Theory Parallel_Composition
theory Parallel_Composition
imports Up_To_Technique
context Strong_Security
theorem parallel_composition:
assumes eqlen: "length V = length V'"
assumes partsrelated: "∀i < length V. [V!i] ≈⇘d⇙ [V'!i]"
shows "V ≈⇘d⇙ V'"
proof -
define R where "R = {(V,V'). length V = length V'
∧ (∀i < length V. [V!i] ≈⇘d⇙ [V'!i])}"
from eqlen partsrelated have inR: "(V,V') ∈ R"
by (simp add: R_def)
have "d_Bisimulation_Up_To_USdB d R"
proof (simp add: d_Bisimulation_Up_To_USdB_def, auto)
from USdBsym show "sym R"
by (simp add: R_def sym_def)
fix V V'
assume "(V,V') ∈ R"
with USdBeqlen show "length V = length V'"
by (simp add: R_def)
fix V V' i m1 m1' RS m2
assume inR: "(V,V') ∈ R"
assume irange: "i < length V"
assume step: "⟨V!i,m1⟩ → ⟨RS,m2⟩"
assume dequal: "m1 =⇘d⇙ m1'"
from inR have Vassump:
"length V = length V' ∧ (∀i < length V. [V!i] ≈⇘d⇙ [V'!i])"
by (simp add: R_def)
with step dequal USdB_Strong_d_Bisimulation irange
strongdB_aux[of "d" "≈⇘d⇙" "0" "[V!i]" "[V'!i]" "m1" "RS" "m2" "m1'"]
show "∃RS' m2'. ⟨V'!i,m1'⟩ → ⟨RS',m2'⟩ ∧
((RS,RS') ∈ R ∨ RS ≈⇘d⇙ RS') ∧ m2 =⇘d⇙ m2'"
by (simp, fastforce)
hence "R ⊆ (≈⇘d⇙)"
by (rule Up_To_Technique)
with inR show ?thesis by auto
lemma parallel_decomposition:
assumes related: "V ≈⇘d⇙ V'"
shows "∀i < length V. [V!i] ≈⇘d⇙ [V'!i]"
proof -
define R where "R = {(C,C'). ∃i W W'. W ≈⇘d⇙ W' ∧ i < length W
∧ C = [W!i] ∧ C' = [W'!i]}"
with related have inR: "∀i < length V. ([V!i],[V'!i]) ∈ R"
by auto
have "d_Bisimulation_Up_To_USdB d R"
proof (simp add: d_Bisimulation_Up_To_USdB_def, auto)
from USdBsym USdBeqlen show "sym R"
by (simp add: sym_def R_def, metis)
fix C C'
assume "(C,C') ∈ R"
with USdBeqlen show "length C = length C'"
by (simp add: R_def, auto)
fix C C' i m1 m1' RS m2
assume inR: "(C,C') ∈ R"
assume irange: "i < length C"
assume step: "⟨C!i,m1⟩ → ⟨RS,m2⟩"
assume dequal: "m1 =⇘d⇙ m1'"
from inR obtain j W W' where Rassump:
"W ≈⇘d⇙ W' ∧ j < length W ∧ C = [W!j] ∧ C' = [W'!j]"
by (simp add: R_def, auto)
with irange have i0: "i = 0" by auto
from Rassump i0 strongdB_aux[of "d" "≈⇘d⇙" "j" "W" "W'"
"m1" "RS" "m2" "m1'"]
USdB_Strong_d_Bisimulation step dequal
show "∃RS' m2'. ⟨C'!i,m1'⟩ → ⟨RS',m2'⟩
∧ ((RS,RS') ∈ R ∨ RS ≈⇘d⇙ RS') ∧ m2 =⇘d⇙ m2'"
by auto
hence "R ⊆ (≈⇘d⇙)"
by (rule Up_To_Technique)
with inR show ?thesis
by auto
lemma USdB_comp_head_tail:
assumes relatedhead: "[c] ≈⇘d⇙ [c']"
assumes relatedtail: "V ≈⇘d⇙ V'"
shows "(c#V) ≈⇘d⇙ (c'#V')"
proof -
from relatedtail USdBeqlen have eqlen: "length (c#V) = length (c'#V')"
by force
from relatedtail parallel_decomposition have singleV:
"∀i < length V. [V!i] ≈⇘d⇙ [V'!i]"
by force
with relatedhead have intermediate:
"∀i < length (c#V). [(c#V)!i] ≈⇘d⇙ [(c'#V')!i]"
by (auto, case_tac i, auto)
with eqlen parallel_composition
show ?thesis
by blast
lemma USdB_decomp_head_tail:
assumes relatedlist: "(c#V) ≈⇘d⇙ (c'#V')"
shows "[c] ≈⇘d⇙ [c'] ∧ V ≈⇘d⇙ V'"
proof auto
from relatedlist USdBeqlen[of "c#V" "c'#V'"]
have eqlen: "length V = length V'"
by auto
from relatedlist parallel_decomposition[of "c#V" "c'#V'" "d"]
have intermediate:
"∀i < length (c#V). [(c#V)!i] ≈⇘d⇙ [(c'#V')!i]"
by auto
thus "[c] ≈⇘d⇙ [c']"
by force
from intermediate eqlen show "V ≈⇘d⇙ V'"
proof (case_tac V)
assume Vcase1: "V = []"
with eqlen have "V' = []" by auto
with Vcase1 trivialpair_in_USdB show "V ≈⇘d⇙ V'"
by auto
fix c1 W
assume Vcase2: "V = c1#W"
hence Vlen: "length V > 0" by auto
from intermediate have intermediate_aux:
"⋀i. i < length V
⟹ [V!i] ≈⇘d⇙ [V'!i]"
by force
with parallel_composition[of "V" "V'"] eqlen
show "V ≈⇘d⇙ V'"
by blast