neg (Upair s⟨t'⟩⇩G s')"
by (meson ‹sym I› true_lit_simps(2) true_lit_uprod_iff_true_lit_prod(2))
thus ?thesis
unfolding superpositionI that by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using ‹𝒫 ∈ {Pos, Neg}› by auto
case False
hence "K1 ∈# P⇩2'"
using ‹K1 ∈# P1›
unfolding superpositionI by simp
hence "?I' ⊫ P⇩2'"
using ‹?I' ⊫l K1› by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding superpositionI by simp
case False
hence "K2 ∈# P⇩1'"
using ‹K2 ∈# P2›
unfolding superpositionI by simp
hence "?I' ⊫ P⇩1'"
using ‹?I' ⊫l K2› by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding superpositionI by simp
lemma (in ground_superposition_calculus) soundness_ground_eq_resolution:
assumes step: "eq_resolution P C"
shows "G_entails {P} {C}"
using step
proof (cases P C rule: eq_resolution.cases)
case (eq_resolutionI L D' t)
show ?thesis
unfolding G_entails_def true_clss_singleton
proof (intro allI impI)
fix I :: "'f gterm rel"
assume "refl I" and "(λ(t⇩1, t⇩2). Upair t⇩1 t⇩2) ` I ⊫ P"
then obtain K where "K ∈# P" and "(λ(t⇩1, t⇩2). Upair t⇩1 t⇩2) ` I ⊫l K"
by (auto simp: true_cls_def)
hence "K ≠ L"
by (metis ‹refl I› eq_resolutionI(2) pair_imageI reflD true_lit_simps(2))
hence "K ∈# C"
using ‹K ∈# P› ‹P = add_mset L D'› ‹C = D'› by simp
thus "(λ(t⇩1, t⇩2). Upair t⇩1 t⇩2) ` I ⊫ C"
using ‹(λ(t⇩1, t⇩2). Upair t⇩1 t⇩2) ` I ⊫l K› by blast
lemma (in ground_superposition_calculus) soundness_ground_eq_factoring:
assumes step: "eq_factoring P C"
shows "G_entails {P} {C}"
using step
proof (cases P C rule: eq_factoring.cases)
case (eq_factoringI L⇩1 L⇩2 P' t t' t'')
show ?thesis
unfolding G_entails_def true_clss_singleton
proof (intro allI impI)
fix I :: "'f gterm rel"
let ?I' = "(λ(t⇩1, t). Upair t⇩1 t) ` I"
assume "trans I" and "sym I" and "?I' ⊫ P"
then obtain K :: "'f gatom literal" where
"K ∈# P" and "?I' ⊫l K"
by (auto simp: true_cls_def)
show "?I' ⊫ C"
proof (cases "K = L⇩1 ∨ K = L⇩2")
case True
hence "I ⊫l Pos (t, t') ∨ I ⊫l Pos (t, t'')"
unfolding eq_factoringI
using ‹?I' ⊫l K› true_lit_uprod_iff_true_lit_prod[OF ‹sym I›] by metis
hence "I ⊫l Pos (t, t'') ∨ I ⊫l Neg (t', t'')"
proof (elim disjE)
assume "I ⊫l Pos (t, t')"
then show ?thesis
unfolding true_lit_simps
by (metis ‹trans I› transD)
assume "I ⊫l Pos (t, t'')"
then show ?thesis
by simp
hence "?I' ⊫l Pos (Upair t t'') ∨ ?I' ⊫l Neg (Upair t' t'')"
unfolding true_lit_uprod_iff_true_lit_prod[OF ‹sym I›] .
thus ?thesis
unfolding eq_factoringI
by (metis true_cls_add_mset)
case False
hence "K ∈# P'"
using ‹K ∈# P›
unfolding eq_factoringI
by auto
hence "K ∈# C"
by (simp add: eq_factoringI(1,2,7))
thus ?thesis
using ‹(λ(t⇩1, t). Upair t⇩1 t) ` I ⊫l K› by blast
sublocale ground_superposition_calculus ⊆ sound_inference_system where
Inf = G_Inf and
Bot = G_Bot and
entails = G_entails
proof unfold_locales
show "⋀ι. ι ∈ G_Inf ⟹ G_entails (set (prems_of ι)) {concl_of ι}"
unfolding G_Inf_def
using soundness_ground_superposition
using soundness_ground_eq_resolution
using soundness_ground_eq_factoring
by (auto simp: G_entails_def)