Theory Prefix

theory Prefix
  imports Main

section ‹Prefix Definition›

abbreviation prefix :: "'a list  nat  'a list"
"prefix xs i  take i xs"

lemma prefix_neq:
  assumes "i < length s"
  and     "j < length s"
  and     "i  j"
shows "prefix s i  prefix s j"
  by (metis assms length_take less_imp_le min_absorb2)

lemma not_prefix_app:
  "(k. s1  prefix s2 k)  (xs. s2  s1 @ xs)"
  by (metis append_eq_conv_conj append_take_drop_id)

lemma not_prefix_imp_not_nil:
  "k. s1  prefix s2 k  s1  []"
  by (metis take0)
